May - Temple Beth El


May - Temple Beth El
Temple Beth El
of South Orange County
The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism
2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999 ●
Temple e-Talk
Ma y • J u n e • J u ly • Au g u s t 2 0 1 5
It’s Not a Doily,
It’s a Kippah
by Rabbi
Rachel Kort
Kippah  Yarmulke
I was raised
The children’s song starts: “Kippah, yarmulke, tells the world
watching VHS
recordings and
you’re a Jew. Wear it all day, or just when you pray—it’s totally
singing along
up to you.” Yes, the style, color, size are choices we make for all
to musicals
sort of reasons. For this Temple Talk issue, we asked our clergy
like the Sound
why they cover their own heads.
of Music and
Westside Story. I
am pretty sure
The Kippah: Bringing the Best Out of
picture of
This Jew
Yentl. For
by Rabbi Peter S. Levi
those of you who are not Yiddish theater
Once when I was
or Barbara Streisand fans, Yentl is the
out to lunch with my
story of a nice Jewish girl who disguises
wife, the gentleman
herself as a boy to enter religious
at the next table was
training. Back in the ‘old country’ you had
curiously looking at
to be a boy to study Torah in any serious
the kippah on my
way. (continued on page 24)
head and asked,
“Did you have brain
Why I Wear a Kippah
surgery?” I replied,
by Rabbi K’vod Wieder
“No. I’m Jewish.” Like
I was first drawn back
all things Jewish, there are many reasons
to my Jewish roots
for wearing a kippah: religious, social,
when I was in college,
theological, political, traditional, out of
respect…. Here is a favorite story of mine working in a Jewish
summer camp. The
from the ancient sages of the Talmud:
practice of Shabbat
Astrologers told the mother of Rabbi
captured my attention
Nachman bar Itzchak: “Your son will
as an island in time to
be a thief.” So she did not let him go
focus on connection
bareheaded saying to him: “Cover your
– with friends, with community, with
head so that the fear of Heaven will be
something spiritual. When I began to
upon you and pray for mercy.” He did not
know why she said that to him. One day he observe Shabbat at summer camp, in
was sitting and studying under a palm tree, the beautiful Sierra mountains, with
singing, dancing, and creative ways of
the cloak fell from his head and he lifted
studying Torah with campers, I began to
his eyes up the tree. His evil inclination
wear a Kippah (or Yarmulke in Yiddush)
overpowered him, he climbed up and
just for the 24 hours of Shabbat. Wearing
bit off a cluster of dates with his teeth.
the kippah helped make Shabbat feel
(Shabbat 156b) (continued on page 24)
special, and it focused my attention on
Clergy Corner
the spiritual
dimension of
what was around
me. (continued
on page 29)
To Wear or Not
to Wear...That is
the Question!
by Cantor
Natalie Young
Wearing a kippah has not ever felt
completely comfortable to me. That
being said, I do wear one whenever I am
leading services and have worn them for
other sacred occasions such as lifecycle
events. It is a ritual practice that I am
working on. When I arrived at Temple
Beth El, I learned that it is customary
to wear a kippah on the bimah, and so
began a new practice for me. Like any
practice, I feel a bit strange or inauthentic
at times, but the more I practice the more
comfortable I get. I am still trying to
figure out my relationship to the kippah
as every community that I have served or
been a part of has had different policies.
Minhag haMakom, the traditions of a
particular place, have guided me in my
practices. If one grew up at a Classical
Reform synagogue, it was prohibited
for anyone to wear either a kippah or a
tallit. Traditional practice had only men
wearing kippot until more liberal circles
sought to create
an egalitarian
that encouraged
women to wear
them as well.
Current Reform
practice encourages
(continued on
page 29)
Check out our new High Holy Day Reform Prayer Book on Page 7
Here is an overview of the many opportunities we provide at Temple Beth El for spiritual connection and worship services:
On Shabbat
Friday Evening Shabbat Services in the Sanctuary
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat: A multi-generational joyous and
participatory service, music, welcoming Shabbat with dancing,
community, opportunities for reflection and inspiration.
5:30pm Pre-service Oneg (hors d’oeuvres). 1st and 3rd Fridays of
May and June; Every Friday except the last week of the month
in July and August.
7:30pm Traditional Reform Shabbat Service: A beautiful
worship service in the mainstream Reform mode using
a variety of musical styles with piano accompaniment to
create a warm and inviting worship experience. Our rabbis
offer inspirational learning with their sermons. Includes
opportunities for reflection and inspiration. This service is
followed by an Oneg Shabbat (savory treats and socializing!)
on the 2nd and 4th weeks of May and June, as well as the last
week of the month on July 31 and August 28.
During the Week
2nd Shabbat of the month Details on page 5
Every Saturday at 9am: Torah Study in room 214/215
Exploration of the weekly portion in a warm and welcoming
atmosphere where each participant has the opportunity to
learn, listen and share. A brief lay-led service follows the study.
May 2015
Friday, May 1
5:30pm Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey
Saturday, May 2
Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Leviticus 16:1-20:27
9:15am Exploring Jewish Prayer
10am The New Jeruslaem Shabbat Experience** (details on page 3)
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Friday, May 8
7:30pm Second Shabbat with guest speaker Dr. Mohommed Wattad on
Israel’s Democracy: Where Are We Going From Here?
Saturday, May 9
Parashat Emor: Leviticus 21:1-24:23
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
Friday, May 15
5:30pm Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey
Saturday, May 16
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai: Leviticus 25:1-27:34
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath morning service in the Pasternack Family
ASHLYN SPRINGER will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Friday, May 22
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Followed by an Oneg*
Saturdays* at 9:15am: Shabbat morning Conservative
prayer in the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel. Ivdu Et Hashem
B’simcha (Serve the Holy One with Joy) blends high energy,
joyous, participatory service with opportunities for meditation
and contemplation in a warm and intimate community. Return
to that moment at Mt. Sinai through traditional Torah reading
while we explore its personal relevance to each one of us. Led
by our rabbis and lay leadership.
Refuat HaNefesh: Healing of the Soul Minyan:
Every Tuesday at 6:30pm
A prayer gathering held each and every Tuesday evening in the
Sidney Eisenberg Chapel. This service enables our members
who are in mourning or observing a Yahrzeit to join with their
Temple Beth El family for a 30 minute service filled with prayer,
song and quiet moments of reflection to recite the Mourner’s
Kaddish. The service is a fusion of prayers both in Hebrew and
English, using the weekday prayer book, Siddur Eit Ratzon,
which has all the Hebrew transliterated for the non-speaker,
and beautiful (and relevant) explanations of the intentions
behind the prayers.
**Except Jerusalem Shabbat which begins at 10am.
Details on page 3
Saturday, May 23
Parashat Bemidbar: Numbers 1:1-4:20
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
7pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot (details on page 6)
Sunday, May 24
6am Shavuot Services at the temple and on the beach (details on page 6)
Monday, May 25
9:30am Shavuot Services, with Yizkor (details on page 6)
Friday, May 29
7:30pm Shabbat Service, Choir Leads
Followed by an Oneg*
After the opening hymn, we will ask God’s blessing on behalf of those
who have celebrated a wedding anniversary during May. If you are
observing an anniversary this month and plan to attend this service,
please let us know ahead of time.
Saturday, May 30
Parashat Naso: Numbers 4:21-7:89
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow.
10am Reform Sabbath morning service in the Pasternack Family
ETHAN FEDERMAN and CHARLES GRAVITT will be called to the Torah as
a B’nai Mitzvah.
June 2015
Friday, June 5
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey and
Mitzvah Recognition Shabbat
*Oneg is a time for the community to come together and visit, with savory eats!
Page 2
Jerusalem Shabbat Experience
with the Band of Milk and Honey
(& a little schnapps)
Now at 10am on these Saturdays : June 6, August 8 & September 5
In the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel
On the streets of Jerusalem on Shabbat morning, the dew on the
trees reflect sunlight sparkling diamonds, the air is crisp and still,
and the peace is palatable. Joyous prayer pours out houses and little
shteibls - the human song and the song of creation intertwined.
Friends and family come together to eat, to share, and to immerse in
words of life-giving Torah. One can’t imagine
g a Torah more relevant
and real.
• Be absorbed in a meditative and meaningful musical journey through
the morning service
• Enjoy transliterated and fully accessible Hebrew prayer
• Rejoice around the Torah with schnapps and sparkling cider
• Eat and engage in guided community study over lunch
Tot Shabbat Playspace
June 6, August 8, & September 5 at 10:30am
Children ages 2-5 years will enjoy the Shabbat Playspace with one of our rabbis, our ECC Director Terry, and Miss Beth in the Early Childhood Center.
Enjoy a Torah Parade, Shabbat Story, Crafts and other Shabbat Activities.
July 2015
Saturday, June 6
Parashat Beha’alotecha: Numbers 8:1-12:16
9:15am Exploring Jewish Prayer
10am Jerusalem Shabbat** (details on page 3)
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Friday, July 3
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Sunset Shabbat Service outside with the Band of Milk and Honey
Friday, June 12
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Followed by an Oneg*
Saturday, July 4
Parashat Balak: Numbers 22:2-25:9
9:15 am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
Saturday, June 13
Parashat Shelach Lecha: Numbers 13:1-15:41
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
7pm Havdalah at the Park (more details on page 4)
Friday, June 19
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey
Saturday, June 20
Parashat Korach: Numbers 16:1-18:32
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
Friday, June 26
7:30pm Shabbat Service, Choir Leads
Followed by an Oneg*
After the opening hymn, we will ask God’s blessing on behalf of those
who have celebrated a wedding anniversary during June. If you are
observing an anniversary this month and plan to attend this service,
please let us know ahead of time.
Saturday, June 27
Parashat Chukat: Numbers 19:1-22:1
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
MARCANTONIO MURILLO will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
Torah as a B’not Mitzvah
Friday, July 10
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, July 11
Parashat Pinchas: Numbers 25:10-30:1
9:15 am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
JORDYN BITTON will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
7pm Havdalah at the Park (more details on page 4)
Friday, July 17
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, July 18
Parashat Matot-Masei: Numbers 30:2-36:13
9:15 am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
JANE GRIFFIN will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Friday, July 24
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Page 3
Havdalah in the Park
7pm Enjoy dinner &
conversation, story telling and
singing &
Havdalah when the sky is dark
Please bring: your own picnic
dinner, chairs, blankets, sweater/
jackets, and any Havdalah gear you
may have!
June 13 & July 11
at FloJo Park
Florence Joyner Olympiad Park
22760 Olympiad Rd
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
August 15
Location to be determined (watch
our weekly emails for details)
Questions? Contact Jiri at
[email protected]
Saturday, July 25
Parashat Devarim: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
ARAD ELKAYAM will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
Tisha B’Av Healing Service
7:30-8:30pm – Healing Service
8:30-9:30pm – Reading of the Book of Eicha (Lamentations)
Sunday, July 26
9:30am Tisha B’Av service
Friday July 31
7:30pm Shabbat Service, Choir Performs
Followed by an Oneg*
After the opening hymn, we will ask God’s blessing on behalf of those
who have celebrated a wedding anniversary during July. If you are
observing an anniversary this month and plan to attend this service,
please let us know ahead of time.
August 2015
Saturday, August 1
Parashat Va’etchanan: Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
9:15 am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
LAUREN SHULMAN will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Friday, August 7
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, August 8
Parashat Ekev: Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
9:15am Exploring Jewish Prayer
10am The New Jeruslaem Shabbat Experience** (details on page 3)
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Friday, August 14
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Sunset Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey
Saturday, August 15
Parashat Re’eh: Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
9:15 am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
NOAH BATTERTON will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
7pm Havdalah at the Park (more details above)
Tuesday, August 18
7-9pm Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
Friday, August 21
5:30 Oneg*
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with the Band of Milk and Honey
Saturday, August 22
Parashat Shoftim: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow.
10am Reform Sabbath Morning Service in the Pasternack Family
Torah as a B’nai Mitzvah
Page 4
Friday, August 28
7:30pm Shabbat Service, Choir Leads
Followed by an Oneg*
After the opening hymn, we will ask God’s blessing on behalf of those who
have celebrated a wedding anniversary during August. If you are observing
an anniversary this month and plan to attend this service, please let us know
ahead of time.
Saturday, August 29
Parashat Ki Tetze: Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
9:15am Conservative Service in the Eisenberg Chapel with Kiddush
community lunch to follow.
Sunset Kabbalat
Shabbat Services
Sunsett Sh
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b tE
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id att the
6pm on Friday, July 3 and
Friday, August 14
Summer Schedule
J l & August
t Early
E l S
The summer schedule is back!
Every week in July and August
Friday night services are at 6pm,
only the last week of the month is at 7:30pm
Join us to hear Arab Israeli Legal Scholar
Dr. Mohammed Wattad
(Zefat College/UC Irvine)
Friday May 8 at 7:30pm
Dessert reception to follow
Where Are We Going From Here?
The recent elections are altering the dynamics of Israeli society,
in particular the relationship between Jews and Arabs, Jews and
Jews, Right and Left, and the Israeli judiciary. Come hear the
insights and stories of this bright young Arab Israeli scholar.
Mohammed Wattad is an Arab Israeli and an assistant professor in
the Law School of Zefat College, Israel, is a legal scholar specializing in
international and comparative criminal law, comparative constitutional
law, international law and legal issues surrounding war, torture and
terrorism. He is teaching courses in UC Irvine’s Department of Political
Science and in the School of Law as the 2014-2015 Schusterman Visiting
Israeli Professor.
Temple Beth El has
decided to dedicate the Second Shabbat of each month as
an opportunity to build ADULT community through creative
programming that is fun, interesting and meaningful….
Shabbat is so much more than a prayer service.
Shabbat is a time to build community, to connect
with friends both old and new, to eat, drink, sing,
dance, laugh, learn…and pray.
Contact Rabbi Levi if you have any questions or if you would like to be involved in helping create dynamic adult
programming and community! [email protected] or 949-362-399 ext 101.
