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GENEALOGY mm^(B ummnmFssm by Orlo Jones and Douglas Fraser M L any researchers feel that some of their genealogical problems would be solved if only they could find their ancestors' names on passenger lists. Spurred on by this hope, they continue a search which often proves frustrating due to a lack of records. "Those Elusive Immigrants" represents the first-ever attempt to assist these researchers by publishing a complete aggregate list of vessels arriving here with passengers. In the present article, the years 1790-1829 are covered. Ships arriving in 1830 and later will be included in a subsequent issue of The Island Magazine. Nominal Lists Passenger lists are of two main types: the aggregate record, which gives little more than the total number who booked passage on a given ship, and the soeagerly-sought nominal passenger list. This latter gives passengers' names, ages, and other pertinent data. Sometimes families are grouped together with the children named, other times no relationships are obvious. Some lists give the place of residence and the reason for leaving, as well as the port of embarkation; a few give the passengers' occupations; others give none of this information. We have been told that the stated ages of children may not be accurate. Since space, water, and staples were allotted to children on the basis of age, a child who was rather big might be listed as being older than he really was. This meant his share of necessities would be a little larger, resulting in a more comfortable passage for the family. 36 Bureaucracy of that era did not require the endless forms that we have grown to expect today. Until the late nineteenth century Canada had a "Free Entry" policy which meant no records of passengers was required at the port of entry. In all likelihood, many ships' masters and captains may never have made passenger lists; in other cases, the registers may have become lost. Issues One to Three of The Island Magazine contained the published passenger lists for the Lovely Nelly (1775), the Lucy and the Jane (1790), the Lovely Nelly (undated), the Rambler and the Humphreys (1806), the Elizabeth and Ann (1806), the Spenser (1806), the Clarendon (1808), the Lulan (1848), the Isle of Skye (1806), and the Lively (1775). Issue Ten of The Island Magazine featured a reconstructed passenger list for the Falmouth, which sailed from Greenock in 1770. To piece together this list, genealogist Andrew B.W. MacEwen researched family histories, Nova Scotian newspapers, papers from the Ira Brown Collection in the Public Archives of P.E.I., Reverend George Patterson's Memoirs of the Rev. James MacGregor, D.D., and a journal kept by Reverend William Drummond, a passenger on the Falmouth in 1770. An apocryphal list for the Valiant's crossing in 1817 was published in the Charlottetown Guardian, January 24, 1898, and reprinted by Mrs. Mary Brehaut in Pioneers of the Island, Part 1. As far as can be ascertained, the original passenger list for this crossing of the Valiant has been lost. Aggregate Lists The research basis for the present article was provided by the work of three students, Bonnie Jean Glover Woodside, Lauchlan MacQuarrie, and Douglas Fraser. They were hired through the Summer Canada Student Employment Program for the summers of 1982 and 1983 to compile records of incoming ships to Prince Edward Island. R e c o r d s were m a d e of any passengers mentioned, as well as other pertinent data. For this project the researchers used the following newspapers: Royal Gazette (1791-93), Royal Herald (1805-January 1806), Weekly Recorder (September 1810-May 1813), Prince Edward Island Gazette (April 1814-May 1822), and Prince Edward Island Register (1823 to mid-August, 1830). In addition, Custom House Records from the Public Archives of Prince Edward Island were used for the periods of 1790 to July 1809, and from October 1819 to May 1, 1827. The gaps in the material are due to missing records. Some