International Association of Lions Clubs
International Association of Lions Clubs
International Association of Lions Clubs Multiple District 22 Final Report 2012-2013 PCC Dorothy J. Culver TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Council Chair's Message............................................................................................................................................... 1 2012-2013 Council of Governors............................................................................................................................... ...2 2012-2013 Multiple District 22 Committee Chairs, Foundation Officers…………………………………………………………………..3 Summary of Activities of Multiple 22 Committees........................................................................................................6 Constitution and By-Laws...........................................................................................................................................6 Diabetes......................................................................................................................................................................6 Global Leadership Team.............................................................................................................................................7 Global Membership Team..........................................................................................................................................8 Hearing and Speech....................................................................................................................................................8 Information Technology.............................................................................................................................................9 International Convention...........................................................................................................................................10 Leader Dog.................................................................................................................................................................20 Leo Clubs………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………27 Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF)................................................................................................................27 Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF)..................................................................................................................28 Lions Youth Foundation.............................................................................................................................................29 Multiple District 22 Convention.................................................................................................................................29 Multiple District 22 Convention Treasurer's Report..................................................................................................32 Pre-School Vision Screening.......................................................................................................................................35 Public Relations..........................................................................................................................................................39 Research and Long Range Planning............................................................................................................................39 Roaring Lions..............................................................................................................................................................40 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum 2012…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum 2013…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..41 Delaware Vehicle Tags...............................................................................................................................................41 Maryland Vehicle Tags...............................................................................................................................................42 Youth Outreach..........................................................................................................................................................42 Multiple District 22 Treasurer's Report for Year 2012-2013…………………………………………………………………………………….43 Multiple District 22 Council of Governor's Financial Audit Report 2012-2013.............................................................46 Multiple District 22 International Convention Committee Financial Audit Report 2012-2013....................................47 Multiple District 22 Lions Leadership Institute Audit Report 2012-2013.....................................................................48 Multiple District 22 Convention Committee Financial Audit Report 2012-2013..........................................................48 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax Form 990-EZ ………………………………………………………………………………50 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Elect and Election of Officers Mtg, Salisbury, MD May 12, 2012 …………...54 Multiple District 22 Turnover Meeting, Beltsville, MD, July 29, 2012..........................................................................59 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Meeting, Hagerstown, MD, Sept. 23, 2012...............................................80 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Meeting, Hunt Valley, MD, November 4, 2012.........................................93 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Meeting, Dover, DE, December 2, 2012...................................................107 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Meeting, Salisbury, MD, March 10, 2013.................................................121 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Meeting, Waldorf, MD, April 21, 2013.....................................................143 Multiple District 22 Election of Officers Meeting, Ocean City, MD May 16, 2013.....................................................160 Multiple District 22 Turnover Meeting, Severna Park, MD, August 3, 2013..............................................................164 Council Chairperson’s Message for MD 22 Council of Governors Final Report 2012-2013 The 2012-2013 Council would like to thank the Clubs, individual Lions and friends in Multiple District 22 who so unselfishly have given thousands of hours voluntarily helping others and making our communities a better place to live. We also thank the Multiple District committee chairpersons and coordinators who served the multiple district this year. We have had a great year with few bumps in the road but we moved forward with enthusiasm. Highlights of the year were as follows: In October, Lions were invited to the White House where 11 people were honored as "Champions of Change". One of those honored was our own Lion Dr. Robert Massof for his dedication to improving the lives of those with low vision. District Governor Charlene requested and received an emergency $10,000 grant to assist those affected by Super Storm Sandy in Somerset County. District Governor Paul's district participated in the Make a Difference Day and was the winner of $10,000 of which LVRF and Lions Saving Kids Sight Foundation each received $5,000. Thanks District 22W for an outstanding job. We have completed another successful Regional Lions Leadership Institute in Emmitsburg for both beginners and advance Lions. District Governor Don co-chaired the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington D.C. on May 27, 2013 with the Lions of Multiple District 24. The Council applied for and received a grant in the amount of $15,000 to fund this public relations project. We have created a working group to begin now and continue with the incoming Council to review the wording in the Constitution and by-laws to better understand what the convention committee is responsible for and when. Define the duties of each committee member. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of the Governors for their support, cooperation and friendship this year. I would be remiss if I did not thank our advisors for their guidance, support and knowledge they shared to make our year a success. Finally I, along with the Council of Governors wish to thank the Convention Committee for their hard work and dedication in making the 2012 - 2013 convention a success. Yours in Lionism, Dorothy Culver Council Chair 2012 -2013 Pg. 1 MULTIPLE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS 2012-2013 Council Chair Dorothy J. Culver District 22-B P.O. Box 165 Princess Anne, MD 21853 Res: 410-651-1917 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Club: Salisbury Metro Email: [email protected] District Governor Walter "Skip" Hoffman District 22-A 1317 Marquis Ct. Fallston, MD 21047-2204 Res: 410-887-7668 Bus: 410-803-0463 Cell: 410 409-0162 Fax: 443-541-1272 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Aberdeen Council Administrative Assistant Barbara Brimigion District 22-W 6519 Monroe Avenue Eldersburg, MD 21784 Res: 410-795-3167 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Taylorsville-Winfield District Governor Charlene Travers Council Secretary District Governor Paul Cannada District 22-W 7 Sylvia Circle Thurmont, MD 21788 Res: 301-271-2924 Cell: 301- 639-7434 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Thurmont Lions Club District 22-B P.O. Box 613 District 22B Hebron, MD 21830 Res: 410-546-2086 E-mail: [email protected] Home Club: Hebron District Governor Don Beeson District 22-C 4435 Morningwood Drive Olney, MD 20832-2835 Res: 301-774-5448 Cell: 301-529-3880 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Sandy Springs Council Treasurer District Governor Richard Merriwether District 22-D 22 WinChelsea Court Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Res: 302-226-8008 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Rehoboth Club Pg. 2 2012-2013 Multiple 22 Committee Chairs Auditor CT Don Stein District 22-D P.O.Box 576 Bethany Beach, DE 19930 Res: 302-537-7979 Cell: 302-245-0416 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Lord Baltimore Hearing and Speech Lion Dale Strait District 22-A 815 W. Benfield Road Severna Park, MD 21146 Res: 410-987-4879 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Severn River Constitutions & By-Laws PDG Tom Jefts District 22-W 18012 Putter Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 Res: 240-676-8142 Cell: 301-707-4280 Fax: 301-729-9235 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Sharpsburg Information Technology Chair Lion Richard Waughtal District 22-D 29793 Colony Drive Dagsboro, DE 19939 Cell: 302-236-3790 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Fenwick Island Diabetes Coordinator Lion Donna S. Jackman District 22-W 12145 Itnyre Road Smithsburg, MD 21783 Res: 301-790-2036 Cell: 240-675-8678 Email: [email protected] Home Club: West Hagerstown Global Leadership Team Coordinator PDG Paul Hawkins District 22-C 17807 Lafayette Drive Olney, MD 20832 Res: 301-774-5229 Cell: 301-919-5451 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Olney Global Membership Team Coordinator PCC Grant E. Curtis District 22-D 9400 Benson Road Lincoln, DE 19960 Res: 302-422-2861 Cell: 315-283-0058 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Milford International Convention Chair PDG John S. Cullison District 22-A 2832 Sagewood Drive Glenwood, MD 21738 Res: 410-489-2975 Bus: 443 479-5818 Cell: 443 472-3682 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Glenwood International Convention Vice-Chair PCC John Lawrence District 22-B 507 High Street Chestertown, MD 21620 Res: 410-725-0150 E-mail: [email protected] Home Club: Kent Island LCIF Coordinator IPDG Ken Chew District 22-D 104 Milford Avenue Wilmington, DE 19809 Res: 302-798-6520 Cell: 302-547-3721 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Club: Claymont Pg. 3 Leader Dog Coordinator Lion Glenn Owens District 22-W 11330 Urieville Lane Worton, Maryland 21678 Cell: 410-708-6078 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Club: Chestertown Lions Club Leo Chair (2012-2015) Lion Sam Foster District 22-W 116 Clubside Drive Taneytown, MD 21787 Cell Phone: 443-929-5500 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Taneytown Lions Vision Research Foundation PDG Theodore "Ted" Ladd District 22-C 11722 Emack Rd. Beltsville, MD 20705 Res: 301-937-6796 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Club: Beltsville Lions Youth Foundation of MD 22 PDG Buck Fisher District 22-W 9012 Hawbottom Road Middletown, MD 21769 Res: 301-371-9360 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Middletown MD-22 Convention Chair IPDG Sandi Halterman District 22-C 15907 St. Thomas Church Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 Cell: 301-751-8627 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Gateway MD-22 Convention Vice-Chair PDG Robert "Bob" Jones District 22-D 29429 Edgewood Avenue Laurel, DE 19956 Res: 302-875-7767 Cell: 302-542-8580 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Laurel MD-22 Convention Treasurer PDG Steve Finger District 22-W 206 Forest Drive LaVale, MD 21502 Res: 301-722-3104 Cell: 301-697-0424 Email: [email protected] Home Club: LaVale Pre-School Vision Coordinator Lion Don Rae District 22-B 5452 Mt. Holly Rd. E. New Market, MD 21631 Res: 410-228-5265 E-Mail: [email protected] Home Club: Cambridge Public Relations Co-Coordinator PDG Dalton L. Mann District 22-B 22944 Lyn Oaks Drive Preston, MD 21655 Res: 410-673-9085 Cell: 410-310-6660 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Hurlock Public Relations Co-Coordinator Suzette Kettenhofen District 22-A 5214 Wilkens Ave. Catonsville, MD 21228 Bus: 703-692-4752 Cell: 410-433-8434 Email: [email protected] Home Club: West Arundel Research and Long Range Planning PDG Clare M. Newcomer District 22-W 19605 Granada Court Hagerstown, MD 21742 Res: 301-745-4174 Bus: 301-766-5784 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Hagerstown Pg. 4 Roaring Lions Chair CS Joan Bestpitch District 22-D 545 S. Carter Rd. Smyrna, DE 19977 Res: 302-653-7351 Cell: 302-670-4735 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Clayton USA/Canada Form Coordinator PDG Senora Haywood District 22-A 3512 Garrett Court Aberdeen, MD 21001 Res: 410-272-8835 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Aberdeen USA/Canada Forum Vice-Coordinator PDG William R. "Bill" Culver District 22-B PO Box 165 Princess Anne, MD 21853 Res: 410-651-1917 E-mail: [email protected] Home Club: Princess Anne Lions Vehicle Tags Coordinator - Delaware PCT Bruce Marvel District 22-D 521 West Street Dover, DE 19904 Res: 302-674-2868 Cell: 302-270-0858 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Dover Advisors: FIP Clement F. Kusiak 6302 Homewood Rd Linthicum, MD 21090 Res: 410-850-5099 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Baltimore Brooklyn PID Darley Travers P.O. Box 613 Hebron, MD 21830 Res: 410-546-2086 E-mail: [email protected] Home Club: Hebron PID Joe Gaffigan 1346 Crockett Lane Silver Spring, MD 20904 Res: 301-384-4034 Bus: 301-577-4600 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Suburban ID Alan Ted Reiver 1207 Norbee Drive Wilmington, DE 19803 Res: 302-762-6970 Cell: 302-750-3009 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Talleyville-Naamans Vehicle Tags Coordinator - Maryland Lion W. Roger Sauter Direct 22-W 2363 Kay's Mill Road, South Finksburg, MD 21048 Res: 301-833-5388 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Deer Park Youth Outreach Coordinator Lion Leonard Gares District 22-W 18627 Rose Hill Drive Rawlings. MD 21557 Res: 301-729-5295 Email: [email protected] Home Club: Potomac Valley Pg. 5 Summary of Activities of Multiple 22 Committees Constitution and By-Laws, PDG Tom Jefts (22-W), Chairperson: There are no resolutions this year to be voted on for the Multiple District 22 Constitution and Bylaws at the 91st Annual Convention to be held on May 13-16, 2013 in Ocean City, Maryland. Diabetes, Lion Donna Jackman (22-W) Chairman: DISTRICT A – Harold Boccia, Chairman: Lion Harold has done programs on educating the club members on the signs and symptoms of diabetes. This District has done work at Camp Possibilities which is located in Darlington, MD. Funds have been donated to the camp to help maintain the camp. In addition, the District has contributed funds to the Ashley Marie Bolgiano Fund. This was a young lady who passed away at age 21 from complications from diabetes. The scholarship has been started in her memory and will be given annually with preference being given to an applicant who is diabetic. DISTRICT B – Rick Vance, Chairman: Lion Rick is a type I diabetic himself and was diagnosed until age 36. He has conducted four diabetes awareness sessions to make people aware of the signs and symptoms of diabetes and to stress that if the disease is diagnosed early, individuals can live normal lives if they follow the dietary guidelines. His diabetes has gotten him into living a healthier lifestyle. He runs and cycles and will be participating in the Tour De Cure to be held in his District and being sponsored by the Fruitland Lions Club. Four clubs have contacted him with specific questions concerning diabetes, and he has referred them to the American Diabetes Association or John Hopkins Diabetes Unit to get the needed information. Rick’s main message is that diabetes is not a death sentence as it was years ago. DISTRICT C – Laurie Newman, Chairman: Lion Laurie has spoken to several clubs on the signs, symptoms and complications of diabetes. She has provided information on diabetes in both English and Spanish when her club has vision and hearing testing in their District. They are presently completing a fund raiser with proceeds to go toward scholarships to send diabetic children to Lions Camp Merrick. She went with children in the Leo Club at John Kennedy High School to a lecture on diabetes that was held at the high school. District D – Gary Stumpf, Chairman: Lion Gary has put on program at some of the clubs in his District to create a greater awareness of the signs, symptoms and treatment of diabetes. They have raised $1400 in their District which has been donated to the American Diabetes Association. DISTRICT W – Donna Jackman, Chairman: Lion Donna has presented programs to clubs and several community organizations. Her clubs participated in the Frederick Diabetes Walk and raised $3,298. Their annual Kiss-A-Pig Contest was in conjunction with the walk, and this event raised $18,857. The money from these two events is donated to the American Diabetes Association and goes for research to find a cure for diabetes. They have raised $1250 for the Diabetes Awareness Program which is to help diabetics with medical needs in time of a crisis. As of the date of this report, the clubs have contributed $13,115.60 for the Camp Merrick Fund to send diabetic children to camp this summer. To date, we have registered 8 children to attend camp this summer. The Jackman Memorial Fund totals $2750. It is evident that each District is working to promote the Diabetes Program and get the information out to their members and communities on the signs and symptoms of this disease. Each District plans their own program, but all are working toward the same goal—educating our members and communities to create an awareness of disease and encourage early detection to avoid the serious complications this disease can cause in one’s body. Pg. 6 I want to thank the chairman in each District for his/her dedication and cooperation during the year to continue this important mission! MD 22 Global Leadership Team, PDG Paul Hawkins 22-C, Coordinator The membership of the MD 22 GLT will continue intact from last year with one exception. PDG Dave Studley has been named to replace Lion Linda Prohaska as the District 22B GLT Coordinator. The 2012-2013 Team will be made up of the following: PDG Paul Hawkins - GLT Coordinator MD PCC John Lawrence – GLT MD Lion Ann Reiver – GLT MD Lion Rodney Timmons – GLT MD PDG Senora Haywood – GLT Coordinator D 22A PDG Dave Studley – GLT Coordinator D 22B PDG Bill Thomas – GLT Coordinator D 22C PCC Ralph Schieferstein – GLT Coordinator D 22D PCC John Hopkins – GLT Coordinator D 22W Plans for the MD GLT activities remain at the pleasure of the Council. Some of those planned activities are recurring and preliminary actions have already been initiated for the coming year. Others have previously been discussed with members of the Council, but further action is dependent upon formal Council direction. These activities, in chronological order include: Emerging Lions Session – This activity debuted last year and was favorably received. Incoming DG’s appeared to favor continuance. It is recommended that each District identify potential attendees and the Council propose the topic(s) to be addressed at the session. The Elks Lodge in Annapolis worked well as the venue last year and it is recommended that we return to that location if available. (Preliminary contact has been initiated.) It is suggested that the set up for the session be less formal this year, perhaps in a town hall meeting format. Date is to be determined. Council action/approval required. Club Excellence Process (CEP) Workshop – A seminar on CEP was conducted at the Convention last year and it received high marks. I firmly believe that the Process offers tremendous potential for strengthening clubs regardless of their current level of Lionism. I’ve asked PDGs Och and John Hopkins if they can lead such a workshop and received tentative affirmation. The workshop would be open to all Lions in the Multiple. LCI District GLT funding grants are available for this effort and I have requested LCI provide guidance on the possibility of providing grants to more than one District for this Multiple workshop. Date and location are to be determined. Council action/approval required. Regional Lions Leadership Institute – Request has been submitted to LCI and funding is approved to conduct the Basic course. Tentative date is February 15-17 2013 at Emmitsburg. The request may be amended to include additional training. There have been concerns expressed about not offering the advanced course as Pg. 7 well. However, there are additional options for additional training concurrently with the RLLI. Strategic Planning, another seminar topic from last year’s Convention is one option. Another topic is Ethics. There will be a seminar at the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Tampa on Ethics. I encourage attendance at that seminar and feedback on the potential for including either of those topics to be presented at the RLLI as a separate course of instruction. This would require LCI approval. Council approval required. DGE School – Last year we followed LCI guidance on topics to be addressed at the school instead of trying to go through the entire DGE Manual. Participants responded favorably and we anticipate that LCI will provide similar guidance this year. We will follow that guidance once again. The school will be conducted on March 89, 2013 in Salisbury. No action required. Convention Seminars – The only negative feedback received from last year’s Convention was that attendees could not attend more seminars. Two seminar sessions were scheduled and several new topics were added to the offerings. Several years ago, the time for seminars was reduced and attendees had the opportunity to attend more than one seminar during each session. I would encourage comments on trying that format once again. Suggestions for seminars and presenters are also requested. I received one suggestion to ask LCI to send representatives to present seminars that may have been presented at other venues such as the USA/Canada Forum. Council approval required. The MD GLT will continue to encourage the District GLTs to tout the training available on line at the Lions Learning Center. In addition to online courses, the Learning Center offers individual training guides, instructor guides, and power point presentations in a number of areas. These may be very beneficial in ensuring that incoming Club/District officers receive the latest information and guidance in administering their organization. We will also reiterate the availability of District GLT funding grants for training on CEP, Zone Chairs, and Certified Guiding Lions. I would also encourage each District GLT Coordinator to share their plans with other Coordinators and invite attendance at activities in order to broaden all of our perspectives. Global Membership Team, PCC Grant E. Curtis (22-D), Coordinator: Our membership numbers are better than last year, but still not where we all want them to be. I have confidence that we will improve during the next year and hopefully all districts will show a plus in membership. I will be sending the DG’s membership ideas that I hope they will have published in their newsletters. All of the GMTs and I are available to visit clubs and help them increase their membership. WE need to get the extension team into all the districts this year and start new clubs. I thank the council for allowing me to serve. Hearing and Speech, Lion Dale Strait (22-A) Chairman: I’d like to report that the Multiple District Hearing and Speech Program is alive and well. But, in all honesty, I cannot. There is only one active, productive program and that one is in District 22A. The program is coordinated and administered by a separate foundation established in the District that is strongly committed to the hearing assistance program. The program owes its success to leadership support, good funding support by district clubs, and a partnership with Towson University’s clinical audiology department whose audiology service fees are very reasonable. This department welcomes Lions clients because they provide excellent clinical practice for its doctor of audiology candidates. The main impediments in other MD22 sub-districts to an active program is lack of low cost audiology services, lack of central coordination, and no coordinated funding source. Each club is pretty much left up to its own devices and motivation. At least one club is fortunate to have an audiologist as a member. There are no Pg. 8 audiology degree granting colleges in Delaware or Western Maryland. The closest source to Western Maryland is Pittsburgh University. Gallaudet University in the District of Columbia and the University of Maryland College Park offer degrees in 22C. One or more of these schools might welcome a partnership with Lions. The impact of vision loss is well understood and widely advertised in the Lions community. Unfortunately, this is not the case with loss of hearing. All Lions are aware of Helen Keller’s call to be “Knights of the Blind” but few appreciate the fact that Ms Keller was also deaf. This is what she had to say about her afflictions, “I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more important than those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune. For it means the loss of the most vital stimulus-- the sound of the voice that brings language, sets thoughts astir, and keeps us in the intellectual company of man.” The Lions hearing assistance program has to grow and be strengthened as the population ages and the ear bud generation begins to see the effects of years of loud sounds. The hearing assistance programs of the Multiple District need and deserve the full support of all Lions including the Council of Governors. I’d like to thank the Council for providing me the opportunity to work with like-minded District Coordinators who are doing their best under difficult circumstances. Information Technology, Lion Richard Waughtal (22-D), Chairperson: Multiple District websites ( & continue to receive increased patronage from many diverse visitors. "Primary Lions Usage" is defined as the nine months including September through May. For the 2012-2013 primary time period, our MD 22 website averaged 1803 discrete visits per month. This is up from the previous Lions Year by about 30%! A remarkable improvement and a sign that content is becoming more useful. Our peak month of usage continues to be March; during this month we averaged 74 visits per day for a total of 2290 visits. The vast majority of website visits encompass Lions and others visiting Multiple District 22 (92%) and for the Lions Youth Foundation (3%). However, outside the USA, for whatever reason we continue to get a significant number of hits (5%) from worldwide visitors, including Canada at (1%). So the question remains; how do we better serve our website(s) visitors? Simplification of the website seems to be a good answer based upon recent history. Thus, we plan remodeling the site during the "calm" summer months to focus on the commonly used pages & page links, with an eye to discarding the old. Secondly, we plan focusing more on providing answers to questions that all Lions have on their minds, such as; how do we communicate even more effectively. Of course, to accomplish these tasks the webmaster must always have input; thus helping immensely in keeping the site relevant. In support of these goals, we look forward to receiving the 2013-2014 input for the changes needed to the Lions Youth Foundation site and the MD 22 site as well. This new content, plus other suggestions will be posted promptly. Thus we can help insure the Multiple District Lions will be kept up to date as possible. Since hearing no objection or receiving any other thoughts on the subject the "A World Above... A Step Ahead" motto, as currently displayed on the website, will remain as a common icon. Keep in mind the old theory, any input is better than no input! Anyway. Thanks so much for your continued support! Pg. 9 2013 International Convention, PDG John Cullison 22-A, Chair A summary for the 2013 International Convention at Hamburg, Germany follows: Officially there were 57 MD-22 people signed up (MD-22 Registrant Directory attached) to attend the 2013 International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. There was a MD-22 hospitality suite at the Novotel Hamburg Alster Hotel. The Suite was opend from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. everyday. Light refreshments were served. Convention and Hamburg information was made available in the Suite. There were approximately 100 visits to the Suite during the convention Location to be announced at beginning of the convention. Funding for refreshments was not allocated in the budget. Thank you to all who participated in and/or provided uniforms for the International parade. There were approximately 40 MD 22 people that participated in the International Parade. The MD-22 parade uniform was the same as previous years. Everybody that marched in the parade had the patriotic vests and a handful had hats. Unfortunately, the parade banners and flags did not make it to the Parade. An attempted delivery to the MD-22 hotel in Hamburg of the 65lb box was made on the July 14th! The box is being returned to PDG John Cullison. As of 2 Aug the box is on a plane to New York. All who had lent parade unifom materials will get their materials back. Word has it that the banners and flags will travel next year to Toront by privately owned vehicle! The MD-22 and MD14 combined breakfast held on July 7, 2013 8:00 a.m. at the Novotel Hamburg Alster was a success. MD-22 paid $1260 for 45 people to attend. The room was filled to capacity with about 150 people. Cost for MD-22 was be $20 per person thanks to the gracious $8.00 subsidy per person provided by the MD-22 COG. Payment for the 2013 MD-22 International Convention pins has not been received from two Districts. Districts need to make checks payable to John Lawrence. Current MD-22 budget is attached. There are some unfinished items to account for but its looks like we will not be over budget. Thank you to PCC John Lawrence for all of his assistance in making it an enjoyable experience, and thank you the the COG for their financial support and patience. Budget for Lions Year 2012-2013 Revenue Dues Billed Paid 22A 1006 members @ $.75 $754.50 754.50 22B 1456 members @ $.75 $1092.00 1092.00 22C 1578 members @ $.75 $1183.50 1183.00 22D 1299 members @ $.75 $974.25 974.25 22W 1956 members @ $.75 $1467.50 1467.50 Dues Total $5471.25 Pg. 10 Pin Sales Billed Paid 22A 220 @ $2 $440 440 22B 250 @ $2 $500 500 22C 250 @ $2 $500 Not paid 22D 225 @ $2 $450 450 22W 200 @ $2 $400 Not Paid Pin Sales Total Convention Pin Sales 125 @ $2 $250 MD 22 Breakfast for 40 attendees @ $28.00 $2290.00 ? $1120 Convention Pin Sales &MD-22 Breakfast Total Total $1370.00 $9131.25 Expenses Pins – 1400 @ $1.42 $1998.00 Chairman Expenses Hotel -6 nights @ $175.00 Travel to Hamburg, Germany Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration Budgeted $1050.00 Actual $1208.51 Budgeted $1500.00 Actual $1468.00 Budgeted $500.00 Actual $150.00 Actual $100.00 Budgeted Total Total $3150.00 Actual $2926.51 Pg. 11 Vice Chairman Hotel – 6 nights @175.00 Budgeted $1050.00 Actual Travel to Hamburg, Germany $818.06 Budgeted $1500.00 Actual Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration Budgeted $500.00 Actual $150.00 Actual $100.00 Total Printing/Postage Budgeted Actual Hospitality Room Budgeted Actual $3150.00 + $250.00 $0.00 + $200.00 $0.00 MD 22 Breakfast for 40 Attendees @ $28/person Budgeted Paid for 45 attendees @ 28$/person Actual $1260.00 Exhibit Booth at MD 22 Convention Budgeted + $125.00 Actual Shipping Expenses for Banners and Flags Budgeted Actual Total Expenses Budgeted +$1120.00 ? +$300.00 $223.52 $10293.00 Actual Total revenue $9131.25 Actual Difference - 1161.75 Pg. 12 Summary of Bank Account (as of March 3, 2013) Initial Deposit (International Convention 2012-2013 dues) $5496.23 Balance (as of Aug 3, 2013) $7781.82 Multiple District 22 (MD-22) Breakfast Reservation Form Sunday, July 7, 2013 8:00 a.m. Novotel Hamburg Alster 2013 LCI International Convention – Hamburg, Germany This year MD-22 will be joining MD-14 (Pennsylvania) for the annual breakfast at the LCI International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. The buffet type breakfast will be on Sunday July 7, 2013 at the Novotel Hamburg Alster, Lubecker Strasse 3, Hamburg, Germany. Cost will be $20.00 per person (actual cost is $28.00 but the MD-22 Council of Governors has graciously agreed to provide an $8.00 subsidy). The Menu: Warm dishes: Mini Meatballs Scrambled eggs Nuernberger Sausage Fried Mushrooms Waffles Various fresh fruits Fruit salad (slices of peach, mixed berries,) Birchlermusli ( a type of granola) Various types of yogurt and curds Cheeseplate (various types of fresh cheese) Cold cuts Variations of salmon (smoked,”graved”) Vegetable sticks Tomato & mozzarella Various types of rolls, croissants, bread and jams /jellies Chocolate croissants Franzbrotchen Cake Space for the breakfast is limited to 150 people and MD-14 is expecting approximately 100 to attend the breakfast. MD-22 currently has 56 people registerd to attend the International Convention so it is essential to please notify myself or PCC John Lawrence as soon as possible if you plan to attend the breakfast. -------------------------------------------------------------------Name District E-mail Phone Number _______________________ 22- __________________ __________________ _______________________ 22- __________________ __________________ Pg. 13 Please make check payable to: John Lawrence Cost is $20.00 per person Return completed form with check to: PCC John Lawrence 105 Acorn Drive Chestertown, MD 21620 Phone (410) 725-0150 E-mail: [email protected] Or PDG John S. Cullison 2832 Sagewood Drive Glenwood, MD 21738 Phone: (410) 489-2975 E-mail: [email protected] We look forward to seeing you in Hamburg! Pg. 14 2012-2013 MD-22 International Convention Committee Report May 13, 2013 Preparations for MD-22 participation at the 2013 International Convention at Hamburg, Germany are nearly complete: Currently there are 57 MD-22 people signed up (MD-22 Registrant Directory attached) to attend the 2013 International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. The MD-22 parade uniform will be the same as previous years. Patriotic vest (red white and blue design), white pants, white shoes, hat if available. Current MD-22 budget is attached. MD-22 Hamburg Convention pins were delivered to the MD-22 Districts by early Jan 2013. Invoices were sent to the respective Districts on May 12, 2013. Districts need to make checks payable to John Lawrence. 2013 International Convention Parade application was submiited and MD-22 has been confirmed by LCI as a participant in the non-competative category. MD-22 and MD14 combined breakfast has been confirmed for July 7, 2013 8:00 a.m. at the Novotel Hamburg Alster. Capacity is for 150 people. MD-14 expects approx 105 people. Currently 29 MD-22 peolple have signed up for the breakfast. Cost will be $20 per person thanks to the graciuos $8.00 subsidy per person provided by the MD-22 COG. Reservation forms will be sent to all attendees (Breakfast Reservation Form attached). A MD-22 hospitality suite has been confirmed at the Novotel Hamburg Alster hotel. Location to be announced at beginning of the convention. Funding for refreshments not allocated in the budget. Areas of concern: Limited MD-22 International Convention Uniforms available. Need help in scouring up uniforms from members not attending this year’s International Convention. Limited number of breakfast tickets available. Not all 57 MD-22 members will be able to attend the breakfast. Current estimate allows up to 46 MD-22 people. 29 members have signed up as of May 11,2013. Other information: Tour information available upon request. Keynote speaker will be former U.S. First Lady Laura Bush. She will spaek on her involvement with global issues. Famous Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli will sing at the third plenary. Performance at the International Show by “Up with People” Complete list of seminars at the convention can be found at On behalf of the 2013 MD-22 International Convention Committee I would like to thank the 2012-2013 Council of Governors and MD-22 family for their wonderful support which will ensure a successful convention in Hamburg. Now let’s get ready to have some fun! Vielen Dank (many thanks), John Cullison Pg. 15 Registrant Directory 2013 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ALLARO, GIRMA MD-22 3414 CHISWICK CT SILVER SPRING, MD 20901USA 301 675 7786-Tel [email protected] LINDNER PARK HOTEL HAGENBECK BRUCE, ANGELA MD-22 6722 MINK HOLLOW ROAD HIGHLAND, MD 20777 USA 301 854 0096-Tel 301 854 0096-Fax [email protected] ATKINS, JAE MD-22 225 CANAL PARK DRIVE #12 SALISBURY, MD 21804-7265 USA 410 422 4715-Tel 410 422 4715-Fax [email protected] BRUCE, ROBERT PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 6722 MINK HOLLOW ROAD HIGHLAND, MD 20777 USA 301 854 0096-Tel 301 854 0096-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER ATKINS, JOHN PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 225 CANAL PARK DRIVE #12 SALISBURY, MD 21804-7265 USA 410 422 4715-Tel 410 422 4715-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER BRUMBACK, ANN MD-22 2112 SYKESVILLE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 USA 410 857 1028-Tel 410 857 1028-Fax [email protected] BARB, LOIS MD-22 6404 BUSHEY DRIVE CAMP SPRINGS, MD 20748 USA 301 449 7107-Tel 301 449 7107-Fax [email protected] CHAN, BRINDISI MD-22 12051 INDIAN CREEK COURT BELTSVILLE, MD 20705 USA 3016836034-Tel [email protected] SCANDIC HAMBURG EMPORIO BARB, RICHARD PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 6404 BUSHEY DRIVE CAMP SPRINGS, MD 20748 USA 301 449 7107-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER Cullison, Jeri Jo MD-22 2832 SAGEWOOD DRIVE GLENWOOD, MD 21738 USA 410 484 2975-Tel 410 484 2975-Fax [email protected] BRINCKMEYER, GUYLA MD-22 27360 MARTINS FARM ROAD MILTON, DE 19968 USA 302 223 8752-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER BRINCKMEYER, JACK MD-22 27360 MARTINS FARM ROAD MILTON, DE 19968 USA 302 223 8752-Tel 302 223 8752-Fax [email protected] CULLISON, JOHN PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 2832 SAGEWOOD DRIVE GLENWOOD, MD 21738 USA 410 484 2975-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER DAVIS, BARBARA MD-22 1416 STONE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 3163-Tel 410 848 3163-Fax [email protected] Pg. 16 DAVIS, ROY MD-22 1416 STONE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 3163-Tel 410 848 3163-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER HAWKINS, PAUL RUSSELL DGE-SPOUSE/COMPANION MD-22 17807 LAFAYETTE DRIVE OLNEY, MD 20832 USA [email protected] EITEMILLER, ELIZABETH DGE-SPOUSE/COMPANION MD-22 7202 PATTON DR WOODBINE, MD 21797-9223 USA [email protected] JONES, CHERYL MD-22 29429 EDGEWOOD AVE LAUREL, DE 19956 USA 3028757767-Tel 3028757767-Fax [email protected] EITEMILLER, KENT DISTRICT GOVERNOR - ELECT MD-22 7202 PATTON DR WOODBINE, MD 21797-9223 USA [email protected] HAMBURG MARRIOTT HOTEL JONES, FRANKLIN DISTRICT GOVERNOR - ELECT MD-22 5849 PENNY LANE SALISBURY, MD 21801 USA [email protected] HAMBURG MARRIOTT HOTEL FOSTER, SAMUEL MD-22 116 CLUBSIDE DRIVE TANEYTOWN, MD 21787 USA 410-756-4994-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER JONES, LAURIE DGE-SPOUSE/COMPANION MD-22 5849 PENNY LANE SALISBURY, MD 21801 USA [email protected] GUDE, ANNE MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] JONES, ROBERT PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 29429 EDGEWOOD AVE LAUREL, DE 19956 USA 3028757767-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER GUDE, JESSICA MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] KIDWELL, SUSAN MD-22 149 DUVAL LANE EDGEWATER, MD 21037 USA 410 370 0844-Tel 410 370 0844-Fax [email protected] GUDE, KARL PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER KIDWELL, WILLIAM MD-22 149 DUVAL LANE EDGEWATER, MD 21037 USA 410 370 0844-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER HAWKINS, ELIZABETH CAHOO DISTRICT GOVERNOR - ELECT MD-22 17807 LAFAYETTE DRIVE OLNEY, MD 20832 USA [email protected] HAMBURG MARRIOTT HOTEL KROESEN, LYNN MD-22 26169 TUSCANY DRIVE MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA 302 934 6363-Tel 302 934 6363-Fax [email protected] Pg. 17 KUSIAK, CLEMENT PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT MD-22 6302 HOMEWOOD RD LINTHICUM, MD 21090-2108 USA 410-850-5099-Tel 410-850-5099-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG KUSIAK, JEANNE MD-22 6302 HOMEWOOD RD LINTHICUM, MD 21090-2108 USA 410-850-5099-Tel 410-850-4411-Fax [email protected] LAWRENCE, JOHN PAST COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON MD-22 105 ACORN DRIVE CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 USA 410 725 0150-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER LEISTER, SHARON MD-22 2112 SYKESVILLE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 USA 410 857 1028-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER LIEBNO, RICHARD PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 115 ROCKLAND ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 4929-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER LIEBRO, GRACE MD-22 115 ROCKLAND ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 4929-Tel 410 848 4929-Fax [email protected] MINNICH, JAMES JOSEPH PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 228 SANDRA ROAD WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302 654 7326-Tel [email protected] HOTEL BASELER HOF MINNICH, LORRAINE MD-22 228 SANDRA ROAD WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302 654 7326-Tel 302 654 7326-Fax [email protected] MURDOCK-NILES, HELGA R. MD-22 5707 MARBLE ARCH WAY ALEXANDRIA, VA 22315 USA 703 971 7855-Tel 703 971 7855-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER PHILLIPS, MARY LEE DISTRICT GOVERNOR - ELECT MD-22 30206 ZACHARY TAYLOR CT MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA [email protected] HAMBURG MARRIOTT HOTEL REIVER, ALAN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR MD-22 1207 NORBEE DR WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302-762-6970-Tel 302-764-5086-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG REIVER, ANN MD-22 1207 NORBEE DR WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302-762-6970-Tel 302-764-5086-Fax [email protected] SCHIEFERSTEIN, RALPH PAST COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON MD-22 77 VALERY DRIVE FELTON, DE 19943 USA 302-284-9730-Tel 302-284-9730-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER SCHIEFERSTEIN, SHEILA MD-22 77 VALERY DRIVE FELTON, DE 19943 USA 302-284-9730-Tel 302-284-9730-Fax [email protected] Pg. 18 SCHOONOVER, CAROL MD-22 105 ACORN DRIVE CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 USA 410 725 0150-Tel 410 725 0150-Fax [email protected] SCOTT, DANIEL DISTRICT GOVERNOR - ELECT MD-22 3862 NORRISVILLE RD JARRETTSVILLE, MD 21084-1422 USA [email protected] HAMBURG MARRIOTT HOTEL SCOTT, MARY BETH DGE-SPOUSE/COMPANION MD-22 3862 NORRISVILLE RD JARRETTSVILLE, MD 21084-1422 USA [email protected] SCOTT, MICHAEL J. MD-22 PO BOX 297 1 MONTCHANIN COURT MONTCHANIN, DE 19710 USA 3026582195-Tel 3026582195-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER Sherwood, Douglas MD-22 5800 Griffith Rd. Laytonsville, MD 20882-2029 USA 301-253-6064-Tel 301-253-6064-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER STEELE, WAYNE CLUB SECRETARY MD-22 206 PHILADELPHIA STREET REHOBOTH BEACH, DE 19971 USA 302-236-3975-Tel 302-236-3975-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER TRAVERS, CHARLENE DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 P.O. BOX 613 HEBRON, MD 21830 USA 410 546-2086-Tel 410 546-2086-Fax [email protected] TRAVERS, DARLEY, PAST INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR MD-22 P.O. BOX 613 HEBRON, MD 21830 USA 410 546-2086-Tel 410 546-2086-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG WHEELER, JAY MD-22 26169 TUSCANY DRIVE MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA 302 934 6363-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER Sherwood, Gertrude MD-22 5800 Griffith Rd. Laytonsville, MD 20882-2029 USA 301-253-6064-Tel 301-253-6064-Fax [email protected] SHOCKLEY, MARY BEATRICE DGE-SPOUSE/COMPANION MD-22 30206 ZACHARY TAYLOR CT MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA [email protected] STEELE, CAROL MD-22 206 PHILDELPHIA STREET REHOBOTH BEACH, DE 19971 USA 302-236-3975-Tel 302-236-3975-Fax [email protected] Pg. 19 Leader Dog, Lion Glenn Owens 22-B, Chairman : Donations from District 22-A Constituent Name Cash Aberdeen Leo Club Aberdeen Lioness-Lions Club Aberdeen Lions Club Annapolis Lions Club Baltimore Brooklyn Lions Club Baltimore Forty West Lions Club Baltimore Host Lions Club Baltimore Korean American Lions Club Bel Air Leo/Hope Club Bel Air Lions Club Bushy Park Junior Leo Club Calloway Gardens Leo Club Catonsville Lions Club Churchville Lions Club Clarksville Lions Club Cockeysville Timonium Lions Club Columbia Lions Club Darlington Lions Club District 22-A Dundalk Lions Club East Anne Arundel Lions Club Edgewood Lions Club Ellicott City Lions Essex Middle River Chase Lions Club Fallston High School Leo Club Fallston Lions Club Folly Quarter Leo Club Frances Scott Key Leo Club Glen Burnie Lions Club Glenwood Leo Club Glenwood Lions Club Hannah More Leo Club Harbour School Leo Club Havre De Grace Lions Club Hereford High School Leo Club Jarrettsville Lions Club Joppatowne Leo club Joppatowne Lions Club Linthicum Lions Club Lions Association for Sight and Hearing of MD Lisbon Junior Leo Club Long Green Valley Lions Club -------------$720.00 $35.00 $20.00 $120.