Seneca Lake AUTUMN Retreat
Seneca Lake AUTUMN Retreat
Seneca Lake AUTUMN Retreat Yoga, relaxation and More! with Retha Cazel and Joan Farrenkopf Lois Lovgren Jennifer Johnson October 22nd - 24th Penn Yann, NY 607.962.9642 Restore the body and breath and you will restore your spirit! Autumn restoration overview The retreat is designed for folks to have a chance to replenish and rejuvenate their spirits by being nurtured. Self nurturing is necessary in order to replenish our ‘well’ of giving. The weekend will consist primarily of restorative yoga, deep relaxation and meditation methods to restore the self. Previous experience is not necessary - everyone will be able to ‘receive and be nurtured’ through the poses regardless of experience level. The restorative poses are relaxing and done over blankets, bolsters and pillows. The poses regenerate the body, mind and spirit by gently opening and relaxing the body. Your responsibility in the poses is to breathe and enjoy!!! Receive the goodness that your spirit can offer you and replenish yourself from the inside out! The retreat will be held at a lovely home in the Finger Lakes Region of New York at beautiful Keuka Lake. The autumn colors will be sharing their splendor at this time, be ready to receive the abundance in which you will be surrounded! All meals will be vegetarian and as organic and natural as possible. Each meal is prepared and catered for you on site with your nurturing needs in mind! Certified therapists and foot reflexologists will be available for individual treatments for a nominal fee. Please indicate your wish to have these treatments to aid you with your inner nurturing process. The teachers - Retha and joan Retha is the owner of “Yoga and More” in Corning, NY. She is a certified teacher and an Anusara Inspired instructor. She has studied and traveled extensively in India learning, breathing, and being yoga since 1983. John Friend has been her primary teacher and inspiration for the past five years. Retha embodies the divine heart space of Anusara yoga...a living example of the shared essence of grace. Joan Farrenkopf comes to us from Wilmington, NC where she received her Anusara Yoga teacher training at Seaside Yoga. She is a Cranial Sacral therapist, and is a joyous student of the I-ching, the book of changes. Joan brings a deep connection to spirit and the heart of yoga through her understanding of the I-Ching and CST. Together, Joan and Retha weave a yoga practice and weekend for you which embodies the heart of the present moment, riding the waves of spirit and grace through the wonders and teachings of the I-Ching entwined with a gentle practice. An open invitation to heart and balance. This retreat is offered to replenish the spirit in October. The methods include meditation, early morning yoga and chanting. October 22, 2010: 6pm - Registration and Orientation 7:00pm - Dinner 8:00pm - 9:15pm I-Ching and Restorative Y oga October 23 and October 24 (includes: Early Morning Yoga, Breakfast, Deep Relaxation, Free Time, Restorative Yoga, Lunch, Meditation, and Dinner) location and registration The Retreat will be held at the Finger Lakes. For more information our contact information is listed below: 607-962-YOGA (9642) Cell: 607-346-0273 [email protected] 139 Walnut Street Corning, NY 14830 Name: Address: Phone: Email: Total Payment: * Must be received by October 7th, 2010 Retreat $400* Reflexology $30 Cranial Sacral Treatment ($100 per hour) Food Preferences / Limitations: Vegan (Y/N) Do you eat fish? (Y/N) Describe separately any physical limitations you may have or medications which you may be taking: * Early Bird Registration $375 by September 7th, 2010 In order to replenish the spirit - one must be willing to be present with ones self, nurture your breath, nurture your body, and nurture your mind - truly give yourself space to grow within. dates, times, cost and schedule The healing practitioners Joan Farrenkopf is a gifted cranial sacral therapist and an accomplished Anusara Inspired yoga instructor. Joan will offer cranial sessions during the retreat, and provide hands on assistance for your yoga practice. Cranial sacral therapy is a holistic healing practice using a light touch to balance the craniosacral system in the body, which includes the bones, nerves, fluids and connective tissues of the cranium and spinal area. It is a powerful and transformative method, particularly in the way that Joan works with the individual heart and spirit during a session. Are you ready to shift your perspective, awaken an awareness within your body, heart and soul that is truly reflective of your true nature/self? Joan comes to us from Wilmington, North Carolina. Your first session runs 1.5 hours, a second treatment session with Joan is $100 an hour. Joan will be sharing the wisdom and methods of the I-Ching while we are in retreat. Lois lovgren is an herbalist and superb foot reflexologist. Lois will offer foot reflexology treatments during the retreat to enhance your overall wellbeing and nurture the divinity within. Reflexology is a science that deals with the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to the glands, organs and all parts of the body. A treatment takes an hour, and runs $30. It just plum feels really good! Jennifer johnson (aka cheferini) is a marvelous chef, creating delightful and fun gourmet vegetarian meals for all. Jennifer has a passion for creating and serving others through the gift of food. All meals will be as organic as possible, and all meals are prepared with the spirit and heart of the receiver in mind. They are designed to be visually pleasing, and pleasing to the palate; and nurturing to the spirit. This is the sixth retreat that Jennifer has graced us with her gift of cooking, we are delighted that she will be preparing the gastric way once more for us. retha cazel is an expert yoga instructor who integrates life experiences to help transform your practice and awareness both in the physical and non-physical bodies. She will offer her heart wisdom during the retreat so that each person finds the yoga poses best suited for their needs. Her additional sixteen years of Vipassana meditation will help assist and transform your experience. As part of the retreat, Retha will spend individual time with each person to evaluate and analyze their constitution and pulse (using Ayurveda) and prescribe a yoga pose or two for your optimal benefit.