October 2012
October 2012
The PawPrint OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Senior Class First and Lasts By: Karla Villa, Senior, Staff writer The senior class of 2013 has grown a lot in the past three years. Watching three classes graduate before us, and realizing that we are next in line is a real eye opener. In the next few months our class will experience a lot of firsts and unfortunately lasts. It will be our first time stressing over class rings and college applications and putting in orders for caps and gowns. Its all guaranteed to get chaotic as time goes by, but as top of the school, we must adjust and show everyone that we have been ready for this year since we first stepped into Gunderson’s hallways fall of 2009. This is definitely our time to shine brighter than ever before. Do it bigger than ever before. Bigger, better, faster, stronger than any other class that came before us. Gunderson classes after us will look back and remember the great class of 2013. After 4 years of asking ¨who are we? ¨ everyone else is going to know who we are. Sadly however, this year we will also face some of the lasts in our lives. Our last homecoming in October, our last rally coming up in a few months, last prom, last Photo Source: http:// powder-puff game, last chance to make high school count, not just based on vimeo.com/36203043 academics, but also on everything we have done to make the past four years of our lives as memorable as we can. Yes, athletes, that one goes out to all of you as well. Senior nights are something we only experience once, and they can definitely get emotional. Saying goodbye to a team that’s been through tough times as well as glorious victories together is going to be one of the hardest things we experience. The team you laughed with, cried with, and ran countless laps on that track with. I for one know that one of the least anticipated things this year, personally, will be leaving my team behind. I mean, after years of struggling together, and watching each other grow, pushing each other past our limits, and acting as one unit on the court striving toward the same goal, getting that win, it’ll be hard to let go. That’s family we are saying goodbye to. But its coming down to the final stretch, the final buzzer, the final countdown. Lets make these next few months count. We know what our class is capable of, Photo Credit: Senior, now its time to prove it to everyone else on campus. 2013 WILL be a class to Jherris Riojas remember, athletes, leadership students, officers, and everyone in between. Seniors in the city are about to show future classes how its done, and past ones what they didn’t. This is our time, this is our year Grizzlies. Texting and Driving; It Can Wait By: Kaitlyn Petersen, Senior, and Carley Robinson, Senior, Staff Writers Us as humans like to think we know everything. Yet day after day we learn something we didn’t know before. Whether it’s useful knowledge or just little things that interest you, we absorb information all throughout the day. Something we do that is a part of our everyday routine, is commuting to school or work by driving or public transportation. What if your bus driver was texting? It is becoming more common for car accidents to be caused by the distraction of a cell phone. We are constantly looking down at them; sending texts, updating a status, tweeting, or simply just checking the time. No Photo Source: http://www.att.com/gen/ press-room?pid=2964 matter what the situation is, cell phones are practically glued to our hands. When you text and drive, not only are you endangering yourself, but you are also putting the lives of your passengers, other drivers, pedestrians, and even animal’s lives at risk. Taking those two seconds to look at your phone could be the judge of your life. When you are driving the vehicle, it is your responsibility to make sure that you and others are safe. How would you feel to be responsible for taking the life of a toddler or even a baby? How would you feel to be the person that caused someone to never walk again? The responsibility of driving behind the wheel is not something to take for granted. Using a cell phone quadruples your risk of crashing, and it’s more than your own life at stake. From one decision you make, many people could be in danger. The safety solely relies on the driver, and it’s your choice to make the right decision. Pledge to take personal responsibility and focus your attention only to the road while you are driving. Don’t cost your life, or the loved ones of others. Your cell phone can wait. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES Front Page: - Senior Class First and Lasts - Texting and Driving; It Can Wait Campus News: - Sex Is A Weapon “If it can happen to Mila, it can happen to anybody.” - Global Citizen Year - LGBT History Month - Interview About Elections with Mr. Gibbons - Advice Column - LGBT History Month - The Laptop Situation - Tips for College Hunting - Homecoming Week Interview with Mr. Iverson - October Birthdays - The End of the First Semester is Near! - R.I.P. Matt Dihn Entertainment: - Broken Promises - Down the Dark Alley - Upcoming Movies - Top 25 Radio Songs - Cheaper Halloween Costumes - Halloween Movies - Haunted Attractions - Look- A- Likes - Advertisement - How to Survive a Break Up - Riddles - Pick Up Lines - Fabian’s Fun Facts - Element of the Eyes - Horoscopes OP-ED: - Love Your Body, Love Yourself - Are You in a Safe Relationship? - Relationship Do’s and Don’ts - Traits of a Good Friend - Career VS. Job - Never Make Assumptions - Droid or iPhone? - 5 Little Things to Help Your Environment Beautiful Hair Tips - “Divergent” Book Review - Instagram - Q/A with Iverson about Homecoming Week Sports: - What is Badminton? Is badminton a sport? - Cross Country Interviews - Top 5 Players of the 90’s - 2012-13 Power Ranking - The Oakland Raiders P.R.I.D.E. - PBIS - RESPECTING ONE ANOTHER - How To Dress For Your 1920’s Theme Freshman! - Homecoming Reminders - Be a Part if PBIS - Back Page: - Halloween Word Search - Halloween Mazes 1 20 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Campus News Sex is a Weapon “If it happened to Mila, it can happen to anybody.” By: Carley Robinson and Alejandra Fraume One of our own teachers, Ms. Carter, shared a personal story with a few of our students at the beginning of the year. Intrigued by her passion on this topic, we had to dig deeper. As we all know, teenagers are infamous for making unwise decisions. One decision can change your life in a blink of an eye. It’s becoming more and more common to be pressured into sex and the partaking of drugs. Not all is to blame on teenagers, as our society has portrayed that in order to fit in and “live up to the standards,” you have to be and live a certain way. We have to remember what life has in store for us. You are capable of so much more than what you think. With a sense of conviction on the topic, Ms. Carter enlightened us to the real-life consequences of irresponsible decisions. Interview with Ms. Carter Q1: As a community, how can we all contribute toward preventing teenagers from having to suffer the consequences of a sexually transmitted disease? A: Every year at the beginning of the year, there is a discussion that we NEED to have as a school. Sex is a weapon. It can kill you. Why aren’t we having this conversation with the students?! We can tell when a student is doing drugs, as many of the symptoms are obvious, but we cannot spot a student who is carrying an STD. Why aren’t we having rallies that talk about the dangers of sex and drugs? Our very first rally should be about sex and drugs and the risk of them, in my opinion. We should do something that is creating a BETTER YOU and sending a more positive message. Q2: Sex is a taboo subject for many societies. What can we do to break down the barrier and talk about sex honestly and openly? A: Parents do not like to talk about sex with their children, and so when students don’t have that family support, they need to go to outside resources. Teens should turn to those people they can trust, like school counselors and trustworthy friends. Photo Credit: Carley Robinson Q3: In your opinion, what drives teens toward making decisions such as engaging in drugs and having unprotected sex? A: I think self-esteem and self-image has a lot to do with it. Peer pressure is always there, but if you have a good self-image, peer pressure is not as powerful. They want to belong. It is in our nature to want to belong. Unfortunately, some teenagers feel accepted by being sexually active. They think that the person they are sexually involved with truly loves them, but sometimes… sex is just sex. Q4: What should sexually-active teens know about protecting themselves against diseases and unwanted pregnancies? A: They need to find out if they’re healthy. They need to go to Planned Parenthood, get tested, get an orientation, and get a consultation with somebody from the organization. And they should definitely talk to a trusted adult. Q5: And finally, does this topic hit close to home for you? A: My sister died of AIDS when she was 28 years old. She contracted HIV from her first and only boyfriend, who was a drug addict. She was 14 when she started dating him. She was 18 when she was diagnosed with HIV. They died together of AIDS. Actually, she committed suicide because she was terminal, pregnant, and had a dying boyfriend. She was a good girl, but she got with the wrong guy in the 8th grade. She was a good girl, who loved poetry. Her name was Milagrosa. Listen, if it happened to Mila, it can happen to anybody. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 2 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Campus News Global Citizen Year By: Maritza Garcia, Junior, Staff Writer Are you a senior looking to gain some insight on the world around you? Having to decide what you’re going to do for the rest of your life can be overwhelming. Applications to colleges or universities can be so stressful and time consuming! A path former students from Gunderson have taken in the past is Global Citizen Year. Global Citizen Year is a non-profit organization that recruits high-potential graduating seniors to a bridge year of service in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Global Citizen year is thought of as a bridge year because it gives you a chance to be more open-minded, to learn more about other cultures, and viewpoints before attending a college or university. Each fellow will have a home and will be assigned an apprenticeship in a developing community where they will learn and grow, then later hopefully approach their future with a passion to make an impact on the world. For more information visit globalcitizenyear.org “If we are to ensure that today’s youth become the compassionate and committed global leaders of tomorrow, it is imperative that young Americans have direct experiences with the conditions in which the majority of the world’s people live.”" " " " " Founder and CEO of Global Citizen Year " " "-JOHN WOOD Photo Source: http://globalcitizenyear.org/program/timeline/ LGBT History Month By: Alejandra Fraume, Freshman, Staff Writer " The leaves are falling, the mornings are getting chilly, and Halloween is just around the corner... It must be October! This month is synonymous with the colors of autumn, heaps of candy, and the spirit of the spookiest day of the year. But October is also equivalent with the colors of the rainbow and celebrating who you are. LGBT History Month is upon us, and it is a time in which our society reflects on the gay and civil rights movement. Just as importantly, people from all walks of life use this month as an opportunity to embrace their sexual orientation. October 11th, National Coming Out Day, is an internationally observed civil awareness day and a day where many LGBT people liberate themselves from oppression by disclosing their sexual orientation. " Contributing to your community matters, so making Gunderson High School a judgement-free and safe place to learn is crucial. You do not have to be a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender to be an ALLY of the LGBT community. You can be a supporter by being open to all different kinds of people and discussing the relevant issues of today with those around you. Let’s allow everyone to live an open and honest life, and we can start that change within ourselves and our school. Senior Carley Robinson, President of the Gay-Straight Alliance here at Gunderson, shared what she believes LGBT History Month means. Q1: How do you think LGBT History Month is connected to our community here at Gunderson High School? I think LGBT History Month is connected with every school’s community. It's a time where the importance of personal sexuality comes out and everyone has a chance to get unconditional support. Now whether some people talk about their sexuality freely or not is completely up to them. Q2: How can students participate in LGBT History Month? Coming by the Gay-Straight Alliance or simply just looking LGBT History Month up online. There are always things that could be improved on in our community, and one of them is definitely equality. Don't be afraid to help out and support your beliefs. Q3: What can students learn from joining the GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance)? Students can learn to accept themselves and their peers. It's a club for learning and accepting who you are. We offer confidential support and respect. Photo Source: http://payvand.com/blog/blog/2010/01/21/human-rights-worldreport-2010-iran-targets-human-rights-messengers/ Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 3 The Paw Print Advice Column By: Carley Robinson, Senior, Staff Writer OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Campus News 2012 Election Advice Column By: Alba Ibarra, Senior, Editor and Chief and Hayley Graham, Senior, Staff Who will be our next president Romney or Obama ? No one really knows about all of these other candidates because they don’t have as much money for advertisement like Obama and Romney do. People don’t take the time to research and or simply don’t have the time to sit down and check to see who might be their next president. Many people don’t realize that voting is important, some may say that its because they end up not being heard. I think its important if you vote but before you do make sure you are well informed so that you are aware of what your next presidents ideas are. Also were a representative democracy and we need someone to represent us. Its not a good idea to go just vote without any knowledge of any of the candidates, might as well just not vote because then you’ll ruin it for everyone else. Not everyone around the world has the opportunity to vote either. Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Ravey are putting together an election where all GHS students may participate. The classes will present each candidate and propositions to you in your social science classes. You will vote for your presidential candidate and we will announce it on the broad cast. Take advantage of this to voice your opinion despite what people might think. Interview with Mr. Gibbons Q: Why is it important to vote? A: Its important to vote so that your voice can be heard, I believe you learn best by doing. Q: What message are you trying to get across with the election at Gunderson? A: There are issues that are going on where people don’t care, It’s Important for people to educate themselves and not to be ignorant of what’s happening. Q: How does voting affect students? A: Its your future, Its the world you will live in, shape your own society. Photo Source: http://livinggreenmag.com/wp-content/ uploads/2012/09/obmam-romney.jpg Q: Where will students vote and when? A: They will vote in their social studies classes on November 6th. I know that many of the juniors and seniors are all wondering why we aren’t getting laptops this year, and if we are getting them anytime soon. After talking with Mr. Bejarano, we now have answers to your questions. There are a few reasons as to why we are not getting laptops this year. One of the main reasons is that the insurance company no longer wants to cover our laptops due to a high number of thefts. Also, another reason is that our school does not have enough money in the budget to replace laptops. If the school was to buy only a hundred laptops, that would cost the school $65,000 dollars! That didn’t seem like the best option, so the decision was made to use the money to improve other areas of the school’s technology. On a brighter note, other alternatives to the laptops are being considered. One alternative would be a reader device, such as an iPad, where interactive versions of our standard textbooks would be used in place of the standard textbooks. Whatever happens, we need to remember how lucky we are to still have all the other technology our school possesses. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. Photo Source: http://www.etsu.edu/ academicaffairs/elearning/ats/pictures/ Apple_Laptops.jpg GO GRIZZLIES By: Carley Robinson, Senior, Staff Writer Need advice on problems that you just don’t know how to deal with? Are you afraid to consult with the counselor? There has been and idea floating around our Journalism class starting an Advice Column for the school newspaper. We will provide a locked box at the from office where you can write your questions on a piece of paper and drop them in. This is an opportunity to get some feedback on those who may be dealing with the same issues. The only downfall to this is that it would be in correlation with the school paper, therefore only presented once a month. Nevertheless, it will be there. With that said, we begin to create a question box. Within the next month or so it should be set and ready for use. Just keep scoping out the front office for the box. We will give this project a few months to prosper to tell wether it will stay in the paper or not. Don’t be shy to give appropriate feedback in the box when it arrives. Thank you! Photo Source: http://www.sanjose.com/ believe-the-hype-e1375871 4 The Paw Print Campus News OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Tips for College Hunting By: Mariam Abdo, Senior, Staff Writer and Alba Ibarra, Senior, Editor in Chief " Seniors, it’s almost November and you know what that means right? College applications are due. Some of you seniors may want to stay locally to be close to family, some might want to move far away, and there are a few who think college isn’t right for them. Where do you fall in those three categorizes? Applying for colleges shouldn’t be a stressful experience! It should be a time for self- exploration, this is your future. So make sure you know where you want to apply to. Here are some college hunting tips for you guys to look at before you start applying: 1. Plan ahead 2. Research about the colleges your applying to. 3. Do NOT procrastinate apply as soon as possible. 4. If money is holding you back from going to college apply for FAFSA (Federal Student Aid). 