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 ------------$520.00 ----------------------$20.00 $320.00 $520.00 $220.00 $20.00 $220.00 $101.00 $70.00 $120.00 $270.00 $20.00 $145.00 ------------$220.00 ---------------------------$20.00 --------$1,020.00 --------------------------$20.00 $100.00 $2,150.00 ------------$120.00 $120.00 -----------------------$320.00 Pg. 20 Constituent Name Cash Oak Crest Village Lions Club Overlea Lions Club Perry Hall-Kingsville Lions Club Reisterstown L:ions club Severn River Lions Club Severna Park Middle School Youth Rise Leo Club South Anne Arundel Lions club West Arundel Lions Club $95.00 $20.00 $170.00 $220.00 $580.00 ------------$20.00 $20.00 Grand Total $8,736.00 67 gifts (s) listed 36 Donor (s) listed Donations from District 22-B Constituent Name Cash Allen Lions Club Berlin Lioness Club Berlin Lions Club Betterton Still Pond Lions Club Cambridge Lions Club Cecil County Leo Club Cecilton Lions Club Centreville Lions Club Chesapeake City Lions Club Chestertown Lions Club Conowingo Lions Club Crisfield Lioness Lions Club Crisfield Lions Club Deal Island Chance Lions Club Denton Lions Club District 22-B Easton Leo Club Easton Lions Club Elkton Lions Club Federalsburg Lions Club Fruitland Lions Club Galena Lions Club Greensboro Lions Club $50.00 $500.00 $500.00 $550.00 $500.00 $50.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $600.00 $2,700.00 $250.00 $250.00 --------------$500.00 $250.00 $1,314.30 $50.00 $500.00 $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $750.00 $500.00 Pg. 21 Constituent Name Cash Hebron Lions Club Hurlock Lions Club Kent Island Lions Club Marion Lions Club Marydel Lions Club Millington Lions Club Mount Hermon Salisbury Lions Club North East Leo Club North East Lions Club Ocean City Lioness Club Ocean City Lions Club Ocean City-Berlin Leo Club Ocean Pines Branch of the Berlin Lions Club Perryville Lions Club Pittsville Lions Club Pocomoke City Lions Club Port Deposit Lions Club Preston Lions Club Princess Anne Lioness Club Princess Anne Lions Club Queenstown Lions Club Ridgely Lions Club Rising Sun Lions Club Rock Hall Lions Club Salisbury Leo Club Salisbury Lions Club Salisbury Metro Lions Club Salisbury Wicomico Lions Club Sharptown Lions Club Snow Hill Lions Club Sudlersville Lions Club Trappe Lions Club University Of Maryland Eastern Shore Lions Club West Nottingham Leo Club West Side Wicomico Lions Club Willards Lions Club $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $235.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 -------------$500.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $501.52 $50.00 $100.00 $300.00 $100.00 $250.00 --------------$250.00 $280.00 $600.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $50.00 $1,200.00 $100.00 $750.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $350.00 $50.00 -----------$650.00 $500.00 Grand Totals $25,180.82 61 gift (s) listed 55 Donor (s) listed Pg. 22 Donations from District 22-C Constituent Name Cash Accokeek Area Bryans Road Lions Club Beltsville Lions Club Bowie Lions Club Brandywine Lions Club Burtonsville Lions Club Calvert County Lions Club Colesville Lions Club College Park Lions Club Columbia Heights Lions Club Damascus Lions Club District 22-C Gateway Lions Club Greenbelt Lions Club Hillcrest Marlow Heights Lions Club Hollywood Lions Club Hyattsville Lions Club Kensington Lions Club La Plata Lions Club Laurel Lions Club Laytonsville Lions Club Leonardtown Lions Club Lexington Park Lions Club Mechanicsville Lions Club Monocacy Lions Club Montgomery Central Derwood Lions Club Montgomery County Latino Lions Club Mount Rainier Brentwood Lions Club North Silver Spring Lions Club Northern Calvert Lions Club Olney Lions Club Potomac Lions Club Randolph Lions Club Riderwood Branch Club Ridge Lions Club Riverdale Lions Club Rockville Lions Club Sandy Spring Lions Club Silver Hill Lions Club Silver Spring Leisure World Lions Club Silver Spring Lions Club South Gate Clinton Lions Club South Potomac Lions Club $1,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 ---------------$500.00 $128.00 $100.00 $200.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $853.56 $228.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 ------------------------$500.00 $250.00 ------------$1,000.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 -----------$1,600.00 -----------$3,000.00 -----------$150.00 $805.00 ----------------------------------------------$100.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $1,025.00 $500.00 $2,500.00 $100.00 Pg. 23 Constituent Name Cash Suburban Lions Club Takoma Park Lions Club University Park Lions Club Upper Marlboro Lions Club Waldorf Lions Club Wash Palisades Georgetown Lions Club Washington Chi Am Lions Club Washington Fort Stevens Lions Club Washington Host Lions Club Washington Midtown Lions Club Washington Special Olympics Lions Club $500.00 $150.00 $100.00 $2,635.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 ---------------$300.00 ---------------------------------------- Grand Totals $27,874.56 56 gifts (s) listed 38 Donor (s) listed Donations from District 22-D Constituent Name Cash Brandywine Leo Club Bridgeville Lioness Club Bridgeville Lions Club Brookside Lions Club Camden Wyoming Lions Club Capitol City Lions Club Claymont Lions Club Clayton Lions Club Delaware City Lions Club Delmar Lions Club Dewey Beach Lions Club District 22-D Dover Lioness Club Dover Lions Club Fenwick Island Lions Club Frederica Spring Creek Lions Club Glasgow Lions Club Green Hills Lions Club Greenwood Lions Club Harrington Lions Club Indian River Leo Club Lake Forest Leo Club Laurel Leo Club ------------$100.00 $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $250.00 $135.00 $250.00 $5,000.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $1,100.00 $50.00 $100.00 $300.00 $75.00 $250.00 ---------------------------------------Pg. 24 Constituent Name Cash Laurel Lioness Club Laurel Lions Club Laurel Middle School Leo Club Lewes Lions Club Lord Baltimore Lioness Club Lord Baltimore Lions Club Middletown Lions Club Midway Lions Club Milford Leo Club Milford Lions Club Milford Senior High School Millsboro Lions Club Milton Lions Club Murderkill Leo Club Murderkill Lions Club New Castle Hundred Lions Club Newark Lions Club Pike Creek Valley Lions Club Rehoboth Beach Lions Club Seaford Lioness Club Seaford Lions Club Smyrna Lions Club Talleyville Naamans Lions Club Wilmington Gateway Lions Club Wilmington Manor Lions Club Woodbridge Leos Club $200.00 $1,000.00 ------------$556.50 $500.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $300.00 ------------$600.00 -------------$300.00 $300.00 -----------------$1,000.00 $500.00 $50.00 $100.00 $300.00 ------------------------------------------$50.00 ---------------$26,000.00 ----------------- Grand Totals $44,216.50 42 Gift(s) listed 36 Donor(s) listed Donations from District 22W Constituent Name Cash 4 County Lions Club of Mount Airy Boonsboro Lions Club Brunswick Lions Club Carroll Manor Urbana Lions Club Catoctin High School Leo Club Century Knights Leo Club Chewsville Lions Club $500.00 $200.00 $150.00 $250.00 $75.00 $25.00 $50.00 Pg. 25 Clear Spring Lions Club Cumberland Lions Club Deep Creek Lake Lions Club Deer Park Lions Club Emmitsburg Lions Club Frederick Francis Scott Key Lions Club Frederick Lions Club Freedom District Lions Club Friendsville Lions Club Frostburg Lions Club Funkstown Lions Club Glade Valley Lions Club Grantsville Lions Club Greater Carroll Lions Club Hagerstown Lioness Club Hagerstown Lions Club Hagerstown North Lions Club Hagerstown West Lions Club Halfway Lions Club Hampstead Lions Club Hancock Lioness Club Hancock Lions Club Harney Lions Club Kitzmiller Lions Club LaVale Lions Club Liberty High School Leo Club Libertytown Unionville Lions Club Lineboro Manchester Lions Club Lonaconing Lions Club Longmeadow Lions Club Middletown Lions Club Mount Airy Lions Club Mount Airy Middle School Leo Club Mount Savage Mason Dixon Lions Club Myersville Lions Club New Market District Lions Club New Windsor Lions Club Oakland Mountain Lake Park Lions Club Oldtown Lions Club Rawlings Potomac Valley Lions Club Roaring Run Lions Club Sharpsburg Lions Club Silver Run Union Mills Lions Club Smithsburg Lions Club South Carroll Lioness-Lions Club Taneytown Lions Club Taylorsville Winfield Lions Club $250.00 $100.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $400.00 $100.00 $500.00 $500.00 $60.00 $200.00 $250.00 $600.00 $500.00 $250.00 $200.00 $150.00 $100.00 $250.00 $50.00 $400.00 $100.00 $200.00 $150.00 $250.00 $800.00 $50.00 $500.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $700.00 $25.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 $300.00 $100.00 $100.00 $300.00 $150.00 $150.00 $300.00 $500.00 Pg. 26 Terra Rubra Lions Club Thurmont Lions Club Thurmont Middle School Leo Club Union Bridge Lions Club Valley Lions Club Westminster Charles Carroll Lions Club Westminster Lions Club Williamsport Lions Club Yellow Springs Lions Club Grand Totals $200.00 $415.00 $75.00 $500.00 $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $950.00 $250.00 $19,705.00 2 Gift(s) listed 2 Donor(s) listed Multiple District 22 Leo Club, Lion Sam Foster 22-W, Chairperson First, I would like to thank the Council Chair and Governors for the appointment as the MD Leo Club Chairperson for the term of 3 years. This position has been and continues to be a challenge. I have not been successful in establishing a Leo Multiple District to date; however, I haven’t given up and feel assured that it will happen eventually. I realize that the organization of a Leo Multiple District takes time and I’m looking forward to working with the incoming council chair and governors to make it happen. Our biggest challenge to moving ahead is getting together with all Leo Leaders, i.e., District Leo Chairs, Leo Advisors, Leo Presidents, etc. I will work with all and enlist the help of the Council to schedule a Leo Multiple District Conference as early as possible in this fiscal year. At this conference, I would hope to come away with a Leo Multiple District. Meanwhile there is much work to be done and 100% communication between and among myself, the Leo Chairs, Advisors, and other Leaders is a must. I will continue to work to make this happen. MD 22 Lions Club International Foundation LCIF, IPDG A. Kendall “Ken” Chew, III The Lions Clubs International Foundation has done marvelous things this year in strengthening the local communities in which we live and improving the lives of others less fortunate around the world. As our International President, Wayne A. Madden, said in the March, 2013 Lions magazine: “The most effective way to confront major problems in society is for people to band together and marshal resources. LCIF represents Lions at their best and at their most effective.” The Lions and their Lions Clubs of Multiple District 22 have benefitted from grants from LCIF and you have been generous in your support of LCIF. Superstorm Sandy wrecked havoc last October along the Atlantic Coast. One area in our Multiple that needed help was Crissfield, MD. An LCIF Emergency grant of $10,000 was made and Governor Charlene Travers and the Lions and Lioness Clubs of Crissfield delivered a truck load of needed supplies to the flooded community of Crissfield. This is only way that your Foundation has helped those in need. Pg. 27 The Lions and their Lions Clubs in Multiple District 22 have supported LCIF this current year with donations of $122,021.09. Thank you for your generous support. Over 58% of the clubs in Multiple have sent in funds to LCIF. While our Multiple District goal of $195,000, may seem far away; I am sure all of the Lions and Lions Clubs of Multiple District 22 will continue to support our Foundation. I want thank my fellow District Coordinators for their efforts this year in promoting LCIF and I encourage all Convention attendees to visit the LCIF booth in the exhibit hall and try to attend one of the two LCIF seminars. Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF) PDG Theodore "Ted" Ladd (22-C), Chair Over this past Lion Year, the Lions of MD-22 have worked together and accomplished the following through their support of the Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF): ● Exceeded the annual fundraising goal. This resulted from Club donations, LVRF dinners in Districts 22-B, 22D, and 22-W, Arnall Patz Fellowships, the Aim for Sight, the Trunk of Treasures raffle, Candy Days, the Talk for Sight, the Side of Beef Raffle, Make a Difference Day award in 22-W, Memorials, Honorariums and other donations. It took a lot of work and dedication, but together we exceeded the goal. ● Sponsored our 4th annual post-Doctoral intern, Dr. Nicole Ross. ● Produced a new power point presentation on the Wilmer Eye Institute, thanks to PDG Bob Muchow, 22-A, Chairman of the LVRF Speakers Bureau. ● Held the annual “LVRF at the Wilmer Rally” on November 17, 2012 entitled, “Safari for Sight.” The Rally featured presentations by Wilmer Eye Institute Director, Dr. Peter McDonnell, Lions Vision Center Program Manager, Jim Deremeik, and Chief of the Low Vision & Vision Rehabilitation Service, Dr. Judy Goldstein. Dr. Goldstein introduced Lions Vision Center Fellow, Dr. Nicole Ross. In their testimonials, two clients described life changing help the Wilmer Eye Clinic had given them. LVRF Development Chairman, PDG John Shwed, enveloped in a Lion costume and helped to the stage by LVRF Admin. Assistant, Heather Mays, provided an outstanding presentation on LVRF development. Significant donations from Clubs and individuals were then accepted by PGDs Shwed and Ted Ladd. In closing remarks, Molly Dolan, Associate Director of Development at the Wilmer Eye Institute, invited attendees to lunch and tours of the Lions Low Vision Clinic. Mrs. Ellen Patz attended the Rally, approached the podium at the closing, and warmly expressed thanks to the Lions of MD-22 for supporting the Dr. Arnall Patz endowed Professorship at the Lions Vision Center. ● Sponsored an outstanding seminar at the MD-22 Convention in Ocean City on May 15, 2013 attended by 55 and featuring a presentation on project LOVRNET, a plan for providing low vision care to clients in Maryland, Delaware and Washington, D.C., by Dr. Bob Massof. Attendees also witnessed a moving testimonial from a client with low vision, and the presentation of $5,000 to the LVRF by District 22-W Governor, Paul Cannada. Dr. Bob Massof, Founding Director of the Lions Low Vision Center, was honored as a “Champion of Change” at the White House on 3 October 2012 for his exemplary work in using technology to help the visually impaired. Dr. Massof was one of 11 outstanding Lions across the country so honored. Overall, it was a very good year. Pg. 28 Lions Youth Foundation of MD-22, PDG Gary "Buck" Fisher (22-W), Chairman As Lions Youth foundation chairperson, I wish to thank all Lions of Multiple District 22 for their continued support of the Lions Youth Foundation. We are celebrating our 5th Anniversary. At the end of our Lions year, we have 77 Fellows consisting of 2 Diamonds, 5 Gold, 11 Silver, and 58 Bronze. Since starting we have had 14 applications for grants. After a review we have accepted 8 of the applications for grants and the other 6 were not accepted because Lions were not actively involved in the projects. I encourage all Lions Clubs in the Multiple to apply for fellowships for their members or non – members as a way to help fund this great Foundation started by Past International President Clem Kusiak . I encourage all Lions Clubs with Youth Projects to please apply for a grant and make use of your youth recognition volunteers with LYF Fellowships. These Fellowships can be presented at the Multiple District Convention or at Special Award functions in your home Club or District Meetings. Of the total 77 Fellows that we have at the end of this Lions Year, we presented 4 Gold Fellowships, 2 Silver Fellowships and 5 Bronze Fellowships. MD22 Multiple Convention 2013 Chair, PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C), (Vice-Chairman), PDG Bob Jones (22-D), (Treasurer) IPDG Steve Finger (22-W) The 2012-2013 convention committee was determined to get started early with the planning of the 91st Multiple District 22 Convention in Ocean City, MD, so on April 4, 2012 the TEAM visited the Roland E. Powell Convention Center and spoke with Lion Fred Wise, Director of Sales, for introductions and to start the process. On June 2, 2012, the TEAM started our process of looking at various hotels and selected the princess Royale as the Headquarters Hotel. Also selected were hotels based on the range of prices we could offer the Lions, named hotels and the closeness to the Convention Center. These hotels included the Princess Bayside, The Hilton, The Holiday Inn, Oceanfront and the Quality Inn, Oceanfront. On July 24, 2012, contracts were signed for the hotels. Looking for other activities for our Lions, Lionesses, Leos and guests to participate in a new activity, Lions Putt Putt Tournament was suggested. The committee met with the Old Pro Miniature Golf on 68th Street on June 2, 2012 to set up the Tournament. With these first steps finally started, information could be put out to the Lions instead of waiting until December when the official first mailing would go out. Each month, starting in July, the Committee put out a newsletter that was sent to all newsletter editors and email editors highlighting the hotels, Convention Center and other activities of our convention. A little snag in our planning was the complication inherited with the 23rd Cruisin' Ocean City Car Show where 30,000 Hot Rod, Customs, Classic and Trucks take over Ocean City at and around the Convention Center. Initially, they were setting up on the Thursday which was our last day; however, they decided to start set-up on Wednesday and the car show to start on Thursday, creating major parking issues for the Lions. The committee discussed this new development and after research with the Princess Royale Hotel to determine if they could accommodate our activities on Thursday, a decision was made, for the good of the Lions, to move all the Thursday's activities to the hotel. By doing this, it would relieve our Lions of the problems associated with congestion and no parking at the Convention Center with this decision made and discussed with the Convention Pg. 29 Center and Lion Fred, the contract was officially signed on November 22, 2012 with us only utilizing the Convention Center on Monday, May 13th to Wednesday, May 15th. On a positive note, this move provided a substantial savings with regard to the catering at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center, Centerplate and the room cost. Entertainment is an activity that is hard to decide and please everyone. The committee discussed a typical PreEntertainment that we have had in the past. In a discussion with the incoming DGs Candidates (1st VDGs) and a few of the current 2nd VDGs about our suggested vision for their hospitality rooms "A Walk Down Boardwalk", we discussed an ice cream social for this pre-event. This event had been done once after a PreEntertainment Night some years ago. We asked other Lions what they thought, receiving positive results. locale DJ RUPE was recommended to us and a contract was started. Since the Atrium of the Princess Royale Hotel was a perfect format for this type of event, contact was made with them regarding the ice cream part of the Social. With many Lions coming from a distance, especially on a Monday where some might have to work before coming, this will give the Lions an opportunity to relax, visit with friends they have not seen in a while and enjoy music and light refreshments. On July 29, 2012, during the MD 22 Convention Turnover Meeting, the Council Chair and District Governors were provided with the rotational listing of all the committees of the convention that needed to be filled and a book of descriptions for those committees. Thinking that getting this information to them early, they could identify individuals who they could put in these positions during their visitations. Mid-Winter Conference On February 2, 2013, the mid-Winter Conference was held at the site of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, Maryland. Letters of invite were sent on November 1, 2012 to the Council Chair, District Governors, first/Second VDGs, Cabinet Secretaries, Cabinet Treasurers, Past International President Clement Kusiak, International Director Ted Reiver, Past International Director Darley T. Travers and Past International Director Joseph F. Gaffigan. This conference provided an overview of the progress at the convention to that point along with a PowerPoint presentation of what to expect at the convention. In attendance were forty (40) out of forty nine (49) invited. Future Site Reviews The committee was asked by this year's Council to check out Gettysburg for a future site for 2017. The committee also met with Dover Downs which is the site of the 2015 Convention sothat we, especially treasurer Stephen Finger, who will be chairman that year, could meet with the Sales Manager assigned to the contract, inspect the facilities after renovations completed since our last convention there and review the sales proposal developed in response to our updated solicitation for 2015 convention services. The chairman of the committee prepared a chart of places that might be able to hold future conventions in the Maryland, District of Columbia and Delaware areas. A notebook was created for the COGs to be passed on to future COGs with all the current site contracts to date. It was presented to CC Dorothy Culver along with the listing of sites at the COG/Convention Turnover Meeting on July, 2012. Pg. 30 Convention Mailing Housing information was sent out in our monthly newsletters and included the addresses, phone numbers and costs for the five preferred hotels. A list of the preferred hotels is listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Princess Royal Hotel - Headquarters The Princess Bayside The Hilton Hotel The Holiday Inn, Oceanside The Quality Inn, Oceanside The registration booklet "First Mailing" was emailed to all DGs and Cabinet Secretaries on December 11, 2013 and included registration forms for the convention events, the golf tournament, Lions Putt Putt Tournament, exhibitors' tables and a schedule of events. They were also sent to the following: International Director Ted Reiver, PIP Clement Kusiak, PID Joseph Gaffigan, PID Darley T. Travers, Past District Governors, Club presidents and Club Secretaries in the Multiple District at the same time. In March 2013, the "First Mailing" information was emailed to the Cabinet Secretaries of each District and asked to forward to all of their Club Presidents and Secretaries. As noted, all official functions of the convention were held at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center or the Princess Royale Hotel with the exception of the golf tournament which was held at the Bay Club (West) Golf Course, Berlin and the Lions Putt Putt Tournament, Old pro Golf on 68th Street in Ocean City. The Convention Program Book this year had the International President's theme and logo, "In a World of Service". A second theme was adopted by the committee: "Where the Fun Begins". The program book began with a welcome message from the Council of Governors followed by the picture and biography of International President, Wayne Madden from Auburn, Indiana. This was a great treat to have our International President and Lion Linda in attendance. We were happy to have all of our own International family also in attendance this year: ID ted River and Lion Ann, PIP Clement Kusiak and Lion Jeannie, PID Joseph Gaffigan and Lion Eileen and PID Darley Travers and DG Charlene. Pictures and biographies of our Council of Governors, information on our 1st and 2nd VDGs followed. Daily schedules were included as well as the sub-committee chairs and members. A listing was made of all Past District Governors to honor those who have served our Districts so well in the past. Finally, the future dates for our upcoming MD22 conventions, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forums and the International Conventions were listed for attendees' information. This year, all the computer graphics, pictures and final draft work for the newsletters, program and necrology books were finalized by 2nd VDG Cheryl Jones, spouse of Convention Vice-Chair PDG Bob Jones, MD22 Convention Committee and reviewed by all members of the committee. All printing of material which included the program meal tickets, necrology book, program book and final report were done by Northstar Family Press in White Marsh, Maryland. Pg. 31 2012-2013 MDCC Financial Final Report, IPDG Steve Finger, Convention Treasurer: The committee's initial projected budget was based on last year's pre-convention registrations (705) and updated to reflect projected costs for Ocean City. The committee requested a donation of $4,200.00 from the Council of Governors to offset projected committee and convention costs. To provide a quality convention atmosphere and offer a good value for Lions, Lioness, Leos and guests to enjoy was the committee's primary goal. The committee planned and received approval for new revenue streams to provide additional net income. These included that sale of print ads for the official program book and a Treasure Chest of items raffle. They returned net incomes of $1,020.00 and $241.00, respectively. The golf tournament, new mini-golf tournament, 50/50 raffle, and tail twister net incomes were as good as or better than projected. The committee sought and gained approval to make some changes in the convention event venues. By moving the Pre-convention events on Monday and the Day Three events on Thursday to the princess Royale Hotel, a cost savings in convention space rental and food costs of approximately $4,200 were realized. The committee negotiated with the venue and hotel providers to get contracts as reasonable as possible yet maintain the quality and atmosphere that our convention is known for. The committee is returning$854.85 to the Council of Governors. Pg. 32 Pg. 33 Pg. 34 MD 22 Preschool Vision Screening, Lion Donald Rae (22-B), Coordinator: Other than some screening statistics, there is nothing much different from my report one month ago. Although somewhat frustrated by problems that I brought to your attention in April, I was happy to serve as the coordinator. I have been actively involved in this program since its inception, on the PSVS committee, chairman of the foundation, and local screening, I would suggest that in the future the COGs appoint a current member of the committee, or recently a member, to be coordinator. A lot had transpired since I last served at the Multiple District level. Asked at the last meeting for our roster, I could not comply, but it is as follows: District 22-A Dale Strait-vice chairman 815 W. Benfield Blvd. Severna Park, MD 21146 410-987-4879 Email: [email protected] Jess Davis Program Coordinator-PSVSP 23293 By The Mill Road California, MD 20619 301-863-2561 [email protected] Oliver Wittig—secretary 343 Preswick Way Severna Park, MD 21146 410-647-7338 Email:[email protected] Bruce Maynard 82940 Rolon Creek Drive Lexington Park, MD 20653 301-737-0807 [email protected] District 22-B Don Rae-chairman 5452 Mt. Holly Rd. E. New Market, MD 21632 410-228-5262 [email protected] District 22-D Jack Brinckmeyer-, treasurer 16 Brooklyn Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-8752 cell 302-381-5338 Email: brinckmeyer Ben Cassell 204 Eareckson Lane Stevensville, MD 21666 410-643-1977 Cell:410-739-7069 Email:[email protected] Rennie Quible PO Box 308 Little Creek, DE 19961 Email: [email protected] 302-677-0860 District 22-C James M. Cocchiaro President- LCOF 10911 Atwell Avenue Bowie, MD 20720 301-262-4495 [email protected] District 22-W Elwood Glass, 14 Mountain View Lane LaVale, MD 21502 301-729-1110 Email: [email protected] Technical Advisor Charles Kearse 16643 Killdeer Drive Derwood, MD 20855 301-926-2011 Email: [email protected]. Medical Advisor Dr. Kimberly Kepner 14712 Bower Drive Rockville, MD 20853 Cell: 301-704-1557 Home: 301-460-9082 District 22-A Committee Final Report Email:[email protected] Pg. 35 Clubs screening-1 Screenings held--5 Screened --111 Pass--102 Refer--4 Eyeglass refer--9 District 22-B (North) Committee Report - UPDATE 5/6/13 1) # clubs participating = 14 2) Estimate of Positive Responses to invitations = 100% 3) Estimated referral – best guess = 6 % YTD 4) Estimated compliance and follow up – TBD – too many clubs have incomplete data 5) All use Welch Allyn 6) Still not participating in Talbot County Schools 7) No competing organizations known – however Queen Anne’s County does similar test beginning late 1st grade Total screenings YTD = 1349 Pre-School Vision Report from 22-D Submitted by Rennie G. Quible Number of Clubs involved - 5 Number of children in the screening process - 620 Number of children passed the screenings - 513 Number of children who failed the process - 107 Number of children who were unable to complete the process - 12 District 22-W Quarterly Report Ending Number of clubs active in vision screening Number of screening sessions Number of children screened Number of children referred for professional evaluation May 3, 2013 This Quarter Year to Date 17 16 198 17 147 3010 18 248 A few clubs are currently completing some scheduled screenings which will increase above totals Pg. 36 Pg. 37 We screened in pre-school facilities and public schools. We used the SureSight and Titmus test. We are prohibited by our District Governor to do more than just screen children and give the results to the nurses or to the designated school contacts. We are told we must not send any information anywhere else. The MD22 Preschool Vision Screening Program Steering Committee continuously reviews new technology in preschool vision screening equipment to assure our program is current with state of the art as well as cost Pg. 38 effective. Accordingly, the Steering Committee now endorses the Plusoptix S09 or S12 as acceptable devices for preschool vision screening. The Plusoptix is an easy to use, highly accurate, binocular autorefractor that provides instant results and printout report. The device comes with its own computer and reduces the manpower and time necessary to provide quality screenings. Clubs interested in acquiring the Plusoptix are encouraged to contact the Steering Committee. The Committee is prepared to act as central purchasing agent so we can take advantage of any available volume discounts with the Plusoptix Company. Plusoptix and the PSVS Committee will have adjacent booths at our convention in May. Please stop by and/or contact Lion for further information The program manual dates back to LCIF days and desperately needs formal revision, but does give guidelines that the Multiple District agreed to concerning participating in the program, that have not been drastically changed other than the $700.00 entry fee. When non-participating clubs who were screening were offered the opportunity to join the Multiple District program, none responded. Again thanks for the opportunity to serve, and if I can be of any assistance in the future, feel free to call on me. Public Relations, PDG Dal Mann, (22- B) and PCS Suzette Kettenhofen (22-A), CoCoordinators: Public relations (PR) are basically communications. In the case of Lions it is letting the public know about the great things that we do. If the public really knew about those things it would be much easier to recruit new members and to enhance our fundraising efforts. Our job is to make this happen. We have some really good PR efforts throughout the year such as the Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. and the MD22 Convention. This year one of the finest PR events was when Dr. Bob Massof, Director of the Lions Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center, was selected as a White House Champions of Change. There are also many club events that raise public awareness such as the Ridgely Lions Club Strawberry Festival, the Kent County Daffodil Days, our bike rides, the Waterfowl Festival in Easton, the Wings & Wheels for Sight on Kent Island and any number of other events. In my opinion one of the best PR events is Vision Days. Unfortunately very few clubs take to the streets and “show the flag” for this event. We should be encouraging more clubs to participate. Of course each local club does the best PR in performing their individual service activities. Usually only the recipients of these services are aware of them. Some, but unfortunately only a few, are reported in the media. We must strive to improve in this area. This year Lion Suzette Kettenhofen did a great PR job. She published a newsletter, got lots of pictures on the electronic media and made us aware of the possibilities. Public Relations are most important. Let’s be aware, and take advantage, of the opportunities that are available. Research and Long Range Planning, PCC Clare Newcomer (22-W) Chair: No Report. Page 39 Roaring Run, CS Joan Bestpitch (22-D), Chair: Since there was no interest in attending a Roaring Lions class in 22 D, no class was held this year. I have been told it is the intention of the Multiple District to eliminate the Roaring class as it is now given at Emmitsburg. I, personally feel that there is not enough time during the time at Emmitsburg to do a thorough job. 22 D is going to keep the Roaring lions Class within their district for future years. In the past, when Lions have taken the class, their speaking improves by leaps and bounds. They learn to make their speeches more concise. Lions have many informative things to say, but they learn how to give the same information concisely, clearly and more interestingly. USA/Canada Leadership Forum 2012 Coordinator, PDG Señora W. Haywood: It was my pleasure to serve as MD 22’s Chairperson for the 36th annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum that was held in Tampa Bay, Florida, September 13-15, 2012. The Forum was well attended by ninety five (95) MD 22 Lions and their guests. Sub-district’s registration was as follows: 22A 22B 22C 22D 22W 24 14 15 28 18 Total Registered 99 Total Attended 95 (Two were unable to attend) (Two were unable to attend) The Tampa Bay Marriott Waterside was our MD’s headquarters hotel. It was at this location that ninety one Lions and guests began their major Forum activities on Friday, September 14, 2012, at 7:00 a.m. by attending and enjoying a delicious meal, “The American Breakfast.” Members of the International Family and speakers for the MD Socials were invited to attend the breakfast and an hour of early-morning fellowshipping. MD22 Lions, who attended the breakfast, were honored with the presence of a number of International guests. Those guests were: Immediate Former International President Dr. Wing-Kun Tam, Former International President Clem and Lion Jeanne Kusiak, 2nd International President Candidate Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International Director Ted and Lion Ann Reiver, International Director Mark and Lion Jane Hintzmann, Former International Director Dave Stoufer and PDG Rachel Nicola, and Former International Director Wayne and Lion Marge Davis. 2nd Vice President Candidate Dr. Yamada’s appearance was brief, and he made an appeal for the MD’s support of his candidacy. IFIP Tam stayed for breakfast, and gave a brief, informative, and motivational speech after the meal. All, who attended, agreed that the food, its presentation, the service, and the ambiance were outstanding. Although presenters and other Lions, who wanted to either facilitate or attend an 8:00 a.m. seminar, were either unable to attend the 7:00 a.m. breakfast, or had to leave the breakfast earlier than they desired, most attendees, agreed that Friday, the second day of the Forum, and a 7:00 a.m. start time are the preferred choices. Pg. 40 It is recommended that future Forum Chairpersons obtain the date for the breakfast, as soon as possible, make early contact with the hotel that is designated as the MD 22 hotel; and inform the Forum Facilities Chairperson of the preferred time, date, and hotel; and ask for an immediate room assignment, on the preferred date, as soon as the Facilities Committee releases the rooms for Multiple Districts and others to use. Three MD 22 Lions, PCC Rowe Haywood, PDG Ted Ladd, and Lion Pamela Burton, served as seminar presenters. Several MD22 Lions also served as seminar moderators. Most Lions, who attended the Forum, agreed that the seminars, other Forum offerings, and sightseeing opportunities ranked among the best of previous forums. USA/Canada Leadership Forum 2013 Coordinator, PDG Bill Culver (22-B): I have notified the MD-22 Council of Governors and the District Governor of 22-B that I will be resigning from the position of USA/Canada Leadership Forum Coordinator 2013 at Overland Park, Kansas this year. My reason for doing so is upon the advice of my doctors. We will not be attending the Forum this year. Since District 22-B is scheduled the responsibility of the MD-22 Breakfast/Meeting and disbursing information to sub-districts, DG Charlene Travers has asked PCC John Lawrence to replace me. He has graciously accepted. I have given him a short resume of my contacts thus far. I have spoken with Kelly Kirby, Sales Coordinator, at the Sheraton. I told her that I would not be attending the Forum and that PCC John Lawrence would be taking over. Thus far, I've discussed with Kelly the following information: The approximate number for the breakfast is between 70-75 people. As of this date, I have a report from Geri Drabek of only 59. PCC John informed me that the number of registrants is much lower than my approximate number of 70. (More like 45) From the Sheraton Overland web site, I have selected the Farm Fresh Scrambled Eggs Plated Breakfast. The total cost of this breakfast is $21.21. (service charge including a 12.5% gratuity and tax.) I plan to request an $8.00 subsidy, as had been done in previous years, from the Council of Governors for each person attending. The date and the time of the breakfast/meeting will be from 7 am to 9 am. on September 20, 2013. Any changes or cancellation must be within 72 hours prior to. District Coordinators: 22-A 22-B 22-C 22-D 22-W PDG Senora Haywood PCC John Lawrence PDG Mike Bleything PCC Clyde Bragg Lion Richard Hosfeld Vehicle Tags Delaware Coordinator, Lion Bruce W. Marvel (22-D) During this Lions year, the license program was very successful in 8 new Lions tags being issued this year. This year District 22 – D issued LC 1, LC 2, and LC 3 to District Gov. vice District Gov. and 2nd vice District Gov. This process will be followed each year with the passing of the tag to the incoming District Gov. vice District Gov. and 2nd vice District Gov. I would to thank District Gov. Richard Merriwether for allowing me to be the License Plate Chairperson for District 22-D Pg. 41 Vehicle Tags Maryland Coordinator, Lion Roger Sauter (22-W): We currently have two styles of Lions tags in use: 1. The old style. 2. The current or new style. The new directory has been placed on my web site, the address is, you can access this site from your computer. I ask each of you to view the data, if you find errors please click on the proper link, this will generate an E-mail to me, briefly describe what is incorrect, include your plate number, your name and your phone number, then click the send button. I am also listed in all four sub-district roster books for A, B, C and W. Some Lions have changed Clubs and Districts, please look at all the information pertaining to you. Some of the old style plates do not have club names because the information was not previously collected, please provide this information. I will make the necessary corrections, upon receipt of your e-mails. I will call you to verify the corrections, therefore it is important that you include your phone number in the correction E-mail. If you wish you may print a copy of either or both files. As of today the MVA says there are 70 active older style plates and 405 active new style plates. The web site files will be updated as new tag applications are received. If you need a Maryland Lions Tag application, please call or E-Mail, I am in the roster book. Remember LIONS Logo tags are still only $25.00, this is a one-time charge. The next available number is LC-1063 Youth Outreach Coordinator, Lion Leonard Gares (22-W): No report Pg. 42 Lions Clubs International Multiple District 22 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance August 3, 2013 General Account Startups from 2012-2013 (redeposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover Reduction 10% of Admin Acct Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Less Deductions Startup Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds Less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000.00 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget Dues member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295 Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Actual Income as of March 10, 2013 MD 22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD 22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD 22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast MD 22-A Dues MD 22-B Dues MD 22-C Dues MD 22-D Dues MD 22-W Dues LCI for Memorial Day Parade Total Income Income – Money Market Interest through 5/31/2013 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 1st Half 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.78 2,610.99 3,931.56 17,926.72 16.43 2nd Half 1,713.04 2,488.56 2,670.92 2,230.34 3,472.63 7,500.00 20,075.49 38,002.21 Pg. 43 Lions Clubs International Multiple District 22 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance August 3, 2013 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22 Convention 2013 Additional for Convention 2013 Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF MD 22 Convention 2013 Honorarium for IP Wayne Madden MD 22 Convention 2013 Gift for Linda Madden (IP’s spouse) GMT/GLT Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws (Tom Jefts) Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants/National Memorial Day Parade Misc. (Brandywine Lions for Clubhouse Use – April Council Transfer to Council 2013-2014 to open account Bank ck to close account Total Expenditures Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 8/3/2013 Money Market 6/28/2013 Bank ck to close account Actual 7,224.18 10,395.84 4,699.87 300.00 1,000.00 53.00 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 28,495.25 251.39 660.23 790.74 432.00 2,274.72 7,500.00 200.00 5,000.00 24,820.52 65,602.49 Balance 1,823.75 (1,752.93) 546.66 (4,699.87) (300.00) (1,000.00) (53.00) 1,823.75 00.00 500.00 500.00 448.61 89.77 175.26 250.00 200.00 250.00 68.