A recent published article by Peter


A recent published article by Peter
Enhancing our power of choice in the New York tradition of wellness
H sEpAr iLnIgNs G
Issue #30
February—March, 2007
™ journal
your level body breathing
of wellness weeps mechanics
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it’s a sensation that can only be felt…
Mon. 9:30 am
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Energy Wellness!
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Energy Medicine workshops
led by Susan Shanley LCSW,
based on Donna Eden’s work
Feb. 8, 15, 22 and March 8, 22, 29
581-9250 www.sipn.info/shanley.htm
to see our class schedule visit
o f f e r s c l a s s e s t h a t www.dancingbloom.com
153 Regent St.,
the j o y of
Saratoga Springs, NY
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Interiors by Rene
New Year—New Change
New Life for All
Rene Nielson
Interior Decorator
Feng Shui Consultant
Residential ~ Commercial
Together we can make 2007 the year
the Capital Region fully embraces
holistic practices!
Enhancing Personal Spaces
Interior Decorating
Join us today!
Color consulting, furnishings,
window treatments and accessories.
Feng Shui
Creating an environment that promotes feelings of
safety and comfort, encourages expansion & growth.
Norreida Reyes, CEO/Executive Director
[email protected]
“If you do what you’ve always done,
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Come experience Network Spinal Analysis with Dr. Tracy James Bloom.
Dr Bloom is a Chiropractor who has been practicing Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) for 15 years. NSA is a system
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A Natural Approach to Wellness
518-464-3611 • 1525 Western Avenue (Near Stuyvesant Plaza) • Albany, New York 12203
Headline in quotations from Anthony Robbins.
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Publisher’s Corner
cut trees to burn for heat, while leaving up those that block the
sun, I finally agreed to have some trees cut in order to harness the
sun’s heat.
Our house is a quintessential ‘cabin in the woods.’ Surrounded
mostly by white pines—the tree of peace to the Iroquois. The flip
side of the quaintness, is that our house is shaded from the sun,
keeping it damp and chill year-round.
Trees are living beings, and so for me they need to be treated
respectfully. This was why I called Vince Walsh to down those
with whom we had been sharing our home and root system. He
runs the Kawing Crow Awareness Center in Greenfield Center,
and loves trees as much—if not more—than I do. Vince did a
ceremony for the trees prior to cutting them. And has taken the
logs to be used for building his house in the next year or two. It
feels good to have given ceremony, honor and purpose to those
beautiful souls that had been growing as trees. We now have
hours of sunlight, where before there were only shadows.
The greatest gift you can give this
world is a healthy, whole you.
Trees are among my favorite characters. So when my husband,
Trent, suggested years ago that we cut some down in order to get
more sun on the house, I was dead-set against it. Yet, as the trees
grew, my scope of the situation expanded as well. We heat with
wood, so trees are always giving up their lives in order to heat
our house. The only difference between those that go in the stove
and the ones we would have cut, is I do not have to see the ones
for the stove going down. They come already cut up into neat and
clean logs.
The sun is also one of my favorite teachers—as it faithfully lights
our way, giving life to the various inhabitants of earth—human,
animal and plant. Through seeing this contradiction of buying
HsEpAr L
i nI N
g sG
Issue #30 / February—March ‘07
Katrina Clay
Design & Production
BeanTree Designs
[email protected]
[email protected]
(518) 583-3277
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 167 Middle Grove, NY 12850
Ad Sales
• Kathy Driscoll at 518-587-1125
[email protected]
What does this mean for my life symbolically? That is still to be
seen. For now, I recognize a sense of openness and changing
thought patterns. My life seems to be becoming more free as
there is literally more space. Or perhaps, because I followed my
lifelong dream of my own horse, my thoughts had already
become more free. Showing me the contradiction that allowed
me to finally say yes to create that space.
In my search to move through life with confidence, I searched
also for certainty. Never being quite satisfied with what I found.
Advertising and story
deadline for April—May
issue is March 1, 2007.
thanks go out to....
Lori Batcheller • Arlene
D’Angelus • Peter Guare
• Helena Holod • Beverly
Lewinski • Linda McCann
• Annette Nadeau • Beth
Netter • Jerome Pindell
• Deborah Reyome • Rich
Riedman • Beth Sabo Novik
• Gregg St Clair • Lisa
Temoshok • Jill Turpin • Dr.
Robert Weissberg • Dr. Zach
Healing Springs
thanks go out to....
Mary Bartel • John Bell
• Susanne Murtha • Annette
Nadeau • Gina NeJame
• Meghan Singh • Laurie
Smith • Jill Turpin
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Personalized desktop
publishing service
B r o c h u r e s H F l y e r s
R e s u m e s H M e n u s
NewslettersH Logos
Typesetting H Ad design
5 1 8 H5 8 3 H3 2 7 7
The only thing I have become certain of, is that I can not be certain of anything. Plato said “As youth fades and time brings
changes we may change many of our present opinions. So let us
refrain from setting ourselves up as judge of the highest matter.”
This was proven to me again when I changed my mind about cutting down our trees. Making me uncertain about all my opinions,
beliefs and abilities as well. This in turn feels unstable.
Regardless of insecurities, I need to find confidence in moving
toward my future, through following my present inspiration.
Which today, at this moment, is to be peaceful, to be authentic,
to be happy, to be present. Then to express outwardly the energy
that these states of being produce, with every action I take. A
simple concept that is not always easy to live.
Along with modern science’s ability to explain how many things
work, a lot of us have lost our comfort in not knowing. Causing
us to cling to ideas and beliefs for a sense of security. I am hoping to move comfortably within not knowing, recognizing its
strength, rather than its insecurities. Through it
all, I will take to heart André Gide’s quote
“Believe those who are seeking the
truth; doubt those who find it.”
for mind
Making the benefits of yoga accessible to all
ages, faiths, body styles and states of health
• Yoga Classes in Bakers Mills, Chestertown and
Blue Mountain Lake
• Snowshoe & Yoga Escape Package
Saturday, February 10, 10:00am-5:00pm
• Restorative Yoga Workshop
Sunday, February 18, 1:30pm-5:00pm
• Neck & Back in Balance with Lee Albert
Saturday, March 31, 9:00am-1:00pm
518 251-3015 • YogaInTheAdirondacks.com
Life Between Lives ..........................20
Finding Hope in the Struggle to Heal ..30
for environment
Improving Your Wellness ................12 7 Generations ..................................36
Who Am I; The Healing Question....22
Journal-Keeping ..............................26
Our Community ......................................6
Ask The Practitioner..............................33
Salutations........................................11 Astrological Forcast ..............................40
Breathe Better & Upgrade your Life ..24 Calendar ..........................................42
Complete Smile Makeovers ..............32 Directory ..........................................45
Don’t Shoot the Messenger ..............38
for body
for spirit
Pine Oil ............................................16
The Body Weeps the Tears the Eyes
Refuse to Shed ................................18
Healing Springs Mission
With knowledge comes choice. Our mission at The Healing
Springs Journal is to address the whole person by providing
articles and stories that allow the reader to make empowered
lifestyle decisions in relation to the wellness of their mind,
body, spirit, and environment.
The Healing Springs Journal is an independent publication committed to printing articles regarding the wellness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. It is a
free publication supported by it’s advertisers. These advertisers must be judged on their individual merits, The Healing Springs Journal is not responsible for
their claims, conditions, products, or services. Our articles reflect the opinions of their authors and not necessarily those of our publisher. We do not claim to
diagnose illness, but offer an open forum on complimentary & alternative therapies. Serious ailments should be checked out by a physician as well as by the
healers you feel compelled to learn more about. We reserve the right to refuse advertising and are not liable for any errors within the ads themselves.
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
from surgery; chemotherapy and radiation; autoimmune disorders and symptoms of chronic illness.
Healing Touch for Cancer Patients
The Mollie Wilmot Radiation Oncology
Center at the Saratoga Hospital is sponsoring a Healing Touch Day for Cancer
Patients on February 17, 2007 from
noon to five. Private, one hour sessions
are being offered to enable cancer
patients to experience firsthand the benefits of energy therapy. This opportunity will help increase knowledge of health care choices that are available in the community.
During a Healing Touch session, the client is fully clothed and
can sit in a chair or recline on a padded table. Unlike massage,
there is no manipulation of the body. A gentle touch may be felt
as the body’s self healing abilities are brought into balance and a
deep sense of relaxation is experienced.
These sessions will be provided free of charge by qualified
Healing Touch practitioners to increase awareness of the benefit
of complementary therapies. A donation of $10 is suggested and
will go to benefit Community Hospice of Saratoga. PRE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
To schedule your private session, or for more information, please
contact Nina Lockwood at 518-791-5120. Nina Lockwood, MSW,
CHTP, HTP is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Healing
Touch Instructor. She has an energy healing practice specializing
in illness and injury recovery and teaches energy based self care
workshops. Her website is www.sipn.info/lockwood.htm.
ManKind Project
Healing Touch is an internationally recognized, leading energy
therapy which is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses
Association and certified through Healing Touch, International.
It is an excellent complement to standard medical care because it
is non invasive, drug free and safe for all ages.
Healing Touch is practiced in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes,
hospice and other medical facilities. It is used to address many
health challenges, including stress; pain management; recovery
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WEBSITE: www.sensibiliteasonline.com
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
In creating sustainable communities, we
need strong members. The ManKind
Project works on strengthening the Men in
our modern culture. Kawing Crow
Awareness Center is pleased to host and
support them with their efforts!
The Mankind Project of Upstate New York conducted an Open
Circle on Monday, January 15 at Kawing Crow Awareness
Energy Medicine - Facilitating Your
Animal's Natural Ability to Self Heal
Reiki for Animals • Aromatherapy • Animal Communication
PetMassage™ • Healing Touch for Animals™
George and Joanne Belev, RM/T, HTAP
PO Box 2564 • Glenville, NY 12325
[email protected]
Center to provide information about men's work. The circle was
both informative and experiential.
it’s magically hip
“The ManKind Project of Upstate New York is a committed,
diverse and vital community empowering men to live in integrity,
authenticity and service. We are creating a world of love, healing
and growing consciousness.”
locally handcrafted jewelry
unique clothing
unique gifts
essential oils
tarot cards
smoking accessories
Veronica P. Walczak / Donna Cruger
15 Phila Street / Saratoga / 583-2488
We empower men to live to their full potential, trusting that they
will co-create the healthy solutions needed by society. We foster
Loving Families, Strong Communities, and Productive
Workplaces in a sustainable environment.
Our intention is twofold. To enable men to live lives of integrity,
accountability, and connection to feeling. To be of service to the
community at large, both as individual men with a renewed sense
of passion and personal responsibility, and as communities of men
working together to build sustainable relationships.
There are more than 565 New Warriors in the Upstate New York
Community. New Warriors are men that have been initiated
through attending a Warrior Adventure Training Weekend. The
weekend programs are held in Upstate New York, throughout the
United States and Internationally.
The next New Warrior Training Adventure will be held Feb 2-4,
2007, in the Albany region. Contact Warren Cornwell;
[email protected]; 496-2832
Ancient Teachings & Rituals: Led by
Andean Yachak Jorge Tamayo
Don Jorge Tamayo is a Yachak Shaman of
the Andes, known as bird people healers.
