Castello di Masino
Castello di Masino
Torre Medievale Villa e Collezione Panza Monastero di Torba Villa Della Porta Bozzolo Castel Grumello Castello di Avio Castello di Masino Villa del Balbianello Castello della Manta Teatrino di Vetriano Bottega di Barbiere Abbazia di San Fruttuoso Parco Villa Gregoriana Casa Carbone Baia di Ieranto Giardino della Kolymbetra Castello della Manta (CN) Castello di Masino (TO) Villa e Collezione Panza (VA) Villa Della Porta Bozzolo (VA) Villa del Balbianello (CO) Monastero di Torba (VA) Castello di Avio (TN) Abbazia di San Fruttuoso (GE) Casa Carbone (GE) II 02 pag. 04 pag. 06 pag. 08 pag. 10 pag. 12 pag. 13 pag. 14 pag. 15 pag. Parco Villa Gregoriana (ROMA) Teatrino di Vetriano (LU) Castel Grumello (SO) Giardino della Kolymbetra (AG) Baia di Ieranto (NA) Torre Medievale (VA) Bottega di Barbiere (GE) Villa dei Vescovi (PD) Casa Necchi Campiglio (MI) 16 pag. 18 pag. 18 pag. 19 pag. 20 pag. 20 pag. 20 pag. 21 pag. 21 pag. FAI and its mission The FAI - the Italian Fund for the Environment - is a non-profit foundation formed in 1975 to protect and keep Italy's world famous artistic and natural treasures vital and productive. The FAI's daily mission is to safeguard, restore and render accessible to the public historically significant homes and gardens, art collections and natural landmark sites, protecting them from the ravages of time, real estate speculation and neglect. The FAI emphasizes the history, roots and traditions of the sites, with the intention of informing the public and making people aware of their cultural origins, the beauty that surrounds them and the wonders of the natural environment. There are many ways to help the FAI: becoming a member and introducing new members, making a contribution towards a specific restoration project, visiting the FAI sites that are open to the public, including the FAI in your will or offering your help as a volunteer. Do something at FAI A visit, a party, a movie, a dinner, a concert, a show, an exhibit: all this and much more can be arranged in the splendid setting of one of the FAI sites, scattered throughout Italy, and Do something for the FAI serves as a complete guide, containing the practical information you need to begin to discover this world. Villas, castles, monumental gardens, historical landmark homes: each one of the FAI sites is unique, a fascinating destination for an out-of-the-ordinary excursion, including art, history and nature, all combined in the rediscovery of ancient settlements and locales. But they can also serve as sophisticated and exclusive settings for a private reception, as backgrounds for historical films or as prestigious locations for business conferences and gala events. Ca ste llo de lla Ca Ma ste nta llo di Ma Vil sin la o eC oll ezi Vil o ne la De Pa lla nza Po Vil r ta la Bo de zzo lB alb lo Mo i a ne na llo ste ro di Ca Tor ste ba llo di A Ab vio ba zia di Sa Ca nF sa rut Ca tuo rbo so n Pa e rco Vil la Gr Tea eg tri ori no an a di Ve Ca tri ste a no lG rum ell Gia o rdi no del la K Ba oly ia mb di Ier etr a a nto Tor re Me die va Bo le tte ga di Ba rbi ere Do something for the FAI presents all the opportunities offered by the FAI sites, with the information and advice you need to exploit them to the fullest: hours, events, services, practical tips and special notes. The table below provides a general summary of the principal characteristics. CULTURAL TOURS LEARNING TOURS MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES PRIVATE EVENTS WEDDINGS EVENTS FILMS AND ADVERTISING SPOTS NATURE TOURS FORMAL GARDENS AND MONUMENTS THEATERS AND HISTORICAL LANDMARKS RESTAURANTS 1 Castello e Chiesa della Manta Donation of Elisabetta de Rege Provana Unique thanks to the splendid frescoes from the late Gothic period that decorate its interior walls, considered among the most important in all of Europe, the Castle of Manta is perched high above Cuneo, in sight of the Monviso. Over the centuries, its owners, the aristocratic Saluzzo della Manta family, transformed this fascinating medieval fortress into a handsome residence. Though there are several outstanding halls in its interior, the Baronial Hall contains the most precious treasures: its walls are entirely covered by frescoes with nonreligious themes, dating back to the first decades of the 1400s. Another striking room is the Hall of the Grotesque, a prestigious apartment originally built in 1560 and decorated in the Mannerist style: paintings and stuccoes representing allegories, grotesqueries, classical ruins and Renaissance architecture. The castle chapel is a little jewel as well, with its interiors reflecting the same artistic styles used to decorate the main building. Ph. © Scala Firenze Ph. © Scala Firenze Salone Baronale Ph. © G. Majno (MI) INFORMATION Opening Times • March-September: 10am – 6pm • October to middle of December and the month of February: 10am – 5pm • Open every day, except Mondays (unless public holidays). The Church can be visited on the same days and at the same opening times as the Castle, but only with prior booking from Tuesday to Friday. Tickets Tel. Fax 0175 87822 2 Main Events 2006 Dal 12 febbraio al 26 marzo GUIDO MONZINO. AI CONFINI DEL MONDO Mostra fotografica e proiezioni sulla vita, i percorsi, le conquiste di uno degli ultimi grandi esploratori italiani. Dal 13 maggio al 5 novembre IL VILLAGGIO DELLE FAVOLE Nel parco del castello è nato un villaggio dove i personaggi delle favole prendono vita in un gioco autogestito per i più piccoli. 24 giugno, 1, 15, 22, 29 luglio NOTTI D’ESTATE Ballo latino-americano, musica classica, parole in musica, spettacolo di multivisione e una cena sotto le stelle • Adults: € 5,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 2,50. 