March 2016 - Newfane United Methodist Church
March 2016 - Newfane United Methodist Church
NEWFANE UMC NEWS MARCH 2016 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN The March meeting for the United Methodist Women will be held Tuesday, March 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the Memorial Room. Our hostess will be Barb Smith and Jean Schweigert will lead the program. Any women of the church who would like to join us for this time of fellowship are welcome. Janis Gominiak, President FEBRUARY CHURCH COUNCIL NEWS TREASURERS REPORT: Balances for January 2016 are as follows: Current Expenses: $2,154.56 Checking Account: $34,388.66. The property taxes for the church and parsonage have been paid. Wills and Memorials balance: $19,708.45. Tom Say – Checking prices at Best Buy to broadcast the church service from his camera to a TV that would be set up in the Nursery. Finance Committee-Paul Beakman is planning a meeting. The date is to be determined. MISSIONS–Brian Scott discussed a mission trip to Syracuse or Wheeling, WV this year, and looking into a Prayer Mailbox on church grounds. Easter Pie/Cookie fundraiser from Carson’s is being planned. LAY LEADER-Merle Scott let us know that registration for Annual Conference will be open in early March. Pastor Kim and others from the church will be attending a seminar on March 19th about “Sexuality & the Church” set up thru Family Life. March 10th-the Newfane tourism committee is planning a show called Newfane 365, at Miller Hose. We have been asked to set up a table to advertise our Farmer’s Market and the church. Pastor Kim and Amy Luckman will man the table. Sunday, March 13th – Men’s & Boys Communion Breakfast – 7:00 am. It will be held at our church. Pastor Kim is working on getting a guest speaker. TRUSTEES–Michael Schultz stated that new flooring for the downstairs Sunday school hall is a top priority for this year. SECRETARY-Amy Luckman will renew our Newfane Business Association membership. Please see Amy if you would like a 2015 year-end report. It has our 2016 Budget and a listing of all Committee’s with member phone numbers. Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Each of our paid staff has a liaison from the committee. Chairman is Nancy Beakman. Bell Choir is discussing purchasing additional chimes; money would come from Wills & Memorials. Kris DeGlopper-Banks has turned in her resignation effective July 1st as the director of the Bell Choir. Bill Neidlinger, Church Council Chairman Newfane Community Food Pantry I would like to suggest that we concentrate on bringing "meals in a can" to donate in our food pantry box. Tuna fish, Spaghetios, beef stew, ravioli, hearty soups, pork & beans are all good choices. Many times a person or family does not have the ingredients to put together a complete meal. A "meal in a can" will assure that they will have something hot and substantial. Thank you to all who placed a donation in the kettles for "Souper Bowl of Caring". $224.10 was collected which went directly to the food pantry. All donations of non-perishable foods, as well as checks are always needed. Checks can be mailed to the pantry at Box #87, Newfane NY 14108. Thank you. Patricia Schultz Finance Committee The Council has adopted a 2016 budget that requires $ 3,101 of offerings if we are to meet our projected expenses. For the first eight weeks of the year the offerings have averaged: Pledged $2,481.50, Non-Pledged $348.13, and loose change of 36.49 for a total average weekly offering of $ 2,916.11. This is a shortfall of$184 per week or-$ 1,486 for the first couple of months. Hopefully your support of the church will increase, TURKEY DINNER at the Newfane Methodist Church 2699 Main Street Newfane, NY 14108 Saturday - March 5, 2016 4:30 pm - ? Menu Turkey & Dressing Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Green Beans, Homemade Desserts Tickets - $9.00 adults $5.00 under 12 Free for child in high chair Take Outs Available PASTOR’S CORNER Grace and Peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. By the time you read this article we will be three weeks into our Lenten journey to Jerusalem. We are in the midst of the forty days of spiritual penance that helps to prepare us for the celebration of Easter. Easter is the most important day of the Christian faith. The