He lives in the Valley of the Dawn in the
sleepy village of Carebuela, Ecuador. The
valley, a powerful vortex, is located
between three sacred volcanoes and sacred
waters of the Andes. Joined in sacred ceremony to the mountains, to
the land and the sacred waters Don Jorge accesses this powerful connection as he teaches & performs ceremony throughout the world.
Don Jorge comes from a long line of Yachaks, he carries with him
the destiny of fulfilling his ancestor's prophecy of the Eagle and
the Condor. Creating a bridge between ancient wisdom and
The Magic Moon
A Unique Metaphysical Boutique
Tai Chi
Tai Chi — Qi Gong — Meditation
Beginner & Intermediate classes
see website for schedule
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A Division of Universal Flow
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Learn to consciously heal yourself
Gain faith and confidence to be whole
Individual Sessions and workshops
for Appointments call 888-879-8869 or contact
Todd Cunningham or Roseann Mason
at 518-251-3714 www.universalflow.org
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
modern needs he shares their stories and teachings to help us live
a more balanced Earth-honoring way.
Earth Summit is sponsoring Don Jorge for one month (March
2007) of Andean Philosophy teachings and ceremonies in the
Northeast. Our philosophy focuses on working towards healing of
the self and earth with the help of Pachamama (mother earth, universe and time). Please check www.earthsummitllc.com as we
update the schedule of public events
Free easy parking!
Every Saturday
Vegetables, baked goods,
cheese, local meat & eggs
maple syrup
Salvation Army Bldg, 27 WOodlawn Ave
1 block west of Broadway
Saratoga Integrative
Practitioners Network
learn more at:
The King Tut Exhibit and Our Nation’s
Largest Flower Show!
This overnight trip (March 9 and 10, 2007) is not to be missed.
First we will tour the world blockbuster show, “Tutankhamun &
the Golden Age of the Pharoahs.” Sponsored by National
Geographic in cooperation with the Egyptian Supreme Council of
Antiquities, the exhibit brings this extensive collection to
Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute Science Museum. The exhibit
includes 50 major artifacts excavated from King Tut’s tomb,
including his royal diadem – the gold crown discovered encircling
the head of the king’s mummified body that he likely wore while
living – and one of the gold and inlaid coffinettes that contained
his mummified remains. In addition, more than 70 artifacts from
other royal graves of the 18th dynasty will be on exhibit. All of
these treasures are between 3,300 and 3,500 years old.
Single and triple room rates are also available. Our bus will depart
early on Friday, March 9th with pickups in Saratoga Springs and
Albany and will return approximately 10:00 pm on Saturday
night. Please sign up early as trips in the past have SOLD OUT
early. For further trip details call Mary at Edventures: (607) 3873322 or via email: [email protected]
The Chakra Garden, Center for Mind Body
Healing seeks Holistic Health Practitioners
We invite full-time healers including
Homeopaths, Massage Therapists,
Naturopathic MDs, Psychotherapists,
and/or Social Workers to apply.
Requirements: Must have established caseload, a desire to work
as part of an integrative healing team, be self-directed, professional, and responsible for own administrative tasks. Individuals
interested in offering healing programs to the public preferred.
Balance your nervous system,
Discover your health.
Rent includes: private workspace, referrals from in-house therapists,
online marketing, and full usage of office phone, copier, and fax.
Conveniently located to Albany and Schenectady counties, The
Chakra Garden, Center for Mind/Body Healing is a holistic psychotherapy practice, blending Eastern and Western philosophies
of healing the mind and body.
Margery Chessare, LMT
518.893.0421 • www.sipn.info
Nervous Conditions • Recovery • Pain • Insomnia
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
It is our mission to provide fertile ground for individuals seeking
traditional and complimentary therapies, empowering them to
heal, grow and prosper.
Send resume and cover letter via email or fax to: Mary E.
Qualters, LCSW, at 409 New Karner Road, Suite 101, Albany,
NY 12205. or call 518.456.1071 e: [email protected]
Gilda's Club Sponsoring Panel on
Alternative Approaches to Cancer
The local chapter of Gilda’s Club, which is a
nationwide organization named after the late
comedian Gilda Radner, and whose mission is
to provide support for people with cancer and
their families, will be sponsoring a panel discussion entitled “Alternative and Integrative
Approaches to Cancer,” on Monday, March 26 from 6 - 8pm at
their local office at 1 Penny Lane in Latham. The panel will
feature experts who work in the field of integrative and alternative medicine, and have specificially worked with people with
The panelists are Pharmacist Peter Fallon, owner of Fallon's
Wellness Pharmacy; Berkshire, MA based Macrobiotic
Counselor and Teacher John Kozinski; Herbalist and Cancer
Guide Lynn Monroe; Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist Dr.
Michael Wayne; and Integrative Physician Dr. Robert
Weissberg. Admission is free for the event, but registration is
required. To register, call Gilda's Club at 518-782-9833.
We want to hear from you. Please send your
“Our Community” announcements by email to
[email protected],
with Our Community in the subject line.
Offering certified instruction in
Pilates mat and apparatus
In the classical tradition
of Joseph H. Pilates
Jessica Curley,
Certified Pilates Instructor
(518) 229-0801
B O D Y - C E N T E R E D
Rubenfeld Synergy Method® I Imago Relationship Therapy
Depression I Survivors of Childhood Trauma
Distressed Relationships I Sexual Identity I Stress
Rob Bauer, LCSW
2 Franklin Square
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Whole-body Dentistry
TMJ, Head, Neck & Face Pain
Orthodontics for Adults & Children
(518) 371-5113
bodywork system
acute & chronic
sports injuries
auto/work accidents
Immediate results
Permanent change
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Y ga
6 Metro Park Road
Albany, NY 12205
New classes begin March 5!
See www.akyc.org for updates!
Look for special promotions
February 27 – March 2
Winter Class Schedule!
January 2 – February 26, 2007
The AKYC Center,
6 Metro Park Road (off Wolf Rd.)
Kripalu Beginning Yoga
Kripalu Yoga 3
Kripalu Gentle Yoga
Tai Chi Level 2
Kripalu Yoga 2
Kripalu Beginning Yoga
Yoga 2 & Meditation
Kripalu Vigorous Yoga
9:30 am
10:30 am
12:15 pm
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
Iyengar Yoga 2
Tykes Itsy Bitsy Yoga
Tots Itsy Bitsy Yoga
Mom & Baby Yoga
Kripalu Beginning Yoga
Kripalu Yoga 3
Kripalu Yoga 2
9:30 – 10:20 am
10:30 – 11:20 am
11:30 am – 12:45 pm
5:15 pm
5:30 pm
5:30 – 6:30 pm
7:15 pm
Kripalu Yoga Practice 2-3
Iron Abs Fusion
Svaroopa Yoga®
Kripalu Yoga 2
Kripalu Beginning Yoga
Anusara Yoga 2
6:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
5:30 pm
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
7:15 – 8:15 pm
Introduction to Anusara
Kripalu Yoga 2
Pre-natal Yoga
Kripalu Yoga 2
Strong Vinyasa Flow
New Year, New You, New Yoga
(January 18th & 25th and
February 1st & 8th)
Kripalu Yoga Practice 2-3
Lunchtime Yoga
All Levels Kripalu Yoga
Teacher Rotation
(FREE for Members)
Anusara 1-2
9:30 am
9:30 am
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
5:45 pm
6:15 pm
6 – 8 pm
8:30-9:30 am
9:30 am
12:15 – 1:15 pm
5:30 pm
8:30 am
9:00 am
The Yoga Loft, 540 Delaware Ave.
Atmananda® Yoga
5:30 pm
Iyengar Yoga 1
Iyengar Yoga 1-2
5:45 – 7:00 pm
7:15 – 8:45 pm
Delmar Chiropractic Office, 204 Delaware Ave.
Yoga for Better Backs 2
Yoga for Better Backs 1
5:45 – 7:00 pm
7:15 – 8:30 pm
February Workshops!
Back Care Workshop
With Susanne Murtha
Saturday, February 3 • 1 – 4 pm
With Sue Shetler
For ages 3 – 5 years old
Saturday, February 3 • 9:30 – 10:30 am
Bhakti Yoga: Exploring the Heart Path
With Ginny Miller
Saturday, February 10 • 1 – 4:00 pm
YogaKids® for Peace
With Lynne Ogren & Christine Barton
For ages 6 – 12 years old
Saturday, February 17 • 9:30 – 10:30 am
GHANDHARVA: World Percussion Duo
Saturday, February 24 • 8pm
Prana Vinyasa Flow
With Maria Garre, Shiva Rea Senior Teacher
Sunday, February 25 • 2:30 – 5 pm
All classes are 1.5 hours unless otherwise noted • Visit our website for pricing and other information
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Y ga
“Nurturing wellness and community through the
integration of body, mind and spirit” for 34 years”
by Lisa Temoshok
s President of the Board of Directors of Albany Kripalu
Yoga Center, the largest, oldest and only not-for-profit
Kripalu-affiliated yoga center in the country, it is with deep
joy that I bring you news of great opportunity and transformation.
SALUTATIONS, our unique yoga newsletter, has been a mainstay in the yoga community for many years, offering the AKYC
schedule and features on the benefits of yoga practice. After
careful consideration and in keeping with our values of mindfulness and environmental awareness, we have ended publication of
SALUTATIONS and will promote our classes, workshops and
special events in the Healing Springs Journal, on our website
Fatigue ¥ Sore Joints ¥ Headaches
Gout ¥ Swollen ankles ¥ Sleep problems
(www.akyc.org), by e-mail newsletter (sign up on the website)
and through postcards mailings.
Are you busy? Do you long for yoga but are unable to commit to
a specific time each and every week? The Albany Kripalu Yoga
Center has the answer! On February 26th, AKYC will say
farewell to our 8-week session schedules and welcome ONGOING YOGA CLASSES without breaks. While some specialty
classes will require registration, most classes will move to a “class
card” system, offering greater flexibility to students. Even better,
make sure that you come to AKYC between February 26th and
March 4th for our week-long celebration of yoga. Visit our website, www.akyc.org for more details or call 454- YOGA (9642).
In 2007, the AKYC celebrates 10 years at our 6 Metro Park Road
location....a long way from our origins in a living room in 1973.
Our beautiful, recently renovated center is a quiet oasis in the
heart of commercial Wolf Road. Soothing music, a comfortable
seating area, tea and the warm presence of our staff will greet
you and invite you to take time to nourish yourself.
Whether you are a long-time supporter or simply curious, please
join us at the Albany Kripalu Yoga Center as we celebrate the
past and move into the future with confidence. The Albany
Kripalu Yoga Center is the heart of yoga for EVERY body.
Lisa Temoshok is a Kripalu Yoga Instructor. She is the creator
of Sraddha Yoga and Sound~Yoga. Her CD, Sacred Awakening:
Experience deep relaxation through the practice of Yoga Nidra
has just been released. For more information, call
518-256-2710 or www.sraddhayoga.com.