1 ottobre IL CASTELLO DEL BUON GUSTO Alla riscoperta di ricette della tradizione regionale e familiare. Prices may vary if special events are held. Dates and events may vary For further information: Manta, Cuneo Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Do something at FAI Because its spaces are clustered closely together, internally and externally, the Castle is the perfect setting for receptions, parties, concerts and film sets (some scenes from the TV serial, Virginia, the nun from Monza, with Giovanna Mezzogiorno, were shot here). Ceremonies are frequently celebrated in the Castle chapel, and the kitchens are the perfect place to hold a wine tasting or to promote local foods. In fact, their rustic elegance reflects the culinary tradition of a land renowned for its enological and gastronomic products. Sala delle Grottesche Outdoor spaces Park Capacity lunches/dinners 220-250 people. Area 3.000 sq. m. Indoor spaces Main kitchen Sala delle Grottesche Capacity lunch/dinner 70 people. Buffet: 100 people Buffet: 100 persone. Conferenze: 80 persone Area 91 sq. m. 104 sq. m. Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, ceremonies, tasting, art exhibitions, markets, pic-nic, film and photographic sets. Connections with the territory The castle is located 15 km from Cuneo. A6 Motorway/Marene exhit at 30 km. Torino Airport at 75 km. Manta Railway station at 2 km. Public services Free audio-guide, Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tour (on prior booking), Bookshop, Parking area near the Castle e-mail: [email protected] 3 Castello di Masino Purchased from Luigi Valperga di Masino A fairy-tale castle, inhabited by King Arduino and later by the House of Savoy, the Castle of Masino is immersed in an immense romantic park with a splendid panorama of the Canavese plain. The family seat of the Counts of Valperga for a thousand years, it tells the story of the Piedmont and of Italy in more than thirty monumental halls: decorated with frescoes and luxuriously appointed, they include rooms for Ambassadors, private parlors and apartments reserved for the Queen mother: Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia was, in fact, a frequent guest in this splendid residence. Among the most striking rooms, the ballroom stands out, with its huge windows that create a perfect equilibrium between the outside and the frescoed interiors, depicting Arcadian landscapes of the seventeen hundreds. Of no Main Events 2006 lesser interest is the neighboring Palazzo delle Carrozze (Palace of Carriages), which contains an extensive collection of eighteenth and nineteenth century carriages. The park extends to the southeast and west of the castle, still tended in the nineteenth century "English style". 5, 6 e 7 maggio TRE GIORNI PER IL GIARDINO La più importante manifestazione floro-vivaistica nazionale per giardini e terrazzi. 21 maggio CAMPIONATO PIEMONTESE DI ATTACCHI DI ELEGANZA A cura della FISE (Federazione Italiana Sport Equestri), prova di concorso per carrozze d’epoca a due e quattro ruote. 24 giugno FESTA DEL SOLSTIZIO Festa da ballo con cena, musica e visita in Castello a lume di candela. 26 luglio, 2, 16, 23, e 30 agosto NOTTI D’ESTATE Visite guidate da attori in costume che narrano la storia e le storie del Castello. Ph. © Ernani Orcorte 10 agosto CALICI DI STELLE Osservazione della volta celeste nella notte delle stelle cadenti, con divinazioni, astrologia, magia, musica e degustazione dei migliori vini della zona. 9 settembre NOTTE STREGATA Visita notturna al castello per i bambini con giochi e costumi. Information 24 settembre DULCIS IN FUNDO E… Tutto ciò che fa dessert nella cucina piemontese Opening Times • March-September: 10am- 6pm • October to middle of December and the month of February: 10am – 5pm • Open every day, except Mondays (unless public holidays). 21-22 ottobre DUE GIORNI PER L’AUTUNNO Manifestazione dedicata alle piante, alle verdure e ai frutti autunnali. Date ed eventi possono essere soggetti a variazioni. Tickets • Adults: € 6,50 • Children (4-12 years): € 3,00 Prices may vary if special events are held. Il calendario prevede altri eventi organizzati in collaborazione con il Parco Culturale del Canavese How to get there Ring-road (A4/A5) between the Milan-Turin (A4) and Turin-Aosta (A5) motorways, Albiano exit, then follow the signposts. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Salone degli Dei Tel. 0125 778100 Fax 0125 778551 4 Caravino, Torino Do something at ... The Castle of Masino is characterized by a great variety of rooms and spaces, making it suitable for private events of all kinds: conferences, business meetings, ceremonies, banquets and performances. Settings range from the richly appointed, elegant halls of the Castle to the more austere, but very spacious rooms of the Carriage House, or the vast green terraces, with their splendid panoramas. The immense park serves as a suggestive natural backdrop for the performances and concerts staged in the central meadow, while the ancient path of the 22 turns and the intricate maze of hornbeam shrubs are perfect for advertising spots and film sets. Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Terrazzo dei Limoni Indoor spaces Tower of the Winds Hall of the Coats of Arms Ballroom Hall of the Gods Capacity lunches/dinners 200 people. Buffet: 300 people Lunches/dinners 200 people. Buffet: 300 people Events for 8.000 – 10.000 people Capacity Buffet 40 people lunches/dinners 120 people. Buffet: 140 people Conferences 80 people lunches/dinners 80 people. Buffet/Conferences: 100 people Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, ceremonies, tastings, art exhibitions, markets, pic-nic, film and photographic sets. Area 1.770 sq. m. 365 sq. m. 230.000 sq. m. Area 365 sq. m. 131 sq. m. 150 sq. m. 114 sq. m. Ph. © Studio G&R, Milano Outdoor spaces Lemon trees terrace Oleanders terrace Parco Connections with the territory The castle is located 15 km from Cuneo. A6 Motorway/Marene exhit at 30 km. Torino Airport at 75 km. Manta Railway station at 2 km. Public services Free audio-guide, Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and School tours (on prior booking), Bookshop, Parking area near the Castle, Restaurant: traditional local cuisine with menu à la carte (regularly open at lunch time, on prior booking at dinner: tel +39 0125 778486) Salone da ballo Ph. © G. Majno (MI) e-mail: [email protected] 5 Villa Panza and the Panza Collection Donation of Giuseppe and Rosa Giovanna Panza di Biumo Surrounded by a magnificent Italianate garden, Villa Panza is known the world over for its collection of contemporary American art. Built halfway through the eighteenth century and extended during the neoclassical period by the famous architect, Luigi Canonica, it realized its full potential thanks to the efforts of its last owner, Count Giuseppe Panza of Biumo. One of the world's foremost collectors of modern art from the 1950s onward, Panza amassed works of extraordinary interest in the villa, exhibiting them with care in the eighteenth century halls, in harmony with the precious decor and important collections of African and preColombian art. The Villa is ringed by a vast park of more than 33,000 square meters, providing a green lookout point on the city and the nearby Alps. The original geometric "Italian style" layout was softened according to the "Englich model", including vast green lawns, a small pond and grottoes hidden by luxuriant vegetation. 31 marzo - 25 giugno RICHARD LONG Esposizione di alcune opere monumentali dell’artista inglese, uno dei maggiori esponenti viventi della Land Art. Tel. 0332 283960 Fax 0332 498315 6 Ph. © Giorgio Colombo (MI) Dates and events may vary. For further information: Tickets • Adults: € 8,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 3,00 Prices may vary if special events are held. Ph. © G. Majno (MI) 8, 15, 22, 29 marzo, 5 e 12 aprile INVITO ALLA STORIA DELL’ARTE MODERNA PRIMA PARTE 6 lezioni per cominciare a tracciare l’affascinante percorso dell’arte dell’ultimo secolo. 13, 20, 27 settembre, 4, 11, 18, 25 ottobre, 8, 15 e 22 novembre INVITO ALLA STORIA DELL’ARTE MODERNA SECONDA PARTE Dieci incontri per approfondire i temi affrontati in primavera nella prima parte del corso. Opening times • February-Middle of December: 10 am-6 pm. • Open every day, except Mondays (unless public holidays). How to get there • A8 "Laghi" Milan-Varese Motorway to Varese ‘Centro’. Then follow the signs for Villa Panza. Main Events 2006 15, 22, 29 giugno CONCERTI SOTTO LE STELLE DI VILLA PANZA Tradizionali concerti estivi nel cortile d’onore della Villa che, in occasione del 250° anno della nascita, saranno dedicati al grande Mozart. INFORMATION Varese Do something at ... Ph. © Archio Ascom, VA Art, design and fashion shows find their ideal setting here, in the stables of Villa Panza, which Count Panza had restructured to contain works from his collection. In fact, the contrast between classical and contemporary art underscores the ancient magnificence of the entire edifice, an ideal setting for gala events. President Ciampi and other high-level European statesmen, as well as leading exponents of the world of fashion, among others, have admired the eighteenth century elegance of Villa Panza's spaces and enjoyed the opportunity to view one of the foremost private collections of contemporary art in the world today. Outdoor spaces Garden Capacity lunch/dinner 200 people. Buffet: 400 people Area 300 sq. m. area in front of the Villa Indoor spaces Capacity Empire Room lunch/dinner 80 people. Buffet: 150 people. Conferences and lectures: 100 people Dining Room lunch/dinner 20 people. Living Room lunch/dinner 60 people Billiards Room Buffet: 80 people Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, conferences, banquets, ceremonies, art exhibitions, film and photographic sets. Area 114 sq. m. 30 sq. m. 66 sq. m. 50 sq. m. Connections with the territory The Villa is located in town. Motorway/Varese exhit at 5 km. Malpensa Airport at 75 km. Varese Railway station (Trenitalia and Ferrovie Nord Milano) at 2 km. Public services Free audio-guide, Guided visits (on prior booking), School tours and laboratories (on prior booking), Bookshop, Access for disabled people, Parking area inside the Villa, Bar/Restaurant (cold dishes are served during the week form 10am to 6 pm, brunch with hot dishes on Sundays from 12.30 am to 2 pm; 35 seats inside and 45 outdoors). Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Salone Impero Sala del Biliardo e-mail: [email protected] 7 Villa Della Porta Bozzolo Donation of Eredi Bozzolo Immersed in a dream garden full of fountains, flowers and inebriating scents, Villa Bozzolo was built in the sixteenth century as a country house, only to become, two centuries later, a prestigious manor. In fact, the walls, doors and vaulted ceilings of the halls were decorated with Rococo trompe l'oeil frescoes: flowers, garlands and blue skies abounding with Cupids, panoramic landscapes that still strike the viewer today, transporting him into a spectacular imaginary setting. But what makes this place unique is the splendid Baroque park that covers the entire hillside, known as the “Belvedere” because of the extraordinary view from its summit. Starting from the parterre, one climbs up the imposing terraced staircase to the "Theater", a vast green space enclosed by an eighteenth century fountain, which bursts into bloom between February and March, when 500,000 crocus bulbs usher in the spring each year, providing the public with a startling natural spectacle. Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Ph. © A. Carpi Ph. © Vivi Papi (VA) Main Events 2006 18 e 19 marzo LE GIORNATE DELLE CAMELIE E FINESTRE SULLA CINA Esposizione e vendita di centinaia di varietà di piante e fiori. In collaborazione con il Consolato generale della Repubblica Popolare di Cina a Milano e l’Associazione culturale Italia-Cina. 21 maggio IL CONTADO E LA VILLA Con un impianto “drammatico” e attori in costume, viene raccontata la storia della Villa e dei suoi personaggi, nell’inevitabile intreccio con la storia sociale ed economica del nostro Paese. 19 novembre CHICCHI, BACCHE E BALOCCHI Un mercato di Natale con agrifogli, bacche, decori per l’albero e il presepe, insieme a racconti, tradizioni, musica e carole. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Tel 0332 624136 Fax 0332 624748 8 Tickets • Adults: € 4,50 • Children (4-12 years): € 2,50. Prices may vary if special events are held. Salone pian terreno Ph. © Mollica&Rachelli 29 ottobre CIBO DOC Vasta rassegna con degustazione di alimenti soprattutto locali e rigorosamente a denominazione di origine controllata. INFORMATION Opening times • March-September: 10am-6 pm • October to middle of December and the month of February: 10 am – 5 pm • Open every day, except Mondays and Tuesdays (unless public holidays). Tuesdays groups and school tours are welcome on prior booking. How to get there Take A8 "Lakes" motorway Milan-Varese, direction Sesto Calende-Gravellona Toce. Vergiate-Sesto Exit, direction Besozzo-Laveno. From Gemonio, straight on to Valcuvia-Luino as far as Casalzuigno. Casalzuigno, Varese Ph. © Michele Russo Do something at ... Filanda e Giardino Segreto Salone pian terreno Outdoor spaces Inner Courtyard and Loggia Park/Secret Garden Spinnery Hall Capacity lunch/dinner 150 people. Buffet: 250 people lunch/dinner 120 people. Buffet: 200 people Area 350 sq.m. 400 sq.m. 120 sq.m. Indoor spaces Main Hall (ground floor) Silkworm room Capacity lunch/dinner 48 people. Buffet: 100 people Lunch/dinner or conferences: 75 people Area 65 sq.m. 180 sq.m. Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, conferences, banquets, ceremonies, pic-nic, art exhibitions, markets, film and photographic sets. The fahion shows held on the grand stairway of the monumental garden, like Franco Battiato's decision to use it as a set for some scenes from his latest film, Musikanten, confirm the highly scenographic nature of this residence. Romantic and elegant, the atmosphere of the frescoed hall in the main body of the villa makes it ideal for receptions. The hall is directly connected with the adjoining chapel through an interior passageway. For business meetings and conferences, instead, the ample rooms of the outlying buildings have been recently renovated. Dance parties on summer evenings and open-air events of all kinds can be organized in the rooms of the old silk mill, which looks out on the oak-lined path of the secret garden. Connections with the territory The Villa is located 20 km from Varese. Motorway/Vergiate Sesto exhit at 30 km. Malpensa Airport at 75 km, Lugano Airport at 30km. Cittiglio Railway station at 5 km (Ferrovie Nord Milano). Porto di Laveno (Navigazione Lago Maggiore) at 10 km. Public services Guided tours (on prior booking), Guided school tours and laboratories (on prior booking), Bookshop, Kinder garden, Parking area near the Villa, Bar/Restaurant. e-mail: [email protected] 9 Villa gsxgadel Balbianello Legacy of Guido Monzino Long considered one of the loveliest and most romantic villas on Lake Como, Balbianello is perched on a charming promontory in the middle of the lake. A steep staircase leads up from the small marina, which for centuries served as the main access, to the loggia, on the peak of the promontory, which commands an incomparable view of the lake. The interior of the villa is furnished with precious items from the eighteenth century (when the villa was built) and a small museum containing heirlooms and documents referring to the expeditions of its last owner, the intrepid explorer Guido Monzino. But the crown jewel of Balbianello is the panoramic terraced garden, a unique creation designed to enhance the lake, its coastline and the fascination of its waters. Information Opening times • March, 18 – October, 29: 10am – 6pm • Open every day, except Mondays and Wednesdays (unless public holidays). Tickets Garden Adults: 5,00 € children (4-12 years): 2,50 € FAI and National Trust members and residents of the Tramezzina Union of Local Councils: free entrance. Garden & Villa Compulsory guided tour without reservation, subject to availability (tour of about one hour in Italian and English in groups of maximum 15 people): Adults: 11,00 €; children (4-12 years): 6,00 €. FAI and National Trust members and residents of the Tramezzina Union of Local Councils: 3,00 €. - Compulsory guided tour with reservation, (tour of about one hour in Italian and English led by a specialized guide in groups of maximum 15 people): Adults: 8,00 euros; children (4-12 years): 4,00 euros + guide (for max 15 people): 46,00 euros. FAI and National Trust members and residents of the Tramezzina Union of Local Councils: free entrance + guide (for max 15 people): 46,00 euros. Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Prices may vary if shows and special events are held. How to get there Lake boat from Lenno and, on prior booking, from Menaggio. Boat service from Como with overall discount ticket. Every Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays pedestrian access is also allowed from Lenno (about 800m). Signposts in the Church Square. Sala Cartografo Main Events 2006 5, 12, 19 e 26 luglio HAPPY HOUR AL BALBIANELLO Tramonto sulla più bella terrazza del Lago di Como, con musica dal vivo, atmosfera da sogno e un eccellente buffet con drink e stuzzichini. In collaborazione con Unione dei Comuni della Tremezzina e Lido di Lenno. For further information: Tel. 0344 56110 Fax 0344 55575 10 Ph. © G. Majno (MI) 28 giugno, Lenno, Como Do something at ... Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Terrazza a Lago Outdoor spaces Terrace on the lake Garden Capacity lunch/dinner 140 people. Buffet: 300 people Buffet: 200 people Area 50 sq.m. 65.000 sq.m. Indoor spaces Dining Room (Villa) Cartohraphy Hall (Loggia) Capacity lunch/dinner 30 people lunch/dinner 30 people Area 40 mq 40 sq.m. Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, ceremonies, film and photographic sets. Connections with the territory The Villa is located 25 km from Como. Motorway/Como exit at 25 km. Milan Malpensa Airport at 75 km. Manta Railway station at 2 km. Public services Guided visits (also on prior booking), School tour (for FAI member classes only and on prior booking), Bookshop, Public parking area close to the dock and at the entrance of the pedestrian path ). Ph. © G. Majno (MI) Cinema and Balbianello is by now a familiar combination: numerous production houses have selected the Villa and its magnificent gardens as the setting for advertising spots and feature films alike. Not only have many stars worked on the premises, but George Clooney and Brad Pitt are neighbors. It was Balbianello that provided Lucas with the perfect scenario for the planet of Naboo, in the second film of the Star Wars saga, and the sophisticated and exclusive atmosphere of its locales has lent refinement to various television advertising campaigns, most recently for Mon Chéri (Ferrero) and Golf Plus (Volkswagen). The intimate elegance of its interiors is perfect not only for fashion shoots, such as the ones done there by Vogue, but also for exclusive receptions. Sala da Pranzo Loggia e-mail: [email protected] 11 Monastero di Torba Gornate Olona, Varese Donation of Giulia Maria Mozzoni Crespi Immersed in the lush green woods of the Varesotto, at the foot of the Castelseprio archeological park, the Torba Monastery has been witness to over a thousand years of history. A military outpost in the waning days of the Roman Empire, it was passed first to the Goths and then to the Longobards (the tower and the walls date to the fifth and sixth centuries), before finally becoming a convent, devoted to prayer and work and inhabited by Benedictine nuns. Abandoned by the sisters in 1453, it was subsequently converted to rural farm use. Among the various elements that make up the complex, the tower is an Outdoor spaces Loggia Courtyard Capacity lunch/dinner 25 people Buffet: 100 people Area 50 sq.m. 300 sq.m. Indoor spaces Restaurant Hall Church Capacity lunch/dinner 50 people Conferences: 80 people Area 70 sq.m. 109 sq.m. Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, tasting, ceremonies, art exhibitions, markets, pic-nic, film and photographic sets. important example of military architecture, containing rare examples of Longobard frescoes dating to the end of the eighth century. The nearby chapel, dating from the ninth to the thirteenth centuries, is particularly suggestive, having maintained its original, unspoiled simplicity. Connections with the territory The Monastery is located 15 km fromVarese. Motorway/Solbiate Arno exit at 8 km. Milan Malpensa Airport at 25 km, Lugano Airport at 45 km, Milan Linate Airport at 60 km. Tradate railway station (Ferrovie Nord Milano) at 5 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tours (on prior booking), Bookshop, Parking area near the Monastery, Bar/Restaurant. Information Opening times • March-September: 10 am-6 pm • October to middle of December and the month of February: 10 am – 5 pm • Open every day, except Mondays and Tuesdays (unless public holidays). Tuesdays groups and school tours are welcome on prior booking. Tickets • Adults: € 3.50. • Children (4-12 years): € 2.50. Prices may vary if special events are held. How to get there Milan-Varese "Laghi" A8 motorway, Solbiate Arno exit, then follow the signposts for Castelseprio and Torba. Main Events 2006 9 aprile TORBA FIORI Tradizionale festa di tutti i fiori della primavera, con giochi per i bambini, pic-nic e concerto di banda. 26 novembre TORBA DONI Mercato natalizio con curiosità, proposte di artigianato italiano ed etnico, borse e pelletteria, decorazioni per l’albero, gastronomia DOC. Ph. © G. Majno (MI) 22 ottobre DOLCETORBA Un pieno di zuccheri e felicità per questa manifestazione dedicata all’infinito mondo dei dolci. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Tel. Fax 0331 820301 12 e-mail: [email protected] Castello di Avio Sabbionara d’Avio, Trento Donation of Emanuela Di Castelbarco Pindemonte Rezzonico One of the most suggestive castles of the Trento region, the Castle of Avio has been home to illustrious personages over the centuries, like Autari, King of the Longobards, and his consort Teodolinda, or the Emperors Carlo V and Maximilian of Hapsburg. Even today, you can still feel the atmosphere of medieval romance when admiring the restored frescoes in the Guards' House and the Mastio, celebrating the military triumphs of the Castelbarcos, the noble family who originally owned the property. Because of its strategic position, it was used as a defensive outpost in ancient times. In fact, the keep stretches out along the slope of one of the hills that surround Sabbionara, overlooking the lower reaches of the Val Lagarina, with the Monte Baldo heights protecting it from the rear. Information Opening times • March - September: 10 am – 6 pm • October to middle of December and the month of February: 10 am – 5 pm • Open every day, except Mondays (unless public holidays). Tickets • Adults: € 4,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 2,50 Prices may vary if special events are held. How to get there From Brennero A22 motorway take Ala-Avio exit (between Verona and Trento), then follow the signposts to the Castle. Ph. © Campanella Main Events 2006 5, 12, 19 agosto NOTTI D’ESTATE Visite guidate notturne con proposte gastronomiche a tema. 17 settembre, 8 e 22 ottobre, 5 novembre POMERIGGI AL CASTELLO Pomeriggi di giochi, favole, racconti, laboratori e spettacoli. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Indoor spaces Baronial Palace: under restoration, for information please contact FAI-Properties Management tel. +39.02.46761582 Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, ceremonies, tasting, film and photographic sets. Connections with the territory The castle is located 30 km from Trento, 35 km from Verona and 40 km from Garda Lake. Motorway/Avio exit at 3 km. Verona Airport at 50 km. Avio Railway station at 2 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tours (on prior booking), Bookshop, Parking area near the Castle (buses should park in Avio main square), BarRestaurant (traditional local cuisine with menu à la carte (open at lunch time, dinner on prior booking: tel +39 0464 684299) Tel e Fax 0464 684453 e-mail: [email protected] 13 Abbazia di San Fruttuoso Donation of Frank and Orietta Pogson Doria Pamphilj The crown jewel of an ancient seaside settlement, still miraculously