This Week`s Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Conception


This Week`s Bulletin - Church of the Immaculate Conception
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November 8, 2015
November 8, 2015
Phone: 973-744-5650 30 No. Fullerton Ave. Email: [email protected]
Fax: 973-744-7936 Montclair, NJ 07042 Website:
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Joseph A. Scarangella
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Paul L. Bochicchio
Weekend Assistant
Rev. Robert K. Suszko
In Residence
Rev. Frank J. Burla, Retired
Rev. Louis M. Pambello
Parish Catechetical Leader
Ms. Janet Natale
Organist and Director of Music
Mr. Preston L. Dibble
Assistant Director of Music
Ms. Kristin Roney
Office Staff
Mrs. Samantha Fusi, Secretary
Ms. Marcie Alexander,
Bulletin Editor/Office Administration
Plant Maintenance
Mr. Christopher Araya
Mrs. Joan Moriarty
Mrs. Ceil Zimmermann
Pastoral Council
Mrs. Seton Feeney, Chair
Immaculate Conception High School
Mrs. Celia Triggs Honohan, President
Ms. Michelle Neves, Principal
Immaculate Conception Cemetery
973-744-5939; [email protected]
Mr. Jeffrey Dembowski, Foreman
Archdiocese of Newark, Catholic Cemeteries
Ms. Lisa Hayducka, Secretary
Mr. Joseph Mulford, Cemetery Maintenance
A Roman Catholic parish family since 1864, our call is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, in all our
relationships and responsibilities. We encourage our members to embrace a lifestyle marked by Stewardship of Time, Talent and
Treasure, engaging in active support of our ministries of the Word, Worship and Service. We welcome visitors and all who wish to
join us as new members; registration forms are available at church entrances and at the Parish Office.
Sacraments of Initiation
The Eucharist
Sundays: 5:30 PM (Sat.), 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist
or Reception into the Catholic Church: call
(choir) and 12:30 PM.
about Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Weekdays: Monday—Friday 7:30 AM (Held in
St. Gianna Molla Chapel–lower level of Parish Infant Baptism: celebrated monthly (except
Center), and Monday—Saturday 12:10 PM in Lent); Registration/information available online
or call for information about the baptism process.
Rosary: Prayed in Church Monday thru Saturday
following the 12:10 PM Mass. (September–June)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Usually
the last Monday of each month from 7:30 PM
to 8:30 PM in Church see bulletin for exact dates.
Prayer Group: Meets Wednesdays at 8:00 PM
Faith Formation
Religious Education: Kindergarten to Grade 8
Sunday at 9:3AM to 10:45AM (Tegakwitha Hall).
Family-Based Religious Ed.: contact parish office.
Adult Formation: see Bulletin for programs.
Parish Office
1 Munn St. (corner of Munn St./Fullerton Ave.)
Hours: Monday & Tuesday: 9:00 AM‒6:00 PM;
anytime for the Sacraments of Confession, Wednesday & Thursday: 9:00 AM‒4:00 PM;
Arrangements should be made in person with a Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Call for times Saturday: 9:00 AM‒1:00 PM; Friday and Sunday:
priest at least one year in advance. At least one of communal celebrations. Please call to notify us Office is CLOSED. Call the Rectory for
of those who are hospitalized.
partner should be a registered parishioner.
emergencies, 973-744-5650 follow instructions.
First Eucharist: generally celebrated in Grade 2;
Holy Days: 7:30 AM and 12:10 and 7:30 PM
(Church has barrier-free access; limited call for information about preparation process
handicapped parking is available.)
for candidates and parents.
Confirmation: generally celebrated in Grade 9;
Rite of Penance with Individual Confession: call for information about preparation process
Saturday at 12:45 PM and after 5:30 PM Mass for candidates, parents and sponsors.
upon request; Seasonal Communal Services as
Anointing of the Sick
announced; Confession any time on request.