Counseling & Coaching
Donna Bird, LCSW-R, CCH
a simple and safe process to help the body
release stored toxins from the joints and organs
Energy Wellness offices in Saratoga & Gloversville, NY
Marty Posila - Judy Huxley - Practitioners
A Holistic Approach To:
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Career–Peak Performance–Biz Owners
Blending Traditional & Alternative Modalities
• Wave Work Integration
• Interactive Guided Imagery
• EMDR for Adults and Children
• Life, Career & Wellness Coaching
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• Mindfulness Stress Reduction & Meditation
• Hypnosis for Health, Career, Personal Growth
Donna's Guided Imagery/Personal Growth CDs
available at Borders, Book House and online at
www.donnabird.com • [email protected]
Saratoga Springs & Albany Offices
Medicare, Some Insurances, Visa, Master Card, Discover
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Your Wellness
by Beverly Lewinski
Changing For Good:
One Small Step at a Time
improve a person’s intelligent decision making abilities.
Conscious-raising is not limited to uncovering hidden thoughts
or feelings. It also includes self-knowledge along with getting a
better understanding of the problem regardless of the source.
ellness is a state of being. The level of wellbeing we
experience is directly related to our choices; choices
to change what needs to be changed or choices not to
do so. What makes a difference for human beings as they contemplate change? Can human beings really change for good?
Social liberation:
In change, as in many other aspects of life, timing is everything.
Different processes are applied at different stages of change. In
James O. Prochaska, Ph. D’s. book, Changing for Good, A
Revolutionary Six-Stage Program For Overcoming Bad Habits
and Moving Your Life Forward, he identifies the following nine
major processes of change.
Because social liberation is an external force, it will be perceived
differently depending on the stage of change a person is in. Any
individual can act as an advocate for his or her own rights, striving to alter the social environment in ways that can help others
to change themselves. Advocacy organizations all lend support
to personally empowering behaviors. Social liberation makes
more actions possible.
The most widely used change process is to make the unconscious
conscious. Trying to raise a person’s level of awareness and
increasing the amount of information available to them strives to
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
This process involves any new alternatives that the external environment can give you to begin or continue your change efforts.
Low-fat menus in fancy restaurants are a good example.
Emotional arousal:
This important tool can enable you to become aware of your
defenses against change. Emotional arousal parallels conscious-
Yoga Mandali
Vinyasa • Ashtanga • Kripalu • Yin Yoga • Power Yoga
Strengthen Your Soul
Stretch Your Body
Still your Mind
Downstreet Marketplace
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Beverly J. Lewinski
Creative Life Solutions, LLC
462 Clifton Corporate Parkway
Clifton Park, NY 12065
518-265-5074 • [email protected]
raising, but works on a deeper, feelings level and is equally important in the early stages of change. Emotional arousal, more traditionally known as catharsis, is a significant, often sudden emotional experience related to the problem at hand. It is an extremely powerful process. It can sometimes result from real-life
tragedies. The main goal is to increase awareness and depth of
feelings allowing the individual to move towards action.
• Mediator
• Life Coach
• Consultant
Self-reevaluation enables you to see when and how your problem
behavior conflicts with your personal values. The result is that
you come not only to believe but truly to feel that life would be
significantly better without the problem. How do you see yourself
if you change your behavior? What will be the cost of the change,
in time, energy, pleasure, stress, or image? What are the overall
pros and cons? These are the emotional and relational questions
people ask themselves when applying self-reevaluation.
Carol C. von Kaenel
Reiki Master
Traditional Teaching Master
Usui System of Natural Healing
offering Reiki Training and Sessions
[email protected]
Saratoga • (518) 584-4617
Saratoga Integrative
Practitioners Network
learn more at:
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Once a person chooses to change, they accept responsibility for
changing. This responsibility is the burden of commitment, sometimes called “self-liberation.” It is the acknowledgement that you
are the only one who is able to respond, speak, and act for
The first step of commitment is private, telling yourself you are
choosing to change. The second step involves going public
(announcing to others) which acts as self applied pressure. Public
commitments are much more powerful that private ones.
The technical term for substituting healthy responses for
unhealthy ones is countering. All of our behavior is conditional;
we are more likely to overeat when dining out than eating at home
as an example. Almost any healthy activity can be an effective
countering technique. The trick lies in finding the one that works
for you.
Environment control:
Environment control is action oriented. This is not to control
internal reactions but to restructure your environment so that the
probability of a problem-causing event is reduced. A positive
reminder, such as a NO SMOKING sign on the refrigerator door
is one technique.
Punishment and reward are opposite sides of the same coin.
Punishment is rarely used by successful self-changers. It may suppress problem behavior temporarily rather than lead to lasting
change. Rewards are often successfully used to change behavior.
Self- praise is one simple form of reward. Rewards can also be
under the control of other people. Others may shower you with
praise when you’ve reached an important goal.
Anusara Yoga
Todd Norian
Friday April 20-Sat April 21
Your Heart
Hubbard Hall, Cambridge, NY
[email protected]
Patricia A. Blackburn
Advanced Craniosacral Therapy Practitioner
Changing for good is possible.
Just do it one small step at a time.
Helping Relationships:
Self change refers to your own attempts to modify your behavior
without professional assistance. It does not refer to refusing care,
support, or other forms of assistance from significant people in
your life. It does not mean going it alone. Throughout the cycle of
change, others can be enlisted to be of assistance. We can certainly request their support, offer them our preferences, and educate
them about our experiences. The helping relationship is critically
important to self-changers. Whether you turn to a professional,
friend, member of the family, or the clergy, the helping relationship provides support, caring, understanding, and acceptance.
Be careful not to confuse these nine processes of change with
techniques of change. Each process involves a broad strategy that
may employ any number of techniques. For each process, there
are dozens, even hundreds of techniques. Whatever you choose to
change to improve your level of wellness, select the techniques
that work best for you. Changing for good is possible. Just do it
one small step at a time.
Beverly Lewinski is an experienced professional with more than
15 years working as an executive/manager with non-profits and
associations. She is a trained mediator/wellness coach with prior
volunteer team mediator experience with the Saratoga Springs
Alternative Dispute Resolution Program. Her specialized training
with the American Assn. of Christian Counselors provided additional training in family mediation. Beverly is certified and
licensed in the Wellness Inventory Assessment Program
(www.wellpeople.com) coaching people to a high level of
vitality and wellness. Her professional office is located in Clifton
Park, NY.
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
by Jill Turpin
ith the onset of a cold winter and flu season quickly
upon us, I thought it would
be very appropriate to introduce you
to Pine essential oil.
Pinus sylvestris
Pine is reported
to be the only
northern European tree to survive the Ice Ages. Pine can withstand temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Pine
cones were recommended to be boiled with honey and horehound for “an old cough” and to “cleanse the chest and lungs”.
Pine has been used by the Indians in purification and smudging
ceremonies, as a preventative for scurvy and also to stuff floor
mats to sleep on. Pine needles have
been used to aid breathing difficulties.
Essential oil of pine is extracted from
fresh pine needles of the Pinus
sylvestris tree, a member of the
Pinaceae family.
Pine oil is known for many therapeutic
and medicinal uses, including the ability to stimulate the immune system, as
an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory,
expectorant, decongestant, antiviral
and disinfectant.
type skin reactions to certain sensitive
individuals or allergy sensitive people.
Not recommended during pregnancy.
Discontinue use immediately if a reaction occurs and dilute area with carrier
oil or milk.
Some interesting ways to use Pine
throughout the year include:
• Diffusing Pine essential oil throughout the house – pine can
help to kill off 90% of microbes within 3 hours after exposure
to the oil. It also refreshes the environment with its sweet,
fresh, balsamic, faintly woody, almost spicy aroma.
• Add 2-3 drops of Pine oil to a teaspoon of unscented natural
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Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
dish soap to disinfect and clean the dishes and your hands.
• To freshen laundry add 3-5 drops to a cloth or article of clothing
such as a sock or wash cloth and toss in the washer or dryer and
launder as usual (not recommended to put oils onto your favorite
shirt, it usually does not stain but there is no sense in taking any
• Freshen potpourri or a bowl of pine cones with a few drops and
toss materials gently.
• Add a few drops of Pine oil to your vacuum bag or exhaust filter regularly to freshen exhaust and kill off bacteria.
• Add a few drops to the water bowl on top of the wood stove or
heater to permeate the room.
• Add a few drops to your car rugs to clear stale odors caused by
pets or smoking.
• Inhalation for influenza, sinusitis and bronchitis symptoms:
30 drops Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) essential oil
15 drops Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia) essential oil
12 drops Pine (Pinus sylvestris) essential oil
6 drops Marjoram essential oil
3 drops Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil
Add 6 drops to a bowl of boiling water and inhale for five minutes
Add 3-5 drops to vaporizer water and run as usual
Add 2-4 drops to a tablespoon of carrier oil and rub on chest
and/or back of neck to relieve symptoms of congestion and
aches and pains associated with the flu.
Add a few drops to a handkerchief or tissue and use as an
inhalant to help open sinuses.
I have many other recipes and ideas for uses of Pine oil including
bug repellants for summer and a lice and scabies recipe. I also
have two wonderful winter holiday blends containing Pine oil
called Eternal Noel and Holiday Spirit, several other blends containing Pine essential oil are available at our website
www.ineways.com/ejwellness. Please feel free to contact me with
comments and questions or for more information.
healing spirit
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Saratoga Integrative
Practitioners Network
learn more at:
Essentially yours,
Jill Turpin can be reached at 518-339-4348. She has been using
and studying aromatherapy since 2001 and earned two
Aromatherapy Certifications through The Australasian College
of Health Sciences, Portland, Oregon. She also graduated from
Equissage, with a certification in Canine Massage. She teaches
people in groups and private sessions, the basics of canine massage and aromatherapy in relationship to their animals. She has
a line of aromatherapy products - Private Label Aromatherapy,
which includes canine grooming sprays in several scents. PLA
also has a complete line of aromatic scents for humans and therapeutic blends also available. Jill is a NEWAYS distributor and
consultant. NEWAYS has 16 lines of products, all environmentally conscious and toxin free. She uses NEWAYS essential oils and
mixes her own aromatherapy blends with NEWAYS unscented
personal care products. She is available for personal consultations and enjoys mixing custom blends for people and canines.
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
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by Helena Holod
odyworkers recognize the exquisite truth in this ancient
Hindu phrase by Tagore. Every insult, blow, trauma or
emotional upset is experienced and remembered in our
flesh. Abusive patterns of childhood or adult relationships,
whether physical or emotional, are internalized in our living tissue. When I observe a client with a bowed head, shoulders round
and reaching forward to protect their heart, this postural pattern
usually indicates a past filled with criticism, blame, and toxic
emotions. Our bodies react to negative emotional and mental
assaults in the same way as physical attacks. Many of us are
wearing our life histories like a suit of armor. This armoring contracts the muscle tissue as the body attempts to protect itself from
outward harm, or perceived threat of harm. When left untreated
this commonly leads to continual muscle tension and spasm,
which can harm joints, discs and even internal organs. Chronic
fear-based thoughts, anxiety, anger, resentment and shame can
shatter our physical and emotional health, while sabotaging our
efforts to create balance and peace of mind.
Helena Holod L. M. T. ~ Reiki Master – Teacher
What can we do?
Let Go! Liberate your
tissues! Free your mind!
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The first step is to believe you can and decide that you will. The
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The Body
The Tears
The Eyes
Refuse to
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
pathway to peace is not difficult to find. The challenge is staying
on it. Without a deep commitment to our own well-being, it is so
easy to let career, family and others distract us from our goals.