5. Apply away from your hometown, that’ll help you grow as a person. Homecoming Week Interview With Mr. Iverson Photo Source: http:// grandvillageinn.com/grand-rapidsarea-colleges-and-universities/ Photo Source: http:// colleges.usnews.ra nkingsandreviews.c om/best-colleges October Birthdays By: Cindy Zuniga, Junior, Staff Writer & Sukii Basma, Senior, Staff Writer Q: What is so special about Homecoming? A: It's a way to get excited about your school and your class, and fun because it revolves around a sport. Q: How did leadership come up with the themes? A: During the summer I meet up with council and we brain storm ideas. We break it down to 5 themes and settle it by putting it to a class vote. Q: Is it stressful to prepare for homecoming week? A: It's very stressful, very long process. I have to relay in my students to really give their best effort. After the dance when we are in class we break it down and see how we can make Homecoming better for next year. Q: How Does it effect you if things don't go as planned? A: I take it very personally. I'm really here to help out our school. I hear lots of students saying that we need more school spirit and that leadership and I try do give them for our events. It really sucks when things don't go as planned. Q: How do you feel after Homecoming? A: I feel like I have given it my all. I feel tired and accomplished. Like the saying goes "We'll leave it all out there on the field". Photo Source: http://stuffpoint.com/dance/image/94077/danceepicture/ Briseida Solorzano Ryan Tran Natalie Lazzeroni Gabriel Cervantes Gustavo Alcoreza Leslie Diaz Ms. Callaway Ashley Jimenez Erik Najarro Gladys Solorzano Happy Birthday!- Tania Hernandez Alba Ibarra Happy Birthday B.B.B.! Still older than you by a few days! - Natalie Lazzeroni Q: How do you take your coffee? A: I like my coffee just coffee, that means regular coffee, extra cream, extra sugar. Like me it’s white and sweet. Q: How much coffee do you drink while Homecoming week? A: Not enough. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 5 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Campus News The End of the first Semester is near! By: Alan Pham, Senior, Staff Writer " This year looks like it’s going by really fast! It’s already the end of the first grading period and the end of the semester is creeping up slowly! Usually this is the time of point where you realize whether you’ve been slacking off, or you’re doing well. But no worries, this is only a progress report and not your semester grades. Here are some tips that you should take in consideration if you are struggling, unorganized, with bad grades. Photo Source: https://www.universitylifecafe.k-state.edu/_media/ _thumbs/uploaded/images/2010/ 1) Do not procrastinate. Even if your teacher assigned it to you today and it’s due in three weeks. WORK ON IT. Do not wait until the last minute and stress yourself out. We all know that everyone is guilty with this. 2) Turn in your work on time. Teachers are really strict about turning in your work on time. Turn it in on time for FULL credit or turn it in late for a points deducted or even for no credit at all.. 3) Ask your teachers for help. If you are struggling with a subject, question, or chapter that your teacher is going over during class, ask your teacher if he/ she can meet before/after school or during lunch for help. I’m pretty sure all teachers are nice enough to help you out! 4) Homework center! Homework center is a great place to focus on your homework and getting help from tutors and teachers that are there! Homework center is open after school on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 3-5. 5) Get an AGENDA! Get a planner or a agenda so you can keep track of test dates, homework, and projects. You can also use it to remind you of any events that are taking place, such as Homecoming, dances, spirit weeks, and even days for homework center! Hope these tips can help you guys out! Follow these tips and hopefully you will boost your grade up! And if you doing well don't slack off and follow these tips as well! Maintain your good grades and it will all be worth it in the future! R.I.P Matthew Dinh By Nicole Athans, Senior, Staff Writer An 8-year-old boy, Matthew Dinh was just having some fun, riding a miniature electric bike and was unfortunately killed in a collision with a pickup truck Friday night, September 14th in the 800 block of Farm Drive near Pearl Avenue. A 2008 Chevy truck collided with Matthew who was not wearing a helmet. He was taken to Valley Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead at 8:31 P.M. Sgt. Jason Dwyer said a preliminary investigation showed that Matthew traveled into the path of the truck. The driver cooperated with the investigation and there was no indication of speeding, drug nor alcohol use on the part of the driver. The investigation is still ongoing. Photo Source: http://www.marinij.com/ci_21558782/ neighborhood-shrine-san-jose-boy-killed-riding-his Photo Source: http:// sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2012/09/17/8year-old-san-jose-boy-rides-pocket-bike-into- Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 6 720 bvvv The PawPrint 1. - One was bald, 2. - A Table, 3. - Baldness, 4. - Wet, 5. - Eleven, (T..h..e...A..l..p..h..a..b..e..t), 6. - A window, 7. - A tree, 8. - A Relationship, 9. - Because it has 4 A's and one B, 10. Because it's too far to walk. OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT Top 25 Radio Songs Broken Promises By: Millionaire Tuilefano, Senior, Staff Writer " I made amends with men who couldn’t comprehend. Couldn’t compromise because they saw the bad in promises. They were scared of commitment. I didn’t ask them to commit suicide. I just wanted them to commit to a promise. Maybe I should have replaced “promise” with “challenge”. And yet they were challenged by the thought of being challenge. So I stayed faithful to a guy who was undecided. I claimed a guy who I should’ve reconsidered a child. And I got caught up in a smile. I got caught up in empty promises. I wasn’t making any wish lists. I just wanted some consistency. I just wanted answers. It was general enough for one to make their own assumptions and interpretations. And he interpreted it to find all its limitations. Does this limit me to men with imitations? I was tempted to fit each one into a category until I realized a trend was happening. Homies were telling me that I was the problem. This trend meant trial and error with amends. It meant trial and error with different men. That meaning and (mean)ing meant that there was no hostility. Hospitality, I wanted open arms. Open minds. Opened EYES. To realize I was to blame for making irrelevant decisions. I was to blame for not leaving sooner than I have. I was to blame to allow passiveness be a friend to aggression. I needed to make amends with great attention. Down the Dark Alley.. By: Millionaire Tuilefano, Senior, Staff Writer Walking down a dark empty street alone, she notices that the street lamp lights are flickering. She sympathizes with the lights because the light in her eyes are flickering also. Eyes once bright with happiness and promise, are now gloomy-filled eyes of painful uncertainty. She doesn’t know how she got here— to this place of darkness in her soul that is. She doesn’t know what to do with her troubles. She’s no longer certain about her future. Her strength is draining. She’s slowly fading. She’s slowly drifting away from something she was once so certain to be right. Now, she doesn’t know what is right. She continues down the street, she turns left. And is suddenly left with even more uncertainty. She notices a street lamp that is brighter than the rest and is the only one that isn’t flickering. She walks towards it and simply stands under it, feeling the warmth of the bright light covering her from the darkness as if the radiating light would heal her and energize her. But she finds herself breaking down, falling to her knees in tears. In what little strength she had left, she cries out to the sky and to her surprise hears a powerful voice say to her: … TO BE CONTINUED… Upcoming Movies By: Marvin Ramirez, Junior, Staff Writer ! Are you all ready for some new movies! Well here are some of the upcoming movies that you should really think about watching. If you like Action, Taken 2 is the movie you want to watch. For all you Horror movie lovers, one of the Horror films is Sinister. ! Taken 2 which will air theaters on October 5, stars Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills a retired government agent who goes on vacation with his family to get away from life. But it all goes down hill when Kim (Bryan’s daughter) is kidnapped once again. Now Bryan Mills must revert back to his skills as an agent, to try and save his daughter. ! The Horror film Sinister, a family move in to their new home. But they are unknown to the horrible things that have occur in the house. The family man is a well know Journalist who finds tapes of the family who lived in the house, but is amazed of the things he finds. An evil entity starts that is responsible for the killing of the former owners, starts to make itself well know. Sinister will hit the big screen on October 12. By: Cindy Zuniga, Junior, Staff Writer 1. One Last Kiss- Pink 2. Lights- Elli Goulding 3. Whistle- Flo Rida 4. Wide Awake- Katy Perry 5. One More Night- Maroon 5 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together- Taylor Swift 7. Everybody Talks- Neon Trees 8. As Long As You Love Me- Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean 9. Give Your Heart A Break- Demi Lovato 10. Good Time- Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen 11. Some Nights- Fun 12. Where Have You Been- Rihanna 13. Titanium- David Guetta feat. Sia 14. Payphone- Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa 15. Somebody That I Used To Know- Gotye