10th International Workshop ESPS - NIS 2014 Epitaxial Semiconductors On Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces 10th International Workshop on Epitaxial Semiconductors on Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces July 20 - 23, 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria PROGRAM Map of Traunkirchen Hotel Post Seehotel Lecture Hall Monastery Train Station: “Traunkirchen Ort“ Seehotel Hotel Post Lecture Hall in former monastery 10th International Workshop on Epitaxial Semiconductors on Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces July 20 - 23, 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Program Organizer Institut für Halbleiter- und Festkörperphysik Johannes Kepler Universität A-4040 Linz Austria 10th International Workshop on Epitaxial Semiconductors on Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces Traunkirchen, Austria Chairs Armando Rastelli (University of Linz) Gunther Springholz (University of Linz) Javier Martín-Sánchez (University of Linz) Program Committee Gerhard Abstreiter (WSI, München, Germany) Paola Atkinson (INSP, Paris, France) Erik Bakkers (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) Isabelle Berbezier (IM2NP-CNRS Marseille, France) Knut Deppert (Lund University, Sweden)* Jerrold Floro (University of Virginia, USA) Takashi Fukui (Hokkaido University, Japan) Lutz Geelhaar (Paul Drude Institut Berlin, Germany) Detlev Grützmacher (Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany) Mircea Guina (TU Tampere, Finland) Mohamed Henini (University of Nottingham, UK) Mark Hopkinson (University of Sheffield, UK) Eli Kapon (EPFL-Lausanne, Switzerland) Leo Miglio (University Milano-Bicocca, Italy) Richard Nötzel (UPM Madrid, Spain) Emanuele Pelucchi (Tyndall, Ireland) Johann-Peter Reithmaier (University of Kassel, Germany) Kazuaki Sakoda (NIMS Tsukuba, Japan) Stefano Sanguinetti (L-NESS Como, Italy) Oliver G. Schmidt (IFW Dresden, Germany) Kang Wang (UCLA Los Angeles, USA)* Zhenyang Zhong (Fudan University, China) Organizing Committee Armando Rastelli (University of Linz) Gunther Springholz (University of Linz) Javier Martín-Sánchez (University of Linz) Susanne Schwind (University of Linz) Stephan Bräuer (University of Linz) 1 Foreword Welcome to Traunkirchen, Austria and the 10th International Workshop on Epitaxial Semiconductors on Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces ! ESPS-NIS focuses on recent developments in epitaxial growth of semiconductor nanostructures on non-planar patterned, vicinal or high-indexed surfaces. Prepatterning and novel index surfaces are highly interesting and technologically important since they display many intriguing properties that may be exploited to obtain new fundamental insights in the mechanisms of self-assembly and self-organization and enable a variety of interesting scientific and industrial applications. These features range from engineering of nucleation sites for nanostructure growth to novel electronic properties for integration in photonic devices. ESPS-NIS 2014 brings together about 60 researchers and scientist from all over the world working in the field of growth, modeling, characterization and device applications, with the previous workshops held in 2012 in Eindhoven, 2010 in Como and 2008 in Marseille. The workshop spans three days from July 21st to 23rd, 2014 and features 1 plenary and 19 invited speakers and 23 contributed presentations who will provide an comprehensive overview of the current and future research directions in the field. The aim is to provide a forum for intensive discussion and a high level of interaction in an informal environment. The principal topics include: ● Self-assembly and site-control of nanowires and quantum dots ● Advanced nanopattering and growth on patterned substrates ● Novel materials including semiconductors, topological insulators, graphene and layered materials ● Novel nanomorphlogies on vicinal and high-indexed surfaces ● In situ and in vivo growth studies ● Fundamental mechanisms and modelling of growth ● Structural, electronic, optical and transport properties of nanostructures ● Photonic structures ● Nanodevice fabrication and applications As social events, there will be a welcome reception, a boat trip on the Traunsee lake with the conference Banquet and a visit to Gmunden, as well as an optional full day excursion to Bad Ischl and the Schafberg mountain after the scientific program. We hope you will enjoy the conference with its exciting scientific program, social events and pleasant surroundings of one of the most beautiful spots in the Austrian Alps. Gunther Springholz 2 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Program of ESPS-NIS 2014 Sunday, July 20: 17:00 – 18:00 Registration, 18:00 – 19:30 Reception, 19:30 Dinner Monday Morning, July 21 8:45 – 8:55 Opening Session 1: Site-controlled QDs Chairman: Armando Rastelli 8:55 – 9:40 Growth of site-controlled III-nitride semiconductor nanowire quantum dots for application Y. Arakawa (invited), M. Holmes1, K. Choi1, M. Arita1, and S. Kako Center for Photonic and Electronic Convergence, Institute of Industrial Science (CPEC-IIS) Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics (Nano-Quine) .............................................. 15 9:40 – 10:10 Positioning Quantum Dots on GaAs substrates: A scalable platform for quantum emitters C. Schneider1 (invited), V. Baumann1 , S. Maier 1, P. Gold1, T. Heindel2, M. Gschrey2, S. Rodt2, A. Forchel1, S. Reitzenstein2, S. Höfling3, and M. Kamp1 1 Technische Physik and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen-Center for Complex Material Systems, University Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, 2 Institut für Festkörperphysik, TU Berlin, Hardenbergstrasse 36, 10623 Berlin, Germany 3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, St. Andrews KY16 9SS, UK ........... 16 10:10 – 10:30 Ordered InAs Quantum Dots for Quantum Photonics by Combination of Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Nanoimprint Lithography T.V. Hakkarainen1*, J. Tommila1, V. Belykh2, E. Heinonen3, A. Schramm1, M. Guina1 1 Optoelectronics Research Centre, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland 2 P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 3 Center of Microscopy and Nanotechnology, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland .......................... 18 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break Session 2: Site-control of QDs in Photonic Crystals Chairman: Gregor Koblmüller 11:00 – 11:30 Using growth anisotropy to control the position of InAs self-assembled quantum dots Allan Bracker (invited), Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 20375, USA.................. 19 11:30 -11:50 On-chip transmission of quantum light from a site-controlled quantum dot Joanna Skiba-Szymanska,1 Sokratis Kalliakos,1 Ayesha Jamil,2 Andre Schwagmann,1,2 Martin B. Ward,1 Yarden Brody,1,2 David J. P. Ellis,1 Ian Farrer,2 Jonathan P. Griffiths,2 Geb A. C. Jones,2 David A. Ritchie,2 and Andrew J. Shields1 1 Cambridge Research Laboratory, Toshiba Research Europe Limited, 208 Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0GZ, United Kingdom, 2 Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK ..................................................................... 21 11:50 -12:10 Site-Controlled SiGe Islands in a 2D Photonic Crystal Slab R. Jannesari, F. Hackl, E. Lausecker, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler, T. Fromherz, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Johannes Kepler University, 4040 Linz, Austria.................... 22 12:10 -12:30 Integration of site- and spectrum -controlled pyramidal quantum dots with photonic crystal membrane cavities A. Lyasota, B. Dwir, P. Gallo, C. Jarlov, B. Rigal, A. Rudra and E. Kapon Laboratory for the physics of nanostructures (LPN), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland ............................. 24 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch (Hotel Post) 3 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Monday Afternoon, July 21 Session 3: Nanowires Chairman: Frederik Karlsson 14:00 – 14:30 Strong infrared, lasing and THz emission from site-selective (In,Ga)As nanowires on patterned Si J. Treu1, B. Mayer1, S. Morkötter1, S. Hertenberger1, D. Rudolph1, A. Arlauskas2, A.Krotkus2, G. Abstreiter1,3, J. J. Finley1, and G. Koblmüller1 (invited), 1 Walter Schottky Institut and Physik Department, TU Munich, D-85748 Garching, Germany 2 Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, LT-01180 Vilnius, Lithuania 3 Institute for Advanced Study, TU Munich, D-85748 Garching, Germany ..................................... 