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 (774.72) 100.00 100.00 (7,500.00) 300.00 (5,000.00) (24,820.52) (7,286.72) + 35,781.97 27,600.28 45,090.52 45,093.29 Pg. 44 Lions Clubs International Multiple District 22 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance August 3, 2013 Note: USA/Canada Breakfast budgeted $1500 plus income of $1258 less expense $2274.72 for gain of $483.28 Summary for Year: Total Dues Received Total Grants Received Total received prior year convention –District Total received prior year convention – International USA/Canada Forum Breakfast Income TOTAL INCOME Total Expenses Less Transfers 27,238.44 7,500.00 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 38,002.21 35,781.97 Net Gain for Year 2,220.24 Transfer to International Candidate Escrow 1,815.56 Net for Year 30 June Beginning Balance 5 Jul ck 1033 31 Jul ck 1034 1 Aug Convention MD 22 20 Aug Dues D & W 24 Aug Dues B 6 Aug Ck 1035 17 Sept Dues A 17 Sep USA/Canada 24 Sept Dues C 7 Nov Ck 1036 13 Dec Ck 1037 Inter Conv 404.68 169.00 10,395.84 252.84 8,295.48 2,926.56 300.00 2,022.06 1,258.00 3,171.78 2,274.72 216.00 5,471.25 27,769.28 27,600.28 Turnover balance (Ck 169 prior year) 17,204.44 17,457.28 25,752.76 28,679.32 28,379.32 30,401.38 31,659.38 34,831.16 Richard gave me 3171.08 in prior reports-now corrected 32,556.44 USA/Canada 32,340.44 26,869.19 Pg. 45 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD DATE: October 21, 2013 TO: Lions Multiple District 22 Council of Governors FROM: PCT Don Stein, MD22 Auditor 2012-2013 SUBJECT: Review of MD22 Financial Records 2012-2013 I have reviewed the financial records of Lions Multiple District 22 for the fiscal year 2012-2013, and prepared tax form 990EZ for Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether to sign and mail to IRS. All the individuals entrusted with MD22 funds kept complete and accurate records, with receipts and expenditures fully documented, and expenditures were appropriate for the mission and in accord with the MD22 Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy & Procedures Manual. My specific findings are listed below and in the attachments. International Convention Committee The financial report from the International Convention Committee at Attachment A is accurate and correct. The following notes amplify two features of the report: Note 1: Carryover funds at the beginning of the year were $1752.93, and carryover funds at the end of the year were $1364.57. This means that overall, the Committee spent $388.36 more than it took in from current year receipts. Note 2: The Committee received payment for 49 Breakfast tickets @ $20, and paid the Pennsylvania Lions for 45 tickets at $28. Because of this price discrepancy, the Committee spent $280 more than it took in for Breakfast tickets. Regional Lions Leadership Institute From the detailed materials provided, I constructed the financial report at Attachment B. All the receipts and expenditures were documented and correctly recorded. I did not review the Claim Summary Form furnished to LCI for reimbursement. Note 3: Last year’s audit report showed a balance carried forward 6/30/12 of $7865.39. The July 2012 bank statement showed a balance carried forward 7/1/12 of $7905.39, which is $40 higher. I used the bank statement number in my report. Multiple District Convention An updated end-of-year financial report prepared by me is at Attachment C. All the receipts and expenditures were documented and correctly recorded. MD22 Council Treasurer An updated end-of-year financial report prepared by me is at Attachment D. All the receipts and expenditures were documented and correctly recorded. Note 4: I did not have bank statements for the money market account for the first half of the fiscal year. However, I was able to reconstruct the opening balance and the interest earned for the year, using last year’s audit report and the statements I did have. Pg. 46 Pg. 47 Attachment B MD22 REGIONAL LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE AUDITOR-PREPARED FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 - 13 LCI Reimbursement Registration Fees Supplies & Expenses Net Beginning Balance Brought Forward Ending Balamce Brought Forward 7500.00 12320.00 (18787.86) 1032.14 7905.39 8937.53 Attachment C MD22 CONVENTION COMMITTEE AUDITOR-UPDATED END-OF-YEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 2012 - 13 MD22 Dues Net Add'l Transfer from MD22 Council Other Receipts Expenses Net 10895.71 4200.00 70879.00 (85119.86) 854.85 Pg. 48 Attachment D MD 22 Council Treasurer Auditor-Updated End of the Year Financial Report 2012-2013 + Receipts Dues Interest Donation from LCI USA/Canada Forum Breakfast MD 22 Convention Committee International Convention Committee TOTAL - 27,238.44 43.03 7,500.00 1,258.00 252.84 1,752.93 38,045.24 EXPENDITURES USA/Canada Forum Breakfast MD 22 Convention Committee International Convention Committee Memorial Day Parade Other Expenses Total NET Net 27,238.44 43.03 7,500.00 1,258.00 252.84 1,752.93 38,045.24 (2,274.72) (15,095.71) (7,224.18) (7,500.00) (8,687.36) Last yr closeout Last yr closeout (2,274.72) (15,095.71) EOY bal of 854.85 to be turned back in (7,224.18) EOY bal of 1,364.57 to be turned back in (7,500.00) (8,687.36) (40,781.97) (2,736.73) Note: after EOY balances are turned back in, NET = (517.31) loss for year BEGINNING OF YEAR Checking Account Money Market Account Total 27,600.28 45,050.26 72,650.54 END OF YEAR Checking Account Money Market Account Total 24,820.52 45,093.29 69,913.81 DUES ALLOCATION BASED ON ACTUAL DUES RECEIPTS Administrative Fund MD Convention Fund Int’l Convention Fund - general Int’l Convention Fund –reserved for International Candidate Total 9,079.48 10,895.37 5,447.69 1,815.90 27,238.00 Pg. 49 Pg. 50 Pg. 51 Pg. 52 Pg. 53 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2011-2012 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS’ MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS MEETING AGENDA - OUTGOING COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Saturday, May 12, 2012 Salisbury, Maryland Call to Order/Welcome CC Bob Muchow Pledge of Allegiance DG Steve Finger Invocation DG Owen Landis Approval of Minutes from 4/22/12 DG Rich Barb Unfinished Business CC Ralph Bob Muchow Comments on the 2012 MD Convention DGE Charlene Travers, Convention Chairperson Remarks to the Incoming Council DG Owen Landis (22-A) DG Dave Studley (22-B) DG Rich Barb (22-C) DG Ken Chew (22-D) DG Steve Finger (22-W) CC Bob Muchow (22-A) Advancement of Funds to the Incoming Council Establishment of Date for the Turnover Meeting Comments From Council Advisors PIP Clement Kusiak (22-A) ID Ted Reiver (22-D) PID Joseph Gaffigan (22-C) PID Darley Travers (22-B) Election of Incoming Council Chairperson Departure of Outgoing Council Pg. 54 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS MEETING MINUTES - INCOMING COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Saturday, May 12, 2012 Salisbury, Maryland Attendees: CC Elect Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Elect Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Elect Charlene Travers, (22-B); DG Elect Don Beeson (22-C); CT Elect Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Elect Paul Cannada (22-W); 1st VDG Elect Dan Scott (22-A); 1stVDG Elect Dee Hawkins (22-C); 1st VDG Elect Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); 1st VDG Elect Kent Eitemiller (22-W); 2nd VDG Elect Joe Schanno (22-B); 2nd VDG Elect Kelley Randolph (22-C); 2nd VDG Elect Cheryl Jones (22-D); 2nd VDG Elect John Parker (22-W); PID Darley T. Travers, Advisor (22-B); PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor (22-C); ID Ted Reiver, Advisor, (22-D); ID Douglas Alexander 20-K1; PDG Thomas Jefts, Constitution & By-Laws (22-W); PDG John Cullison, International Convention Committee Chair (22-A); PCS Suzette Kettenhofen Public Relations Coordinator (22-A); PCC John Lawrence, USA/Canada Forum Coordinator 2013 (22-B); PDG Bob Jones MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); PDG Paul Hawkins GLT Coordinator (22-C); PDG Dalton Mann (22-B); PDG Bill Culver (22-B); AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W). CC Elect Dorothy Culver called the meeting to order, immediately following the Outgoing Council of Governor's meeting. She thanked CC Bob Muchow (22-A) and the Outgoing Council for a job well done. Nomination and Election of the Council Secretary: DG Elect Don Beeson made the motion to approve DG Elect Paul Cannada as Council Secretary. DG Elect Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Nomination and Election of the Council Treasurer: CS Elect Paul Cannada made the motion to approve DG Elect Richard Merriwether as Council Treasurer. DG Elect Charlene Travers seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Election of the Administrative Assistant: DG Elect Skip Hoffman made the motion to approve Lion Barbara Brimigion as the Administrative Assistant. DG Elect Charlene Travers seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Advisors to the Council: CS Elect Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion that ID Ted Reiver, Ex-officio PIP Clem Kusiak, PID Joe Gaffigan and PID Darley Travers continue as advisors to the Council. CT Elect Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 55 Multiple District Committee Chairs and Coordinators' Assignments: CC Elect Dorothy Culver read the positions and appointees which are as follows: Position Administrative Assistant Auditor Constitution & By-Laws Diabetes GLT Coordinator GMT Coordinator Hearing and Speech Information & Technology Coordinator International Convention Chair International Convention Vice-Chair Leader Dog Coordinator LCIF Coordinator MD 22 Convention Chair MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair MD 22 Convention Treasurer Pre-School Vision Coordinator Public Relations Coordinator Research and Long Term Planning Roaring Lions USA/Canada Forum Coordinator 2012 USA/Canada Forum Coordinator 2013 Vehicle Tags - Maryland Youth Outreach Coordinator Procedure Term District Appointee Council Pleasure Rotation Rotation Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Council Pleasure 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 3 yrs 3 yrs 1 yr W D W W C D A Barbara Brimigion Don Stein Tom Jefts Donna Jackman Paul Hawkins Grant E. Curtis Dale Strait Council Pleasure Rotation Rotation Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Rotation Rotation Rotation Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Council Pleasure Rotation Rotation Council Pleasure Rotation 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 5 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 2 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr D A B B A C D W B A W D A B W W Richard Waughtal John Cullison Glenn Owens Rowe Haywood Sandi Halterman Robert Jones Steve Finger Don Rae Suzette Kettenhofen Clare Newcomer Joan Bestpitch Senora Haywood John Lawrence W. Roger Sauter Leonard Gares 2nd of 2 yrs 2nd of 3 yrs 2nd of 3 yrs 3rd of 5 yrs 2nd of 2 yrs The following committee appointees were present and accepted their position: Administrative Assistant - Lion Barbara Brimigion GLT - PDG Paul Hawkins International Convention Coordinator - PDG John Cullison Multiple 22 Convention Chair - PDG Sandi Halterman Multiple 22 Convention Vice-Chair - PDG Bob Jones Public Relations Coordinator - PCS Suzette Kettenhofen USA/Canada Forum Coordinator 2013- PCC John Lawrence DG Elect Don Beeson made the motion to approve the MD-22 Committee Appointments. CT Elect Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. CS Elect Paul Cannada reported that all the appointees from District 22-W have accepted the positions. CC Elect Dorothy Culver stated that she will get confirmation from the remaining committee appointees. PID Joe Gaffigan reported on Lion Camp Merrick for PDG Sonny Parker. They wish to apply for a $200,000 grant in the near future to cover renovations and to hire an additional nurse to enhance the diabetic program. However, PID Joe Gaffigan stressed the following points: Pg. 56 1. Camp Merrick has received numerous grants from LCIF since 1981, totaling about $400,000. The last time that they had received a grant was 4-5 years ago. They don't know if enough time has lapsed for a new grant application to be favorably received. 2. Any new grant application would have to be vetted with LCIF personnel to make sure that it is prepared properly before it is formally submitted. 3. There are some Lion projects in the Multiple District that are waiting for the Low Vision Education Grant to be completed and closed. No other grants can be submitted until they have been done. There is the need to ascertain from the Incoming Governors whether there are any other grants in their districts that are waiting to be submitted to LCIF because they have to be considered first. Future Dates for District Socials: 22-W - September 22, 2012 22-A - November 3, 2012 22-D - December 1, 2012 22-B - March 9, 2013 March 8th & 9th 22-C - April 20, 2013 CC Elect Dorothy Culver presented the following dates: Hagerstown Clarion Hunt Valley Marriot Dover Sheraton Salisbury Holiday Inn Governor Candidate School Colony South Hotel & Conference Center - Clinton, MD Future Dates for MD-22 Council of Governors Meetings: CC Elect Dorothy Culver presented the following dates: 22-W - September 23, 2012 Hagerstown Clarion 22-A - November 4, 2012 Hunt Valley Marriot 22-D - December 2, 2012 Dover Sheraton February 2, 2013* Mid-Winter Conference - Ocean City Convention Center 22-B - March 10, 2013 Salisbury Holiday Inn 22-C - April 21, 2013 Colony South Hotel & Conference Center - Clinton, MD *The date for the Mid-Winter Conference is questionable and will be decided upon by the MD-22 Convention Committee. The Critique Meeting and the Turnover Meeting will be held on the same date (July 29, 2012) with the time and place to be determined. DG Elect Don Beeson stated that he will contact PDG Ted Ladd in regards to the availability of the Beltsville location. PDG Sandi Halterman indicated that she will check on the Brandywine location. DG Elect Charlene Travers suggested the use of the Hebron Lions Community Building. Stationary: DG Elect Charlene Travers made the motion to not purchase new stationary since the Council uses a computer format, but will purchase some envelopes. DG Elect Don Beeson seconded it. The motion was passed. Bond Company: CT Elect Richard Merriwether made the motion to continue to use the Avery Hall Insurance Agency in Salisbury. DG Elect Charlene Travers seconded it. The motion was carried. Bank Account: CS Elect Paul Cannada made the motion to continue using the PNC Bank. CT Elect Richard Merriwether seconded it. The motion was carried. MD-22 Policy and Procedure Manual: DG Elect Don Beeson made the motion for the Council to use the 2011 manual as a guide until an update is presented and approved. CT Elect Richard Merriwether seconded it. The motion was carried. Pg. 57 MD-22 Chairs and Committee Coordinators: CC Elect Dorothy Culver asked that each committee complete and submit a plan and budget requirements, including names of committee members, email addresses, home addresses, objectives, planned activities, schedules and anticipated expenses to the District Governors as soon as possible in order to work on the budget before the Turnover Meeting. Comments by the Advisors: The advisors congratulated the Incoming Council on their elections. They wished them the best and stated that the advisors will be there if they are needed, but they will try not to impose on them. Comments by the International Guest: ID Douglas Alexander stated that he thinks the Multiple District has a very good Council this year and that the Council Chair Elect has been doing an excellent job already. He wished the Council the best for the rest of the year. Adjournment: CT Elect Richard Merriwether made the motion to adjourn. DG Elect Charlene Travers seconded it. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Barbara Brimigion Administrative Assistant Pg. 58 Agenda Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Turnover Meeting Sunday July 29, 2012 Beltsville, Maryland MD 22 Critique Meeting: MD 22 Convention Chair Break for Lunch Reconvene Call Turnover Meeting to Order Council Chair Dorothy Culver (22B) Council Secretary’s Report Council Secretary Paul Cannada (22W) Council Treasurer’s Report Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether (22D) Committee Chair Report USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum PDG Senora Haywood (22A) Global Leadership Team PDG Paul Hawkins (22C) Global Membership Team PCC Grant Curtis (22D) International Convention 2013 PCC John Cullison (22A) Comments by Committee Chairs and Coordinators: Multiple District 22 Convention PDG Sandi Halterman (22C) Old Business: Grant inquiry for Camp Merrick- PDG Sonny Parker has decided to apply for a Standard Grant as the best alternative and thanks everyone for their help. No action is needed by this Council. Mid-Winter Conference date- The correct date is February 2, 2013 at the Ocean City Convention Center New Business: Comments from MD 22 Advisors: Announcements: Benediction: Adjournment: Pg.59 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 2222 COUNCIL OFMEETING GOVERNORS MEETING MULTIPLE DISTRICT TURNOVER MINUTES Sunday, July 29 2012 Beltsville, Maryland Attendees: IPCC Bob Muchow (22-A); IPDG Dave Studley (22-B); IPCS Rich Barb (22-C); CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22-C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22-A); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W); SVDG Kelley Randolph (22-C); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); PIP Clement Kusiak, Advisor (22A); PID Joseph Gaffigan, Advisor (22-C); PID Darley Travers, Advisor (22-B); ID Ted Reiver, Advisor (22-D); PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); IPDG Steve Finger, MD22 Convention Treasurer (22-W); PDG Tom Jefts, Constitution and By-Laws (22-W); PDG John Cullison, International Convention Chair (22-A); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); IPDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Vice-Coordinator, (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PCS Suzette Kettenhofen, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-A); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); PDG Ted Ladd, LVRF Coordinator, (22-C ); CS Joan Bestpitch, Roaring Lions Chair (22-D); PDG Lee Bird (22-D); PDG Rodney Welch (22-W); Lion Leonard Gares, Youth Outreach Coordinator (22-W); PCT Ann Reiver (22-D); Lion Charles Spadone (22-C); AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 2:08 p.m. She thanked PDG Ted Ladd for making the meeting room and lunch arrangements. She invited IPCC Bob Muchow (22-A) to preside over the next part of the meeting. IPCC Bob thanked the Council of Governors, MD22 Chairs, Coordinators, Lions Clubs and individual Lions who spent many hours and money to benefit the Multiple District. 2012 International Convention Report, PDG Tom Jefts (22-W) - Written Report: It has been an extreme pleasure to have had the opportunity to serve Multiple District 22 as Chairman of the 2011-2012 International Convention Committee. I want to thank the Council of Governors and Vice-Chairman PDG John S. Cullison 22-A for the tremendous support throughout this Lions Year. We believe that we met our goals of providing the best and most enjoyable convention for our delegation that was possible. Our delegation was housed at the Sea Cloud Hotel in the resort city of Busan, South Korea. This was a very modern up-to-date hotel which provided us with very nice accommodations. The hotel staff did a great job in providing us with a great hospitality room and with a nice restaurant. Our hospitality room, "The Cirrus Room" on the twenty fifth floor of the Sea Cloud, had a large outside balcony area that gave a panoramic view of the beaches and surrounding area. We had an on-again, off-again flow of our delegation along with Lions and guests from throughout Pennsylvania and the New England Districts. This is one area that needs to be looked into when the conventions are not in the United States. One suggestion is a suite type with a hospitality section and a bedroom section for the Chair or Vice-Chair or maybe both if available like we had in Virginia Beach. We provided coffee, muffins, cookies and cold drinks that were especially appreciated in the afternoons. We were open daily from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., except for the parade and the breakfast. We had a great time at the parade. As a non-entered uniformed unit, we did not win any prizes, but made a great appearance with compliments received from many. We had 20 participants under the direction of PDG John and our trading pin was well received by everyone throughout the convention. We had 23 registrants that received pins for registration and marching. We also gave pins out to kids along the parade route. Pg. 60 The Multiple District Breakfast was held as a joint breakfast with the New England area Lions. It was attended by 76 members and guests of our combined districts. Everything went well and we had some excellent reports presented regarding the voting at the convention. We suggest this format for all out of country conventions in the future; maybe call the East Coast Lions Breakfast or something in that vein. I want to express my most sincere thanks to the Council of Governors for their trust and cooperation, and to my committee and all those who assisted in making this 95th International Convention an outstanding one for those 23 registrants from Multiple District 22. It has been an honor and pleasure to work for and with this outstanding group of dedicated Lions. PDG Tom Jefts added that there is a tentative balance of approximately $1800.00 to be returned to the Multiple District; however, two outstanding checks still need to be paid. PIP Clem Kusiak stated that there should be a breakdown on the number of International Convention pins sold in the report. Past Council's Treasurer's Report, IPDG Steve Finger (22-W): The final Statement of Expenditures and Account Balance, dated July 20, 2012 and the Carryover and Statement of Income, dated July 20, 2012, are included along with this report. The 2011-2012 Council began with $85,822.42 in total funds of which $1,008.30 was paid to complete administrative expenses by the outgoing council, leaving $79,924.67 in undesignated administrative turnover funds, and $4,889.45 in the dedicated International Officer Candidate fund. $4,001.20 was paid to reimburse the International Director campaign, leaving $888.25 in that fund. The 2011-2012 Council received $27,958.73 in taxes (dues) from the five Districts of MD-22, of which $1,863.27 was restricted for the International Officer Candidate fund. Disbursement was $1,862.73 to the GLTGMT fund; $5,592.73 to the International Candidate fund; $11,184.00 to the MD-22 Convention fund; and $7,456.00 to the Council Administrative fund. The 2011-2012 budget,approved on October 9, 2011, included supplemental requests in the amounts of $5,200.00 to the MD-22 Convention Committee and $6,000.00 to the International Convention Committee to meet projected expenses. An additional request for funds to the MD-22 Convention Committee the amount of $6,000.00 was approved by the Council, upon recommendation by the MD-22 Finance Committee, on June 4, 2012. The GLT-GMT Committee returned $941.25 in unexpended funds and the Council Administrative Fund returned $3,470.61 in unexpended funds. The 2010-2011 MD-22 Convention Committee returned $1,466.81 on August 25, 2011 and the International Convention Committee returned $223.26 on November 19, 2011. The council passed through $10,000.00 from LCI to Lions District 24-A as the final disbursement of the 2011 National Memorial Day Parade PR Grant and $10,000 from LCI to Lions District 24-A as the initial disbursement of the 2012 National Memorial Day Parade PR Grant. The Council received $750.00 from LCI for final payment of Leadership Development Grant from 2011 which was applied to leadership activities and $975.00 for Leadership Development activities in 2012, which is available now. The Council turns over $72,650.54 to the 2012-2013 Council, of which $2,751.52 is dedicated to the International Officer Candidate fund. The 2011-2012 MD-22 Convention and International Convention Committees have not returned any unused funds as of July 20, 2012. All MD-22 Committees with checkbooks were requested to reconcile and prepare their financial records for the required financial audit/review which will take place as soon as practical at the close of this Lions Year. He added that the Incoming Council has elected to use the same checking account and bank as last year. He has re-deposited the $5,000 turnover check into the same account. he also turned over to CT Richard Merriwether the checkbook, deposit slips, final bank statements, checkbook ledger and other financial statements, including last year's tax return and audit reports. Refer to the "Additional Reports" section at the end of the minutes for the Statement of Expenditures & Account Balance and the Carryover and Statement of Income". Pg. 61 Status of 2011-2012 Final Reports, AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W): Committee chairs had received notification that final reports were due. I received 13 final reports. Five committee chairs responded that no additions or changes were needed to be made to the convention report; therefore, their convention reports were accepted as final reports. One committee chair responded that he will review the convention report and determine whether a final report is warranted. PDG Dave Fischer will submit a final report after the audit has been conducted. I have received no response from 2 committee chairs. Turnover of Property, IPCS Rich Barb (22-C): The outgoing council has 2 pieces of property to turn over to the current council: (1) the current MD22 banner which had been already turned over at the Whisk Meeting in May (2) the previous MD22 banner which was replaced due to deterioration. He proposed that the council store the banner with convention property at IPDG Dave's house until the banner is officially retired. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to retire the previous MD-22 banner. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Comments by the Outgoing Council: The Immediate Past District Governors thanked all the Lions for serving on committees. They thanked CC Bob Muchow for leading by example, for the help that they received and for his strong efforts in keeping them on track. They thanked the advisors for their help and guidance. They extended their best wishes to the incoming council. Turnover to MD22 Council of Governors: The meeting was turned over to CC Dorothy Culver (22-B). She thanked CC Bob Muchow and his Council of Governors for the outstanding job that they had done over the past year. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) presented the preliminary budget for this upcoming year. Since the council elected to use the same bank as last year, the bank was able to expedite the proceedings and everything went smoothly. Signatures for the account have already been obtained. The $5,000 turnover check has been re-deposited. CTIPDG Steve Finger turned over $72,650.54 to the incoming council. CT Richard Merriwether stated that Lion membership stands at 7,295 which is a considerable drop from last year. Some corrections will be made to the preliminary budget as instructed by CC Dorothy Culver and the permanent budget will be voted on at the September Council of Governors meeting. CT Richard Merriwether will increase the audit budget from $500 to $600 and increase the surety bond budget. The checking account balance is $27,600.28 and the money market account has a balance of $45,050.26 which brings the total assets to $72,650.54. CT Richard thanked CTIPDG Steve Finger for all the help that he gave CT Richard Merriwether on the preparation of the preliminary budget. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to accept the preliminary budget. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 62 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether July 30, 2012 CARRYOVER General Account Startups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One year income sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover Reduction 10% of Admin Act. Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund less Deductions TRANSFER IN $5,000.00 $2,751.52 $69,899.02 $27,356.25 $0.00 $42,542.77 $4,254.28 $72,650.54 $68,396.26 Startup transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds Less Reduction 2012-2013 Income $74,474.05 $67,208.64 BUDGET DUES member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295 Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT Total Operating Income Total Potential Income $7,295.00 $1,823.75 $5,471.25 $10,942.50 $1,823.75 $27,356.25 $27,356.25 Pg. 63 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether CATEGORY Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT MD 22Convention Supplement Budget International Convention Supplement Budget Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing & Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage & Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditures Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Checking Account Balance as of 07/30/2012 Outstanding Checks at close Receipts not deposited at close Money Market Account Total Assets BUDGET $1,823.75 $5,471.25 $10,942.50 $1,823.75 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750.00 $966.00 $250.00 $200.00 $250.00 $500.00 $150.00 $200.00 $300.00 $250.00 $100.00 $50.00 $368.00 $200.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 $27,627.25 $27,628.00 $27,600.28 $45,050.26 $72,650.54 Pg. 64 2012 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, PDG Bill Culver, Vice-Coordinator (22-B): PDG Bill Culver presented the following written report by Coordinator Señora Haywood (22-A) The 36th Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be held in Tampa Bay, Florida. The Forum will begin on Thursday, September 13, 2012 and conclude on Saturday, September 15, 2012. The theme for this year’s Forum is “Leadership in a World of Service.” The Forum planning committee has created a Forum that is totally designed for families. The venue, the plethora of attractions and, most importantly, the educational activities are filled with new seminars, and, as always, motivational and inspiring professional speakers. New Lions, as well as Lion leaders, who want to increase their leadership skills and knowledge, will benefit immensely from participating in Forum events. MD 22 Lions will gather for the annual MD22 Forum breakfast which will provide an opportunity for Lions to fellowship, and to meet and greet a number of future visitors to our Multiple District. Issues of the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum Newsletter, “Destination Tampa,” are online and can be downloaded. The August issue of “Destination Tampa” will be mailed to ALL registered attendees. Fifty-eight MD 22 Lions have registered for the Forum. If you have not registered for the Forum, it is not too late to do so. “Early Bird Registration” ends June 15th. Save money by registering before June 15th! For more information about the Forum (registration, seminars, hotels, local attractions, etc. please visit the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum website at, Facebook, You Tube, or Twitter. PDG Bill Culver (22-B) added the following breakdown in attendance as of July 24, 2012: District 22-A 21 District 22-B 10 District 22-C 15 District 22-D 28 District 22-W 15 PDG Bill added the following information from a verbal report of PDG Señora Haywood: That it is not too late to still register. Postmarked after June 15th, the cost will be $280.00 and postmarked after August 1st, the cost will be $305.00. The MD22 breakfast will be at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel on Friday, September 14th from 7 am to 9 am. An American breakfast, consisting of freshly squeezed orange juice, scrambled eggs, hickory smoked bacon, country sausage links, potatoes, assorted breads & pastries and assorted beverages, will cost $25.00 per person, including 24% service charge and 7% state tax. The podium and microphone are gratis. PDG Señora Haywood requested that the Council of Governors approve a subsidy of $8.00 toward the meal for each attendee and also approve the cost for the International Guest. PDG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion to subsidize the cost of the breakfast by $8.00. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) seconded it. The motion was carried. Pg. 65 MD22 GLT, PDG Paul Hawkins, Coordinator (22-C) - Written Report: The membership of the MD 22 GLT will continue to be intact from last year with one exception. PDG Dave Studley has been named to replace Lion Linda Prohaska as the District 22B GLT Coordinator. The 2012-2013 Team will be made up of the following: PDG Paul Hawkins - GLT Coordinator MD PCC John Lawrence – GLT MD Lion Ann Reiver – GLT MD Lion Rodney Timmons – GLT MD PDG Senora Haywood – GLT Coordinator D 22A PDG Dave Studley – GLT Coordinator D 22B PDG Bill Thomas – GLT Coordinator D 22C PCC Ralph Schieferstein – GLT Coordinator D 22D PCC John Hopkins – GLT Coordinator D 22W Plans for the MD GLT activities remain at the pleasure of the Council. Some of those planned activities are recurring and preliminary actions have already been initiated for the coming year. Others have previously been discussed with members of the Council, but further action is dependent upon formal Council direction. These activities, in chronological order, include: Emerging Lions Session – This activity debuted last year and was favorably received. Incoming DGs appeared to favor continuance. It is recommended that each District identify potential attendees and the Council propose the topic(s) to be addressed at the session. The Elks Lodge in Annapolis worked well as the venue last year and it is recommended that we return to that location if available. (Preliminary contact has been initiated.) It is suggested that the set up for the session be less formal this year, perhaps in a town hall meeting format. Date is to be determined. Council action/approval required. Club Excellence Process (CEP) Workshop – A seminar on CEP was conducted at the Convention last year and it received high marks. I firmly believe that the Process offers tremendous potential for strengthening clubs regardless of their current level of Lionism. I’ve asked PDGs Och and John Hopkins if they can lead such a workshop and received tentative affirmation. The workshop would be open to all Lions in the Multiple. LCI District GLT funding grants are available for this effort and I have requested LCI to provide guidance on the possibility of providing grants to more than one District for this Multiple workshop. Date and location are to be determined. Council action/approval required. Regional Lions Leadership Institute – Request has been submitted to LCI and funding is approved to conduct the Basic course. Tentative date is February 15-17, 2013 at Emmitsburg. The request may be amended to include additional training. There have been concerns expressed about not offering the advanced course as well. However, there are additional options for additional training concurrently with the RLLI. Strategic Planning, another seminar topic from last year’s Convention, is one option. Another topic is Ethics. There will be a seminar at the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Tampa on Ethics. I encourage attendance at that seminar and feedback on the potential for including either of those topics to be presented at the RLLI as a separate course of instruction. This would require LCI approval. Council approval required. DGE School – Last year, we followed LCI guidance on topics to be addressed at the school instead of trying to go through the entire DGE Manual. Participants responded favorably and we anticipate that LCI will provide similar guidance this year. We will follow that guidance once again. The school will be conducted March 8-9, 2013 in Salisbury. No action required. Pg. 66 Convention Seminars – The only negative feedback received from last year’s convention was that attendees could not attend more seminars. Two seminar sessions were scheduled and several new topics were added to the offerings. Several years ago, the time for seminars was reduced and attendees had the opportunity to attend more than one seminar during each session. I would encourage comments on trying that format once again. Suggestions for seminars and presenters are also requested. I received one suggestion: to ask LCI to send representatives to present seminars that may have been presented at other venues such as the USA/Canada Forum. Council approval is required. The MD GLT will continue to encourage the District GLTs to tout the training available online at the Lions Learning Center. In addition to online courses, the Learning Center offers individual training guides, instructor guides, and power point presentations in a number of areas. These may be very beneficial in ensuring that incoming Club/District officers receive the latest information and guidance in administering their organization. We will also reiterate the availability of District GLT funding grants ($300 per district) for training on CEP, Zone Chairs, and Certified Guiding Lions. I would also encourage each District GLT Coordinator to share their plans with other Coordinators and invite attendance at activities in order to broaden all of our perspectives. PDG Paul Hawkins added that the District Global Leadership Teams should identify the individuals for the Emerging Lion Seminar and stressed that they should make the seminars more interactive, giving the individuals the opportunity to participate this year. The District Governors commended PDG Paul Hawkins on the excellence of the DGE Training Program that they received prior to the DGE Training at the International Convention in Busan. The District Governors added that some of the information that was presented at the International Convention was redundant since they had received this at the MD22 DGE Training. PIP Clem Kusiak requested that the District Governors compare the DGE training that they received in MD-22 with that of the International Convention. He would like the District Governors to share their information with him and he will relate it at the upcoming Long Range Planning Committee at LCI. International Convention, PDG John Cullison (22-A) Written Report: MD-22 LIONS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE Estimated Budget for Lions Year 2012-2013 Revenue Dues (based on June membership) 22A 22B 22C 22D 22W 1006 members @ $.75 1456 members @ $.75 1578 members @ $.75 1299 members @ $.75 1956 members @ $.75 $754.50 $1092.00 $1183.50 $974.25 $1467.50 $5471.2 Pin Sales 22A 22B 22C 22D 22W 220 @ $2 275 @ $2 325 @ $2 250 @ $2 375 @ $2 $440 $550 $650 $500 $750 Pg. 67 Convention Pin Sales 125 @$2 MD 22Breakfast for 60 attendees @ 30.00 $250 $1800 $4940.00 $10,411.25 Expenses Pins – 1570 @ $1.15 Chairman Expenses Hotel -6 nights @ $200 Travel to Hamburg, Germany Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration Vice Chairman Hotel – 6 nights @ $200.00 Travel to Hamburg, Germany Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration Printing/Postage Hospitality Room Refreshments MD 22 Breakfast for 60 Attendees Exhibit Booth at MD 22 Convention Shopping Expenses for Banners and Flags Total Expenses Total revenue Difference (Shortage of revenue) $1805.50 $1200.00 $2000.00 $500.00 $100.00 $3800.00 $1200.00 $2000.00 $500.00 $100.00 $3800.00 $250.00 $1200.00 $1800.00 $125.00 $400.00 $13,180.50 $10,411.25 $2769.25 Pg. 68 Pg. 69 Pg. 70 PDG John Cullison (22-A) instructed the District Governors to notify him on the number of pins they want, keeping in mind that revenue is based on the number of pins sold. The figures for the pin sales in his report were based on approximately one pin for 4 members. In regards to the pin design, PDG John stated that he will have 3 designs, but he will officially open it up to anyone who wants to submit a pin design. They should be submitted as soon as possible. A final decision will be made the next time the council meets. He showed a picture of the symbol for the Hamburg International Convention. PDG John encourages the District Governors to work with their incoming governors to design a pin. In regards to the hospitality room, PDG John wants the District Governors to decide whether they need a hospitality room. LCI will pay for the cost of the room, excluding refreshments which are expected to be very expensive. However, PDG John will make the arrangements if they want one. PDG John anticipates a shortage of revenues and proposes a fundraiser in addition to pin sales. He will work with the District Governors on that. In regards to the parade uniform, PDG John proposes to either use the current uniform or to open it up to a design competition among the districts, primarily oriented to the youth in the districts, especially to those in art/design schools. They would be given the criteria i.e. materials available, what affordable, the council is looking for, completed in time etc. The council would get 5 different designs from which to choose. The Pg. 71 selected winner would receive a small cash reward and also recognition for creating the design. PDG John reminded the District Governors that he needs the names of the District International Convention Chairmen from the District Governors. PIP Clem Kusiak made the following points: (1) Registrants are assigned to their MD hotel. He cautions registrants in changing their hotel assignment. MD- 22 could lose their hotel preference and registrants could get "lost in the shuffle". (2) He suggested a joint breakfast with New England. The committee should get in touch with the leading director representing the New England States. Council Secretary's Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W): CS Paul stated that the minutes from the May 12, 2012 Election of Governors Meeting were sent out. He made the motion to accept those minutes. DG Skip Hoffman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. MD 22 Convention, PDG Sandi Halterman, Chair (22-C) - Written Report: Are You Ready for an Exciting Convention? Well, this TEAM OC is. PDG Bob and I would