feat. Kimbra 16. Pound The Alarm- Niki Minaj 17. Too Close- Alex Clare 18. Call Me Maybe- Carley Rae Jepsen 19. Mercy- Kanye West, Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz 20. Don't Wake Me Up- Chris Brown 21. No Lie- 2 Chainz feat. Drake 22. Wanted- Hunter Hayes 23. Adorn- Miguel 24. Take A Little Ride- Jason Aldean 25. Time Is Love- Josh Tuner Photo Credit: http://sceper.eu/2011/05/ billboard-radio-songs-14-05-2011p2p.html Photo Credit: http://thatgrapejuice.net/ 2012/07/song-pink-blow-kiss/ Photo Source: http://www.beyondhollywood.com/sinister-2012-movie-preview-images-and-videos/sinister-2012-movie-quad- Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 7 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT Cheaper Halloween Costumes! By: Taylor Rocklage Junior, Staff Editor and Jeniffer Uceda, Junior, Staff Editor Costume Idea Original Price Our Price At the Spirit Halloween Store, you could buy this LA Lakers Uniform for $49.99. Or, you could buy a pair of white Soffe shorts, and use a Jersey you might already have. Then dress it up with a cute head band and some long socks! This outfit will be just as cute and definitely not fifty dollars! This outfit could work for other teams as well. Savings: At least $30.00 Player/ Athlete Who doesn’t love an awesome zombie costume on Halloween? You could buy this costume at the Spirit Halloween store for $44.99. Or, you could use an old white t-shirt, cut it up and rub it with some dirt! Then put on some old tattered jeans. For make up, you can buy a zombie kit at Party City for only $6.99. Savings: $38.00 Zombie Everyone loves a pretty fairy on Halloween, but fairy costumes can be so expensive! You can purchase this fairy costume at the Spirit Halloween Store for $59.99. Or, you could purchase a fairy kit at Party City for only $20.00, that’s a third of the price! It comes with wings, a tutu skirt, and a wand. Then you could dress it up with accessories you already have to truly make it your own! Savings: $40.00 Fairy Halloween Movies By: Taylor Tolbert, Senior, Staff Writer and Andrea Garcia, Junior, Staff Writer " Everyone knows that Halloween is a great time to watch some of the best movies ever made. If you’re into the family oriented Halloween movies or even the greatest horror movies of all time, then this list may be for you! Top Halloween Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas" " " Addams Family Values Beetlejuice Hocus Pocus Coraline Halloween Town (series) Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. Haunted Attractions By: Arlyn Mora, Senior, Editor in Chief and Fabian Rosales, Senior, Staff Writer " Halloween is almost here, so if your looking for a good fright, or simply just want to hang out with friends ,here are a few haunted places you should attend: Winchester Mystery House Location: 525 South Winchester Boulevard San Jose, CA 95128 Open: October 18th- 21st, 25th- 31st Hours: Fri. /Sat. 6:30 PM- 12:30 AM and Sun. 6:30PM- 11:30PM Cost: $45 Conover Mystery Ranch/ Swank Farms Location: 2600 San Felipe Hollister, CA 95023 (50 minute drive) Open: October 19th- 21st, October 26th-28th Hours: Fri. / Sat. 6PM-12AM and Sun. 6PM- 10PM Cost: $25 Halloween Haunt Location: 4701 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 Open: October 19th- 21st, 26th- 28th Hours: 7PM- 12AM Cost: $39.99 Gyro’s 4D Fear Factory Location: 2333 South White Road in Raging Water San Jose CA, 95148 Open: October 15- 18 and 22-31 Hours: Sun. and Thurs. 7PM-10PM, Fri./ Sat. 7PM- 12AM Cost: General Admission $19.99 and Fright Pass: $29.99 World’s Largest Haunted House Location: At the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. 344 Tully Road San Jose, California 95111 Open: Open since October 5th Hours: Fridays/Saturdays 7PM- 12AM Sundays 7PM- 11PM Cost: $22 Fear Overload Haunted House Location: 15555 East 14th Street San Leandro, CA 94578 (50 minute drive) Open: October 18th - 21st, 24th- 31st Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 7PM- 10PM, Fri./ Sat. 7PM- 12AM Cost: $20 Amityville Horror Halloween The Grudge The Stangers The Poltergeist The Ring The Exorcism GO GRIZZLIES 8 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT Look- A- Likes By: Anonymous Shaggy from Scooby Doo and Matt Perry Jojo from Horton Hears a who and Eric Lopez Overly attached girlfriend and Taby Jensen Mitt Romney and Doug Gutierrez Little Bill and Markus Wright Courtney from As told by Ginger and Kaitlyn Peterson Katniss Everdeen and Natalie Lazzeroni Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 9 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT How to Survive a Break-Up Part #1 By: Isabelle Simmons, Senior, Staff Writer " Having the love of your life break up with you or replace you with someone better and more attractive is devastating. Don’t worry, I understand what you’re going through. I have been in your situation too and look at me now! I’m single and happy! Not lonely at all! When your boyfriend/girlfriend, especially when you were with them for a long time, break up with you, it will cause chest pains, vulnerability, and a dent in your wallet from buying all that comfort food. It’s okay, that’s normal. Just follow these simple steps and you will be ready to take on any break up that comes your way! Step 1: CRY A LOT. -After your boyfriend/girlfriend (soon-to-be ex), tell you that they don’t want to be with you anymore, you don’t need to say anything after that because they won’t even care anyways! The only thing you can do now is cry! Cry your eyeballs out! Who cares if you end up making dolphin-like noises due to your lack of breath and your mascara is running down your face during class? Who cares if your in the middle of football conditioning, running a play and your coach is looking at you weird? They should be praising you because it takes a brave person to cry in public. After you’re done crying, then you can move onto the next step. Step 2: EAT A LOT. -Crying is so tiring and it just uses up all your energy. After your done wiping your tears and blowing your nose, head to your nearest grocery store and buy all the food that you were holding back on when you were with them. Let’s face it, you have nobody to look good for anymore. Once you’ve devoured the last chocolate covered strawberry, you can now move on to your box of donuts. Nothing says, “I’m over it!” than a box full of fried dough sprinkled with sugar! Step 3: DO SOMETHING UNEXPECTED. -Get yourself a pet, preferably a shark. Nobody will mess with you if you have a pet that eats people. Riddles Pick Up Lines By: Adrian Morales, Senior, Staff Writer and Fabian Rosales, Senior, Staff Writer 1. If beauty were time, you’d be eternity. 2. You look cold. Want to use me as a blanket? 3. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line. 4. You shouldn’t wear makeup. It’s messing with perfection! 5. Are you a tamale? 'Cause you’re hot. 6. There isn’t a word in the dictionary for how good you look. 7. If you were a booger, I’d pick you first. 8. Girl, if I were a fly, I’d be all over you, because you're the sh#$! 9. Your daddy must have been a baker, because you’ve got a nice set of buns. 10. Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? By: Adrian Morales, Senior, Staff Writer Photo Source: http://themetapicture.com/ howard-strikes-again/ 1. Three men were in a boat. It capsized, but only two got their hair wet. Why? Fabian’s Fun Facts 2. What has four legs, but can't walk? By: Fabian Rosales, Senior, Staff Writer 3. What is the best cure for dandruff? Did you know? 4. If you threw a White stone into the Red Sea, what would it become? 5. How many letters are there in the alphabet? 6. What invention lets you look right through a wall? 7. What has a bark, but no bite? 8. What ship has two mates, but no captain? Photo Source: http:// www.galacticenergycorps.com/forums/uploads/ 52a48088e060e9d696d9be2d47c59bc9.gif 9. Why is Alabama the smartest state in the USA? 10.Why do birds fly south in the winter? 1. - One was bald, 2. - A Table, 3. - Baldness, 4. - Wet, 5. - Eleven, (T..h..e...A..l..p..h..a..b..e..t), 6. - A window, 7. - A tree, 8. - A Relationship, 9. Because it has 4 A's and one B, 10. Because it's too far to walk. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 1. World’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 years old, lived in China 1910. 2. There is square watermelons in Japan because they stack better. 3. Each year Disneyland uses over 5,000 gallons of paint to maintain the park. 4. Baskin Robbins once had ketchup flavored ice cream. 5. A duck’s quack does not have an echo, no one knows why. 6. In Kentucky it’s illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. 7. America eats 25 acres of pizza daily. 8. About 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily. 9. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. 10. Finger nails grow faster in cold temperatures. 