Page 5
Mitzvah Recognition Shabbat
Friday, June 5
Please mark your calendars for a very special
service and dinner honoring the participation
and leadership contributions of our teen
community. Make your dinner reservation on
the temple website!
6:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
7:15pm Dinner and Ceremony
(watch weekly emails for dinner
Spiritual Preparation forr
High Holy Days
Tuesday, August 18, 7-9pm
The High Holy Day period is most effective at impactinng
us in a transformative way when we prepare our heartts
and minds. On Rosh Hodesh Elul, exactly one month
before Rosh Hashanah, we can begin the process of
understanding how to engage our prayers in a way thaat
is personal and relevant for each one of us. Join us for an
evening of rabbinic teachings on inner transformationn
as well as an introduction to some of the High Holy
Day melodies and prayers in both our Reform and
Conservative services.
Tisha B’Av Healing Service
Saturday, July 25
7:30pm Healing Service
8:30pm Reading of the Book of Eicha (Lamentations)
On Tisha B’Av, the first and second Temples in Jerusalem were
destroyed five centuries apart. Our tradition teaches that only through
embracing brokenness can true healing and redemption be realized.
Join us for both traditional and creative observance of this sacred
time. It is a time to mourn, heal, and grow as individuals and together
in community.
Saturday, May 23
Sunday, May 24
Ascending The Holy Mountain:
An All Night Shavuot Experience
at the synagogue AND at the beach…you pick!
6am Shavuot Sunrise Services
7pm Tikkun Leil begins (continues until 6am)
Join the Rabbis and community of Temple Beth El in an all
night journey using sacred texts, stories, meditation, and
music to ascend the mountain of revelation to reveal a Torah
that is personal, authentic, and life-giving. Stay for as little or
as long as you like.
There will be a brief break at 8:30pm for Ma’ariv
(evening services)
On the Beach
Divers Cove, Laguna Beach
Stair access to the beach is at the north end of Heisler Park
followed by blintzes and brunch at a congregant’s home near
the beach
Optional: bring a bathing suit and towel if you’re interested
in the group ocean mikva. There is a teaching that the Jewish
people married God and Mount Sinai was held above them
as a chuppah/wedding canopy, and the Torah is our ketubah/
wedding document. In this spirit, those interested jump into the
ocean as a mikva/ritual bath in preparation to enter into the holy
covenant with God. We raise a chuppah on the beach and read
the Ten Commandments as we bind ourselves to God and our
tradition. It is a great experience you don’t want to miss…even if
you skip the ocean dip.
At the synagogue on Sunday, May 24 at 6am and
Monday, May 25 (with Yizkor) at 9:30am
Conservative Shavuot services in the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel
Page 6
We are excited to announce our new
High Holy Day Prayer Book
Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe
We will begin using our new Reform High Holy Day prayer book this
year 2015 / 5776
After we piloted the new High Holy Day prayer book last year on the second day of Rosh Hashanah,
the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. After thoughtful consideration, the Jewish Life
Committee and the Board have recommended congregants purchase Mishkan HaNefesh for the
Reform services in the Sanctuary.
Here are some of the reasons why we are excited
about this new prayer book:
• Hebrew, transliterations, and translations for every prayer
• Metaphors and images of God speak to our time
• Words, tone & theological range are uplifting, inviting & challenging
• Meaningful liturgy to those who pray regularly, and welcomes those who are new to Jewish spirituality and practice
• Draws from the deep wellsprings of Jewish liturgy, history, thought, music, interpretation and creativity
Mishkan HaNefesh values continuity and incorporates the outlook of the
21st century Reform Jewish community of North America.
“We realize that this change requires members to purchase their own new copies to participate in High Holy Day services, but we know
the great benefit that this change will bring for an even more meaningful prayer experience.” -- Temple Beth El rabbis
Order y
books n
Orders received prior to June 15th.......$36
Orders received after June 15th.............$42
(includes 2 volume set: Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur)
Larger print options: $75 for Pulpit Edition two volume set;
$100 for 3 volume large print edition
Also, if you are able to help us purchase extra books for visitors during the High Holy Days please consider contributing to the
“High Holy Day Prayer Book Fund”. I would like to contribute:
____ $72
Please order your Mishkan HaNefesh copies on the temple website ( click on High Holy Days)
Or mail in your order with payment to the office: attention “High Holy Day Prayer Book Order”
Donations can also be made attention “High Holy Day Prayer Book Fund”
Annual Congregational Meeting
Proxy ballots will be available in June:
• At the front desk of the Temple
• Online at
(Click on Congregational Meeting)
Monday, June 22, 7pm
• Approve the 2015-16 budget
• Approve slate of officers & board members
• Answer your questions
Temple members who cannot attend the meeting should still
cast their vote by proxy!!
Return your proxy ballot:
• To the front desk
• Email it to [email protected]
• Fax it to 949/362.5323
• Mail it in (2A Liberty, Aliso Viejo, 92656)
Page 7
Shmooze Night
Men’s Club Upcoming Events
Breakfast Men’s Club meets
Tuesday, May 5 at 6pm
Poker starting at 6pm in the adult library
monthly for breakfast on the 2nd
Thursday of the month at 9:30am.
Starting May 14 we will meet at our
NEW location: Coco’s on 27750 Crown
Valley Parkway in Mission Viejo.
Fishing at Irvine Lake
Sunday, May 17, 6am-11am
Come by! It’s a great way to stay connected with Temple
friends. Whether it’s about the weekly golfer’s game, an
upcoming social event, a TBE lecture series, networking, etc., it’s
all about staying informed and in-touch. Join in! Calendar the
2nd Thursday of each month. Please RSVP to InOtherWords@
Mens Club Fun on the Water
Sunday, June 7, 8-10am
Join the Men’s Club for kayaking, sail boating, or stand
up paddle boarding in Dana Point Harbor! Open to all
congregation members and their families.
Get Hooked on Fishing
Limited spaces are available for each activity,
so RSVP on the Temple website today!
Sponsored by Temple Beth El Men’s Club
Activities taking place at WestWind Sailing (34451 Ensenada
Place, Dana Point, CA 92629)
Registration Details:
Stand Up Paddle Boarding (25 available)
Includes instruction. You may switch to the kayak option in the
2nd hour, if available. ($75 for 2 hours, ages 6 to adult)
$75.00 each
Kayak - single person (12 available)
Includes instruction. You may switch to the stand up paddle
board option in the 2nd hour, if available. ($75 for 2 hours, ages
6 to adult)
$75.00 each
Kayak - double person (7 available)
Includes instruction. You may switch to the stand up paddle
board option in the 2nd hour, if available. ($75 for 2 hours, ages
6 to adult)
$75.00 each
Sailing - double person (10 boats available) (20 available)
Includes instruction. ($50.00 per person for 2 hours, 2 people
per boat, ages 6 to adult)
Adults $30
Children $20
Fishing Pole Rentals $15
Sunday May 17th
6:00 a
am – 11:00 am
Irvine Lake
Adventure includes:
Hot Pancakes
Scrambled Eggs
Hash Browns
Turkey Sausages
Hot Chocolate
Brewed Coffee
Fresh B
46212 Santiago Canyon Rd, Silverado, CA 92676
Event Coordinator: Mark Grant
Page 8
Email: [email protected]
Cell: 949-413-4300
Go to Israel with your
Temple Beth El community
Summer 2016
With a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Option
On this Temple Beth El family oriented trip to Israel. We will
see the old and new, build a relationship with our historic and
modern homeland, meet the people, and deepen our sense of
Jewishness. For those who like there will be an opportunity for
a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah service with your own rabbi in Israel!
Shabbat in Jerusalem  Wander the Streets of the Old City  Visit the Kotel (Western Wall) Visit Modern Tel Aviv  Walk the
footsteps of the Pioneering Zionists and Share Their Dreams Climb the Mountain Fortress of Masada  Dip in the Dead
Sea  Plant a Tree in Israeli Soil  Visit Temple Beth El’s Sister Congregation and Much More…
[email protected], 949-362-7281
Back To School
Donate now to support 40 children who are
looking forward to shopping with us at the
Ladera Ranch Kohl’s on August 9th from
Questions? Want to help at the event?
Contact Kim Gubner at kgubner007@gmail.
To help:
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Page 9
Cooking for Connection
Tuesdays at 7pm:
May 12th and June 9th
Want to shmooze a bit
with other congregants
while preparing a favorite
vegetarian dairy recipe
for our Saturday morning
kiddush lunch? Join Sandy
Rothberg and Rabbi K’vod
to give to our community.
We are looking for dishes
that can be frozen, kept
in our freezer and taken
out when needed for
the coming month. To
participate, RSVP to Sandy
at [email protected] and
let her know what you’d like to prepare. You
bring the ingredients.
Daytime Book Club
Our Daytime Book Club provides the opportunity to
discuss selected Jewish-themed books on the 3rd
Tuesday of each month. Upcoming dates and book
selections include:
May 19 The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure
June 16 The Marrying of Chani Kaufman by Eve Harris
July 21 After I’m Gone by Laura Lippman
August 18 The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant
Time: 11:30am -1pm in the Adult Library
Coordinators: Sharon Wolfson [email protected] &
Claire Stein [email protected]
People of the Book
All are welcome to join us on the 2nd Wednesday of
each month at 7pm! We recently opened our book
selections to all types of books not limited to Jewish
themes or authors. Please come for our interesting and
lively discussions. RSVP to Helen. Upcoming dates:
May 13, June 10, (no July), August 12 (planning
Time: 7pm in the Adult Library
Coordinator: Helen Rasner at [email protected] or
cell 949-233-2606
Temple Beth El
Congregants age 55+ get
together every other month to
enjoy lunch ($10 with advance
reservations) together and a
featured speaker or presentation.
Upcoming programs will be
both entertaining and thoughtprovoking, so please mark your
calendar to start the New Year off
and renew friendships! Questions?
Want to express interest?
Lew Einbund - [email protected]
Muriel Sachs - 949-586-3055,
[email protected]
Joan Kirschenbaum [email protected]
388-9464 or 370-6222
Page 10
Adult Education
Adult education classes are offered free to temple members, and $18 for non-members.
To register for a class, please contact Myka at [email protected] or 949-362-3999 x316 or 100.
Homemade Judaism with Rabbi Rachel Kort
Homemade Judaism is a monthly opportunity to learn about bringing Judaism to life for you and your family in your
home. We will spend the year exploring holiday celebration. We will learn about traditional observances and adapt
them to meet the unique needs of our families. The course is free of
charge and will meet on Shabbat Chai Fridays from 4-5:30pm.
Homemade Judaism will meet once a month on Fridays from
May 1st
Shavuot: Celebrating Torah
This class is free, but does require regisration.
Please register online:
Maps of Reality:
Staying Sane in a World that
Doesn’t Always Make Sense
with Rabbi K’vod Wieder
Thursday, May 14, 7-9pm
A new series of classes fit for newcomers and
those who have been attending the Maps of
Realityy classes. In this series, we’ll explore some of
the more profound theologians in our tradition
and seek to integrate their thinking with modern
physics, philosophy, and the wisdom of the Jewish
mystics. Through these reflections, we hope to
more deeply recognize God’s living presence in
our lives and discover how our Jewish communal
practice only enhances our experience. To deepen
our conversations, we will assign some preparatory
reading between classes.
with Rabbi K’vod Wieder
Saturday mornings
May 2, June 6 and August 8
at 9:15am
The rabbis envisioned prayer as
an opportunity to connect with
the deepest part of us. In this
short class, we’ll explore how
prayer can be a vehicle for this
kind of spiritual connection.
Page 11
Gordon & Sklar
Early Childhood Center
Registration for the
2015-16 School Year is Open
Temple Beth El….
...Where Jewish learning is fun. Join us!
Get your registration materials
and information online at
Call Director Terry Fierle
for a tour! 949-362-3999 ext 317
Serving children 7 months through Kindergarten
For families with young children...
Here Comes Shabbat!
Tot Shabbat Playspace
A Special Shabbat Experience for PreK-2nd Graders
May 2nd, June 6th and August 8th at 10:30am
Children ages 3 and up are invited to attend the Shabbat
Playspace with one of our rabbis, ECC Director Terry, and
Miss Beth beginning at 10:30am in ECC room 104. We
celebrate Shabbat together with Shabbat Stories, a Torah
parade, full brunch with the congregation, a Shabbat felt
board story, and playtime. Join us!
5:25-5:45pm on select Fridays: May 1 & 15 and June 5
Join us in the Sanctuary on the above Fridays for a
special service tailored for PreK-2nd graders. This is
a special Shabbat ritual the 1st & 3rd Fridays of the
month from 5:25-5:45pm and includes singing, stories,
tzedakah collection, and time to say goodbye to
the week and welcome in Shabbat. All families with
young kids are welcome to participate. Join us for a
community-wide nosh (snack) after this service. For more
information contact Rabbi Rachel Kort, Director of Jewish
Engagement, [email protected]; 949-362-3999, ext.
Tot Shabbat in the Park
Saturday, July 11th at10:30am - noon
More details to come - check our weekly
PJ Library: Sign up today!
It’s never too early to create treasured Jewish memories
with your family. Sign up your
family and tell your friends about
the PJ Library. Introduce a new
generation to the richness and depth
of our Jewish heritage. For more
information, see the brochure that
was mailed out over the summer or
go to
Wishing a Warm Welcome
to our Newest Members!
Candice & Rory Carpenter of Rancho
Santa Margarita and their son,
Kellan (age 5 months)
Hillary & Phillip Lewinson of Lake
Forest their sons, Noah and Aiden
(age 2)
Vicky & Lewis Hofstein of
Mission Viejo
Shannon & Eli Ticatch of Laguna
Niguel and their son, Aaron
(age 2)
Marla & Joseph Kaufman of
Mission Viejo
Page 12
Coffee Chat
Shabbat Chai
Community, Torah, Shabbat
Looking forward to the end of another great year of
Shabbat Chai and the beginning of the next!
Our year is wrapping up in the coming weeks...