discrepancies occurred in the various sources. For the present compilation, the records of the Customs House have been given priority on the assumption that these would be more accurate than newspaper reports. Most of the entrfes found were for ships arriving at Charlottetown Harbour, although in some cases there is a notation that the ship arrived at another local port. Probably a number of vessels reached the Island at outside areas but were not reported since the Custom House and newspaper publishers were all located in Charlottetown. This is but one instance of the partial nature of the surviving records. According to our research, the decade beginning in 1790 averaged about four passenger ships per year, with approximately 860 passengers in all. A total of 12 vessels were reported from overseas during this period. Most of these immigrants arrived early in the decade as we note a sharp reduction in passenger arrivals after the beginning of hostilities between Britain and France in 1793. The next decade brought at least 33 passenger ships, and we know 20 or more of these came from the United Kingdom. These vessels carried approx- YEAR DATE imately 2000 passengers, including the Selkirk settlers. Between 1810 and 1819 there was an increase in both the number of vessels and passengers, but with the gap in records between June 1813 and November 1817 no accurate count can be made. However, we learn that at least 950 people arrived on 27 or more vessels, with 16 of these coming from Quebec where the people had emigrated from Scotland. The decade ending in 1829 saw almost 3000 people arrive on more than 205 vessels. The following chart notes only those ships which sailed from the United Kingdom prior to 1830. Other vessels from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland brought settlers, too, and it appears quite probable that some of these may have been immigrants who landed in those colonies first, later coming to Prince Edward Island as the second stage of their journey; hence the term "two-boaters." For the sake of consistency these have not been included here. One final note: in most cases, those few passengers who are mentioned by name in these aggregate lists are not first-time settlers, but the officials and merchants of the Island travelling on public and private business. They are identified here exactly as in the original sources, so an occasional misspelling may occur (for example, Peeke for Peake). VESSEL FROM PASSENGERS 150 passengers 103 passengers Mr. Patterson, J. Webster, Sr., Mr. John Townshend and others. 1 doz. passengers 240 passengers* 174 passengers* Capt Alexander Fletcher of the Island. 1790 1790 1791 August 28 August 28 July 14 Jane Lucy Charlotte Greenock, Scotland Greenock, Scotland London, England 1791 1791 1791 1791 before August 12 before September 9 September 3 October 10 Speedwell Queen Malfy Minerva London, England Greenock, Scotland Greenock, Scotland Cowes, England 1792 1792 May 28 September 14 Prosperity Speedwell London, England London, England %s 1793 1793 1793 1802 1803 1803 1803 1805 1805 1806 1806 1806 1806 1806 1807 1807 1808 1808 1808 1808 1809 1811 1811 1811 June 8 November 2 Union Argyle illllBl iBillBllIIllIllIlHlHIIlIli MBMHHBHH^ August 25 lIHiB^WBIlIllllIllBlIllllIlil August 8 August 10 August 29 June 11 October 3 May 16 June 20 July 14 September 22 September 23 May 19 illlB June 16 August 17 September 5 September 21 June 14 HB^HIiHHHi IIIIllBlN^HIBIHIlIIIIIlIllIlBI Oughton lllllIll^t/B^HIIIilII|IIIIIIIIIlIIIIlllII Northern Friend Neptune Rambler Humphreys Spencer Isle of Skye Elizabeth and Ann BIIIIlBlHIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIillllll Devonshire Elizabeth IllllllllBiHHlllIBllIIIllillllMlllllBIIII Clarendon Albion IIH^IIHIIBIHIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIII ^^^^^^^^^^^^^K June 3 August Neptune IJIII^^^^IIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIII Cork. Ireland Greenock t Scotland London, England Glasgow, Scotland