September 2015 Announcer
September 2015 Announcer
ADVENT LUTHERAN CHURCH ANNOUNCER September 2015 HERE’S WHAT is HAPPENING at ADVENT in SEPTEMBER... Troop 309 in this service project for the community. More on page 4. ADVENT LUTHERAN’S MISSION STATEMENT *NURTURE our congregational family *SPREAD God’s Word *SERVE the identified needs of the wider community Sunday, September 20 “NOW THE FEAST AND CELEBRATION” September 5 & 6 HOLY COMMUNION HOLY COMMUNION for Labor Day WEEK TWO of our AAA series: AVAILABLE Weekend 1ST THEME SESSION FOR CONFIRMANDS: Tim Leitner will be leading worship at begin with lunch at 12:00 noon. Our theme for the both services. We celebrate the gift of Fall and Winter is THE OLD TESTAMENT. LABOR, and the gift and call to DAILY WORK, in liturgy, prayer, song & sermon. Wednesday, September 23 CHOIR PRACTICE BEGINS: Praise Team 6:30pm, Sunday, September 13 Adult/High School Choir 7pm. Come and help us GRANDPARENT’S DAY CELEBRAmake a joyful noise to the Lord! TION at both services. Special liturgy, prayers, sermon and blessing for grand- Saturday, September 26 parents. Special gift also as you leave MEN’S FELLOWSHIP 1-3PM @ Ward’s. See article worship. on page 8. WEEK ONE of special preaching and PowerPoint series on becoming a AAA Sunday, September 27 faith bearing adult: AUTHENTIC. WORSHIP AT ADVENT 8:00AM KICK OFF for Rotation Sunday School WEEK THREE of our AAA series: AFFIRMING and Adult Forum. Commissioning of Sun- WORSHIP IN THE PARK 10:30AM day School leaders, helpers and first Ro- We gather at Northwood Park in Morton for an infortation teachers. mal service of praise. “GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDS ELCA ANNUAL CHURCH PICNIC follows 10:30am serCommunity Service Workday, 2-5pm at vice (see page 4). several work sites. See article on page 4. BEAN BAG TOSS TOURNAMENT at the park after picnic. Teams compete for coveted prizes in this Monday. September 14 fundraiser for the National Lutheran Choir visit to FALL BIBLE STUDY begins at 1:00pm. Johnna Maragos will lead this interesting study. See page 5. Peoria in February 2016. See “Make a Joyful Saturday, September 19 Noise” article on page 5. ADVENT serves at MORTON PUMPKIN FEST. We will be working in Pumpkin Grille with Boy Scout WEEKLY MEMORY VERSES continue through Labor Day Weekend BIBLE MEMORY VERSE for September 5/6: Psalm 146:2 or 5 O’BRIEN’S OBSERVATIONS RELIGION AND POLITICS DO MIX - IN EACH OF US! Amid the wearying and disillusioning vortex of political life, at the state, federal and global level, with much of the viciousness and violence complicated by religious movements, ideologies and conflicts, we are tempted BOTH to turn away from political involvement AND to see faith as an escape from this madness. This easily moves into an attitude which is a default setting in our national mindset - religion and politics don’t mix. But as followers of Jesus, we know - deep down - that such a simplistic platitude is not the answer either. I found sharp insight to an authentically Christian take on the interplay of these two in an opinion piece by John Buchanan from a recent edition of the Christian Century magazine: “The conventional maxim ‘religion and politics do not mix’ is not only wrong but misleading and downright silly. Of course religion and politics mix. Our deepest values are often rooted in our religious beliefs and inform how we live, how we order our priorities, how we spend our time and money, HOW WE VOTE. “(in response to the recent papal encyclical on climate change) Jeb Bush, a convert to Roman Catholicism, said he doesn’t get his economic policy from bishops and the pope. He elaborated, ‘I think religion ought to be about making us better people and less about things that end up getting us into the political realm.’ - that is, religion and politics don’t mix. “But they do: we want better healthcare and education for everyone because neighbor love is one of our deepest values and commitments. We want safe food, safe automobiles, and a judicial system that guarantees equal treatment for all. And we want a sustainable environment for our grandchildren (because of that same deep commitment to neighbor love).” The Christian Century, August 5, 2015, page 3 Rev. Buchanan’s words are both a challenge and assurance to followers of Jesus as we ponder our connections to political life. Church and state do not mix, that is a fundamental principle of democracy. But politics and religious faith must mix - because our shared life is, or should be about the COMMON GOOD - or as the Bible puts it - neighbor love. Jesus held up “and you shall love your neighbor as yourself” as one with love of God as the FIRST and GREATEST commandment. It is that commitment Christian people are called to live out as family, neighbors, coworkers and CITIZENS. Government, in particular, with all of its dysfunctions and frustrations, is envisioned by the Bible as a crucial vehicle for assuring justice and care for all - especially the “widow and orphan” - the weakest and most vulnerable among us. So let us get out and vote in the special congressional election this month. But more importantly let each us mix our deep faith commitment to “neighbor love” with the politics of praying for, and working for - liberty, justice and mercy FOR ALL. Blessed September, Page 2 Please include these individuals in your PERSONAL DEVOTIONAL PRAYER. PRAYER does make a difference! Pastor Dan TUHY underwent neck surgery on August 13. He is at home and doing well, with the usual discomforts which come from such major surgery. Lowell FRAIM is Bev Fraim’s brother-in-law. Terminally ill with lung cancer. Amber WALKER continues treatment for back Becky GILLETTE underwent back surgery in Au- injury. gust. She was able to be back home the next day and is doing well. Betty MARAGOS, Chris’ mother, in treatment for another recurrence of lymphoma and dad, Mitchell Theodora (Tippy) BACH, Rachel Ruhy’s mom, MARAGOS, who is still dealing with an autoimfell and fractured two leg bones. She has surgery in mune disease that is affecting his skin. early August, and is in rehab at Lutheran Hillside Village. Cara HERBERNER, Tom Dougherty’s niece, undergoing stem cell transplant this month for nonMargaret HEIDENREICH had cardiac stint sur- Hodgkin's lymphoma. She and her family live in gery in early August. She spent some time in rehab the Chicago area. but is at home with lots of help from her family. Mark Delicath beginning chemotherapy as a folCarol PETONKE has been feeling much better low-up to lung cancer. He is Lynn Goffinet’s after some surgical intervention. She’s been off an- cousin. tibiotics for several weeks and is doing well! Suanne HENDRICKS, another cousin of Lynn Libit GLENN, long time friend of Dana Bischoff, Goffinet’s, continuing rehab following surgery for was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a severely broken leg. still investigating treatment options at this time. Marissa GILLUM, granddaughter of Pollows, Cindy FLOWERS, coworker and friend of Mugs still recovering from broken kneecaps and several Major, bone marrow transplant for recurrent canbreaks in her jaw. She lives in Coal City, IL. cer. She and her husband live in North Carolina. Nina COLLINS, neighbor and friend of Chuck Doug SNYDER has been struggling with the rigors Kinney, seriously ill with cancer, complicated by of simultaneous radiation and chemotherapy. He pneumonia. asks for our prayers of strength and the desire to eat! Ed and Karleen PETERSON, friends of Chuck Kinney, who live in Bartonville. Ed continues on Paul KINSINGER, Art Herm’s cousin, diagnosed dialysis for kidney failure. Karleen is having with brain cancer and receiving treatment. Paul chemotherapy for cancer. lives in Peoria. Brenda VENNETTE, friend of the Doughertys, recurrence of cancer, receiving chemotherapy. Jeff JOHNSON doing well after several weeks of radiation therapy. Ron and Linda CARR, friends of the Majors. Both are dealing with medical issues. Linda with liver cancer. Page 3 “God’s Work Our Hands” Work Day 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Sunday, September 13 Let’s have a BIG CONTINGENT of Advent members involved in this Lutheran work day for the greater Peoria community! Locations to choose from: CAMP KEARNEY: The camp can take a BOATLOAD of volunteers. There will be opportunities to paint, do trail clean up and other outdoor, landscaping kinds of work . Advent Lutheran Church, I can’t tell you how much the letter, card, and gift card means to me! What a wonderful surprise. Please extend my thanks to those