Once we make the decision to find balance, daily breathwork and
meditation, along with bodywork such as massage, Reiki and
transformation healing, not only makes this journey possible,
they make it simple and joyful.
The subtle touch of Craniosacral therapy or the profound compassion of heart-based Karuna Reiki can provide release, comfort, strength and renewal as we move forward on our healing
journey. Having been on this path since 1972, I can assure you
that it is the most important undertaking that any of us can pursue. And we don’t have to do it alone. Those of us who have dedicated our lives to the service of others are here to assist you.
I invite those of you who are ready to begin the journey, or perhaps have stumbled or grown weary, to reach out for the wisdom
and compassion that is always available to you. The
Lightworkers, teachers, and elders are awaiting your call. Take a
Quantum leap in the direction of your dreams.
Helena Holod practices transformational healing; including
massage, Karuna Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Meditation
training, Breathwork, Weight loss and stress management, Reiki
Instruction Release work, Energy Balancing and Crystal
Therapeutics. She may be reached at The Wellness Spa, 237
Ridge Rd., Glens Falls, 518-792-2277 or in Diamond Point,
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The Chakra Garden, Center for Mind Body Healing
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We invite full-time healers including: Acupuncturists,
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
by Linda McCann
isualize a verdantly lush
garden and a small body
of water similar to a
pond and all the Souls gathered
around it. Glorious Angels were
“using” the water to communicate through a sort of vibration
similar to singing to “teach” the
souls the information they needed at that particular time. This
was just one of many fascinating
things I saw when I experienced
a “Life Between Lives” regression.
Several books on the subject of “Life Between Lives” are available for those who wish to go more in depth to learn what happens after our physical body dies. Michael Newton being the
foremost researcher followed by Thelma Freedman. What
amazed me was the continuity of experience from very diverse
individuals in all the books on this subject.
This is a life altering experience. The fear of death leaves completely and you realize that we have come to the earth to do our
“work” and go Home when the time comes. You become joyful
and filled with hope to actually know for sure that there is much
more than what we experience here on earth. Home is so amazing that it is indescribable. There is complete and utter peace and
contentment. No worries in the back of your mind in fact, no
“dialogue” in your mind at all.
For those of you who have never experienced a past life regression it is recommended that you
do so prior to having the LBL
regression. The LBL takes about
three to four hours and time does
not seem to pass and when you
are awakened it is surprising to
realize how long you were in the
regression and how reluctant you
may be to return from such a
wonderful place.
I read the books by Mr. Newton
& Ms. Freedman on the advice of
a friend and did some research on
the internet and found and con-
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Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
tacted Virginia Waldron in Syracuse who was trained by Thelma
Freedman. Of course, there are many hypnotists who do this sort
of work now, as you will find from your research. It is important
to feel comfortable with whomever you choose to help you with
this experience.
Intuitive Consulting 8 Visionary Art 8 Intuition Training Seminars
Regression itself is fascinating. To date, I have experienced several. Each has helped me to see my life purpose now and learn
from the mistakes of the past lives. Since I have been both male
and female, I realize that there are a lot of barriers that do not really exist except as put in place by society and in our own minds.
PETRO [email protected] (518) 583-7280
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Precise Intuitive insight and clarity
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Visit Marina’s online gallery and
purchase her Angel Art on fine gift merchandise.
Fortunately there is access to this type of information and we can
only benefit from those shared experiences. The quest for knowledge never ends especially after we go HOME. Some of our sould
roup is usually here with us helping us to go forward in the lesson
of the lifetime. We can rest assured that we are never truly alone.
The experience of Life Between regression presents the opportunity to have complete freedom of mind, body and spirit.
Linda McCann came to this work late in life, about 6 years ago,
after the death of her husband Jim. Since then she has experienced many wonderful insights. She is 50 years ol and, a native of
Saratoga county. Her family has been in the Wilton area since the
early 1900's. She is soon to be Reiki Master Teacher, as well as
an Energy worker based on her own insight and guidance from
her team of angels. She has two wonderful grown children, a pug
and lastly an extremely supportive and loving significant other.
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earth with the help of Pachamama (mother earth, universe and time).
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
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Who Am I?
The Healing Question
by Beth Netter, M.D.
re you tired of feeling unhealthy, lonely, or unhappy?
Would you like to feel connected, at peace, and loved?
There is a simple yet powerful question that has been utilized by great sages such as Ramana Maharshi and Sri
Nisargadatta Maharaj (author of the classic: I Am That) to assist
in relieving pain and suffering and the process of Self Realization.
These “ordinary” people figured out (or were told by their teachers) that they could discover their true nature by quieting their
minds and asking “Who Am I?”
Jayne Bassett
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Center for Intgrative Health and Healing; Delmar NY
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
To begin this process sit in a quiet space, go within (focus on your
heart or brow charka/third eye) and ask “Who Am I?” Mantrabased meditation is a wonderful tool to settle your mind and move
it into this one-pointed focus. After mantra meditation, before
going about your daily activities, place your gaze within and ask
“Who Am I?” In the same way you concentrate to remember a
name you have momentarily forgotten, go about remembering
“Who Am I?” Let the wisdom come to you. Do not judge what
unfolds. Allow for any thought, idea, image, feeling or knowing
that arises to be noted and accepted as potentially valid. This
process is not about squishing your brain or using scientific reasoning. The answer to “Who Am I?” lies deep within you and it
will emerge from your core. Play with it: “Who Am I?” or “Who
Am I?” The very act of asking sets an intention.
You are an electro-magnetic being. Whatever you put your mind
to you will attract. Your thoughts are heard by the universe. By
going within and asking the question “Who Am I” you set your
antennae to higher levels of consciousness. You are aligning with
the vibration of Oneness (the inner “I”) and informing the
Universe of your desire to Realize your true Self. Which is the
Self of all beings.
One way to help you know who you are is by meditating (contemplating) on the faces, words or ideas of enlightened beings
such as: Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses, Sri Nisargadatta
Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi, Swami Rama, Ekhart Tolle, Wayne
Dyer, Brian Nager, David Hawkins, or on the wisdom of classic
scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita or the Upanishads. By connecting with vibrations of these faces and words you align with
what you have in common: Oneness and the Divinity that shines
within all beings.
When you go within and get quiet you are able to hear your Self.
In this space you can access wisdom that exists at higher vibra-
tions or higher levels of consciousness than is typically noted
amidst the myriad stimuli bombarding your senses in the world.
Oneness, being non-dual and unmovable, may be more readily
realized from this place of stillness and one-pointed focus. In the
quiet you can go beyond the mind and thought forms (remember,
thought is still form and is still within the realm of this dualistic
reality). Why do you want to go past form? Because, as yoga science teaches, anything that is subject to change, death, decay, or
decomposition, cannot be Who I Am. Anything that is transient,
that always changes, cannot be my real Self.
Saratoga Springs Yoga
UpliftingClassesfor All Levels
How do you figure out what does not change? There is a contemplative practice called “neti, neti” where you methodically pull
away the layers of your small self in order to realize your Higher
Self. In Sanskrit “neti, neti” means “not this, not this”. When you
systematically decipher what you are not, you can uncover who
you are. The following describes how you may use “neti, neti” as
a tool to decipher what or who you are not:
have a body but I am not the body
have a mind but I am not the mind
have emotions but I am not the emotions
have senses but I am not the objects
detected by those senses
with instructor
Suzanne Lynch
a movement space
153 Regent Street • Saratoga Springs, NY
New Student Specials!
Wednesday NoontimeYogaRefreshment
Therapeutic Yoga
Then Who AM I?
In this focused, quiet space, when you get past all you are not, you
begin to discover who you are. Once you have peeled away the
layers just be, wait, and receive. Allow yourself to go beyond the
mind. Again, what you receive may be an image, knowing, words,
or you may get a sense of something or nothing at all. That is perfect. Just be.
To find out more about
Suzanne Lynch and Anusara
yoga, or to register for classes
and check on upcoming special
workshops, please visit:
Winter 2007 Session
Private instruction available
free c y a
with lass
this a
You may also use this question when faced with conflicts. One
way to extricate yourself from a drama or to help you relinquish
blame, judgment, or any other experience which may be eliciting
pain and suffering is to simply stop, get quiet and ask: Who Am
I?” Once you are clear about who you are, you can act skillfully
in any relationship or situation. You may realize: “I’m not this
anger, I don’t need to be engaged in this soap opera. I am loving
and peaceful and I choose to be that now.” “Who Am I?” is a
remarkable tool for freeing oneself from the imaginary bonds of
discord. It promotes balance, inner strength, and positive thinking.
As you continue to merge with higher vibrations and higher levels of consciousness you will begin to be aware of the fact that
everyone and everything is intrinsically loved and is Love. Since
love cannot be separated from itself, there is no superior or inferior. There is no true separation so there is no cause for loneliness.
There is only Oneness which is love. The process of remembering
this Oneness is what is experienced as “healing”. By knowing
who you are you heal the illusion of separation and move into
greater peace, happiness, and love for all beings.
Reiki Master Healer and Teacher · Holistic
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Namaste! I pray to the Divinity in You.
Beth Netter, M.D. left the practice of anesthesiology in 1998 and
now supports health and wellness as a Reiki Master Healer and
Teacher and Holistic Health Life Coach at The Center for
Integrative Health and Healing in Delmar, N.Y. www.CIHH.net.
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Breathe Better
and Upgrade Your Life!
by Peter Guare, Human HyperFormance
f practice makes perfect, imagine how perfect doing something 10,000 to 30,000 times a day would make it. That’s
how many times a day you breathe. Unfortunately, it’s perfect practice that makes perfect, and it’s very unlikely you
breathe in the manner that best supports your metabolism and
your emotional state. Proper breathing mechanics will improve
your quality of life as well as your performance in many
areas. Let’s take a closer look at the easiest way to upgrade
your life. And it’s free!
tem (ANS) that handles the stress response. The exhale stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the homeostatic part of your nervous system. An easy way to understand
the difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic is this:
the stress response is catabolic. In it your body breaks down its
resources to provide the energy you need to get out of the situation that put you in a stress response. Homeostatic functioning is
primarily anabolic. Your body is building energy reserves
or muscle tissue. It is repairing damage in other tissues or
supporting growth. It is doing all the things that it needs
to do to keep the body functioning at its best, given the
available resources.
First, here’s an extremely powerful exercise that will
demonstrate the benefits of improving your breathing.
Sit down if possible, imagining the seat effortlessly pushing your back straight up into your
best posture. Lying down on your back is
Peter Guare
even better. Inhale slowly and deeply for
doing ‘The
4 seconds. Exhale slowly and deeply
for 4 seconds. Relax 4 seconds before
repeating. Do this 3 times, but the third
time relax for as long as you comfortably
can before you take your next inhale. When
you get up, get up slowly. Feel any different?
Breathing programs your nervous system. The
inhale stimulates the sympathetic nervous system,
which is the part of your autonomic nervous sys-
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Additionally, rapid, shallow breathing triggers the
stress response, while slow, deep breathing
triggers the relaxation response. Many of
the parasympathetic fibers are located in
the lower third of the lungs, where
only deep diaphragmatic breathing
will stimulate them. Dr. Herbert
Benson, Harvard cardiologist and best
selling author, noted this in his book, The
Relaxation Response. Eastern traditions
such as yoga, qi gong and tai chi also stress the
importance of slower, deeper breathing.