10 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT Element of the Eyes Horoscopes By:Taylor Rocklage Junior, Section Editor and Jeniffer Uceda, Junior, Staff Writer By: Myrah Nadine, Freshman, Staff Writer Chapter 1 Amber’s P.O.V “Hey Roxie... Can I ask you something?” “Yeah, sure! What’s up Cupcake?” “What do you think the “new one” will be like? I’m really worried...” I said, finally speaking the truth. I used to be friends with a myzter. They are the one with pink eyes, the ones who control all the elements. “She’s nice! I can feel her soul a mile a way and its good and clean, not like your old friend,” she said smiling. “Thanks.” But I still can’t help but wonder... what if she still hurts me in the end? Kimberly’s P.O.V I hopped out of the car thinking great, now every one will make fun of my eyes. They’re hot pink, like rose petal pink... “Mother....” “Don’t worry, Kimmy! Every one in this school is the same. It’s just that some of their eye colors are different. You’ll see. If they do make fun of your eyes, it’ll be as if they’re making fun of themselves and their strange eye color,” she said. “Can you two hurry? You know Lianna does not like unpunctual people, especially because we two used to be her worst students,” my father said as we walked into the huge mansion. ~~~thirty minutes later~~~ “Kimberly Lane?” A woman with red eyes said. “Thats me.” “Come on in.” She smiled ~~~three hours later~~~ “Kimberly, your room number is 326. Here are your keys. The elevator is down the hall,”she said smiling. “Thank you.” I got up, left the room, and clicked the elevator button. It descended and arrived a second later. There was a man with orange eyes standing inside the elevator. “What room number?” he asked with no emotion. “Three hundred and twenty six.”He clicked the button three... then two... then six.. That’s weird. Suddenly, the elevator spun in a circle and then opened to a nice dark brown wooden door. I looked at the man and he nodded. Taking one step out, I thought....What if they don’t like me? With that, I opened the door to see two girls. One had fire red eyes and the other forest green.They both looked up and saw me standing there. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. Aquarius: January 20- February 18 This month you will for sure have some sort of new love interest, its impossible for something not to happen in your love sector. Your connection with will be considerably large, so make sure you don’t let it pass you by. However, you need to make sure that your communication is strong to allow your connection to grow. http://www.edtamplin.com/images2/Zodiac.jpg Pisces: February 19- March 20 This month you are going to be very active! You might be a little intimidated by the obstacles ahead, but if you put in all the effort you can you will surely succeed in any task you attempt. However, make sure you don’t to get too comfortable or over-confident from your successes; that could be your downfall this month. This is also a good financial month for you, make sure you don’t spend it all! Aries: March 21- April 19 This is going be a very blissful and happy month for you! If you have been under pressure lately, lonely, or maybe feeling distant from your loved ones, then your in luck. The problems you have been facing will finally begin to melt away this month. Taurus: April 20- May 20 This month will be the start of your love life for the next three years. You’re love life may have been non-existent for the past few months, but that’s all going to change. You will have a hard time turning down intriguing opportunities coming your way. However, you may have to make a few difficult decisions to get what you really want. Gemini: May 21- June 20 This is going to be a super crazy and fun month for you! Another bonus will be chance for new and exciting relationships, be prepared for butterflies. Your generally a hard to impress person, and this month you will definitely be getting something worth your while. But make sure that you’re acting rationally and not letting your temper get out of control. Cancer: June 21- July 22 This month as a lot of work in it for you; however, it will pay off! You will be in a few high pressure situations, but your communication skills are on point so use them to your advantage. Financially, make sure you plan your plan your shopping sprees well, you’re in line for a few good bargains coming your way! Libra: September 23- October 22 This month you might meet somebody that’ll make your heart beat or experience special moments at the side of the person you're already fond of. Also know that most of your decisions will be emotionally motivated in some kind of way, so be careful! This month expect more freedom, more energy, and efficiency! Scorpio: October 23- November 21 Make sure to get involved this month! Socializing will favor finding love or make your relationship stronger. Participating in events, workshops, presentations or other activities can consolidate a relationship! Keep in mind that this will be a month animated by curiosity, communication, movement and interest in new things! Sagittarius: November 22- December 21 October means physical energy, sexual force, passion and desire to conquer! Expect an unforgettable love story! But be careful! You can be even more careless than that, with very serious consequences. Capricorn: December 22- January 19 All the hard work, demands and obstacles that you overcame was not a waste of time. They’ve helped you to grow up slowly and made you richer by all the useful life experiences and lessons. Starting October 5th, all the barriers will go away and you can enjoy freedom! GO GRIZZLIES 11 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES OP- ED Love Your Body, Love Yourself By: Maritza Garcia, Junior, Staff Writer " Many people aren’t comfortable in their own skin. Is the pressure of society proving to be too much for teenagers? It is estimated that 8 million Americans have an eating disorder. Most women want to have the Barbie body, as compared to the 1950‘s everyone aimed for the thick and curvy body inspired by Marilyn Monroe. Did you know that if Barbie was a real woman her measurements would be completely unattainable. At the height 5’9 “ her bust would measure 39” her waist would measure 18”. To be considered a woman with a small frame her weight would have to be 139-153 lbs but Barbie is far below just a small frame. Barbie would weigh 110 pounds; classified as anorexic. Her proportions are so unrealistic that as a real life woman she would have to walk on all fours as a dog. Menstruation would not be in the picture for Barbie her body would simply not support the natural hormone cycle. Everyone has felt some sort of discomfort or insecurities with their body at least one point in time, not just women! 1 million men out of 8 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. An estimated 10-15% of people with anorexia or bulimia are males. Why can't people just be comfortable with their bodies? We all have flaws, all of us. Your beauty and worth cannot be measured by the size of your waist or just a number seen on a scale. People may judge you on the way you look, but its the way you are inside that truly matters. After all looks can be deceiving. Love who you are, not only on the outside but the inside. You are amazing in every single way. Photo Source: http:// people.brandeis.edu/~fft/ fft.html Are you safe in your relationship? By: Sydney Reed, Junior, Staff Writer " Abuse in NEVER okay in a relationship. People can hurt their partners verbally, emotionally, sexually, or physically. Help is available, you aren’t alone. You should never feel unsafe or be in fear of your partner. Here are questions you should ask yourself and think about: Do you feel afraid of your partner? Do they hurt or threaten you? Are you scared of disagreeing with your partner? Does your partner’s jealousy stop you from seeing friends or family? If you’ve answered yes for most of these questions, you are most likely to be in an abusive relationship. You are not alone, and there is help for you if there isn’t anyone or any place to turn to. DON’T BLAME YOURSELF! You do not deserve to be abused. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is TOLL FREE! if you are in danger or just need to talk, please call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Call before it’s too late. Photo Source: http://blog.loveisrespect.org/blog/12/ loveisrespect-on-cbs-news/ Relationship Do’s and Don’ts By: Andrea Garcia, Junior, Staff Writer Here are a few helpful tips for a long lasting relationship. Do’s 1) Communicate with each other. 2) Respect one another. 3) Have fun no matter what you guys are doing. 4) Be yourself, if they love you, they’ll accept you. 5) Trust your partner. Don’ts 1) Don’t constantly argue, pick and choose your battles. 2) Do not lie, honesty is key. 3) Absolutely no cheating. 4) Don’t be controlling, let each other have some fun. 5) Do not flirt with other people, stay faithful. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. Photo Source: http://www.psych.nyu.edu/couples/ GO GRIZZLIES 12 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES OP- ED Understanding Depression By: Alejandra Fraume, Freshman, Staff Writer " As we all know, being a teen is not as easy as people think. We have to deal with all kinds of pressures, which make life difficult at times. On top of that, damaging experiences from our past seem to follow us wherever we go in the form of memories and flashbacks. Understandably, it is only natural to have a bad day every once in a while. But for some teenagers, “bad days” are a very regular occurrence. Excessive negative thinking plagues every day, creating a need to shut the world out. Motivation can be hard to come by, and a feeling of hopelessness becomes familiar. These are only some of the symptoms of depression. " The first step towards recognizing that depression is real and not just a phase is acknowledging that depression is a medical condition, and displays itself in varying degrees. It’s serious, as it can lead to self-harm and abuse of drugs and alcohol. It is not to be taken lightly, which is why taking care of yourself if you have depression is so important. For teens with depression, it is crucial to be surrounded with those who truly care about you and encourage you to live life to its fullest. If you have a friend who has depression, educate yourself on the best way to help your friend, which is usually simply listening and offering your unconditional support. The internet is a great resource for everybody to become better learned in the symptoms of depression and how to cope with them. " One of our students shared what it was like to have depression, having battled the condition for years. “Honestly, it’s a struggle. I tend to feel disconnected, hopeless, and like I lack the energy to go about my day.” She then offered some advice to those that have or think that they may have depression. “Talk to someone you trust and that you know won’t judge you. Be at peace with who you are, accept yourself, and know that seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of.” Traits of a good friend By: Kimberly Phan, Senior, Staff Writer " Being a good friend is not just about having a good time with others, it's also about how willing you are to put your friends first or point out when they're doing something you don't agree with. 1) Honesty Honesty is an important attribute because it is one of the ways that people judge you. If you cannot be considered as being honest, you will not have good business relationships, good friends, or perhaps even a good life. Honesty is the key for a friendship to become closer. If you share to your friend about what's happening in your life, your bond becomes closer rather than you telling them nothing. 