PDF of the presentation


PDF of the presentation
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More than 20 years of experience in the field of
Reliable and long-term support worldwide
Complex software and hardware systems development
and system integration
Turnkey solutions for any customer’s demand
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•  Airports and civil aviation authorities
•  Meteorological and seismological institutes
•  Environmental authorities, industrial operators, and
Main design criteria for MicroStep-MIS systems are:
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Our products are multi-platform. The server and client can run on.
•  Microsoft Windows ®
•  Linux ®
Industry proven technologies:
•  SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL
•  Java
•  XML
•  HTML5
•  Java Script
Our staff consists of:
•  88 % software / system / support team members with university degree
•  15 % of team members with scientific degree
•  received data are decoded, converted to unified structure and
verified for syntax errors
•  manually entered data are converted to unified structure and
can be repaired and corrected by the operator
•  Pre-war
data (1902-1940)
Daily Synoptic data (1951 - 2014)
3-hourly surface synoptic data (1952-1980)
CLICOM hourly data (1988 - 1996)
Daily Agromet data (1974 - 2013)
Daily Rainfall data (1974 - 2000)
Hydrology data: rainfall and water level
Tropical cyclone tracks (1948 - 2013)
Station normals (periods: 1951-1980, 1961-1990,
•  Quality Control Module checks the data validity
•  Database provides storage of the observed data together with
its meta-data information structures
•  User products are the last step in the data flow
•  Wide variety of of output modules used for presentation of stored
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•  Number of all meteorological variables
used in PUMIS: 292
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•  Operators enter everyday data
manually from ~200 offline stations
through 5 different forms
•  7 dedicated web-applications serve for
manual operative entering of special
data into PUMIS
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Map analysis for actual data, historical data and normals.
Comparison analysis for:
•  actual data with normal (selectable which normal)
•  actual data with historical data (selectable any historical period)
•  selected normal with selected historical data
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Current Data Map
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Numerical Weather Prediction Products
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Radar and Satellite Data
Enables to display, manage, integrate and archive radar data from
various site and different manufactures as well as satellite data.
Tropical Cyclones Track
The application enables to
manage all data about
tropical cyclones: to add,
edit, rename, delete data
about cyclone for example
year, name, longitude,
latitude, date and time,
state, type…..
It also provides graphical
display of the tropical
cyclone track on the map
optionally with forecast.
Manual Data Entry For Extreme/Severe
Weather Data
Warnings Management
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