It’s time to register for the 2015-16 Shabbat Chai
and Hebrew School year! Shabbat Chai means “Live
Shabbat.” Our goal in creating Shabbat Chai was simple:
learn through authentic experience. Instead of learning
about being Jewish on Sundays, we will learn about
Shabbat and holidays by celebrating them together.
We will learn about Jewish values by going out in the
community and living them.
For the 2015-16 year, if you are a returning Shabbat
Chai family, you will only need to update registration
records. Information will be mailed and e-mailed to you
mid-May. New families and families with kids new to
Religious School programming can register online. For
more information, please access our Temple’s website: **Be sure to register
before July 1, 2015 to receive our ‘early bird’ pricing
for Religious School programs (Grades PreK-7).
We’re looking forward to a new and
exciting Shabbat Chai year in the
fall and we want your input!
The professional team has been working to create a Shabbat
Chai program that embraces the many qualities of Shabbat:
community, joy, Torah, prayer, dancing, singing, a break
from work and school.
In order to create the strongest program for you and
your children, we would love to get your input.
You are cordially invited to a conversation about Shabbat
Chai over coffee in the Adult Library on either:
Monday, May 11th 5:30-6:30pm or
Friday, May 15th 4:15-5:15pm
We’re looking forward to being in conversation about a
new and exciting year of Shabbat Chai--your thoughts are
important to us.
Rabbi Rachel Kort
Director of Jewish Engagement
Bonni Pomush
Executive Director
If you have any questions regarding registration or
anything to do with your family’s Jewish well-being,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rabbi Rachel Kort, Director of Jewish Engagement
949-362-3999, ext. 102; [email protected]
Calling All 6th & 7th Graders!
Shabbat Dinner & Shenanigans
Sports, Games & Fun
May 15th 7:15 - 8:30pm
(just after Shabbat Chai in the Youth Lounge)
$10 for dinner and program
Menu: mac & cheese, veggies & dip
RSVP on the Temple website
Rabbi Rachel Kort,
Director of Jewish Engagement, [email protected];
949-362-3999, ext. 102
Calendar of Spring Dates
Shabbat Chai
Hebrew School
Mondays, 4:30-6:30pm
May 1
May 4
May 15
May 11
June 5
May 18
Page 13
UPCOMING EVENTS: BESTY Teen Community Year-Long Programs
Teen Community Calendar
BESTY Teen Community:
a soulful experience for friends, fun, and becoming the leader
you were meant to be.
BESTY’s primary value is that at all of our events you feel like
you can be yourself. We know that in high school there is a lot
of pressure to try to fit in and to be liked. Our teen leadership
board, youth director, and rabbis are deeply committed to
creating an inclusive space where your unique presence and
contribution is appreciated.
May 5, 2015: Sci-Fi Fiesta Lounge Night (6:30-8:30pm)
May 19, 2015: BESTY ElecƟons Lounge Night (6:30-8:30pm)
June 5, 2015: Mitzvah RecogniƟon Evening
The synagogue teen community provide a unique opportunity
to explore what is meaningful and important in life. Our
BESTY teen leadership board will pick a handful of topics that
our teen community wants to explore and will offer some fun
events with our warm and spiritual rabbis. Our Shabbat Club
experiences in our youth lounge and at people’s homes are
informal environments for singing and celebration.
June 28, 2015: BESTY Beach Party at Aliso Creek Beach
July 12, 2015: BESTY Summer Event (Details TBD)
August 9, 2015: BESTY Summer Event (Details TBD)
Whatever fun activities you envision we can make a reality.
Every month we’ll come together for an evening in our youth
lounge, various weekend activities, including Broomball
overnights, professional sport outings, Yogurt and a Movie, our
infamous Club night, and many more....
Many teen programs are just connecting socially and
hanging out. Our perspective is that teens have an important
contribution to make to our synagogue community and the
world. BESTY is unique in that our core programming fulfills
middle and high school community service requirements. In
both the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board and 9th-12th Grade Teen
Leadership Program teens learn
the skills necessary to transform
vision into action, supported
by the wisdom of our Jewish
Mitzvah Recognition Shabbat
Friday, June 5
Please mark your calendars for a very special service
and dinner honoring the participation
and leadership contributions of our
teen community. Make your dinner
reservation on the temple website!
7:15pm Dinner ($12 with
advance reservations) and
Ceremony (watch weekly emails
for dinner reservation details)
for our teen community is available on
our temple website
( under the tabs
Social/BESTY Teens
(Funds are never a barrier to participation
Please let us know if we can help your
child attend.)
Please don’t hesitate to contact Rabbi K’vod Wieder at
[email protected] or 949-362-3999 ext 106
ith anyy quest
Page 14
Calling all 8th-12th graders
who play the guitar, another
instrument, or sing:
Submissions for the next Temple e-Talk are due
by August 5th (email them to
[email protected])
Want to be a song leader?
Bring your gift of music to our community!
Contact Cantor Young for more info:
949-362-3999 ext 105
[email protected]
Do You Grocery shop at
Shop your favorite websites & earn money for the
Temple! Really. It’s that easy.
Is your Ralphs card connected to TBESOC?
Each year it automatically expires on September 1st
and needs to be re-activated!
To re-register for the new term, go to
click o
If you shop at Ralphs and have not yet designated the
temple to receive a percentage of your purchases:
Log in to
Click on ‘Create an Account’
Follow the 5 easy steps to create an online account
You will be instructed to go to your email inbox to confirm
your account
After you confirm your online account by clicking on the link
in your email, return to and click on ‘my
account’ (you may have to sign in again first).
View all your information and edit as necessary
Link your Ralph’s card to the temple by clicking on:
a. Community Rewards
b. Edit my community contribution and follow the
c. Remember to click on the circle to the left of your
organizations’ name
Shop Vons? Eat at Lucille’s? Fly American?
Earn for the temple while you do!
Here’s How it Works
• You register your existing grocery loyalty, debit and credit
cards (Vons, Safeway, Lucille’s, American Airlines)
• Participating merchants will make contributions to your
chosen group, based on purchases made by you, just by
using the cards you have registered.
• Your purchases are tracked and available to you online,
allowing you to see just how much you are earning on the
temple’s behalf!
Shopping for a birthday present?
Planning a summer vacation?
Re-stocking your beauty products?
Support the Temple & do it online!
Amazon, HotWire, Beauty/,
Dollar and Thrifty car rentals,,
World of Watches...and more!
Share this info with family & friends!
The more people using the links,
the greater the Temple’s earnings!
1. Go to
2. Save it as either:
a. A Favorite. On the top of your screen click on
favorites, then click on add favorites.
b. A Shortcut on your desktop (recommended).
Click on the word “File” on the top of your screen.
Click where it says “Send,” and then click on
“Shortcut to desktop”. A shortcut will be placed on
your desktop to open each time you shop.
A portion of every purchase goes to the Temple!
Page 15
Robert and Jo Anne Simon (46 years)
Larry and Anita Smith (30 years)
Russ and Holly Abrahams (8 years)
Patricia and Michael Baker (56 years)
Dan and Mary Solomon (26 years)
Michael and Noreen Abramovitz (12 years)
David and Marlene Beach (46 years)
Herbert and Gretchen Waltzman (39 years)
Bart and Elizabeth Asner (9 years)
Warren and Deborah Benedetto (12 years)
Yael and Gareth Weinberger-Butler (33 years)
Glenn and Susan Bier (8 years)
Larry and Janell Bitton (16 years)
Stuart and Susanna Wolfe (19 years)
Bruce and Linda Burstein (26 years)
David and Amanda Bloom (18 years)
Nelson and Rochelle Zagalsky (53 years)
Yossi and Staci Cohen (24 years)
Paul and Kerry Boulian (43 years)
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Denes (11 years)
Ryan and Danielle Chapman (15 years)
David and Susan Dull (33 years)
John and Sharri Coker (24 years)
Norman and Carol Albert (20 years)
Peter and Nanci Dunne (21 years)
Avi and Shiffra Crane (37 years)
Gary and Jill Bolotin (18 years)
Lewis and Shirley Einbund (59 years)
Rob and Kathy DeLiema (43 years)
Michael and Michelle Collins (20 years)
Mitchell and Amy Federman (21 years)
Hyman and Barbara Dervitz (66 years)
Kevin and Judy Curtis (11 years)
Robert and Nancy Felsenfeld (23 years)
Jeff and Betty Drader (35 years)
Joseph and Heather Davis (25 years)
Michael and Roya Gold (8 years)
Lawrence and Linda Eisenberg (38 years)
Jason and Stephanie Ebenstein (3 years)
Dan and Julia Goldberg (17 years)
Michael and Ellen Fine (44 years)
Stuart and Carole Fels (35 years)
David and Lisa Gorlick (20 years)
Adam and Julie Fingersh (12 years)
Howard and Amy Fox (20 years)
Jeff and Janel Groussman (18 years)
Martin and Mary Fleischman (32 years)
Kenneth and Lida Gerenraich (35 years)
Jason and Natalie Grumet (12 years)
Andres and Samantha Flores (3 years)
Rob and Michelle Gerstley (25 years)
Brian and Elizabeth Gurewitz (23 years)
Larry and Valerie Gelb (14 years)
Donald and Glenda Goldstein (44 years)
Sam and Susan Hahn (21 years)
Arie and Rachel Gluzman (7 years)
Andrew and Olga Greber (15 years)
Scott and Bonnie Kehe (28 years)
Corey and Adrienne Gold (25 years)
Seth and Tori Kaufman (7 years)
Al and Mary Leavitt (72 years)
Richard and Jill Golubow (13 years)
Bram and Jill Klein (12 years)
Barry and Lynnda Levine (38 years)
Michael and Deborah Green (22 years)
Jon and Rena Konheim (48 years)
Brad and Amanda Mariam (1 year)
Dennis and Deidre Greenberger (28 years)
Brian and Cindy Leish (16 years)
Jared and Hailey Potok (6 years)
Jason and Roberta Gregerman (18 years)
Elliott and Norma Levenson (51 years)
Marvin and Sheila Rand (32 years)
Henry and Deborah Hallgarten (44 years)
Peter and Ruth Levi (20 years)
Daniel and Laura Rosenbaum (46 years)
Steven and Sherri Hilbon (8 years)
Stan and Wendy Levin (31 years)
Howard and Tari Roth (27 years)
Scott and Robin Ijams (27 years)
Kenneth and Janet Lorin (33 years)
James and Jeanne Ruhl (25 years)
Allyn and Barry Jaffrey-Shulman (11 years)
Ari and Shawn Manes (17 years)
James and Cindy Scheinkman (31 years)
Arnold and Linda Karpel (40 years)
Jeff and Jody Margolis (21 years)
Samuel and Heather Seid (1 year)
Scott and Lisa Kessler (31 years)
Rodney and Laura McDermott (22 years)
Brian and June Selvan (14 years)
Robert and Nancy Kiefer (49 years)
Jeffrey and Debra Newman (19 years)
Greg and Julie Sharenow (6 years)
Kenneth and Wendy Kushner (26 years)
Gary and Evona Norman (25 years)
Gabby and Joy Timsit (9 years)
Jeff and Michelle Lazerson (26 years)
Glen and Elizabeth Olsheim (14 years)
Oris and Cari Upchurch (15 years)
Larry and Tilly Levine (20 years)
Joel and Amy Packer (31 years)
Jacob and Trina Ward (3 years)
Alexander and Ganna Levitin (46 years)
Richard and Heidi Penkava (37 years)
Arthur and Lynn Wiederman (30 years)
Mark and Lynn Levy (22 years)
David and Yael Pepper (11 years)
Alan and Susan Wollkind (36 years)
Neil and Keira Malkus (9 years)
Larry and Terri Queen (17 years)
Paul and Jaimi Wolotsky (23 years)
Eli and Sara Marcus (11 years)
Michael and Lainie Queen (14 years)
David and Natalie Young (15 years)
Myron and Ruth Margolis (14 years)
David and Bonnie Rofsky (14 years)
W. Scott and Samantha Zidbeck (17 years)
Jerry and Linda Moss (35 years)
Gil and Cynthia Ross (11 years)
Kenneth and Charlene Zuckerman (34 years)
Joshua and Amy Neufeld (15 years)
Paul and Wendy Rothenberg (38 years)
Robert and Etty Nick (48 years)
Timothy and Jody Sandberg (10 years)
James and Larisa Owen (11 years)
Avery and Beryl Schlesenberg (37 years)
Tony and Jodi Oz (21 years)
Andrew and Wendy Schwartz (42 years)
James and Abby Page (11 years)
Brad and Kathy Shapiro (31 years)
Arthur and Rochelle Pazornik (34 years)
Joshua and Lauren Smisko (10 years)
Michael and Kathy Pearlman (17 years)
Ethan and Jennifer Spielvogel (8 years)
David and Tamar Peleg (40 years)
Marc and Jodi Springer (16 years)
Sidney and Elaine Reisch (58 years)
Matthew and Carlin Stein (8 years)
Aaron and Elaine Rosen (59 years)
Richard and Caryl Stein (49 years)
Michael and Joyce Rubel (43 years)
Brian and Suzanne Young (15 years)
Gary and Belinda Rubel (30 years)
Gary and Nina Savlov (35 years)
Steven and Julie Sherman (30 years)
Page 16
Submitted by Wendy Lupul, KISS Task Force Chair
(e-mail: [email protected])
Saturday morning January 31, 2015 the Eisenberg Chapel
was filled nearly to capacity with men, women and children
for the much anticipated Kol Isha Shabbat Service. Director
of Education Emeritus Linda Kirsch skillfully delivered an
inspiring, well-received sermon about women extending
themselves. And that our Temple Beth El women did... serving
as welcoming, warm greeters, leading prayers with confidence,
and skillfully reading Torah – many taking on new challenges as their friends and family kvelled (beamed with pride).
During the sumptuous Kiddush luncheon, superbly
supported by your donations, the community was treated
to splendid dance interpretations of the day’s Torah portion,
choreographed, performed and accompanied by congregants.