intact, the celebrated Abbey of San Fruttuoso lies hidden at the end of a deep bay in the coast of the Mount Portofino promontory. Initially inhabited by Benedictine monks, then by humble fishermen, it was often commandeered by marauding pirates before it became the property of the Doria princes, who held on to it for centuries. The Abbey is a truly unique place, where the hand of man has worked in perfect harmony with Nature. The main tower, which stands almost on the beach, is all that remains of the original structure, dating back to the tenth-eleventh centuries, and is one of the oldest architectural elements in all of the Liguria region. The splendid loggia, with two rows of mullioned windows that look out over the beach, providing a breathtaking panorama of the bay, was built somewhat later, in the thirteenth century. This was chosen as the location for the museum, which displays traces of the Abbey's history and of the life the monks used to lead there, including objects that remind us of near and distant lands, from the Mediterranean to the ancient Islamic world. Main Events 2006 Information Opening times • March, April and October: 10am-4pm Open every day except Mondays (unless public holidays) • May - September: 10am-6pm Open every day • December - February: 10am-4pm Open on holidays and days before holidays only Opening times are subject to variations depending on the Camogli ferry timetable. Tickets • Adulti: € 4,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 2,50 Prices may vary if special activities or events are held. How to get there 1 aprile – 30 settembre MICROMOSAICO. SOUVENIR DI UN VIAGGIO. Mostra sulla storia del micromosaico, con esposizione di preziosi esemplari e una sezione didattico-scientifica. By boat: services - Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita, Rapallo and Genoa. On foot: from Portofino over the hill or along the sea-shore, both paths take approximately 90 minutes. 15, 22 e 30 luglio 5, 12 e 19 agosto CONCERTI NEL CHIOSTRO. Serate musicali nel chiostro dell’Abbazia. Sala dell’Abbazia Dates and events may vary. For further information: Outdoor spaces Garden Inner spaces Sala Capitolare Sale Abbazia 2°piano Type of Events Business meeting, incentive, banquets, ceremonies, art exhibitions, film and photographic sets. Capacity Buffet: 50 people Area 30 sq.m. Capacity Pranzo o cena: 50 persone. Conferenze: 100 persone Plunch/dinner 50 people. Buffet: 200 people Area 77 sq.m. 110 sq.m.. Connections with the territory The Abbey is located 30 km from Genoa. Motorway/Recco exit at 3 km, Rapallo exit at 10 km. Genoa Airport at 30 km. Camogli or Genoa Railway station. Ferry boat from Genoa, Recco, Camogli, Portofino, Santa Margherita Ligure, Rapallo. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tours (on prior booking), Bookshop. Tel. Fax 0185 772703 14 e-mail: [email protected] Camogli, Genova Do something at … Just a glance at the bay through the Abbey's mullioned windows is enough to transport us into the dreamy atmosphere that reigns unchallenged here at San Fruttuoso. Receptions, conferences, exhibits and private events of various kinds can be organized in the larger rooms facing the bay. In the warmer months, the panorama is magnificent from the deserted beach or from the Doria Tower, as well. The fact that one arrives by boat adds to the allure of this charming site. Casa Carbone Lavagna, Genova Bequest of Emanuele and Siria Carbone 15 Luglio - 3 settembre PAESAGGI DI TERRA E DI MARE Dal Mediterraneo allo Yorkshire, pittori italiani e stranieri si confrontano con opere elaborate nei territori di origine. House, where the colors, decor, light and atmosphere typical of the upper class homes of the Ligurean Riviera of the turn of the century have been perfectly preserved. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Information How to get there The house is located 46 km east of Genoa and 170 km south of Milan. By Genoa-Livorno A12 Motorway, Lavagna exit. By Via Aurelia GenoaLa Spezia as far as Lavagna. By train: Lavagna Railway Station.Then follow the signposts as far as Piazza Cordeviola. Entrance through the gate at n.15. Ph. © L. Visconti Tickets • Adults: € 2,00 • Children (4-12 years): €1,00 Ph. © L. Visconti Opening times • March – 1st November: 10am-6pm. Open Saturdays, Sundays and on public holidays. Visits on other days by appointment only. From July to August open also on Friday from 9pm to 11pm. Ph. © L. Visconti In the streets of the small town of Lavagna, there is a house where time has stopped: Casa Carbone, a typical Ligurean palazzo of the nineteenth century, today a Museum Main Events 2006 Indoor spaces Groundfloor hall Capacity Buffet/conferences: 50 people Area 70 sq.m. Outdoor spaces Inner Garden Capacity Buffet: 50 people Area 370 sq.m. Type of Events Connections with the territory Conferences, banquets, ceremonies, art The House is located in the centre of Lavagna. exhibitions, markets, film and photographic Motorway/Lavagna exit at 3 km. Genoa Airport at 50 km. sets. Lavagna Railway station at 0,5 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tour (on prior booking). Tel. 0185 393920 Fax 0185 305300 15 Park Villa Gregoriana Concession and Lease by State Property Agency that time, the exceptional nature of the work and the fascinating locale have attracted the crowned heads of the world, in addition to travellers, poets and artists. The Great Falls merit special mention, with the jet of water falling for a distance of over 120 meters. This splendid walk takes about two hours to complete, but there are shorter routes signalled along the park paths. Ph. © T. Bonaventura created by Pope Gregory XVI in 1835, to prevent the frequent flooding caused by the Aniene river, which had overwhelmed Tivoli and its inhabitants several times over the years. With a hydraulic engineering project that was astonishing for the times, the river bed was shifted, changing a suggestive but dangerous gorge into a model of integration between natural beauty and artistic expression. Since Ph. © T. Bonaventura