Heat sealing machine UNISEAL HSS
Heat sealing machine UNISEAL HSS
H E AT S EA LING S Y S TEM UNISEAL HSS HEAT SEALING SYSTEM WITH RING FORMING MODULE SEALING OF ALUMINUM OR MULTI - LAYER FOIL POSSIBLE PROVEN THERMO SEALING TECHNOLOGY BEST POSSIBLE MEMBRANE EFFICIENCY UNISEAL HSS with OHC overhead conveyor as an option PRODUCTION SPEED UP TO 200 ENDS PER MINUTE AND PER LANE. Technology that k eeps you ahead H E AT S E A L I N G S Y S T E M HEAT SEALING SYSTEM FO R PEEL- O FF EN DS TYPE UNISEAL HSS 52 – 189 mm Sealing cycles* 200 cycles / min. Production max.* 600 epm Ring material FE/AL Ring thickness 0.14 – 0.25 mm *Depending on ring and membrane dimensional accuracy, material thickness and quality. l Sealing of composite foil possible l Less scrap material HIGH EFFI CI EN CY I N l Rapid change - over of lid diameters PRO DU CTI O N l Instant restart due to automatic synchronization SUBSTA N TI AL SAVI N G S and recall of stored parameters EASY O PERATI O N AN D l l O PTI O N S Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 Phone +41 44 743 66 66 Position - controlled servo - motors eliminating mechanical gear boxes and manual synchronization M AI N TEN AN CE Programmable and reproducible standard settings of all machine parameters l Fast access to all machine key components l OHC overhead conveyor l TFU-2 Tab Fixation Unit l Ring-pull tab as an option to flat tab l D-Shape for spoon leveling CH - 8 962 Bergdietikon Fax +41 44 743 66 99 E-Mail [email protected] www.soudronic.com Technology that k eeps you ahead S ubject to mo dification 10 0 0 E 03.15 , print ed in Swit ze rland Lid diameter © Copyrig ht by Soudr onic AG, Bergdiet ikon, Switzerland Lanes1–3