The centerpieces (lab materials highlighting the joys of
scientific exploration) were especially designed for and
donated to Temple Beth El’s Early Childhood Center. The postKISS buzz was tremendous. (Some examples: “It really was a
beautiful Shabbat from beginning to end.” “...a wonderful joining
of our entire TBE community!” “It was a great experience and I
am looking forward to participating next year.”) KISS provided
the perfect opportunity for our members to engage with one
another, get to know each other better, and have a meaningful,
memorable experience. Kol hakavod! (Well done!) If you weren’t
there you really missed something big. Don’t miss out next
year; mark KISS on your calendar: January 23, 2016.
Many Thanks to our Kol Isha Shabbat Service Kiddush Fund Donors
Roberta & George Abramson
BE Sisters
Jill & Steve Birch
Charna & Joel Cone
Shiffy & Avi Crane
Kathy & Rob DeLiema
Sue & Max DeLiema
Alane & Alan Dolensky
Phyllis & Howard Duhan
Shirley & Lewis Einbund
Pamela & Rob Fecher
Jodie Feinberg
Samantha & Andy Flores
Amy & Albert Gazzar
Barbara Gerlicki
Susan & Michael Goldfader
Anna & Mark Gross
Natalie & Jason Grumet
Jodi Halbreich
Miriam Harris
Miriam & David Hillburn
Heather Kartzinel & Evan
Sarah Kasman
Norbert Kaufman
Sheila & Bob Kessler
Zenia & Robert Kezelman
Joan Kirschenbaum
Rabbi Rachel Kort & Dan
Sherri Krause
Cathy & David Krinsky
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus
Barbara & Joseph Lebovitz
Wendy & Stan Levin
Wendy & Charles Lupul
Temple Beth El Men’s Club
Lainey & Howard Mitzman
Jane & Pete Moss
Etty & Robert Nick
Cindy O’Neill-Ross & Gil Ross
Amy & Joel Packer
Heidi & Richard Penkava
Sharon & Robert Pratt
Ellen & Duncan Prince
Elaine & Sidney Reisch
Elly & Arthur Rosen
Sandy & Michael Rothberg
Sheri & Jack Saladow
Marion & Larry Schack
Alice & Donald Schultz
Heather & Sammy Seid
Brad Shapero
Kathy & Brad Shapiro
Marilyn Silverman
Leslie & Jake Tatel
Susan Treshansky
Marlene & Gerald Weintraub
Ina & George Welland
Lois & Douglas Wilson
Bea Wohl
Sarah & Luke Wood
Fay Zeramby
Charlene & Kenneth
Daniel and April Akiva (9 years)
Jeffrey and Iris Ameen (29 years)
Richard and Marilyn Balaban (41 years)
Melford and Suzan Berns (48 years)
Solomon and Ruth Blumenfeld (61 years)
Michael and Debbie Bogdanovic (21 years)
Kevin and Jennifer Bussell (18 years)
Steve and Ronni Cherney (52 years)
Joel and Charna Cone (32 years)
Corey and Judy Cramin (32 years)
Gregory and Raquel Dachner (1 year)
Lawrence and Linda Danto (53 years)
Max and Sue DeLiema (41 years)
Ken and Sharon Devor (33 years)
David and Debbie Dobrofsky (26 years)
Hans and Breana Famularo (15 years)
James and Noelene Feld (33 years)
Karen and Richard Forrest (7 years)
Bernard and Christina Freedman (59 years)
Marc and Susan Garelick (8 years)
Jeffrey and Debra Garfinkle (23 years)
Norman and Suzanne Goldman (22 years)
Jay and Cindy Greenberg (33 years)
Robert and Terry Hanna (34 years)
Tom and Marsha Harris (29 years)
David and Beth Horowitz (18 years)
Rhonda and Karl Jarema (34 years)
Stuart and Virginia Kriloff (16 years)
David and Cathy Krinsky (43 years)
Robert and Grace Landa (31 years)
Joseph and Barbara Lebovitz (67 years)
Adam and Dawn Leibovitz (16 years)
Joel and Ann Levine (44 years)
Robert and Joan Lyons (49 years)
Scott and Amy Mendelson (15 years)
Michael and Rachelle Milchiker (39 years)
David and Cynthia Mirsky (35 years)
Pete and Jane Moss (47 years)
David and Joan Moss (18 years)
Paul and Debbie Motenko (39 years)
Kevin and Coreen Mueller (12 years)
Ronald and Molly Naglie (28 years)
Adam and Elizabeth Neufeld (20 years)
Teddy and Miriam Ohana (20 years)
Andrew and Elissa Oransky (15 years)
Page 17
Maurice and Traci Polak (22 years)
George and Paulina Pollak (46 years)
Bruce and Helen Rasner (47 years)
Jay and Deborah Robinson (38 years)
Gary and Laura Rothman (29 years)
Fredric and Joan Rubel (58 years)
Craig and Abby Rubenstein (29 years)
Ron and Janice Ruef (32 years)
Henry and Susan Samueli (30 years)
Paul and Karen Schindler (30 years)
Darren and Jessica Siegrist (14 years)
Evan and Kate Smiley (23 years)
Marc and Sheri Spiegel (23 years)
Dan and Rachel Steingart (9 years)
Lonnie and Penny Tee (18 years)
Benjamin and Kelli Trachtman (29 years)
Terry and Jennifer Tullis (17 years)
Mike and Lauren Turner (9 years)
Stewart and Heather Weston (19 years)
Gil and Claire Winograd (16 years)
Mark and Saralyn Wolf (12 years)
George and Stacy Ybarra (4 years)
Mel and Tina Zimmerman (52 years)
It is with special pride we want to thank the members of the
Legacy Society. These are special people who are working to secure our
future. Please consider joining them by responding to a call from our
Endowments Committee representatives or call
Rabbi Levi at 949.362.3999 x 103.
your legacy
for future
What aspects of
Jewish Orange County do you
cherish most?
Joy of Jewish learning?
Belonging to a Synagogue?
Quality services
for our seniors?
Innovative Jewish programs
for teens?
Fighting poverty and caring
for those in need?
Join the conversation
about leaving a legacy
so your values live on.
Shirley & Lew Einbund
Pamela & Rob Fecher
Susan & Michael Goldfader
Jeff Greer & Keary Gregg
Mimi Harris
Shula Kalir-Merton
Joan Kirschenbaum
Cindy & David Mirsky
Jane & Pete Moss
Cindy & Gil Ross
Sheri & Jack Saladow
Polly Sloan
Rosemary & Howard Stevens
Lois Weiss
g Welland
Ina & George
We invite our
Temple Beth El families
to have a conversation.
There is a huge
transfer of wealth taking
place in our country.
This conversation is NOT:
About a Capital Campaign
a single Jewish organization
This conversation IS:
About planning for a
Jewish future in Orange
County and providing
information about dozens
of ways to leave a Jewish
About how each of us,
at every economic level,
can become a part
of the Jewish Legacy
About your values
impacting our
About answering the call.
The Fenning Family Tree of Life
Our SIMCHA Tree of Life is blooming at Temple Beth El. Gold leaves are available to celebrate a special
simcha in your family’s life. The stones at the roots of the tree are symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The golden leaves and stones may be inscribed to highlight or commemorate such joyous events as births,
weddings, anniversaries, graduations or to honor parents, family or friends. Share the joy by inscribing
your family’s simchas on our synagogue’s Tree of Life – a permanent dedication to the meaningful happy
events that touch our lives.
On each Tree of Life leaf you have four lines of 20 characters each to inscribe your message.
The fifth line may contain a date.
Date of order___________Contributed by___________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
I wish to inscribe:
_______Leaves at $180 each (10 chai) = $______ _________________
Amount enclosed $________________ ( ) Cash ( ) Check
M/C-VISA _________________________________________________
_______Stones at $720 each (40 chai) = $______ _________________
Here is my message:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Memorial Wall
those of our Temple members who want
Ftheirorto yahrzeits,
remember loved ones on the dates of
a plaque on our Memorial wall is
available for purchase. A light will be lit on the
Friday preceding the anniversary of your loved
one’s death and kept lit for the following week,
and on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, the last day
of Passover and on Shavuot Day 2.
Please use this order form or come to the Temple
office during regular office hours for assistance.
If you need any help with Hebrew names or
Hebrew dates, Rabbi Levi, Rabbi Kort, or Rabbi
K’vod will be happy to assist you.
Date of order ________________________________________________
Member’s name _______________________________________________
English name on plaque _________________________________________
Hebrew name on plaque ________________________________________
Relation to member ____________________________________________
Julian calendar anniversary of death ______________________________
Jewish Calendar anniversary of death _____________________________
Preference: Julian ( ) Jewish ( ) calendar
Location preference: Upstairs/Rotunda ( ) Ground floor/Chapel ( )
If you do not have this information, we will be happy to help you complete this form.
[ ] I need help completing the form.
Amount enclosed $375 / Members - $550 / Non-members
( ) Cash ( ) Check
Signature _____________________________________________________________
Page 19
Tribute Funds
Honor a Loved One
Celebrate Special Events
Uphold the Memory of the Dearly Departed
Tzedakah Opportunities
Happy are
the keepers
of justice,
who give
at all times.
__Bima Beautification Fund
__Cedarbaum and Mitchell
Adult Library
__Cedarbaum Reference
__Children’s Library
__Saturday Morning Kiddush
__Donna Van Slyke
Campership Fund
__Early Childhood Center (ECC)
__Endowment Fund
__General Fund
__Gloria & Herb Smolinsky Torah
__Iris & Marshall Miller Memorial
Shiva Fund
__Israel Matters Fund
__Leadership Development Fund
__Mary and Al Leavitt
Progamming Fund
__Mirsky Temple Beth El Religious
School Scholarship Fund
__Prayer Book Fund (Gates of
Prayer $36)
__Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-inResidence Fund
__Rabbi Levi’s Discretionary Fund
__Rabbi Kort’s Discretionary Fund
__Rabbi K’vod Wieder’s
Discretionary Fund
__Raymond Plotkin Campership
__Religious School
Donation given by:
Amount of Donation $____________
__Attached is check number:_____________
__I authorize payment on my Visa / MC / Discover
Expiration: _____________
Signature: ____________________________________
Please send acknowledgement to:
-Psalm 106:3
Please select one:
__In honor of... __In memory of... __On occasion of...
Please return form with payment to:
Temple Beth El of South Orange County
2A Liberty, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Fax: 949/ 362.5323
Please make a minimum donation of $10.
Donations made will appear in Temple Talk.
Page 20
Many Thanks To Our Donors!
Bima Beautification Fund
Stephen Lazarus
• In memory of Sylvia Lazrus
Cantor Natalie Young’s
Discretionary Fund
Barbara & Stephen Queen
• In memory of Molly Hersch
Florence & Bernard Garwin
• In memory of Adolph
Iris Rosenfeld-Ameen
• In memory of Rubin
Melissa & Michael Pearl
• On occasion of Natalie Pearl’s
Bat Mitzvah
The Adult B’nai Mitzvah
• On occasion of becoming B’not
The Gubner Family
• In memory of Josephine
• On occasion of Bonnatti
• In memory of Lillian Galatz
Cedarbaum & Mitchell Adult
Library Fund
Claire & Arnie Stein
• In memory of Phillip
Miriam Harris
• In memory of Nancy Cohen
Cheryl Persky Pilgrimage
Sandamal Corporation
Children’s Library
Cindy & Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Esther
Eta Chalfin
• In memory of Alan Chalfin
Gertrude Zoller
• In memory of Julius Gefaell
Richard Moldawsky & Ellen
• In memory of Pauline
Sue & Sunny Riesz
• In memory of Leo Cohen
Sunny Mandel
• In memory of Gene Mandel
Wendy & Andy Schwartz
• In memory of Sidney
Saturday Morning Kiddush
Alicia & Jerry Kunin
• In memory of Leslie Kunin
Barbara Gerlicki
• In memory of Salomon
Elly & Arthur Rosen
• In honor of Kevin Rosen
• In memory of Saul
• On occasion of Arthur’s D’var
Torah on 2/21/15
• In memory of Herbert W.
Fay Zeramby
• In memory of Gloria
Heather Kartzinel & Evan Wohl
• In memory of Arnold
Lin & Howard Goldman
• In memory of Melvin
Warshaw, Jacob Warshaw, Ida
Joyce Rubel
• In memory of Morris
Lois Weiss
• In memory of Lila Robinson
Lynnda & Barry Levine &
• In memory of William
Miriam & David Hillburn
• In memory of Gloria
• In memory of James Marr
Norbert Kaufman
• In memory of Adele
• In memory of Arthur
• In memory of Sylvia
• In memory of Fanny
Rabbi Stephen Einstein
• In honor of receiving an
Sherry Mencher
Shiffy & Avi Crane
• In memory of Rabbi David
Sue & Max DeLiema
• In memory of Belle
• In memory of Gloria
Sue Treshansky
• In memory of Arlene
Wendy & Charlie Lupul
• In memory of Gloria
• In memory of Frances G.