very foundation of Christianity stands or crumbles on the truthfulness of the claim that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Easter is not about religious ritual or tradition. Easter is about the resurrection of the Son of God, a historical event. It’s significant because of what the resurrection of Jesus validates. Understanding Easter from a Christian perspective is vitally important. The celebration of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection from the dead is crucial for us as believers in Jesus Christ. Without this doctrine, there is no Christianity; there is no Christmas or Easter. Jesus died to pay the penalty of death that we deserve for our sin, was buried, and rose with a glorified body, gaining victory over death and the grave. When we put our faith in Him by believing through faith alone in Christ alone, we have the promise of one day having a body like our Lord’s and spending eternity with Him in heaven. As Christians, who believe in the resurrection of Christ it’s important that we not only say it but live it. At Christmas, we always talk about the angels telling the good news of great joy to the shepherds. Are there ways in which we can proclaim the good news of Easter? I would like to suggest some ways: We make resolutions at the start of a new year, but let’s be honest, many have already given up on them by the time Easter comes around. It’s time to start over, even though it’s Easter. The resurrection is God’s reminder that hope still exists. If you’ve fallen behind in your Bible reading for this year, start again. Maybe you’ve failed in your commitment to pray regularly, start over this week. Start afresh, renewed by God’s resurrection power. Start Easter family traditions. Many families have Easter dinner together, but I’m thinking of more than that. Read the Easter story, just as you do the Christmas story. Talk about the importance of resurrection hope. Talk about Jesus’ love, his grace, his forgiveness, and his victory over death. Make Easter memories that your children will want to duplicate in their own families. Reach out to someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one in the past year. The holidays are often difficult as families find themselves alone. Call one of those families and pray with them. Easter is a great time to celebrate life and look forward to resurrection. Tell somebody what Jesus means in your life. As Christians, we are called to tell the gospel story. Why not tell others during the Easter season? You all know somebody who needs to hear some good news! Take time to thank someone who was an example of faith. Maybe it’s that friend who experienced adversity, but who trusted God through the pain. It might be your church pastor or a Bible study teacher. It may even be a parent or one of your children. Easter is about celebrating victory, so honor God by celebrating what He’s done through someone else’s life. Don’t give up. I don’t know all you are facing. You might be discouraged and hurting. The mountain you’re trying to climb is steep, or the valley you find yourself in is deep. Your prayers are not being answered. Trusting God is tough because the obstacles are big. Whatever you’re facing, though, is not bigger than God who defeated death. Don’t give up! The God of the resurrection is alive. The meaning of Easter is as simple as it seems: it says that life triumphs over death. What a glorious hope you can share with your family, friends, and strangers. May your Easter be filled with many blessings. Pastor Kim MARCH PRAYER CALENDAR Please take time daily to pray for the person(s) each day that is listed below. This is a great opportunity to be a prayer warrior for your church family. Please also note that just because a person’s name is on the list it does not mean that they are suffering from any type of illness. We are just lifting them in prayer on that day. March 1: Millie Schweigert March 2: Barry Makuch March 3: Sheila McAtee March 4: Jack Gow March 5: Brandi Voelker March 6: Greg Larson March 7: Samantha Elliott March 8: Michael Murphy March 9: Sarah Scott March 10: Chuck Hoy March March March March March March March March March March 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Frances Schielke Don Hamman Francis Wilson Gary Balcom Phyllis Stickney Aaron