Greenock. Scotland Liverpool. England Greenock. Scotland Tobermory. Scotland Stornaway, Scotland Guernsey. Channel Islands Tobermory, Scotland Tobermory, Scotland Oban, Scotland Tobermory. Scotland Newcastle-upon-Tyne Liverpool England Liverpool England Oban, Scotland Oban, Scotland Oban, Scotland Dundee, Scotland London. England Greenock. Scotland Madeira & England Mr. Cambridge, Mr. Curtis and Mr. Hennessie. , 150 passengers (J < passengers [number not given] passengers passengers passengers 32 passengers 91 passengers 80 passengers 130 passengers 97 passengers 114 passengers H^^^HIH^H^^HHIHHNI 23 passengers 96 passengers 94 passengers 188 passengers 39 passengers Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge of P.E.I. Major-Drummond 104th Regi , Mrs. Tailor, Mr. Jones The Royal Gazette of September 23, 1791, reported 300 and 230 passengers on these two vessels Our figures of 240 and 174 are based on the Shipping Inwards records. 37 YEAR DATE VESSEL FROM PASSENGERS R 1811 September 23 Sally Portsmouth, England 1812 June 24 Nancy London, England 1817 1817 July 25 j August 22 Sarah Harriot Limerick, Ireland Dublin. Ireland Dixon Hull, England Plymouth. England Hull, England Cork, Ireland Sunderland, England London. England ' L**» 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 1818 May 12 May 15 June 8 June 15 June 23 September 18 1818 181? October 18 before June 10 1819 1819 September 2 November 1 1820 May 9 Carton Cork. Ireland 1820 1820 1820 May 10 May 11 May 16 Ply mo u th Dock Hero Nautilus Eagle Plymouth, England Plymouth, England Portsmouth, England 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1821 May 16 May 18 May 20 May 22 May 22 May 23 May 25 May 29 June 5 July 10 August 14 August 18 October 2 October 7 October 7 October 9 October 9 May 10 George Liverpool, England Waterford, Ireland Bristol. England Greenock, Scotland Dumfries, Scotland London, England Whitehaven, England Dumfries, Scotland Limerick, Ireland Newcastle, England London, England London, England Plymouth. England Bristol, England Plymouth, England Bristol, England Bristol, England Plymouth. England 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 May May May May May 1821 May 19 ^^^^K^^KK^^M 1821 1821 1821 May 21 May 28 June 21 Lord Exmouth Speculation Hope 12 14 18 18 18 IB^^t^^^^H^^^^^I Valiant B^^»^^^^^B^^^^B Horsely ^^^^fr^B^^^^^^H Britannia 2 vessels Morning Field IIBHttB B^^^^BIHH HB^^^^Hi!H^HH^Bi IHI^^^^^HHIl^^B Alexander Britannia Indefatigable Angelina HiB^HHBilH^BI^Hi Alexander CaldicottCastle BBiB^^HBBlBBl^HlB Anglia Lord Exmouth I^^^^B^HIBHliBHil Speculation SHHHHHHHHHHHHH Cammera Margaret Caldicott Castle BI^^^^^B^^^^B^B Nautilus Sarah Carron Plymouth. England ; Ireland Scotland Bristol England Newcastle, England Dumfries. Scotland Plymouth, England Falmouth, England London, England Liverpool, England Fowey. England Plymouth, England Whitehaven, England Mr. Robert Stewart, & Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. MacDonald & daughter. Charles Wright, Mr. Inns, William HoIlet & family18 passengers* John Large and passengers** 28 passengers 50 passengers passengers 3 passengers passengers Mrs. Fanning and daughters. Mr Smith, Duncan McKay. upwards of 600 passengers arrived at Si.^ Andrews. 200 passengers Charles Wright, Esq., Mrs. Wright, T.H. Haviland, Esq., and others. Lt Samuel Holland plus 10 other passengers. 26 passengers 14 passengers Parson Griffiths and ; his sisters .plus .14 passengers. 9 passengers 57 passengers 21 passengers 85 passengers 31 passengers 26 passengers 48 passengers. 43 passengers 93 passengers . • •:. 12 passengers 17 passengers 10 passengers 11 passengers 8 passengers 2 passengers 2 passengers 8 passengers Mr. J.N. LePage and 20 passengers. 16 passengers 53 passengers Mr. Pope Mr. Seymour Mrs. Short. Hon. Wm. Pleace. Mr. & Mrs. McKay, ; Mr. R. Brecken plus: 90 steerage passengers. Francis Bullin .6 passengers 16 passengers . * Letter written by C.W. Townshend, PAPEI CO 226 B-1249, Vol. 32, p.. 92, * * From an affidavit signed by John Large before John Plaw, J P., on August 29, 1817. PAPEI CO 226 B-1249, Vol. 32, p. 183. 