like to first thank DG Charlene Travers for giving us her wisdom. We both came into the Convention scene fairly green and with her guidance and with us all working as a TEAM, I think we put on a good Convention last year as you see by the comments. I would like to now introduce your TEAM OC for 2013: PDG Bob Jones, Vice Chair and IPDG Stephen Finger, Treasurer. We also have an extra bonus and every bit a part of the TEAM, 2nd VDG Cheryl Jones. For those of you who missed the other BOB at Salisbury, he will be attending this Convention and will have specific duties. Back on April 4th, the committee met with the Director of Sales at the Roland E. Powell Convention. During that meeting, we set-up all the activities that will be held there and have confirmation of our attendance. The committee has been able to negotiate a good deal for the convention center. We will have the entire one side to ourselves and it looks fantastic. On June 2nd, we met with the hotels and briefly with the Caterer of the Convention Center, Centerplate. We have since selected food for all events and are still waiting to sign official contact with Centerplate. The Committee was also able to negotiate great rates for housing with suites and efficiencies available all the way from the Boardwalk to the Princess Royale on the Oceanside and housing on the Bayside, very near the Convention Center. We are offering the Lions prices between $59 - $349 on the high side (3 Bed Condos) and we believe that we are considering all Lions with low to medium prices along with "Named" hotels. We are very comfortable with what we are offering. This past Tuesday (7/24), Bob and I met with and signed contracts with the 5 hotels selected: Princess Royale $109-$349 - Headquarters' Hotel and where the Hospitality will be held Princess Bayside $59-$109 Quality Inn $69 Holiday Inn $84 Hilton $124 We will soon be sending out information to the Lions regarding what these hotels have going for them. The Committee is working on adding a Miniature Golf Tournament for our non-golfer participants and families. Bob and I met with Old Pro Golf , also on Tuesday regarding this. Ocean City Bus transportation will be free as long as the Lions wear their badges. We are also working on drawings for free hotel stays, which will be drawn at the Victory Lunch, and possibly shopping trips to the Tangiers Outlets. Last year, a donation was made to provide the lanyards used for the convention badges. This year, we are suggesting that if the Council of Governors would like lanyards again that perhaps someone or some club Pg. 72 could sponsor them. Last year, the cost for 750 was $426.30 including shipping. If you think this is possible, please let me know ASAP. Something that was suggested to the Committee was to return the Scrapbook Contest. I am asking the District Governors to provide comments regarding this. It would require each District Governor to select 1 Lion, 1 Lioness and 1 Leo scrapbook (if submitted) for submission to the Multiple District Convention by a selected date, for judging. Let me or one of the Committee members know as soon as possible so a decision can be made as to its inclusion or not. We believe that the Lions are generally positive about going back to Ocean City. We hope that the hospitality event will be the best in years. Our TEAM is very excited and feel comfortable that we can provide the Lions with an outstanding convention. I have prepared booklets of Sub-Committee Appointments as well as the description of duties. We have established a deadline of December 1, 2012, the date of the District 22-D Social to submit names for each of the committees that your District is responsible for according to the Policy and Procedures Manual. Please see that this deadline is met or you will force me to start calling or emailing to remind. Any questions, please contact me. PDG Sandi added that the Mid-Winter Conference has been scheduled for February 2nd at the Convention Center in Ocean City. MD22 Convention, PDG Bob Jones, Vice-Chair (22-D): PDG Bob described his primary duties: getting vendors and the golf tournament. PDG Doug Carey will be doing the Golf Tournament again this year. He has already contacted a golf course and has worked up prices and deals. The Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, May 13th. PDG Bob is hoping for more vendors this year. All the vendors will be in the same room with equal space, electricity and tablecloths. Skirting will be an additional cost of $30.00. He is also striving for 1000 attendees and encourages the District Governors to discuss the Multiple Convention as they travel around the district this year. PDG Bob stressed that the struggle will be to finance the convention: revenue from the council from the dues is going down and the cost of the meals will be more than last year. Of the 50/50 convention raffle tickets that were sent out to the clubs, over 4,700 tickets were not returned. PIP Clem Kusiak suggested giving each club a percentage of the sales. DG Charlene stated that our convention does not charge a registration fee as some Multiple Districts do. MD 22 Convention Treasurer's Report, IPDG Steve Finger (22-W): The committee added two more income lines: to do a basket raffle and to sell program book advertisements. Selling ads for commercial vendors along the Coastal Highway can generate $1600 in income. The committee has discussed a registration fee, but are undecided at this time. PIP Clem Kusiak suggested putting it on the ballot to be voted on by the Lions in MD22. DG Don Beeson made the motion to release 95% of the anticipated dues. CT Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. IPDG Steve Finger will contact the District Governors about selling convention raffle tickets at their District Socials. He emphasized that selling the raffle tickets could make up the shortage in the convention budget. Raffle tickets will be sent to the clubs, based on the percentage of members. Pg. 73 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 07-12 2012-2013 INCOME Budget Actual Variance Convention Income Exhibits Mini Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Merchandise Raffle Program Book Advertisements Basket Raffle Tail Twister Misc. TOTAL Convention Income Interest Inc MD22 Dues* Meal Payments $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $13,500.00 $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $0.00 $10,942.50 Critique Meeting Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meal Payments $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 Ticket Sales Convention District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D District 22-W Past District Governors Dinner Other TOTAL Ticket Sales Transfer from Council TOTAL INCOME * Dues income based on MD22 population of 7153 (est.) $400.00 $4,959.66 $5,778.61 $6,975.78 $9,477.35 $8,522.49 $36,113.89 $4,200.00 $65,156.39 $13,500.00 $0.00 $10,942.50 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $4,959.66 $5,778.61 $6,975.78 $9,477.35 $8,522.49 $0.00 $0.00 $36,113.89 $0.00 $0.00 $65,156.39 of 7,295 Lions Pg. 74 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 07-12 2012-2013 EXPENSES Budget $100.00 Bank Charge Committee Expenses Hotel Meal Miscellaneous Site Visits Telephone & Fax Travel TOTAL Committee Expenses Actual $2,450.00 $1,400.00 $62.00 $200.00 $695.00 $180.00 $2,450.00 $1,400.00 $62.00 $200.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 $5,912.00 $0.00 $695.00 $180.00 $9,354.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $2,400.00 $9,354.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $36,111.76 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $36,111.76 $0.00 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $800.00 $0.00 $57,990.76 $1,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 $2,450.00 $210.00 $1,800.00 $5,912.00 $0.00 Convention Expenses Badges & Pins Banners & Signs Convention Center Decorations Distinguished Guest Entertainment Exhibit Services Gifts & Awards Golf Tournament Hospitality Meals MD Sales Tax Merchandise Raffle Prizes & Expense Ticket refunds Past District Governors Dinner TOTAL Convention Expenses District Governor Expenses Meetings Critique Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meetings Office Other Expenses Photographs Postage and Delivery Printing and Reproduction Tickets Variance $100.00 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $800.00 $57,990.76 $1,800.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 $2,450.00 $210.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES $2,828.00 $66,580.76 $0.00 $0.00 $2,828.00 $66,580.76 TOTAL INCOME NET INCOME (EXPENSE) $65,156.39 -$1,424.37 $0.00 $0.00 $65,156.39 ($1,424.37) Pg. 75 MD-22 Convention Chair PDG Sandi Halterman inquired whether the Council of Governors have any site recommendations for 2017 for the convention committee to visit. The Council of Governors responded that they have not discussed it yet. PDG Sandi reported that she needs the information as soon as possible. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion to request that the Convention Committee investigates Hagerstown, Gettysburg and Dover for 2017. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) seconded the motion. The Council did not vote on the motion due to much discussion. MD-22 Convention Chair PDG Sandi Halterman and DG Charlene Travers stated that the Convention Committee went out to both Hagerstown and Gettysburg: Hagerstown for 2016 and Gettysburg for 2017. Gettysburg is interested in two years. PID Joe Gaffigan indicated that the Council should give the Convention Committee directions for 2017 and report back by the time required. PDG Lee Bird recommended that the Council should ask for 2018 and the Convention Committee should present the bid package at the 2013 MD-22 Convention in May 2013. The Convention Committee reported the following: 2011-2012 Council of Governors approved the bid package for Hagerstown for 2016. 2011-2012 Council of Governors had received an invitation from Hagerstown, Gettysburg and Dover for 2017. The Convention Committee submitted bid packages for Hagerstown and Gettysburg to the 2011-2012 Council, but not to the 2012-2013 Council. The bid packages from Hagerstown and Gettysburg for 2017 have not been approved yet. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) made the motion for the Convention Committee to reaffirm Hagerstown for 2016 and reaffirm Hagerstown and Gettysburg for 2017 by December 1, 2012. CS Paul Cannada seconded the motion. The motion was carried. The Convention Committee will give a report at the December 2, 2012 Council of Governors Meeting in Dover, Delaware. The Council will make the final decision for 2017 at the Mid-Winter Convention on February 2, 2013. LCIF, IPDG Ken Chew, Coordinator (22-D): IPDG Ken presented AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) with a Melvin Jones Fellows patch for the South Carroll Lioness-Lions Club. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion that the Council Chair, District Governors, Vice-District Governors, Cabinet Secretaries, and Cabinet Treasurers are guests at the District Socials. Their guests are not covered. CT Richard Merriwether seconded the motion The motion was carried. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) read a letter from PDG Sonny Parker who decided to apply for a standard grant for Camp Merrick. He thanked the Council for their help. No action was needed from Council. PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C) confirmed the date of February 2, 2013 for the Mid-Winter Conference. PIP Clem Kusiak (22-A) reported on the retreat for Lions Youth Foundation which was held on July 28, 2012. They want to help with the convention. They will be celebrating the 5 year launch of the Lions Pg. 76 Youth Foundation. They will have youth presenters for part of the second business meetings to give testimony to what is meant to them by the Lions-provided projects. There will be a large reception on behalf of the Foundation to Fellows and to those who have made major contributions to the program. There will be a keynote speaker as part of the program. A room will be provided at the convention. Comments by the Advisors: PIP Clem Kusiak (22-A) stated that Lions should not forward emails with Re: in the subject line to the advisers if you want their advice. He advised the Vice-District Governors to begin planning this year for next year because after the DGE training the Multiple Convention and International Convention will be theirs. The discussion of the Multiple Convention took 52 minutes. PID Joe Gaffigan (22-C) asked the Council to review Article VII Section II of the MD 22 Constitution and ByLaws to improve the "invitation" language to make it more formal. He suggested that the Council look at dues increase, registration fees, and expense reimbursements to help future convention budget shortages. They need to find more revenue or reduce spending to balance the budget. He proposes that the Long Range Planning and Finance meet jointly to make recommendations to the Council. Benediction was given by CT Richard Merriwether (22-D). The meeting was adjourned at 4:04 p.m. Respectively Submitted by AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Pg. 77 ADDITIONAL REPORTS 2011-2012 MD 22 Budget Statement of Expenditures & Account Balance Updated July 20, 2012 CATEGORY Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD22 Convention GMT/GLT MD 22 Convention supplemental budget International Convention supplemental budget Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution and By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report BUDGET $1,863.27 $5,592.73 $11,184.00 $1,862.73 $11,200.00 $6,000.00 $830.00 $500.00 $700.00 $750.00 $893.00 $250.00 $200.00 TRANSACTION VARIANCE $1,863.27 $5,592.73 $11,184.00 $921.58 $11,200.00 $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $941.15 $0.00 $0.00 $396.73 $542.50 $364.00 $694.18 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $433.27 ($42.50) $336.00 $55.82 $893.00 $250.00 $200.00 Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research and Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditures BUDGETED/TRANSACTIONS/VARIANCE $250.00 $500.00 $160.00 $200.00 $300.00 $250.00 $100.00 $50.00 $368.00 $200.00 $755.00 $100.00 $100.00 $21,725.00 $0.00 $75.00 $158.04 $158.60 $55.79 $0.00 $0.00 $50.00 $736.00 $0.00 $754.55 $0.00 $0.00 $20,750.00 $66,883.73 $61,496.97 $250.00 $425.00 $1.96 $41.40 $244.21 $250.00 $100.00 $0.00 ($368.00) $200.00 $0.45 $100.00 $100.00 $975.00 $0.00 $5,386.76 Other Income & Returns Preliminary Operations Budget Checking Account Balance as of 7/20/2012 Outstanding Checks at close of 7/20/2012 Receipts Not Deposited at close of 7/20/2012 Money Market Account Balance as of 7/20/2012 TOTAL ASSETS $3,596.07 $29,133.75 $1,858.84 $1,737.63 $27,600.28 $0.00 $0.00 $45,050.26 $72,650.54 Pg. 78 2011-2012 MD 22 Budget Carryover and Statement of Income July 20, 2012 CARRYOVER General Account Startup transfers from 2010-2011 Final Administrative Turnover MD 22 Convention International Convention Administrative Account Sub Total Allowed Carry-over Reduction (20% of Admin Act Sub Total) International Candidate Fund MD 22 Automobile Tag Fund Leadership Institute TRANSFER IN TRANSFER OUT VARIANCE $5,000.00 $75,932.97 $0.00 $0.00 $80,932.97 -$16,186.59 $0.00 $1,008.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 $74,924.67 $0.00 $0.00 $79,924.67 -$15,984.93 $4,889.45 $0.00 $4,001.20 $0.00 $888.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Startup transfer to 2011-2012 $0.00 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds Less Reduction 2011-2012 Income Dues - August Billing -7,529 Members January Billing -7,383 $85,822.42 $69,635.83 $5,009.50 $5,009.50 $80,812.92 $64,827.99 BUDGET TRANSACTIONS VARIANCE $7,456.00 $3,985.39 -$3,470.61 $1,863.27 $5,592.73 $11,184.00 $1,862.73 $1,863.27 $5,592.73 $11,184.00 $921.48 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$941.25 $17,200.00 $17,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,192.84 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $666.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,750.00 $0.00 $46,155.71 $0.00 $0.00 -$47.16 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$50.26 -$975.00 -$1,690.07 -$7,174.35 members Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention Fund GMT/GLT OPTIONAL Applied From Carryover (max 20% of Admin Carryover Red.) Other Income MD 22 Automobile Tag Fund GMT/GLT Leadership Membership DG & VDG School Turnover Meeting USA Canada Forum Bank Interest Money Market Account LCI PR & DG/VDG Grants Misc. Income and Convention Fund Returns Total Operating Income Total Potential Income/Receipts $1,240.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $666.00 $0.00 $50.26 $21,725.00 $1,690.07 $53,330.06 $70,530.06 Pg. 79 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MEETING MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MINUTES Sunday, September 23, 2012 Hagerstown, Maryland Attendees: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22-A); FVDG Doug Jones (22-B); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22W); SVDG Kelley Randolph (22-C); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); SVDG John Parker (22-W); PID Joseph Gaffigan, Advisor (22-C); PID Darley Travers, Advisor (22-B); ID Ted Reiver, Advisor (22-D); PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); PDG Tom Jefts, Constitution and By-Laws (22-W); PDG John Cullison, International Convention Chair (22-A); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); PDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Forum Vice-Coordinator, (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); PDG Ted Ladd, LVRF Coordinator, (22-C ); CS Joan Bestpitch, Roaring Lions Chair (22-D); PCC Bob Muchow (22-A); Lion Sam Foster, MD-22 Leo Chair (22-W); IPDG Dave Studley (22-B); IPDG Rich Barb (22-C); PDG Rodney Welch (22-W); PCT Ann Reiver (22-D); CT Kirby Travers (22-B); CT Don Stein Auditor (22-D) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. DG Don Beeson (22-C) led the pledge, DG Charlene Travers (22-B) led the singing of one verse of "America" and DG Richard Merriwether (22-D) gave the invocation. Council Secretary’s Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W) presented the MD 22 Turnover Meeting Minutes from July 29, 2012 in Beltsville, Maryland. CT Richard Meriwether (22-D) made the motion to accept the minutes and DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): Monies received since the last meeting totaled $17,926.02. Each district paid the dues that were sent out in August. There were two expenditures: $10,395.84 given to PDG Steve Finger for the MD 22 2013 Convention and $300.00 to PID Alexander for his honorarium which he has already received. DG Richard Meriwether (22-D) recommended that the District Governors consider increasing the amount of the honorarium next year since the budget can afford more than $300. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report, pending audit. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to accept the budget as presented with the understanding that if any other budget requests come in that the Council could amend the budget. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) seconded the motion. Discussion followed as to the budget requests already submitted. PDG Señora Haywood (22-A) was the only committee chair to submit a budget request in a timely manner.PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C) indicated that the MD 22 Convention Committee submitted a preliminary budget, but is unable to submit a final budget until the committee receives the food costs. Pg. 80 The Council of Governors decided to make the Honorarium an expense of the Council of Governors and not of the MD 22 Convention Committee. The motion to accept the budget was carried. 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether September 23, 2012 General Account Start-ups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover reduction 10% of Admin Act. Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund less Deductions Start up Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000.00 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget DUES member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295 Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 Actual Income as of September 23, 2012 MD 22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD 22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD 22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 MD 22 A Dues MD 22 B Dues MD 22 C Dues MD 22 D Dues MD 22 W Dues 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.08 2,610.99 3,931.56 Total Income 17,926.02 Pg. 81 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22 Convention 2013 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF GMT/GLT MD 22 Convention Supplement Budget International Convention Supplement Budget Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditures Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 Actual Balance 10,395.84 300.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 546.66 (300.00) 1,823.75 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 28,495.25 500.00 17,799.41 10,695.84 Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 09/23/12 Outstanding Checks @ close Receipts not deposited @ close Money Market Account 27,600.28 34,830.46 Total Assets 45,050.26 79,880.72 CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) presented PCC Bob Muchow (22-A) with a Certificate of Appreciation from PIP Wing Kun Tam for PCC Bob Muchow's leadership and service last year. Pg. 82 CS Paul Cannada (22-W) introduced Lion Sam Foster (22-W) from the Taneytown Lions Club as the recently appointed MD22 Leo Chair. Lion Sam Foster thanked the Council for his appointment. He has reviewed the responsibilities of his position and contacted the sub-district chairs. He has not received a report of the number of Leo clubs and Leo members from 4 out of 5 districts. He proposed an annual conference meeting to elect officers. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) encouraged the District Governors to have their District Leo Chairs contact MD22 Leo Chair, Lion Sam Foster. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS: Constitution & By-Laws, PDG Tom Jefts (22-W): No Report PDG Tom Jefts (22-W) requested that the District Governors give him a copy of their district roster book. Diabetes Awareness, Lion Donna Jackman (22-W): Written Report Only I am disappointed in the response to requests for information on their programs in onel of the Districts. After repeated requests for information, one of the Districts in Multiple 22 has not responded. With diabetes increasing at epidemic rates, more babies and young children are victims of this disease, and greater numbers of adults are developing diabetes at earlier ages than previously. The need for our Lions, Lioness and Leos to become educated on the signs and symptoms of diabetes and to recognize the need for medical attention should they occur is greater than it has ever been! District A -- PDG Harold Boccia- Twenty members from three clubs helped with settling in the campers at Camp Possibilities by tagging the luggage and seeing that it got to the correct cabin for the campers. Four members from the Bel Air Lions Club went the last day of camp to help the campers get their luggage loaded up and back to be picked up when their rides arrived. There is to be a Diabetes Walk in October. PDG Boccia is putting together a power point on Camp Possibilities to share with any club or organization that would like to have a better understanding of the program and work that is done for diabetic children at this camp. He is available to present programs to any club. District B –The Rev. Richard Vance - No response from the chairman last year and again this year. District C – Lion Lauren Neuman- She is planning a big drive during the month of October which is National Diabetes Month to raise funds to send diabetic children in District C to Lions Camp Merrick next summer. Her goal is to raise $10,000 to send at least 12 children to camp. Lion Lauren is available to present programs to your clubs. District D – Lion Gary Stumpf- He reports that his District raised over $1,500 last year. He presented one program. Lion Gary is available to present programs to the clubs in his District and will assist any clubs with projects to raise funds for diabetes. District W –Lion Donna Jackman –District W has a very busy month in October. The annual Kiss-APig and Diabetes Walk will be held at Baker Park in Frederick, MD on Sunday, October 14. The goal for this year’s Walk is $2500 and the Kiss-A-Pig goal is $12,000. Our contest has taken on a different approach for this year. All the contestants are working collectively to raise more money than Lion Tom Harney. Lion Tom has won the privilege of kissing the pig’s nose for many years by raising the most money. He is challenging all the other contestants to beat the amount he raises. The contestant who raises the least amount will have the honor of kissing the other end of the pig. All funds raised at these two events go 100% to research Pg. 83 to find a cure for this disease. Lion Donna signed an agreement with the American Diabetes Association to guarantee all money contributed by Lions be designated to be used for nothing but research. On Saturday, October 20, the St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Smithsburg, MD, in conjunction with the Lions of District 22W, are sponsoring a Motorcycle ride to raise money for the Jackman Memorial Fund to send diabetic children to Camp Merrick. This event will have a 50/50, raffle, food, music and other activities. The financial goal for this event is to raise $20,000 to benefit sending diabetic children to Camp Merrick to help them learn to make the necessary adjustments in their lifestyles to avoid the complications that diabetes causes in one’s body. The Lions will also have their little stuffed animals available for sale at this event with all proceeds going toward camperships for diabetic children. Lion Donna has presented several programs to clubs this year to date and is available to present programs to both community organizations and Lions organizations. MD22 GLT, PDG Paul Hawkins, Coordinator (22-C) - Written Report: No plans have been finalized for the Emerging Lions Session, awaiting Council recommendations for best date and agenda. Status of identification of potential attendees is unknown. PDG Och and PCC John Hopkins (22-W) have agreed to conduct a one day Club Excellence Process (CEP) Workshop for Lions desiring to serve as facilitators. It is requested that the Council nominate three to four Lions from their District who would attend. It is not expected that the workshop can be scheduled before November. Please look at your District schedules and provide recommendations on dates. February 15-17, 2013 has been confirmed with Emmitsburg for the Regional Lions Leadership Institute. There will be enhanced security clearance requirements that will necessitate early commitment of attendees. Full details of the requirements are not known at this time. PCC’s Rowe, John Lawrence and I will visit NETC soon to get the details. As soon as we learn what is required, it will be disseminated to the DG Teams. No decision has been made at this time for additional training as discussed during the Turnover Meeting. Council recommendations are requested. Last year, LCI provided guidance on the curriculum for DGE School in October. It is anticipated that they will do so again. Plans are to continue with the format followed last year– Friday to include instruction and discussion on the LCI topics followed by presentations on Multiple and local topics presented on Saturday. The school will be conducted March 8-9, 2013 in Salisbury. Suggestions on topics and presenters for Convention Seminars are encouraged. District GLT funding grants for training on CEP, Zone Chairs, and Certified Guiding Lions are available from LCI. I would also encourage each District GLT Coordinator to share their plans with other Coordinators and invite attendance at activities in order to broaden all of our perspectives. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion to adopt the date of March 2, 2013 for the Emerging Lion Session with a back-up of February 23, 2013. DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Verbal Report: PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C) doesn't recommend combining the Club Excellence Program with another training event. The following ideas were reviewed: PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C) recommended alternating the Basic and Advanced Training courses. He also suggested adding additional topics for those who have already received both the Basic and the Advanced Training to increase the attendance. PID Joe Gaffigan suggested giving the Pg. 84 attendees at Emmitsburg the option of choosing their own topics. FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W) suggested changing the date to another season to increase attendance. GMT, PCC Grant Curtis (22-D) - Written Report Only First, congratulations to DG Paul and 22-W for forming a new club. The membership numbers are encouraging. We lost 58 fewer members than we had a year ago. It appears that the efforts to increase membership are working. The district GMTs will be attending the sessions planned by our GLT team and will help to spread the ways to get new members to all attending. I hope all districts will schedule an extension seminar with LCI. Again, I request that each DG send me their newsletters and contact me if I can help them increase their membership. Hearing and Speech, Lion Dale Strait (22-A) - No Report Information Technology, Lion Dick Waughtal (22-D) - No Report International Convention, PDG John Cullison (22-A): Written Report This is a follow-up from the Turnover meeting of July 29th 2012. International Convention Pins: Based on the attached amended budget (included in the Turnover notes) I still need to confirm the number of International pins each of the District Governors desire for their respective District. At this time, I have only received confirmation from District 22-W for 200 pins. District 22-W District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D Original # New # 375 220 275 325 250 200 ? ? ? ? I still only have 3 proposed designs for the 2012-2013 International Convention Pin. Please let your Districts know that I am open for suggested designs. Please have them send their designs to me and PCC John Lawrence. I am hoping to present the final drafts for your consideration at the September COG. I would recommend you confer with your 1st VDGs for their input/recommendation. “Contest” for New MD 22 Parade Uniforms: Please advise me if you are interested in the proposed idea of having a MD 22 “Competition” for a new International Parade Uniform (or we can just use the current uniform). The idea is to get the youth (perhaps 25 and under, this is not an absolute cut off) at art/design schools (or other not-for-profit organizations) in the respective Districts to participate in getting their design used in an International parade to be seen by millions. If you are interested in the competition we will come up with criteria for your approval in selecting the winning design (something along the following): Appeal Cost Transportability Utility (can be used for other occasions) Pg. 85 Availability of materials (can be produced in time for the Hamburg Convention) Winning design would get $250-$500 “recognition /thanks” for winning. Fund Raisers (to offset the reduced income from pin sales): Would you approve of any of the following to help offset costs of reduced pin sales and award of Parade Uniform Contest: 50/50 ticket sales (to be awarded before the end of the Lion year; perhaps at March or April Social?) Basket of Goodies (German Theme) Other ideas Names of District’s International Convention POCs: I want to keep the information flow active between the Districts. Do you want a Hospitality Room? I have noticed from several International Conventions that the MD 22 Hospitality Room is not widely used. The estimated minimum cost for Hamburg is $1200. This basically gets you light refreshments. On the plus side, the Hospitality room would be an excellent source for Convention/tourist information for all the MD 22 attendees and a nice meeting place to coordinate activities. If approved, I would strive to make it a nice, useful, and fun place to meet. International Convention MD 22 Breakfast: I was planning to work with another delegation for a dual MD breakfast (as was done for Korea, but that has not yet been determined. One Governor has asked to see if we could join Virginia. I am willing to carry out the COG preference on this whether it is Virginia, New England, Pennsylvania or some other delegation. I look forward to a successful MD 22 presence and participation in the 2013 Lions Club International Convention at Hamburg. In response to his written report, the District Governors ordered the following number of pins: District 22-A District 22-B 220 225 District 22-C District 22-D 250 225 In regards to the hospitality room, the Council of Governors made the following recommendations: 1. Share the cost of the hospitality room with another Multiple District 2. Negotiate for a room to use as a meeting place with no refreshments The Council of Governors are satisfied with the uniforms that they have. They don't feel that they would be ready to have a new uniform in 9 months. PDG John Cullison (22-A) reported that he will solicit for people to turn in their uniforms and give a count at the December's Council of Governors Meeting. He will write newsletter articles to be published in the Districts' newsletters and to the Multiple District with information about tours, request for uniforms, and convention facts. PDG John Cullison (22-A) needs the names of each District's International Convention Chair. He brought some brochures on tour information; one from the Lions website and another from a local travel company. He gave the Council three potential designs for a pin. Deadline for submitting designs will be within two weeks. LCIF, PDG Ken Chew (22-D) - Written Report: As Multiple 22 LCIF Coordinator, I want to report that all District LCIF Coordinators for 2012/2013 have been appointed by their respective District Governors and each of their contact information is listed below. Each District Coordinator in conjunction with their District Governors is in the process of making their District’s LCIF goals for 2012/2013 and reporting to Lions Clubs International by October 31, 2012. The Measles Initiative is still operational with $7.8 Million having been raised toward the $10 Million goal. So clubs are urged to make their Melvin Jones donations as early as possible to take advantage of the Gates Foundation challenge to give an additional $5 Million. Additional fundraisers for LCI are possible like Pg. 86 the sale of the Lens & Screen Cleaning Kits and each of the five District LCI Coordinators have or will have information on the sale of these kits. LCIF Coordinators Information – 2012/2013 District A – PDG Bob Bruce District B – PDG Bill Culver E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] District C – IPDG Rich Barb E-Mail: [email protected] District D – PDG Bob Daniels E-Mail: [email protected] District W – PDG Barbara McKenney E-Mail: [email protected] MD 22 – IPDG Ken Chew E-Mail: [email protected] LCIF, PDG Ken Chew (22-D) - Verbal Report: The Measles Initiative Campaign is continuing. The original pledge was 5 million dollars from the Gates Foundation with Lions raising 10 million dollars. LCIF is conducting a fundraiser: selling lens and screen cleaning kits which cost $116.00 per case and sells for $10.00 per kit. Generally, LCIF gets $1.50 per sold kit; however, during a limited time, from now until December, LCIF will receive an additional $1.00 per sold kit from the President of the company. Each club will make a profit of $144.00 per case sold. Leader Dog, Lion Glenn Owens (22-B) - No Report LVRF, PDG Ted Ladd (22-C): Written Report We Lions in MD-22 donate funds each year to support the Lions Low Vision Center at the Wilmer Eye Clinic. I would like to describe one of the things we do with $100,000 of these donations each year. That’s the cost of our program to provide a post-Doctoral Fellow to work in the Lions Low Vision Center. Dr. Tiffany Chan was the Lions Low Vision Fellow last year. She began her Fellowship on 1 July 2011. Very shortly after her arrival, she was credited with reducing the waiting time for patients at the Lions Low Vision Clinic at the Wilmer Eye Institute from more than a week to just 24 hours. At the end of her year with the Lions Low Vision Center she applied for a position on the faculty of the Wilmer Eye Institute and was accepted as an instructor. Since then, she recently opened a new satellite of the Wilmer Eye Clinic in Bel Air Maryland. There she specializes in visual function and rehabilitation to optimize the remaining sight of patients with chronic vision impairment. To give you an idea of the quality of the Doctors receiving this fellowship, Chan received her undergraduate training at the University of California, Davis and her optometric degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Optometry. She completed her residency at the Northport Veterans Affairs Medical Center in New York with a focus in primary care optometry, low vision rehabilitation and vision therapy. Chan then completed the Lions Vision Rehabilitation Fellowship at Johns Hopkins in 2012. During her training, Chan received the Corrine Engwall Award for Clinical Excellence in Infant/Toddler Clinic, the Bernhardt N. Thal, OD VSP Excellence in Primary Care Award and The Louise L. Sloan Research Grant Award for her work in the comparison of physician estimates of rehabilitation potential to low vision rehabilitation outcomes. Chan was inducted into the University of California, Davis Cal Aggie Athletic Hall of Fame in 2012 for her collegiate accomplishments in gymnastics. She also sees patients downtown at 600 N. Wolfe St. in Baltimore. Our new Lions Low Vision Fellow this year is Dr. Nicole Ross. Read about Dr. Ross in the forthcoming Fall 2012 issue of the Lions Vision Newsletter. This is just one of the initiatives that our donations to the LVRF support. The $4 million annuity that MD-22 Lions raised keeps the Low Vision Center in business. It’s our additional donations today and tomorrow that will allow the Low Vision Center to explore new avenues of approach, and this is just one example. Pg. 87 Annual LVRF Rally The annual LVRF rally at the Wilmer Eye Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, 17 November. Social at 8:45 a.m. Program at 9:30 a.m. Lunch provided by the Lions Vision Research Foundation at 11:30 a.m. followed by tours of the Wilmer Eye Institute, including the Lions Low Vision Clinic. The program will take place in the PreClinical Teaching Building, Mountcastle Auditorium, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Md. Please make a point of attending if you can. You will gain a good understanding of what we are supporting at the Wilmer, hear from the leading Doctors, and witness outstanding testimonials. The theme of the rally this year is, “Safari for Sight.” Oh, I forgot to tell you. It is great fun too. The Next Fundraiser The annual LVRF “Aim for Sight” fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 20. This involves firing shotguns at sporting clays. If you want to participate and don’t have a shotgun, one will be provided for you. If you have never fired a shotgun, no problem. They will show you how to do it. Cost is $65 per shooter or $240 per team of four. The event is held at two locations concurrently, at Pintail Point in Queenstown and Mayberry Road in Westminster. The annual drawing for the Trunk of Treasures will be conducted at this activity. To participate at either location, call PDG Dal Mann at 410-673.9085, or e-mail [email protected] . It would be greatly appreciated if you or your club would be a sponsor for this event (Station Sponsor $100, Gold Sponsor $500 or Platinum Sponsor $1,000). Another possibility is that you or your Club put an Ad in the program Book at a cost of $100 for a full page, $60 half page or $40 quarter page. If interested in sponsorship, Dal Mann is your man. LVRF Dinners District 22-B will be holding their ninth annual Lions Vision Research Foundation Dinners on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at the Salisbury American Legion, 1109 American Legion Road, Salisbury, MD. and on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at the Cecilton Fire Hall 110 East Main Street Cecilton, MD. A social gathering will begin at 6 p.m. with Dinner at 7:00 p.m. The cost will be $19.00 per person. Verbal Report: PDG Ted assured the Council that donations are being spent wisely, especially helping the Lions Low Vision Fellowship. For the past four years, $100,000.00 has been spent to hire a post-doctorate physician with a specialty in Ophthalmology or Optometry. This past year, Dr. Tiffany Chan was instrumental in reducing the wait time at the Low Vision Center from one week to one day. She was appointed to a faculty position with the Wilmer Eye Institute and opened up a satellite facility associated with the Wilmer Eye Clinic in Bel Air, Maryland. Another fellow, Dr, Nicole Ross, had been hired in July and will be featured in the Fall issue of the Lions Vision Newsletter in an article to be written by PDG Ted. The Annual LVRF Rally will take place on November 17th at the Wilmer Eye Institute, including lunch and a tour of the facility. PDG Dal Mann (22-B), LVRF Secretary, presented two LVRF fundraisers: Annual Aim for Sight which will take place on October 20th at two locations: Queenstown and Westminster. The cost is $65.00 per individual or $240.00 per team for 50 shells, lunch and fellowship. He encouraged clubs to be a sponsor from $100.00 to $1,000. Clubs are also asked to put an ad in the program book: $40.00 for 1/4 page, $60.00 for 1/2 page and $100.00 for a full page. Trunk of Treasures Raffle Tickets for a refinished ladies trunk filled with items including: handmade afghan by PDG Sue Timmons, autographed copy of a Tom Clancy novel, cookbooks, bottles of liquor and a hand carved cork screw made with wood from the Wye Oak tree. Pg. 88 District 22-B will be hosting two LVRF dinners this year: on October 27th at the American Legion in Salisbury and on November 10th at the Cecilton Fire Hall. District 22-D will host a dinner on January 26th at the Sheraton. Lions Youth Foundation, PDG Buck Fisher (22-W) - No Report MD 22 Convention, PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C) - Written Report Convention arrangements are well underway and this committee continues to be committed to providing a very enjoyable convention. Since June, we have sent out four newsletters, each one highlighting one of our hotels and activities. We hope you have seen these editions in your respective newsletters. The Mid-Winter Conference is scheduled for February 2, 2013, at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center starting at 10:00am. Notices will be sent out in November as a reminder. We are still working on the entertainment and have sent out requests, but have not heard back from any. Hotel rooms have been reserved for IP Madden, ID Reiver, PIP Kusiak, and PID Gaffigan. Also, 5 District Governors, CC Culver, 10 - 1st and 2nd VDG's. These will be on the pool section where the Hospitality Night will be held. To the VDG's, if you do not plan to stay at the Headquarters Hotel, The Princess Royale, please let me know ASAP so that I can relinquish the room. Reminder to the DG's to work on your Committee assignments and get them to me by December 2nd. Regarding bid packages: we have Dover Downs (2015), Hagerstown (2016), Hagerstown (2017) and Gettysburg (2016). These are in a notebook that will be given to CC Dorothy. I suggest that this notebook be continued and passed from one council to another. Verbal Report: PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C) reported that she did some research and provided the District Governors with some prospective sites for future multiple conventions. The committee wanted the Council to consider allowing the sale of advertisements in the convention book to generate funds to offset the cost of printing the convention book at a cost of $225.00 for a full page ad and $115.00 for a half page ad. Pre-School Vision, Lion Don Rae (22-B) - Written Report Only The Preschool Vision Committee held the first of its quarterly meetings on September 12, 2012. A Plusoptix Screening Device was demonstrated. At the previous meeting in June, a PediaVision Device was demonstrated. These two demonstrations were seen to acquaint the members of the committee with the latest technical advances available in screening devices. A sub-committee was appointed to investigate various devices which we might consider in order to upgrade our equipment, and report back to the committee their recommendation and the feasibility of obtaining new devices. Goals for the year were discussed, including the following: 1. How to involve more public schools in our screenings 2. Improve dissemination of information 3. Offer more training 4. Improve follow-up procedures A revised roster of committee members is as follows: Pg. 89 MD 22 PRESCHOOL VISION SCREENING PROGRAM STEERING COMMITTEE 2012-2013 District 22-A Dale Strait-Vice Chairman 815 W. Benfield Blvd. Severna Park, MD 21146 410-987-4879 Email: [email protected] District 22-B Don Rae - Chairman 5452 Mt. Holly Rd. E. New Market, MD 21632 410-228-5262 Email: [email protected] Oliver Wittig—Secretary 343 Preswick Way Severna Park, MD 21146 410-647-7338 Email: [email protected] Ben Cassell 204 Eareckson Lane Stevensville, MD 21666 410-643-1977 Cell:410-739-7069 Email: [email protected] District 22-C James M. Cocchiaro, President- LCOF 10911 Atwell Avenue Bowie, MD 20720 301-262-4495 Email: [email protected] District 22-W Elwood Glass, 14 Mountain View Lane LaVale, MD 21502 301-729-1110 Email: [email protected] Jess Davis Program Coordinator-PSVSP 23293 By The Mill Road California, MD 20619 301-863-2561 Email: [email protected] Medical Advisor Dr. Kimberly Kepner 14712 Bower Drive Rockville, MD 20853 Cell: 301-704-1557 Home: 301-460-9082 Email: [email protected] District 22-D Jack Brinckmeyer - Treasurer 16 Brooklyn Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302-227-8752 Cell: 301-381-5338 Email: [email protected] Technical Advisor Charles Kearse 16643 Killdeer Drive Derwood, MD 20855 301-926-2011 Email: [email protected]. Rennie Quible P.O. Box 308 Little Creek, DE 19961 302-677-0860 Email: [email protected] Public Relations, PDG Dal Mann, Co-Coordinator (22-B): He urged the clubs to advertise their club events in the newspaper and in the local television stations. PCS Suzette Kettenhofen (22-A) will be putting out another newsletter with links to LVRF and to the LCI website, providing tools to be used for public relations. Pg. 90 Research & Long Range Planning, PCC Clare Newcomer (22-W) - No Report Roaring Lions, Lion Joan Bestpitch (22-D) - Lion Joan Bestpitch reported that she is having a difficult time determining the names of the Roaring Lions Chairs in each district since she hasn't received a roster book from each district. District 22-A doesn't have a Roaring Lions Chair, but the other districts do. USA/Canada Forum, PDG Señora Haywood (22-A) - No Report Vehicle Tags (Delaware), PCT Bruce Marvel (22-D)- No Report Vehicle Tags (Maryland), Lion Roger Sauter (22-W) - No Report Youth Outreach, Lion Leonard Gares (22-W) - No Report CS Paul Cannada made the motion to approve the committee reports as presented. DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded it. The motion was carried. Old Business: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) reported that the Council made the request by email to the MD 22 Convention Committee to reaffirm the dates in question and requested invitations for 2018. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) stated that the budget for the MD 22 Convention Committee cannot be approved at this time until the final amounts are in from last year. She requested that they be turned in before the next council meeting. No motion was needed to pay outstanding bills. New Business: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) stated that in an effort to keep the meetings moving smoothly, the Council does not want any surprises. If anyone would like something to be acted on, it's important that they receive the request in sufficient time to discuss it prior to the meeting. Please do not hand a request to them as they walk into the meeting. If someone wishes to be on the agenda, they are requested to inform the Council in advance. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) reported that MD 22 was the lead this year in the Memorial Day Parade. The second half of the grant money from last year which totaled $10,000 was received and then forwarded to MD 24 who co-chaired the event. PID Joe Gaffigan (22-C) indicated that the Council will need to decide which district will chair the next Memorial Day Parade with MD 24. CT Richard Meriwether (22-D) made the motion to endorse PID Dr. Yamada, candidate for 2nd Vice-President of LCI for 2013. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded it. The motion was carried. PIP Clem Kusiak (22-A) will write and send the endorsement. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) stated that affiliate members are not voting members, however they are included in the general membership when determining the number of delegates at the convention. She asked to have that included in the Elections Rules. The question was then asked for a clarification on deciding how to determine delegate allotment. PID Joe Gaffigan (22-C) responded that the number of delegates are determined by the general membership. To be counted in the general membership, a member must have been a member for at least one year and one day. Pg. 91 Comments from Advisors: ID Ted Reiver (22-D) complimented the Council on their hard work and CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) for a good meeting. PID Joe Gaffigan (22-C) reported that DG Don Beeson (22-C), FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C) and he will be meeting with news anchor JC Hayward from Channel 9 News on September 24th, discussing how she can help Lions to promote their programs. PID Joe would like help from those with experienced PR to work with JC Hayward and her staff. Concerning the International Convention, he emphasized that it will be out of the country again, putting a financial strain on that committee. In regards to the uniforms, he stressed that a system must be place to identify who has uniforms to loan out and how to get them out to the people until a future Council decides to change the uniforms. Concerning the financial strain that he previously discussed, he emphasized that the Council has the authority to assist a committee who might be in distress for legitimate reasons, especially the International Committee so they must get used to it! PID Darley Travers (22-B) proposed that the Council should transfer money from the MD22 budget to the International Convention Committee budget since there are sufficient funds in the MD22 to do so. Comments from the District Governors: All the District Governors commended CS Paul Cannada on the success of his social and for providing an enjoyable evening for all. DG Don Beeson (22-C) proposed that the current Council provide the incoming Council with the number of roster books to order for next year's committee chairmen and Council. CT Richard Meriwether (22-D) reminded the District Governors that the next statement for dues will be sent in January 2013. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) thanked the District Governors for attending his social, making it a great event! He praised the job of his committee which exceeded his expectations. He thanked the Council for their hard work in keeping the Multiple District running, but reminded them that there is still a lot of work to do. He assured them that it will get done. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) stated that CS Paul set a high plateau for the others to reach who still have a social ahead of them. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) reminded the Council that the next social will be on November 3rd in Hunt Valley, followed by the Council of Governors Meeting on November 4th. Benediction was given by DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 a.m. Respectively Submitted by AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Pg. 92 Agenda Council of Governor’s Meeting November 4, 2012 Call Meeting to Order Pledge America Invocation CC Dorothy Culver DG Don Beeson DG Charlene Travers DG Richard Merriwether Remarks from International Guest FIP Jimmy Ross Council Secretary’s Report DG Paul Cannada Council Treasurer’s Report DG Richard Merriwether Presentation Committee Reports CC Dorothy Culver PDG Tom Jefts PDG Sandi Halterman PDG Ted Ladd Old Business: Follow up on previously submitted questions GLT Chair Paul Hawkins Which District will chair the Memorial Day Parade from MD 22? Who? Where do we stand with the audit report from the 2011-2012 council? New Business: Motion to pay bills Comments from MD 22 Advisors PID Darley Travers Comments from District Governors DG Skip Hoffman DG Charlene Travers DG Donald Beeson DG Richard Merriwether DG Paul Cannada Comments from Council Chair CC Dorothy Culver Benediction Adjourned DG Skip Hoffman Pg. 93 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLEDISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MEETING MULTIPLE 22 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MINUTES Sunday, November 4, 2012 Hunt Valley, Maryland Attendees: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22-C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22-A); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W); SVDG Kelley Randolph (22-C); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); SVDG Doug DeWitt (22-A); PID Darley Travers, Advisor (22-B); PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); IPDG Stephen Finger (22-W); PDG John Cullison, International Convention Chair (22-A); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); PDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Forum Vice-Coordinator, (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); PDG Ted Ladd, LVRF Coordinator, (22-C ); CS Joan Bestpitch, Roaring Lions Chair (22-D); PCC Bob Muchow (22-W); IPDG Rich Barb (22-C); IPDG Dave Studley (22-B); Lion Sam Foster, MD-22 Leo Chair (22-W); Lion Suzette Kettenhofen (22-A) Public Relations Co-Coordinator; Lion Ann Ladd (22-C); CT Don Stein (22-D); Administration Assistant Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. DG Don Beeson (22-C) led the pledge, DG Charlene Travers (22-B) led the singing of one verse of "America" and CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) gave the invocation. Council Secretary’s Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W): CS Paul Cannada presented the minutes from the September 23, 2012 Council of Governors Meeting in Hagerstown, Maryland. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to accept the minutes and DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): CT Richard Merriwether reported that there were no changes to the first page of the General Account. The only change since the last meeting was for the USA/Canada Forum. The total breakfast cost was $2274.72. After PDG Senora Haywood collected $1258.00 from the Lions, the remaining amount of $1016.72 was paid from the budgeted amount of $1500, leaving a gain of $483.28. All bills have been paid. DG Don Beeson (22-C) made the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report, pending audit. CS Paul Cannada(22-W) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 94 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether November 4, 2012 General Account Start-ups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover reduction 10% of Admin Act. Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund less Deductions Start up Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000.00 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget DUES member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295 Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 Actual Income as of September 23, 2012 MD 22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD 22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD 22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 MD 22 A Dues MD 22 B Dues MD 22 C Dues MD 22 D Dues MD 22 W Dues 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.08 2,610.99 3,931.56 Total Income 17,926.02 Pg. 95 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance CT Richard Meriwether November 4, 2012 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22 Convention 2013 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF GMT/GLT Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditures Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 Actual Balance 1,823.75 1,823.75 5,471.25 546.66 (300.00) 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 (774.72) 100.00 100.00 500.00 28,495.25 10,395.84 300.00 2,274.72 12,970.56 500.00 15,524.69 Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 11/03/12 Outstanding Checks @ close Receipts not deposited @ close Money Market Account 27,600.28 32,555.74 Total Assets 45,050.26 79,606.00 Pg. 96 LCIF, PDG Ken Chew (22-D): CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) received Certificates of Appreciation from PIP Sid Scruggs for LCIF chairman PDG Bill Culver (22-B) for his service and dedication to LCIF. PDG Bill Culver's nomination has been approved by PIP Tam for being the District 22-B LCIF Coordinator. IPDG Rich Barb (22C) has also been approved as the District 22-C LCIF Coordinator. MD 22 Convention Chairman, PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C): We are excited on how YOUR convention is progressing and we are optimistic that we can increase attendance. We are promoting the convention monthly in our newsletters, promoting new Lions to be personally invited, to come and to have fun and to enjoy fellowship. Soon, we will be getting the first mailings out, by the end of December or the beginning of January. It's exciting that the Vice District Governors, all of them, have embraced our suggested format for the hospitality night and it’s going to be a great night. You don’t want to miss it! Some new changes have occurred, starting on Monday, the first day of the convention. We have decided that the pre-entertainment will be an ice cream social with DJ RUPE, a local DJ who plays everything. The starting of this FUN event will be at the Princess Royale in the Atrium. Second, we ran into a snag with the Convention Center and the Cruisers. This information was previously emailed to Council Chair Dorothy so you would be aware of it in advance. The Cruisers have grown larger and expanded their activities which will make it virtually impossible for the Lions to find parking on Thursday. So we discussed with concurrence of Lion Fred Wise of the Roland E. Powell Convention Center to move the activities of the last day, Thursday, to the Princess Royale. Bob and I met with Dorothea Calabrese of the Princess Royale and worked out a plan. With the concurrence of IPDG Steve, we will move to the Princess Royale: Town Hall Forum with the International Family Last days registration 2nd Business meeting District Voting Victory Luncheon There will be signage for the Lions to get around to the various meeting rooms. It’s basically all in the same area, some on one floor and others below that. We believe this will be a better experience for the Lions with less congestion. District Governors, please don’t forget the District Committee Assignments so that we can start working on the book. We would like to have them by the next Council of Governors Meeting in December. Action Item: At the last Council meeting, we asked about putting ads in the Program Book. We wanted to know what you thought about this suggestion. The price would be: $225 full page in the program book, $115 ½ page would need multiples of 4 pages (for printing purposes only) would need governors' support for getting the word out. MD 22 Convention Vice-Chairman, PDG Bob Jones (22-D): There should not be a problem with parking. There will be plenty of parking at the Princess Royale Hotel. He encouraged everyone, especially the Pg. 97 District Governors, to advertise the convention. There will be a golf tournament. Invitations will be sent out to 30 exhibitors. Everything is in good shape at this time. MD Convention Treasurer, PDG Stephen Finger (22-W): He reported that housing has been set up. The move to the Princess Royale saved $2700.00 and moving the Victory Luncheon to the Princess Royale saved $2400.00. The committee is striving to keep the costs down while maintaining the same quality as before. All clubs in the Multiple have received raffle tickets and he encouraged the Multiple District to sell raffle tickets, one of the convention's major fundraisers. They have added two income generators: program ads and a filled basket with no cost to the convention. They are still working to reduce the cost of the dinners. MD CONVENTION BUDGET 10-2012 Update 2012-2013 INCOME Budget Convention Income Exhibits Mini Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Merchandise Raffle Program Book Advertisements Basket Raffle Tail Twister Misc. TOTAL Convention Income Interest Inc MD 22 Dues* Meal Payments Critique Meeting Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meal Payments Ticket Sales $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 Actual $626.83 $13,500.00 $158.00 $784.83 $10,942.50 $10,395.84 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 Variance $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $3,773.17 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $12,715.17 $0.00 $546.66 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 Convention District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D District 22-W Past District Governors Dinner Other TOTAL Ticket Sales Transfer from Council $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $39,516.00 $4,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,516.00 TOTAL INCOME $68,558.50 $11,180.67 $57,377.83 *Dues income based on MD22 population of 7,295 Lions Pg. 98 EXPENSES Bank Charge Committee Expenses Hotel Meal Miscellaneous Site Visits Telephone and Fax Travel TOTAL Committee Expenses Convention Expenses Badges & Pins Banners & Signs Convention Center Decorations Distinguished Guest Entertainment Exhibit Services Gifts & Awards Golf Tournament Hospitality Meals MD Sales Tax Merchandise Raffle Prizes & Expense Ticket Refunds Past District Governor Dinner TOTAL Convention Expenses District Governor Expenses Meetings Critique Mid-Winter Conference Budget $100.00 Actual Variance $100.00 $2,450.00 $1,400.00 $62.00 $200.00 $671.00 $380.00 $1,800.00 $5,912.00 $581.90 $1,632.90 $1,779.00 $1,020.00 $62.00 $200.00 $0.00 $1,218.10 $4,279.10 $0.00 $695.00 $180.00 $9,354.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,657.50 $695.00 $180.00 $9,354.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,657.50 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $280.00 $800.00 $61,459.36 $1,800.00 $280.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,920.00 $800.00 $0.00 $61,179.36 $1,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 $2,397.50 $210.00 TOTAL Meetings Office Other Expenses Photographs Postage and Delivery Printing and Reproduction Tickets $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 $2,450.00 $210.00 TOTAL Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES $2,828.00 $70,049.36 $52.50 $1,965.40 $2,775.50 $68,083.96 TOTAL INCOME $68,558.50 $11,180.67 $57,377.83 NET INCOME (EXPENSE) -$1,490.86 $9,215.27 ($10,706.13) $0.00 $52.50 Pg. 99 Multiple Convention, PDG Sandi Halterman, PDG Bob Jones, IPDG Steve Finger: Activities will be at the Convention Center on Tuesday and Wednesday with buses running all day from Headquarters to the Convention Center. There should not be a problem with bus transportation. The Cruisers will be arriving late Wednesday and will tie up parking on Thursday. This should not affect our convention since Thursday's activities have been moved to the Princess Royale. The committee will target the Ocean City business community for the sale of ads in the Convention Book to help cover the cost of printing and ads will be accepted by any Lions or Club. The ads are the size/dimensions of the Convention Book. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to accept the proposal of putting ads in the program book. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) seconded it. The motion was carried. The Convention Committee had made the decision of having an ice cream social as the pre-entertainment; therefore, no motion was needed. A ticket will be needed to obtain one free serving of ice cream. Additional servings require the purchase of a ticket. LVRF, PDG Ted Ladd (22-C): Written Report Attend the Annual LVRF Rally The annual LVRF rally at the Wilmer Eye Clinic is scheduled for Saturday, 17 November. Social begins at 8:45 a.m. and the program at 9:30 a.m. Lunch will be provided by the Lions Vision Research Foundation at 11:30 a.m. followed by tours of the Lions Low Vision Clinic. The program will take place in the Pre-Clinical Teaching Building, Mountcastle Auditorium, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Md. Please make a point of attending if you can. You will gain a good understanding of what we are supporting at the Wilmer, hear from leading doctors, and witness outstanding testimonials. The theme of the rally this year is, “Safari for Sight.” Oh, I forgot to tell you; it will be great fun. Heather Mays at the LVRF office reported this on 2 Nov. “There’s still plenty of room for guests. I’ll continue to collect attendees until the day before the event.” Make reservations with Heather by e-mailing [email protected] or calling 410-955-1883. Status of Lions Arnall Patz Endowed Professorship A report from the Wilmer Eye Institute Development Office on 3 Nov. stated that $2.2 million has been raised toward establishing the Lions Arnall Patz Professorship at the Wilmer Eye Institute. The Lions of MD-22 have contributed about $68,000 so far, which includes $50,000 from the LVRF. The endowment needs another $600,000 in donations to be completed. Please help. Make checks payable to Wilmer Eye Institute, note Lions Patz Professorship in memo, mail to: Wilmer Eye Institute, Wilmer 112 Johns Hopkins Hospital 600 N. Wolfe Street Baltimore, MD 21287 One may also acquire an Arnall Patz Fellowship for $2,500 and designate the funds for the Lions Arnall Patz Professorship. Contact PDG John Shwed at 302-875-5051 or [email protected] for more information about donating to this cause. Dr. Bob Massof, Director of Lions Low Vision Center, Named Champion of Change By now you must know that Dr. Bob Massof was selected as one of 11 exemplary Lions country-wide to be honored at the White House on 2 Oct. as a Champion of Change in recognition of his record of exemplary humanitarian service. (Go to and search Champions of Change for detailed information.) Pg. 100 Bob is a member of the Baltimore Brooklyn Lions Club. He is the founding Director of the Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center, a division of the Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Institute. He has served as Director of the Lions Low Vision Center for 21 years. Bob is professor of ophthalmology and professor of neuroscience at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He works to enhance the sight of people with low vision through technology. We can all be proud of Dr. Bob Massof for his outstanding work. LVRF, PDG Ted Ladd (22-C) - Verbal Report There is still time to register for the Rally. There are 123 reservations although the facility can accommodate twice that amount. The Arnall Patz Fellowship could be paid for by installments of $500.00 over a period of years. He encouraged everyone to check the LCI website, look for the Champion of Change and read about Dr. Bob Massof. PDG Dal Mann (22-B), Secretary of LVRF: He reported that 110-115 Lions attended "Aim for Sight" on October 20th with 108 shooters at two locations in the Multiple District. He will be presenting a check to LVRF at the Rally for $11,000 which is the same as last year. An email will be sent shortly with a breakdown of expenses and income. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) won the "Trunk of Treasures". CS Paul Cannada (22-W) announced a Christmas event that will take place on December 15th, sponsored by the Thurmont Lions Club to raise funds for LVRF. Flyers will be distributed at the Annual LVRF Rally. FVDG Mary Lee Philips (22-D) announced an upcoming LVRF Rally on January 26, 2013 at the Sheraton in Dover. MD22 GLT Coordinator, PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C) - Written Report Only: There are still no firm plans for the Emerging Lions Session. The Elks Club in Annapolis is not available on the requested dates. Tentative reservation is made for March 16, 2013. Some communication is seen on alternative locations, but no recommendation has been received. There is still time to find a new location for March 2, 2013. A Club Excellence Process (CEP) Workshop for Lions, desiring to serve as facilitators, is still on the agenda. It is requested that the Council nominate three to four Lions from their District who would attend. Please look at your District schedules and provide recommendations on dates. Sandy (the Hurricane, not the Convention Chair) caused our visit to Emmitsburg to be rescheduled. We will visit on Thursday, November 8, 2012 to obtain specifics on security requirements. Those requirements and a recommended course of action will be provided to the Council by that Saturday. The Bolger Center proposal is available for Council consideration and additional options including moving the date from February 15-17, 2013, as well as modifying the format need Council decision. As noted in separate correspondence to the Council, departure from the LCI curriculum will probably result in loss of LCI funding support. That would lead to additional costs of approximately $175 per attendee, raining the fee to $335 using last years' costs incurred at Emmitsburg. Is financial support from the Multiple District available to offset costs? LCI plans for DGE training are progressing. This year, a training session is being added at the Constitutional Area level. Our Area GLT Leader, Rowe, will be scheduling a training session in January or February. Attendance is required and expenses will be reimbursed for attendees. Multiple District training will be held as in the past and LCI has provided the curriculum for required topics. Local topics are at our discretion. Suggestions on topics and presenters for these local topics are requested. Pg. 101 The Advanced (Senior) Lions Leadership Institute will be held at Oak Brook on February 22-25, 2013. Nominations are required at LCI by December 9, 2012. Forms are available from your District GLT Coordinator or the Lions web site. Funding grants for training on CEP, Zone Chairs, and Certified Guiding Lions are available from LCI. Please take advantage of this opportunity when you schedule training. Leo Chairman, Lion Sam Foster (22-W) - Written Report Only I requested and received data on all of MD-22 Leo Clubs from LCI Youth Services. The information that I received indicates that most of MD-22 Leo clubs is not current. In order for me to move forward and advance the purpose and objectives of the Leo Club Program in this Multiple District, I must bring our districts reporting system into alignment with the LCI Youth Service data bank. According to LCI Youth Services discrepancies exists with Leo clubs in MD-22 (as of September 25, 2012), in not reporting a Leo Club Advisor or change thereof, and Leo clubs advisor’s contact information is missing. This information should be updated as it occurs, using the Leo MMR reporting system or Leo-72 or Leo-91 form submitted to the Youth Programs Department. Further, our districts’ roster books shows Leo clubs that Youth Services does not have a record of and may be no longer active. I’m in the process of sending a summary of what data LCI Youth Services Program has in their data bank to all District Leo Chairs, requesting that they update their information, forward it to LCI, and send me a copy. This is a very important matter that somehow has been overlooked. It would be nice to hold some type of gathering with the District Leo Chairs to make acquaintances and do some brainstorming. Any suggestions or help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. I also would like to get feedback from the District Leo Chairpersons as to what some of their needs are and how I might assist them. I have had no response to my previous requests for information. In my analysis of the data on hand of the Leo clubs, there seems to be a disconnect between the District Leo Chairs and the Leo Advisors. This further leads me to wonder about the communications process between the Leo Club President and the Leo membership. The chart that I received from LCI Youth Service Program of active Leo clubs in MD-22 as of September 25, 2012 is available in the format that I received it if the Council of Governors wishes to see it. I will be breaking it down into districts to send to the District Leo Chairs and at that time send a copy to your board. Diabetes Awareness, Lion Donna Jackman (22-W): Written Report Only All Districts in Multiple 22 are working to promote the goals of Lions Clubs International Diabetes Awareness Program. Each district is handling these goals in a manner that works in his or her district! District 22-A- Lion PDG Harold Boccia –The Bel Air Lions Club had a program night which was presented by Diabetes Destiny on their extreme weekend for diabetic children between the ages of 8 to 17. This weekend focuses on building skills, fitness and glucose utilization through exercise. The children share stories, ideas and much more to help each other with their diabetes control. Visitations are being scheduled within 22-A and donations are secured for the support of the camp. The Bel Air Lions Club contributed $1,000 toward this project before the visitations have begun. District 22-B- Lion Richard Vance – He has several programs scheduled to present to clubs in his districts. He and his co-chairman, Edward Vance, are available to present programs on diabetes to clubs. Pg. 102 District 22-C- Lion Lauren Neuman – This district is having a Ten Thousand Step Walk to raise funds to send diabetic children to Camp Merrick. Each walker is to secure donations from supporters for one cent for each step. Walkers will walk six miles. The goal is to raise $10,000 during National Diabetes Month to send diabetic children to camp to learn to make the adjustments in their lives to avoid the complications that diabetes can cause in the body. District 22-D- Lion Gary Stumpf – Lion Gary has presented programs to several clubs. He asks any club in his district to please notify him if they give a donation or contribute to a project or conduct a project for diabetes to please notify him so he can report it and the district gets credit for the donation project. He is available to present a program or help with a project for diabetes. District 22-W- Lion Donna Jackman—District 22-W has had a very busy month in October. The Frederick Diabetes Walk had 39 walkers from 6 clubs that participated and raised $3,298. Their annual Kiss-A-Pig Contest was held following the Walk. This year’s contest was extremely successful as the contestants raised a total of $18,502. The Lions of 22-W raised a total of $21,800 on Sunday, October 14 for research to find a cure for this “killer disease!” Saturday, October 20 found the Lions working with St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Smithsburg to have its first Motorcycle Run to raise funds in memory of Sherilyn Jackman to send diabetic children in the district to Camp Merrick. Final figures are not in, but indications are that approximately $1500 will be the profit from this event and will enable several diabetic children attend camp next summer. I am proud of what is being accomplished to promote awareness of diabetes in Multiple District 22. Each district is doing some project to help make our Lions, Lioness and community members aware of this disease and the serious problems it can cause in the human body. We would like to have the opportunity and privilege of having a Seminar on Diabetes at our Multiple District Convention in Ocean City. To get a good presenter, we need to know the date and time that our seminar will be scheduled as soon as possible, if this request is granted. Lion Dale Strait 22-A, Hearing and Speech Coordinator (Written Report Only) District 22A recently received 25 donated new digital, programmable hearing aids from an audiologist who had offered to donate a hearing aid to the Lions hearing assistance program for every one sold during a sales promotion. Promotional material included a complimentary reference to the Lions hearing program and resulted in half a dozen requests for assistance from people who couldn’t afford aids. The recent semi-annual eyeglass and hearing aid sorting resulted in recycling well over 100 hearing aids. Hearing aids are donated to the Towson University Speech, Language, and Hearing Center where they are used for training audiology students, or sent to Starkey for credit, or sent to Starkey for refurbishment and use in the District hearing assistance program. District hearing and sight programs also benefit from the money received for antique glasses, gold containing frames, and other valuable metals recovered from broken eyeglasses. District 22D (North) continues to recycle hearing aids and assist people with hearing assistance needs. A woman needing a cochlear implant and another person needing a special hearing aid are in the process of being helped. No reports were received from other District or sub-District hearing and speech coordinators. Helen Keller said, “I am just as deaf as I am blind. The problems of deafness are deeper and more complex, if not more important than those of blindness. Deafness is a much worse misfortune. For it means the loss of the most vital stimulus-- the sound of the voice that brings language, sets thoughts astir, and keeps us in the intellectual company of man.” The Lions hearing assistance program has to grow and be strengthened as the Pg. 103 population ages and the ear bud generation begins to see the effects of years of loud music listening. The hearing assistance programs of the Multiple District need and deserve the full support of all Lions. GMT, PCC Grant Curtis (22-D) - Written Report Only District 22-A Year Ended Number of Clubs Dropped Clubs New Clubs Total Membership Members Dropped New Members 6/30/2006 34 0 0 1162 115 81 6/30/2007 35 1 2 1213 120 172 6/30/2008 35 0 0 1157 153 98 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 35 36 0 0 0 1 1094 1100 134 112 70 118 6/30/2011 35 2 1 1071 159 128 6/30/2012 35 0 0 1006 153 88 6/30/2011 49 0 0 1477 140 111 6/30/2012 49 0 0 1456 137 116 6/30/2011 46 2 0 1504 141 114 6/30/2012 43 3 0 1399 195 90 6/30/2011 35 0 0 1336 161 150 6/30/2012 34 1 0 1299 151 114 District 22-B Year Ended Number of Clubs Dropped Clubs New Clubs Total Membership Members Dropped New Members 6/30/2006 48 0 0 1496 201 157 6/30/2007 48 0 0 1488 165 158 6/30/2008 48 0 0 1470 156 139 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 49 49 0 0 1 0 1459 1506 163 108 152 155 District 22-C Year Ended Number of Clubs Dropped Clubs New Clubs Total Membership Members Dropped New Members 6/30/2006 49 1 0 1746 201 161 6/30/2007 50 1 2 1725 213 190 6/30/2008 50 1 1 1662 245 182 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 50 48 0 2 1 0 1612 1531 185 211 135 130 District 22-D Year Ended Number of Clubs Dropped Clubs New Clubs Total Membership Members Dropped New Members 6/30/2006 38 2 2 1495 245 222 6/30/2007 37 1 0 1409 195 109 6/30/2008 37 0 0 1375 152 119 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 35 35 2 0 0 0 1310 1347 188 105 123 142 Pg. 104 District 22-W Year Ended Number of Clubs Dropped Clubs New Clubs Total Membership Members Dropped New Members 6/30/2006 58 1 0 1919 210 164 6/30/2007 59 0 1 2009 176 266 6/30/2008 59 0 0 2043 150 184 6/30/2009 6/30/2010 58 56 1 2 0 0 1989 1981 227 202 173 194 6/30/2011 56 0 0 1962 195 176 6/30/2012 56 1 1 1956 210 204 CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to approve the committee reports as presented. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded it. The motion was carried. Old Business: CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to accept design #3 with emblem colors and one inch size as the International Convention pin. DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded it. The motion was carried. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) reported that MD-22 is responsible for applying for the grant for the 2013 Memorial Day Parade. DG Don Beeson (22-C) stated that District 22-C will chair the Memorial Day Parade with MD-24 in Northern Virginia. He has been in contact with PDG Ed "Woody" Woodard (24-A) who has sent DG Don Beeson the Grant Application Forms. DG Don Beeson (22-C) will head the project for District 22-C as he looks for a district chair. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to approve the Memorial Day Parade plans. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded it. The motion was carried. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to accept the date of March 2, 2013 as the Emerging Lion Session at a location to be determined. DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded it. The motion was carried. DG Don Beeson (22-C) reported that Lion Dale Strait (22-A) is looking into a potential site at the American Legion in Severna Park, MD. There was no decision on the Club Excellence Process as the Council waits for additional information. The Council suggested Eyeglass Recycling and the Guiding Lion Program as topics for convention seminars. PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator, requested additional recommendations from the Council. New Business: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) announced that Peace Poster entries must be submitted to the Multiple District by the December Council of Governors Meeting. The Multiple District winner will be selected at the pre-council meeting on December 1, 2012. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) reported on the approval of the $10,000 Emergency Grant from LCIF for the Lions and Lioness Clubs in Crisfield, Maryland after the devastation by Hurricane Sandy. Lions will purchase the needed items and submit a report to LCIF. She also reported that Dr. Massof and Dr. Dagnelie are working on the SightFirst grant request in the amount of $810,000. PCC Bob Muchow (22-A) reported that PDG Dave Fischer (22-W) is in the process of auditing the 2011-2012 records and should have a report by the December Council of Governors meeting. Pg. 105 Comment from Advisor Darley Travers: He expressed the regrets of PIP Clem Kusiak and ID Ted Reiver for missing the social and the Council of Governors Meeting due to their attendance at a board meeting. He praised the Council on their diligence. He stressed that by helping the communities, we get exposure that generates interest which helps our clubs to grow in membership. Comments from the District Governors: The DGs congratulated District 22-C on the success of their social, especially on the entertainment. PDG Senora Haywood (22-A) was recognized as an outstanding MC for the evening. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) announced that the next tax assessment will be in February 2013. He reminded everyone that the District 22-D Governor's Ball will be on December 1st. ID Ted Reiver (22-D) will be the speaker. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) thanked FVDG Dan Scott (22-A) for sitting in for DG Skip Hoffman (22-A). CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to adjourn. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 a.m. Respectively Submitted by AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Pg. 106 Agenda Council of Governor’s Meeting December 2, 2012 Call Meeting to Order Pledge of Allegiance Singing of America Invocation CC Dorothy Culver DG Don Beeson DG Charlene Travers DG Richard Merriwether Council Secretary’s Report DG Paul Cannada Council Treasurer’s Report DG Richard Merriwether Presentation PID Joe Gaffigan Committee Reports Constitution & By-Laws LCIF Global Leadership Team MD 22 Convention PDG Tom Jefts IPDG Ken Chew PDG Paul Hawkins PDG Sandi Halterman, PDG Bob Jones & IPDG Steve Finger Old Business: Review of financial records from the 2011-2012 council? New Business: Peace Poster winner Motion to pay bills Comments from MD 22 Advisors ID Ted Reiver PIP Clem Kusiak PID Joe Gaffigan PID Darley Travers Comments from District Governors DG Skip Hoffman DG Charlene Travers DG Donald Beeson DG Richard Merriwether DG Paul Cannada Comments from Council Chair CC Dorothy Culver Benediction Adjournment DG Skip Hoffman Pg. 107 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MULTIPLE DISTRICT 2222 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MINUTES MEETING Sunday, December 2, 2012 Dover, Delaware Attendees: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22-A); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W); SVDG Kelley Randolph (22-C); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); SVDG Doug DeWitt (22-A); PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22D); IPDG Stephen Finger, MD Convention Treasurer (22-W); PIP Clem Kusiak, Advisor (22-A); PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor, (22-C); ID Ted Reiver Advisor (22-D); PCT Ann Reiver (22-D); PDG John Cullison, International Convention Chair (22-A); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); PDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Forum Vice-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); PCC Grant Curtis, GMT Coordinator (22-D); Lion Sam Foster, MD-22 Leo Chair (22-W); CT Don Stein, Auditor (22-D); PCC Bob Muchow (22-W); IPDG Rich Barb (22-C); IPDG Dave Studley (22-B); IPDG Owen Landis (22-A); PDG Karl Gude (22-D); PDG Rodney Welch (22-W); PDG Mike Mock (22-D); Lion Doris Mock (22-D); CS Elston Hovatter (22-B); CT Kirby Travers (22-B); AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. DG Don Beeson (22-C) led the pledge, DG Charlene Travers (22-B) led the singing of one verse of "America" and CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) gave the invocation. Comments by ID Ted Reiver (22-D): ID Ted Reiver explained to the Vice District Governors that it is the recommendation of LCI to have an International Director or International Guest speak at the District Socials and Multiple Conventions in order to present the message of the International President, to survey the district where they are meeting and determine how LCI could help each district. In the event that an International Director is unable to attend, a Past International Guest can fill in. He also announced the death of PIP Kay Fukushima who passed away in California on Friday, November 30, 2012. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) announced that an LCIF Honorarium has been donated in the name of ID Ted Reiver. Council Secretary’s Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W): CS Paul Cannada presented the minutes from the November 4, 2012 Council of Governors Meeting which was held in Hunt Valley, Maryland. DG Don Beeson (22-C) made the motion to accept the minutes and DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): CT Richard Merriwether reported that there were no changes to the Treasurer's Report of November 4th. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) made the motion to approve the Treasurer's Report, pending audit. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 108 2012-2013 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance Council Treasurer Richard Merriwether December 2, 2012 General Account Start-ups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover reduction 10% of Admin Act. Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund less Deductions Startup Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000.00 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget DUES member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295 Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 Actual Income as of September 23, 2012 MD 22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD 22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD 22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 MD 22 A Dues MD 22 B Dues MD 22 C Dues MD 22 D Dues MD 22 W Dues 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.08 2,610.99 3,931.56 Total Income 17,926.02 Pg. 109 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance CT Richard Meriwether December 2, 2012 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22 Convention 2013 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF GMT/GLT Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditures Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 Actual Balance 1,823.75 1,823.75 5,471.25 546.66 (300.00) 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 (774.72) 100.00 100.00 500.00 28,495.25 10,395.84 300.00 2,274.72 12,970.56 500.00 15,524.69 Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 11/03/12 Outstanding Checks @ close Receipts not deposited @ close Money Market Account 27,600.28 32,555.74 Total Assets 45,050.26 79,606.00 Note: USA/CANADA Breakfast budgeted $1500 plus income of $1258 less expense $2274.72 for gain of $483.28 Pg. 110 IPDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D) - Written Report: Superstorm Sandy has now completed its destructive path up our Northeast coastline. While our District MD 22 was spared the worst effects of this unusual storm, many Lions especially in New Jersey and New York are still trying to recover from its terrible destruction. This is just a report on what your LCIF Foundation has done so far and what we all still do to help the recovery effort. LCIF Chairperson, Immediate Past President Wing-Kun Tam and current International President Wayne Madden sent this memo on November 6, 2012 to all LCIF Coordinators: “ LCIF awarded a US$100,00 Major Catastrophe Grant with money from the disaster relief fund, allowing Lions in affected areas to immediately begin providing assistance. Many Lions are already working with local food banks, police and fire departments and other local organizations. In addition to the Major Catastrophe Grant, LCIF has awarded US$100,00 in emergency grants to Lions districts in North Carolina, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York. LCIF was able to award these funds from the disaster relief fund, thanks to Lions who generously donated knowing that in time of disaster there is an urgent and great need.” Locally, District 22-B has asked for and been granted a $10,000 emergency grant to help the people of Crisfield, MD completely flooded by Superstorm Sandy. District Governor Charlene Travers was going to the Walmart in Salisbury, MD and buying $10,000 worth of water, food, clothing, blankets, etc. and driving a truck load emergency items to the Crisfield Lions and the Crisfield Lioness/Lions Clubs to aid the local people. MD 22 was lucky, but it is now our turn to step up and help those people in New Jersey and New York who weren’t so lucky. Any donation to LCIF as part of this disaster relief effort is Melvin Jones Fellow eligible. So if a club or individual gives $1,000 you can designate a Melvin Jones Fellow or if you give anything less than the full $1,000 it can go toward a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. MD22 Lions have been very generous in the past with 3,842 Melvin Jones Fellows and 333 Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows given out over the years. MD 22 has generously given $492,920.49 to LCIF and now is the time to give again! Please help those people still recovering from Superstorm Sandy. IPDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D) called on two (2) people to report on LCIF events that impacted LCIF. (1). DG Charlene Travers (22-B) spoke on the Crisfield experience. LCIF responded very quickly. Within a few days, she received a $10,000 LCI Emergency Grant for Somerset County which was used for the purchase of cleaning supplies, baby products, school supplies, clothing, school uniforms, bread etc for125-150 families. Crisfield High School was the distribution center for the supplies. Families showed their appreciation. Volunteers included some members from the Crisfield Lions Club, Hebron Lions Club, Princess Anne Lions Club, Ocean City Lions Club and the Crisfield Lioness-Lions Club. The truck also went to some surrounding areas. (2). IPDG Rich Barb, LCIF Rep for (22-C) spoke on the expansion of Camp Merritt to increase the camp's capacity to accommodate more children. They had requested a standard grant from LCIF in the amount of $75,000, but the grant was approved for $57,000. They requested and got an approval for a county grant to improve the waste disposal system. Pg. 111 PDG Paul Hawkins, MD22 GLT Coordinator (22-C) - Written Report: Emerging Lions Session The Council directed GLT to continue to attempt to locate a venue for this session to be held on the preferred date of March 2, 2013. The Elks Lodge in Severna Park has been reserved for that date. There appears to be some misunderstanding about this session. Last year was the first year we put this on and its purpose was to identify and invite newer Lions that demonstrate potential to assume leadership positions in their clubs, District, and possibly further. The intent was to allow District Governors to give them an introduction into the trappings of District leadership and whet their appetite for Lionism. As a side benefit, it could provide the Governors with an indication of the perceptions and expectations that newer Lions have. This would best be attained through a town hall meeting format. After our first Emerging Lions Session, LCI introduced the Emerging Lions Institute. The first one conducted in North America followed the USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Tampa. This Institute is a structured learning experience much like the RLLI. However, it is targeted at the newer “emerging” Lions – those who have not yet served as a First Vice District Governor. It is not the same as the session that we originally planned in MD 22. I believe there is a need for each of these experiences in the life of a newer Lion and would like to continue the MD 22 Emerging Lions Session as originally designed. We can, if desired, pursue steps to plan and conduct and Emerging Lions Institute as well with the approval of LCI. Although we have scheduled the Emerging Lions Session, we have not reached agreement on the subject matter that would be addressed. This is critical because the Governors must be comfortable with the subject and prepared to engage their audience. There is still time to explore topics, but now is the time that your Emerging Lions must be identified, approached, and encouraged to attend. DGE School The MD 22 DGE School will be conducted at the Holiday Inn in Salisbury on March 8-9, 2013. This course will be in addition to the new LCI directed Area DGE training for First Vice District Governors that PCC Rowe will conduct. Dates for that training are not yet available. All First and Second Vice District Governors should plan to attend the MD 22 training. Regional Lions Leadership Institute A visit was conducted to NETC to gain the full details of new security arrangements required for overnight visitors. Those requirements were sent to the District Governors by separate correspondence along with alternative dates for the Institute. The Council accepted the recommendation to proceed with plans to conduct the Institute May 3-5 2013. As a reminder, here are the security procedures that must be followed. NETC, Emmitsburg is a "secure Federal facility". They must therefore comply with directives issued by the Department of Homeland Security. Among those is the requirement for "overnight guests" to go through a security investigation conducted by DHS. The investigation requires the following information for each guest: Full Name Date of Birth Place of Birth Social Security Number That information must be provided eight (8) weeks prior to a visit. The information is sent to DHS by the Federal facility and they will advise NETC of their findings. While this may cause some concern Pg. 112 about privacy among our Lions, it should be noted that this information will only be shared with federal employees. The federal government has this information already. We would just be giving it to them for a specific benefit that we are choosing to avail for ourselves. Lions who are government employees or government contractors with current clearances will be exempt from the investigation, but will be required to provide photo copies of their government ID. Lions are noted for last minute actions and that will not work in this case. It will require a concerted effort by you and your Team to identify participants, collect the required information, and get it to us eight weeks out. With a May 3, 2013 convening date, that means we will need to provide the information to NETC, no later than March 8, 2013. We cannot plan on exceptions being granted either. MD 22 Convention Seminars Seminar planning is ongoing. At this time, the following topics are planned: Eyeglass Recycling Program; Certified Guiding Lion; Membership and Extension; Leader Dog; LYF; LVRF. Discussions are ongoing to have Michael Fischer, Director of Administration for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to present a program on how the Lions Alert Program can fit into state disaster response plans. Additional suggestions are encouraged. Funding grants for training on CEP, Zone Chairs, and Certified Guiding Lions are available from LCI. Please take advantage of this opportunity when you schedule training. MD-22 GLT Coordinator, PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C) anticipates that the registration fee will be about $160.00, but it will not be due at the time of a commitment in early March. He needs suggestions for topics and presenters for the DGE School. PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chairman (22-C): The committee is ahead of schedule with all contracts signed, except for the food at the Convention Center. The committee is still in negotiations with the facility. Some of the functions have been moved to the Princess Royale Hotel, saving approximately $4,000. With Thursday's functions moving to the Princess Royale, there is also a break in the cost of the Convention Center, saving about $1800. First mailing will be towards the end of December. PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chairman (22-D): Golf arrangements have been finalized at the Bay Club West. The cost will be $75.00 for lunch, green fees and cart. The event starts at 12:30 p.m. He encouraged the District Governors to promote the convention. The goal is for 800-1000 attendees. PDG Stephen Finger, MD Convention Treasurer (22-W): PDG Stephen Finger, MD Convention Treasurer (22-W) reported that every club in the Multiple has received an allotment of 50/50 raffle tickets. He encourages all clubs to participate in the raffle. Raffle tickets are due by January 31st if possible. The Convention Committee did a site visitation to Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, the site for the 2015 MD-22 Convention. Their Convention Center made improvements to the function space which should meet our convention's needs. Pg. 113 MD CONVENTION BUDGET 12-2012 Update 2012-2013 CONVENTION INCOME Exhibits Mini Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Merchandise Raffle Program Book Advertisements Basket Raffle Tail Twister Misc. TOTAL Convention Income Interest Inc MD22 Dues* Meal Payments Critique Meeting Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meal Payments $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $881.96 $13,500.00 $158.00 $1,039.96 $10,942.50 $10,395.84 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 Ticket Sales Convention District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D District 22-W Past District Governors Dinner Other TOTAL Ticket Sales Transfer from Council TOTAL INCOME $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $39,516.00 $4,200.00 $68,558.50 $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $3,518.04 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $12,460.04 $0.00 $546.66 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39,516.00 $11,435.80 $0.00 $57,122.70 * Dues income based on MD22 population of 7153 (est.) of 7,295 Lions Pg. 114 EXPENSES Bank Charge Committee Expenses Hotel Meal Miscellaneous Site Visits Telephone & Fax Travel TOTAL Committee Expenses Budget $100.00 Actual Variance $100.00 $2,450.00 $1,400.00 $62.00 $200.00 $1,900.00 $380.00 $1,800.00 $5,912.00 $966.74 $3,246.74 $550.00 $1,020.00 $62.00 $200.00 $0.00 $833.26 $2,665.26 $0.00 $695.00 $180.00 Convention Expenses Badges & Pins Banners & Signs Convention Center Decorations Distinguished Guest Entertainment Exhibit Services Gifts & Awards Golf Tournament Hospitality Meals MD Sales Tax Merchandise Raffle Prizes & Expense Ticket refunds Past District Governors Dinner TOTAL Convention Expenses District Governor Expenses Meetings $695.00 $180.00 $6,991.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,657.50 $1,400.00 $175.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $800.00 $280.00 $59,096.36 $1,855.00 $1,800.00 Critique Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meetings $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 $0.00 $5,591.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,482.50 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,920.00 $800.00 $0.00 $57,241.36 $1,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $68.00 $50.00 $10.00 $40.00 Office Other Expenses Photographs Postage and Delivery Printing and Reproduction Tickets $2,450.00 $210.00 $52.50 $2,397.50 $210.00 TOTAL Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES $2,828.00 $67,686.36 $52.50 $5,154.24 $2,775.50 $62,532.12 TOTAL INCOME $68,558.50 $11,435.80 $57,122.70 $872.14 $6,281.56 ($5,409.42) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Pg. 115 PIP Clem Kusiak, Advisor (22-A) suggested a Putting Contest with the International President. PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C) reminded the District Governors that the deadline for the Convention Committee Reports is December 2nd and they want them as soon as possible. PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor (22-C) stressed that the money from the sale of the program ads can only be used to defray the cost of printing and distributing the ad book and not for any other administrative costs. He suggested that they put on the program ad contract (1). that the donation is not tax-deductible (2). that any net proceeds will go to a MD-22 charity. PIP Clem Kusiak, Advisor (22-A) insisted that they must include it in the contract. IPDG Rich Barb (22-C) presented a check to IPDG Steve Finger for the purchase of a ½ page ad in the Program Ad Book from the Immediate Past District Governors, known as the "Blues Brothers". Lion Sam Foster, MD 22 Leo Chairman (22-W) - Written Report only: As your Multiple District Leo Chairperson, I have been trying to get a Multiple District organized. This requires a “Formation of a Leo Multiple District” as was approved by the Council of Governors. “The members of this organization shall be all officially recognized Leo Clubs sponsored by Lions Clubs in said multiple district.” Therefore I have called on my District Leo Club Chairpersons to work with me in the establishment of a Leo Multiple District. With the exception of one, repeated requests for information about the Leo Clubs under their direction have not been forwarded to me. The information that I need: Name and contact information of present Leo Club Advisor Name and contact information of the District Leo Club Chairperson Number of Leo Clubs in each district Number of Leos in each Leo Club I would like for the District Leo Club Chairs and the Leo Club Advisors to bring their Leo Clubs into alignment with information on file at LCI ASAP. Additionally we all must come together soon to have a Leo Multiple District Conference and Election of Leo Multiple District Officers. I am hoping that the organization of a Leo Multiple District 22 can be accomplished during the spring school break when Leos will most likely be available. In order to have this Leo Multiple District in place during the term of this Council of Governors, I need cooperation and information starting at the Lions Club level and disseminating upward to the Leo Club Advisor, Leo Club President/Secretary, District Leo Club Chairperson, and lastly to myself and LCI. I am attaching a breakdown of each district for your information. I am open to any and all suggestions from the Council. Current Look at Leo Clubs by District District 22-A 1. No district Leo Club Chairperson appointed for fiscal year 2012-13 2. Fourteen (14) Leo Clubs reported active at LCI Youth Services 3. Nine (9) Leo Club Advisors not reported on form 72 to LCI 4. Aberdeen High School Leo Club and Severna Park Middle School show no Leo Club Advisor Pg. 116 District 22-B 1. Five (5) Leo Clubs reported as active 2. 22B Roster Book indicated four (4) Leo Clubs 3. Need names and contact information on all Leo Club Advisors. Update information with Leo form 72 to LCI District 22-C 1. Sixteen (16) Leo Clubs reported active 2. Six (6) Advisors not reported, Seven (7) Advisors need updating via Leo form 72 to LCI District 22-D 1. Nine (9) Leo Clubs reported active, eight (8) Leo Clubs in your roster book. 2. Seven (7) Leo Club Advisors need updating via Leo form 72 to LCI District 22-W This district has recently formed two (2) new Leo Clubs. They presently have eight (8) Leo Clubs. They are on top of things and have reported all pertinent information to LCI. I commend them for being on top of things. I submit this part of my report as information only to the Council of Governors so that you may realize the depth of the situation. And again solicit your comments/suggestions in order to complete the organization of a Leo Multiple District during your term in office. PDG Ted Ladd, LVRF Coordinator (22-C) - Written Report Only: On 17 November, some 180 Lions from the Multiple District attended the annual Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF) rally at the Wilmer Eye Institute in Baltimore. The program highlighted a presentation on “The State of the Institute” by Dr. Peter McDonnell, Director of the Wilmer Eye Institute and William Holland Wilmer Professor of Ophthalmology. McDonnell reported that the Wilmer Eye Institute has 140 faculty members and 1,000 employees that serve some 250,000 patients per year. He said an effort is underway to expand services of the Wilmer Institute to areas outside of Baltimore by establishing satellite clinics staffed by expert ophthalmologists and staff. Ten satellite clinics are in the works or already functioning or are in the planning stages at Columbia, Bel Air, Harve de Grace, Odenton, Bethesda, Bayview, Frederick, Green Spring, Wyman Park and Whitemarsh. Jim Deremeik, Rehabilitation Program Manager for the Lions Low Vision Center, reviewed a planned Lions Low Vision Rehabilitation Network (Lions LOVRNET), the subject of a grant request to Lions Clubs International. The project’s goal is to make rehabilitation services readily available to those with low vision throughout MD-22. “The aims of the Lions LOVRNET are to: 1. Train and provide professional consultative support to local optometrists, ophthalmologists, ophthalmic and optometric technicians and occupational therapists so they can offer low vision services as part of their practice. 2. Create a single portal for the low vision rehabilitation system within MD-22 to which ophthalmologists can refer patients or patients can refer themselves. 3. Coordinate care by matching patients to service providers in their area. 4. Constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of services by obtaining patient reported outcome measures and using them to provide continuous professional education to service providers.” The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to support the LOVRNET project. Dr. Judy Goldstein, Chief of the Lions Low Vision and Rehabilitation Service at the Wilmer Institute introduced Dr. Nicole Ross, the newly appointed Lions Low Vision Fellow. Ross will be employed at the Lions Low Vision Clinic for one year. Dr. Tiffany Chan was last year’s Low Vision Fellow. She has since joined the faculty and opened a satellite clinic in Bel Air. Pg. 117 The audience of Lions and Wilmer Institute faculty then heard the testimony of two people who were helped by the Lions Low Vision Clinic. In each case, vision had been greatly diminished, causing one to come to the brink of being fired, and the other to give up her favorite hobby of knitting and crocheting. Advice and assistive devices from the Lions Low Vision Center allowed one to keep his job, the other to maintain her hobbies and more. As the formal presentations ended, Lions representing various clubs and sub-Districts stepped forward to present donations to the Foundation. As each donation was presented, the amount and donor were announced. The total donated exceeded $50,000, most of which came from fundraising dinners, yard sales, silent auctions, candy days, golf tournaments, raffles, and special events such as the recently held “Aim for Sight” involving teams firing at clay pigeons at two approved firing ranges in Maryland. Following the Rally, Lions were invited to have lunch and then enjoy a guided tour of the Lions Low Vision Center, where resident doctors and skilled technicians demonstrated how they provide aid to those with low vision. It was a great rally. Lion Dick Waughtal, MD 22 Information Technology Committee (22-D) - Written Report Only: Multiple District websites ( & continue to receive patronage from many diverse visitors. There has been no essential change in the basic data... simply put, trends continue. We've received virtually no 2012-2013 input for changes that might be desired to the Lions Youth Foundation site or the MD 22 site themselves. Secretary reports and an odd notice or two come along from time to time. Items for inclusion will be added as they are made available. Future plans are to remove those category items on the site that are not being visited or used. This will further enhance the sites ease of use and speed it up a little bit. Thanks so much for your continued support! PDG Senora W. Haywood, USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Coordinator (22-A) - Written Report Only: Ninety eight Multiple District 22 Lions and guests registered for the 36th Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum that was held September 13-15, 2012, in Tampa Bay, Florida. Unfortunately, due to last minute emergencies, four registrants were unable to attend. The following reflects each Sub-District’s attendance: District 22A District 22B District 22C District 22D District 22W Total Registered Total Attending 24 14 15 28 17 98 94 (2 registrants were unable to attend.) (2 registrants were unable to attend.) Three MD22 Lions, PCC Rowe Haywood, PDG Ted Ladd, and Lion Pamela Burton served as seminar presenters. Several MD22 Lions also served as seminar moderators. The Tampa Bay Marriott Waterside was our MD’s headquarters hotel. It was at this site that ninety one (91) Lions and guests began their Forum activities on Friday, September 12 by enjoying a delicious “All- American Breakfast” and an hour of early-morning fellowshipping. The diners were honored with the presence of seven (7) International guests. Those guests were: Immediate Former International President Dr. Pg. 118 Wing-Kun Tam, Former International President Clem and Lion Jeanne Kusiak, 2nd International Director Candidate Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada, International Director and Lion Ann Reiver, International Director Mark and Jane Hintzman, Former International Director Dave Stoufer and Lion Rachel Nicola, and Former International Director Wayne and Lion Marge Davis. 2nd Vice President Candidate Dr. Jitsuhiro Yamada’s appearance was brief, and he made an appeal for the MD’s support of his candidacy. FIP Tam stayed for the meal and gave a brief, informative, and motivational speech after the meal. Although presenters and Lions, who wanted to attend an 8 a.m. seminar, were either unable to attend the 7 a.m. breakfast, or had to leave the breakfast earlier than desired. Most attendees agreed that a 7 a.m. Friday breakfast is best for ensuring that most Lions, who attend the Forum, can also attend the MD Breakfast. Most Lions, who attended the Forum, agreed that the seminars and other Forum offerings ranked among the best of previous Forums. PDG Tom Jefts, Constitution & By-Laws (22-W) - Written Report Only: There has been no action or any requests by Council so far this year for the Constitution and By-laws Committee to look at anything that might require action by the committee. I personally have had a few minor health problems that have kept me from attending the last meeting in 22-A and transportation problem this time so I apologize for not being there in person, but would like to report that the Committee is ready and willing to look at anything the Council would desire. So we await your desires and direction while we have the time if need be for this year’s Convention in Ocean City. I will be in touch with the committee members soon to go over their thoughts and opinions. After last year’s amendments which were very extensive and thorough, so far we have not found any subject that might need attention. Most of this year’s committee assisted the Chair and other members to draft changes that were presented and approved at the Salisbury Convention. Your Direction please? Please let me or any member of the committee know. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to approve the committee reports as presented. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded it. The motion was carried. Old Business: PCC Bob Muchow (22-W) reported that PDG Dave Fischer, Auditor (22-W) is still in the process of auditing the 2011-2012 records. PDG Dave Fischer has some questions about some issues and needs to contact several Lions to resolve those issues. New Business: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) announced that the Peace Poster Contest entries were judged on Saturday, December 1st and the winner comes from District 22-D, the Glasgow Lions Club. The Council will forward the winning entry to LCI immediately. District Governors should notify the clubs in their districts. PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor (22-C) presented a Joseph F. Gaffigan Fellowship to two (2) Lions in recognition of their commitment to humanitarian service: (1) ID Ted Reiver (22-D) for whom a donation will be made in his name by the Fellowship to Camp Merrick (2) Lion Ann Reiver (22-D) for whom a donation will be made in her name by the Fellowship to the Lions Youth Outreach Foundation. Pg. 119 Comments from the Advisors: PIP Clem Kusiak (22-A) congratulated the Council for doing a great job. He suggested that the Multiple District designate a Peace Poster Contest Chairman. He expressed the impact of the loss of PIP Kay Fukushima who brought his knowledge of insurance experience to LCI, especially with claims and lawsuits pertaining to youth programs. In regards to membership, the Multiple should focus more on the number of new members brought in instead of net loss. He reported on changes from LCI at their last Board meeting on how fees are charged for Leo chartering and Leo annual fees. Leo structure from LCI's Service Activities Committee has changed in the way they're billing. Before it was an annual fee/charter fee pro-rated by the year. Now it will be just one fee. If the Leo Club brings in additional new members, they pay $5.00 per member. If the Leos need pins etc, they will go to the Club Supplies Department. He also reported that worldwide, there are Leo clubs that have not registered with LCI which is a liability issue with LCI. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) reported that the Council had discussed Leo Clubs extensively at the Pre-Council meeting on December 1st and had determined that the District Governors will go back to the Leo Clubs in their districts to ensure proper reporting of Form 72. PID Joe Gaffigan (22-C) stressed that it is up to the Council through our multiple district newsletter, our district newsletters and visitations to promote early registration for the upcoming Leadership Training at Emmitsburg. He stated that ID Ted Reiver, Advisor (22-D) had distributed the awards criteria for the Presidential Awards from International President Wayne Madden and that the District Governors should review the criteria by the Mid-Winter Conference. Questions should be referred to ID Ted Reiver. Comments from the District Governors: All the District Governors congratulated CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) on the success of his social which was described as being a well-prepared and well-run social. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) responded that he was honored to have everyone attend the 49th 22-D Social and that he enjoys serving as a District Governor, making club visitations. PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C) reminded the Council of the upcoming Mid-Winter Conference on February 2, 2013 at the Convention Center in Ocean City. A letter of invitation has already been sent out. Cabinet Secretaries and Treasurers are also encouraged to attend and Vice District Governors are also invited to attend as well as next year's Council Chair. The conference will begin at 10 a.m. with donuts and coffee and will end by 1 p.m. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to adjourn. DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 10:04 a.m. Respectively Submitted by AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Pg. 120 Agenda Council of Governor’s Meeting March 10, 2013 Call Meeting to Order Pledge America Invocation Comments from International Guest Council Secretary’s Report Council Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Constitution & By-Laws Global Leadership Team International Convention 2013 LCIF MD 22 Convention USA/Canada Forum Others CC Dorothy Culver DG Don Beeson DG Charlene Travers DG Richard Merriwether ID Mark Hintzmann DG Paul Cannada DG Richard Merriwether PDG Tom Jefts PDG Paul Hawkins PCC John Lawrence PDG Ken Chew PDG Sandi Halterman PDG Bob Jones & PDG Steve Finger PDG Bill Culver Old Business: New Business: Comments from MD 22 Advisors ID Ted Reiver PIP Clem Kusiak PID Joe Gaffigan PID Darley Travers Comments from District Governors DG Skip Hoffman DG Charlene Travers DG Donald Beeson DG Richard Merriwether DG Paul Cannada Comments from Council Chair CC Dorothy Culver Benediction DG Skip Hoffman Adjournment Pg. 121 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MINUTES Sunday, March 10, 2013 Salisbury, Maryland Attendees: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22-C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22-A); FVDG Doug Jones (22-B); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W); SVDG Doug DeWitt (22-A); SVDG Joseph F. Schanno (22-B); SVDG Kelley Randolph (22-C); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); PID Darley Travers, Advisor (22-B); PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor, (22-C); ID Mark Hintzmann (27-A2), Lion Jayne Hintzmann (27-A2); PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); IPDG Stephen Finger, MD Convention Treasurer (22W); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); IPDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Tom Jefts, Constitution and By-Laws Chair (22-W); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Forum ViceCoordinator (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); Lion Sam Foster, MD-22 Leo Chair (22-W); PCC Bob Muchow (22-W); IPDG Rich Barb (22-C); CS Joan Bestpitch (22-D); Roaring Lions Chair (22-D); Lion Don Rae PSVS Coordinator (22-B); PDG Charles Kearse (22-C); PDG Rodney Welch (22-W); CT Don Stein (22-D); PCC Ralph Schieferstein (22-D); CS Elston "Jerry" Hovatter (22-B); AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. DG Don Beeson (22-C) led the pledge, DG Charlene Travers (22-B) led the singing of one verse of "America" and CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) gave the invocation. Comments by International Guest: ID Mark Hintzmann (27-A2) reported that at the last International Board meeting, a decision was made that under the Family Plan the family dues will remain the same with the second person paying half the dues, but they must pay full membership with the initiation fee of $25.00. This will be effective July 1st. He also stated that USA/Canada Forum is coming up and that we hold one of the best forums around the world and that people come from the around the world to see how it's done. We have the best programs and seminars that you can get. He encouraged Multiple District 22 to keep up the good work and get back to the clubs to find out what the Lions stories are. Council Secretary’s Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W): CS Paul Cannada presented the minutes from the December 2, 2012 Council of Governors Meeting in Dover, Delaware that were sent. CT Richard Merriwether made the motion to accept the minutes and DG Skip Hoffman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): He reported that there have only been two transactions this period. The International Convention Committee withdrew $5,471.25 and LCI withdrew $216.00. The checking account has a balance of $26,869.19. The Money Market Account remains intact. The total assets are $71,946.05. He made the second tax assessment which will bring in an additional $12,575.49. He received the $7500 check for the parade. He has some checks to pay, including the $7,500 check to the parade committee for the Memorial Day Parade. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to file the Treasurer's report for audit and DG Charlene Travers (22-B) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 122 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance March 10, 2013 General Account Startups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover Reduction 10% of Admin Acct Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund Less Deductions Startup Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds Less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget Dues member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295. Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 Actual Income as of March10, 2013 MD-22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD-22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD-22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 MD-22 MD-22 MD-22 MD-22 MD-22 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.78 2,610.99 3,931.56 A Dues B Dues C Dues D Dues W Dues Total Income 17,926.72 Pg. 123 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22Convention 2013 Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF GMT/GLT Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants Misc. Total Expenditure Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 11/03/12 Outstanding Checks @ close Receipts not deposited @ close Money Market Account Total Assets Actual 5,471.25 10,395.84 300.00 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 28,495.25 216.00 2,274.72 18,657.81 Balance 1,823.75 0.00 546.66 (300.00) 1,823.75 0.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 284.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 (774.72) 100.00 100.00 0.00 500.00 9,837.44 27,600.28 26,869.19 45,076.86 71,946.05 Pg. 124 Constitution and By-Laws Chair, PDG Tom Jefts (22-W): He reported on the LCI Constitution and By-Law changes which were effective after the July 2012 Board Meeting and reflected in the November 2012 version of Standard Copies for Sub and Multiple Districts which concern the CLUB DELEGATE FORMULAS PORTION under DISTRICT CONVENTIONS AND ELECTIONS ARTICLE IX, SECTION 3. It read as follows: CLUB DELEGATE FORMULA. Each chartered club in good standing in the association and its district (single, sub and multiple) shall be entitled in each annual convention of the district (single, sub – and multiple) to one (1) delegate and one (1) alternate for each ten (10) members who have been enrolled for at least one year and one day in the club, or major fraction thereof, of said club as shown by the records of the international office of the first day of the month last proceeding that month during which the convention is held. PROVIDED, however, that each such club shall be entitled to at least one (I) delegate and one (1) alternate: and FURTHER PROVIDED , that each district (single, sub and multiple} may, by express provision in its respective constitution and by-laws, grant full delegate status to each past district governor who is a member of a club in such district independent of the club delegate quotas hereinspecified. The change approved by LCI does not have to be voted to be approved. It is an automatic update, reflected in the Amendments section . It is automatically updated and should be reflected as stated above in each district Constitution and By- Laws. District 22W has already made the provision with approval of the legal department of LCI on the wording. He will forward this to all district Constitution and By-Laws chairs in MD-22 so they can also make the provisions in their districts if they have not already done so. It only applies to the Multiple District and SubDistrict Convention and not to the International Convention. GLT Coordinator, PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C): DGE School The MD-22 DGE School was conducted Friday and Saturday here at the Holiday Inn. He personally thanked PDG John Aikens for setting up the room. He also thanked those who assisted in the training, especially PDG John Lawrence. He also thanked the candidates who did most of the work. The interchange and discussion brought them closer together and gave some of the 2nd Vice-District Governor candidates a good indication of what they will face in the future. The First Vice District Governors also attended LCI directed Area training in Boston last weekend. Regional Lions Leadership Institute The District Governors and their Teams are to be commended on the response to their efforts to encourage Lions to attend the RLLI at Emmitsburg. A total of fifty three (53) Lions registered for the basic course and twenty three (23) for the advanced course. Registration is closed and no additional applications can be accepted. We will plan on two classes of basic and one advanced. The list of registrants will be provided to the Council shortly. District Governors are encouraged to contact each Lion from their District to offer support and encouragement. Emerging Lions Session Due to a number of factors, the decision was made to cancel the Emerging Lions Session this year. If future Councils wish to conduct a similar event, plans should be initiated early so that the session can be held at Pg. 125 the outset of the Lions year. Suggestions were made to conduct future sessions at the district level to reduce travel and time requirements on all. This option is also available for Council consideration. MD 22 Convention Seminars The schedule of seminars for the Convention is complete. Attached is a listing of the seminars including the name of the presenter and a brief description of the seminar. This list was also sent to each Council member and the District GLT Coordinators. Please ensure wide dissemination throughout your Districts. MD-22 2013 Convention Seminars An Emergency in your Community? We Serve: Lions Alert Program (Room 201 Tues, 2 PM & Wed, 9 AM) Presented by Michael Fischer, Administration Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency In times of disaster, the Executive Director of the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) activates the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) to support local governments as necessary or requested. Representatives from state departments and supporting agencies, as well as some federal agencies, the private sector and volunteer organizations, are present in the SEOC. When the Governor declares a state of emergency, MEMA coordinates efforts with FEMA to request a Presidential Disaster Declaration and assistance to those impacted by the disaster. Get some insight into how this organization operates and how Lions can assist during a crisis through your Lions Alert Program. “What the Heck Happens to All Those Used Eyeglasses We Collect?" (Room 202 Tues, 2 PM & Wed, 9 AM) Presented by Lion Bob Martin Since 2007, a remarkable program called the GLOBAL re-VISION Network has collected used eyeglasses from District 22-W and provided them for free to nearly 100,000 impoverished persons in Mexico. GLOBAL reVISION's amazing technology requires NO doctors but can diagnose vision problems and accurately dispense used, corrective eyeglasses in only 3 minutes a patient. It has been validated at the world-renowned Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and been used to help indigent people in both the US and Haiti. Lion Bob Martin created the GLOBAL re-VISION Network and will discuss this revolutionary approach to dispensing recycled eyeglasses AND overcoming many of the global ills that have long eluded a solution. Could collecting more used eyeglasses REALLY help heal the world? Come find out why that answer probably is "Yes," and how your Lions Club can help. Lions Code of Ethics: A Re-Awakening (Room 203 Tues, 2 PM) Presented by PCC Dennis Brining and PCC Don Colley When is the last time you reviewed the Lions Code of Ethics? Is the Code something that our founders thought important but have been overcome by events in today’s society? Hear about a District that decided enough is enough and got tough on Ethics. PCC’s Dennis and Don developed a program that has been installed in MD 24 to address needs for ethics training for the Lions of Virginia. Courses are presented at District levels and PCC Dennis and Don have taken the message further – to other Multiple Districts and the USA/Canada Leadership Development Forum. Pg. 126 Lions Vision Research Foundation (Room 203 Wed 9 AM) Presented by Dr. Robert Massoff Dr. Bob Massof, founding Director of the Lions Low Vision Center, will present the current state of low vision research and also describe services available to clients at the Center. Dr. Massof plans to present details of a plan to provide low vision services to clients at facilities closer to their homes throughout Delaware, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Testimonials from clients of the Center will be an important part of the seminar. Dr. Massof is one of 11 Lions countrywide to be honored at the White House as a Champion of Change. Don't miss this one. Certified Guiding Lion - Key to Success (Room 204, Tues 2 PM) Presented by PCC Jim Canon We all know that the first two years of a new Lions Club are the most critical. If the club is to succeed, it will depend to a great deal on the actions and effectiveness of their Guiding Lion. That’s why LCI created a certification program for these Lions. Come and hear what goes into making a Certified Guiding Lion. And learn also the plans to use these extraordinary Lions to work with clubs that have been around for a while but are struggling. Membership & Extension (Room 204, Wed 9 AM) Presented By PCC Jim Canon Think it’s hard? Think again. Get ideas and some of the secrets on selling Lions from a Grand Master Membership Key (50 members) holder and LCI New Club Development Consultant. PCC Jim has presented programs/seminars at the LCI Faculty Development Institute, USA/Canada Leadership Development Forum and conducted training sessions across the US. See how you can use your own experiences and