Robinson Shelby Nerber Kaleb Say Cindy Bailey Dan Cushman March March March March March March March March March March March 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: Stephanie Rosenbaum Rev. Dave Horner Cheryl Tripp Jeff Scott JoAnne Huntington Ron Steel Laura Monheim Roger Gillings Kacee Long Larry Coons Janice Smith FOOD FOR THOUGHT BIBLE TRIVIA I Am A Christian (Answers on page 4) When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I am not shouting that “I am clean living.” I’m whispering “I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven.” When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I’m not trying to be strong. I’m, professing that I am weak and need His strength to carry on. When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess. When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it. When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name. When I say that “I’m a Christian,” I am not holier than thou. I am just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace, somehow! 1. This man was a member of the Sanhedrin and opposed Jesus condemnation. After Jesus’ death on the cross he took the body away with Nicodemus and buried Jesus. Who is he? John 19:38-42 2. Jesus was crucified at the place of the Skull. What is the Aramaic name for the place? John 19:17 3. Who did Pilate release from prison that had been arrested for insurrection? Luke 23:18-25 4. How did Judas identify Jesus to the guards who arrested him? Mark 14:43-46 5. What did Pilate do to signify that he was innocent of Jesus’ blood? Matthew 27: 24 6. By what means did the soldiers determine who got Jesus’ clothes? Mark 15:24 7. What does the Aramaic word “Rabboni” mean? John 20:16 HOLY WEEK SERVICES Thursday: March 24th Maundy Thursday Service 25th Friday: March Good Friday Service at Newfane UMC Sunday: March 27th Easter Sunrise Service at Krull Park Easter Celebration Service at Newfane UMC 7:00pm 12:00pm 6:30am 11:00am HOLY LAUGHTER Laughter is the Best Medicine An Old Flame? An elderly couple were driving through County Kerry, Ireland. Irene was driving when she got pulled over by the Gardai, who asks her, 'Ma'am did you know that you were speeding?' Irene turns to her husband, Mick and enquires, 'What did he say?' Mick yells out, 'He says you were speeding!' The Garda said, 'May I see your license, please ma' am?' Irene, once again, turns to Mick and says, 'What did he say?' Once more, Mick, shouts out, 'He wants to see your license!' Irene gives the policeman her driving license. The Garda retorts, 'I see you are from Kerry. I spent some time there once and had the worst date I have ever had.' For the final time, Irene turns to Mick and asks, 'What did he say?' Mick yells very loudly, 'He thinks he knows you!' CHIAVETTA’S CHICKEN BBQ Thursday, April 14th at the Newfane United Methodist Church 2699 Main Street, Newfane, NY 14108 Donation: $10.00 per dinner Drive thru style ______________________________________________________________________________ . A funeral service is being held in a church for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers carrying the casket accidentally bump into a wall jarring the casket. They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the women is actually alive. She lives for 10 more years and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same church and at the end the pallbearers are again carrying the casket out. As they are walking, the husband calls out, "Watch out for the wall!" Actual Bulletin Bloopers Our youth basketball team is back in action Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the recreation hall. Come out and watch us kill Christ the King. Weight Watchers will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning. Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on "It's a Terrible Experience." Take-outs Only Menu: ½ Chicken Potato Salad Cole Slaw Roll Dessert Pre-sale Dinners must be picked up by 6:00pm ______________________________________________________________________________ Tricky Parking - Divine Intervention? O'Malley was driving down the street thoroughly worked up because he had an important meeting and he couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, 'Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey.' Miraculously, a parking place appeared. O'Malley looked up again and said, 'Never mind, Lord, I found one.' 4:00pm –? March 20th Trivia Answers 1. Joseph of Arimathea 2. Golgotha 3. Barabbas 4. He kissed Jesus 5. He washed his hands 6. They cast lots (dice) 7. Teacher DINNER & a MOVIE Sunday, March 20th, 4:30pm Soup & Sandwiches: soup will be provided, bring own sandwich. We will be starting the movie around 5:15pm Following government-mandated desegregation in 1973, Tony Nathan (Caleb Castille) joins fellow AfricanAmerican students at Woodlawn High School in Birmingham, Ala. As violence and anger erupt in the city, Woodlawn football coach Tandy Gerelds (Nic Bishop) allows an outsider (Sean Astin) to speak to his players. His message of hope and love leads to a spiritual awakening that inspires star athlete Nathan, his teammates and other members of the community to overcome the hate that surrounds them. WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR MARCH USHERS: (Note: Ushers should be at the church by 10:30 a.m.) LITURGISTS: Mar. 6: Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Mar. 6: ___________________ Mar. 13: Dave Ende Mar. 20: ___________________ Mar. 27: ___________________ Merle Scott, Paul Conrad, Paul Beakman, Diane Magoon Ron Perry, Ken Hannah, Keith Robinson, Sharon Tomaino Kevin Luckman, Chuck Hoy, Kevin Luckman, Jr., Michael Schultz Dan Cushman, Dennis Schultz, Kevin Gow, Ron Steel *Brian Scott, Chairperson Ushers *Carol Dillabough, Chairperson Liturgists GREETERS: (Note: Greeters should be at the church by 10:30 a.m.) MUSIC: Mar. 6: Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Mar. 6: Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Sandy Smalley Kathy Perry __________________ __________________ Jr. Choir Bell Choir Sr. Choir Sr. Choir *Bev Mandaville, Chairperson Greeters ACOLYTES: ALTAR FLOWERS: Mar. 6: Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Mar. 6: Mar. 13: Mar. 20: Mar. 27: Thomas Schultz, Tim Birdsall, Marley Helferty Shelby Nerber, Adam Huntington Matt Tomaino Dawson Nerber, Elijah Thompson Sandy Smalley _________________ _________________ _________________ *Dave Ende, Chairperson Acolytes MARCH BIRTHDAY’S 1. Cora Long 2. Nicole Svetlik 3. Tom Wirth Zachary Brown 4. Michelle Witkop 5. Dick Anderson Brenda Balcom 7. Rose Marie Dube 13. Tracey Murphy Mary Ellen Hamman Matthew Schultz 14. Diane Steel Kevin Luckman, Sr. 15. Chris Say 19. Casey Smalley Nathan Phillips 20. Larry Stolzenberg Virginia Dy Kathy Perry 21. Emily Morrissey Julie Nankey 22. Ann Vaughn Karen Conrad 24. Jason Mollica Larry Coons 25. Sarah Wright Dilan Gominiak 28. Robert Audette 29. Frances Scheilke Mary Durgan 31. Dan Huntington Janice Smith NEW FUNDRAISER We will be having a fundraising sale of pies and cookies from Carson’s Country Deli and Bakery. I will have order forms out Sunday March 6th until March 17th. You will be able to pick up your orders on Saturday March 26th; times will be forth coming as I work out the details. I can tell you from experience that the quality is excellent; I have had their pies and cookies many times. If you would like something special for Easter dinner without the work, or something to share with friends or family, this is a great way to get it while also giving our finances some extra help. Brian Scott DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGIN ON MARCH 13TH. Don’t forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour before going to bed. “Good Samaritan Fund” The Good Samaritan Fund is a discretionary fund that is at the pastor’s disposal. When someone calls with a need, this money is available for the pastor to offer some help. If you would like to occasionally support this fund, you will find envelopes on the back window shelf with the words “Good Samaritan Fund” across the front of it. Just put your cash or check into it and place it in the offering plate. KID’S PAGE Newfane Initiative We are seeking a family that would like to apply for a house. Miniapplications can be obtained from Pastor Kim. We have a lot on Lake Ave. It is an L-shaped lot with frontage on Lake Ave., with entrance off Heather Drive. It is in the Town of Lockport, but in the Newfane School District. Daily Bible Readings for March 2016 Read the Bible for the sake of learning, not simply to accomplish your next