26 14:30 – 15:00 III-V nanowires for light emission on a Si platform L. Geelhaar (invited), Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117 Berlin, Germany ........ 27 15:00 – 15:30 Quantifying Defect Formation in Nanowire-based Heterostructures Sònia Conesa-Boj1(invited), Francesca Boioli4,Ϯ, Eleonora Russo-Averchi1, Sylvain Dunand2, Martin Heiss1, Daniel Rüffer1, Nicolas Wyrsch2, Christophe Ballif2,3, Leo Miglio4, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral1,* 1 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratoire des Matériaux Semiconducteurs (LMSC), 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Institute of Microengineering (IMT), Photovoltaics and Thin Film Electronics Laboratory, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 3 Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 4 University Milano-Bicocca, L-NESS Department Materials Science, 20125 Milano, Italy ........ 28 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break Session 4: Nanowires & Growth Studies Chairman: Lutz Geelhaar 16:00 – 16:30 InSb nanowire networks D. Car1, M.A. Verheijen1,2, I. van Weperen3, J. Kammhuber3, S.M. Frolov3,4, L.P. Kouwenhoven3 , E.P.A.M. Bakkers1,3 and S.R. Plissard3,5(invited) 1 Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands. 2 Philips Innovation Services Eindhoven, High Tech Campus 11, 5656AE Eindhoven, Netherlands 3 Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, 2628CJ Delft, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, 3943 O'Hara Street, 15260 Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 5 LAAS-CNRS, Université de Toulouse, 7 avenue colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France ...... 30 16:30 -17:00 Exotic crystal structure Nanowires H. I. T. Hauge 1(invited), M. A. Verheijen 1, 2, A. Li 1, S. Assali 1 and E.P.A.M. Bakkers 1, 3 1 Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Philips Innovation Services, 5656 AE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands 3 Delft University of Technology, 2600 GA Delft, the Netherlands ................................................ 31 17:00 -17:15 InAs nanowires on textured Si (100) substrates T. Rieger, D. Rosenbach, S. Heedt, G. Mussler, Th. Schäpers, M. I. Lepsa, D. Grützmacher Peter Grünberg Institute and JARA-FIT, Forschungszentrum Jülich,52425 Jülich, Germany ....... 32 17:15 -17:45 Reverse Epitaxy on Semiconductor Surfaces X. Ou (invited), R. Hübner, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, S. Facsko, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), 01314 Dresden, Germany ............................... 35 18:00 – 19:30 Dinner (Hotel Post) 4 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Monday Evening, July 21 18:00 – 19:30 Dinner (Hotel Post) Session 5: Site-Controlled Quantum Dots Chairman: Friedrich Schäffler 19:30 – 19:45 Growth and characterization of site-controlled InAs quantum dots on pre-patterned GaAs substrates P. Krawiec, M. Usman, J.P. Reithmaier, and M. Benyoucef Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics (INA), Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology (CINSaT), University of Kassel, Germany ...................... 36 19:45 – 20:00 Photoluminescence of dislocation-free Ge quantum well micro-crystals on patterned Si substrates F. Isa1,2, F. Pezzoli3, C. V. Falub1, E. Müller4, G. Isella2, T. Kreiliger1, A. G. Taboada1, E. Grilli3, H. von Känel1, L. Miglio3 1 Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich, Otto-Stern-Weg 1, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland 2 L-NESS and Department of Physics, Politecnico di Milano, Via Anzani 42, I-22100 Como, Italy 3 L-NESS, Department of Materials Science, Università di Milano-Bicocca, via Cozzi 55, I-20126 Milano, Italy, 4 Electron Microscopy Center, ETH Zürich, Auguste-Piccard-Hof 1, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland ......................................................................................................................... 38 20:00 -20:15 Enhancement of Light Extraction from Photonic Crystals Slabs with Aligned Ge-Quantum Dot Emitters M. Schatzl, R. Jannesari, F. Hackl, M. Glaser, T. Fromherz, F. Schäffler Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Johannes Kepler University, A-4040 Linz, Austria ................ 