Unfortunately, some of their techniques are less
than optimal. Holding your breath introduces mus-
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Helping you, help your horse
cle tension and raises
blood pressure (the val
salva maneuver). That’s
why we hold the exhale
in the above exercise. At
this point, the two
branches of the ANS are
brought into balance. In
addition, your CO2 levels increase while you
hold the exhale. Your
body tries to maintain a
constant oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio. By
increasing the CO2
level of your blood, we
made your body want
more oxygen. As a
result, we triggered your
body’s natural breathing
reflex and you got a nice
big deep breath, and lots
of oxygen.
Now, let’s go one step further. Everyone has heard “breathe with
your diaphragm,” but that doesn’t tell you how to do it. Your
diaphragm is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that sits below your
lungs. We can target it by doing the “Squeeze and Breathe,” an
Optimal Breathing? Development exercise. Stand or sit up
straight. Place your hands at waist level, thumbs in the hollow of
your back just above the hips, fingers extending around to the
front. Squeeze your hands like you’re trying to pinch your fingers
and thumb together and inhale into the area, trying to force them
apart. That’s right, your stomach and back should go out on the
inhale. Your lungs extend down further in the back than they do
in the front. We want 360° breathing. If you’re having trouble
with the back thing, then first lie down on your stomach, resting
your forehead comfortably on your crossed arms. As you inhale
slowly and deeply, try to expand your lower back. Visualizing
helps. Then go back to the exercise. You will need to practice this.
Stress breathing patterns get conditioned very thoroughly, and if
you aren’t thinking about your breathing, it’s only going one way.
The good news is you can condition diaphragmatic breathing too.
Breathing can be the master control in your life. It pulls you into
the present moment when you breath mindfully, and is actually
very enjoyable. It’s cheap and available to anyone. It is a cornerstone of health and happiness, and anyone can do it. Take control!
Peter Guare attended Union College, where he was John Lewis
March Prize winner and graduated with a B.S. in Psychology. He
studied Cognitive Psychology on fellowship at the University Of
Connecticut. After retiring from coaching Track and Field at
Scotia Glenville, where his athletes enjoyed success at the state
and national level, he continues to study health and performance.
He is an Optimal Breathing® Development Specialist and an
Emotional Freedom Technique Advanced Practitioner, as well as
a Level 4 Certified Meridian Flexibility Intern.
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
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by Lori J. Batcheller, MA, MPT
have a best friend, therapist and personal organizer I take with
me everywhere. It is compact, requires as little or as much
time as I desire, and is always ready to offer support, guidance, comfort, or laughter. It costs very little and never asks for
anything in return, though I feel a yearning to be with it daily. I
know it will never let me down.
A journal can be far more than a place to record daily events or
idle thoughts. Used purposefully, it can be a catalyst for personal
growth, problem solving, and a path to creativity. When used to
write about upsetting events, journaling can actually improve
immune system functioning, resolve stress, and provide psychological healing.
Since 1984
Lee Masterson, DC
Tim Talmage, DC
Ronald Benner, Jr., DC
Alicia Berg, DC
Most people keep a journal at some point in their lives, be it a
teenage diary or an executive daily-planner. Others resist journal
keeping because they think they aren't good enough writers, that
someone will read their private thoughts, or that they have much
more important things to do with their time. But once people put
their reservations aside and make the journal a friend, they look
forward to exploring with pen and paper.
From a practical standpoint, spending a few minutes on a daily or
weekly basis putting your thoughts on paper enables you to evaluate your feelings and abilities and recognize areas of improvement. You may discover that you want to shift priorities, spend
more time on things you value, or make major life changes. A
journal can also be a place to be silly, out of character, and express
uninhibited creativity, without judgment from others.
Rather than thinking of a journal as a diary where you merely
relate the day's events, think of it as a space for self-reflection,
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
The benefits to journal-keeping are endless. A journal allows you
self-expression without external judgment. It is the perfect tool for
clarifying goals and organizing your workday. Expressing your
emotions such as anger or sadness through writing releases the
emotional pressure that builds up when you hold feelings inside.
Many people feel calmer and spiritually at ease after a journalwriting session, and scientific studies show this can improve your
James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at
Southern Methodist University (Dallas), found that students who
wrote about unresolved painful events or problems showed
improved immune system functioning lasting several weeks and
visited the health clinic fewer times over the next six months than
control groups who wrote about neutral topics.
A study Dr. Joshua Smyth, an assistant professor of psychology at
North Dakota State University, published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association, found that confessional writing
helped alleviate symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
Patients who wrote about experiences such as car accidents, physical abuse, divorce or sexuality improved their lung function by
19 percent on average. Rheumatoid arthritic patients in the same
study showed a 28 percent improvement in symptoms. The control group who wrote about inconsequential subjects did not show
Elena Reznikova, Member of I - Act
[email protected]
To begin, choose a notebook and writing instrument that feel
good. Some people find inspiration writing in an elegant bound
notebook with fine paper. Others prefer a spiral-bound pad or
loose-leaf sheets in a binder. Use your favorite pen, or make your
entries on a computer.
self-expression, and self-exploration. There are no rules. Write as
little or as much as you want, as frequently or infrequently as you
desire, though I recommend people take a few minutes each day
to put their thoughts on the page. Structuring yourself to write regularly develops stronger organizational skills such as list-making
and time management. Many people find that writing for just five
minutes a day can be a very rewarding and insightful experience.
For me, regular journal writing eventually tapped a rich vein of
creativity I had long ago buried with an all-too-busy lifestyle. The
important thing is just to express your thoughts without
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As a business tool, the exercise of writing down reflections about
events experienced each day is an invaluable way to evaluate your
performance, set higher standards of excellence, and find new
ways to solve difficult problems. Needs and goals are also easier
to clarify and prioritize once they are written down on paper, both
for your personal and professional life.
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Writing about people you know will help you better understand
them and your feelings about them. When you're furious with
someone close to you, discharging raw emotion in the privacy of
the page enables you to work out solutions in advance rather than
face to face in an irrational outburst. This often results in stronger
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
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Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
When beginning a journaling session it helps to
put yourself in the mood by closing your eyes,
taking five deep breaths, and focusing
your vision inward. Lighting candles, putting on soothing background music, or burning
incense also create an
environment conducive
to reflective writing.
Ask yourself “What
am I feeling at this
down a few lines
about what's on your
mind. Then, you may
want to use specific
techniques to zone in on
a subject or feeling. A few of my favorite techniques include:
• Beginning with a Launching Pad to focus your attention. Choose
a topic, statement, question, or quotation and start writing about
it. Examples: What is really bothering me? The things in my life
I value most are… I am so grateful for…
• Writing an unsent letter. Pretend you're writing a letter to someone honestly telling them what you like--or dislike--about him or
her. The safety of your journal makes it possible to write things
that you could never say in person. By releasing pent-up hostile
feelings, you can clear issues and strengthen your relationship
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without saying things out loud that could ruin a relationship.
The undelivered letter can also clarify your feelings and offers
a safe place to tell the truth without expressing it in person.
• Creating dialogues. Another way to express deep feelings is to
write about them then write in the imagined voice of the other
person. Dialoguing promotes both empathy and creativity.
Most people gain valuable insights when they let their imaginations roam this way. You can also dialogue with different
aspects of yourself to resolve inner conflict or confusion. For
example, writing a dialogue between the voice of confusion
and the voice of your intuitive self can clarify your thoughts.
• Capturing moments. Write a description of an experience that
was truly intense and memorable. Immerse yourself in the
past moment and fill the page with physical and emotional
detail. Doing this recreates your body's physiological
response to a pleasant event and promotes the healing effects
of being happy. Most people report they feel refreshed and
energized after writing out their favorite moments.
• Designing your future. Imagine yourself one month from now
then one year from now. Where are you now? Where do you
want to be? Define your dreams and goals. Write every detail
of what you want your life to be like. How will you feel when
these dreams and goals are realized? What are some of the
things you can do to get there? The words will awaken your
intuitive and creative wisdom, which, in turn, will help you
make better decisions.
Using a journal for self-discovery, personal growth, clarifying life
goals, and accessing creative flow makes a notebook more than
just a record of life—it becomes a treasured confidante and friend.
Lori Batcheller has been keeping a journal since childhood and
teaching workshops to foster physical, emotional, and spiritual
well-being through writing since 1998. She is a professionallevel Kripalu Yoga teacher, licensed physical therapist, and
author of Journey to Health: Writing Your Way to Physical,
Emotional and Spiritual well-being. She will be giving a workshop on Journaling and Yoga for Health and Well-Being at
Inner Quest Yoga on March 17. Sign up for her free monthly
e-zine, Creative Journaling, at www.lbcreative.com.
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Copyright 2007 Lori J. Batcheller
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Finding Hope in the Struggle to
by Deborah Reyome, MSW, LMSW
y the time this article is read, the long awaited (or not!)
coming of the New Year will have passed and we will be
on the fast track to Valentine’s Day. The holidays can
bring joy, community, family unity and more. November
through February, though, can also be the toughest months of the
year for many; stirring-up fond memories of good times gone by,
loneliness, loss, and trauma. In the dead of winter, one can spiral
down quickly amidst a hodgepodge of negative inner thoughts,
feelings, and beliefs created in an effort to make sense of our
place in this sometimes cold and chaotic world.
I write as a 45 year old woman who has not only sat in the clinician’s chair, but also on the accompanying loveseat from time to
time. Over the course of a number of years, as both student and
teacher and professional, I have made some observations that I
think are worth sharing with the general public and particularly
women who are seeking therapeutic assistance.
The mere fact that you are reading this article in this journal is a
good indication that conventional methods often fail. Of course,
the nature of an individual’s distress and the level of assistance
she is seeking matters greatly. I do think there is some good stuff
out there that can address the day to day challenges that most people contend with be it with relationships, marriage, childrearing,
work-related stress, etc. (note: I also know that people have had
disastrous experiences in these areas as well!). I have sometimes
remarked, however, that I think it is a miracle when any woman
who has experienced abuse, particularly multiple levels of abuse
or trauma, can heal in today’s times. We are inundated on a daily
basis with scenes of violence against women on TV, experience a
degrading double-standard or even sexual harassment on and off
the job, and contend with a number of new age ideologies often
presented in an oversimplified manner implying that we are the
sole creator of our lives. With the limited amount of assistance
available, it isn’t any wonder that women struggle to heal.
It is tough out there. The structure in which ‘helping’ is provided in our society often presents a daunting picture. Too often
women internalize their inability to obtain and maintain a therapeutic relationship with a practitioner as something being inherently wrong with them or their needs. I believe it is time to sit
down and truly examine what is out there, why it doesn’t work,
and what we can do about it.
When I say, ‘limited amount of assistance available’, I am saying a mouthful. There are a number of factors that need to come
together to make it possible for women to get worthwhile,
affordable help. Practitioners not only vary in methodology chosen, but also with regard to payment method (insurance, sliding
fee scale), availability (one session once/twice per week; phone
access during a crisis), level of qualifications (formal credentials,
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hands-on experience, studied area of interest), and compatibility
(personality, culture, practice orientation and possibly spiritual
& political orientations). Now, this list may seem fundamental in
nature and not worth mentioning for seasoned eyes and ears, but
for those in states of desperation, these are critical areas to examine both prior to and during the therapeutic process. Why?