• On occasion of the B’not
Mitzvah of Patti Holliday, Wendy
Levin, Izzi Neufeld, Ellen Prince,
Rosemary Stevens, Marlene
Weintraub, Trina Werkema
Abby & Craig Rubenstein
• In honor of Galit Kort-Steingart’s
1st Birthday
Lorraine Kramer
• In memory of Herbert
• In memory of Byrdie Fox
H Charton
Early Childhood Center Fund
Ina & George Welland
• In memory of Clifford
Marlene Beach
• In memory of Sherman
Lin & Howard Goldman
• In memory of Mae
• In memory of Melvin
Warshaw, Jacob Warshaw, Ida
Endowment Fund
Bonni Pomush & Patti Holliday
• In honor of Joni Kirschenbaum’s
Gail, Michael & the Rosiak
• In memory of Mel
Merritt, Andy & Royce Weiss
• In honor of Izzi Neufeld’s Bat
• In honor of Ellen Prince’s Bat
• In honor of Patti Holliday’s Bat
Shirley & Lew Einbund
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
General Fund
The Claar Family
• In honor of the Adult B’nai
Mitzvah Class
Amy & Albert Gazzar
• In honor of Bea Wohl’s
• On occasion of receiving an
Anna & Mark Gross
• In memory of Rose & Gabriel
Page 21
• In memory of Rose Drimer
Annette & Clifford Levinson
• In memory of Jean
Annie Mintz
• In memory of Albert Mintz
• In memory Enta Tryper
April Wachtenheim
• In memory of Rita McCarty
Ben Weinberg
• In memory of Avrom
Betts Flynn
• In memory of Mary & Jack
Betty Dvorson
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
Bob & Joni Arnold
• In memory of Mrs. Margaret
Cindy & David Mirsky
• In memory of Jerry Mirsky
Clara Steingold
Deborah & Jay Robinson
• In memory of Benjamin
Dyan & Sheldon Goodman
• In memory of Lee
• In memory of Molly Hersch
Edith Rubinstein
• In memory of Eva Ullman
Edward & Lori Block
• In memory of Helen & Harry
Edward Neuwirth
• In memory of Elsa
Ellis Kupferman
• In memory of Leonard
Florence & Bernard Garwin
• In memory of Sadie Milner
Fran & Jay Gale
• In memory of Sol Gale
• In memory of Annette
Geri & Ernest Binstock
• In memory of Henrietta
• In memory of Maxwell
• In memory of David
• In memory of Ruth
Gilda Drotman-Bierman
• Year End Giving
Heidi & Richard Penkava
• In memory of Dorothy Stern &
Paula Penkava
Many Thanks To Our Donors! (continued)
Honey Henderstein
• In memory of Frances
• In memroy of Sam
• In memory of Ben Henderstein
Howard Wolfe
Jan & Robin Keith
• In memory of Lou Piltz
Jane & Pete Moss
• In memory of Belle
Jo Anne & Bob Simon
• In memory of Anita
Joan & Phil Ershler
• In memory of Cynthia Glick
Joyce Marr
• In memory of James Marr
Judith & Martin Schneyer
• In memory of Dr. Robert
Judy Berkowitz
• In memory of Isaac
Lili & Howard Landman
• In memory of Anne
• In memory of Sara Soriano
Linda & James Lander
• In memory of Janice Lipsitz
• In memory of Miriam
Lisa & Alan Fenning
• In memory of Joan Hill
Lisa Aisner
• In memory of Raymond
Lynn Issler
• In memory of Al Issler
Marsha & Dave Ormann
• In honor of Jodie Feinberg’s
Torah portion, dance & H
Charton’s guitar playing
Miriam & David Hillburn
• In memory of Belle
• In memory of Phillip
• In honor of Rosemary Steven’s
Bat Mitzvah/Confirmation
• In honor of Wendy Levin’s Bat
• In honor of Patti Holliday’s Bat
Miriam & Leonard Kranser
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
Myra & Marvin Gordon
• In memory of Anne Thaw
• In memory of Hannah
Phyllis & Howard Duhan
Rabbi Rachel Kort & Dan
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
• In honor of the 2015 B’not
Mitzvah Class
Rabbi Stephen Einstein
• In honor of the clergy & Terry
Robert & Susie Roof
• In memory of Jeanette
Robin Keith
• In memory of Ruth Keith
Rochelle & Nelson Zagalsky
• In memory of Sarah DeHaaf
• In memory of Dr. Robert
Rosemary Stevens
• In memory of Rabbi Allen
Krause and Rabbi Earl
Sandy & Phyllis Gitlin Kingsley
• In memory of Sidney
Seth Penzell
• In memory of Dr. Yale
Tilly & Larry Levine
• In memory of Sue Levine
Tim Gertz
Weston Family
• In memory of Eliot Weston
In memory of Florence
Marlene & Jerry Weintraub
• In memory of Belle
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus
• In memory of Daniel
Paul Rubenstein
• In memory of Belle
Phyllis (z”l) & Harvey Kramer
• In memory of Pauline
Sarah Kasman
• In memory of Chana Perez
Leadership Development
Mollie Lazarus
• In memory of Daniel
Gloria & Herb Smolinsky Torah
Barbara & Joel Goodman
• In memory of Gloria
• In memory of Herbert
• In memory of Joel Goodman,
• In memory of Edith
• In memory Elliott Guzofsky
• In memory of Nettie Gold
Cindy & Mark Disman
• In memory of Frances
Eileen & Steve Olitsky
• In memory of Bella Olitsky
• In memory of Edward
Israel Matters Fund
Annie Mintz
• In memory of David Mintz
Charlene & Ken Zuckerman
• In memory of Gloria
• In memory of Phillip
Elliott Kornhauser
• In memory of Emanuel
Gertrude Zoller
• In memory of Max Drexler
Linda & Bill Sokoloff
• In memory of Elyn Sue
Lois Weiss
Mary & Al Leavitt Programming
Anita Gold
• In memory of Edythe
Barbara Gerlicki
• In memory of Salomon
Mirsky TBESOC Religious School
Scholarship Fund
Anita Gold
• In memory of Donald
Arnold Karpel
• In memory of Seymour
Cindy & David Mirsky
• In memory of Janette
Debbie & Ray Jankowski
• In memory of Matthew
Michael Rubel
• In memory of Herman
Prayer Book Fund
Elaine Rosen
• In memory of Louis
Laurie & Richard Mills
• In memory of Shirley Rosen
Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-inResidence Fund
Cindy O’Neill & Gil Ross
• In memory of Belle
• In memory of Ann Ross
• In memory of Sam Ross
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
• On occasion of the B’not
Mitzvah of Marlene Weintraub,
Ellen Prince, Patti Holliday,
Rosemary Stevens, Wendy
Levin, and Izzy Neufeld
Herbert Waltzman
• In memory of Max
Irwin Bornstein
• In memory of Pearl
James & Linda Lander & Family
• In memory of Leon
• In memory of David Lander
• In memory of Edith
Joan & Fredric Rubel
• In memory of Rose Rubel
• In memory of Samuel
Richard Moldowsky & Ellen
• In memory of Martin
Sherri Krause
• In honor of Dr. & Mrs. Sid
• In honor of Mrs. JoAnne & Dr.
Bob Simon
• In honor of Dr. Ted Teacher
• In honor of Dr. Mark
• Mishoach Manot for Rabbi
Rachel Kort, Rabbi Peter Levi,
Rabbi K’vod Wieder, Al Welland,
Terry Fierle, Cantor Natalie
Young, and Bonni Pomush
Rabbi K’vod Wieder
Discretionary Fund
Amy & Albert Gazzar
• In memory of Flore Lisha
Anna & Mark Gross
• In memory of Gabriel
Ehteram Sara & Eshagh
• In memory of Behzad Aarron
Elly & Arthur Rosen
• In honor of Gary Rosen
Jacqueline Hyman
• In memory of Bronie
This list includes donations from December 7, 2014 through April 19, 2015.
We apologize for any omissions.
Page 22
Many Thanks To Our Donors! (continued)
Mara & Kenny James
• In honor of Izzi Neufeld’s Bat
Marlene & Jerry Weintraub
• In memory of Belle
Melissa & Michael Pearl
• In honor of Natalie Pearl’s Bat
Miriam & David Hillburn
• In memory of Abe Slutsky
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus
• In memory of Douglas
• In memory of Daniel
Sherry Mencher
Stanley Levy
• In memory of Leah Levy
Sue Treshansky
• In memory of Stephen
The Adult B’nai Mitzvah
• On occasion of becoming B’not
The Sloan Family
• On occasion of Polly Sloan’s
90th Birthday
Tina & Bud Freedman
• In memory of Abraham
Wendy & Charlie Lupul
• In memory of Bob Coblens
Rabbi Peter Levi Discretionary
Joe Baker
• In memory of Dorothy
Mara & Kenny James
• In honor of Patti Holliday’s Bat
Melissa & Michael Pearl
• In honor of Natalie Pearl’s Bat
Michelle Gerstley
• In memory of Bernice
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus
• In memory of Douglas
• In memory of Sylvia
• In memory of Daniel
Sue Treshansky
• In memory of Stephen
The Adult B’nai Mitzvah
• On occasion of becoming B’not
Rabbi Rachel Kort Discretionary
Abby & Craig Rubenstein
• In memory of Joseph
Barbara & Hy Dervitz
• In memroy of Nechamah BassAronoff
Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Sylvia
Laura Rothman
• In memory of Julius Kaplan
Lida & Kenny Gerenraich
• In memory of Dr. Morton
Linda & Gerald Moss
• In memory of Helen
Melissa & Michael Pearl
• In honor of Natalie Pearl’s Bat
Miriam Harris
• In memory of Ruth Ershler
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus
• In memory of Douglas
• In memory of Daniel
Sherry Mencher
Sue & Steven Goldman
• With Todah Rabah to Rabbi
The Adult B’nai Mitzvah
• On occasion of becoming B’not
The Crane Family
• In memory of Lew Kranz
The Kirschenbaum Family
• In memory of Claire
Raymond Plotkin Campership
Beryl & Harold Yahr
• On occasion of Wendy Levin’s
Bat Mitzvah
Cecelia Lance
• In memory of Paul Bonner
Miriam & David Hillburn
• In memory of Leah Levy
• In honor of Bonni & Patti’s
Rena and Rabbi Jon Konheim
• In memory of Leon Saffren
Shiffy & Avi Crane
• In memory of Helen Zoffer
Religious School Education
Cindy & Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Sarah Heskin
Ellen & Duncan Prince
• In memory of Gloria
Gail & Dan Riekes
• In memory of Ervin Riekes
Ina & George Welland
• On occasion of Rita LeVine’s
• In memory of Bob Burney
Moji & Richard Lustig
• In memory of Aziz
Phyllis (z”l) & Harvey Kramer
• In memory of Joseph
Sarah Kasman
• In memory of Shlomo
Sid & Bev Kritzstein
• In honor of Bonni & Patti’s
Sue Treshansky
• In memory of Ethel Rubin
Sue, Steven & Joshua Goldman
• In memory of Frances
• In memory of Sidney
Security Fund
Howard and Jennifer
Russ and Holly Abrahams
Michael and Noreen
William and Renee Adler
Daniel and April Akiva
Norman and Carol Albert
Jeffrey and Iris Ameen
Steven and Karen Anapoell
Philip and Nichole Arzu
Bart and Elizabeth Asner
Kenneth and Elizabeth
Richard and Marilyn Balaban
Ellen Bancroft
Lee and Flo Barker
Jonathan and Theresa Barnett
Sondra Berg
Judy Berkowitz
Ronald and Lisa Berman
Dan and Jordana Berzansky
Glenn and Susan Bier
Steven and Kathy Binder
Steve and Jill Birch
Larry and Janell Bitton
Edward and Lori Block
Jerome and Patricia Bloom
Solomon and Ruth Blumenfeld
Richard and Nancy Blumenthal
Michael and Debbie
Daniel and Sandi Brager
Dennis and Susan Brown
Kevin and Jennifer Bussell
Eta Chalfin
Ryan and Danielle Chapman
Ken and Lisa Cheng
Steve and Ronni Cherney
Roxanne and Ana Cherry
John and Sharri Coker
Michael and Michelle Collins
Joel and Charna Cone
Richard and Lori Covey
Joseph and Heather Davis
Max and Sue DeLiema
Hyman and Barbara Dervitz
Robert and Judy Dreyer
Howard and Phyllis Duhan
Lewis and Shirley Einbund
Tomer and Michal Elkayam
Adam and Dawn Elovitz
Neal and Lara Engler
Robert and Meg Ervais
Dee Faigin
Stuart and Carole Fels
Alan and Lisa Fenning
Mark and Laura Finkelstein
Lewis and Sheree Finkelstein
Andres and Samantha Flores
Karen and Richard Forrest
Howard and Amy Fox
Judd and Mary Frank
Jay and Frances Gale
Kenneth and Lida Gerenraich
Barbara Gerlicki
Rob and Michelle Gerstley
Timothy and Robin Gibbs
Michael and Roya Gold
Matthew and Deborah
Michael and Susan Goldfader
Howard and Linda Goldman
Steven and Susan Goldman
Irving and Stephanie Golper
Marvin and Myra Gordon
Mark and Audrey Grant
Michael and Deborah Green
Jay and Cindy Greenberg
Jeff and Keary Greer
Jason and Roberta Gregerman
Mark and Anna Gross
Adam and Kimberly Gubner
Sam and Susan Hahn
Miriam Harris
Tom and Marsha Harris
Randy and Jill Haveson
Jeff and Dayna Herz
David and Miriam Hillburn
Jory and Cori Hirsh
Arlene Holtzman
Scott and Robin Ijams
Bruce Isen
Michael and Gail Isen
Raymond and Deborah
Aaron and Heather Jetzer
Leonard and Nancy Joseph
Douglas and Christine Karpf
Norbert Kaufman
Victor and Nora Keisman
Robin and Jan Keith
Bob and Sheila Kessler
Robert and Nancy Kiefer
Allen and Ellen Kirschenbaum
This list includes donations from December 7, 2014 through April 19, 2015.
We apologize for any omissions.