Those seriously ill or confined at home may call
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November 8, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
Last week it was announced at Mass that Fr. Frank Burla
was involved in a car accident and was in the hospital
recovering from surgery. As of this writing on Tuesday,
November 3, 2015, I was with Fr. B at the hospital and he
was hoping that today he would be released and sent for
rehab at St. Joseph Rehabilitation Center in Wayne.
Thank the Good Lord that his injuries were not life
threating. He did have to undergo hip and knee surgery.
He is recovering and is thankful to all of you for all your
prayers. So many of you have asked “what can we do for
Fr. B?”. Right now your prayers will help the most. Our
parish is filled with so many wonderful people who are
always willing and looking to help out when help is needed.
May God bless you for your kindness. Please keep him
and all our infirm family and friends in your prayers.
Soon Thanksgiving will be upon us, followed by the Season of
Advent. Please check the bulletin for all events and
celebrations happening here at Immaculate as we approach
this very busy time of year.
Sincerely in the Lord,
Fr. Joe
Respect Life Raffle
The Montclair Knights of Columbus will be selling chances for the 2015 Respect Life Raffle after
all masses this weekend November 7 & 8. The
tickets are $10 each. 1st Prize: 2015 Volvo XCWD SUV
($42,000 value); 2nd Prize: Shoprite Gift Card ($1000); 3rd
Prize: Shoprite Gift Card ($750); 4th Prize: Shoprite
Gift Card ($500). The drawing will be Friday evening
November 20th—Winners need not be present. Proceeds benefit the NJ Right to Life. For more information go to: Please support the work of our Montclair
Knights and their New Jersey Right to Life efforts.
Do you have time to help with Mary’s Pantry
With the retirement of Bette Kuzcek, our longtime coordinator
of Mary’s Pantry, the parish office is seeking the help of some
parishioners who may be able to devote a couple of weekday
hours per week to assist with the distribution of food packages
for those in need in our community. Mary’s Pantry will be
OPEN every Tuesday morning from 9am to
12pm. Additional volunteers are needed to
help with this ministry and expand our hours of
service to those in need. If interested please
contact Samantha at the Parish Office 973-744
-5650 or email [email protected].
Advent begins November 29
Make an Advent Wreath for the Season
Mark your calendars and plan on kicking off the season of Advent with the
annual making of Advent Wreaths—
Sunday, November 29th at 9:30 AM
(following the 8:30 AM Mass). The cost
is $15 per wreath or $7 if using last
year's frame. Please bring clippers and
and we'll supply the greenAdvent Wreath Making scissors
ery, ribbons & candles. All are welcome. This is a wonderful family event! Questions? Contact
Joan Lisovicz 973-748-4750 or [email protected].
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Your Help Is Needed!
Mary’s Pantry will again be giving out
Thanksgiving Food Baskets to those in
need on Saturday, November 21. If you or
someone you know needs assistance providing a meal for yourself or your family this Thanksgiving, please contact the Parish
Office 973-744-5650 and sign up for a Thanksgiving Basket. In
preparation for our holiday giving, Mary’s Pantry is in need of
the following food items: canned vegetables or fruit, canned or
boxed soup, cranberry sauce, boxed cereal, oatmeal, pancake
mix and syrup, mac & cheese, stuffing mix, canned tuna, pasta,
pasta sauce, canned or bottled juice, bread or muffin mix, hot
chocolate, coffee and tea. (Please be mindful of expiration
dates). Items can be dropped off at the Parish Center during business hours or to the back of Church on Sundays. The
only perishable items we will be collecting this year are TURKEYS
and HAMS and PIES which should be delivered to the Parish
Center during office hours. All food for the baskets needs to be in
NO LATER than Tuesday, November 17. Thank you for your
kindness in helping those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
IC Rosarians’ “Touch of Warmth” Project
Would you like to add an extra special “touch of
warmth and care” to our Thanksgiving Food
Baskets? If so, consider donating a knitted or
crocheted item, such as a scarf, gloves, hats or
mittens to be given with the food baskets to families in need this holiday season. (store bought items are great
too!) Please drop off at the Parish Center by Thursday, 11/19.