Because in the most basic of interchanges, these involve junctures where the process breaks down and when this occurs, it can
be completely devastating for a woman. These areas constitute
what I refer to as the “structure of helping” and I think that often
times the ensuing dialogue is biased towards those seeking assistance rather than acknowledging differences and the inherent
limitations of providing assistance in the manner chosen.
I say the amount of assistance is limited because I am thinking of
the financial and logistical constraints involved in what is common mental health practice today; the one session per week or
every two weeks. Compare that one therapeutic hour, if it goes
well, with the balance of hours left in one week or two. That’s an
awful lot of time to make tremendous leaps to good mental
health! There is an expectation by some that individuals should
be able to manage the time in between and or even during incredibly tumultuous times without consequence. It is a rarity that we
critically examine just how we provide assistance in this country
and the socio-cultural-political aspects that are involved.
I write because I want women to stop blaming themselves when
they are unable to manage or negotiate this structure of helping.
I do believe that all people are capable of healing regardless of
one’s level of distress or severity of experience, but I also believe
that in many ways current protocols of helping hinder the healing process. It is my hope to be a part of creating an alternative
network of healers who will work together to provide a system
of care that seeks to honor the dignity and worth of all involved.
In so doing, we just might be able to significantly shorten extensive periods of suffering for women and simultaneously realize
our own place in the world.
Deborah Reyome, MSW, LMSW is a licensed master social
worker and a doctoral candidate. She recently opened a private
practice in Colonie, NY. Additionally, she is an adjunct faculty
for both the University at Albany School of Social Work and
Smith School for Social Work in Massachusetts. She can be
reached at Albany Lifeworks @ 518-862-1974 ext. 16 or
[email protected].
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Carol J. Hall, R.N.,
restoring human
We SPECIALIZE in Rebuilding Smiles
Nicholas Zacharczenko D.D.S., P.C.
28 Clinton St, Saratoga • 518-691-0015
“Relax, and leave with a Smile”
by Dr. Zach
n-office tooth whitening, bonding, veneers, crowns, bridgework, and dentures are some of the options available to
patients who desire to improve or correct their smiles.
Tooth whitening, or bleaching procedures, continue to be a common initial form of cosmetic dentistry. It is a very conservative
treatment with a proven safety record that more and more
patients are utilizing. Whether done in the office or at home, or
a combination there of, both treatments are effective. It is important to remember that some sensitivity may occur in some
patients, the degree of lightness is unpredictable, and the dental
supervision is required. Also, if a patient has fillings in the front
teeth, these fillings will not lighten, and may need to be redone
after the bleaching procedure. Having said the negative aspects,
it is important to say that all teeth will lighten to a degree, and in
most cases surpass the patient’s expectations. We have been successful in improving the smiles of many patients simply by our
bleaching treatments. Over-the-counter or store bought bleaching kits are usually not as strong as ones used by the dentist.
Also, it is imperative to have a dentist examine the teeth prior to
commencement of treatment to rule out any dental problems that
the bleaching procedure could aggrevate.
Bonding (white fillings) can be applied to front or back teeth. It is
a process whereby tooth colored composite material is used in
place of silver fillings, and can also be used to recolor and/or
reshape the front teeth for a better and whiter smile. Bonded composite restorations are an excellent conservative dental service to
begin the process of beautifying the smile. They last from two to
five years and can be altered, added to and polished as needed.
Porcelain veneers are thin, highly esthetic coverings which are
cemented over the front teeth to improve the shape, color and form
of the smile. Sometimes, the teeth have to be reduced in size to
accommodate the veneers. This can be done under local anesthe32 Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Carol J. Hall,
Resilience Facilitator
~ The Reconnection~Reconnective Healing
~ Past Life Regression Therapy
~ Herbal and Meridian support
Cooperstown, New York
(607) 547-9465
[email protected]
sia if it is required. Newer techniques and veneers are now being
done with very minimal tooth drilling, if at all. These veneers are
strong and life-like. Both types of veneers are available, the type
used would be determined by the dentist. Veneer treatment is more
invasive and more expensive than bonding. They can last a long
time, however, fractures can occur. This can be remedied with a
new veneer. The general dentist or prosthodontist should carefully evaluate your bite prior to commencement of treatment.
Finally, porcelain crowns are the most dentally invasive cosmetic procedure, but they offer the best esthetics and longevity.
Crowns and bridgework can be fabricated to be very realistic and
can correct many defects in the original smile. The teeth have to
be prepared under local anesthesia and temporary restorations
usually have to be worn for a short duration.
Implant crowns and bridgework are crowns and bridges done
over implants in the mouth. Your general dentist or prosthodontist will advise you on the best course of cosmetic dental treatment. Often times, the plan will consist of a combination of
whitening, bonding, veneers and crowns.
A prosthodontist is a dentist with three extra years of specialized
training in cosmetic dentistry, veneers, whitening, white fillings,
total mouth rehabilitation, dentures, crowns, bridgework, and
implants. If you have cosmetic dental concerns or just need a
second opinion, give us call. We will try to help you.
Dr Zach runs a practice limited to prosthodontics. His office is
at 28 Clinton Street, in Saratoga Springs, NY. He can be reached
by phone at 518-691-0015 or online at www.DrZach.com.
Q: What about using alternative
therapies for weight loss? My doctor
has been no help except to tell me to
eat better, exercise and offer me an
antidepressant if I think I need it. I
do try and have lost weight, but
always seem to put it back on with
another layer of guilt.
Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine: Gregg St Clair
If I could tell you how to harness into what makes some people
make the changes in their lifestyles that stick, I would be a millionaire. All I can say is that the people that immerse themselves, mind,
body and soul into personal transformation, no matter how long it
takes, succeed, and those that "try" to change, can at best have only
temporary success but ultimate failure. This can have disasterous
effects on your self confidence, self esteem and relationships.
What alternative medicine, in particular acupuncture, has to offer
are systems to assist you on the path of self transformation.
Getting control of your diet and addicitons has a liberating effect
on your spirit. The roots of Oriental Medicine are aimed at
achieving balance and peace of mind. I specialize in psychospiritual healing which I try to incorporate with every patient.
Everyone wants the easy way out. Turns out the western
approach of drugs and surgery isn't such an easy route. You need
Susan Coughtry,
Specialzing in:
CranioSacral Therapy
Shiatsu • Medical Massage
Harp Music Therapy
Center for Integrative Health and Healing
388 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar, NY 12053
Hours by appt.
help, encouragement and
will power or else most
people revert back to old
patterns. Assemble your
team, keep learning, smash
your old self into a million
pieces and go for it without looking back.
Gregg St Clair can be reached at 518-383-1230 or visit
Homeopathy: Jerome Pindell
The question of weight loss and how to achieve your goals is probably one of the more complex questions that anyone can face, if it
is a problem for you. Is it dietary intake only? Is it predominantly
emotional eating that is your problem? Is it will power and/or the
tendency to eat anywhere and at anytime without regard to place?
Is it from a hormonal imbalance? Is it being driven by the societal
images of the perfect body, that is not what you've been given?
These are just a few of the questions that need to be answered
before choosing a plan for weight loss and control.
There are many theories and approaches to training the mind and
emotions to respond to your desires for a better self image, a
healthier body, and one that is pleasing to you as an individual.
Normally I write from the perspective of my role as a Homeopath.
For this article, I will add the perspective of my use of the tool of
Hypnosis. In matters like this one, I would recommend a multileveled approach, using any and all appropriate tools at your disposal. First, explore the causes, then explore the solutions. When
determining the solution, do as one of my hypnosis teachers
taught: “Downgrade your expectations to the ridiculous!” In other
Let your mind and body relax
and healing begins
Lynn Allison, DC
Craniosacral therapy, Chiropractic
Regents St Center, 153 Regent St (downstairs)
[email protected]
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February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
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Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
words, set your goals at a doable and manageable level. Your ability to reach those goals will give you more and more confidence in
your systems and in yourself. From each victory, new goals can be
set and further advances can be attained. Set your goals at an unattainable level and you doom yourself to disappointment.
It is important to be realistic in your approach. Always keep in mind
that food is a necessity for life. It isn't like cutting out a health damaging behavior or habit, like smoking, or curing an illness.
Changing belief systems is a matter of clear and honest investigation, reviewing the ways that habits and beliefs were formed, recognizing how the belief may have served you, when it was put into
place, and whether it has outlived its usefulness. What do you want
to put in its place, why, and how will it better serve you? Also, and
just as importantly, is it because you want to change the way that
you look? These approaches may incorporate therapy and hypnosis.
Homeopathy can also be useful. It can support you in balancing
the emotional challenges that you may struggle through, the food
cravings, as well as the hormonal disturbances that could be at the
root of the problem. Nutritional and other energetic modes of support will help all of these measures to be fully effective. Lastly,
finding a sympathetic and supportive group of practitioners will
be necessary for you to be successful. All the best!
Sacred Medicine: Annette Nadeau
There are so many alternative choice therapies available that it
woud be difficult to choose only one form in which to assist you
through your weight gain problem, and your probable depression. I
believe that not any one theory solves any one problem, so it would
be best to explore, (as you are doing) see what's "out there" and feel
what is best for you. Regardless of what you choose, being an active
participant in your process will obtain the best results for you.
From the Sacred Medicine point of view, however, weight gain
and/or depression can be about living with fears that hold us back
from doing that which we truly would like to be doing with and in
our life. The adipose tissue becomes a story of our fears builtup
through the years. It appears, energetically, as a form of protection.
Improper eating habits is usually due to anxiety, often referred to
as comfort eating; which, again, will cause weight gain. Also, food
sensitivities or food allergies can be a culprit of weight gain. Quite
often we eat foods that we think are good for us, when, indeed,
they are not! Each person has their own food sensitivities where
the digestive system has a difficult time working properly. I suggest you find out what your food sensitivities are as this can also
be a cause of depression. Meanwhile, energy balancing, chakra
cleansing and building upon your personal empowerment will help
you to follow through with whatever it is that you choose to be the
best route for you at this time. Good Luck and have Faith!
Annette can be reached at 518-664-6601
Integrative Medicine: Dr. Bob Weissberg
This is a very common problem. It may seem simple at first—eat more
calories than you burn, and you store them as fat tissue; eat less, and
you lose fat tissue. This may be true from a strictly thermodynamic
viewpoint, but then the complexity begins. Each human being has a
certain metabolic set point, activity level, and “idle speed”, or rate of
energy use at rest, for utilization and storage of energy. The multitude
of factors which relate to overweight include: genetics; early life experiences; family and community based learning; cultural issues; psychological and stress factors; hormone balance; body composition;
brain chemistry; the quality of food; activity levels; and, many more.
When people lose weight rapidly, they certainly do burn fat, but also
protein from muscle tissue. When they resume the previous habits and
gain weight back, it is usually as fat. Repeated cycles of this result the
percentage of the body that is fat—at any weight—increasing over time.
Fat, as a storage tissue, doesn’t burn much energy at rest. Muscle does
use energy, with activity, and at rest. This, as the body’s percentage of
fat increases, the energy use at rest, or basal metabolic rate, decreases.