reading. Say a short prayer to God before you begin, asking the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding, then be refreshed by the words you read! _______________________________________________________________________ Mar. 1: Matthew 9:1-17 Mar. 2: Matthew 9:18-38 Mar. 3: Matthew 10:1-25 Mar. 4: Matthew 10:26-42 Mar. 5: Matthew 11:1-19 Mar. 6: Matthew 11:20-30 Mar. 7: Matthew 12:1-21 Mar. 8: Matthew 12:22-50 Mar. 9: Matthew 13:1-23 Mar. 10: Matthew 13:24-58 Mar. 11: Matthew 14:1-21 Mar. 12: Matthew 14:22-36 Mar. 13: Matthew 15:1-20 Mar. 14: Matthew 15:21-39 Mar. 15: Matthew 16 Mar. 16: Matthew 17 Mar. 17: Matthew 18:1-20 Mar. 18: Matthew 18:21-35 Mar. 19: Matthew 19:1-15 Mar. 20: Matthew 19:16-30 Mar. 21: Matthew 20:1-16 Mar. 22: Matthew 20:17-34 Mar. 23: Matthew 21:1-27 Mar. 24: Matthew 21:28-46 Mar. 25: Matthew 22:1-22 Mar. 26: Matthew 22:23-46 Mar. 27: Matthew 23:1-12 Mar. 28: Matthew 23:13-39 Mar. 29: Matthew 24:1-31 Mar. 30: Matthew 24:32-51 Mar. 31: Matthew 25:1-30 Leviticus 3-4 Leviticus 5-6 Leviticus 7-8 Leviticus 9-10 Leviticus 11-12 Leviticus 13 Leviticus 14 Leviticus 15-16 Leviticus 17-18 Leviticus 19 Leviticus 20-21 Leviticus 22-23 Leviticus 24-25 Leviticus 26-27 Numbers 1-2 Numbers 3-4 Numbers 5-6 Numbers 7-8 Numbers 9-10 Numbers 11-12 Numbers 13-14 Numbers 15-16 Numbers 17-18 Numbers 19-20 Numbers 21 Numbers 22:1-40 Numbers 22:41-23:26 Numbers 23:27-24:25 Numbers 25-27 Numbers 28-29 Numbers 30-31 Proverbs 20 Proverbs 21 Proverbs 22 Proverbs 23 Proverbs 24 Proverbs 25 Proverbs 26 Proverbs 27 Proverbs 28 Proverbs 29 Proverbs 30 Proverbs 31 Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26 Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16 Ecclesiastes 5 Ecclesiastes 6 Ecclesiastes 7 Ecclesiastes 8 Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:20 Ecclesiastes 11:1-8 Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:14 Song of Solomon 1:1-2:7 Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1 Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3 Song of Solomon 6:4-8:4 Song of Solomon 8:5-14 Job 1 KID’S PAGE March 2016 ◄ February 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Cub Scouts6:30pm 6 S.S. – 9:45 am Worship/Communion – 11:00 am 7 Exercise -6 pm Bell Choir- 6:30 pm Boy Scout–6:30 pm 13 14 Men’s & Boys Exercise -6 pm Communion Breakfast- Bell Choir- 6:30 pm 7:00 am Boy Scout–6:30 S.S. – 9:45 am pm Worship– 11:00 am Daylight Saving Time Begins 20 21 Worship– 11:00 am Exercise -6 pm Palm Sunday Church Council – 6:30 pm Bell Choir- 6:30 pm Wed Thu S 4 5 AA-3 pm Turkey Dinner4:30-? 8 9 10 UMW -9:30am Exercise -6pm Bible Study Cub Scouts10:30 am 6:30pm 11 12 AA-3 pm 15 Cub Scouts6:30pm 16 17 Exercise -6pm Bible Study 10:30 am 18 19 AA-3 pm 22 23 24 Exercise -6pm Maundy Thurs Service-7:00 pm 25 26 Good Friday AA-3 pm Service 12:00 noon 30 31 Exercise -6pm Bible Study 10:30 am Notes: 28 29 27 Easter Sunrise service at Krull Exercise -6 pm Bell Choir- 6:30 pm Park-6:30 am Worship– 11:00 am 2 3 Exercise -6pm Bible Study 10:30 am Fri EASTER LILIES Easter Lilies given in memory of or in honor of will fill the sanctuary for Easter. If you would like to purchase one or more lilies, please complete the order form below and return with payment. The order may be placed in the offering plate, mailed, or dropped off at the office. The cost of each plant is $8.75. Make check payable to Newfane UMC. All orders must be in by March 6th - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -EASTER LILY ORDER FORM I would like _______ lily plant(s) at $8.75 each. Enclosed: $____________ IN LOVING MEMORY OF_____________________________________________ Given by___________________________________________________________ OR IN HONOR OF_______________________________________________________ Given by____________________________________________________________ th ORDERS DUE BY March 6 United Methodist Church of Newfane 2699 Main Street P. O. Box 69 Newfane, NY 14108 MARCH 2016 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED TO: United Methodist Church of Newfane P.O. Box 69, 2699 Main Street, Newfane, NY 14108 (716) 778-7011 Rev. Kim L. Smith, Pastor e-mail: [email protected] Worship Hours: September – May – 11:00 a.m. June, July, August – 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: September – May – 9:45 a.m.