Page 23
Many Thanks To Our Donors! (continued)
Jon and Rena Konheim
Sasha and Wendy Kottmeier
Harvey and Phyllis (z”l) Kramer
Sherri Krause
David and Cathy Krinsky
Kenneth and Wendy Kushner
James and Linda Lander
Howard and Lili Landman
Stephen and Mollie Lazarus
Jeff and Michelle Lazerson
Joseph and Barbara Lebovitz
Rita Lesman
Stan and Wendy Levin
Barry and Lynnda Levine
Alexander and Ganna Levitin
Sarah Lilly
Kenneth and Janet Lorin
Charles and Wendy Lupul
Richard and Mojgan Lustig
Robert and Joan Lyons
Ira Manesse
Bernard and Natalie Mangini
Jeff and Jody Margolis
Myron and Ruth Margolis
Joyce Marr
Brian and Michelle McDuffie
Thomas and Susanne McGill
Laurie and Richard Mills
Annie Mintz
David and Cynthia Mirsky
Naomi Mirsky
Howard and Lainey Mitzman
Rich and Ellen Moldawsky
Maura Monroe
David and Joan Moss
Paul and Debbie Motenko
Ben and Cindy Needleman
Adam and Elizabeth Neufeld
Teddy and Miriam Ohana
Glen and Elizabeth Olsheim
Dennis and Suzy O’Reilly
Arthur and Rochelle Pazornik
Michael and Melissa Pearl
Richard and Heidi Penkava
Doug and Susan Pick
David and Kristen Pincus
George and Paulina Pollak
Michael and Marianne Porter
Duncan and Ellen Prince
Larry and Terri Queen
Stephen and Barbara Queen
Sidney and Elaine Reisch
Charles and Julia Ribak
Daniel and Gail Riekes
Chris and Soleil Rigney
Aaron and Elaine Rosen
Glenda Rosen
Arthur and Eleanore Rosen
Jason and Jamie Rosiak
Gil Ross and Cynthia O’Neill
Howard and Tari Roth
Michael and Sandra Rothberg
Peter and Deborah
Gary and Laura Rothman
Michael and Joyce Rubel
Fredric and Joan Rubel
David and Karen(Kerry) Rubel
Craig and Abby Rubenstein
Ron and Janice Ruef
Paul and Karen Schindler
Martin and Judith Schneyer
Sharon Schramer
Donald and Alice Schultz
Andrew and Wendy Schwartz
Bruce and Carol Seligsohn
Gershon and Janna Shamay
Brad and Kathy Shapiro
David and Aileen Shaw
Susan and Brent Sherman
Bob Shumski
Robert and Jo Anne Simon
Larry and Anita Smith
Sindy Smith
Theodore and Emilia Song
Gary and Lana Sorsher
Arnold and Claire Stein
Martin and Linda Stein
Richard and Caryl Stein
Daniel and Susan Sterns
Andrew and Allison Straus
Jake and Leslie Tatel
Eli and Shannon Ticatch
Nicholas and Audrey Tomovich
Stephen and Barbara Toretto
Susan Treshansky
Stu and Marcie Urquhart
Herbert and Gretchen
Jacob and Trina Ward
Gerald and Marlene Weintraub
Norman and Sherri Weisinger
Andrew and Merritt Weiss
Lois Weiss
Stewart and Heather Weston
Mark and Debra Whaley
Douglas and Lois Wilson
Evan Wohl and Heather
Stuart and Susanna Wolfe
Brian and Suzanne Young
Nelson and Rochelle Zagalsky
Mel and Tina Zimmerman
Sol and Roslyn Zuckerman
Kenneth and Charlene
Sherri Krause
• On occasion of Patti Holliday
becoming Bat Mitzvah
Tzedakah Fund
Jane & Pete Moss
• On occasion of Marlene
Weintraub’s Bat Mitzvah
• In memory of Dr. Robert
• On occasion of Ellen Prince’s Bat
This list includes donations from December 7, 2014 through April 19, 2015.
We apologize for any omissions.
Rabbis’ Corner (continued)
Rabbi Levi (continued from page 1)
What a wonderful story! Is the kippah
magic such that it keeps us from sinning?
How do we keep temptation at bay? For
me, much of Judaism and her practices
are about awareness. For Tevya in Fiddler
on the Roof, the head covering is an
awareness of one’s constant devotion
to God. For me, it is a reminder that I
am part of the Jewish people and as
such, I am an inheritor of a deep and
meaningful tradition that expects
greatness from me. Hence, I wear a
kippah at synagogue, in restaurants, in
Costco and Trader Joe’s, in the car, at the
movies...everywhere. Wherever I go, I am
a representative of the Jewish people.
As such, I better treat the restaurant
server respectfully and tip well. I must
practice patience with the slow checkout person at the store. I check my road
rage temptation at the door. I turn my
phone off in the theater. And in any
crowd, gossip is never becoming. It is not
about wearing the kippah, it is about the
awareness it brings me and the behavior
that follows.
I am not sure the Jewish people are
judged by my actions and faults. Even so,
it is healthy for me to act as if they are. So
I wear kippah. All places. All the time.
Rabbi Kort (continued from page 1)
Wearing a kippah has traditionally been
a male practice in Judaism even though
there is nothing gender specific about
the meaning behind a kippah: covering
one’s head as a sign of reverence for God.
Married women in Orthodox observance
do cover their heads, but not with kippot
and as an expression of sexual modesty.
The Reform movement started ordaining
women rabbis in the early 1970s. Barbara
Streisand donned a kippah for the movie
Yentl in 1983. The first woman was not
ordained in the Conservative movement
until 1985. I started wearing a kippah on
a regular basis at synagogue when I was
Page 24
nine. My sister became a bat mitzvah and
I wanted to wear a tallit too. “You aren’t
old enough,” my mom explained, “why
don’t you wear a kippah instead?” In the
early 1990s, I was the only little girl who
(continued on page 29)
In Memoriam
May 1/2
Arnold Manson, father of Michael Manson
Carolyn Marr, mother-in-law of Joyce Marr
Melville Stern, father of Paul Stern
Doris Gale, mother of Jay Gale
Jack Margolis**, father of Myron Margolis
Lester Meyer, father of Virginia Sotolov
Albert Pardo*, father of Lois Wilson
Lonia Wafel, mother-in-law of Gale
Victor Young, father of David Young
Martha Drexler, mother of Gertrude Zoller
Georgia Hockett, mother of April Akiva
Rose Margolis, mother of Myron Margolis
David Pollack, father of Muriel Sachs
Millie Rosenthal, mother of Alexandra
Marian Zimmerman*, mother of David
Lillian Bader, great-grandmother of Joanie
Blanche Balaban, mother of Richard Balaban
Charles Light, father of Roslyn Zuckerman
Elizabeth Freeman, mother of Elaine Rosen
Michael Silva, brother of Marla Silva
Freida Steinberg, grandmother of Heidi
Irvin Tann, father of Linda Danto
Beatrice Alon, of Ruth Margolis
Lenore Labowitz, grandmother of Ruthie
Rowena Liebesman*, Wife of Jerome
Helen Pollak*, mother of George Pollak
Sharona Rimon, remembered by Ruth
Mordechai Sela, remembered by Ruth
Kate Shapiro*, grandmother of Flo Barker
May 8/9
Sidney Albert, father of Norman Albert
Patricia Block, mother of Kenneth Block
Ruth Bragg, mother of Tina Zimmerman
David Gold*, step-father of Lewis Einbund
and step-grandfather of Karen Gray
Elma Jones, mother of Patricia Baker
Marilyn Kaufman, mother of Norm Kaufman
Herman Manesse, brother of Ira Manesse
George Roane, father of Ken Roane
Morris Schmukler**, father of Elaine Reisch
Radomir Tomovich, father of Nicholas
Frank Breall*, grandfather of Jon Margolis
Kenneth Jacobson, brother of Deborah
Emil Pollak*, father of Susan Roof
Jeffrey Robecheck, step-brother of Lori Covey
George Baker, brother-in-Law of Patricia Baker
Pearl Bloom, mother of Jerome Bloom
Dave Rams, father of Hank Rams
Ben Stein*, father of Arnold Stein
Milton Levy, step-father of Sondra Berg and
husband of Gerene Levy
Marcy Silverstein, sister of Mark Silverstein
Louis Naglie*, father of Ronald Naglie
Ben Plocker, father of Suzan Berns
Jack Zeramby, father-in-law of Fay Zeramby
May 15/16
Hussein Ameen, father of Jeffrey Ameen
Bernard Feinblatt, grandfather of
Lauren Schlesinger, mother of Philip
Harriet Goldman, mother of Rochelle Rotter
Morris Goodman, father-in-law of Stanley
Claire Bennett, grandmother of Wendy
Martin Fels, father of Stuart Fels
Lily Goldstein, aunt of Laura Rothman
Rozzi Press, aunt of Sharon Devor
Goldye Rudolph, aunt of Mollie Lazarus
Murray Silver, husband of Anita Silver
Arthur Wall, father of Nancy Blum
Iris Block*, mother of Edward Block
Irving Korson**, father of William Korson
Harry Podbere, grandfather of Susanna Wolfe
Hyman Berkowitz, father of Marion Garbatow
Morton Brill*, uncle of Glenda Rosen
Dorothy Coblens, mother of Carrie Chotiner
Toby Dolensky, mother of Alan Dolensky
Rita Dunnigan, mother of Heather Davis
Arthur Freedman, father of Sandra Rothberg
Esther Kramer, mother of Harvey Kramer
Gustav Lareau, grandfather of Natalie Young
Philip Silverman, great-grandfather of Jason
David Grumet, great-grandfather of Jason
Morris Klein, uncle of Stephen Queen
Mary Kushner, mother of Kenneth Kushner
Louis Lesser, grandfather of Michael
Myrna Trimble, mother of Jody Sandberg
Esther Friedman, mother of Nancy Joseph
Samuel Galatz, grandfather of Adam Gubner
Todd Guttman, great nephew of Stanley Levy
Millicent Mitchell, mother of Gail Rosiak
George Monical, father of Claire Winograd
Sofia Sigal, grandmother of Nora Keisman
Zev Willie Springer, grandfather of Nora
May 22/23
Murray Moskowitz*, father of Aileen Shaw
Theodore Scholnick, father of Abby
Jack Cohen, father of Ronni Cherney
Blanche Grothman, mother of Mary Jo Pelton
Phillip Leemon, father of Stan Leemon
Diane Levine Stahnke, sister of Joel Levine
Fay Reicher*, grandmother of Jodie Reinharz
Irene Resnick, mother of Joyce Marr
Ralph Strauss, brother of Ellen Belfer
Annie Zeldin, grandmother of Robert
Karen Aronson*, sister of Jeri Leibson
Harriet Bonner, mother of Cecelia Lance
Seymour Jaffrey*, father of Allyn JaffreyShulman
Sam Kirschenbaum*, father of Allen
Kirschenbaum and Joan Kirschenbaum
Sarah Lapin*, mother of Claire Stein
Jay Miller, grandfather of Janell Bitton
Max Neuwirth, father of Edward Neuwirth
Marion Pardo*, sister of Lois Wilson
Murray Manesse, father of Ira Manesse
Rosa Schack, mother of William Schack
Rosalind Shapiro, mother of Mara James
Jeanette Fish, mother of Natalie Mangini
Lewis Shapiro*, father of Flo Barker
Howard Sobelman, father of Betty Drader
Jacob Stein, grandson of Ruth Margolis
Yosef Elisha, brother of Amy Gazzar
Martha Emas, grandmother of Stacey Haferl
Nadyne McDermott, mother of Rodney
Anne Rosenblum, mother of Patricia Bloom
Bernie Yellen, uncle of Gay Rams
May 29/30
William McKain, father of Noreen Abramovitz
Daniel Rubin, father of Cindy Leish
Beatrice Willens, grandmother of Barbara
Bahia Barzilai, aunt of Lara Engler and sister of
Fortunee Tawil
Esther Gould, aunt of Susan Treshansky
Sampson Levy, father of Stanley Levy
Rose Malk, grandmother of Kimberly Cherney
Sylvia Treshansky, mother-in-law of Susan
Jean Bressi-Bigelli, mother of Jess Bressi
Dave Charton, grandfather of H Charton and
father of Lloyd Charton
Lloyd Holtzman, husband of Arlene Holtzman
Marian Lorin*, mother of Kenneth Lorin
Ruth Resnick, mother of Nancy Kiefer
Anita Rosenberg, mother of Alan Rosenberg
Miriam Slater*, aunt of Howard Stevens
Phyllis Bramson, mother of Debbie
Amos Fleisher, cousin of Howard Fox
Geraldine Fromme, mother of Eric Fromme
Sarah Platt, grandmother of Dayna Herz
Minnie Rivkin, cousin of Jack Saladow
Natalio Roiz, uncle of Nora Keisman
Carol Rosenberg, mother of Robin Gormin
Fred Rubinstein, Husband of Edith Rubinstein
and father of Ron and Robyn Rubinstein
Clara Devor, grandmother of Ken Devor and
Lainey Mitzman
Charlotte Kartzinel**, aunt of Heather
Jack Orrison, father of Alannah Rosenberg
Korda Jin, father of Amy Packer
Vicki Kaplan-Waks, sister of Joan Rubel
Pearl Klein, mother of Ross Klein
Kathleen Painter, mother of Alan Painter
Morris Rosen, grandfather of Laurie Mills
June 5/6
Harry Salter*, father of Glenda Rosen
Anna Shieldkret, mother-in-law of Audrey
Edith Goodman*, mother of Joel Goodman
Miriam Joseph, mother of Leonard Joseph
Sid Lance, husband of Cecelia Lance
Dorothy Braunstein, aunt of Gail Rosiak
Alice Cone**, mother of Joel Cone
Lillian Gibbel, mother of Helen Gibbel-Painter
Emile Timsit, father of Gabby Timsit
Anne Bleeman, mother-in-law of Ira Manesse
Rose Varney, mother of Nina Savlov
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 25
In Memoriam (continued)
Garry Binder, son of Ann Binder
Edith Gerenraich, mother of Kenneth
Irwin Henderstein*, husband of Henrietta
Betsy Kushner, sister of Kenneth Kushner
Joe Reis, brother-in-law of Mary Jo Pelton
Helen Blanc*, mother of Steve Blanc
Sylvia Bluementhal, great-grandmother of
Hailey Potok
David Gordon**, uncle of Susan Deutsch
Martin Kiefer, father of Robert Kiefer
Irving Kravitz, father of Jill Birch
Melvin Singer, father of Carol Singer
Mae Strassberg*, mother of Joan Karver
Allen Thurman, father of Pat Goldman
Esther Black, grandmother of Susanna Wolfe
Thea Bussell, mother of Kevin Bussell
Mitchell Fleitman*, son of Jeff and Margie
Elliot Karver, brother-in-law of Joan Karver
Jerald Leish, father of Brian Leish
Julius Schack, father of William Schack
Julius Widisky, uncle of Fay Zeramby
Jerry Laibson, father of Beth Parker
Carolyne Lenzner, mother of Rhonda
Robert Remer, father of Teena Robinson
Jack Visnov*, father of Bev Kritzstein
Hyman Zuckerman, of Sol Zuckerman
Sal DeLiema**, father of Max DeLiema and
Rob DeLiema
Dorothy Kranz*, aunt of Avi and Shiffra Crane
Bernard Packer*, father of Joel Packer
Sol Sachs, husband of Muriel Sachs
Lillian Preisler, mother of Rachelle Milchiker
Charles Rosen, father of Aaron Rosen
Sol Kalick, father of Sandi Brager