This makes it even harder to lose weight later. This effect can be partially offset by always combining regular exercise with weight loss programs, including adequate amounts of quality protein, and certain
dietary supplements, and avoiding extremes. Extreme “dieting” or fasting can actually force the body into an emergency conservation mode,
which remains part of the set point later. The body composition can be
easily analyzed, which can guide further diet and exercise measures.
Women and Men can experience weight gains associated with
changes in hormonal status. Female menopause is well known,
and is often associated with weight gain. Correcting hormone
imbalances can he very helpful. Andropause, related to falling
testosterone and DHEA levels in some men, is less well recognized, but significant. Men in this situation may gain or lose
weight, but usually develop a loss of muscle tissue, with a greater
percentage of body fat. Hormonal analysis and thorough evaluation can further determine the best course of therapy.
Metabolic Syndrome includes: elevated fats in the blood; hypertension; high uric acid in the blood; high-normal blood sugars;
abdominal obesity. In this condition, the body becomes less sensitive to its own insulin. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas, and
enables glucose to enter many cells, including fat and inactive
muscle cells. Genetic factors, chronic overweight, chronic stress,
and chronic over-exposure to high amounts of sugar are important
factors in this Syndrome. About 1/4 of people with Metabolic
Syndrome can go on to develop Type II Diabetes. The rest of them
still have an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and retinal disease. Metabolic Syndrome can be diagnosed with simple blood
tests. Even a modest weight loss can improve insulin resistance,
and measures such as aerobic exercise, weight training, reduction
of carbohydrate intake, use of certain supplements, can help a great
deal. The best approach is maintaining ideal body weight.
Mind-Body approaches are useful in helping people generate the
motivation and accomplish the habit changes that are necessary to
address overweight. These include: hypnosis; guided imagery;
NLP; meditation; coaching; psychotherapy.
It is important to take a whole person/whole system approach to
overweight, as so many factors can be involved. This starts with a
thorough evaluation by the primary provider, and to then go further, and take an individualized approach, as dictated by the ini-
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Dr. Weissberg can be reached at 518-371-6431 or
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
by Rich Riedman
here is a Native American teaching that suggests we evaluate decisions based on the impact they will create for
seven generations hence forth. Using this teaching many
years ago, I wondered —- How can I create a better world for my
family…for my community and those that come after me? These
are some of the questions that led me on my personal journey of
discovery and ultimately to the Mankind Project.
The ManKind Project offers men the opportunity to look deeper
into their lives and get in touch with their own unique life purpose. The organization encourages and supports a purpose or life
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
mission that is in service to one’s family,
community and the
world. Begun in 1985,
Wisconsin, this international network has
grown to over 40,000
men on four continents. The organization was founded to
help redefine, or reaffirm masculinity in a
positive light. The network is inclusive and
with respect to culture,
faith, age, color, class, sexual orientation, gender, ability, ethnicity and nationality.
Who am I, as a man? What am I doing here? What’s my mission
in life? Am I living to my full potential? Who do I serve? Men
are challenged to ask these questions and begin to answer them
on the weekend adventure training that the network sponsors.
The ManKind Project’s motto is “Changing the world, one man
at a time,” and that’s exactly what is done on this weekend training adventure. This intensive training helped me to get in touch
with my feelings and take advantage, in a healthy way, of the
masculine warrior energy inside of me.
It wasn’t until I completed my weekend that I found out how great
it was to be part of a community of men supporting each other. I
found a community of men who can honor me for who I am and
hold me accountable if I am not acting with integrity.
The weekend means different things to different men. For Steve
Harper from Albany it was a way for him to get in touch with who
he was as a man.
“A good friend of mine had done the weekend and suggested that
I do it at my next opportunity,” said Steve Harper, from Albany.
“Frankly, he just kept talking about it. He’d had an amazing time
during three days in the woods, but he couldn’t tell me the details
of his experience. I was intrigued, but skeptical. When I reached
the age of 40, I was evaluating my life. At that time I did the
weekend and I now know more about what it means to be a
man….and I got clearer about what stands in my way of living my
life with integrity. “
Chris Jordan, also from Albany, went on the weekend wanting a
more fulfilling way of being himself within the world. “I had a
thirst for a deeper self awareness that the weekend gave me.
Before I went to the training I could only show sides of myself
that were measured, safe, and contained. I am now a much fuller,
more complete man.”
So what actually happens on this weekend? It is experiential and
challenging. The weekend offers individual and group exercises
designed to help men see how they may hold themselves back
from their full potential of who they can be. For many, it is the
first time they feel what it is like to be in a community of men,
supported by and heard by men. For women, this is part of their
everyday life, but for men, this is a new experience. Are you ready
for the challenge?
hot yoga
willPower & grace
retail and more
The next weekend will be held Feb. 2-4th in Albany and May 1820th in the Finger Lakes. Training starts at 6pm on Friday and
continues until 4:30pm on Sunday. For more details, contact Rich
Riedman at 585-394-6597 or check out the ManKind project’s
websites: http://www.mkp.org/ and http://rochester.mkp.org
download the power of yoga
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
photos by Michele Hubbs, to see more of her work go to micheleahubbs.photofolio.com
by Beth Sabo Novik, LMT
When we are in pain, our instinct is to focus on the thing that we
think is hurting us and try our hardest to make it better. We ice
it, massage it, splint it, strengthen it, operate on it, and somewhere in the middle of all that, we tend to get mad at it. But often
we end up mad at the wrong place.
Usually pain is the end result of a pattern of misalignment in the
body. In other words, the place where you are feeling pain is not
usually the same place that is causing that pain. Let’s look at a
typical case of osteoarthritis as an example. Osteoarthritis is the
inflammation caused by irritation in a joint. This irritation usually occurs when the bones in that joint are not lining up the way
they should. This can be caused by lost of things, but I often see
it resulting from an imbalance in the muscles around the joint.
Maybe the muscles on one side of the joint are weaker than they
should be and their counterparts on the other side are too tight.
This puts extra pressure on the joint and causes inflammation.
The way to take pressure off the joint is to correct the muscle
The point is...It’s not the joint’s fault. The pain that we feel in the
Your next Best Friend.....
Sheba has the look of the Cheshire
cat in Alice in Wonderland. Sheba
had a hard time at the shelter
because dogs, other cats and loud
noises scare her, so we found her a
foster home and she's doing great
there. Sheba was surrendered
because the new baby had allergies.
This has been a rude shock: for five
years you are the love of someone's
life and then boom, you're at a shelter. Please, take her away today.
Sweet Lilith is a wonderful, large
girl who has the personality of an
angel. She loves everyone and will
sit right next to you for as long as
you are willing to pet her. She is
good on a leash and enjoys her
walks. Lilith is housebroken, up to
date on her shots and already spayed
so she is just waiting for someone to
fall in love with her and take her
home. Lilith is a senior (over 7) so
most of her adoption fee is sponsored by the SAINT program.
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
joint is the end of a chain reaction. It’s the result, not the cause.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat the joint, but it does mean
that if we are looking for long term relief we need to explore the
beginning of the chain reaction instead of only the end. If we
don’t address the cause, and only treat the symptom, it’s like
fighting an uphill battle. It’s hard to get ahead.
In my massage practice, I’ve been seeing a lot of people with
knee problems lately. I have one client who was diagnosed with
arthritis and degeneration in her knee. She brought me x-rays to
see. I love that. I could see on her x-ray that the femur bone on
top and the tibia/fibula bones on the bottom were not lined up
correctly. This put a lot of extra stress on one side of the knee.
This is typical of knee injuries that come on slowly (as opposed
to a traumatic event like a ski accident.) After exploring the possibilities of what was pulling the knee out, we came up with
some strategies. The simplest one was the realization that if she
tightened her abs while climbing stairs, her knee didn't hurt nearly as much. My interpretation was that her weak abs were tilting
her pelvis...which was aggravating her back...which was causing
her gluteus to tighten...which was rotating her femur...which was
aggravating her knee. It’s a chain reaction: weak abdominals on
one side, a hurting knee on the other. It’s not the knee’s
fault...stop blaming it!
The classic recipe for muscle pain is when they are stretching
and contracting at the same time. Muscles are supposed to shorten when they contract and if they don’t, they tire more easily and
tend to spasm. You can think of muscles like a game of tug-ofwar. If two people are pulling at each other the weaker one is
more likely to get hurt. If there’s a heavyweight boxer on one end
and my 90 pound grandmother on the other end, (and both their
feet were cemented to the ground), my grandmother is going to
be getting pulled and stretched out, but in order to not get torn
apart, she has to be pull back as hard as she can. She’s definitely the one who’s going to be in pain, but we can’t really help her
until we get the boxer to stop pulling.
There are common places in the body
where this scenario happens. Pain and
spasm between the relatively weak
shoulder blades is often caused by
tension in the short, strong, overused
chest muscles. Constantly tightening
our glutes (butt muscles) can cause
bursitis and tendonitis in the front of
the hip. Weakness itself can be the beginning of a chain reaction.
Having weak abdominal muscles makes us slouch more, which
puts extra curve in our neck. That stretches the neck muscles,
which try to maintain equilibrium by contracting, thus giving us
our stretching and contracting recipe for pain. If we strengthen
our core, we can hold ourselves up, release our neck and relieve
our pain.
he’s my husband. I
was showing him some
shoulder exercises and
in the middle, we
stopped and stretched
his hamstrings. When
we went back to the
excercises we were
both amazed. He had
much greater range of
motion and much more
shoulder strength. I
could even increase the
weight. His tight hamstrings were causing a
chain reaction all the
way up to his shoulders.
Sometimes, of course
the pain is simply
where the pain is. If
you hit yourself in the
knee with a hammer go to the doctor and have her look at your
knee. That’s probably where the problem is. But keep that knee in mind five
years later when you have chronic
ankle pain!
“It’s easy to know where we have
pain but finding the cause of
the pain is a trickier process &
usually requires some help.”
If we have scar tissue, adhesions, or a chronically tight muscle,
that area will pull, causing something on the other end of the
chain reaction to stretch and pull back and get injured. I recently
realized that all four of the clients I was seeing for shoulder
injuries, also have tight hamstrings. OK...one isn’t really a client,
It’s easy to know where we have pain
but finding the cause of the pain is a
trickier process and usually requires
some help. It’s easy to get frustrated and upset at the place in our
body that hurts, but pain is often a message that there’s something else wrong. In order to stop getting message, we need to
find a way past the frustration and helplessness and explore the
root causes. This can often take some help. I work with massage
and strength training in my practice, but I’ve also seen effective
results through modalities like pilates, yoga, energy work and
hypnosis. Once you start working on the real root, and not just
the symptom, it’s amazing how much progress we can make.
Beth Sabo Novik, LMT is a massage therapist and personal trainer in Saratoga Springs who specializes in working with people in
pain. For information call 518-583-8831. www.bsnbodywork.com
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
Using Standard Time locate your Rising Sign or Ascendant.
If your birth time is Daylight Savings Time, subtract one hour.
Your actual Rising Sign or Ascendant may differ depending on
certain time of birth and dates; however, not to confuse the
non-astrologer use the sign indicated for your Forecast. This
placement is similar to the transiting planet’s location in your
Natal Chart, except for exact degrees, and will correctly indicate
your Forecast. For example, if you are a Gemini born at 6:38
P.M., your Ascendant is Capricorn.
by Arlene DeAngelus
FEBRUARY—You re-evaluate your Fifth House relationships
with children and loved ones when the Full Moon occurs on the
2nd. Mercury turning Retrograde on the 13th focuses your attention on communications and projects dealing with hospitals and
institutions. Your Fifth House relationships again become important when Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th. Send that important loved one a card.
MARCH—Mercury turns Direct on the 7th allowing you to work
toward your goals and directions. Relationships with children and
loved ones are harmonious on the 16th. You search for spiritual
answers after the Partial Eclipse in your Twelfth House on the
18th. Friends expand your interests on the 25th. Pluto turns
Retrograde on the 31st and asks you to develop of broader perspective through others and their cultures and beliefs.
FEBRUARY—Domestic and personal matters gain your attention after the Full Moon in your Fourth House on the 2nd. You
take a second look at your goals and directions in life after
Mercury turns Retrograde on the 13th. Friendships are also
brought to the forefront. Confusion surrounding personal and
Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
career matters will demand more of your attention when Saturn
opposes Neptune on the 28th. Avoid conflicts at this time.
MARCH—Communications in career areas go smoothly after
Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. Real estate and share resources
are favored on the 16th. Your goals and directions are questioned and re-evaluated after the Partial Eclipse in your
Eleventh House on the 18th. Your work gains recognition on
the 25th. After Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st, you become
interested in such topics as reincarnation and life after death.
FEBRUARY—If you’ve been unsuccessful in breaking a
habit, try again after the Full Moon occurs in your Third House
on the 2nd. Recheck all business and professional correspondence and communications during the Mercury Retrograde
beginning on the 13th. You re-evaluate how your express yourself both on an intellectual and spiritual level when Saturn
opposes Neptune on the 28th. Attend a new-age workshop.
MARCH—You gain new knowledge regarding the highermind subjects after Mercury goes direct on 7th. A partner
encourages you to attend a workshop or class on the 16th. You
make decisions regarding your career, or the equivalent, after
the Partial Eclipse in your Tenth House on the 18th. Long-distant news or correspondence arrives on the 25th. One-to-one
relationships transform after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st,
FEBRUARY—Review your finances for possible savings and
make any necessary changes in spending after the Full Moon
occurs in your Second House on the 2nd. Expect possible
changes in travel plans during Mercury’s Retrograde period
beginning on the 13th. Re-evaluate your handling of finances
and resources as well as shared resources when Saturn opposes
Neptune on the 28th. Plan a new budget strategy.
MARCH—Communications and situations clear up after
Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. Circumstances are favorable
for change in your work on the 16th. Education and travel plans
can become the focus after the Partial Eclipse in your Ninth
House on the 18th. A déjà vu experience occurs on the 25th.
You interest turns to your health regimen including both exercise and diet after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—Cooperation is important in all one-to-one partnerships, both business and personal, after the Full Moon occurs
in your First House on the 2nd. Mercury turning Retrograde on
the 13th brings discussions regarding your shared resources.
Resolve existing conflicts in one-to-one partnerships when
Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th. Look to another for inspiration and support.
MARCH—A misunderstanding in one-to-one partnerships can
be solved after Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. Flattery lightens your heart on the 16th. Confusion centers around your dealings with others regarding shared resources after the Partial
Eclipse in your Eight House on the 18th. Share a romantic
evening on the 25th. Your relationships with children and loved
ones begin to transform after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—Don’t assume the responsibilities of others after
the Full Moon in your Twelfth House on the 2nd. Your attention
will focus on dealing with others who have different opinions
from yours after Mercury turns Retrograde on the 13th. Learn
from these experiences. Finish tasks and maintain regular routines when Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th. Begin a new diet
and exercise regimen.
MARCH—Discussions with co-workers bring new ideas after
Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. Seek out your spiritual roots on
the 16th. Work toward improving your one-to-one partnerships
after the Partial Eclipse in your Seventh House on the 18th. Take
positive steps to improve your diet and health on the 25th.
Transforming your emotional and physical home will become a
focus after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—Friends and acquaintances seek your advice and
help after the Full Moon in your Eleventh House on the 2nd.
Maintain clear communications with co-workers after Mercury
turns Retrograde on the 13th. Re-check all business and personal correspondence before signing and mailing. You will learn
through your relationships with others when Saturn opposes
Neptune on the 28th. Set some new goals.
MARCH—There are pleasant conversations with children and
loved ones after Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. Patience leads
to achieving a goal on the 16th. You have a desire for new work
ideas and are inspired to make changes after the Partial Eclipse
in your Sixth House on the 18th. There is a fateful meeting on the
25th. The way in which you communicate with others becomes
important after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st
FEBRUARY—Seek a balance between your home and career obligations after the Full Moon in your Tenth House on the 2nd. Others
may not be cooperative. Listen to ideas from your loved ones and
children after Mercury turns Retrograde on the 13th. Responsibilities
of your career, or the equivalent, seem heavier when Saturn opposes
Neptune on the 28th. Research your family tree.
MARCH—You take a new interest in your home after Mercury
turns Direct on the 7th. There is a possible increase in your
finances or earning power on the 16th. Confusion in interchanges
with children and loved ones is possible after the Partial Eclipse
in your Fifth House on the 18th. You feel like staying home and
reading a book or watching a movie on the 25th. Watch your
finances after Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—You take a new interest in the law, religion and
foreign cultures after the Full Moon in your Ninth House on the
2nd. Foreign travel is inviting. Your spiritual beliefs are ques-
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tioned after Mercury turns Retrograde on the 13th. You seek a
new perspective on life and decide to attend a class or workshop when Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th. Attend a
MARCH—All forms of communication flow easier after
Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. You gain spiritual insight on the
16th. The Partial Eclipse in your Fourth House on the 18th brings
with it a desire to explore your roots and family tree. You consider attending a class or workshop on the 25th. Developing your
self-confidence is an important step in your transformation when
Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—Negotiations may be necessary in money matters after the Full Moon in your Eighth House on the 2nd.
Unexpected bills may surface. Avoid confusion in your communications as Mercury turns Retrograde on the 13th. Use caution in all financial transactions when Saturn opposes Neptune
February—March, 2007 I Healing Springs
on the 28th as someone may try to sell you a bill of goods. The
topic of reincarnation gains your interest.
MARCH—Rethink your finances and budget after Mercury
turns Direct on the 7th. A psychic experience is possible on the
16th. Classes or workshops on psychic development are of interest to you after the Partial Eclipse in your Third House on the
18th. Avoid get rich schemes on the 25th. You seek answers on
your spirituality and place in the universe when transforming
Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—One-to-one relationships are your focus after the
Full Moon in your Seventh House on the 2nd. Re-evaluate your
finances and plan to begin a new budget when Mercury turns
Retrograde on the 13th. You can solve problems in both personal and business relationships. You weigh your decisions carefully when Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th. Ask someone special for a date.
MARCH—You feel more confident in expressing yourself
when Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. A partner encourages you
to seek new goals and directions on the 16th. Use care in the handling of your finances after the Partial Eclipse in your Second
House on the 18th. Get together with some friends on the 25th.
These friends and acquaintances become a focus in your life after
Pluto turns Retrograde on the 31st.
FEBRUARY—Co-workers become demanding after the Full
Moon in your Sixth House on the 2nd. Avoid other people’s
problems. Express yourself clearly during Mercury Retrograde
after the 13th. Don’t say anything in work situations that you
don’t want repeated. You become aware of both your mental and
physical efficiency as Saturn opposes Neptune on the 28th.
Begin a new exercise program.
MARCH—Communications with institutions become clear
when Mercury turns Direct on the 7th. You take a creative
approach in a career area on the 16th. Your ideas and personal
ambitions change after the Partial Eclipse in your First House on
the 18th. Seek out a spiritual service or event on the 25th. Your
career performance and efficiency will be evaluated after Pluto
turns Retrograde on the 31st. Put your best foot forward.
Arlene is an Author, Astrologer and Para-Consultant and has
studied and worked with astrology for more than thirty years and
has been a professional astrologer since 1980. She has a
Certificate of Merit from Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson (CA) and a
Certificate of Proficiency from the Mayo School of Astrology
(London). In addition, she holds certifications from the
American Board of Holistic Practitioners as both a Certified
Intuitive Consultant and a Therapeutic Touch Practitioner.
Arlene can be reached at Astrological Concepts, Rome Plaza,
1471 Route 9, Halfmoon, NY 12065, Telephone (518) 371-0003
or 371-8097 or [email protected].
Nine In, Nine Out of the Capital
District: The Babywearing
Organization - A chapter of the international nonprofit, Nine In, Nine Out
(www.nineinnineout.org) formed to focus
on babywearing. Meetings rotate between
Albany, Saratoga and Glens Falls locations. Courtney Hughes,
[email protected] or visit
Troy Waterfront Farmers’ Market Every Saturday from 9:00-1:00. Troy
Marina 433 River St.www.troymarket.org
Spiritualist Services - Join us for our
uplifting services including a lecture, meditation, spirit messages and song! 11 a.m.
Service. Spiritualist church of Love and
Light 2141 Eastern Parkway Schenectady
NY 12309. 518-372-9280
Satsang (Chanting Gathering) -2nd
Sunday of each month. Join together and
chant sacred songs from many traditions
with people from all faiths, no charge.
The Saratoga Farmers’ Market - The
12:45 pm Spiritualist Church of Love and
Salvation Army Building, 27 Woodlawn
Light 2141 Eastern Parkway (2nd floor rear
Ave. Saratoga Springs. 9am-1pm. Call
893-2669, www.saratogafarmersmarket.org of building) Schenectady NY 518-372-9280
42 Healing Springs I February—March, 2007
Group Healing and Meditation - 4th
Sunday of each month, Join us as our
ministers provide free healing treatments
and then enjoy a relaxing guided healing
meditation led by one of our ministers.
Spiritualist Church of Love and Light
2141 Eastern Parkway (2nd floor rear of
building) Schenectady NY 518-372-9280
Drum Circle - The Sacandaga Valley
Arts Network sponsors a drumming circle
the 3rd Sunday of every month from 3-5
PM in the Northville area.518-883-5761
for location or go to www.svanarts.org
Zen Meditation: Zen Meditation, 1st &
3rd Tuesday of the month, 7-8:30pm.
Newcomers welcome, meditation instruction provided. Simplicity Salon and Yoga
Studio, 80 Henry St. Saratoga, NY.
Call/email Amy at 584-4193 or
[email protected] for information
The Pathwork Of Self Transformation Pathwork is a mind/body/spirit journey.
First and third Tuesdays Starting Jan.
23rd, 2007. One Roof. Contact: Lin
Murphy (518) 306-5181
Pilates on Broadway
Authentic Pilates Studio
Lisa HardiesHoffmaster BA MA MFA PT • Certified Pilates Instructor
Meghan Schaefer BS Dance & Studio Art • Certified Pilates Instructor
Private & Semi-Private Sessions on
Pilates Apparatus & Mat • Mat Classes
Dance/Performing Arts Injuries
B r o a d w a y S u i t e • S a r a t o g a S p r i n g s N Y Who Can Attend?
Anyone interested in Reiki, sound healing, self-empowerment & relaxation.
International Center for Reiki Training