38 VESSEL YEAR DATE PASSENGERS FROM Rose Friendship Pallas Nautilus Relief Whitehaven, England Whitehaven, England Tobermory, Scotland' Plymouth, England Liverpool, England May 3 John Bristol, England 1822 May 1 " Carton London, England 1822 May" 9* Relief Liverpool. England } | 1822 1822 | 1822 J 1822 1822 1822 1822: 1822 1823: 1823 1823 1823; May 22 May 28 May 31 June 3 June 20 July 13 August 31 October 12 May 14 May 28 June 12 September 24 Margaret Diana Elizabeth Mary San Domingo Devonshire John Mary Eliza Bide ford Genera! Elliot Eliza 1823 1823 1823 1824 1824 October 1 October 3 November 15 May 18 May 22 Eclipse Speculation^ Amity Medusa King David Plymouth, England • Plymouth, England Bristol. England London, England Bristol, England 1824 May 2 2 - Canon ; \ London, England 1821 1821 1821 1821 1821 July 14 July 17 September 18 September 21 November 16 1822 j I J J §| Plymouth, England 11 Dumfries. Scoilan<j|J|: Plymouth, England •Bristol, England Ross, Ireland •• Waterford. IrelandBristol,' England Bristol, England Thurso, Scotland Plymouth, England Cork, Ireland Liverpool, England j 10 passengers 33 passengers 27 passengers 9 passengers Alex. Campbell, Esq., of Bedeque, Dr. Meckieson plus 3 other passengers. Mr. Blatch and 8 passengers. Mrs. Short, Mr. J. k Brecken Jr., Mr. J. Brecken Sr., Mr. Gates and his son. James Reily and 1 passenger. 22 passengers 16 passengers 19 passengers :..s31 passengers1 87 passengers 42 passengers 11 passengers \ 9 passengers ; \ ; 8 passengers : 10 passengers \ : 113 passengers r Rev. Mr. Adin & : daughters. 4 passengers 17 passengers ^ William Pope | : i 1824 Amity \ May 26 Bristol, England i :I824 May 28 . Relief \ Liverpool, England ; i i ; i L182# 1824 \ 1824 ! May 31 May 31 June 3 I Speculation \ : Bideford Rover Plymouth, England \ Plymouth, England Bideford, U.K. 1824 1824 June 25 J June 26 : Douglas ; Eddystone \ I Liverpool, England London, England 1824 1824; 1824 August 6 September 29 October 21 , Liberty. Brisk Jane Hatton.. Plymouth, England Liverpool, England Liverpool, England Capts. Young & Pearce, Mr. Douse, Lamuel Cambridge, Esq., plus 30 workmen for shipbuilding (to Souris). 44 from London™-, passengers the Hon. Thomas Haviland, Miss Havjland,''& John Brecken, Esq. Mr. Lewellin and family plus 10 carpenters and | sawyers. Alex. Campbell, Esq,,: Mr. Polleck, Joseph •;'.'• Higgins, Gapt. James and wife, Mr. Martin,;. Mr. Cooksey, Capt. Crowther plus 26 workmen. '. • I 8 passengers : T.B. Chanter plus I 20 shipwrights & [ mariners. • I- Charles Worrell I Samuel HilL Theophilus "j Stewart, Mr; & Mrs. • I Slade; ;• Miss :Slad&,;..•••" \ 'Mr. 'Johnstoh,;for'• ••-:'•,/• ;-v-MlrimfcHie;.;:,:-[•Mr- Peeke •.•^'v^ L Messrs; Kempts I /Duncan;ftacEay;;'E$ct.- ^^ 39 YEAR DATE PASSENGERS VESSEL FROM »iS5ifl' Bristol, England Mrs. L. Cambridge & family, Miss McDonald, Capt. John Stewart, John Hurdis, Esq., private secretary and a number in the steerage. 11 passengers — to Three Rivers. Hon. George Wright Mr. Curtis Samuel Welsford, Esq., Capt. Spencer, Angus MacDonald, Esq., Mrs. MacDonald, Lt. Colin MacDonald. Thomas Peake, Mr. Walker, plus 14 passengers. Theo. Stewart Charles Wright, Esq;',.'/' surveyor generalMiss Brecken, Mr. !' Brecken, Mr. Dodd, Mr. C D . Rankin, : Capt. Blake. Frederick LePage. Mr, Lewellin, Mr. Douse. Mr. J. McGregor, Samuel Braddock, James Jackson, Miss Jackson & several passengers in steerage. 