Become an Altar Server
Altar Servers are an important part of the
Mass. They assist the priest in the celebration of
Mass and other liturgies. To be an altar server you
must be in Grade 3 or higher and have received your First Holy Communion. Being an
altar server is an honor and a privilege which provides the opportunity to participate in the liturgy in a special way. If interested in
training to become an altar server please speak with Msgr. Paul
Bochicchio or contact the Parish Office 973-744-5650 or
[email protected]. Altar Server registration forms
can be found on our parish website
page_id=2121. Consider joining this special ministry today!
Stewardship Reflection:
32nd Sunday in Ordinary time — November 8, 2015
“I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the
other contributors to the treasury. For they all contributed out
of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in
everything she had, her whole living.” —Mark 12:43-44
Jesus gets right to the point — we are all called to give money to
support the mission of the Church, regardless of our circumstance. No gift is too small or insignificant! Giving money to
support the mission of our local parish is a matter of our faith,
just like praying and participating in parish ministries. When
you make a financial offering, is it from your “first fruits” or
from what is “left over”?
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November 8, 2015
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
[email protected] | 973-744-5650 ext. 118
Upcoming events in Catechetical Ministry
Sunday, November 14 – Mass and “Potter Retreat” with
1st Reconciliation Families
8:25 am - Church
Saturday, November 21 – 9th Grade Confirmation Session
5:00 pm – Madonna Hall
Today is STEWARDSHIP Sunday
Stewardship is the way God expected His people to live since the
beginning of time. Stewardship is recognizing that everything we
have is a gift from God. We can take credit for nothing. Everything we have and everything we do is a result of some gift that
God has placed into our hands. ╬ Stewardship is living a life of
gratitude – taking the time every day to recognize the gifts that
God has given us and to be grateful for them. To show our gratitude to God, we return these gifts in the form of OUR TIME,
OUR TALENT, and OUR TREASURE. We return these gifts
not because God or our Church needs them but because we become so overwhelmed by His abundant love that we just feel the
need to show our love and gratitude to God.
—Spending Time with God. Stewardship involves spending
time with God. Recognizing that every day is a gift from God, we
strive to spend some of each day with God, through prayer, Mass,
Eucharistic Adoration, scripture reading, quiet, meditation and
other spiritual activities. During this time we ask God how He
wants us to use the gifts He has given to us.
—Sharing Talent. Stewardship involves sharing talent. Recognizing that God has given each individual unique skills and talents
so that together we can do the work of Our Lord, we strive to share
our own talents to encourage and welcome others to also use their
talents to participate in the mission and ministry of the Church.
—Giving Treasure. Stewardship involves giving treasure. Giving
time and talent does not excuse us from giving treasure. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus challenged us to give as it has been given to
us. Aware of our tremendous financial blessings, we strive to give
generously to support the building up of God’s kingdom. We
recognize the 10% tithe as an important sacrificial goal. Stewardship guidelines suggest 5% given to your local parish and 5% given
to other catholic charities. Although this level of giving may not be
immediately possible, we are aware of what percentage we are
giving back. We regularly strive to increase our generosity, taking
small incremental steps toward giving a full tithe.
╬ Stewardship is transformative. Once we embrace the stew-
ardship message it changes the way we look at every decision we
make. It becomes a total way of life. If we allow God to truly
live within us we become so bathed in His abundant love for us
that we just naturally feel the need to join our lives with Him and
dedicate our time, talent and treasure to carrying out God’s work.
╬ What are your Gifts? Consider becoming a Eucharistic, a Lector,
Altar Server, Catechist, a Choir Member, Hospitality. Please contact the parish office at [email protected] or 973744-5650 so we can put you in touch with the people who run the
many wonderful programs here at Immaculate.