A stone's throw from Rome, among suggestive clearings and Roman ruins, we find one of the most romantic paths in the world: Villa Gregoriana is an extraordinary natural garden, dominated by the ancient acropolis of Tivoli. The landscape is striking, between steep ravines, grottoes and hidden niches, with a network of paths that criss-cross through the thick woods, skirting vertiginous cliffs. It was Ph. © M. Siracusa Radura ruderi Villa Manlio Vopisco Ph. © T. Bonaventura Information Opening times • From March 1 to 31: 10 am – 2:30 pm • From April 1 to October 15: 10 am – 6:30 pm • From October 16 to November 30: 10 am – 2:30 pm • Open every day, except Mondays (unless public holiday). Ph. © T. Bonaventura From December 1 to February 28, the Park is available by appointment only Tickets Regular: € 4.00. Reduced: € 2.50. Special prices for groups and families available. Prices may vary if special events are held. How to get there A24 Motorway Rome-L’Aquila, Tivoli or Castel Madama exit, then follow the signposts for Tivoli, Villa Gregoriana. By train from Roma Tiburtina station. By bus from Rome, Ponte Mammolo and Roma Tiburtina station. Tel. 06 39967701 Organizzazione Pierreci 16 Tivoli, Roma Ph. © M. Siracusa o Outdoor spaces Terrace of the Cafeteria (first level) Terrace of the Cafeteria (second level) Pic-nic area Villa of Manlius Vopiscus (clearing) Clearing of the Cypress Capacity lunch/dinner 45 people. Buffet: 80 people lunch/dinner 45 people. Buffet: 75 people Buffet: 300 people Buffet: 300 people Buffet: 1250 people Area 67 sq.m. 63 sq.m. 250 sq.m. 450 sq.m. 1.050 sq.m. Indoor spaces Cafeteria hall Cafeteria gallery Capacity lunch/dinner 35 people. Buffet: 60 people lunch/dinner 18 people. Buffet: 30 people Area 48 sq.m. 25 sq.m. Type of Events Private events, banquets, picnic, film and photographic sets. Connections with the territory The park is located in the centre of Tivoli. Motorway/Tivoli or Castel Madama exit at 10 km. Rome Ciampino Airport at 37 km. Rome Fiumicino Airport at 60 km. Tivoli Railway station at 0,2 km. Public services Audio-guide in Italian and English, Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tours (on prior booking), Special visits and private events (on prior booking, tel. +39 06 39080725), Bookshop, Public parking area near the entrance, Cafeteria (service granted by two local restaurants famous at international level: “Antico ristorante Sibilla” and “Restaurant Vesta”. Brunch and dinner also available. Traditional local cuisine) 17 Teatrino di Vetriano Share donated by Anna Biagioni Tickets • Adults: € 4,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 2,00 Prices may vary if special activities, performances or events are held. How to get there A11 Motorway “Firenze Mare”/Lucca exit. Follow the signposts for Garfagnana on the Statale dell'Abetone as far as Diecimo and then follow the signposts. Entered in the Guinness Book of Records in 1997 as the world's smallest historical theater, the Vetriano playhouse measures a scant 70 square meters and seats 99, but has everything a full-sized theater needs. First built in 1890, thanks to the recovery of the base and the original curtains and the reconstruction of the scenery and backdrop, today the Vetriano Theater is active again as a venue for various types of theatrical performances. Ph. © Alcide, Lucca Information Opening times • February - middle of December: Visits only by appointment every day except Mondays (unless public holidays). Pescaglia, Lucca Indoor spaces Capacity Area Stalls Performances/Conferences 90 people 70 sq.m. Foyer Performances/Conferences 90 people 50 sq.m. Type of Events Connections with the territory Private events and performances, conferences, The playhouse is located 30 km from Lucca. Motorway/Lucca banquets, film and photographic sets. exit at 40 km. Pisa Airport at 65 km. Lucca Railway station at 40 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tour (on prior booking). Tel. 0583 358118 Fax 0583 358131 e-mail: [email protected] - Castel Grumello Montagna in Valtellina, Sondrio Donated by the Oenological Society of Valtellina Information Opening times March - September: 10am-6pm. October - middle of December and February: 10am-5pm Open Saturdays and Sundays. Visits on other days by prior booking only. A rare twin castle built in at the beginning of 14th century by Corrado De Piro. First a Ghibelline post, then residence of the archibishop of Como, it Tickets Free entrance. How to get there From the centre of Sondrio follow the signposts for Montagna and the for the castle. Outdoor spaces Meadow outside the Castle Capacity lunch/dinner 100 people. Buffet: 500 people Area 40 sq.m. Indoor spaces Fireplace room Capacity Conferences: 50 people Area 400 sq.m. Type of Events Connections with the territory Private events, banquets, pic-nic, The castle is located 4 km from Sondrio. Motorway/Bergamo exit at 115 film and photographic sets. km. Lugano Airport at 90 km, Bergamo Airport at 125 km. Sondrio Railway station at 4 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tours (on prior booking), Bar/Restaurant (tel. +39 0342 380994). Tel. e Fax 0342 380994 18 was then attacked and demolished by the Grigions. After being restored, it is now open to the public. e-mail: [email protected] Giardino della Kolymbetra Valle dei Templi, (AG) Concessione dalla Regione Siciliana Autentico gioiello archeologico e agricolo della Valle dei Templi, tornato allo splendore dopo decenni di abbandono, il Giardino della Kolymbetra è un luogo straordinario per la magnificenza della natura e per la ricchezza dei reperti archeologici che ancora vengono alla luce. Si sviluppa Main Events 2006 all’interno della Valle dei Templi per cinque ettari, entro pareti di tufo che ne costituiscono il perimetro naturale, e si colloca tra il tempio di Castore e Polluce e quello di Vulcano. Molteplici sono le specie di piante che custodisce, alcune delle quali non più coltivate al giorno d’oggi. 17 aprile SCIALATA GIURGINTANA Una festa della tradizione e che prevede visita della Kolymbetra, pranzo rustico ispirato alla cucina contadina, musica popolare siciliana e gran passeggiata fra i templi. Information Opening times October - March: 10am-5pm April - June: 10am-6pm July - September: 10am-7pm Open everyday except from January 7-31 Tickets • Adults: € 2,00 • Children (4-12 years): € 1,00 Prices may vary if special activities or events are held. 30 aprile “VAPULANZICULA”. FESTA DEI BAMBINI Grande festa dedicata ai bambini cui verranno proposti i giochi dei loro nonni, ad esempio la “Vapulanzicula”. A intervallare i giochi, pranzo tradizionale con pane, pizza e i dolcetti della nonna. How to get there A19 Motorway to Caltanissetta. Then SS 640 to Agrigento. Then follow the signposts for “Valle dei Templi”. After the ticket office of the Valley of Temples, enter the gate of the Temple of Jove and follow the signposts. 