1824 October 21 1825 May 4 Amity Bristol, England 1825 1825 1825 May 7 May 7 May 16 John Sovereign Canon Bristol, England Dartmouth, England London, England 1825 May 19 ^^^^^^^B ^^^^^B Liverpool, England 1825 June 16 Speculation Plymouth, England 1825 1825 September 1 5 October 27 Loyalist Amity London, England Bristol, England 1826 May 17 Canon London, England 1826 1826 1826 May 17 May 19 May 20 Mary Plymouth. England Bristol, England Liverpool, England Hannah ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B Plymouth, England 1826 May 20 1826 1826 1826 June 7 June 12 June 21 Restitution Beihna Catherine McDonald Plymouth, England Bideford, U.K. Liverpool. England 1826 June 26 William Liverpool, England 1826 August 21 Pretty Lass Plymouth, England 1826 December 11 ; William Pope, ;•? Johnathan Pope, i Capt. Lash. / M r , Billings i Mr. Chanter Mr: & Mrs. Hugh McDonald. Dungallon John Thomas London, England \ Liverpool, England Liverpool, England I 1827 !• 1827 May 14 | May 19 J ! 1827 May 23 i Canon "• London, England :1827 May 25 j Felicity I Bristol, England ; 1827 40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B June 9 I New London Plymouth, England / Ewen Cameron. Esq., Capt. Thomson, Mr.v Morrison & several: in steerage Mr. Peake, Mr. Hodge. George Winslow, \: Lt. Gov. Ready & two daughters. Donald MacDonald, Esq.. of: !• Glenaladale. Mr. Lewis, Mr. & Mrs. Dunk and five ! servants, Lieut. Ridge, . . ; • : a sergeant and two f privates of the Royal Staff Corps on their / way to Canada. Colin McDonald Messrs. Frederick and \ j Elisha LePage, Henry r Palmer and Mrs. Smith; ? Mr. Stone: & son, Mr/ ,'•• I Davies, Mr..Mawley/: / : : / / 1 Spalding, Coates,, Mills, Cooper and four / others. " •;./''/.- • r ; Mr. Owen, Mr. Lewellm J ;•:'• and son, Mrz/Were,;,.'•';l:; ! •'Mr'.-' Sargent' — arrived".-..: L/ '.at Murray. Harbour; ;'. • 80 passengers • • YEAR DATE VESSEI1 fROM PASSENGERS 1827 June 18 I Bellona Bideford, England 1827 June 1°J New Bideford .Plymouth, England 1827 July 2 Hannah 1828 May 20 Benjamin Ross, Ireland and 'Newfoundland Waterford, U.K. ., Mr. Chanter — arrived at Richmond Bay.. Mr. Nicholls — arrived at New London. 43 passengers 1828 1828 May 28 June 2 New Bide ford ".-.;; Thorntons 1828 June 19 Hannah 1828 1828 1828 1828 1829 June 23 September 4 October 1 October 1 May 5 1829 May 15 1829 : May 17 | James 1829 1829 1829 1829 May May May May \ Pandora 19 22 26 31 Shaw Elizabeth Speculation James Amity I Felicity | Benjamin S/^a u|| New Bide ford • Argo Mary •% John Morris plus 180 steerage passengers. Plymouth. England Liverpool. England 'Angus McDonald, Esq., of Three Rivers, P.E.I 45 passengers Wexford, and Newfoundland Liverpool, England Plymouth, England ; Liverpool, England j Bristol, England Bristol. England entered at Cascumpec. England and Waterford,! I Ireland Plymouth, England I Waterford, Ireland .Plymouth, England i Liverpool England Isle of'Skye I John Campbell Capt. ".. Younger, plus several j in steerage — arrived , ". in Murray Harbour. I John Morris and settlers. Messrs. Peake. Sharpe. Duchemin and Davis. Mr. R. Goff & settlers. ; entered at Georgetown. ; "84 immigrants from Isle of Skye — came from Cape Breton on the ; Mary. They planned to r settle in the Belfast area of P.E.I, where ; all but one family had ;: relations already I living/' 11829 ; I June 6 ; 1829 I June 9 ; New London Calypso Plymouth. England Liverpool '& Bideford, i | England 1829 1829 1829 June June 11 June 22 Minerva Amelia Nancy ! Yarmouth, England Liverpool England Liverpool England 1829 June 28 Collina ; London, England 1829 August 7 Vestal 1829 ! 1829 August 8 i September \ Thomas Three Sons Tobermorey, Scotland I London, England Liverpool England ; | 1829 before September 16 Felicity : Bristol England I 1829 1829 \ 1829 before November 18 ; before December 9 before December 9 Collina Brothers Isabella Dublin, Ireland ! Liverpool England-1 Liverpool, England ; i ; Charles Ready, son of His Excellency the Lt Gov,-,; Mr. & Mrs. Chanter,! Miss Hodgson and Miss 1= Griffiths.12 settlers | 32 settlers from Kent County. i Edward Holland, Mr. \ 301 passengers, arrived here August 7th. I'Seventy of the number have since sailed for Cape Breton; the remainder plan to settle : in this country. :-Mr. Cavendish, John & Abercrombie Willock, Mrs. Willock and ! servant plus two ; steerage passengers. \ Hon. George Wright, \ William Hodges, Esq., I Miss Folkstone plus 16 in steerage. I.Henry Cowley 41