2) Trustworthy Trustworthiness is important because people have to believe in one another to be able to trust them with certain tasks. If you are not trustworthy, you might not get respect because people will feel like you will betray them. A trustworthy friend is someone with whom you can safely share your dreams, expose your fears, unveil your failures, and discuss your struggles. Others may laugh at your dreams, belittle your fears, or openly talk about your struggles. A friend would not think of doing that; you are safe with them. 3) Understanding and Supportive When two friends can listen, honor, respect, and help each other then this becomes a understanding and supportive friendship. Sometimes one may give more than the other, but then the situation can reverse. This is a mutual gift that helps two people grow and is the gift of real friends. We all know life can get complicated. Things change in an instant, and the road sometimes gets bumpy. Following a lifetime dream can sometimes be an obstacle filled path, but good friends can help you reach your dreams. Photo Source: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/ 3483/3458283865_fbd8a962c4.jpg Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 13 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES OP- ED Career Vs. Job By: Justin Perez and Ray Sanchez, Senior, Staff Writers " What’s the difference between a job and a career ? A career is the sequence and variety of occupations (paid and unpaid) which one undertakes throughout a lifetime. A career includes life roles, leisure activities, learning, and work. A job is a paid position requiring a group of specific attributes and skills that allows a person to perform tasks in an organization either part time or full time for a short or a long duration. For example, working at a fast food restaurant in high school is not a career, it’s a job. Working at a hospital and being a nurse or a doctor is a career or becoming a mechanic can be a career. " It's very hard to live without cash. Planning ahead can lead you to a job that will pay enough to have a comfortable life. The best reason to plan a career path is so you have a better chance of enjoying what you do. Some people get a lot of satisfaction out of their jobs and considering if you work a standard 40 hour work week you will be spending about 1/3 of your life at work. So it would be a shame if you end up one of those people who hate their job. If you are always wishing for the weekend you are wishing a good chunk of your life away. " Developing a career action plan is the fourth step in the career planning process. One arrives at this step after a thorough self assessment. One must choose from those occupations after examining them carefully and determining which one is the best match. A good way to search and find more information about the career you want to follow, its by going to www.bls.gov ( Bureau Of Labor Statistics). Bureau Of Labor Statistics is a government official web page, were you can research your future career. Once you have identified an occupation to pursue you should develop an career action plan. A Career Action Plan is a road map that takes you from choosing an occupation to becoming employed in that occupation to reaching your long-term career goals. Never Make Assumptions By: Kimberly Phan, Senior, Staff Writer " “Don’t make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.” -The Secret by Rhonda Byrne " If you want to learn and grow, ask questions and never assume anything. Never assume someone is going to agree with you, never assume you’ve got the job in the bag before walking in for an interview. When you make assumptions, you set yourself up to be extremely vulnerable, and when you make false assumptions, you pretty much end up looking like an idiot. Ask questions constantly and ask everyone around you. Don’t assume you’re the expert on everything and don’t be too proud to admit when you don’t know the answer to something. Asking someone else for help and advice is not a sign of weakness. If anything, it’s a sign of strength, interest, and determination. It shows you’re committed to learning and growing. And truly, the only way we can realize our full potential is to keep asking questions. Maintain the hunger for knowledge in everything you do. Photo Source: http:// veggiemightee.blogspot.com/ 5 Little Things To Help The Environment Droid or iPhone? By: Hayley Graham, Senior, Staff Writer " Are you a Android or an iPhone?In a survey of multiple people, The iPhone was way more popular by far. The iPhone 5 just came out and more and more people are buying the new iPhone. New androids come and go all the time depending on the phone carrier. I am personally in the middle of all this controversy. I love android apps and how the phone is easy to use. It is way less expensive and durable according to android fans. The iPhone is smaller (unless its the iPhone 5)and all the apps are managed for you. It is organized and easy to use if you know how to use it. the iPhone is more popular and more expensive. I am conflicted because I like both phones. Which one are you? By: Isabelle Simmons, Senior, Staff Writer 1) Take shorter showers. 2) Use extension chords. 3) Turn off lights when not in use. 4) Open your window, not your fan. 5) Unplug any unused electronic chargers Photo Source: dreamschange.com Photo Source: http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/ gadgetlab/2012/09/iphone5Comparison.jpeg Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 14 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES OP- ED “Divergent” Book Review By: Kaitlyn Petersen, Senior, Staff Writer Beautiful Hair Tips! By: Dominique Gonzalez, Junior, Staff Writer There are tons of people who come up to me daily and ask me about my hair such as when was the last time I cut it, how long it took me to grow it, how do I get it to look healthy, etc. Well I trim it every once in a while, I don’t use hair products, such as Gel, hair spray, mousse, etc. I try and stay away from it, but sometimes I use it for special occasions. I don’t use flat irons or curling irons as much, only every once in a while. Of course we all have our own ways of how we take care of our own hair, but here are some that might help you. Photo Credit: Dominique Gonzalez 1) Squeeze-dry your hair You can prevent frizzy hair by getting a paper towel and carefully wring it out whenever its wet. It absorbs more than a regular towel would, speeding up your drying time. Photo Source: http://photo.goodreads.com/ books/1327873996l/8306857.jpg 2) Hot Iron Utensils You want to try and stay away from straighteners, curling Irons, and blow dryers. They kill your hair and create split ends. That stops your hair from growing beautiful and healthy. You could use hot irons once in a while or also use hair products that will protect your hair from the heat such as Got 2 b,Heat Defense, and so on. Such as blow dryers, you should try letting your hair air dry. It will save your hair from the damage. Photo Source: http://www.hiwtc.com/ photo/products/20/05/72/57287.jpg 3) Trimming It’s good to trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to avoid split ends. About 1/4 to 1 inch is a good length depending on how damaged your hair is. Try and let your hair naturally grow. 4) Brushing Photo Source: http://www.buzzle.com/ articles/cut-your-own-hair.html Brushing your hair has a big affect on your hair. If you over brush you will start allowing split ends happening. Your limit should be under 100 strokes if necessary. You should be brushing your hair with a gentle brush or comb. If you have thick hair, it’s most likely your going to have to use a wide-tooth comb. You should start by brushing your hair from the bottom up very gently. Also try avoiding brushing your hair with a brush after you shower, use a comb and untangle your hair with your fingers. 