that had a hand in this. We definitely ARE partners in ministry. Thanks for embracing us as your own. Thomas Mazzola Lutheran Social Services of Illinois HABITAT FOR HUMANITY “BRUSH WITH KINDNESS” Two worksites for 10-12 people each, doing a variety of outdoor clean up, repair and maintenance tasks. This assists elderly, disabled and homebound homeowners. MIDWEST FOOD BANK in Morton. Up to 24 people for food packaging. Becky Ward will lead this group again. LSSI Staff Appreciation Party did not work out for a variety of reasons. We hope to do something special for the staff & their families of this human services outreach of our churches in the future. Because of this change, the DINNER, DEBRIEFING and DEVOTION concluding the day will take place at First English Lutheran Church in Peoria at 5:30pm. OUTDOOR WORSHIP, CHURCH PICNIC AND BAGS TOURNAMENT When: Sunday, September 26 Where: NORTHWOOD PARK, North Main St., Morton (3.7 miles north of Advent on Main Street) What: Praise Worship in the park at 10:30am Picnic Lunch at 11:30am Bean Bag Tournament after picnic Fellowship Committee provides fried chicken, drinks, and table service. BEAN BAG TOURANAMENT is fundraiser for National Lutheran Choir coming to Peoria in Feb 2016. Sign up your 2 person team on kiosk and join the fun! Bring: Lawn chairs for worship and eating A dish to pass WELCOME TO SERVICE AMONG GOD’S PEOPLE! Church Council Officers, elected at August meeting: President: SCOTT WARD Vice President: JOHN ZIAH Secretary: KEN BISCHOFF Treasurer: BRUCE SIMMONS SIGN UP DEADLINE TUES, SEPT 8! PUMPKIN FESTIVAL Come join Advent's Boy Scout Troop 309 for Morton's Pumpkins of the Caribbean Pumpkin Festival! At least 20 volunteers are needed to work at the Pumpkin Grille on Saturday, Sept. 19th from 4:00 - 6:30pm. Cashiers are also needed 4:00 - 8:30pm. Let Dana Bischoff know if you are interested in cashiering as additional training is needed. Sign up by September 6 on kiosk outside of church library. Please include your email address on sign up form. The Chamber of Commerce needs confirmation of our commitment. Free food has been provided in the past to volunteers! Contact Dana Bischoff if you have any questions. We also welcomed MATT HOVEY as a newly elected member, and thanked VINCE KEENAN and ART HERM for beginning their 2nd terms on the council. There is still one OPEN seat on the Council. The executive committee asks for your suggestions. Please contact any of those named above. KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM Homebound Members Please sign up for Kroger rewards for Advent’s youth program. Friends and family can sign up too! We received $465.22 in 2nd Quarter...that’s from only 26 families. The more that sign up, the more we earn! See April Announcer for detailed instructions. Call church office for personal help! Advent Lutheran’s NPO number is 10654 Page 4 Clarice Carriere 31 Waldheim, Morton Bonnie Newman 191 E. Queenwood, Morton Terrace, Morton Betty Johnson 464 S. Minnesota, Morton Endowment Fund Update The Advent Mission Endowment Fund Committee, at its meeting on August 20th, approved a grant in the amount of $500 to assist Brittany Dougherty with her upcoming medical mission trip to Ethiopia Africa in October. She will be traveling for two weeks with a fellow classmate and a professor to run a clinic to help provide medication and education to the people in need, primarily in a small rural village seeing about 300 patients a day. Brittany has volunteered to relay her experiences to the Advent Community upon her return. The committee received a thank you note from Jolynn for the grant to assist her in attending the ELCA Worship Jubilee held in Atlanta GA this past July. The committee elected Marlon McDonald chairman to replace the undersigned. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the Advent Family for their trust in letting me serve on the Endowment Fund Committee for the second six year span. It has been an interesting and rewarding experience as the Committee strived to further the outreach of Advent Lutheran with the income from the gifts to the Fund. Again, thank you for the opportunity. The next scheduled meeting of Endowment Fund Committee will be at 6:30 pm on Nov 19th in Church Library. Dean Rohweder MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE - FALL 2015! The summer is winding down and music ministry at Advent will be getting into full swing! Here is an overview of the upcoming music year at Advent. Choirs begin September 23: 6:30pm - Praise Team 7:00pm - Adult/High School choir I used the money so generously donated to purchase several new selections that I experienced in Atlanta, and I am very excited to share them with our choirs. I have selected the Christmas Cantata, and I know it will be another “hit”! We truly are in need of additional voices in our choirs and will love to have you join us. Advent IS very fortunate to still have choirs, but the groups are not self sustaining. Please prayerfully consider sharing your musical gifts! Advent’s Anniversary Year will also provide opportunities for additional music. I will be appealing to potential, interested “ringers” to add chime music for each of our celebratory Sundays. I am planning on limited rehearsal time, and a beautiful performance. Watch for the rehearsal dates and join us. We have 3 octaves of chimes and I’d love to use them! Also, I’m appealing to all our instrumentalists to become more involved in adding their “voices” to worship. Here is an update on the National Lutheran Choir fund raising. We will have our main event through the “bags tournament” at the Advent picnic, Sept, 27th. The entry fee is $25/2 person team, with a goal of matching the generous $500 grant from our Endowment Fund. I just heard from Salem, and they raised $760 through a “talent show”. I am so grateful for the enthusiasm shown for supporting this concert! I will be working very hard to make our worship music intentional this year, a very important lesson that I brought back from Atlanta. Please join me in those efforts! With One Voice, Jolynn Lottman ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP FOR CAREGIVERS 3rd Tuesday of every month 9:30—10:30am at Morton Public Library Open to everyone See kiosk for more information "It's Good to Be Queen" Fall Bible Study The reviews for Liz Higgs brand new book are five-star! "It's Good to Be Queen" is currently #1 best seller in old testament biographies on Amazon. Our Bible Study is going to find out what everyone is so excited about! The Fall Bible Study will be held every Monday at 1 PM beginning September 14th. No signing up - just come to the study. Books have been ordered and should be available from Johnna by Labor Day weekend for $9. They are also available from Amazon for e-readers. Last spring our table-full of women had wonderful discussions based on Mrs. Higgs thoughtprovoking study. You won't want to miss this chance to grow in faith and friendship through her newest book release! Bring a friend! Johnna Maragos will be the study facilitator. Here is an Overview: Sheba Journeyed Across the Desert with a Caravan of Riches, Only to Find the Greatest Treasure of Them All. So Can You. When it comes to famous queens of the Bible, we know the good one, Queen Esther, and the bad one, Queen Jezebel. Now meet the wise one, the queen of Sheba, who traveled to Jerusalem to test the mind and heart of a king. Her quest for wisdom will surprise you, challenge you, inspire you, change you. This wealthy royal from antiquity will show you how to live boldly, seek after truth, ask the right questions, encourage others, receive graciously, and honor the Lord above all. Shedding new light on this ancient biblical role model, Liz Curtis Higgs unveils timeless wisdom for all who aspire to please the king of Kings. Chapters are as follows: Be bold and take frequent leaps of faith Be open to whatever God has prepared for you Seek wise counsel from trustworthy sources Be humbled, trusting Him to lift you up Be honest with God, with yourself, with others Encourage everyone who crosses your path Praise God in all things and in every season Give generously, with open hands and heart Receive graciously, to honor God and the giver End well by loving well all the days of your life Page 5 Grant Johnson 920 N. Charles St. Apt. 113 Macomb, IL 61455-4418 GODSPEED and THANK YOU, SANDIE! Sandie Sutton, who has been our bookkeeper for several years, and was also a long time member of the congregation, has resigned her position. She and her husband Rick have moved