Nina Lopez, mother of Boris Landoff
Morris Neiman, Relative of Nora Keisman
Barry Packer*, brother of Joel Packer
Julius Pollak*, father of George Pollak
Paul Bercovitz, father of Judith Marshack
Rose Gurewitz, mother of Bernard Garwin
Phillip Blank, father of Allen Blank
July 3/4
June 12/13
Shemoel Eliahoo / Mozafar Kalai, father of
Golriz Kohanteb
Julius Glantz**, husband of Suzanne Glantz
Florence Levy, mother of Stanley Levy
Eleanor Markiewicz**, mother of Jacqueline
Minnie Osber, grandmother of Bruce and
Mary Jo Pelton
Edward Sacks, father in-law of Lucille Sacks
Herman Bonder, grandfather of Nora Keisman
Faye Klein, mother of Ina Welland
Blanche Lefkowitz, mother of Henrietta
Ethel Schmukler**, mother of Elaine Reisch
Herbert Bohrman, step-father of Evelyn Nash
Helen Fierle, mother of Mark Fierle
Julius Rosen*, father of Laurie Mills
Nettie Rudolph*, mother of Lucille Sacks
Sidney Wolf*, father of Steven Wolf
Carol Labowitz*, aunt of Ruthie Weiss
Florence Schandling, mother of Renee Adler
Frieda Goldschmitt, mother of Harry
Edward Handman, father of Sam Hahn
Mildred Lubock*, mother of Paul Lubock
Joan Ward, mother of Wendy Kottmeier
Mark Zoller*, son of Gertrude and Zoller
Jay Berezin, father of Steven Berezin
Florence Bisheff, mother of Steve Bisheff
Rose DeLiema, mother of Max DeLiema and
Rob DeLiema
Don Devor*, father of Ken Devor and Lainey
Natalie Van Bueren, mother of Laura DePerry
June 19/20
Daniel Chodosh, cousin of Kenneth
Edward Devor, grandfather of Ken Devor and
Lainey Mitzman
Norma Diamond, mother of Janice Ruef
Jim Holliday, father of Patricia Holliday
Anna Drotman, mother-in-law of Gilda
Donald Hockett, father of April Akiva
Mac Horowitz, grandfather of Ken Moses
Rose Lichtenstein, mother of Marlene Spiegel
Rachel Rosenbaum, mother of Daniel
Jack Beitstock*, grandfather of Jason Devor
and father of Sharon Devor
Hy Landman, grandfather of Howard
Irene Yavitt, mother of Susan Brown
Philip Belzer*, father of Wendy Levin
Mary Brill*, sister-in-law of Marilyn Silverman
Jerome Kaufman, father of Bruce Kaufman
Susan Kornhauser, mother of Elliott
Sara Kurtz, great aunt of Ken Devor
Luisa Roitman, aunt of Nora Keisman
Jenny Rosen, mother of Aaron Rosen
Kenneth Rosen, father of Judith Sacks
Hilda Kalir*, mother of Shula Kalir-Merton
June 26/27
Jerry Cohen*, father of Scott Cohen
Soloman Pine, father of William Pine
Gloria Smolinsky*, mother of Barbara
Goodman and aunt of Sandra Smolinsky
Donna Van Slyke*, daughter of Lorraine
Sara Wayne, mother of Sharon Naiman
Sandy Berkowitz, father of Lori Harris
Clarita Bonder, aunt of Nora Keisman
Pearl Casden, aunt of Joan Kirschenbaum
Bruce Kort, father of Rachel Kort
Susan Margolis, mother of Jeff Margolis
Allan Rothman*, uncle of Gary Rothman
Elisha Elisha, father of Amy Gazzar
Rita Mann, mother of Amy Blank
Jack Nahan, grandfather of Betty Drader
Marshall Naiman, father-in-law of Sharon
Dorothy Sokol, grandmother of Karen
David Sterns, father of Daniel Sterns
Edward Varney, father of Nina Savlov
Murray Weinstein*, father of Sandy Weinstein
Gerald Cohen, cousin of Michael Rubel
Sylvia Asner*, mother of Bart Asner
Teddi Lipton, mother of Sheri Lipton
Robert Norman, father of Gary Norman
Enrique Szpringer, cousin of Nora Keisman
Toivo Karianinen, father of Millie Goldschmitt
Florence Nachshen*, mother of Shiffra Crane
Janet Sternberg, mother of Elliot Sternberg
Benny Tee, father of Lonnie Tee
Lee Trimble, father of Jody Sandberg
Arthur Waltzman, brother of Herbert
Bela Hajnal, grandfather of Natalie Young
Benjamin Kasman, husband of Sarah Kasman
Gilberte Lareau, grandmother of Natalie
Jeffrey Allyn, brother of Flo Barker
Florence Grolnick, mother/mother in-law of
Pete and Jane Moss
Frederick Stein, father of Sue Greenfield and
grandfather of Carolyn Kappes
Wayne Wolfson, brother of Sharon Wolfson
Diane Eskow, Wife of Sheldon Eskow
Herbert Kriegstein, father of Barry Kriegstein
Sarah Brenessel*, grandmother of Glenda
Rose Lowsky, grandmother of Linda Eisenberg
Ann Plocker, mother of Suzan Berns
Joy Remer, mother of Teena Robinson
Irina Visotskaya, mother of Ganna Levitin
Tovah Yechezkiel, cousin of Avi and Shiffra
Saul Gilson*, uncle of David Mirsky
Moshe Raditi, father of Tilly Levine
Willard Resnick, friend of Marvin Gordon
Sally Sherman, grandmother of Debra Whaley
July 10/11
Walter Hallgarten, father of Henry Hallgarten
Doris Jaffa, mother of Audrey Grider
Samuel Manaccus, uncle of Audrey Shieldkret
Leonard Sandler, brother of Frances Gale
Michael Goldstein*, brother of Rob Goldstein
Bessie Maskin, aunt of Stanley Levy
Joe Planto, grandfather of Rikki Landoff
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 26
In Memoriam (continued)
Shirley Rogoff, sister in-law of Joan Karver
Audrey Green, grandmother of Hailey Potok
Charles Nadel, grandfather of Jason Grumet
Nathan Sommer, grandfather of Terry Hanna
Solomn Fink, father of Linda Dater
Hugo Goldschmitt, father of Harry
Harry Lange*, father of Susan Riesz
Ed Wax, step-father of Michael Abramovitz
Tobias Eliahou, father of Albert Gazzar
Manuel Needle**, father of Geraldine Weiss
Rose Shayness, grandmother of Brian Leish
July 17/18
Michael Hofmann*, brother of Sherri Krause
Edith Davidson, mother of Linda Lander
Jamile Diwan, mother of Fortunee Tawil
Berte Fink*, grandmother of Kymberly
Alan Greber, father of Andrew Greber
Veronica Schwartz, mother of Penny Tee
Ida Wolfson, mother of Sharon Wolfson
Abraham Angel, father of Katherine Angel
Ethel Danto, grandmother of Karen Anapoell
and mother of Lawrence Danto
Phyllis Ledeen, mother of Kathy DeLiema
Jacqueline Weiss, mother of Evan Weiss
Frances Bloom, grandmother of Kimberly
Sylvia Cohen, grandmother of Jill Klein and
mother of Bruce Rasner
Daniel Marcus*, father of Milton & Mildred
Celia Milchiker**, mother of Michael Milchiker
Vernon Rosenberg, grandfather of Lori Covey
Arnold Yavitt **, father of Susan Brown
Bessie Zeramby, mother-in-law of Fay
Cynthia Blank, mother of Allen Blank
Carolyn Chernin*, sister of Lorraine Kramer
Eunice Dobrofsky*, mother of David
Paul Drotman, father-in-law of Gilda DrotmanBierman
Morris Greenberg, father of Jay Greenberg
Arthur Kaufman**, father of Norbert Kaufman
David Knight, of Susan Deutsch
Harris Shapero, father of Bradley Shapero
Jerome Weiss, father of Andrew Weiss
June Bauman, mother of Vicki Meursing
Milton Schlesinger, father of Gale Schlesinger
July 24/25
Steven Andron, father of Carin Ong
Ethel Kravitz, mother of Jill Birch
William Nussen, father of Joy Timsit
Brenda Smiley*, mother of Evan Smiley
Ely Frank**, father of Louis Frank
Estelle Marks, mother of Kenneth Marks
Allen Kite*, father of Dennis Kite
Margaret Minzer, grandmother of Rikki
Theresa Schaeffer, great grandmother of Terry
Chaim Cherry**, father-in-law of Barbara
Sally Fine, grandmother of Nancy Kiefer
Lillian Greengus*, mother of Marlene Beach
Bert Horowitz, grandmother of Ken Moses
Rhoda Schack**, wife of William Schack
Gladys Silberling*, mother of Terry Fierle
Harry Hillman*, grandfather of Dennis Kite
Donald Koff, father of Jeff Koff
Eleanor Senter, mother of Sheri Senter
Judith Eisenberg, sister of Susan Samueli
Dorothy Goldman, mother of Noel Schnayer
Sadie Roth, mother of Howard Roth
Bernard Rubel, father of Fredric Rubel
July 31/August 1
Lucy Thurman, mother of Pat Goldman
Betty Guggenheimer, mother of Stan Leemon
Walter Hofmann*, father of Sherri Krause
Richard Isen, father of Bruce Isen
Max Kerr, father of Grace Landa
Maurice Schwartz, father of Stefanie Schwartz
William Yates, uncle of Julia Ribak
Marvin Drotman*, husband of Gilda DrotmanBierman
Michael Frank, brother of Deborah Brown
Dr. Paul Kushner, father of Kenneth Kushner
Morris Stevens*, father of Howard Stevens
Miriam Bennell, mother of Mollie Lazarus
Gertrude Cohen, mother of Robert Cohen
Lazarus Fishbon, father of Norma Levenson
Esther Reisch**, mother of Sidney Reisch
Marty Rothman*, father of Gary Rothman
Gertrude Tucker, grandmother of Marc Sacks
Eva Welland, mother of George Welland
Rose Dater, mother of Harvey Dater
Connie Hofmann*, mother of Sherri Krause
Olga Kariainen, mother of Millie Goldschmitt
Michael Kutner, father of Frances Cohen
Jacob Schwartz, father of Penny Tee
Rose Slutsky, mother of Sandy Hutto
Max Freedman**, father of Bernard Freedman
Marion Schlesinger*, mother of Gale
Barbara Sickle, sister of George Welland
Robert Wall, brother of Nancy Blum
August 7/8
Max Dolensky, father of Alan Dolensky
Alvin Feinberg, father of Linda Kutner
Lewis Karpf*, father of Douglas Karpf
Al Hartenstein, stepfather of Gary Rotter
Sydelle Rosenberg, grandmother of Lori
Eva Scherer, grandmother of Arthur
Roberta Segal, mother-in-law of Sheldon
Joan Seligsohn, mother of Bruce Seligsohn
Louis Cherry**, husband of Barbara Cherry
and father of Roxanne Cherry
Jack Rice, father of Rochelle Zagalsky
Pauline Bardach, sister-in-law of Stanley Levy
Charles Harris, father of Arlene Holtzman
Vernice Holliday, grandmother of Patricia
Fannie Cherry, mother-in-law of Barbara
Sarah Cohen*, mother of Lee Barker
Jack Gluskin*, father of Miriam Hillburn
Charles Lubock*, father of Paul Lubock
Robert Olin, father of Sherry Mencher
Irwin Resnick, father of Joyce Marr
Sam Dater, father of Harvey Dater
Louise Forman, aunt of Lori Covey
Jeri Held, sister of Laurie Held
Leonard King, brother of Mildred Levine
Marshall Moskowitz, father of Carol Roane
Charlie Shafer, cousin of Lori Covey
Esther Cohen, aunt of Sharon Devor
Andrea Krause*, granddaughter of Sunny
Betty Levine, grandmother of Joanie
August 14/15
Hyman Cohen, father of Robert Cohen
Sofia Kats, mother of Eugenia Igolnikov
Irwin Sherman*, father of Susan Sherman
Ruth Shulman, mother in-law of Allyn JaffreyShulman
Fay Freeman, grandmother of Amy
Kenny Mucha, cousin of Laura Rothman
Ralph Silverman*, husband of Marilyn
Ann Visnov, grandmother of Bev Kritzstein
George Bauer, father of Lynn Wiederman
Bernard Kriegstein, grandfather of Barry
Jacqueline Drexler, mother of Bonnie Kehe
and Karen Morchy
Johanna Feuerstein, aunt of George Pollak
Abraham Pearlman*, father of Michael
Floyd Stein**, father of Martin Stein
Irving Fishman, father of Joan Moss
Baghi Kohanteb, father of Mansour Kohanteb
Sigmont Brenessel*, grandfather of Glenda
Rose Brown, grandmother of Kimberly
Joseph Cherry**, in-law of Barbara Cherry
Dorothea Hallgarten, mother of Henry
Marion Levine**, mother of Joel Levine
Mikki Goldstein*, mother of Rob Goldstein
Irena Seligsohn-Rudoffer, remembered by
Bruce Seligsohn
August 21/22
Joseph Brown, grandfather of Kimberly
Shirley Eisenberg*, mother of Lawrence
Libby Fremer, mother of Laura Gutell
Jack Goldman**, father of Howard Goldman
Arnold Grothamn, father of Mary Jo Pelton
Edith Kalick, mother of Sandi Brager
Edward Lange, brother of Susan Riesz
Leah Pariser, sister of Bernard Freedman
Lorraine Rubenstein, mother of Craig
Elaine Sipelstein*, mother of Debbi Kuhn
Michael Alterbaum*, ex-husband of Barbara
Charles Berg, father of Sondra Berg
Morris Boxer, uncle of John Scher
William Gilson*, cousin of David Mirsky
Herbert Schronk, brother of Nitza Talby
Robert Stern, father of Heidi Penkava
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 27
In Memoriam (continued)
Israel Talby, brother of Nitza Talby
Charlotte Golkin, mother of Randie Golkin
Howard Ledeen, father of Kathy DeLiema
Isaac Politis, nephew of Fortunee Tawil
Irene Roberts, aunt of Herbert Waltzman
Cynthia Scherer, mother of Arthur Wiederman
Joseph Galatz, brother of Pauline Sloan
William Gurewitz, father of Bernard Garwin
Sam Keith, father of Robin Keith
Shepherd Morris, father of Robert Morris
Barry Price, brother of Steven Price
Victor Salz*, father of Paulina Pollak
Steven Olin, brother of Sherry Mencher
Sarah Sloan, mother-in-law of Pauline Sloan
Ruth Nadel, grandmother of Jason Grumet
Samuel Stein, father of Richard Stein
Charles Berg, husband of Gerene Levy
Lillian Brill*, aunt of Glenda Rosen
Stanley Oransky, father of Andrew Oransky
Jesus Valadez, father of Jesus Valadez
Jeffrey Moses, brother of Ken Moses
Sofya Shevelyova, mother of Alexander
Jerry Karver, brother-in-law of Joan Karver
Dora Stein, mother of Richard Stein
Billy Baker, nephew of Patricia Baker
Brenda Baker, niece of Patricia Baker
Robert Ijams, father of Scott Ijams
Jennie Berkowitz**, grandmother of Michael
Esther Steinsapir, mother of Joan Rubel
Albert Welland, father of George Welland
Sylvia Farber, aunt of Sharon Devor
Selma Locke, mother of Honey Locke
Mildred Moss, mother of Pete Moss
Rebecca Wall, mother of Nancy Blum
August 28/29
Rena Kulick*, mother-in-law of Debra Kulick
Sean Okin, cousin of Stan Leemon
Rose Samuel, aunt of Julia Ribak
Leon Schwartz*, father of Jo Anne Simon
Ira Wafel, Husband of Gale Schlesinger
Samuel Zeldin, grandfather of Robert
Betty Matoff, great-aunt of Kathy Shapiro
Anne Weisenberg, mother of Sharri Coker
Piba Bonder, aunt of Nora Keisman
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Our Condolences to...