passion about Lions to bring new members and new clubs to your District. Leader Dogs for the Blind (Room 205 Tues 2 PM & Wed 9 AM) Presented by Lion Carroll Jackson and “Hunter” Who doesn’t love puppies? And who doesn’t love the fact that they can give a person who cannot see the ability to experience independence? If your club contributes to Leader Dogs for the Blind, you need to attend this seminar so that you can relate to your fellow Lions the blessings that you made possible. Lions Youth Foundation (LYF) of Multiple District 22 (Room 206 Tues 2 PM & Wed 9 AM) Presented by TBA Hear about LYF and our mission, goals, and future. Learn about LYF grants and honorariums. Find out what is required to get a grant from LYF and share stories of past grant successes. Door prizes will be awarded. He had reported on the addition of one new seminar, LCIF, which will be conducted in conjunction with the Lions Youth Foundation. He took the opportunity to congratulate the Lions from MD 22 who successfully completed the Advanced (Senior) Lions Leadership Institute conducted at Oak Brook February 22-25, 2013: Pg. 127 22-A 22-C 22-D 22-W Lion Linda Lupro (Jarretsville) 2nd VDG Kelley Randolf (Southgate-Clinton) Lion Glenn Williams (Claymont) 2nd VDG John Parker (Rawlins Potomac Valley) International Convention, PCC John Lawrence, Vice-Chair (22-B): He reported that the breakfast will be held in conjunction with MD-14 Pennsylvania. The room capacity is 150 (Pennsylvania will have about 100 at the breakfast.) Including District Governors and spouses, there are 46 people attending. The cost of the breakfast will be $28.00. The committee would like the Multiple District to supplement $8.00 per breakfast to reduce the cost to $20.00. A motion will be needed for that. There was a surplus of $1752.93 from last year. The committee requests that the money be given to this year's budget. The uniforms will be the same as before. Let the committee know if there are any available uniforms from past participants. The committee cannot get the material any more. Let PCC John know of any ideas for uniforms for the 2014 Convention in Toronto. CC Dorothy reported that the request for the subsidized amount was discussed by the Council, but they were unable to make a decision since they did not have the final report of the International Convention Committee. Administrative Assistant Barbara will forward the final report to the Council Chair for their consideration. MD-22 LIONS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION COMMITTEE Estimated Budget for Lions Year 2012-2013 As of March 3, 2013 Revenue Dues 22A 22B 22C 22D 22W Pin Sales 22A 22B 22C 22D 22W 1006 members @ $.75 1456 members @ $.75 1578 members @ $.75 1299 members @ $.75 1956 members @ $.75 $754.50 $1092.00 $1183.50 $974.25 $1467.50 Dues 220 @ $2 250 @ $2 250 @ $2 225 @ $2 200 @ $2 Total $440 $500 $500 $450 $400 Pin Sales Total Convention Pin Sales 125 @ $2 MD 22Breakfast for 40 attendees @ $28.00 $5471.25 $2290.00 $250 $1120 Convention Pin Sales &MD-22 Breakfast Total Total $1370.00 $9131.25 Pg. 128 Expenses Pins – 1400 @ $1.42 Chairman Expenses Hotel -6 nights @ $175.00 Travel to Hamburg, Germany Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration $1998.00 $1050.00 $1500.00 $500.00 $100.00 Total Vice Chairman Hotel – 6 nights @175.00 Travel to Hamburg, Germany Meals in Hamburg Convention Registration $3150.00 $1050.00 $1500.00 $500.00 $100.00 $3150.00 Total Printing/Postage + $250.00 Hospitality Room + $200.00 MD 22 Breakfast for 40 Attendees +$1120.00 Exhibit Booth at MD 22 Convention + $125.00 Shipping Expenses for Banners and Flags Total Expenses Total Revenue +$300.00 $10293.00 $9131.25 Difference - 1161.75 Summary of Bank Account (as of March 3, 2013) Initial Deposit (International Convention2012-2013 dues) Checks/Withdrawals from Acct Balance $5496.26 $0.00 $5496.26 Pg. 129 Breakfast Buffet Variation of salmon (Smoked and Graved salmon) White Fish and Oslo salad Different sticks of Vegetables Tomatoes and Mozzarella Fruit salad, slices of peach, berry mix and Birchlermüsli Different kind of yoghurt and curds Cheese plates and fresh cheese Cold cuts and cheese Different rolls, bread and marmalade Warm dishes Mini meatballs Nuremberg sausage Scrambled eggs Fried mushrooms Sweet Pastry Croissants Chocolate croissants Franzbrötchen Waffle with vanilla sauce Cake Different fresh fruits Schedule of Events 96th Lions Clubs International Convention Hamburg, Germany Official Schedule of Events (subject to change) Friday, July 5 – Tuesday, July 9, 2013 FRIDAY, JULY 5 10:00 – 16:00 Leo Lion Summit Hamburg Messe (HM) 10:00 – 17:00 Exhibit Hall and Convention Services Center Hamburg Messe (HM) 19:30 – 22:30 District Governors-elect Celebration Banquet Schuppen 52 SATURDAY, JULY 6 10:00 Step-off International Parade 10:00 – 17:00 Exhibit Hall and Convention Services Center Hamburg Messe (HM) 19:00 – 20:15 International Show o2 World Hamburg Arena Pg. 130 SUNDAY, JULY 7 10:00 – 13:00 Opening Plenary Session Presidential Address, Keynote Speaker – Laura Bush, Flag Ceremony, International Parade Results o2 World Hamburg Arena 10:00 – 17:00 Exhibit Hall and Convention Services Center Hamburg Messe (HM) 14:00 – 17:00 Seminars Hamburg Messe (HM) and Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) 15:00 – 17:00 Membership Key Award Ice Cream Social Hamburg Messe (HM) MONDAY, JULY 8 10:00 – 12:30 Second Plenary Session Memorial Service, Nominations for Second Vice President and International Directors o2 World Hamburg Arena 10:00 – 17:00 Exhibit Hall and Convention Services Center Hamburg Messe (HM) 13:00 – 17:00 Seminars Hamburg Messe (HM) and Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) 13:30 – 15:00 Melvin Jones Fellow Luncheon Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) 20:00 – 22:00 Past International Presidents / Past International Directors Banquet Grand Elysee Hotel 20:00 – 22:00 District Governors / Past District Governors Banquet Grand Elysee Hotel TUESDAY, JULY 9 07:30 – 10:30 Voting and Convention Services Center Hamburg Messe (HM) 10:00 – 13:30 Final Plenary Session Installation of 2013-2014 International President, U.N. Flag Ceremony, Humanitarian Award Presentation, Installation of 2013-2014 District Governors o2 World Hamburg Arena 19:00 – 21:00 International Officers Reception Grand Elysee Hotel Registrant Directory - 2013 LCI International Convention BRINCKMEYER, GUYLA MD-22 27360 MARTINS FARM ROAD MILTON, DE 19968 USA 302 223 8752-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER BRINCKMEYER, JACK MD-22 27360 MARTINS FARM ROAD MILTON, DE 19968 USA 302 223 8752-Tel 302 223 8752-Fax [email protected] BRUCE, ANGELA MD-22 6722 MINK HOLLOW ROAD HIGHLAND, MD 20777 USA 301 854 0096-Tel 301 854 0096-Fax [email protected] BRUCE, ROBERT PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 6722 MINK HOLLOW ROAD HIGHLAND, MD 20777 USA 301 854 0096-Tel 301 854 0096-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER BRUMBACK, ANN MD-22 2112 SYKESVILLE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 USA 410 857 1028-Tel 410 857 1028-Fax [email protected] CHAN, BRINDISI MD-22 12051 INDIAN CREEK COURT BELTSVILLE, MD 20705 USA 3016836034-Tel [email protected] SCANDIC HAMBURG EMPORIO Pg. 131 CULLISON, JERI JO MD-22 2832 SAGEWOOD DRIVE GLENWOOD, MD 21738 USA 410 484 2975-Tel 410 484 2975-Fax [email protected] CULLISON, JOHN PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 2832 SAGEWOOD DRIVE GLENWOOD, MD 21738 USA 410 484 2975-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER DAVIS, BARBARA MD-22 1416 STONE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 3163-Tel 410 848 3163-Fax [email protected] DAVIS, ROY MD-22 1416 STONE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 3163-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER GUDE, ANNE MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] GUDE, JESSICA MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] GUDE, KARL PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 31822 HOLEIN THE WOODS RD. OCEAN VIEW, DE 19970 USA 302 745 9279-Tel 302 539 34978-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER HOWSDEN, JEROLD MD-22 7101 KEYSVILLE ROAD KEYMAR, MD 21757 USA 443 918 8227-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER HOWSDEN, RUTH MD-22 7101 KEYSVILLE ROAD KEYMAR, MD 21757 USA 443 918 8227-Tel 443 918 8227-Fax [email protected] JONES, CHERYL MD-22 29429 EDGEWOOD AVE LAUREL, DE 19956 USA 3028757767-Tel 3028757767-Fax [email protected] JONES, ROBERT PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 29429 EDGEWOOD AVE LAUREL, DE 19956 USA 3028757767-Tel [email protected] Registrant Directory 2013 LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Page#: 1 NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER Pg. 132 KIDWELL, SUSAN MD-22 149 DUVAL LANE EDGEWATER, MD 21037 USA 410 370 0844-Tel 410 370 0844-Fax [email protected] LEISTER, SHARON MD-22 2112 SYKESVILLE ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 USA 410 857 1028-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER KIDWELL, WILLIAM MD-22 149 DUVAL LANE EDGEWATER, MD 21037 USA 410 370 0844-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER LIEBNO, RICHARD PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 115 ROCKLAND ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 4929-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER KROESEN, LYNN MD-22 26169 TUSCANY DRIVE MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA 302 934 6363-Tel 302 934 6363-Fax [email protected] KUSIAK, CLEMENT PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT MD-22 6302 HOMEWOOD RD LINTHICUM, MD 21090-2108 USA 410-850-5099-Tel 410-850-5099-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG KUSIAK, JEANNE MD-22 6302 HOMEWOOD RD LINTHICUM, MD 21090-2108 USA 410-850-5099-Tel 410-850-4411-Fax [email protected] LAWRENCE, JOHN PAST COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON MD-22 105 ACORN DRIVE CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 USA 410 725 0150-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER LIEBNO, GRACE MD-22 115 ROCKLAND ROAD WESTMINSTER, MD 21158 USA 410 848 4929-Tel 410 848 4929-Fax [email protected] MINNICH, JAMES JOSEPH PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 228 SANDRA ROAD WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302 654 7326-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER MINNICH, LORRAINE MD-22 228 SANDRA ROAD WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302 654 7326-Tel 302 654 7326-Fax [email protected] REIVER, ALAN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR MD-22 1207 NORBEE DR WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302-762-6970-Tel 302-764-5086-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG Pg. 133 REIVER, ANN MD-22 1207 NORBEE DR WILMINGTON, DE 19803 USA 302-762-6970-Tel 302-764-5086-Fax [email protected] SCHIEFERSTEIN, RALPH PAST COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON MD-22 77 VALERY DRIVE FELTON, DE 19943 USA 302-284-9730-Tel 302-284-9730-Fax [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER SCHIEFERSTEIN, SHEILA MD-22 77 VALERY DRIVE FELTON, DE 19943 USA 302-284-9730-Tel 302-284-9730-Fax [email protected] SCHOONOVER, CAROL MD-22 105 ACORN DRIVE CHESTERTOWN, MD 21620 USA 410 725 0150-Tel 410 725 0150-Fax [email protected] TRAVERS, CHARLENE DISTRICT GOVERNOR MD-22 P.O. BOX 613 HEBRON, MD 21830 USA 410 726 7877-Tel 410 726 7877-Fax [email protected] TRAVERS, DARLEY PAST INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR MD-22 P.O. BOX 613 HEBRON, MD 21830 USA 410 726 7877-Tel 410 546 2086-Fax [email protected] GRAND ELYSEE HAMBURG WHEELER, JAY MD-22 26169 TUSCANY DRIVE MILLSBORO, DE 19966 USA 302 934 6363-Tel [email protected] NOVOTEL HAMBURG ALSTER Registrant LCIF Coordinator, IPDG A. Kendall “Ken” Chew, III (22-D): IPDG Ken summarized his following written report: On February 6, 2013, I had a conference call with PIP Clem Kusiak and LCIF specialist Jayne Westerlund about MD 22 LCIF Goals for 2012-2013. While some of the news was not good with MD 22 raising only 23% of this year’s goal of $195,000, there still is a chance to come closer to meeting with goal with a big push in the second half of this Lion year. A lot of clubs make their Melvin Jones Awards toward the later part of the year. The break down by district is as follows: PDG Bob Bruce reports that District A has raised 22% of its $50,000; PDG Bill Culver reports that District B has raised 22% of its $14,500 goal; IPDG Rich Barb reports that District C has raised 29% of its $37,800 goal; PDG Bob Daniels reports that District D has raised 27% of its $36,000 goal; and PDG Barbara McKenney reports that District W has raised 19% of its $65,000 goal. While the Multiple has what seems like a daunting task of raising $149,704, again we need to “Believe” as LCIF Chairperson, PIP Wing-Kun Tam, said last year and with Lions anything is possible. Pg. 134 During the conference call, PIP Clem and I discussed some ways for the five District Governors and LCIF Coordinators to better promote the Foundation, what it does and how all the Lions of MD 22 can make OUR Foundation even stronger. Suggestions are as follows: 1. Encourage each LCIF District Coordinator to write an LCIF article for each of the District bulletins with information about some of the recent LCIF grants like the $10,000 Emergency Grant to district 22-B which helped with flooding from Superstorm Sandy in Crisfield, MD. 2. Information could be given about the LCIF $800,000 grant for Lions Vision Research Foundation to provide low vision screening facilities for the Multiple. 3. At the Melvin Jones luncheon at the MD-22 Convention, the International President will attend and hand out special awards for the clubs. Multiple-22 Convention Committee PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C): PDG Sandi reviewed the following written report: We just concluded on February 2nd a successful Mid-Winter Conference and hopefully answered all your questions about what is happening in a few months. We have provided you today with the Who, What, When and Where that will help you motivate though the individual activities. We are trying to finalize on the other portions of the Convention, such as the scripts, program book, necrology and committee assignments. As of today, we still have quite a few committees not fully assigned, including a Chair or Co-Chair, but I’m hoping I will receive these shortly. I have passed to each District Governor an individual list of what committees they still have unassigned. We have started on the Program and Necrology books. I sent reminders to the Cabinet Secretaries regarding the deadline for the Lions "Who Have Passed" for the Necrology book which is March 30th. The final deadline is April 10th. After that deadline, Governors should maintain a list so they can include them when they talk. Governors and all, please push hotels. We need to fill the Princess Royale Hotel to be able to get all that we have asked and it sounds like we still need about 200 more rooms reserved. The committee is still trying to work with Centerplate, who is the catering service at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. Not very responsive, but hopefully, we can secure this very soon. The committee will hand out at the end of the Victory Luncheon certificates from each hotel to those who stayed at the hotels. Multiple Convention Vice-Chair, PDG Bob Jones, (22-D): Registrations for the golf tournament consist of two (2) foursomes and a single. The committee has sold 14 tables in the exhibit hall, but anticipate more sales. IPDG Steve Finger, Convention Treasurer (22-W): The total number of registrations as of March 10th is 184 with the following breakdown: District A: 14; District B: 7; District C: 25; District D: 29 and District W: 101 Pg. 135 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 03-2013 Update 2012-2013 INCOME Convention Income Exhibits Mini Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Merchandise Raffle Program Book Advertisements Basket Raffle Tail Twister Misc. TOTAL Convention Income Interest Inc MD 22 Dues* Meal Payments Critique Meeting Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meal Payments Ticket Sales Convention District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D District 22-W Past District Governors Dinner Other Total Ticket Sales Transfer from Council TOTAL INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $650.00 $91.00 $25.00 $1,750.00 $309.00 $2,375.00 $1,200.00 $2,023.74 $875.00 $500.00 $600.00 $2,376.26 $725.00 $0.00 $13,500.00 $3,867.26 $10,895.25 $10,395.84 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $981.00 $453.00 $1,908.00 $2,346.00 $7,592.00 $9,632.74 $0.00 $499.41 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 $4,131.00 $6,871.00 $5,161.00 $7,817.00 $1,856.00 $13,280.00 $0.00 $26,236.00 $27,543.10 $0.00 $40,968.15 $39,516.00 $4,200.00 $68,511.25 *Dues income based on MD22 population of 7,295 Lions *Dues adjusted 2nd half year basis of 7,232 Lions Pg. 136 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 03-2013 Update 2012-2013 EXPENSES Budget $100.00 Actual Variance $100.00 $4,830.00 $1,255.00 $62.00 $200.00 $2,657.62 $630.53 $1,928.00 $8,275.00 $993.90 $4,282.05 $2,172.38 $624.47 $62.00 $200.00 $0.00 $934.10 $3,992.95 $0.00 $695.00 $158.72 $5,591.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,482.50 Bank Charge Committee Expenses Hotel Meal Miscellaneous Site Visits Telephone and Fax Travel TOTAL Committee Expenses Convention Expenses Badges & Pins Banners & Signs Convention Center Decorations Distinguished Guest Entertainment Exhibit Services Gifts and Awards Golf Tournament Hospitality Meals MD Sales Tax Merchandise Raffle Prizes & Expense Ticket Refunds Past District Governors Dinner TOTAL Convention Expenses District Governor Expenses Meetings Critique Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meetings Office Other Expenses Photographs Postage and Delivery Printing and Reproduction Tickets $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 TOTAL Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES $2,828.00 $70,049.36 $688.02 $7,235.01 $2,139.98 $62,814.35 TOTAL INCOME $68,511.25 $27,543.10 $40,968.15 NET INCOME (EXPENSE) ($1,538.11) $20,308.09 ($21,846.20) $695.00 $180.00 $6,991.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,657.50 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $800.00 $59,096.36 $1,800.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $48.00 $50.00 $10.00 $60.00 $2,450.00 $210.00 $21.28 $1,400.00 $175.00 $280.00 $96.00 $1,972.28 $292.66 $292.66 $48.41 $639.61 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,920.00 $704.00 $0.00 $57,124.08 $1,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 ($92.66) $107.34 $48.00 $50.00 $10.00 $11.59 $1,810.39 $210.00 Pg. 137 MD 22 Convention Reservation Totals 2013 Ocean City, Maryland Pg. 138 IPDG Steve Finger reported that 4 out of 8 pages of advertisements have been sold so far. He also reported that May 5th is the deadline for submitting the meal count for the Melvin Jones Luncheon, the Sub-District Luncheons and the Multiple District Banquet. Attendees must send in their registrations before May 5th to ensure getting their meals. After that date, there will only be the standard 5% overage. Last year, 50 meal tickets were sold at the convention; however, the attendees will not be able to do it this year. PDG Sandi Halterman, Convention Chair, reported that her committee is still waiting for some of the names of committee chairs. She has withheld sending out letters to convention committees, including the sub-district volunteers,that do not have an assigned chair. CC Dorothy Culver stated that it is the District Governors' responsibility to fill the positions, even if they are out of rotation and in another district. USA/Canada Forum Chair, PDG Bill Culver (22-B): PDG Bill reviewed his written report as follows: The 37th Annual USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum will be held September 19-20, 2013 in Overland Park, Kansas. Overland Park is the second most populous city in Kansas and is the largest suburb of Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri. The Sheraton Hotel will be the Headquarters and the Marriott Overland Park will be Co-Hqs. Promotion brochures were sent to 1st. and 2nd VDG several weeks ago. I have sent names of the sub-district "Promotional Chairpersons". Geri Drabek, Forum Registrar will send promotional materials to them. She also informed me that she would update me as to the number of registrants. I noted, last year Chairman PDG Señora Heywood reported as of Wednesday, March 7th, 2012 that there were forty-five (45) registrants from MD-22. As of this date, I have not received this information. I have communicated with PCC Mark Miller, Facility Chair for Overland Park Forum, and will be making arrangements for the annual MD-22 Forum breakfast as soon as the Forum Facilities Committees grants the Sheraton permission to release a room for that event. You might be wondering, "Why should I go to Overland Park?" I will admit that there are no mountains, oceans, or sandy beaches. With that in mind, the Planning Committee and the Overland Park Host Committee are even more committed to provide a memorable experience for you. The committee has been a challenge to refresh and "changeup the forum". They are seriously incorporating suggestions made in evaluation, taking advantage of new technology in presentation, shorter seminars and keynote, and a new look for a new Forum logo. Another reason that Overland Park is so attractive as a Forum host city is how easy it is to get there. Since it is in the center of the US, many attendees will simply drive there. It is only an 8 hr drive from Indianapolis, and three hrs from Des Moines with Free Parking at hotel and Convention Center as well as free internet. If you will want to fly into Kansas City International Airport, Southwest had direct flights from many cities. Information about the Forum is available at, Face Book, You Tube and Twitter. MD-22 Leo Chair, Lion Sam Foster (22-W): Lion Sam made a request that the 2013-2014 Budget Committee add a budget line for the Leos for a Leo Conference next year. He also encouraged the Incoming District Governors to submit their selection of district Leo chairs to him as soon as possible so he can meet with them. DG Don Beeson and CC Dorothy Culver recommended that Lion Sam submit a written plan and suggested amount to the Council by the Turnover Meeting on August 5th. Pg. 139 DG Skip Hoffman related that the Lions Youth Foundation would like a direct connection with the Leo clubs in order to promote a joint program with them. Lion Sam agreed to contact the Lions Youth Foundation. Written Report: First, I must say this report is very repetitious of my previous quarterly reports. I have reached out to the Governor’s appointed District Leo Chairpersons to gather pertinent information about Leo Clubs in their districts. To date, I have received none/little response to my requests for information from those that oversee the District’s Leo Clubs. Yes, I have talked to each District Chair and was surprised to learn of their general lack of knowledge of their responsibilities as the District Leo Club Chairperson. I do want to meet with these District Leo Leaders and assist them in getting leadership training for Leo Advisors and Leo Officers, etc. We have over fifty (50) Leo Clubs in our Multiple District and many Leo Advisors. Each District Leo Chairman should know who these Leo Advisors are. Further, all Leo Officers, Advisors, and Leo Chairs should be reported to LCI, Youth Program Department. This reporting is not being done. We cannot properly recognize our Leos if they are not on record at LCI Youth Services. I cannot form a Leo Multiple District without the gathering of Leos, Leo Advisors, and District Leo Chairs. We must come together. I suggest that all District Leo chairpersons familiarize themselves with their responsibilities that they signed when they were appointed as District Leo Club Chairpersons. It is very important that the Lion in this position be committed to serve. I want to again emphasize that I need to hear from the District Leo Chairs on the progress of their Leo clubs, Leo Club Reports, names and contact information of the Leo Club Advisors of each Leo Club. I am soliciting the input/assistance of the Council of Governors in this process in order to get this off the ground during your tenure. Otherwise, the ball continues to get kicked down the road to the incoming Council of Governors and I start from where I am presently (nowhere) with a new council. If the council would like me to speak on the situation at the meeting, I am happy to do so. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to accept the committee reports. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Old Business PCC Bob Muchow reported that the audit for the financial records of 2011-2012 has been completed with everything in order and that the Administrative Assistant Barbara is in the process of finalizing the report. At the Mid-Winter Conference on February 2, 2013, the Council reviewed the bid information for the 2017 Convention as required by the Multiple District Constitution and By-Laws, Article 7, Section 2. A motion was made by DG Charlene Travers and seconded by CS Paul Cannada to accept the bid from the Eisenhower Hotel and Convention Center in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The motion was passed. CC Dorothy Culver reported that the Multiple Convention Committee has been instructed to submit bids from Gettysburg, Dover, Ocean City etc. for the 2018 MD22 Convention to the Council no later than the close of the Multiple Convention in May. IPDG Steve Finger reported that the convention committee is still in negotiations with Dover for the 2015 MD22 Convention in regards to the following issues: $2500 upfront fee which they have taken out of the contract Pg. 140 $40,000 catering thresh-hold limit didn't include the 20$ premium that's charged. They have changed that. They want periodic payments up to $10,000 advance money, starting at 24 months prior to the convention up to 12 months before the convention. We need to negotiate further with them. There has been a change in the sales representative. They wanted the first down payment with a signed contract at the end of February, but the committee has gotten the date extended to June. If the deal falls through, an option could be to recommend that the convention stay in Ocean City for another year. PID Joe stated that the Council, in times of financial crisis, has the authority to change the location to another hotel in Dover. New Business CC Dorothy Culver reported that CT Richard has received the Public Relations grant money of $7,500 toward the National Memorial Day Parade and will write a check in that amount to the National Memorial Day Parade Treasurer. DG Don Beeson has sent a letter to the District Governors of both MD22 and MD24, asking for club support. CS Paul Cannada reported on the informal meeting that was held by the Council on Saturday, March 9, 2013. Several issues came up for discussion: need to change some wording in the Constitution & By-Laws need to form a working group to work on these changes, especially the terminology in regard to getting a convention location CS Paul Cannada made the motion to establish a working group that consists of 4 people, to be identified at a later date, who will work on the Constitution & By-Laws wording. The working group will start by the next Council of Governors meeting on April 21st and continue into next year. The motion was seconded by CT Richard Merriwether. The motion was carried. DG Don Beeson made the motion to pay the bills. DG Skip Hoffman seconded the motion. The motion was carried. DG Don Beeson made the motion to have money in the amount of $4,699.87 (dues and line item) be turned over to the convention committee. CS Paul Cannada seconded the motion. The motion was carried. PCC Bob Muchow (22-W) proposed that the following sentence be added to the Policy and Procedures Manual: A man will be placed at the end of each head table when reasonable. PID Joe Gaffigan, advisor, pointed out the need to bring the Policy and Procedures Manual in line with the Standard Constitution & By-Laws in regards to establishing protocol for distinguished guests at the convention. DG Skip Hoffman made the motion to make a request to the Long Range Planning Committee that they review the wording in the Policy and Procedures Manual in regards to the dates for the District Socials and the Mid-Winter Conference and for the protocol for distinguished guests at the convention, making corrections as deemed necessary. CT Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 141 PDG Ralph Schieferstein (22-D) stated that the convention committee must make sure that the needs of our distinguished guests are being met, especially if they have transportation needs. PDG Bob Jones stated that the Multiple District Chairperson has the responsibility of meeting those needs. Comments by the Advisors: PID Joe Gaffigan thanked PDG Tom Jefts for updating the districts in regards to the Past District Governors and the club delegate allotment. He stated that the club delegate allotments come directly from LCI and that districts should be getting that information after April 1st. He thanked the convention committee for their hard work and encouraged them to continue to work with the hotels, pressing gently and speaking with supervisors if necessary. He stressed that the district governors should finalize the chairs for the committees and email PDG Sandi Halterman before the next social in April. He supports the decision of the Council to ask the Policy and Procedures Committee to review and modify the wording in the Policy and Procedures Manual in regardsto the site selection, since some parts are vague, and the term "invitation" which could be changed to "bid". In regards to the International Convention, he stated that the Council could approve the funding request, subject to the approval of the final report and that the Council does not need to reconvene. He agreed that Lion Sam Foster should submit a written plan to the Council by the Turnover Meeting. He stressed that the National Memorial Day Parade will have twice the amount of media coverage this year and that the Multiple District should begin to take ownership of the parade and ask clubs to contribute money for the parade since LCI grant money will not continue indefinitely. The Multiple District should promote the parade with leadership in attendance from MD-22 and MD-24. The Honorary Marshall of the parade will be JC Haywood from channel 9 TV who will provide live coverage. The advisors and International Director Mark Hintzmann thanked DG Charlene Travers for a wonderful social and a good meeting. The Council was commended on how well they handle the issues. Comments by the District Governors: The District Governors thanked DG Charlene for a wonderful social that displayed good speakers, great music and much preparations. DG Charlene presented ID Mark Hintzmann with a Hebron Lions Club hat. DG Don Beeson encouraged clubs to send representatives to march in the National Memorial Day Parade and donate money if you can't. CT Richard Merriwether thanked the cabinet treasurers for submitting their dues on time. CS Paul Cannada discussed how District 22-W became involved in and promoted the "Make a Difference Day" which was conducted throughout the district by October 22, 2012. Although CS Paul had a goal of 75% participation by the Lions, Lioness and Leo clubs in his district, there was over 90% participation. District 22-W was selected as one of the $10,000 winners. The award will be given on April 25th with 50% to be given to LVRF and the remaining 50% to LSKS. CC Dorothy thanked DG Charlene for being presented with the International President's Certificate of Appreciation. CC Dorothy stated that the Council will review the final report of the International Convention Committee and respond by e-mail. Benediction – DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) gave the benediction. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 a.m. Respectively Submitted by Administrative Assistant Barbara Brimigion Pg. 142 Agenda Council of Governor’s Meeting April 21, 2013 Call Meeting to Order Pledge America Invocation Comments from International Guest Council Secretary’s Report Council Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Constitution & By-Laws International Convention 2013 LCIF MD 22 Convention USA/Canada Forum Others CC Dorothy Culver DG Don Beeson DG Charlene Travers DG Richard Merriwether PID David E. Stoufer DG Paul Cannada DG Richard Merriwether PDG Tom Jefts PCC John Lawrence PDG Ken Chew PDG Sandi Halterman PDG Bob Jones PDG Steve Finger PDG Bill Culver Old Business: New Business: Comments from MD 22 Advisors Comments from District Governors Comments from Council Chair Benediction Adjourned ID Ted Reiver PIP Clem Kusiak PID Joe Gaffigan PID Darley Travers DG Skip Hoffman DG Charlene Travers DG Donald Beeson DG Richard Merriwether DG Paul Cannada CC Dorothy Culver DG Skip Hoffman Pg. 143 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 The International Association of Lions Clubs Council of Governors 2012-2013 MULTIPLE DISTRICT 22 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS MINUTES Sunday, April 21, 2013 Waldorf Maryland Attendees: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B); DG Skip Hoffman (22-A); DG Charlene Travers (22-B); DG Don Beeson (22-C); CT Richard Merriwether (22-D); CS Paul Cannada (22-W); FVDG Dan Scott (22A); FVDG Doug Jones (22-B); FVDG Dee Hawkins (22-C); FVDG Mary Lee Phillips (22-D); FVDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W); SVDG Joseph F. Schanno (22-B);); SVDG Cheryl Jones (22-D); PID Darley Travers, Advisor (22-B); PID Joe Gaffigan, Advisor, (22-C); PID David Stoufer, Rachel Stoufer, PDG Sandi Halterman, MD 22 Convention Chair (22-C); PDG Bob Jones, MD 22 Convention Vice-Chair (22-D); IPDG Stephen Finger, MD Convention Treasurer (22-W); PCC John Lawrence, International Convention Vice-Chair (22-A); PCC Bob Muchow (22-W); IPDG Ken Chew, LCIF Coordinator (22-D); PDG Tom Jefts, Constitution and By-Laws Chair (22-W); PDG Bill Culver, USA/Canada Forum Vice-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Dal Mann, Public Relations Co-Coordinator (22-B); PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Coordinator (22-C); PDG Ted Ladd, LVRF Chair (22-C); Lion Sam Foster, MD-22 Leo Chair (22-W); IPDG Rich Barb (22-C); Lion Don Rae PSVS Coordinator (22-B); PDG Charles Kearse (22-C); PCC Ralph Schieferstein (22-D); Lion Sheila Schieferstein (22-D); CS Elston "Jerry" Hovatter (22-B); CS Raye Litton (22-C); Lion Luanna Beeson (22-C); Lion Ann Ladd (22-C); Lion Carole Kearse (22-C); AA Barbara Brimigion (22-W) Opening: CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) called the meeting to order at 9:28 a.m. DG Don Beeson (22-C) led the pledge, DG Charlene Travers (22-B) led the singing of one verse of "America" and CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) gave the invocation. Comments by International Guest: PID Dave E. Stoufer commented on a wonderful weekend to get inspired and motivated. He commended the Multiple on their wonderful service projects and the level of service in which they are involved. He stressed that it is necessary to have these COG meetings in order to get programs going. There is a downside to that. Anytime you get people together, you get dissensions, disputes and politics that can mess things up. He pointed out the following: don't let the process of serving, mess with the service. It's not about the members. It's about the people who can't see, can't hear, who are homeless or have no food. The purpose is to serve. Lions must ensure that the process doesn't get in the way of the people whose lives we are trying to change. Council Secretary’s Report, CS Paul Cannada (22-W): CS Paul Cannada presented the final minutes from the March 10, 2013 Council of Governors Meeting in Salisbury, Maryland that were sent by email. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion to accept the minutes and DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Treasurer's Report, CT Richard Merriwether (22-D): He reported that the second half dues were assessed and money turned in. The Multiple received the $7500 grant for the Memorial Day Parade and the funds were withdrawn. The Money Market Account has not been touched this year. DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) made the motion to file the Treasurer's report for audit and DG Charlene Travers (22B) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Pg. 144 Statement of Expenditures Account Balance April 21, 2013 General Account Startups from 2012-2013 (re-deposited) International Candidate Fund Administrative Account One Year Income Sequestered International Convention Administrative Account Subtotal Allowed Carryover Reduction 10% of Admin Acct Subtotal Total Carryover Fund Total Carryover Fund Less Deductions Startup Transfer to 2012-2013 Total Carryover Funds Total Carryover Funds Less Reduction 2012-2013 Income 5,000 2,751.52 69,899.02 27,356.25 42,542.77 4,254.28 72,650.54 68,396.26 72,650.54 68,396.26 Budget Dues member billing August $7,295; January billing members $7,295. Administrative Fund Dedicated International Candidate Fund International Convention Fund MD 22 Convention GMT/GLT 7,295.00 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 1,823.75 Total Operating Income Total Potential Income 27,356.25 27,356.25 Actual Income as of April 21, 2013 MD-22 Convention Committee from 2012 Convention MD-22 International Convention 2012 Reimbursement MD-22 USA/Canada Forum Breakfast MD-22 A Dues MD-22 B Dues MD-22 C Dues MD-22 D Dues MD-22 W Dues LCI for Memorial Day Parade Total Income 252.84 1,752.93 1,258.00 1st Half 2,022.06 2,926.56 3,171.78 2,610.99 3,931.56 17,926.72 2nd Half 1,713.04 2,488.56 2,670.92 2,230.34 3,472.63 7,500.00 20,075.49 Pg. 145 Expenses Category Dedicated Funds International Candidate International Convention MD 22Convention 2013 Budget 1,823.75 5,471.25 10,942.50 Additional for Convention 2013 MD 22 2012 Convention Honorarium for PID Alexander to LCIF GMT/GLT Administrative Funds Administrative Supplies Audit (Review of Financial Records) Constitution & By-Laws Administrative Assistant Council Chair Diabetes Final Report Hearing and Speech LCIF Accounting Software Bank Fees and Checks Postage and Printing Public Relations Research & Long Range Planning Roaring Lions Surety Bond Turnover Meeting USA/Canada Forum Website Youth Outreach LCI Grants/Memorial Day Parade Misc. Total Expenditure Budgeted/Transactions/Variance Other Income Preliminary Operations Budget Beginning Bank Balance Checking Account Balance as of 03/31/13 Outstanding Checks @ close Receipts not deposited @ close Money Market Account Actual 5,471.25 10,395.84 4,699.87 300.00 1,823.75 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 1,500.00 100.00 100.00 432.00 2,274.72 7,500.00 500.00 28,495.25 31,073.68 Balance 1,823.75 0.00 546.66 (4,699.87) (300.00) 1,823.75 0.00 500.00 500.00 700.00 750.00 966.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 68.00 150.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 368.00 200.00 (774.72) 100.00 100.00 (7,500.00) 500.00 (2,578.43) 27,600.28 34,744.81 (216.00) Total Assets 45,076.86 79,605.67 Pg. 146 Constitution and By-Laws Chair, PDG Tom Jefts (22-W): There are no resolutions to be voted on at the convention for the Multiple Convention. District 22-W has some resolutions to be voted on. Written Report: It seems that I was given some conflicting and confusing information by the LCI Legal Dept. on how to proceed with PDGs having full delegate status. The AUTOMATIC UPDATE, as previously stated at the last Council Meeting and reflected in the Amendments section of the Standard form District Constitution and By-Laws, can only be automatically updated when it has been approved by LCI and in the LCI Constitution and By-Laws. So this year, it must be voted on by each District, according to their Amendment procedures if they want it to be granted to PDGs next year. It is too late this year for the Multiple Convention. I had it ready, but with the confusion, time ran out. Maybe next year. I want to thank all who have given me their time and understanding to clear up this confusing situation. I also checked with the department at LCI that sends out each year, around the first of April, the authorized delegates for the Multiple and each District. They were in the process then of sending them out and by now the reports should be in the Multiple and each District. They were in the process then of sending them out and by now the reports should be in the Council Chair and each District Governor's possession with the number of delegates authorized in each. International Convention, PCC John Lawrence, Vice-Chair (22-B): He reported that they will use the same uniforms in the parade as used in the past. The committee is asking for donations of uniforms, including the straw hat, vest, white shirt and white pants which can be submitted to either PDG John Cullison or PCC John Lawrence. They guarantee that the uniforms will be returned. He reported on the status of the breakfast buffet on July 7th. The cost of the meal will be $20.00 with the remaining cost to be subsidized by the Multiple District. There is limited space so attendees are encouraged to sign-up as soon as possible before the Pennsylvania Delegation takes the remaining spaces. LCIF Coordinator, IPDG A. Kendall “Ken” Chew, III (22-D): Your Foundation, LCIF, continues to change the lives of people throughout the world as spelled out so beautifully in the March, 2013 addition of the LION magazine. MD 22 will probably not meet its 2012/2013 LCIF goal of $206,500 having raised only $93,056.09 at the end of March, 2013 which is 45% of the goal. Two sub-districts are close to meeting their district goals for the year. LCIF Coordinator, PDG Bill Culver, reports that his sub-district, District 22-B, has raised $12, 270.00 so far and this represents 87.28% of his district’s goal of $14,500.00. LCIF Coordinator, PDG Bob Daniels, reports that his subdistrict, 22-D, has raised $24,816.89 which is 68.94% of his district’s goal of $36,000.00. The District 22-D amount raised so far through the end of March is $1,887.93 more than what was raised all of last year. There is still time to turn these figures around, but not much time. While District LCIF Coordinators are working hard to promote the Foundation, the time to do to do this is very short. Pg. 147 There is also a plan to have International President Wayne A. Madden honor clubs in the Multiple District who have gone above and beyond in their support for LCIF during the Melvin Jones Luncheon at the Multiple District Convention in May. He reported that we have over 3,886 Melvin Jones Fellows and 340 Progressive Melvin Jones Fellows. We will honor the Melvin Jones Fellows at the Melvin Jones Luncheon at the Convention. PID Joe Gaffigan added that there are some clubs that in the Multiple District with 100% Melvin Jones Fellows in their clubs. Multiple-22 Convention Committee PDG Sandi Halterman (22-C): She reported that the necrology books have been printed; the program books are being printed; the DJ has been confirmed for the pre-entertainment and the room set-ups are being finalized. Rooms are still available at the Princess Royale where they plan to have many activities. Written Report We are twenty-two days from the start of FUN. Are you ready? The committee is busy putting the final touches on all of the functions of YOUR convention. The Necrology and program Book have been submitted for printing and the DJ confirmed for the pre-entertainment. The room set-ups and assignments are finalizing for both the Princess Royal Hotel and the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. Registration seems to be coming in very slowly and we are hoping they will increase very soon. I have received several calls from Lions indicating that they have not received any information regarding the convention. One Lion said his Club has not received anything, therefore, I have re-sent the First Mailing that was sent in December, to the Cabinet Secretaries and District Governors in hopes that this information will get to their respective clubs. If you are procrastinating on sending in your registration, please don’t. We know how Lions are, but as a member of this committee, I’m getting frantic with the numbers we have so far and if we are going to meet our project goal of 1,000. District Governors, we remind you to keep a list of any additional Lions who have passed away so that you can include their names in the Necrology Ceremony. There was a change from the Rules Committee that has been included in the Rules Section of the Program Book. We have highlighted these changes in the book. We are looking forward to a successful convention. Multiple Convention Vice-Chair, PDG Bob Jones, (22-D): PDG Bob Jones stressed that when making reservations at the Princess Royale be sure to indicate that you are a Lion. The convention committee has reserved the entire hotel. If Lions don't book a large percentage of the rooms at the hotel, they may open the hotel up to the public. He stated that the number of golfers has increased to about 30-35. The committee is still looking for more golfers. Golfers Golf Signs Mulligans Exhibitors 23 7 23 tables $1,660. $175 $45 $2,050. Total $3,930. IPDG Steve Finger, Convention Treasurer (22-W): He reported that there are 500 registrants; however, he anticipates more registrants. Pg. 148 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 04-2013 Update 2012-2013 INCOME Convention Income Exhibits Mini Golf Tournament Golf Tournament Merchandise Raffle Program Book Advertisements Basket Raffle Tail Twister Misc. TOTAL Convention Income Interest Inc MD 22 Dues* Meal Payments Critique Meeting Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meal Payments Ticket Sales Convention District 22-A District 22-B District 22-C District 22-D District 22-W Past District Governors Breakfast Other Total Ticket Sales Transfer from Council TOTAL INCOME BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE $2,400.00 $400.00 $2,400.00 $1,200.00 $4,400.00 $1,600.00 $500.00 $600.00 $2,050.00 $294.00 $1,880.00 $350.00 $106.00 $520.00 $1,200.00 $1,138.52 $675.00 $500.00 $600.00 $3,261.48 $925.00 $13,500.00 $0.00 $188.00 $8,598.48 $10,895.25 $10,895.71 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $400.00 $5,112.00 $7,324.00 $7,069.00 $10,163.00 $9,448.00 $360.00 $4,320.00 $1,993.00 $6,933.00 $6,850.00 $13,204.00 $4,901.52 $0.00 (0.46) $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $0.00 $400.00 $792.00 $5,331.00 $136.00 $3,313.00 ($3,756.00) $39,876.00 $4,200.00 $33,300.00 $4,200.00 $0.00 $6,576.00 ($0.00) $68,871.25 $56,994.19 $11,877.06 *Dues income based on MD22 population of 7,295 Lions *Dues adjusted 2nd half year basis of 7,232 Lions Pg. 149 MD22 CONVENTION BUDGET 04-2013 Update 2012-2013 EXPENSES Bank Charge Committee Expenses Hotel Meal Miscellaneous Site Visits Telephone and Fax Travel TOTAL Committee Expenses Convention Expenses Badges & Pins Banners & Signs Convention Center Decorations Distinguished Guest Entertainment Exhibit Services Gifts and Awards Golf Tournament Hospitality Meals MD Sales Tax Merchandise Raffle Prizes & Expense Basket Raffle Expenses Ticket Refunds Past District Governors Breakfast TOTAL Convention Expenses District Governor Expenses Meetings Critique Mid-Winter Conference TOTAL Meetings Office Other Expenses Photographs Postage and Delivery Printing and Reproduction Tickets Budget $100.00 Actual Variance $100.00 $4,830.00 $1,255.00 $62.00 $200.00 $3,289.75 $730.53 $1,928.00 $8,275.00 $1,497.20 $5,517.48 $695.00 $180.00 $6,991.00 $300.00 $1,000.00 $1,657.50 $402.24 $181.28 $1,400.00 $55.13 $1,540.25 $524.47 $62.00 $200.00 $0.00 $430.80 $2,757.52 $0.00 $292.76 ($1.28) $5,591.00 $244.87 $1,000.00 $1,482.50 $175.