full time to Petersburg, IL(near Springfield) where they have had a vacation home for many years. During her time as a member, Sandie was a very active choir member and church council member, serving at least once as president of the congregation. During her years as bookkeeper, Sandie has done an awesome job of overseeing and organizing the financial resources of the congregation and modernizing and streamlining our bookkeeping system. We, the staff and financial officers of Advent, will miss her TERRIBLY and we wish her and Rick well as they put down full time roots in a place they have long loved to visit. We hope to see her at one or more of the upcoming anniversary events. Her contact information is available through the church office. Erin McDonald 1617 Fannin St Apt 1206 Houston, TX 77002 Caitlin Anderson Box 219 300 E College Ave Eureka, IL 61530 Connor McDonald 318 N 9th St MC #598 Monmouth, IL 61462 Luke Brodahl Box 439 300 E College Ave Eureka, IL 61530 Tyler McDonald 318 N 9th St MC #599 Monmouth, IL 61462 Painting and wallpaper stripping opportunity! We’re sprucing things up for our anniversary celebrations and could use your help. Several members have gotten a great start on things, let’s keep things “rolling”! Call the church office to volunteer. THANK YOU! Krispy Kreme Doughnuts arrive October 11!!! Advent's Boy Scout Troop 309 will be selling Original Glazed Doughnuts at church on Sunday, October 11 as a fundraiser for their campouts and related activities. Pre-orders are being taken for Special Variety Doughnuts, Original Glazed, and Coffees on sign-up form on kiosk outside of church library. Deadline for pre-orders is Sept 24. Glazed $8/dozen Special Variety - $9.00/dozen: Chocolate Iced, Lemon Filled, Raspberry Filled, Kreme Filled Coffee—$9/bag of ground coffee See Dana & Mark Bischoff for any questions! FAMILY SERVICE OVERNIGHT Noisy Can Offering September 20 Let’s make lots of “noise” with our coin deposits into cans the Sunday School students will pass around during offering to support our World Vision girl in El Salvador, Wendy Vasquez. THANK YOU for your faithful support of this ministry! Peoria Area Dining Books Peoria Area Dining books are available from Lutheran Women of Greater Peoria (LWGP). The cost is $30 and proceeds are divided between Lutheran Hillside Village and Lutheran Social Services. Last year 170 books were sold which generated over $1,900 for LWGP. Contact: Ruth Rohweder 263-2084 or Loretta Dirst 263-1327 to purchase a book. The Announcer as well as weekly bulletins are online at Page 6 Please stop by the bulletin boards in the information hallway to see more about upcoming meetings and gatherings. Advent Lutheran Operations Fund Income and Expenses Summary Welcome Dave Mills, our new Bookkeeper! Actual We exceeded our goal of 15% for Benevolence in July! Thank you! Even though we had $4,992 deficit in July, it’s far better than the $20,000 deficit we had a year ago, in July 2014. Offering August 2015 8/2/15 $ 9,087 8/9/15 $ 3,702 8/16/15 $ 6,683 8/23/15 $ 4,273 8/30/15 $ 4,316 Total $28,061 2015 Month of July Budget Difference Income $ 16,948 $ 22,331 $ (5,384) Expenses $ 20,119 $ 22,321 $ (2,201) Net $ (3,172) Actual $ 11 2015 July Year to Date Budget Difference Income $ 149,531 $ 156,319 $ (6,788) Expenses $ 154,523 $ 156,245 $ (1,721) Net $ (4,992) $ 74 Actual vs. 2014 Benevolence 2015 Y-T-D: $ 22,921 +13.8% as % of Operating Income: 16.1% (goal for year: Benevolence = 15% of Operating income) Service Committee WE CARE FOOD COLLECTION CONTINUES! WeCare food supplies are in low supply so please consider donating non-perishable food items during the month of September. They are in great need! THANK YOU! Suggested items: Canned meats (tuna, chicken, etc.) Soup Spaghetti noodles and sauce Canned fruit Peanut Butter & Jelly Crackers Hamburger Helper and Mac & Cheese Cereals Side dishes (instant potatoes, pasta, rice) Please place in round purple plastic bin in hallway between Family Life Center and kitchen doors. Page 7 WE CARE SAYS “THANK YOU” ADVENT FOR DONATING 30 + BAGS OF PANTRY FOOD TO THEIR SHELVES IN AUGUST! More GROUPS AND GATHERINGS PRIME TIMERS Join us September 1st at noon in the Family Life Center for food, fellowship and fun. We’ll make plans for the year. Please bring