Questions about the Catholic Faith?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
Is the formation process which guides people inquiring
about our faith as well as Catholics seeking full initiation. Please contact Mrs. Deana Campion for
more information at (973) 509-9036.
We welcome all who are visiting the parish family of
Immaculate Conception in Montclair, and invite any who
would like to join our parish to fill out a registration form, found
on the tables in the back of church. Please complete both sides
and give to one of the priests or return to the Parish Center.
The registration form may also be found on the Parish Web
site at To all our parishioners,
please advise us of any changes to your address, phone # and
email so that we can keep our files current.
Immaculate this Week at a Glance
Sunday, November 8
― Religious Ed classes (K-8) in School Building (9:30 AM)
― KofC at doors selling Respect Life Raffle tickets (after masses)
― 2nd Collection - Monthly Repair & Maintenance Collection
Tuesday, November 10
― Sharing Christ Session 6 in MH (7:30 PM)
Wednesday, November 11
― St. Cecilia Music Class in PC (10:30 AM)
―KofC Veterens Day tribute at IC Cemetery (11:00 AM)
― Cherub Rehearsal in Madonna Hall (4:30 —5:15 PM)
― Chorister Rehearsal, Choir Room (4:30 —5:15 PM)
― Cherub Recorders/Music Skill Activities., CR (5:15—6 PM)
― Chorister Handbells in MH (5:15—6 PM)
Thursday, November 12
―Chancel Choir Rehearsal in CR/Church (7:30 PM)
―Baptism Preparation Class in PC (7:00 PM)
Saturday, November 14
― Sharing Christ Retreat at OLMC (9:30 AM—4::30 PM)
― God’s Plan for a Joy Filled Marriage Session in MH ( 9am-4pm)
― Music@Immaculate—OSNJ Concert –Verdi’s Requiem (8 PM)
Sunday, November 15
― Religious Ed classes (K-8) in School Building (9:30 AM)
― 2nd Gr. 1st Communion retreat “The Potter” -MH (8:30 AM)
― RCIA “Rite of Welcoming” (11:00 AM Mass)
― 2nd Collection - Black/Indian/Catholic Relief Services
IC High School Tea & Luncheon
I.C. High School invites you to a traditional afternoon tea
at The Richfield Regency (420 Bloomfield Ave. Verona)
on Sunday, Dec. 6th for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
Honoring Immaculate Women in Healthcare— to be remembered
Gertrude Triggs, R.N.—School Nurse 1964-1978. Reservations
required. Cost $50 RSVP by Tuesday, Dec. 1. Reservations, call
Nora Bishop at [email protected] or 973-744-7445, ext.
26. Mass at 12:30pm—tea starting at 2pm. Menu: assorted teas,
coffee, Mimosas, wine, finger sandwiches, Salad Bar, desserts.
“Grieving through the Holidays”
Our Lady of the Lake in Verona will have a program
“Grieving through the Holidays” this Tuesday, November 10
at 7PM in the chapel (rear of the church). Speaker will be Fr.
Bill Dowd. Anyone who is on a grief journey suffering the loss
of aloved one or friend is welcome.
