September 17


September 17
Main Points
1) Diversity, Phylogeny, and Systematics:
--Subclasses Prototheria and Theria
--Infraorder Metatheria (Marsupialia)
--Orders Monotremata through Peremelimorphia
2) Modern distribution of monotremes and
--adaptive radiation of marsupials
--continental vs. oceanic islands
--Wallace’s line
3) Terms: sister group, oviparous, cloaca, altricial,
marsupium, adaptive radiation, syndactyly,
placenta (choriovitelline vs. chorioallantoic)
Zoogeographic Regions
Subclass Prototheria
Order Multituberculata:
the greatest mammalian success story ever told
--may be of Prototherian descent, but didn’t lay eggs
--may have been driven extinct by eutherians
body sizes of extant mammals
North American mammals north of Mexico
Brown and Nicoletto 1991
Log10 Mass (g)
Lyons et al. 2004
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
long-nosed echidna
short-nosed echidna
duck-billed platypus
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
2) cloaca
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
2) cloaca
3) mammary glands lacking nipples
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
2) cloaca
3) mammary glands lacking nipples
4) no teeth in adults
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
2) cloaca
3) mammary glands lacking nipples
4) no teeth in adults
5) electroreceptors in snouts
Subclass Prototheria, Order Monotremata
Taxonomy: 3 species, 2 families
Distribution: Australasian, in coastal, southeastern
Australia and in New Guinea (echidnas only)
Diagnostic characters:
1) oviparous
2) cloaca
3) mammary glands lacking nipples
4) no teeth in adults
5) electroreceptors in snouts
6) no pinnae
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Wallace’s Line
Late Jurassic, ~150 MYA
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
sugar glider
flying squirrel
red kangaroo
white-tailed deer
marsupial cat
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Diagnostic characters:
1) dental formula = 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 = 50 teeth
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Diagnostic characters:
1) dental formula = 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 = 50 teeth
2) brain and braincase are relatively small
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Diagnostic characters:
1) dental formula = 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 = 50 teeth
2) brain and braincase are relatively small
3) young are born altricial, and are carried in marsupium
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Diagnostic characters:
1) dental formula = 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 = 50 teeth
2) brain and braincase are relatively small
3) young are born altricial, and are carried in marsupium
4) cloaca
Subclass Theria, Infraorder Metatheria
Taxonomy: 7 orders
Distribution: 4 orders Australasian, 3 orders Neotropical
Diagnostic characters:
1) dental formula = 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 = 50 teeth
2) brain and braincase are relatively small
3) young are born altricial, and are carried in marsupium
4) cloaca
5) scrotum anterior to penis
Order Didelphimorphia: opossums
Taxonomy: 1 family, 15 genera, 63 species
Distribution: Neotropical, 1 species Nearctic
Order Didelphimorphia: opossums
Taxonomy: 1 family, 15 genera, 63 species
Distribution: Neotropical, 1 species Nearctic
--most generalized metatherians
--clawless hallux
--prehensile tail
Order Paucituberculata: shrew opossums
Taxonomy: 1 family, 3 genera, 6 species
Distribution: Neotropical (Andes mountains)
Order Paucituberculata: shrew opossums
Taxonomy: 1 family, 3 genera, 6 species
Distribution: Neotropical (Andes mountains)
--no marsupium
--convergent with shrews
Order Microbiotheria: monito del monte
Taxonomy: 1 family, 1 genus, 1 species
(monotypic order)
Distribution: Neotropical (Andes mountains)
Order Microbiotheria: monito del monte
Taxonomy: 1 family, 1 genus, 1 species
(monotypic order)
Distribution: Neotropical (Andes mountains)
--genetically similar to Australian metatherians
Order Notoryctemorphia: marsupial “mole”
Taxonomy: 1 family, 1 genus, 1 species
(monotypic order)
Distribution: Australasian
Order Notoryctemorphia: marsupial “mole”
Taxonomy: 1 family, 1 genus, 1 species
(monotypic order)
Distribution: Australasian
--no pinnae
--eyes vestigal, ears reduced
--enlarged claws
--convergent with other
fossorial mammals
Order Diprotodontia: kangaroos, wallabies,
phalangers, possums, wombats
Taxonomy: 10 families, 117 species
spotted cuscus
Distribution: Australasian
hairy-nosed wombat
red kangaroo
Order Diprotodontia: kangaroos, wallabies,
phalangers, possums, wombats
Taxonomy: 10 families, 117 species
Distribution: Australasian
--diprotodont teeth
Order Peramelina (Peremelimorphia): bandicoots
Taxonomy: 2 families, 21 species
Distribution: Australasian
rabbit-eared bandicoot
Eastern barred bandicoot
Order Peramelina (Peremelimorphia): bandicoots
Taxonomy: 2 families, 21 species
Distribution: Australasian
--hind limbs specialized for hopping
--have chorioallantoic placenta, in addition to

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