a baby picture and we will see how many of our friends we can identify. FOOD WILL BE PROVIDED. Ruth Rohweder & Sally Ferko Fellowship Hour begins Sunday ,September 13. The schedule will be emailed to all who have served in the past and want to bless us with your delicious goodies again this year. If you have not been involved in this ministry, but desire to serve, please email or call the church office indicating "count me in" and you will be placed on the schedule. Contact Teresa Johnson with questions. THANK YOU! Don’t forget— Scrip Turn-In Days Sept 6 & 20 Busy Hands Quilt sewing group resumes Tuesday, September 8 at 9:00am. Come join us! The initial MEN'S FELLOWSHIP gathering is Saturday, Sept. 26, 1- 3pm at the Ward's in Groveland: 500 Norman Dr. Men age 21 and over are invited. Brats, beans, chips & cold refreshments will be served. If you want to bring something to share that is great, but you do not need to. There will be tournaments of various games of skill, involving lawn darts, washer toss, and a golf challenge. Bring a 9 iron and 3 balls you are willing to lose if you want to be in the golf challenge (water hazard). If questions, contact Bruce Simmons or Scott Ward. See you there! September Meetings Property Tues, Sept 1 7:00 PM YFM Advisory Wed, Sept 2 6:00 pm 50th Anniversary Planning Wed, Sept 2 6:30 PM Christian Caregivers Thurs, Sept 10 10:00 AM Church Council Tues, Sept 22 Fellowship 6:30pm Meeting 7:00pm Worship No Sept meeting Next meeting Oct 7 Lunch Bunch Wednesday, September 16 11:30am Weaver Ridge Restaurant at Weaver Ridge Golf Club 5100 N Weaverridge Blvd, Peoria Endowment Fund No Sept meeting Next meeting Nov 19 Please sign up on the kiosk for reservations. Carpool from church at 11:00am. Worship Committee Corner Lutheran Hillside Village is hosting our Benevolent Care Brunch Extraordinaire Saturday, September 19 7:30 am - 1:00 pm Guests will be treated to a delicious gourmet entree prepared by our executive chef, Mark Shoopman, and his talented team. Cost is $50 per person. Proceeds benefit the Lutheran Hillside Village Benevolent Fund to support care center (nursing) residents who outlive their resources. Sunday, September 13 begins our Fall Schedule: 8:00AM Worship service 9:15AM Sunday School 9:30AM Adult Learning Forum 10:30AM Worship Service Sunday, Sept ember 27 8:00AM Worship at Advent 10:30AM Outdoor worship at Northwood Park in Morton Annual Church Picnic immediately following worship. Bean Bag Tournament also. Get your teams signed up! November 15 Reservation deadline September 7. Please see John 50th Anniversary Celebration with meal Opem (309.689.2190), for reservation forms or call Lutheran Hillside Village Foundation: Phil King Next Worship Committee Meeting: Wednesday, October 7 (309.683.1298) or Rosalie Park (309.683.1293). Peace, Judy Stegmaier Page 8 Youth and Family Ministry With Ella Note from Ella: What a busy August it has been! It was a month of planning for the year ahead, but also a month full of activities. We had a special “Family Rotation Sunday School,” on the 23rd & 30th. The Blessing of the Backpacks was during worship on Sunday the 9th and Saturday the 8th, and our Family Service Overnight was that same weekend from Friday to Saturday. All the way back on August 1st I was wrapping up a week at Leadership Lab. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to have served on staff the past three years at Leadership Lab. Lab is my favorite week of the year, something I look forward to, and also a necessary time for recharging my spirit and growing closer to God. I really wish for more high school youth and young adults from Advent to experience Leadership Lab. If you are wondering what Lab is like and why people go, check out this Why Leadership Lab video. The dates for Leadership Lab next year are July 25-30, 2016. A word from Skylar Williamson who spent a week at Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center this past summer for Sports Camp: “I went to LOMC and would like to share my experience with you. In [the picture on Ella’s bulletin board] we were doing a team bonding activity. In the activity we were trying to make the shapes we were given into one piece and use every shape we had. I found it to be awesome to work as a team! I had wonderful