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $40,322.86 $8,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,200.00 $70.00 $400.00 $280.00 $70.00 $257.00 $58,766.36 $1,800.00 $200.00 $200.00 $400.00 $48.00 $50.00 $10.00 $60.00 $2,450.00 $210.00 $48.41 $909.00 $210.00 $1,200.00 $1,800.00 $450.00 $32,322.86 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,920.00 $0.00 $143.00 $0.00 $47,945.71 $1,800.00 $0.00 $200.00 ($92.66) $107.34 $48.00 $0.85 $10.00 $11.59 $1,541.00 $0.00 $10,820.65 $292.66 $292.66 $49.15 TOTAL Administrative TOTAL EXPENSES $2,828.00 $69,719.36 $1,216.56 $17,847.35 $1,611.44 $51,872.01 TOTAL INCOME $68,871.25 $56,994.19 $11,877.06 NET INCOME (EXPENSE) ($848.11) $39,146.84 ($39,994.95) Pg. 150 MD 22 Convention Reservation Totals 2013 Ocean City, Maryland Pg. 151 IPDG Steve Finger, Convention Treasurer (22-W): He reported that Dover 2015 is on track. He brought a message from PDG Rodney Welsh, Chair for the Past District Governors Breakfast, to encourage PDGs to register for this breakfast. PDGs should have already been notified. He added to the previous discussion that the Princess Royale has received 194 registrations out of a total of 370 rooms. 1st VDG Kent Eitemiller (22-W) raised the issue of some local Lions who have not registered for the convention, but may plan to attend Hospitality Night. He questioned whether they should register before being allowed to attend Hospitality Night in order to know the number of people to plan for. The convention committee stated that those Lions should register first before attending the event. The convention committee plans to discuss the issue. PID Joe Gaffigan , Advisor, suggested on-site registration at Hospitality Night since no one is allowed to attend an event at the Forum or at the International Convention without a badge. The local District Governor should notify local Lions of the registration process. He proposed that there should be a recommendation for next year's convention committees to discuss this issue. USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Chair, PDG William R. Culver (22-B): PDG Bill Culver updated the number of registrants in his written report to approximately 60+ as of April 21st. Written Report USA/CANADA Lions Leadership Forum @ Overland Park, Kansas September 19-21, 2013 "Follow the Leadership Road to Your Dreams" The USA/CANADA LIONS LEADERSHIP FORUM will be held in Overland Park, Kansas, September 19-21, 2013. You say - that's seven months away..........You're right. So the next few weeks and months, we need to make our plans on attending. It's not something you want to wait until September (when many clubs resume their regular meeting because if you do, you might not be able to make it. In fact, the registration fee is now $265, until June 15 (Early birds); postmarked after that date is $285 and postmarked after Aug. 1st goes up to $310.00. The registration fee covers the cost of the seminars and four designated meals (Thursday evening banquet, Friday noon lunch, Saturday noon lunch, Saturday evening banquet). All attendees must pay full registration fee to participate in any of the meals or seminars. Individual meal function tickets will NOT be available. ALL REGISTRATION AND HOTEL RESERVATIONS ARE MADE ON A FIRST-COME FIRSTSERVED BASIS. Sheraton is Headquarters - Marriott Overland Park (co-Hqs.) To learn more about this event, you can find links on our website at The number of registrants I have, as of March 15, was 49 for MD-22. Of these, 22-B only had 3 people registered!! I know of at least two more since then. (PDG Dorothy and myself). I am to be updated on April 15th as to the number registered. I would like for each member at this meeting to relay to their club that 5 Lions from 22-B is really a very poor showing. I will attempt to have more Lions become aware of the advantages of attending this for the experience of learning more about Lions. The seminars will be most helpful to anyone interested in being a bigger asset to our community and Lions International. Pg. 152 I will be communicating with PCC Mark Miller to arrange a breakfast for MD-22 attendees. Remember, the Forum is not until September, however, during the next few months (with a summer break) include this information in your last few regular meetings and in the Directors meetings in July and August. The Mission of the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum is "To develop leaders, motivate and educate attendees, provide an open exchange of idea, and support programs and goals of Lions Clubs International." Lions Vision Research Foundation, PDG Ted Ladd (22-C): I have enjoyed serving as Chairman of the LVRF this Lion Year and look forward to another year of service. It is a real pleasure working with dedicated Lions and the exemplary professional staff of the Wilmer Institute. I was pleased to hear from Molly Dolan of the Wilmer Development Office on 18 April when she informed me that the Wilmer Eye Institute was inching closer to endowing the Dr. Arnall Patz Lions Low Vision Professorship. Still a long ways to go (just over $364,000), but the amount raised stands at a remarkable $2,360,357. The goal is $2,725,000. Clubs and/or individual Lions can bring the Wilmer Institute closer to this goal by acquiring a Dr. Arnall Patz Fellowship and dedicating the $2,500 donation to the Wilmer Institute and the Patz Professorship. On another front, Multiple District 22 is doing a great job in fundraising for the LVRF. I understand that we might make our budget projection for the year. The MD-22 Convention in Ocean City is rapidly approaching. The LVRF seminar is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15. Dr. Bob Massof will address the group, and we expect to have some testimonials from people who have been helped at the Lions Low Vision Center. If you are at the convention, I hope you will be, don’t miss it. After Dr. Bob’s presentation and the testimonials, we will call to order the final meeting of the Board of Trustees for this Lion Year. The main order of business will be to elect officers for Lions Year 2013-14. I understand that the officers this year will be running for another term. The LVRF will have a display table at the convention, as usual. PDG Karl Gude, LVRF Public Relations Chairman, has taken the initiative to pull the displays together, and also sent out a request for volunteers to man the booth. Thanks, PDG Karl. PCC Bob Muchow, Chairman of the LVRF Speakers Bureau, has developed an excellent PowerPoint presentation on the LVRF. It will be useful to those speaking on the subject at Lions Clubs in the Multiple District, and the points in the presentation are also available in print. Many thanks, PCC Bob. Dr. Massof came to Beltsville on April 13 to address the Lions of District 22-C at the 2nd annual “Talk for LVRF” in fond remembrance of the late PDG Gene Hoffmaster. Dr. Massof gave an outstanding presentation, brought everyone up to date on LOVRNET, and then expertly answered a myriad of questions. One Beltsville Lion mentioned afterwards that Dr. Bob is obviously brilliant and welleducated, but he makes you feel like he is one of us; “You know, not above you, and oh yeah, not beneath you, but with you.” I hope to see many of you at the convention in May and I want to thank you for your outstanding service. We still have work to do. PDG Dal Mann, Secretary of LVRF, spoke on fundraising efforts by LVRF. It is conducting a beef raffle for a 1/4 side of beef at the Victory Luncheon. $3,500 has been turned in so far, less than the anticipated $5,000 - $7,000 goal for this year. He encouraged clubs to purchase tickets. Pg. 153 The second fundraiser is the Trunk of Treasures. There are no expenses so all monies received will be profit. The kick-off will be at the convention. Drawing will be at the LVRF Aim for Sight. Donations for the Trunk of Treasures are requested. LVRF Aim for Sight will be held on October 19th with two locations: Pintail Point on the Eastern shore and on Mayberry Road in Westminster. Preschool Vision Screening Coordinator, Don Rae (22-B): Pre-School Vision Screening is winding up another very successful year as far as screening thousands of pre-kindergarten kids in the Multiple District for amblyopic factors. The committee, however, would like to bring to your attention some concerns that we have, and mention a couple of opportunities to correct or solve them. Two weaknesses in the program from the beginning have been (1) proper publicity which in many areas both limits the ability to screen in public schools, and limits the number of kids in the target age group being screened, and (2) the follow-up of kids, who fail the screening process. These weaknesses may be reduced at a retreat, which the committee is planning for orientation of new members and screening training in August. An additional concern is the status of the Lions Saving Kids Sight Foundation, which has no chairman, and to our knowledge has not met this year. The PSVS committee will be meeting in a booth at the convention on May 14th immediately after the Melvin Jones Luncheon. Please stop by and see us with your solution to this problem. Our booth will be located adjacent to Plusoptix screening device booth. We endorsed this device at our last meeting and were advised by our medical advisor to proceed to convert to this technically more advanced device when financially feasible. My written report has a copy of that endorsement which was sent to participating clubs. Since the foundation was established to be our main source of revenue, we are concerned if financing will be available prior to the break-down of our present Welch Allyn devices. Stay a little longer with us at our booth if you have a solution to this puzzle. I leave you with one last enigma. Although PSVS is a MD program, there are several clubs screening without joining the MD 22 program. We would urge and welcome them to join. There is no longer a fee to join and no fee to have the results read. There is no need to send records to the committee other than the district representative’s report at meetings. I urge the Council of Governors to discuss this schism in the program. To end on a happy note, you will be pleased to know, if you don’t already, that one of you, with great experience, will chair this committee next year. The MD22 Preschool Vision Screening Program Steering Committee continuously reviews new technology in preschool vision screening equipment to assure that our program is current with state of the art as well as being cost-effective. Accordingly, the Steering Committee now endorses the Plusoptix S09 or S12 as acceptable devices for preschool vision screening. The Plusoptix is an easy to use, highly accurate, binocular autorefractor that provides instant results and printout report. The device comes with its own computer and reduces the manpower and time necessary to provide quality screenings. Clubs interested in acquiring the Plusoptix are encouraged to contact the Steering Committee. The Committee Pg. 154 is prepared to act as central purchasing agent so we can take advantage of any available volume discounts with the Plusoptix Company. Please contact Lion for further information. MD-22 PSVSP Committee Meeting March 12, 2013 Call to order: Chairman Don Rae convened the meeting at 1:00 pm at AL 175 in Severna Park. Attendance: 22-A, Dale Strait and Ollie Wittig, 22-B, Don Rae and Ben Cassell, 22-C, DG Don Beeson, PDG Charlie Kearse, Dr. Kim Kepner, medical advisor, and Carol Kearse,22-D, Guyla Brinckmeyer, Jack Brinckmeyer, and Rennie Quibble, 22-W, PDG Bob Miller. Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the December 11, 2012 meeting were presented and accepted on a motion by Dale Strait and seconded by Ben Cassell. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report for the period ending 2/28/13 was presented by Jack Brinckmeyer. Total assets: $4,194.42, Beginning balance-$752.76. Total funds available - $5,804.26, Expenses-$1,693.28, Ending balance-$4,110.98. On a motion by Rennie Quibble and second by Ben Cassell, the treasurer’s report was accepted and will be filed for review. Guyla presented a report for the Lions Saving Kids Sight Fund as of 2/28/13 showing a total of $89,566.34 available. Medical Advisors Report: Dr. Kepner presented her result on the comparison of the Pediavision device and the Plusoptix screener. The Plusoptix device is easier to use and is more reliable and training for use can be done easily. It does not require calibration or costly batteries. The Plusoptix can screen large number of clients easily and it is very durable device with a 98%-99% accuracy. The latest model S12 will be demonstrated at the Multiple Convention in May. District Reports: 22-A Clubs have not begun screening yet this year in the District. One club has screenings scheduled for March, April and May. Currently five clubs are active with screening and have screened 1044 with 164 referrals. The District is currently using the SureSight device and the Titmus screener. 22-B: Fourteen (14) clubs currently screen in the District. Screenings have approximately a 6% referral rate. Complete data has not yet been received from all the clubs regarding follow-up. The SureSight device is used in the District. So far, 732 youngsters have been screened and screenings are scheduled for March and April. 22-C- no report 22-D-The district governor is not supportive of the PSVSP program and many clubs do not follow the established PSVSP procedures. Just two clubs have reported on screenings. 22-W - Currently 17 clubs are actively screening and have held 131 sessions this year. 2,812 youngsters have been screened with 230 referred - 8.18%- for professional evaluation. Screening clubs follow-up on REFER youngsters. Old Business: Medical advisor status- a replacement for Dr. Kepner has not been found and she will continue in this post. Pg. 155 Convention booth: discussion about having a booth at the convention in May was favorable and arrangements will be made to try to get a location next to the Plusoptix booth. Volunteers will be needed to staff the booth and Lions attending asked to volunteer. The booth will acquaint Lions with the PSVSP program and encourage additional clubs to participate. Delaware situation: Rennie reported that the current District Governor does not support PSVSP and has asked club not to participate. Some clubs provide screening, but do not follow the prescribed PSVSP/LCIF standards. Effort needs to be made to rectify this. District Governor in 22-D has directed that no follow-up action be taken by screening clubs. Lion Dale reported on a conversation that he had with Phil Albano, manager LCIF Sight Program Department in which it was stated that it is NOT a LCIF policy to not follow-up on preschool vision screening referrals. New Business: The chairman’s report was discussed. A change of meeting dates will allow information to be available to the Council of Governors. It was recommended that future meetings be held 2-3 weeks prior to the COG meeting so that current information can be supplied. On a motion by Dale Strait and seconded by Ben Cassell, the MD- 22 PSVSP will convene bimonthly. The possibility of a summer retreat was presented and the agenda could include training on the Plusoptix device and publicity for the PSVSP program to clubs. Based on information from Dr. Kepner, it was decided to convert to the Plusoptix device. Districts will be notified and clubs interested in purchasing a Plusoptix device could cost-share this with the Multiple District purchase. More information about the conversion to Plusoptix will be forthcoming. Next meeting: The next MD-22 PSVSP meeting will be May 14, 2013 at the Convention. Respectfully submitted, Oliver Wittig, Secretary Old Business PDG Tom Jefts (22-W), C & BL Chair, requested reimbursement for an unpaid expense for two (2) nights, mileage and meals to attend the District Governor Elect School and attendance at the Salisbury Council Meeting. He reported that it has been an established procedure for the Council to pay for training for the chairman of the Constitution and By-Laws committee at the District Governor Elect School for incoming District Governors. PDG Paul Hawkins reported that no other attendees asked for reimbursement last year or this year. DG Skip Hoffman made the motion for the Council to review his request. CT Richard Merriwether seconded the motion. The motion was carried. GLT Coordinator, PDG Paul Hawkins (22-C): The 2013 Regional Lions Leadership Institute will be held at NETC May 3-5. Do not be misled by the recent mailing. Snow is not in the forecast and shorts may be more appropriate than winter clothing. The application for the 2014 RLLI is due at LCI by April 30, 2013. The First Vice District Governors have indicated that they wish to hold the Institute, but as yet no date has been mentioned. We must be aware that NETC conducts training for federal emergency response personnel as well as others throughout the year. It is incumbent upon MD-22 to provide our preferred training dates with the understanding that the availability of those dates are dependent upon the schedule of NETC. Pg. 156 It is requested that the Council provide guidance on preferable dates for the 2014 RLLI. An application will be submitted with the preferred date with the understanding that the date may be altered based on the availability of NETC. Alternative sites for the RLLI have been investigated in the past two years. Both of the sites were determined to be cost-prohibitive. Lions who may be aware of additional sites that may merit investigation to host the RLLI are encouraged to notify the MD GLT Coordinator. PDG Paul Hawkins stated that he needs to submit an application for the 2014 RLLI by the end of the month. PDG Charles Kearse, Incoming CC, suggested March 1, 2014 as the date for the 2014 Regional Lions Leadership Institute. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion for PDG Paul Hawkins, GLT Chair, to apply for a grant by May 31st for the 2014 Regional Lions Leadership Institute with the suggested date of March 1st. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. CT Richard Merriwether (22-D) made the motion to approve the committee reports. CS Paul Cannada (22-W) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Old Business: none reported New Business: CS Paul Cannada (22-W) made the motion to pay the bills. DG Don Beeson (22-C) seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Comments by the Advisors: PID Joe Gaffigan commented on the topic of granting delegate allotment for PDGs which was presented at the March COG meeting by PDG Tom Jefts as a housekeeping change, based on LCI Constitution and By-Laws. PID Joe Gaffigan checked with the LCI Legal Department and found out that delegate entitlement for PDGs is an option and not mandatory for districts. Only District 22-A has a limited version in place. At the upcoming Multiple Convention, only 22-A can allow its PDGs to vote under their approved process. Only sub-districts can bring it to a vote at the Multiple Convention and have their delegates decide to grant PDGs delegate allotment not to count against club allotment. PID Joe Gaffigan also commented on reimbursement of expenses for committee chairs. It is imperative to review the Policy and Procedures Manual of this Multiple District which outlines the criteria for reimbursement. He stressed that the Council has the authority to require the committee chairs to attend. If the Council doesn't request the committee chair's attendance, then it is questionable whether Council will pay the expenses if the committee chair just shows up. He felt that it is up to the Council to determine whether PDG Tom Jefts' attendance at the District Elect School and the Salisbury Council Meeting was required and whether reimbursement would be in compliance with our rules of audit. Since the guidelines are confusing, PID Joe Gaffigan recommends that the current Council make it less confusing to the Incoming Council. PID Darley Travers (22-B) commented on PID Dave Stoufer's great speech, the successful social by 22C and the great job of the current Council of Governors. Pg. 157 Comments by the District Governors: The District Governors commended DG Don Beeson on an enjoyable social, especially for the excellent speakers and hearing the student band. They thanked PID Dave Stoufer for his excellent speech which incorporated humor with an important message. DG Don Beeson thanked his cabinet for organizing his social, thanked those who attended his social, and thanked the Brandywine Lions Club for providing the facility for the Council meeting on short notice. CS Paul Cannada commended CC Dorothy and Administrative Barbara Brimigion on their hard work this year. All the District Governors expressed their pleasure in working with the Council of Governors this year. They are all looking forward to the upcoming Multiple Convention. DG Don Beeson (22-C) presented a donation of $1000 to LCIF in the name of PID Dave Stoufer. CC Dorothy Culver (22-B) thanked the committee chairs, the Brandywine Lions, the District Governors and Administrative Assistant Barbara Brimigion. Benediction – DG Skip Hoffman (22-A) gave the benediction. Adjournment - DG Don Beeson (22-C) made the motion to adjourn the meeting. DG Charlene (22-B) seconded the motion. The motion was carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am Respectively Submitted by Barbara Brimigion, Administrative Assistant (22-W) Submitted Written Reports MD-22 Leo Chair, Lion Sam Foster (22-W): My Leo Multiple District report mirrors that of all previous reports. There continues to be no cooperation and/or communication between the Leo District Chairs and the Leo Advisors. And, there is little to no cooperation with me as the Multiple District 22 Leo Chairperson. While this is the main problem, my research has shown that there is a myriad of other problems such as unsanctioned Leo Clubs, Clubs operating without a Leo Advisors, and illegal Leo Clubs to name a few. It has occurred to me that I have neither the power nor the authority to complete the task of forming this Leo Multiple District. I know that 2 months remain for the sitting council; however, I fear that what has not happened thus far is not likely to happen in 2 months. Therefore, with the sitting council’s approval I am requesting a meeting between myself and the incoming Council of Governors to discuss the state of the Leo Multiple District. For the sake of everyone’s time and to avoid scheduling another meeting, perhaps this meeting can take place following the COG meeting. It is imperative that I get the ear of the incoming District Governors so that together we can move forward with the formation of a Leo Multiple District. MD 22 Hearing and Speech Coordinator, Lion Dale Strait (22-A): District 22A continues to have an active hearing assistance program, thanks to the generosity of District Lions Clubs and the partnership between the District’s 501(c)3 Foundation Lions Association for Sight and Hearing and Towson University Speech, Language, and Hearing Center to provide low cost audiology services. The District just completed its semi-annual eyeglass and hearing aid recycling Saturday. Well over 100 hearing aids were recovered for reuse in the District’s hearing assistance program. Hearing aids are donated to the Towson University Speech, Language, and Hearing Center where they are used for training audiology students, or sent to Starkey for credit, or sent to Starkey for Pg. 158 refurbishment and use in the District hearing assistance program. District hearing and sight programs also benefit from the money received for antique glasses, gold containing frames, and other valuable metals recovered from broken eyeglasses. District 22D (North) continues to recycle hearing aids and assist people with special hearing assistance needs. A woman needing a cochlear implant and another person needing a special hearing aid are in the process of being helped. No reports were received from other District or Sub-District hearing and speech coordinators. The Lions hearing assistance program has to grow and be strengthened as the population ages and the ear bud generation begins to see the effects of years of loud music listening. The hearing assistance programs of the Multiple District need and deserve the full support of all Lions. Excerpts from a letter recently received from a beneficiary of Lions is attached. Please take a couple of minutes to read it. It makes it clear how important what we do is. “Blindness separates us from things but deafness separates us from people.” – Helen Keller. The Latest Flash from LASH . . . . . Ever wonder if your hearing and vision programs are really worth the time, effort, and money they cost? Here is an excerpt from a letter from a lady recently helped by LASH. “My husband and I are seniors. He has turned 90 and I have turned 82. Our bodily organs are getting aging due to the increase of age. Especially our hearing and sight have degenerated with each passing day. We like reading very much. But we cannot read for a long time because our vision is blurred. We have much worries and trouble in hearing. For example, we cannot hear and understand what our friends have said when they talk in low voice in a public place. We couldn’t ask them to repeat themselves. All these imperceptibly increase the difficulties of communications. And so we lost some friends and shut ourselves off.” Then they learned about the Lions hearing and vision programs. “We now have the fashionable hearing aids and new glasses. When we wear our lovely hearing aids, we seem to enter a clear sound world. We begin to hear so much voices-my friends’ voices, the beautiful music even it’s very far away. We cordially converse with my friends and promote our friendship. When we put on our new glasses, our eyes become more clear and bright. We can read books and newspapers, even if it is very small words. It’s not only to strengthen our ability of reading, but also increase our knowledge. New we have good ears and eyes and will continuously improve our living quality. We will see better, hear better and live better. We appreciate your great help with all our hearts. Many, many thanks to you.” Roaring Lions Chair, Lion Joan Bestpitch (22-D): Since there was no interest in attending a Roaring Lions class in 22-D, no class was held this year. I have been told that it is the intention of the Multiple District to eliminate the Roaring class as it is now given at Emmitsburg. I personally feel that there is not enough time during the time at Emmitsburg to do a thorough job. 22-D is going to keep the Roaring lions Class within their district for future years. In the past, when Lions have taken the class, their speaking improves by leaps and bounds. They learn to make their speeches more concise. Lions have many informative things to say, but they learn how to give the same information concisely, clearly and more interestingly. Pg. 159 Pg. 160 Pg. 161 Pg. 162 Pg. 163 Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Turnover/Critique Meeting Severna Park, Maryland August 3, 2013 Call to Order Opening Ceremonies Pledge America Invocation 2013 Convention Critique 2012-2013 Council of Governors Past Council Secretary Report Past Council Treasurer Report Turnover of Funds Turnover of Property Committee Reports 2012-2013 Council Comments 2013-2014 Council of Governors Council Secretary’s Report Council Treasurer’s Report Committee/Coordinator Reports Global Leadership Team Global Membership Team International Convention 2013 USA/Canada Leadership Forum MD 22 2018 Convention - Letters of Invitation MD 22 Convention Committee MD 22 Preschool Vision Screening Foundation Old Business Convention Working Group 2013-2014 Appointments New Business MD 22 Funding Issues Convention Invitations or Site Selection Process MD 22 Uniforms MD 22 Records Council of Governors Electronic Voting Announcements Comments by Advisors Comments by Council of Governors Benediction Adjourn CC Charlie Kearse DG Doug Jones DG Dee Hawkins DG Mary Lee Phillips PDG Sandi Halterman IPCC Dorothy Culver IPDG Paul Canada IPDG Richard Meriwether IPDG Richard Meriwether IPDG Paul Cannada IPCC Dorothy Culver All IPDG & IPCC CC Charlie Kearse DG Mary Lee Phillips DG Dan Scott PDG Paul Hawkins PCC Grant Curtis PDG John Lawrence PDG John Lawrence DG Mary Lee Phillips PDG Bob Jones PDG Robert Miller IPDG Don Beeson DG Mary Lee Phillips CC Charlie Kearse DG Mary Lee Phillips Pg. 164 Minutes of the Multiple District 22 Council of Governors Turnover Meeting Severna Park, Maryland August 3, 2013 Attendees: CC Charlie Kearse, DG Dan Scott 22A, DG Doug Jones 22B, DG Dee Hawkins 22C, DG Mary Lee Phillips 22D, DG Kent Eitemiller 22W, AA Joan Bestpitch 22D, PIP Clem Kusiak Advisor 22A, PID Ted Reiver Advisor 22D, PID Joe Gaffigan Advisor 22C, PID Darley Travers Advisor 22B, FVDG Joe Schanno 22B, FVDG Kelley Randolph 22 C, FVDG Cheryl Jones, 22D, SVDG James Coverdale 22D, SVDG Bob Mitchell 22W, PCC Dorothy Culver 22B, IPDG Skip Hoffman 22A, IPDG Charlene Travers 22B, IPDG Richard M. Merriwether 22D, IPDG Paul Cannada 22W, IPAA Barbara Brimigion 22W, PCC John A. Lawrence 22B, PDG Lee Bird 22D, PDG Steve Finger 22 W, PDG Ken Chew 22D, PDG Bill Culver 22B, PDG Bob Jones 22D, PDG John Cullison 22A, CS Jay Wheeler 22D, AA David Mitchell 22D, Lion John Burris 22D, PDG Paul Hawkins 22C, PDG Sandi Halterman 22C, PDG Dal Mann 22B, PDG John Cullison 22A, AA Sonia Wiggins 22C, PDG Harold Boccia 22A, PDG Rich Barb 22C and Lion Dale Strait 22A. Call to Order: Council Chair Charlie Kearse called the Turnover Meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. at the American Legion Hall after all shared coffee, juice, yogurt, and sweet buns, etc. He informed the attendees that this would be an informal meeting with open discussions. Opening: The pledge was led by DG Doug Jones. DG Dee Hawkins led the singing of ‘America” and DG Mary Lee Phillips gave the invocation asking for courage to do our Lions’ work. Introductions: CC Charlie Kearse introduced the Advisors: PIP Clem Kusiak, PID Ted Reiver, PID Joe Gaffigan and PID Darley Travers. Then CC Charlie had the other attendees introduce themselves. CC Charlie thanked Dale Strait for acquiring the facility for our use today. 2013 CONVENTION CRITIQUE, PDG Sandi Halterman: PDG Sandi Halterman thanked everybody for their help especially the past two Councils. The 91st Annual Convention Final Report was received and distributed. The report shows how we got to the Convention and what we had at the Convention. Would have liked better attendance. From the survey that we gave each attendee at the Convention there were positive comments about the foods. Parking and registration were the only glitches. PDG Bob Jones commented that the survey gave many good in depth comments. The problems were parking and registration. PDG Steve Finger reported that all convention bills are all paid. Registration went well. May move it next year to a location at the top of the escalator instead of the top of the stairs. DG Kent Eitemiller suggested seating for meals at the convention be reversed in the room because of the glare from the big window. PIP Clem Kusiak commented that registration for the different districts was difficult to discern. Have signs prepared to designate where A, B, C, D, and W registrations are located. Also have signs placed so it would be easier to locate the seminars. Suggested that the Decorations Committee could be responsible for it. Great Convention. PDG Bob Jones 22D responded that signs were available, but a morning meeting interfered with their placement this year. PDG Doug Jones suggested the Convention Committee continue to include the officers elect in the planning so they will know what to do when it is their turn. He commented on how great it was for the current Governors to be included last fall in the Pg. 165 planning process for Ocean City. PID Joe Gaffigan suggested that we have only one official site for the convention with really good rates. The convention is only in the black because of a $4,200 donation from the Council. Expenses and income should be examined this year. PIP Clem Kusiak responded that there should have more than one hotel to spread the wealth around the community. He also said to give 22W a hand for the most attendance at the convention. CC Charlie Kearse responded that the Princess Royale is not the cheapest in the area. Other hotels that people can afford are necessary. PDG Steve Finger said that the variety of hotels chosen did dilute the number for Princess Royale, somewhat. DG Kent Eitemiller commented that he had reserved a room late after getting a “full” from the national number. He called the Princess Royal directly in Ocean City and got a room. CC Charlie Kearse thanked the Convention Committee for their work. 2012-2013 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS, IPCC Dorothy Culver: Thanked the Multiple District Chairs and Coordinators and Advisors for their help during her year as Council Chair. Past Council Secretary’s Report, IPDG Paul Cannada: The minutes of the meeting at Ocean City and election of officers were distributed by email. IPDG Richard Merriwether 22D moved to accept the Secretary’s report. IPDG Charlene Travers seconded. Motion carried. Past Council Treasurer’s Report and Turnover of Funds: IPDG Richard M. Merriwether: IPDG Richard 22D thanked PCC Dorothy Culver 22B for encouragement, IPDG Steve Finger, IPDG Lee Bird for help with the By-laws and Constitution, DG Mary Lee Phillips 22D for financial expertise, and PCS Joan Bestpitch 22D for typing and other duties. IPDG Richard had asked to be excused from his duties as Treasurer, but there were no takers for the job. The bills are paid and the check book is reconciled with the bank statements. The 2012-2013 Council will turn over two checks to DG Dan Scott, Council Treasurer this year: one for the checking account $24,820.52; Money Market for $45,093.29 – no money was taken out this year and we gained $16 interest. IPDG Paul Cannada moved that the report be accepted. IPDG Skip Hoffman seconded. Motion carried. USA/Canada Forum & International Convention, PCC John Lawrence: PDG John Cullison is outgoing chair for the International Convention. PCC John Lawrence reported 56 people from MD 22 attended with a few more who came by. Regarding USA/ Canada Forum - PDG Bill Culver 22 B resigned because of health. Encourage people to sign up to go since there is still time to register. International Convention, PDG John Cullison: Hospitality Suite entertained approximately 100 visits. Thanks to all who participated in the parade. The poles and banners were held up at Customs and were unavailable for use in the parade. Lesson learned whenever they must go through customs. Pennsylvania MD 14 combined breakfast with MD 22. $20 to attend -150 people from both districts attended. The downside of the International Convention Committee work was that we did not receive payment for pins from 2 districts. “W” will send payment this week. They had received no bill previously so did not pay. What was budgeted and what was paid is not closed yet. Overall we will come out about even. Housing - John’s was a little over; VC-$200 less; travel approx. $1500; meals – less; Hospitality Room –none used; postage - none used. Will settle bills with incoming chair. The only bad parts were poles and banners held up at customs; car broken into and articles stolen. The next International Convention 2014 will be held at the Convention Center in Toronto, Canada with the Pg. 166 Renaissance Hotel as our designated hotel. The poles and banners will be transported by car. PCC John Lawrence stated that PDG Sandi Halterman is investigating the availability of material to make vests with backing and how many vests it would make. PDG Steve Finger suggested we make hats or visors with our identity on them. DG Mary Lee Phillips stated that NJ and PA are looking into chartering buses to go to Toronto. PIP Clem said he could take a vest and ask his friend in Thailand if they could reproduce them. We may have to change the design. Committee/Coordinator Reports, IPAA Barbara Brimigion: Reported that all reports have been received except one. PCC Dorothy thanked AA Barbara for her service. 2012-2013 Council Comments: IPDG Skip Hoffman: Thank you to the PCC and Advisors for the opportunity to serve. There were ups and downs, but great friends and places. IPDG Charlene Travers: Thank you Advisors for a great year. ID Ted was a great help. Five Cabinet members visited every club in our district; welcomed one on one was good. Attendance good. Projects and programs were pertinent to that club. We told what was available in grants. Main focus was Superstorm Sandy-we got funds for Somerset County and purchased supplies for the hardest hit place. Stressed to each club that they make donations to LCIF or own foundation marked for Superstorm Sandy relief. Membership is down; made public aware of Lions and what they stand for. IPDG Richard M. Merriwether: Great experience; I worked hard and enjoyed every minute of it. IPDG Paul Cannada: Bad start at first; good cabinet that pitched in. Had a net increase of members, formed a new club, 3 Leo Clubs. I enjoyed working with CC Dorothy and the Council, AA assistant did 99% of my work. I wish incoming council success. DG Kent Eitemiller has many plans for a successful year. PCC Dorothy Culver: Thanks to all who helped and wished the new Council good luck. CC Charlie Kearse thanked PCC Dorothy for her help and presented her a bottle of Alleve and bottle of wine. 2013-2014 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS: Secretary Report, DG Mary Lee Phillips; Whisk meeting minutes were sent out and no comments or corrections were received. DG Kent Eitemiller moved we accept the report. DG Dan Scott seconded. Motion carried. Council Treasurer Report, DG Dan Scott: A copy of the preliminary budget has been distributed. Expenses and income do balance. Has received only one budget request. Any other requests should be submitted by First Council Meeting. PIP Clem Kusiak asked who pays honorium speaker for Convention. It was reported that in past years it was a part of the Convention budget but had been changed last year to be paid by the Council of Governors. The $1,000 is not included in the preliminary budget. IPDG Charlene Travers relayed that gift for spouse is $50 to $100. The final budget will be revised to include these amounts. DG Kent Eitemiller moved that we accept the preliminary budget. DG Dee Hawkins seconded. Motion carried. DG Dan Scott reminded committee chairs to present budget Pg. 167 needs to the treasurer before the next cabinet meeting. PID Joe Gaffigan reminded that policies and Procedures require a budget 3 weeks before Council Meeting. Committee/Coordinator Reports: Global Leadership Team, PDG Paul Hawkins: This is his final year as GLT. Seminars at MD Convention were critiqued and recommendations for future seminars include: funding, by-laws, fund raising; help for failing clubs; and club by-laws. It was requested that during DG visitations get ideas from clubs and feed to GLT Paul Hawkins. Emmitsburg is no longer available to us for the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI). It was noted that Emmitsburg did not charge us for housing last Institute. Currently looking for alternatives locations. Places suggested are: Virden Center at University of Delaware at Lewes; Carroll Community College; Hood College; Mt St. Mary’s College; Wor-Wic College in Salisbury; Gallaudet; & Camp Pecometh. PID Joe Gaffigan 22C suggested Camp Merrick. Paul Cannada said bunk beds are a problem. Approval has been received for next year’s funding grant. It was requested that the Council revisit the date for the RLLI and get back to him. DG Kent Eitemiller suggested that GLT Paul select 3 locations and get back to us by the next Council meeting. GLT Paul suggested that emphasis be placed on the club excellence process. - look at their own club and members and community. Bring together the club excellence process. CEP Light from LCI which allows clubs to do their own district plans and goals. District GLT should be looking at those goals and assist you. Ask for help. GLT Paul suggested that we use the money given back by Emmitsburg to purchase a memorial as a thank you to them. PID Joe Gaffigan warned about using the money returned by Emmitsburg to give the venue a gift. It is the Lions’ money and should be returned to them or used for future sessions. GLT Paul reminded the Council that the 3-year GLT appointments are over at the end of this year. Replacement must appoint by July 1st. