Wave Dragon
Wave Dragon
Wave Power by Jan Müßener Content • Introduction • Three different kinds of wave power stations: 1. WaveGen 2. Pelamis 3. Wave Dragon • Overview / State of completion • Sources Introduction • advantages of wave power: • required place to generate 1kW: solar collector: 10 m2 wind turbine: 2 m2 wave power: 1 m2 • relative constant power-output level • about 15% of the worldwide energy demand could be supplied • but efficiency is very depending on the location Introduction power-density of waves around the globe (in power per length of wave [kW/m] ) • powerful but irregular waves in the north and the south • weak but absolutely equal waves near the equator WaveGen • “Limpet” by the company WaveGen • built in Scotland in 2000 • 500 kW power-output • OWC (oscillating water column) WaveGen function principle: WaveGen • increase of efficiency by: 1. contraction of the air-tube Bernoulli: ptotal pdynamic pstatic const F A 2. a turbine with constant direction of rotation (Wells turbine) Wells Turbine Wells turbine buildup: streams on a single blade: Wells Turbine • how can this stream create a force ahead: 1. the blade changes the direction of the impulse of the air 2. a force is needed for this change 3. the counterforce pushes the blade ahead Wells Turbine • but why does the stream change direction ? Development of a twist around the blade: 1. friction causes twist 2. twist causes anti-twist (conserve of angular momentum) 3. twist around blade and straight-wind superpose to a down-wind planes fly because: 1. air is an nonideal gas 2. the blades have a sharp border 3. even symmetric blades can fly WaveGen • ideas for improving WaveGen – building it further in the sea to increase power-output – for example integrating it in walls which protect harbors • principle is also useable for autarkic buoys Pelamis 150 m long 3,5 m in diameter 750 tons Pelamis • three power modules between the four segments • with two shifted axis yellow: hydraulic accumulator blue : hydraulic turbine Pelamis • transforming energy: 1. 2. 3. strong but short wave impulse accumulator stores pressure lower but constant release • how much energy can be produced – Pelamis converts 80% of wave energy (defined in watt per meter of wave) – maximum of 750 kW power-output – in 2008 the first Pelamis farm was built in Portugal it produces 2.2 MW enough for 1500 households Pelamis ORGIGINALPelamis Wave - Seatrials_WMV V9.wmv Wave Dragon Wave Dragon • the platform: • 3 steps: absorbing (by overtopping) → storing (in reservoir) → power output (by hydro turbines) Wave Dragon • 3 important improvements of efficiency: – long arms act like reflectors – the double curved form of the ramp – adjustable floating height by air-chambers Wave Dragon • the first Wave Dragon is actually built (so far a 1:4 prototype) • real scale dimension: Distance between tips of arms Arm length Weight Power output prototype real scale 58 m 300 m 28 m 145 m 237 tons 33.000 tons 20 kW 7 MW a Tapchan System in Norway built in 1989 (stands for TAPered CHANnel) Overview WaveGen Pelamis Wave Dragon 500 kW 750 kW 7 MW •WaveGen exists since 2000 in Scotland •a farm of 3 Pelamis already exists in Portugal since 2008 •prototype successfully tested •a “pre-commercial demonstrator” is actually build in Wales •an equal system is planned to be built in a harbor protection wall in Spain •a new farm with 25 Pelamis is planned (also in Portugal) •Now further information about the future My Sources • Abenteuer Wissen by ZDF: www.abenteuerwissen.zdf.de • University Leipzig: www.uni-leipzig.de/~grw/welle/index.html • Homepage of Wavegen, Pelamis and Wave Dragon: www.wavegen.co.uk, www.pelamiswave.com, www.wavedragon.net The End Thanks for your attention!
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