counselors and couldn’t believe how fast 6 days went. I would like to thank the people at Advent for helping me have the opportunity to go to LOMC for the first time. I found it to be an event worthwhile. Some of the other activities I did were: played sports, went swimming, ate good food, had a great talent show. Can’t wait to go back!” SAVE THE DATE: SAT, NOV 7 SUNDAY SCHOOL ROTATION 1: CREATION, begins September 13 and runs through the 27th. Rotation Sunday School is for 3-year-olds on up to students in 6th grade. We start in the sanctuary at 9:15am and the children are dismissed to the Family Life Center for snacks at 10:15am. Thank you to Rebecca Hack and Melanie Carpenter who are continuing their support as Sunday School Coordinators. Shelley Hovey will be our 4th-6th grade Shepherd; we need Shepherds for 1st-3rd grade and Pre-Kindergarten. Our Rotation 1 teachers are Vince Keenan, Chuck Kinney, and Larry Williamson. Bruce Simmons is the opener. All 7th and 8th grade junior high students are invited to spend Sunday School hour with Chip Carlson. High School Sunday School will begin on September 13 in the youth room. All current high school students are encouraged to go, and any adults are also invited to join us. This year we will be learning about and experimenting with different spiritual practices. We will work on connecting our faith to our busy, everyday lives. We will be doing things such as acting out Bible Stories, meditating, dancing, and making music. Be prepared to laugh and be a little ridiculous, but to also grow in your faith and relationship with God. COMING SOON: PRAYER WALL. Have you noticed the inconspicuous cable installed on the narthex wall a few weeks ago? This is going to be our new “leave a prayer, take a prayer” Prayer Wall. As a way to foster our community faith and care for one another, all members and visitors of Advent will soon have the chance to write down and post a prayer on the wall for others to read and pray for or even take home to pray about. The prayer wall will also provide an opportunity for something to do for those who are waiting out in the hall before or after worship. Page 9 BE LIKE JESUS JR. This will be a mini “Be Like Jesus” service day for 1st—3rd grade students. It will be held at Salem Lutheran church in Peoria from 10 am to 3 pm. More details and registration forms to come! Help us collect 100 boxes of crayons, colored pencils, or markers for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for the Be Like Jesus Jr. service project. Please drop off donations at Ella’s office. Have old furniture? We are seeking used but presentable coffee tables and/ or end tables for the youth room with the couches. See Ella for details. Ella’s Contact Information Email: [email protected] Cell: (309) 339-5749 50th ANNIVERSARY UPDATE The committee continues to work diligently on several aspects of our emerging Celebration: Putting final touches on the November 15 event, with Rev. Bill Peterson as our guest at both worship services and at the THANKSGIVING FEAST that day. Developing the mailing list including former members and others we think would be interested in taking part. Assembling items for a historical exhibit, which will be housed in the Sunday School room opposite the Family Life Center. Your help with each of these projects is much appreciated. Also, we ask your input and ideas for three projects for SEPTEMBER: 1). Developing a THEME motto for the Celebration, a brief phrase which can be used on printed materials and memento items throughout the next year and a half. 2). Developing a LOGO, an image which we could use with the theme throughout the celebration. 3). Identify a MISSION PROJECT or projects for the celebration. Heeding God’s call to live not for ourselves but for the world, we want to identify one or two special ministries as an Anniversary mission outreach. You will be hearing a lot more about this at worship during September, put on your thinking caps, and get those artistic juices going!! Finally, two other ways you can assist in making our 50 th a party to remember! 