2 luglio FESTA DEL PANE Mostra di tradizionali forme di pane e sul ciclo di produzione, con mercatino di prodotti biologici, pranzo rustico e intrattenimento musicale. 13 agosto NOTTE TRA GLI ARANCI Tradizionale festa di metà agosto con cena a base di pizza rustica e arrosti, vino rosso e anguria a volontà. Intrattenimento musicale e gran falò di mezzanotte come da tradizione. Ph. © A. Pitrone Ph. © Lillo Rizzo 12 novembre FESTA DI SAN MARTINO Festa del vino nuovo con degustazioni guidate da esperti sommelier e incontri con cantine ed enoteche specializzate. Pranzo rustico all’aperto con intrattenimento musicale. Mostra-mercato di prodotti biologici. Le manifestazioni a Kolymbetra sono possibili grazie alla collaborazione con il Parco Archeologico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento. Outdoor spaces Area of the Orang trees Cultural area Type of Events Private events, country banquets, performances, film and photographic sets. Capacity seats for 120 people. Buffet: 200 people seats for 150 people Area Spazio cultura: 150 200 sq.m. 200 sq.m. Dates and events may vary. For further information: Connections with the territory The garden is located 4 km from Agrigento. Motorway/Caltanisetta exit at 55 km. Catania Airport at 150 km, Palermo Airport at 170 km. Agrigento Railway station at 3 km. Public services Guided visits (on prior booking), Guided visits and school tour (on prior booking), pic-nic area (traditional country foof available on prior booking) Tel. 335 1229042 e-mail: [email protected] 19 Bay of Ieranto Massa Lubrense, Napoli Donation Italsider Right in front of the Faraglioni of Capri, on the southern coast of the peninsula of Sorrento, lies the Bay of Ieranto, a place of wild, unspoiled beauty. The atmosphere is legendary and solemn, lending credence to the ancient myths, seconded by numerous ancient poets, which identified it as the home of the Sirens. The visits include various itineraries, winding between the sixteenth century Tower of Montalto and the old farmhouses. The site is open to visitors from dawn to an hour before sunset, and special guided tours are available on request. Tel. 335 8410253 – 330 607282 e-mail: [email protected] Velate tower Donated by Leopoldo Zambeletti Built in the year 1000, on the heights overlooking the road leading to Lake Maggiore, this Tower was intended to protect the southern side of the Velate belt. A century later, during the wars between Como and Milan, it was damaged and fell into disuse, but retained its historical and symbolic value. Today it is still a point of reference for the local populace, who often gather around the tower, in the hills Velate, Varese surrounding Varese, for all kinds of local events, of which the best known is the "Tower Feast", which is held each summer. The park around the Tower can be used for private occasions. Tel. 02 467615282/3 e-mail: [email protected] Historical Barber’s Shop Genova Purchased from the Giacalone’s heirs authentic old shop that has retained its original function. It is, of course, perfect for films and advertising spots. The barber’s shop is open to customers from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday to Saturday, in vicolo Caprettari 14/rosso. Tel. 010 256791 e-mail: [email protected] 20 Ph. © Lillo Rizzo The casual visitor is struck by the play of light among the stained glasses on the walls and ceiling, amplified and reflected by the lamps and the oval mirrors. This small barber’s shop in the heart of Genoa is a rare example of a competely Villa dei Vescovi OPENING SOON Luvigliano, Padova Donazione Vittorio Olcese A stone's throw from Abano Terme, the stately Villa dei Vescovi dominates the beautiful rural countryside around it. Built on the Colli Euganei in the first half of the 1500s, the scenic entranceway, the splendid front loggia from which one can admire the panorama below, as well as the interiors, decorated with a cycle of Raffaellesque frescoes, combine to make this a uniquely fascinating place. Ph. © Degli Orti Ph. © Paolo Marton Tel. 02 467615282/3 e-mail: [email protected] Casa Necchi Campiglio OPENING SOON Milano Legacy of Gigina Necchi Campiglio and Nedda Necchi Milanese high society, recreating the mood of a special time. This makes the Villa an ideal setting for historical films. In addition, Casa Necchi also houses the precious de' Micheli collection (bequeathed to the FAI by Alighiero de’ Micheli). Ph. © Studio G&R Surrounded by a splendid garden in the center of Milan, Casa Necchi Campiglio was built according to detailed designs by the noted architect Piero Portaluppi in 1935. Today, the interiors, refined and sophisticated, faithfully reproduce the atmosphere of lively worldliness of Tel. 02 467615282/3 e-mail: [email protected] 21 Castello della Manta Castello di Masino Villa e Collezione Panza Monastero di Torba Villa Della Porta Bozzolo Villa del Balbianello Castel Grumello Torre Medievale Castello di Avio Casa Carbone Abbazia di San Fruttuoso Bottega di Barbiere Teatrino di Vetriano Parco Villa Gregoriana Baia di Ieranto Giardino della Kolymbetra FAI - FONDO PER L’AMBIENTE ITALIANO Viale Coni Zugna, 5 - 20144 Milano • Tel. 02 4676151- fax 02 48193631 - [email protected]