40 20:15 – 20:30 Three-dimensional Ge/Si quantum dot crystals with small periodicities G. Mussler1, C. Dais2, D. Grützmacher1, H. H. Solak2, T. Fromherz3, J. Stangl3 1 Peter Grünberg Institute 9, Research Center Jülich, Leo Brandt Str., 52425 Jülich, Germany 2 Eulithia AG, Industriestrasse Althau 1, 5303 Würenlingen, Switzerland 3 Institute for semiconductor physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria............................ 42 20:30 -20:45 Towards the Deterministic Coupling of a Single Quantum Dot to a Photonic Crystal Cavity Mode: Epitaxial re-growth of GaAs-based photonic crystal microcavities containing site control InAs Quantum Dot J. Herranz, I. Prieto, L. Wewior, B. Alén, D. Fuster, L. González, P.A. Postigo and Y. González IMM-Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (CNM-CSIC), Isaac Newton 8, PTM, E-28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain ................................................................................... 45 20:45 -21:00 Ge quantum dot wires on a patterned Si substrate: growth, transport and spin properties N.P. Stepina, Zh.V. Smagina, A.F. Znovieva, V.A. Zinoviev, A.V. Nenashev, A.V. Dvurechenskii Institute of Semiconductor Physics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia ................................................... 46 5 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Tuesday Morning, July 22 Session 6: Modelling Chairman: Christoph Deneke 9:00 – 9:30 Continuum modeling of lattice-mismatched heteroepitaxy: intermixing, dislocations, and complex topological changes Francesco Montalenti (invited) L-NESS and Materials Science Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan (Italy) ............ 48 9:30 – 10:00 Evolution of SiGe islands on pit-patterned substrates monitored by Ge surface diffusion T. Fromherz1 *, F. Hackl1, E. Lausecker1, R. Jannesari1, M. Grydlik2, M. Brehm2, M. Glaser, F. Schäffler1, G. Bauer1 (invited) 1 Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Johannes Kepler University, 4040 Linz, Austria 2 Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, IFW Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany ......................... 49 10:00 – 10:20 Modelling patterned substrate growth by MOVPE: from equilibrium to transient dynamics V. Dimastrodonato1, G. Juska1, T. H. Chung1, P. A. Zestanakis2, D. D. Vvedensky2, and E. Pelucchi1* 1 Tyndall National Institute, Dyke parade, Cork, Ireland 2 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom ................................................................... 50 10:20 – 10:50 Coffee break Session 7: Fundamental Growth Studies Chairman: Gunther Springholz 10:50 – 11:20 Growth Mechanism and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Semimetallic Rare-Earth-V Nanostructures Embedded in III-V Semiconductors J.K. Kawasaki1, B.D. Schultz2 and C.J. Palmstrøm1,2 (invited) 1 Materials Department and 2Deptartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA .............................................................. 52 11:20 -11:50 Doping and Annealing of Epitaxial Ge-QDs and the Wetting Layer - a Surface Science Study G. Ramalingam, C.A. Nolph, K.R.Simov, P. Reinke (invited) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, 395 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904, U.S.A ............................................................... 54 11:50 -12:10 In situ STM studies on Ge nanowire growth on singular and vicinal Si (001) substrates Christian Grossauer and Gunther Springholz Johannes Kepler University, Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria ................................................................................... 56 12:15 – 18:00 Excursion: Boat Trip on Traunsee and Visit to Gmunden 6 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Tuesday Evening, July 22 18:00 – 19:30 Dinner (Hotel Post) Session 8: Strain and Electronic Properties Chairman: Javier Martin-Sanchez 19:30 – 19:45 Nanomorphology of InP on AlInAs during early stages of strain-free heteroepitaxy by MOVPE A. Gocalinska1, M. Manganaro1, G. Juska, V. Dimastrodonato1, K. Thomas1, B.A. Joyce2, J. Zhang2, D. D. Vvedensky2, and E. Pelucchi1 1 Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, “Lee Maltings," Dyke Parade, Cork, Ireland 2 The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom............ 58 19:45 – 20:00 Study of defects management in (11-22) GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrate F. Tendille1, P. De Mierry1, P. Vennéguès1, S. Chenot1, M. Tesseire1, L. Kappei1 1 CRHEA-CNRS (Centre de Recherches sur l’Hétéro-Epitaxie et ses Applications), Sophia Antipolis, Rue Bernard Grégory, 06560 Valbonne, France................................................ 61 20:00 – 20:15 Strain monitoring in elongated nanowires located in SOI based straining devices using nano-focused x-ray diffraction M. Keplinger1, R. Grifone2, J. Greil3, J. Stangl1, A. Lugstein3, 1 Institut für Halbleiter- und Festkörperphysik, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenbergerstraße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria 2 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Rue Jules Horowitz 6, 38043 Grenoble, France 3 Institute of Solid State Electronics, Tu Wien, Floragasse 7, 1040Vienna, Austria ........................ 62 20:15 – 20:30 Wave Function Engineering in Quantum Nanostructures Elżbieta Zipper, Marcin Kurpas, Maciej M. Maśka Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Śląski, Katowice, Poland.................................................................... 64 20:30 – 20:45 Surface states and their spin polarization in (111)- and (110)-oriented (Pb,Sn)Te and (Pb,Sn)Se layers R. Buczko, S. Safaei and P. Kacman, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland ................................................................................. 65 20:45 – 21:00 Epitaxial Growth of Topological Crystalline Insulators V. V. Volobuev,1,2 M. Partha3, O. Caha,4 J. Sanchez-Barriga,3 A. Varykhalov3, O. Rader3, A. Khiar,1 G. Bauer1, and G. Springholz1, 1 Institut for Semiconductor Physics, Johannes Kepler University, A-4040 Linz, Austria 2 National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine 3 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, BESSY II, D-12489 Berlin, Germany 4 Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic .................................................. 66 7 We 16:10 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria Wednesday Morning, July 23 Session 9: Droplet Epitaxy Chairman: Francesco Montalenti 9:00 – 9:30 Dynamic Aspects of Droplet Epitaxy D.E. Jesson (invited) School of physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF24 3AA, United Kingdom.......... 67 9:30 – 10:00 Critical role of arsenic in nanoholes formation by Ga droplet epitaxy on GaAs(001) David Fuster, Yolanda González and Luisa González (invited) IMM-Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (CNM-CSIC), Isaac Newton 8, PTM, E-28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain .................................................................................... 69 10:00 – 10:30 Droplet Epitaxy Growth of Nanostructures on Patterned and (111) Substrates Sergio Bietti (Invited) L-NESS and Materials Science Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy .............. 70 10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break Session 10: Membranes Chairman: Jerrold Floro 11:00 – 11:30 Nano-membranes as templates for epitaxial InAs growth Christoph Deneke (invited) LNNano/CNPEM, Rua Giuseppe Máximo Scolfaro 10000, 13083-100 Campinas, Brazil ............ 72 11:30 - 11:50 X-ray strain microscopy and Raman spectroscopy of tensile strained Ge micro-bridges T. Etzelstorfer1, M. Süess2, A. Wyss2, F. Schlich2, G. Schiefler3, G. Isella4, A. Diaz3, H. Sigg3, R. Spolenak2, J. Stangl1 1 Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, JKU Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, A-4040 Linz 2 Laboratory for Nanometallurgy, ETH Zürich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, CH-8093 Zürich 3 Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI 4 L-NESS Politecnico de Milano, Via Anzani 42, I-22100 Como .................................................... 74 Session 11: SiGe Nanostructures Chairman: Jerrold Floro 11:50 - 12:10 Controllable growth of GeSi quantum dot molecules on patterned Si (001) substrates Tong Zhou, Hui Lei, Shuguang Wang, Yongliang Fan, Zuimin Jiang, Zhenyang Zhong State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics and Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China ................................................................................................................. 76 12:10 – 12:30 Influence of composition and substrate miscut on the evolution of {105}-terminated in-plane Si1-xGex quantum wires on Si(001) H. Watzinger1, M. Glaser1, J.J. Zhang2, I. Daruka1, F. Schäffler1 1 Abteilung für Halbleiterphysik, Johannes Kepler University, 4040 Linz, Austria, ² Center for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.......................................................................... 78 12:30 – 14:00 Lunch (Hotel Post) 8 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 We 16:10 Traunkirchen, Austria Wednesday Afternoon, July 23 Session 11: SiGe Nanostructures Chairman: Frederik Karlsson 14:00 – 14:20 Directing Ge Quantum Dot Self-Assembly At and Below 50 nm Pitch: Single Layer and Bilayer Stacks Jerrold A. Floro, Christopher J. Duska University of Virginia, Dep. Materials Science and Engineering, Charlottesville, VA USA .......... 80 14:20 – 14:40 Self-assembled in-plane Ge nanowires on rib-patterned Si (1 1 10) templates Lei Du,1 Daniele Scopece,3, 4 Gunther Springholz,2 Friedrich Schäffler,2 Gang Chen1, 2, 1 National Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 500 Yutian Rd., 200083 Shanghai, China 2 Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler University, A4040 Linz, Austria, 3 L-NESS and Department of Materials Science, Università di MilanoBicocca, via R. Cozzi 53, 20126, Milano, Italy, 4 Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland ........................................... 83 Wednesday Afternoon, July 23 Session 12: Pillars and Patterned Substrates Chairman: Frederik Karlsson 14:40 – 15:10 Strain relaxation of GaAs/Ge crystals on patterned Si substrates A. G. Taboada,1 (invited) A. Jung,1 M. Meduňa,2 T. Kreiliger,1 F. Isa,1, 3 C. V. Falub,1 M. Salvalaglio,4 L. Wewior,5 D. Fuster,5 B. Alén,5 L. Miglio,4 G. Isella,3 and H. von Känel1 1 Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland. 2 Dept. of Condensed Matter Phys. and CEITEC, Masaryk University, Czech Republic 3 L-NESS, Dept. of Physics, Politecnico di Milano , Como, Italy. 4 L-NESS, Dept. of Material Science, Università di Milano-Bicocca, via R.Cozzi 55, Milano, Italy 5 IMM, Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (CNM, CSIC), 9 Madrid, Spain .......................... 84 15:10 – 15:40 Coffee break Session 12: Pillars and Patterned Substrates Chairman: Sebastian Plissard 15:40 – 16:10 III-V nanowires on patterned Si substrates and their applications Katsuhiro Tomioka1,2 (invited) and Takashi Fukui1 1 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, and Research Center for Integrated Quantum Electronics (RCIQE), Hokkaido University, Kita 13-Jo, Nishi 13-Chome, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan, 2 JST PRESTO, 4-1-8 Honcho, Kawaguchi,Saitama,332-0012, Japan .......................................... 86 16:10 -16:40 InGaN quantum dots grown on ordered GaN micropyramids K. F. Karlsson (invited), A. Lundskog, C. W. Hsu, S. Amloy, U. Forsberg, T. Jemsson, H. Machhadani, E. Janzén and P. O. Holtz Semiconductor Materials, IFM, Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden.................. 88 16:40 – 17:00 Closing 18:00 – 19:30 Dinner (Hotel Post) Thursday, July 24 9:00 – 15:00 Optional excursion to Bad Ischl / Wolfgang See / Schafberg (cogwheel mountain train) Transfer to Salzburg airport depending on flight schedules 9 10th International Workshop – ESPS-NIS 2014 Traunkirchen, Austria List of Participants Name Affiliation Country Arakawa, Yasuhiko Bauer, Günther Bietti, Sergio Bracker, Allan Bräuer, Stephan Buczko, Ryszard Chen, Gang Conesa-Boj, Sonia Deneke, Christoph Etzelsdorfer, Tanja Floro, Jerrold Fromherz, Thomas Geelhaar, Lutz Glaser, Martin Gocalinska, Agnieszka González, Luisa González, Yolanda Grossauer, Christian Hakkarainen, Teemu Hauge, Ikaros Isa, Fabio Jesson, David Karlsson, Fredrik Koblmüller, Gregor Krawiec, Patrick Lausecker, Elisabeth Lyasota, Alexey Martín-Sánchez, Javier Montalenti, Francesco Mussler, Gregor Ou, Xin Palmstrom, Chris Pelucchi, Emanuele Plissard, Sebastian Rastelli, Armando Reinke, Petra Rieger, Torsten Schäffler, Friedrich Schatzl, Magdalena Univ. Tokyo JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Milano-Bicocca NRL JKU Univ. Linz Academy Science Warsaw Natl. Infrared Lab. EPFL LNNANO JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Virginia JKU Univ. Linz PDI JKU Univ. Linz Tyndall Inst. IMM-CNM CSIC IMM-CNM CSIC JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Tech. Tampere TUE ETH Univ. Cardiff Univ. Linköping WSI Univ. Kassel JKU Univ. Linz EPFL JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Milano-Bicocca Peter Grünberg Inst. Jülich Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Univ. California Tyndall Inst. Univ. Delft JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Virginia Peter Grünberg Inst. Jülich JKU Univ. Linz JKU Univ. Linz Japan Austria Italy USA Austria Poland China Switzlerland Brazil Austria USA Austria Germany Austria Ireland Spain Spain Austria Finland The Netherlands Switzerland UK Sweden Germany Germany Austria Switzerland Austria Italy Germany Germany USA Ireland The Netherlands Austria USA Germany Austria Austria Scheneider, Christian Univ. Würzburg Germany Toshiba UK [email protected] JKU Univ. Linz JKU Univ. Linz JKU Univ. Linz Inst. Semicond. Phys. Novosibirsk ETH CRHEA-CNRS Univ. Hokkaido JKU Univ. Linz JKU Univ. Linz Univ. Fudan Univ. Slaski Austria Austria Austria Russia Switzerland France Japan Austria Austria China Poland [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Skiba-Szymanska, Joanna Springholz, Gunther Stangl, Julian Steiner, Hubert Stepina, Natalia Taboada, Alfonso Tendille, Florian Tomioka, Katsuhiro Volobuev, Valentine Watzinger, Hannes Zhong, Zhenyang Zipper, Elzbieta E-mail address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 10th International Workshop ESPS - NIS 2014 Epitaxial Semiconductors On Patterned Substrates and Novel Index Surfaces 20-23 July, Traunkirchen, Austria Sunday 20.07.2014 17:00 Registration 18:00 Welcome Reception 19:30 Dinner Scientific Program Monday 21.07.2014 Speaker Time Opening 08:45 Yasuhiko Arakawa (Plenary) Christian Schneider (Invited) Teemu Hakkarainen 08:55 Topic 09:40 Site-Controlled QDs 10:10 Chair: Armando Rastelli 10:30 Allan Bracker (Invited) Joanna SkibaSzymanska Elisabeth Lausecker Alexey Lyasota Gregor Koblmüller (Invited) Lutz Geelhaar (Invited) Sonia Conesa-Boj (Invited) Site-Control of QD in Photonic crystals 11:50 12:10 Chair: Gregor Koblmüller Xin Ou (Invited) Growth of site-controlled III-nitride semiconductor nanowire quantum dots for application to room-temperature single photon emitters Positioning Quantum Dots on GaAs substrates: A scalable platform for quantum emitters Ordered InAs Quantum Dots for Quantum Photonics by Combination of Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Nanoimprint Lithography Univ. Tokyo, Japan Univ. Würzburg, Germany Univ. Tech. Tampere, Finland Using growth anisotropy to control the position of self-assembled quantum dots NRL, USA On-chip transmission of quantum light from a site-controlled quantum dot Toshiba, UK Site-controlled SiGe islands in a 2D photonic crystal slab JKU Univ. Linz, Austria EPFL, Switzerland Integration of site- and spectrum -controlled pyramidal quantum dots with photonic crystal membrane cavities 12:30 LUNCH 14:00 Strong infrared and THz emission from site-selective InGaAs nanowires on patterned Si III-V nanowires for light emission on a Si platform WSI, Germany Quantifying Defect Formation in Nanowire-based Heterostructures EPFL, Switzerland 14:30 15:00 Nanowires Chair: Fredrik Karlsson 15:30 Sebastian Plissard (Invited) H.I.T. Hauge (Invited) Torsten Rieger Affiliation BREAK 11:00 11:30 Title BREAK 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:15 InSb nanowire networks Nanowires Chair: Lutz Geelhaar Growth Studies Exotic crystal structure nanowires InAs nanowires on textured Si (100) substrates Reverse Epitaxy on Semiconductor Surfaces 17:45 BREAK 18:00 DINNER Patrick Krawiec 19:30 Fabio Isa 19:45 Growth and characterization of site-controlled InAs quantum dots on prepatterned GaAs substrates Photoluminescence of dislocation-free Ge quantum well micro-crystals on patterned Si substrates Enhancement of Light Extraction from Photonic Crystals Slabs with Aligned Ge-quantum Dot Emitters Three-dimensional Ge/Si quantum dot crystals with small periodicities Magdalena Schatzl 20:00 Gregor Mussler 20:15 Yolanda González 20:30 Natalia P. Stepina 20:45 PDI, Berlin Site-Controlled QDs Chair: Friedrich Schäffler Towards the Deterministic Coupling of a Single Quantum Dot to a Photonic Crystal Cavity Mode: Epitaxial re-growth of GaAs-based photonic crystal microcavities containing site-controlled InAs Quantum Dot Ge quantum dot wires on a patterned Si substrate: growth, transport and spin properties Delft University, The Netherlands TUE, The Netherlands Peter Grünberg Inst. Jülich, Germany Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden, Germany Univ. Kassel, Germany ETH, Switzerland JKU Univ. Linz, Austria Peter Grünberg Inst. Jülich, Germany IMM- CSIC, Spain Inst. Semicond. Phys. Novosibirsk, Russia Tuesday 22.07.2014 Speaker Francesco Montalenti (Inv.) Thomas Fromherz (Invited) Emanuele Pelucchi Topic Time 09:00 Modeling 09:30 10:00 Chair: Christoph Deneke 10:20 Chris Palmstrom (Invited) Petra Reinke (Invited) Christian Großauer 10:50 11:20 11:50 Fundamental Growth Studies Chair: Gunther Springholz Julian Stangl 20:00 19:45 Elzbieta Zipper 20:15 Ryszard Buczko 20:30 Gunther Springholz 20:45 Univ. MilanoBicocca, Italy JKU Univ. Linz, Austria Tyndall Inst., Ireland Growth Mechanism and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Semimetallic RareEarth-V Nanostructures Embedded in III-V Semiconductors Doping and annealing of epitaxial Ge-QDs and the wetting layer -a surface science study In situ STM studies on Ge nanowire growth on singular and vicinal Si (001) substrates Univ. California, USA Univ. Virginia, USA JKU Univ. Linz, Austria EXCURSION (Boat Trip & Banquet) 18:00 19:30 Affiliation Continuum modeling of lattice-mismatched heteroepitaxy: intermixing, dislocations, and complex topological changes Evolution of SiGe islands on pit-patterned substrates monitored by Ge surface diffusion Modelling patterned substrate growth by MOVPE: from equilibrium to transient dynamics BREAK 12:15 Agnieszka Gocalinska Florian Tendille Title DINNER Growth Studies Chair: Javier Martín-Sánchez Strain and Electronic Structure Chair: Javier Martín-Sánchez Nanomorphology of InP on AlInAs during early stages of strain-free heteroepitaxy by MOVPE Study of defects management in (11-22) GaN grown on patterned sapphire substrate Tyndall Inst., Ireland Strain monitoring in elongated nanowires located in SOI based straining devices using nano-focused x-ray diffraction Wave function engineering in quantum nanostructures CRHEA-CNRS, France JKU Univ. Linz, Austria Univ. Slaski, Poland Surface states and their spin polarization in (111)- and (110)-oriented (Pb,Sn)Te and (Pb,Sn)Se layers Epitaxial Growth of Topological Crystalline Insulators Academy Science Warsaw, Poland JKU Univ. Linz Wednesday 23.07.2014 Speaker David E. Jesson (Invited) Luisa González (Invited) Sergio Bietti (Invited) Time Topic 09:00 Droplet Epitaxy 9:30 10:00 Chair: Francesco Montalenti 10:30 Christoph Deneke (Invited) Tanja Etzelsdorfer Zhenyang Zhong Hannes Watzinger Gang Chen Alfonso Taboada (Invited) Membranes 11:30 Chair: Jerrold Floro 11:50 SiGe Nanostructures 12:10 Chair: Jerrold Floro 14:00 SiGe Nanostructures 14:20 Chair: Thomas Fromherz 14:40 Micropillars 15:40 16:10 Univ. Cardiff, UK Critical role of arsenic in nanoholes formation by Ga droplet epitaxy on GaAs(001) Droplet Epitaxy Growth of Nanostructures on Patterned and (111) Substrates IMM-CSIC, Spain Univ. Milano-Bicocca, Italy Nano-membranes as templates for epitaxial InAs growth LNNANO, Brazil X-ray strain microscopy and Raman spectroscopy of tensile strained Ge microbridges Controllable growth of GeSi quantum dot molecules on patterned Si (001) substrates Influence of composition and substrate miscut on the evolution of {105}terminated in-plane Si1-xGex quantum wires on Si(001) JKU Univ. Linz, Austria Univ. Fudan, China JKU Univ. Linz, Austria LUNCH 15:10 Katsuhiro Tomioka (Invited) Fredrik Karlsson (Invited) Affiliation Dynamic Aspects of Droplet Epitaxy BREAK 11:00 12:30 Jerrold A. Floro Title Pillars and Patterned Substrates Directing Ge Quantum Dot Self-Assembly At and Below 50 nm Pitch: Single Layer and Bilayer Stacks Self-assembled in-plane Ge nanowires on rib-patterned Si (1 1 10) templates Univ. Virginia, USA Strain relaxation of GaAs/Ge crystals on patterned Si substrates Natl. Infrared Phys. Lab, China ETH, Switzerland BREAK III-V nanowires on patterned Si substrates and their applications Univ. Hokkaido, Japan InGaN quantum dots growth on ordered GaN micropyramids Univ. Linköping, Sweden Chair: Sebastian Plissard 16:40 Closing Remarks – End 17:00 18:00 DINNER Thursday 24.07.2014 09:00 – ca. 15:00 Optional excursion to Bad Ischl, Wolfgang See and the Schafberg mountain (cogwheel train) Transfer to Salzburg airport depending on flight schedules