Daniel Akiva and family on the loss of his
grandfather, Jacob Zubli
Jeri Leibson and family on the loss of her mother,
Sylvia Amber
Steve Binder and Debbie Sternberg and families
on the loss of their mother, Frances G. Binder
Tilly Levine and family on the loss of her mother,
Dalia Roditi
Carrie DeHaaff Chotiner and family on the loss
of her father, Dr. Robert Coblens, and her
daughter-in-law, Sarah DeHaaff
Stan Levy and family on the loss of his wife and
temple member, Leah Levy
Ivan Nathanson and family on the loss of his
father, Mel Nathanson
Ron Feiner and family on the loss of his wife and
temple member, Abby Feiner
Sandy Rothberg and family on the loss of her
mother, Gloria Freedman
Alan Fenning and family on the loss of his father,
Phillip Fenning
Penny Tee and family on the loss of her aunt,
Sonya Rappaport
Susan Goldman and family on the loss of her
father, Jacob Frankel
Jerry Weintraub and family on the loss of his
mother, Belle Weintraub
Alison Herson and family on the loss of her
mother, Elinor Pavon Oziel
Harvey Kramer and family on the loss of his wife
and temple member, Phyllis Kramer
Suzy Young and family on the loss of her mother,
Maxine Plotkin
Chicken Soup wishing a full & speedy recovery to...
Renee & Bill Adler
Harold Hutto
Mildred Levine
Joanie Triestman
Lida Gerenraich
Lori Koff
Anita Silver
Kathleen Gibney
Mary & Al Leavitt
Jake Tatel
Sam Hahn
Stan Levin
Sue Treshansky
Page 28
Rabbis’ Corner (continued)
Rabbi Kort (continued from
page 24)
wore a kippah at my temple and while I
knew that there were women rabbis out
there, I had never met one.
Today, as I look out at our congregation
from the bima, I see women and girls
of all ages wearing kippot: lacey kippot,
beaded kippot, tie dye kippot. Each
woman is expressing herself and her
Judaism; no one is dressing up like a boy.
My personal reasons for wearing a kippah
are not all that different from when
I started wearing the lace kippah my
mom made for me at age nine. Wearing
a kippah is a way for me to be more
mindful of my relationship with God.
Kippot for me take on collective meaning
in addition to the individual.
When I see another woman or girl
wearing a kippah, it is a physical reminder
or sign of how far women have come
in having more equal opportunities for
learning, engagement, and leadership in
our American Jewish community.
experienced in my own Orange County
upbringing? While I am certain today
that the voices in my head that day were
imaginary, it prompted me to decide
to wear it all the time, becoming for
me more than just a personal spiritual
choice. It is a choice to make visible my
Jewish identity. It is a choice make visible
a way that I am different than others. It
is a choice to invite the varied ways that
the world perceives Jews directly into
my space – whether with admiration,
criticism, hate, or simple curiosity. It is a
choice to bring awareness to my actions,
not only regarding my relationship with
God, but as a reflection upon the Jewish
Wearing a kippah has also allowed all the
hidden Jews around me to come out of
the woodwork. Whether it’s the food
sample lady at Costco that wishes me a
Hag Sameakh, or the bellboy in Mexico
that wishes
Rabbi K’vod (continued from
page 1)
In the Talmud, covering one’s
head was described as a way to
cultivate awe of God and in the
text, various rabbis are described
as taking on this practice. While
later Jewish tradition is divided
on whether it is mandated or
optional to cover one’s head,
the early sources describe it
as a praiseworthy practice to
remind the individual of God’s
presence. It was this intention
that motivated me to wear a kippah
during Shabbat at summer camp.
While my motivation was originally
spiritual, something happened that
first summer that added a new layer
of meaning about the kippah for me.
It was my day off, and on Saturday, I
went with some friends to the small
mountain town of Groveland to get
some supplies and hang out, wearing
my kippah for the first time in public. As
I walked through a small general store, I
imagined that all eyes were on me and
my kippah. “There goes that Jew,” the
voices in my head sneered. And I felt a
fear I had never known before. Was it
thousands of years of persecution in the
collective unconscious that I was tapping
into, or just the subtle anti-Semitism I
me Shabbat Shalom, I am constantly
aware that I am part of a people, a tribe,
wherever I go, and I am never alone.
Ultimately, the wearing of a kippah is
for me a spiritual act – not only because
of the added awareness it brings to my
actions, but because of the connections
and opportunities for dialogue it creates
all around me.
Cantor Young (continued from page 1)
informed choice, leaving the decision to
wear ritual garb up to each individual.
Page 29
Many congregations have worked with
their ritual committee to come up with a
synagogue policy on ritual garb for those
playing an active role in worship services.
People wear kippot for many different
reasons. For many, it is a sign of respect
for God and a reminder that God is
always present. Wearing a kippah can
bring God into our consciousness as we
interact with people and go about our
day. Putting the kippah on changes them
from the inside and what they project
I have friends who wear a kippah as a
kind of uniform and feel that it is one
of the ways they can be identified by
others. They feel it is important that they
wear it out in the community when they
are working as a representative of their
Understanding that “tradition” is what
we each grew up with, I don’t feel
comfortable telling others what to wear
when they come to the synagogue. For
someone who has gone their entire life
without wearing a kippah because it
went against their community’s
ritual practice, forcing them to
wear a kippah could make an
individual very uncomfortable
and possibly reluctant to
attend services. Informed choice
in our personal observances doesn’t
impact the congregation as a
whole, but rather can open up
our eyes to the rich and diverse
traditions brought by the many
indivuals that make up our
community. However, I do believe
that we need to open ourselves up to
experience new ritual practices so that
we may have the opportunity to discover
the depths of our spiritual selves beyond
what we already know.
4:30pm Hebrew
6pm Men’s Club
Shmooze Night
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
4pm Homemade
4pm Shabbat Chai
5:25pm Here Comes
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
10am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot
Shabbat Playspace
6pm Gala
7:30pm 2nd
Shabbat: Israel’s
Democracy: Where
Are We Going from
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
6:30pm BESTY Sci-Fi
Lounge Night
4:30pm Hebrew
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7pm People of the
5:30pm Coffee Chat
7pm By Law
6am-11am Fishing
at Irvine Lake
4pm Tzedakah
11:30am Daytime
4:30pm Last Hebrew Book Club
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
4pm Shabbat Chai
5:25pm Here Comes
9:30am Men’s Club Shabbat
Breakfast (Coco’s on 5:30pm Coffee Chat
Crown Valley in MV) 6pm Kabbalat
7pm Maps of Reality Shabbat Service with
the Band of Milk and
7:15pm 6/7th Grade
Shabbat Dinner
8pm Prayersong
7:30pm Shabbat
23 Erev Shavuot
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
7pm Tikkun Leil
6:30pm BESTY
Elections Lounge
24 Shavuot Day I
6am Shavuot
Sunrise Services (on
the beach & at the
25 Memorial Day
Shavuot Day II
Temple Offices &
Schools Closed
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Ashlyn
Springer Bat
8:30pm Ma’ariv
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Shabbat
Service, choir sings
9:30am Shavuot
Services with Yizkor
4pm Tzedakah
Board & Teen
Page 30
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Ethan
Federman and
Charles Gravitt B’nai
11:30am TBE
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
4pm Last Shabbat
5:25pm Here Comes
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
10am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot
Shabbat Playspace
7:15pm Mitzvah
Shabbat Dinner &
8-10am Fun on the
Water (Dana Point
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7pm People of the
9:30am Men’s Club
Breakfast (Coco’s on
Crown Valley in MV)
7:30pm Shabbat
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
7pm Havdalah in
the Park
Deadline to order
Reform High Holy
Day Prayer Books
11:30am Daytime
Book Club
7pm Annual
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
9am Torah Study
7:30pm Shabbat
Service, choir sings
Conservative Service
& MarcAntonio
Murillo Bar Mitzvah
10am Reform
Service & Isabelle
Gorlick & Shelby
Groussman B’not
11am BESTY Beach
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
Page 31
3 Independence
Day Observed
Temple Offices &
Schools Closed
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
(Outdoor Shabbat)
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
9:30am Men’s Club
Breakfast (Coco’s on
Crown Valley in MV)
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat service in
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Jordyn
Bitton Bat Mitzvah
7pm Havdalah in
the Park
BESTY Summer
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
11:30am Daytime
Book Club
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat service in
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Jane
Griffin Bat Mitzvah
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat service in
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Arad
Elkayam Bar Mitzvah
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
Tisha B’Av
7:30pm Healing
26 Tisha B’Av
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Shabbat
Service, choir sings
Page 32
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Lauren
Shulman Bat
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
10am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot
Shabbat Playspace
7am Childspree
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7pm People of
the Book Planning
9:30am Men’s Club
Breakfast (Coco’s on
Crown Valley in MV)
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
(Outdoor Shabbat)
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Noah
Batterton Bar
BESTY Summer
7pm Havdalah in
the Park
11:30am Daytime
Book Club
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
with the Band of
Milk and Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform
Service & Ben
Schwartzman & Sam
Tullis B’nai Mitzvah
7:30pm Shabbat
Service, choir sings
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
7pm Spiritual
Preparation for High
Holy Days
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
Page 33
Temple Beth El
of South Orange County
The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism
2A Liberty ~ Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3372 ~ Phone: 949.362.3999 ~ fax: 949.362.5323 ~
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Closed Legal and Religious Holidays.
Although the office may be closed, our voice mail system is always on.
Please leave your name, telephone number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES *Indicates an Executive Committee Member
Michael Goldfader
VP Governance*
Ross Klein
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Evan Wohl
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Sarah Wood
VP Development & Finance*
Miriam Hillburn
[email protected]
Men’s Club President
Alan Dolensky
VP Judaism in Action*
Leslie Tatel
[email protected]
VP Membership & Communication*
Stuart Wolfe
[email protected]
Senior Rabbi
Rabbi Peter Levi
VP Education*
Firuzeh Claar
[email protected]
Director of Jewish Engagement
Rabbi Rachel Kort
ext 102 [email protected]
[email protected]
Assistant Rabbi
Rabbi K’vod Wieder
Brad Shapiro
Rosemary Stevens
Trustee at Large
Glenn Bier
ext 101 [email protected]
ext 106 [email protected]
Cantor Natalie Young
ext 105 [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Executive Director
Bonni Pomush
Trustee at Large
Phyllis Blanc
[email protected]
Director, Early Childhood Center
Terry Fierle
ext 317 [email protected]
Trustee at Large
Shirley Einbund
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Myka Thompson
ext 316 [email protected]
Trustee at Large
Rob Ervais
[email protected]
Accounting Manager
Pam Uber
Trustee at Large
Rob Fecher
[email protected]
Religious School Assistant
Nina Brody
ext 214 [email protected]
Trustee at Large
Howie Fox
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Jody Margolis
[email protected]
[email protected]
Event Coordinators
Linda Lander
Rochelle Pazornik
Trustee at Large
Brian Selvan
[email protected]
Youth Group Advisor
Chavva Olander
Trustee at Large
William Spector
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Lois Weiss
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Sheri Saladow
Page 34
ext 213 [email protected]
ext 112 [email protected]
ext 401
949.916.9965, [email protected]
949.831.6545, [email protected]
[email protected]