1). Volunteer to help organize ONE of the 5 events. We have specific groups within Advent who will facilitate the food and fellowship portion of each event. Pick an event and offer to assist whatever group is in charge that day! 2). We are also looking for photos, documents or other memorabilia from Advent’s history. If you have such items, or know of someone who does, THANK YOU for letting us know. We would like to borrow these items to use during this year-long celebration, make copies for our archives and then return them. Members of the committee are: Ruth Rohweder, Ruth Smith, Art Herm, Jolynn Lottman, Bev Potts, Arlene Parr and Sally Ferko. Co-chairs are John Ziah and Judy Stegmaier. NEXT MEETING is Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30PM in the church library. ALL MEMBERS are invited to join us! September 2015 Sunday Worship Assistants Altar Guild: Jill Veskauf & Alaina White September 5 / 6 Ride for Danny: Veskauf 5:00 PM Greeter: L:arry & Mugs major Ushers: Bruce Simmons Lector: Art Herm Acolyte: Josh Tuhy Communion Asst: Bruce Simmons, Mugs Major 9:00 AM Greeters: Judy Stegmaier Ushers: Dean & Jill Veskauf Lector: Jill Veskauf Acolyte: Kyleigh Carpenter Communion Asst: Chip Carlson Nursery: Keenan September 13 Ride for Danny: Carlson 8:00 AM Greeter: Carl & Karen Kaufman Ushers: Larry & Mugs Major Lector: Judy Stegmaier Acolyte: Owen Keenan Nursery: Hack Happy September Birthday! Grace Dolly Brett Becky Alyson Scott Carl Otto Sally Norma Heather Caden Jacob Kayla Elizabeth Jacob Larry Alaina Dana Dan Norma Sarah Tim Cathy Johnna Simmons Leader Oakman Ward Unsicker Ward Kaufman Roeder Ferko Larson McLauchlan Seffern Seffern Axsom Hanson Axsom Major White Bischoff Driscoll Probasco Hovey Gillette Worlow Maragos 10:30 AM Greeters: Ruth Smilth & Norma Probasco Ushers: Dave & Becky Gillette Lector: Dana Bischoff Acolyte: Mark Bischoff Nursery: Teresa Johnson September 20 Ride for Danny: Hartseil 8:00 AM Greeter: Judy Stegmaier Ushers: Vince & Amy Keenan Lector: Heather McLauchlan Acolyte: Owen Keenan Communion Asst: Heather & Craig McClauchan Nursery: McLauchlan 10:30 AM Greeters: Barb & Larry Williamson Ushers: Chad & Shelley Hovey Lector: Larry Williamson Acolyte: Samantha Hovey Communion Asst: Barb & Larry Williamson Nursery: Nason 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 9/ 1 1 Chip Carlson 9/1 2 Tamra Brodahl 9/1 4 Shawn Major 9/3 10 Bev Potts 9/12 10 Miles Wright 9/14 11 Rochelle Nason 9/15 11 Mugs Major 9/16 13 Arlene Parr 9/18 14 Jack Bartholomew 9/22 15 Emily Schaefer 9/22 15 Sam Hovey 9/25 15 Sam Brodahl 9/26 15 Dan Parr 9/27 16 Heather McLauchlan 9/29 17 Ruth Rohweder 9/29 18 Max Williamson 9/29 19 Scott Ward 9/30 19 20 21 Happy September 24 Anniversary! 25 27 Ryan & Tracie Williamson 9/3 28 Dean & Ruth Rohweder 9/9 Greg & Lori Prichard 9/12 Larry & Mugs Major 9/18 Kevin & Terri Hartseil 9/22 September 27 Ride for Danny: Parr 8:00 AM Greeter: Ted & Linda Stahler Ushers: Greg & Lori Prichard Lector: Judy Stegmaier Acolyte: Ian McLauchlan Nursery: Sidell 9:00 AM Greeters: Carole Petonke, Bev Fraim Ushers: Marlon & Sheryl McDonald Lector: Marlon McDonald Acolyte: Skylar Williamson Nursery: Maragos Page 11 September Baptismal Birthdays 2015 Ministry Goals for NURTURE, SPREAD and SERVE: living God’s mission as God’s people, gathered and called together in Christ NURTURE 1) Ready to fully implement Caring Contact Program in September 2) Men’s Fellowship Kick-Off Event Sat, Sept 26 1-3pm at Ward’s house. Yard games & fellowship 3) Women’s Bible Study begins Monday, Sept 14 at 1:00pm. “It’s Good to Be Queen” is study book. SPREAD 1) Adopt Morton Villa and Morton Terrace CARE CENTERS. Two people have been recruited to begin visitation program. We need more people to visit those who have few or no visitors. 2) Advertising Program now includes permanent church ad in Morton Times-News & Morton Courier. Individual activities will be listed in the paper’s “events” section. 3) Targeted Fall 2015 date to implement Witness/Advent Ambassadors Committee SERVE Church Council is researching needs of Morton and surrounding communities. Interviews of community leaders & organizations to begin Fall 2015. Advent Lutheran Church 1211 S. Main Street P.O. Box 282 Morton, Illinois 61550-2449 309-266-5883 [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Dennis O’Brien FALL WORSHIP SCHEDULE BEGINS SUNDAY, SEPT 13 8:00 AM Worship 9:15 AM Sunday School 9:30 AM Adult Learning Forum 10:30 AM Worship