Updated Information on the Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund
Updated Information on the Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund
ffimvmrrlrtx*nt mf ffiepml #ffiis* s$ the Ref"; ffi Sr*xxxm &$inister end Cou**f* ffif Kimfs**rs Singh* *urb*r K*ti:mamSx, il*pmi *ate: 2"tr Providing Relief in Response to the Nepal Earthquake Emergcncy (()pdated inJbrmation on the Prime *,rr., o:"ff,#;::;ff::i;ffX;r**for 1* 2OIS." ". ". " "..... . supporrinsretietefforts, and ontine The Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund is set uB by the Government of Nepal for search and rescue, and to provide relief to people hit by natural disaster and calamities. Funds received from the Government of Nepai or any other national and intemational source for tho pu{pose of relief is deposited into the Fund. The fund cannot be used to provide donations or any other administratiye and overhead costs including faeilities and.allowances to civil servants or other office-holders. The Fund's activities are coordinated at the central level by a committee headed by the Vice Chairperson of the National Planning Commission, and comprising of seoretaries of eight ministies. The prooedure for release of funds is as follows: only after unanimous decision of the'committee funds are released through the Ministry of Home Affairs to the Chief District Offrcer, who is also the Coordinator of the District Relief Fund. To ensure accountability and transparency, all expenditures under both the central fund and the district fund are audited annually by the Auditor General of Nepal. The Frime Minister Disaster Relief Fund should not be confused with the Prime Minister's Assistance Fund. The Relief Fund's operations are guided by the Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund Operation Regulations (2006) of the Govemment of Nepal. Overall, the purpose of the Fund is to ensure effective rescue and relief "fast track" method which reduces following natural disasters through administrative hassles and procedural delays. The Fund seeks to provide a onewindow service to the affected people by consolidating amounts, avoiding duplication of effort, and ensuring proportional and equitabte access to relief by needy victims in all affected persons. a It has also come to the Govemment's attention that sevoral individuals and agencies have responded to the 25 April 2015 great earthquake by establishing their own bank accountJ and soliciting donations. While the Governrnent appresiates any and all genuine initiatives to help victims, it also has a duty to regulate the raising of the public funds and contribution in the name of disaster, so that benevolent donations are not misused and the rights of victims are protected. In this context, the Nepal Rastra Bank, following the advice of the Govemment, had issued a direstive on 29 April 2015 directing that all funds thus raised be deposited with the Prime Minisler Disaster Relief Fund and that no withdrawals from the related accounts O"^uO"bn. f;-r:lal 42'I$A$, 43tt048, S?1I*SS, 4?',1'.l073, 4*11Sgt, 4.Att$3& 4?1 1S$5,4*ttS8S,4fttS3S,4g{1S?1, &N'1X847, P.S.Box No':2331?, Kathmand*, ilt*pn{ infoffi*pr*eru,g*v,np W*bsite http ://xrww. opmcrn "Ssv. Te*" $,1* Sxx n p -r-""3,"r,,rfl-T_-riT$s ..*--! ffi*vernrnent *f NeBal #{Yfl** *f tk* Prtms o e'(o effid **umcil sf &Iiffii&*srs 6 g . q. $inghn Sunbnr ,-t4 ru*E* %?if{i;!::::: 7e ss Kxthmandu, ffi*P*tr st ffii$- fiinister oqrbar, K to clarify thl the directive does not affect tffiLfttation'of"" uy development organizations, 'relief accounts maintained before 25 April zors In order g^ eniyre optimum utilization of ;;;; ffi;rh;; ,r.i"i-rre*iruiiory. the affecte{ PeoPle, the organizations tunds aad equitabh ;i;t ib;fi;;f relief to condlct their activities in olose coordination invotved in providing *ii;f;; ,itgg tg *itt ttr Covemmenfs cengal and district level agencies' Rsf.:- It has become necessary Relief Fund can be obtained ' Further details about the Prime Minister Disaster alr."tly contac-rine cgor{iryrtor of the Fund and vicear http:l/opmcrq.gqv:.lp "iuy ganning'Commissiin, Prof. Dr. Govind Raj Pok}aretr at chairman of the Nffind of the Prime Ministor and mobils number 98511-00407 or Secretary of the Ofq:e mobile number 9841516505' council ofMinisterrlrfr. ilt-yan GopalMalego at put inplace to.help.facilitate easy ti'ansfer of Robust banking arrangements are being and institutions, using online card contributions Uy N"pii *Jn*-Ntpufl inOiviOuats through SCT network within paymsnts, Contribuiions and donations rnay be deposited Nepal, and by and *i"J-VfiA or Master Card from outside Nepal' Donors for which bank transfer, with information contributors may aiso,choose to pay through is available at lrttp://pmrelief'opmcrn'gov'np' ,, I lH4U> Narayan GoPal Malego Council of Ministers' afld MemberSecretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Fund Secretary of the Frime Minister Disaster Relief T*1" lI* 4311S2$, 421{S4S, 4311SS$,'**'t1*73,491{821', 4211038 *--l Ne': ?33{2' Kathmand*' Nepal *-mal P'fi'Bax 4t11s$$, 43tt$s6, 4211ss*; 42110?1,'{?1'l*4?' infofficprnrm'g&Y.$P Wehsite http llfwranr.cPrn 6ffi Fax "$ ev' n P