5)Dying, Perming It is not good to dye or perm your hair every single week. The chemicals will most defiantly kill your hair. It makes your hair less healthy and not pretty once it’s dead. If you are into dying your hair, using a ammonia-free hair dye with olive oil is good for your hair. It is less tense on your hair and will do less damage than other products. Photo Source:http:// www.coloncleanserthatwork.com/ “Divergent” by Veronica Roth takes place in the future dystopian society in Chicago. The story follows Beatrice Prior, a 16 year old Abnegation-born girl who must choose which faction she will belong to for the rest of her life. Her choices are Abnegation, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless, or Amity. As the story unfolds, Beatrice learns about the factions, her part in the society, and what the future holds in their crumbling world. “Divergent” is a top seller with teenagers, mostly to girls but is also popular for boys. “Divergent” also has a fandom if you decide that you’re obsessed with the story and characters. I loved this book because of the characters, the romance, and the action. Girls can connect to Beatrice as she goes along her path to finding who she really is and how she copes with the falling world around her. I highly recommend this book along with the sequel “Insurgent”; you will not be disappointed! The stories are entertaining, suspenseful, romantic, and funny. Roth is currently finishing the third book in the series, title still unknown. “Divergent” is being made into a film and will premiere March 21, 2014. Photo Source: http:// beautifulwithbrains.com/2011/08/19/4tips-to-save-money-on-hair-color/ Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 15 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES OP- ED Instagram By: Karla Villa, Senior, Staff Writer Instagram has been around for a while now, but how many of us have actually thought out what about this little app on your smart phone or iPod is so darn addicting? I have tried time and time again to inform adults about this addicting little photography app, but none of them of them really find interest in it. Is it just us? Is something wrong with our generation? Are we really too easily entertained? " Since the problem cant possibly be in our interests, it must be a lack of description on the app. What exactly is an Instagram? An Instagram is an app on which one can make an account and follow other users, by following of course your news feed will flow with whatever they choose to post. But what exactly does one post? Whatever you would like really, weather its how good your lunch looks, how much homework you have, or just good times with your friends. Most of us have had that moment that’s just so picture perfect, but never really did anything about it. WELL, now you can just decide what moments worth remembering, and say ‘instagraaaaaammmmm it’, take a picture and post it. " But one does not simply ‘post on Instagram’ oh no no no. There’s a process to it that most long term users have down to a science. First, take the picture. Then the individual must take the time to consider what square of the picture to use. Who to crop out. Who will miss out on being a part of your great Instagram experience. Once all that has been decided, the great decision of choosing a filter must be made. A very tough, time consuming choice, and what better way to do it than to try every possible filter until finding the perfect one. You would think that after such a long and thoughtful process that you would be able to click post and move on with your life, but you couldn’t be any more wrong. From now, you must categorize your picture by giving it hash tags and a caption. Oh, the infamous caption. Will you go with song lyrics? A joke maybe? Or a brief description of why the moment you’ve captured on your screen was so memorable that you had to capture it on the internet? Decisions, decisions. Now you’re almost done. You may now choose to tag other in your photos, then share it on other networking sites such as twitter, tumblr, or facebook to show non Instagram users just how much fun you’re having. And now you are ready to post and share. Maybe you’ll go on your news feed and like a few photos, leave a few comments, follow a few people. If you miss the thrill of posting on Instagram too much, make some more memorable photos, and repeat the process. Clearly, Instagram isn’t too complex of an app, but for some reason it has millions of users, so it must be doing something right. You really wont know until you try it, it’s a free app that can be easily downloaded from the app store, so get to downloading and start your Instagram experience ASAP. (I mean.. if you don’t want to miss out on all the fun). Photo Source: All above photos were taken from the search engine Google.com Q/A with Mr. Iverson about Homecoming Week By: Cindy Zuniga, Junior, Staff Writer and Sukii Basma, Senior, Staff Writer 1. Q: What is so special about Homecoming? A: It's a way to get excited about your school and your class, and fun because it revolves around a sport. 2. Q: How did leadership come up with the themes? A: During the summer I meet up with the council and we brain storm ideas. We break it down to 5 themes and settle it by putting it to a class vote. 3. Q: Is it stressful to prepare for homecoming week? A: It's a very stressful, very long process. I have to relay in my students to really give their best effort. After the dance, when we are in class we break it down and see how we can make Homecoming better for next year. 4. Q: How does it effect you if things don't go as planned? A: I take it very personally. I'm really here to help out our school. I hear lots of students saying that we need more school spirit and that leadership and I try to give them for our events. It really sucks when things don't go as planned. 5. Q: How do you feel after Homecoming? A: I feel like I have given it my all. I feel tired and accomplished. Like the saying goes, “We'll leave it all out there on the field.” 6. Q: How much coffee do you drink while Homecoming week? A: Not enough. Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 16 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES Sports What is Badminton? Is Badminton A Sport? By: Alan Pham, Senior, Staff Writer As shocking as it may seem to the mainstream sports at Gunderson, badminton is a sport! Badminton requires the use of a racket and a birdie (shuttlecock). It is very similar to tennis and table tennis (ping pong). The only thing different about badminton is that the birdie cannot hit the ground, the nets are higher than tennis, and the speed impact of the birdie is much faster than that of a tennis ball. It is the fastest racket sport, and the fastest racket shot is recorded to be a badminton smash. Professional scoring goes to twenty one but high school scoring only goes to 15. Many people here at Gunderson say that badminton is a lazy sport, it’s an easy sport, and that there is no running involved. That is surprisingly untrue. First, the badminton court measures about 13.4m in length and 6.1m in width. You have ALL that space for yourself to cover. Second you have to keep your eye on the birdie, it can come towards you at an immensely fast pace. The world's fastest badminton smash is 206m/hr, and a normal pace badminton smash would be about 70 to 80m/hr. Third if you don't hit the birdie correctly your racket and the birdie can collapse. Fourth if you keep hitting the birdie towards the person he/she can hit placement shots, which are shots that you can make it go where ever you want, and make you run like crazy. In an intense game of badminton you run about five miles in the court. So it doesn’t sound so easy anymore right? It’s not how you imagine it to be; like standing in one place and hitting it back and forth to each other. It is way more complicated than it seems. Therefore badminton is a difficult sport to play and it is considered a sport. It is nationally played and is also played during the olympics. If you are interested in playing badminton and conditioning, come to the track everyday after school and condition from 3-5. For more information feel free to come talk to me or sophomore Vicky Le for information about conditioning, joining the team, and fundraising! Cross-Country Interview By: David Awolowo, Sophomore, Staff Writer Today we ask the Varsity Cross-Country Captains Adrian Morales (top) and Kimberly Phan (bottom) five personal running questions. “ I relax, I don’t think about the race, and listen to music to get me in the zone.” How do you balance your home-work time since practice is basically after school? “Pretty much after Cross-Country practice I start doing my HW.” What advice would you give a new runner? “ I’d tell a new comer to try their best, go in their own pace, but also push yourself little and reach your goal by the end of the season.” What is your personal goal at the end of the season? “My personal goal is to beat my three mile time at Montgomery Hill and to take my team to CCS.” Do you anticipate running in college? “Im still not sure what college or university I’m going to, but what ever I get into, I am planning to tryout for the CrossCountry team and if I don’t make it, I’m going to train until I do.” Adrian Morales Sr. Varsity Captain What do you do to get ready for a race? “I block everyone out of my sight, and start to focus on my strength and weaknesses. I figure out what I can do to improve each meet. Goofing around before any sport event isn’t a good idea, it’s a time to get serious for a better performance.” How do you balance your HW time since practice is basically after school? “To be honest I may be one of the biggest laggers, but I always get all my work done before a certain time.” What advice would you give a new runner? “Don’t compete with others, compete with yourself.” What is your personal goal at end of the season? “To be as fast and consistent as Coach Dyal and Callaway, because they can out run y’all! They’re in better shape then most students in Gunderson.” Kimberly Phan Sr. Varsity Captain Do you anticipate running in college? “Yes, because running is my new found love and passion.” Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 17 The Paw Print OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES NBA’s top 5 players of the 90’s The Oakland Raiders By: Jose Silva, Senior, Staff Writer and David Awolowo, Sophomore, Staff Writer The 90’s was probably the best decade in NBA history. Teams like the Rockets,Bulls,Jazz and the Lakers were some of the top teams that kept the NBA super competitive. The 90’s also had some of the greatest players of all time. 5 . Scottie Pippen 90’s stats= 19.2 PPG, 7.2 RPG, 5.9 APG Achievements= 6 time NBA champion, 7 time All Star 4 . Karl Malone 90’s stats= 27.2 PPG, 10.7 RPG, 3.7 APG Achievements= 2 time NBA MVP, 9 time All Star Photo Source: http:// www.basketball-reference.com/ players/r/robinda01.html Hakeem Olajuwon Photo Source: http:// blogs.orlandosentinel.com/ en_fuego/2010/05/ hakeem-reaches-out-todwight-howard-before-biggame.html 3. David Robinson 90’s stats= 24.4 PPG, 11.5 RPG, 3.1 BPG, 3.0 APG Achievements= 1999 NBA champion, 1995 NBA MVP, 8 time All Star 2 . Hakeem Olajuwon 90’s stats= 23.9 PPG, 11.6 RPG, 3.5 BPG Achievements= 2 time NBA champion, 2 time NBA Finals MVP, 1994 NBA MVP, 7 time All star By: Justin Perez, Senior, Staff Writer David Robinson Michael Jordan 1 . Michael Jordan 90’s stats= 30.8 PPG, 5.1 APG, 6.3 RPG Achievements= 6 time NBA champion, 6 time NBA Finals MVP, 4 time NBA MVP, 7 time NBA scoring champion Photo Source: http:// www.nchslive.com/? attachment_id=2009 2012-13 NBA Power Rankings By: Jose Silva, Senior, Staff Writer A lot of teams got better during the summer. Some include the Heat, Celtics, Lakers , and Timberwolves. There were teams that got worse like the Knicks, Magic, and Hawks. There will be a lot of surprises this upcoming season. 30-Orlando Magic" " " " 29-Charlotte Bobcats 28-Phoenix Suns 27-Sacramento Kings 26-Houston Rockets 25-Detroit Pistons 24-New Orleans Hornets 23-Milwaukee Bucks 22-Cleveland Cavaliers 21-Toronto Raptors 20-Washington Wizards 19-Portland Trail Blazers 18-Atlanta Hawks 17-Golden State Warriors 16-Minnesota Timberwolves Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. " 15-Utah Jazz 14-Philadelphia 76ers 13-Brooklyn Nets 12-New York Knicks 11-Indiana Pacers 10-Dallas Mavericks 9-Chicago Bulls 8-Los Angeles Clippers 7-Memphis Grizzlies 6-Denver Nuggets 5-Boston Celtics 4-San Antonio Spurs 3-Los Angeles Lakers 2-Oklahoma City Thunder 1-Miami Heat GO GRIZZLIES The Oakland Raiders have a lot of history in their organization, For example, did you know that the Raiders hired the first latino head coach in the NFL?. His name was Tom Flores. He had won 2 super bowl title with the Raiders and now is in the hall of fame. The Oakland Raiders have 3 super bowl titles, 2 from Flores and 1 from Hall of Famer coach John Madden. In 2003 , the Raiders advanced to the super bowl and tried to capture there 4th super bowl title but unfortunately, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the silver & black 48-21. Ever since that year of 03’, the Raiders have been in a drought. They have never made it to the playoffs and they lead the NFL with the most penalties. In 2011, long time Raiders coach and owner Al Davis passes away. Al Davis was known as a man who knew what winning was. That’s all he wanted from the Raiders. His motto was “Just Win Baby”. During the season of 2011, The Raiders were in place for a playoff spot but unfortunately, the San Diego Chargers defeated the Raiders and knocked them out of the playoff race. The raiders finished (8-8) for 2 consecutive years. In the past 9 seasons, The Raiders have gotten a new coach ever year due to not advancing to the playoffs. In 2012 the Raiders are calling the season, ”A New ERA” because they have a new organization. They have a new coach “Dennis Allen” and a new General Manager “Reggie McKenzie”. But so far the Raiders have started their season (1-3) and are currently in 3rd place. Their next game is at Atlanta to take on the (5-0) Falcons. It’s hard being a Raiders fan, but some how the Raider Nation is still around. Will the Raiders pull out a miracle this year? We’ll have to wait and find out. Photo Source: http://nikeinc.com/nikefootball/news/page/4 18 The PawPrint OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES P.R.I.D.E. PBIS By: Julie Bennett, PBIS Coordinator, SJUSD Office More than ever, students come to school with a variety of challenges that can at times make their success in school hard to achieve. Differences in backgrounds, cultures, socio-economic status, learning English as a second language, and challenges with home life can oftentimes make success at school even more difficult. Gunderson, like many schools across the nation, is working hard to improve the social culture of its campus by adopting and implementing school-wide positive behavior support. School-wide positive behavior support, also known as PBIS, is an evidence-based framework for improving the social culture or climate of a school and is derived from nearly 50 years of education research on students with problem behavior. Traditional discipline focuses on students' problem behavior, and primarily uses punishment to stop undesirable behavior. Schools that over-rely on punitive discipline without a balance of preventative positive behavioral supports have been actually proven to experience an increase in student problem behaviors and drop-out rates. Positive behavior support is different from traditional discipline in that students are explicitly taught the expected behaviors at school, and are acknowledged for behaving appropriately. There is still a series of consequences for inappropriate behavior, but adults in the school work to integrate positive, predictable and systematic environments that better set students up for success and recognize them for behaving well. Gunderson has adopted Grizzly PRIDE as it's schoolwide positive behavior support moniker, and teachers and staff are working to embody, teach and model Grizzly PRIDE themselves in an effort to make their learning environments more predictable and positive for students. The Grizzly PRIDE team is site-based leadership team composed of a variety of teachers, staff, and students who meet bimonthly and work together improve the social culture of the school. RESPECTING ONE ANOTHER By: Sydney Reed, Junior, Staff Writer and Dominique Gonzalez, Junior, Staff Writer As we all know, Gunderson is one big diverse family. Sometimes, we don't all get along, but at the end of the day, we still need to respect one another. There has been a number of belongings being stolen this year from students, teachers, and even staff. In some cases, we need to understand that some of those people worked hard to get what they have. There is NO legitimate reason to take anyones belongings without asking for permission. You should know that there are consequences for actions and you will pay it one way or another, especially at school. Getting suspended or even expelled for doing something so foolish, is not worth it at all. It will go on your college application, and it will not look good going on your work applications. It will really penalize you from doing a lot of things. You must understand that everyone is human and a lot of people struggle to get where they are. How To Dress For Your 1920’s Theme Freshman! By: Myrah Nadine, Freshman, Staff Writer So everyone must have been worrying about what they kind need to wear to match their decade theme? I really don’t think that anyone has a 1920’s, 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s dress or suit, unless you like that. For the 1920s the girls are very sparkly and shiny with a short haircut and a feather in their head band. That is very easy to do first of all get a very thin band the ones that some girls put in their head these days and put a feather in it. Then wear anything shiny or I think that is it for the girls. For the guys all you need is a casual suit for example, borrow your brother’s or you father’s. Homecoming Reminders! By: Arlyn Mora, Editor in Chief Homecoming week is always fun to be a part of because you get to help your class win the Big G! by competing against the other classes in creating the best looking hallway, powder-puff, class float, and class skits. Don’t miss out on our only night rally before the varsity game, its always a lot of fun. The winner of the Big G! is announced during half -time of the Varsity game. So make sure to represent your class and attend the Homecoming game as well as the Homecoming Dance! Dancing Through The Decades Homecoming! Friday: Class Colors Freshmen- Brown & Gold Sophomores- Yellow & Pink Juniors- White & Orange Seniors- Black & Teal Homecoming Dance: October 20th 7PM-10PM Tickets for Homecoming Dance Price: $25 Per Person $20 ASB Ticket $40 Couples Be a Part of PBIS! Become an official student representative of PBIS. Join several staff members in the PBIS meetings and give your opinion in their discussions on: • Ways to better the school • Ways to acknowledge students for positive actions • Correcting bad behavior positively, not negatively Don’t hold back. Join today! See Ms. Harding, Mrs. West, or Mr. Sliger for more details. Photo Source: http:// im.glogster.com/media/ 2/9/48/34/9483424.jpg Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 19 The PawPrint OCTOBER 18, 2012 THE NEWSPAPER OF HENRY T. GUNDERSON HIGH SCHOOL/ NEWS & FEATURES BACK PAGE Grizzly P.R.I.D.E. GO GRIZZLIES 20
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