December 2012 - Suscol Intertribal Council


December 2012 - Suscol Intertribal Council
707.256.3561 e-­mail: [email protected]
Special prayers to Joe Smith Lakota elder Pow-­wow consultant to almost every Pow-­
wow in Northern n Central California. He wqlked over after a brief illness last fall. A
couple of beautiful memorials were held in his honor. A wonderful mentor to so many
families and Indian education programs and Pow-­wow committees Grandpa Joe walk
in beauty and peace. Suscol hosted aWinter Solstice this year was other worldly! We
had honor of being invited to be Sky holders! 13 sky holders came together to carry an-­
cient ceremony linked to Jaguar Prince of the Maya Lenca house of Jaguar who was in
Aorteora ( New Zealand) w/Maoris n opposite end of the hemisphere! So 14 of us
stayed by fire all night long out w/sky as the roof! 6 folks including Rosa stayed up all
night outside yes in the pouring rain. the rest of us participated in sunset ceremony
drummed sung through most of the night then awoke before sunrise yes rain still ham-­
mering down and greeted the new dawn! We created a line of energy for the new sun to
follow. This new period of Knowledge has begun! This golden age will unfold in creativ-­
ity n remembering!
Russell Means Nov 10, 1939-­Oct 22,2012 .
Russell was an incredible leader for Native
Americans an icon of this decade. He was
an Oglala Sioux , author, actor, activist for
the rights of Native Americans and liber-­
tarian Political activist.
The mission of Suscol Inter-­Tribal Council is continue development of twenty acre land base in Chiles -­Pope Valley into a Native
American Healing & Cultural Center. This center is to preserve traditions, language, ceremonies to strengthen Native American
community in Napa County and neighboring counties in Northern California. This is an incubator project to test a combination
of traditional and contemporary farming, sustainable, off grid solar housing, passive water use and to train youth in these proc-­
esses. Also to further protection of Native American sacred sites and traditions. Suscol Council is dedicated to preserving
human rights for indigenous people by linking with other non-­JRYHUQPHQWDORUJDQL]DWLRQV1*2·6DURXQGWKHZRUOG
Through our PEI program we are offering
Sewing classes, Beading classes, a Drum
Group, Talking circle and other various craft
classes. Please contact our office if you would
like more information or are interested in
joining a group. Phone 707-256-3561
Email: [email protected]
Dream Catchers
An ancient Chippewa tradition
The dream net has been made
For many generations
Where spirit dreams have played.
Hung above the cradle board,
Or in the lodge up high,
The dream net catches bad dreams,
While good dreams slip on by.
Bad dreams become entangled
Among the sinew thread.
Good dreams slip through the center
While you dream upon your bed.
This is an ancient legend,
Since dreams will never cease,
Hang this dream net above your bed,
Dream on, and be at peace.
Tom Tilton, Choctaw teaches beading class on wed
eves 7 Pm³8Pm . Here he helps Jasmine a new pat-­
tern. April Jackson, Pomo is teaching how to construct
dream catchers to a new group. She teaches sewing
and crafts on Thursday afternoon 3 PM³5 Pm Both
classes have openings starting Jan 2013!
Sponsored by Suscol Intertribal Council with funding from the Napa County Mental Health Division's Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention December 2012 New Years Eve Powwow 6pm to midnight American Indian Alliance of Santa Clara Valley 5038 Hyland Avenue, San Jose, Calif. 95127 email: to aia@ 1Suscol
Intertribal Council Save
the Date for 2013
20th Annual Pow-wow
Honoring Teachers, Inspiration for the
Next Generation
August 3rd & 4th, 2013
17th Annual Art Auction &
November 16th, 2013
All Pow-­wows are Drug
Alcohol Free. Continue to
walk the RED ROAD of RE-­
COVERY and giving back
to the community!
Radio Show
Every Tuesday Evening
8:00 p.m.
KKUP 91.5 FM
Wednesday 2:00pm
KPFA 94.1 FM
1,000 Butterflies! Suscol Council is seeking donations from individuals and families to fund WKHFRQVWUXFWLRQRI³6XVNRO+RXVH´ -LP%LJ%HDUXVHWRUHPLQGXV³7KHVN\LVWKHURRIWKHHDUWKLVWKHIORRUDQGWKHILUHLVWKHKHDUW:LWKDOOWKHVHWKLQJVwe SUD\³ The building permits are in place and if 870 more people donate $1,000 we will have funds to complete construction of Native American Healing & Cultural Center. Donate TODAY! Thanks to Mary Mammet, Bruce Streblow, Barbara Kummer, Monica Smith-­Braun, Tanya Agharzarian, Hilario Mata, Summer Rosa Charlie Thanks to Suscol Council Advisory
Donations by paypal gladly accepted Board
~April Jackson, Upper Lake Pomo
~Coleen McCloud, Kashia Pomo,
For more information please call (707) 256-­3561 or email us at [email protected] ~Leigh Jordan, CA Archaeological
~Parry Mead, Mead Foundation
~Ronald Lincoln, Round Valley Pomo,
Alcatraz Sunrise Nov 2012
~16th Annual Art Auction Oct 20, 2012~
well we had a great evening ! thanks for all
supporters Esp. Cooks Thea n Bruce, Sarah Scot cheese platter expert caterer! plus dessert
bar Barbara Clifton-­Zarate! Mimi Formosa did an incredible butterfly décor! wowzer into
the next dimensions! Albert Tenaya on the flute Sonoma Dave on the drum! we sold all the
art thanks soooo much to everyone! Volunteers Summer Sinan, Rosa Noble, Valerie Casale
Assists from Tom Mc Mahon, Veronica Raphael, Kia, Richard Diwald, Shirley, Charlotte
On Native Ground Youth Reports is a monthly entertain-­
ment series that is broadcast on First Nations Experience
(FNX). Each episode brings you news and entertainment
from communities throughout Indian Country. The series is
hosted by Native youth studio anchors, Daniel Herrera
(Miwok Nation) and Bela Longee (Assiniboine
Sioux/Mandan Nation).
More information, photos, links and to watch on line, visit
the URL below:
Mark Your 2013 Calendars!!
Tom Tilton² CHAIR
20th Annual Pow-­wow August 3rd & 4th, 2013
Bruce Streblow² TREASURER
Monica Smith² Braun ² SECRETARY
17th Annual Art Auction & Dinner Nov 16, 2013
Charlie Toledo² DIRECTOR
Yountville Community Hall
Hilario Mata² Property Committee
Robert Craig-Budget
Return Requested
PO BOX: 5386
NAPA, CA 94581
Phone #707.256.3561
E-mail :
[email protected]
Visit Website:
Pictures & content
Summer Sinan
Charlie Toledo
NAPA, CA 94559