NoPa Factsheet Matchmaking_EN


NoPa Factsheet Matchmaking_EN
Innovation for Sustainable Development – New Partnerships (NoPa)
New call for Brazilian-German research cooperation projects
Thematic areas: Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Protection and Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests
The Brazilian-German Cooperation for Sustainable Development
is an important element of the strategic partnership between
these two countries, who are working together to address
global challenges such as climate change and the protection
of biodiversity. Brazil will need innovative solutions that ensure
practical relevance from the outset if the country is to face
these global challenges without endangering economic growth
and social progress. In 2015, the programme ‘Innovation for
Sustainable Development – New Partnerships’, also known as
NoPa, will launch a call for Brazilian-German research projects
that have a strong potential for practical application in the two
priority areas of the Brazilian-German cooperation: ‘Renewable
Energies and Energy Efficiency’ and ‘Protection and Sustainable
Management of Tropical Forests’.
The purpose of the event is to provide a networking platform for
researchers and experts from the industry from both Germany
and Brazil, the government and the civil society to explore
possible forms of cooperation in the thematic areas. Joint
research applications can be discussed in advance and drafted
at this event. In addition, a one-day seminar will be offered to
assist in preparing results-oriented research projects and eligible
The programme is being implemented by the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD), the Brazilian Coordination for the
Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) and the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GmbH. NoPa supports research oriented to real demands
that leads to innovation and contributes to reducing harmful
greenhouse gas emissions and protecting biological diversity.
The 2015 call for research projects addresses the following
thematic priority areas:
Tentative Programme
Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
• Energy efficiency in urban mobility
• Energy efficiency in buildings
• Energy efficiency in drinking water supply and
Matchmaking 2015
Brasília, Brazil
March 16th – 20th, 2015
Opening conference and matchmaking
Field trips
Seminar on results-oriented research projects
and eligible applications
Working sessions for project partners
Protection and Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests
• Land use and environmental regulation
• Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
Participation in the matchmaking event is free of charge.
Researchers may apply for a refund of travel expenses (see
attached info sheet). Successfull applications will include a
summary of about three pages that clearly describes how the
outlined project can contribute to meeting the challenges and
how practitioners can be integrated as partners into the research
Between March 16th and 20th 2015, GIZ, DAAD and CAPES will
hold a matchmaking event for representatives of Brazilian and
German universities, enterprises, research institutes and policymakers actively involved in the thematic areas.
For more information on the programme and events, please
contact the NoPa team at [email protected]. Details
about the programme and the application form are available for
download at
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