The 2nd collection this weekend is our monthly Repairs &
Maintenance Collection. Next week it is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
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November 8, 2015
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:30pm (Sat.) Jeanine Capan
8:30am Thomas Walsh
Anne/Darren Cooper
12:30pm Marcia DePolo
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
5:30pm (Sat.) Ana Avila, Frank Borek,
Karen Hockstein, Robin Holcombe
John & Sue Trapp, Carla Millien,
Kevin Schlatmann
Paul & Maryanne Cushman, Paul Bambrick
12:30pm Dennis Reis, Nora Reis, Robert Dyer, Floater
Altar Servers
5:30pm (Sat.) Mary, Sean & Jude Demo
Noah Piere, Fiona Stanton, Sean Trapp
Ana, Maria & Nicolas Bambrick
12:30pm Volunteers Needed
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sue Trapp
Paul Bambrick, Rita Deas
Readings for the Week
Monday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9;
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
Tuesday: Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Ps 34:2-3, 16-19; Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11; Ps 82:3-4, 6-7; Lk 17:11-19
Thursday: Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Ps 119:89-91, 130, 135,
175; Lk 17:20-25
Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5ab; Lk 17:26-37
Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3, 36-37,
42-43; Lk 18:1-8
Sunday: Dn 12:1-3; Ps 16:5, 8-11; Heb 10:11-14, 18; Mk 13:24-32
Sunday 11/1 All Saints
In-pew donations
E-debit contributions (weekly)
All Saints envelopes
Guidelines for Stewardship suggest contributing 5% of weekly
income to parish support, and 5% to other charities (e.g., Archbishop’s
Annual Appeal). Thank you for your continued support of your
parish. If you are not already doing so, please use your envelopes
each week — only contributions in your numbered envelope (or an
envelope indicating your name/address & #) or E-Giving are recorded
for documentation required by the IRS. Contact Marcie Alexander at
the Parish Office if you are not receiving contribution envelopes.
November 7
Thomas & Helen Posteraro
November 8
(Thirsty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time)
All Souls
11:00 James Reid
12:30 Ed & Joan Giblin
November 9
(The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica)
All Souls
12:10 Special Intentions
November 10
(St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church)
For the People of the Parish
12:10 In Thanksgiving for blessings
Wednesday November 11
(St. Martin of Tours, Bishop)
Lee & Charles Rooney (living)
12:10 Ann Landi
Thursday November 12
(St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr)
June Fee
12:10 Rosalie Gilberti
November 13
(St. Francis Xavier Cabrini, Virgin)
Joan Giblin
12:10 John Hermann
Saturday November 14
12:10 Maria Fong
Elizabeth Lamb
November 15
(Thirsty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time)
For the People of the Parish
11:00 Joseph Nutile
12:30 William Hayes
2016 Mass Intention Book is OPEN!
The 2016 Immaculate Conception Mass Book is now open if
you wish to make Mass intentions for specific memorial dates
in 2016. Please stop by the Parish Center during office hours.
Rosary Intentions for the week of Nov. 9
Mon.: We pray for our own conversion and for the conversion of people who
do not accept Jesus as their Savior and God.
Tues.: We pray for the respect of life from conception to natural death
& for the sanctification of marriage and family.
Wed.: For the respect of life from conception to natural death & for
the sanctification of marriage and family.
Thurs.: For the Holy Father, Bishops, priests, religious brothers & sisters. For
vocations to the priesthood/religious life.
Direct Access to Giving on our Parish Website.
Do It Yourself! It’s Safe, Easy and Accessible!
November 11th
Fri.: For our own conversion & for the conversion of people who do not accept
Jesus as their Savior and God.
Sat.: For our own private intentions & the intentions of our parish community.
We invite you to join us in praying the rosary weekdays following
the 12:10 Mass in church for the intentions of families, the world
and the Church. “Say the rosary every day” —Our Lady of Fatima, 1917
For the latest news about happenings at
Immaculate Conception: follow us on Facebook at
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November 8, 2015
“To everything there is a
season, and a time for
every purpose under
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
We rejoice in our newly Baptized
Please join us in celebrating and welcoming those newly
baptized here at Immaculate Conception in October 2015.
August Eliot Baldwin
––Ecclesiastes 3:11
Joshua Jude Beaton
“…… A time to be healed……”
“…… A time to die……”
Deceased: Richard Reilly. May all the faithful departed rest
in peace.
Logan Paul Nardi
Patrick Giovanni Olivieri
We also congratulate their parents, Godparents, and families.
“May the Lord give you strength for the days ahead and all
the new things they hold.”
All Saints at Immaculate
Photo/permission courtesy of Janet Natale.
Sick List: Michael Quinn, Sr. Cora Marie McGuire, Anita
Szarzinski, Donna Valenti, Rosemary Thomasberger, Gloria
Reinhardt, Amy Brown, Pamela Doffont, Jill Cerullo, Shelia
Settle, Sr. Carol Jaresewski, Thomas D. Sheen, Damion Regan,
Barbara Regan, Stephen Bacino, Edward Britt, William Crum,
Mary King, Joan Emerson, Baby Maisy Chapman, Mariella
Ramirez, The Puleo family, Dino Pisaneschi, Billy Birmingham,
Jeanette McConachie, Patricia Jimmerson, Sherri Alexander,
Dorothy Leitgeb, Laura Lass, Denise Jenkins, Debbie Despirito,
Gianna Ramirez, Susan Haas, Jack Daudt, Maria Dyer, Ryan Reism,
Mary Seiler, Mark Emerson, Lisa Mataro, Paul Barrere, Jane
Maloney, Alice Fleming Deisler, Rosemary Fedor, Sue Nolan,
James Vaughan, Don Huback, Sheila McGuire.
Eileen Ann Healy
Altar Candles burn for
Serena Bobrowsky .
Sanctuary Lamp burns for Maria Fong.
Altar Bread & Wine and Memorial Candles are
also available as memorials to remember loved ones.
We pray for national and world leaders and for those
in the armed services, especially, Joshua Dibble, USN;
Oliver Kotelnicki, Capt. USAF; SrA Edward Walker, USAF.
Intercession for Life: For the poor and oppressed: May
our continuing efforts to provide aid and justice for them be
fruitful and bring them consolation; We pray to the Lord.
Vocation Intercession: That all the saints may inspire
and support all those called to ordained and consecrated life
We pray to the Lord.
The Holy Father's Intentions — NOVEMBER 2015
Human Trafficking. That human trafficking, the modern form
of slavery, may be eradicated. Mission in Asia. That with a
missionary spirit the Christian communities of Asia may announce
the Gospel tot hose who are still awaiting it.
Saturday, December 19
9am—11am in Madonna Hall
Stay tuned for more details regarding
Breakfast with Santa. Interested in
volunteering? Please email Kristin
Roney [email protected]
or call 973-744-5650 ext. 112.
Last Sunday, All Saints Day the following Saints joined us at the 8:30am
mass. Back row: Blessed Jacinta, Saint Helen, Saint Joan of Arc; Front
row: Saint Genevieve, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Christopher.
Youth Choir
Immaculate Conception is proud to announce the addition of a
new choir; Youth Choir. Youth Choir is a project based ensemble for high school students (9th grade-12th grade) only. This
group has four rehearsals, performs, and then does not meet until
the next project. Please find the rehearsal schedule below:
Rehearsal 1: Wednesday, December 9th from 6-7pm
Rehearsal 2: Thursday, December 10th from 6-7pm
Rehearsal 3: Thursday, December 17th from 6-7pm
Dress Rehearsal: Wednesday, December 23rd from 6-7pm
Performance: Thursday, December 24th 6pm Christmas Eve Mass
To register your child for Youth Choir, please contact Preston
Dibble at [email protected] or call 973-744-5650 ext.
113 by Monday, November 23rd.
Shuttle bus service
Due to the closing of the Pathmark Supermarket, Montclair is
looking to set up shuttle bus service from the Pathmark location to
the Shop Rite in Bloomfield while the supermarket is closed. Please
contact the Parish Office at [email protected] or 973
-744-5650 if you would be interested in this service.
BULLETIN NOTICE: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday the
bulletin for November 29th must be submitted early. Bulletin information for Sunday, Nov. 29 must by Tuesday, Nov. 17. Thank you.
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