Rosita E. Leitner
Rosita E. Leitner
Service to be held 6, 2OtO Novernber Satrrrday, 10:00A.M.fimitv Hour. 10:30A.M.Funeral Wilson-Akins Funeral Homes 17500Fenkell. Detroit,Michigan Rev.HamanCross,Jr.,Officiating Rosita Leitner was born on December 12, 1923 in Tampa, Florida to Donnie Mae Washington and Eugene Hill as an only child. Rosita had one daughter,Rene6 Calhoun. Her first marriage was to Wallace Robinson, who has precededher in death; there were no children bom to that union. She moved to Michigan and was introduced to John O. Leitner by his daughterDeborah Carter.The two becameone and was married thirty years, who has also preceded her in death. Rosita was employed at Henry Ford Hospital for sevenyearsand Virginia Park Hospital for l5 yearsas an O.R. Technician. She received severalcertificates for excellencein her job performance.Doctors often requestedfor her on any scheduled surgeries.Her care and concernreachedfar beyond the walls of the hospital.She was very generousand giving. There was nothing she wouldn't do for anyone, to shareher love and passionfor cooking. Ms. Rose, as she was so affectionately called always ready to comfort family and friends, with homemade soups or scratch baked cakes and pies. Anyone who tastedone of her many infamousdishes, suchas collard greensand yams,would alwayscome back for more. Family,and grandkids were her pride and joy, nothing pleasedher more than to have them over for a meal. Flowers and beautiful plantswere a favorite of hersas well. Gammy, she was lovingly called by her grandchildren, leaves to cherish her memory; daughterRene6(Ernest):grandchildren;Kia (Greg), Keena,Kinsey (Ka Shant6):six great-grandchildren and a hostof family, cousins,andfriends. tu /->_, //')A rcs - r--a-/ &rrnnue Vnn/ I just cameto stay a little r,vhile,only to bide my time. I gavemy all in what I did, to help and carefor others. But lvhenthe Lord took my betterhalf, In rvhichI caredso dearly, Then I knervthat only, When rve rvereboth together. My mind and my body n,antedto bs at rest, And I know it r'vouldn'tbe long, For I longedfor the Lord to take me And I thankedHim for lifc itself. For only God giveth and taketh, 'l'hat rvhichis in His plan, So norvthat I haveleft you, I hopeyou rvill understand. That I havejoined my other loved ones, That havegoneon before.For rve are with the Master, Who hasgiven us, the gift of peace. , t I t*= s {? f'ljr n{/ ;t jEl lPa[[6earers Friendsof the pmily , {...., l" :-' ' ;\ t ljr i':- ':i-',r. ..-t "'11.1 / l ry t,"r-n '. rrii '1... * 4 i - ;-f,foueflBearers.. nt-g e. r nt &lawnpemetery %odtgdip netroit,MI { l}\ nrr rirugd@t EntrusteI to '1r1) af9{omes itssry.:fuipi;' f uner navid-\fiflltdns. CFSP.I)irector NorthwestChapel 17500Fenkell Detroir,MI482n (3r3) 837-4440 ' FastsideChapel 527 Owen Detroit,M[48202 (313)875-1s89 ,"Cl-l Acknowte[snuit Of Ap precintion we wish/to tnltii. ou, many friends witt, ,inEr. appreciatdon, for their expressionsof kindnessduring our bereavementfor our loved one. May God blesseachof you. -THEFAMILY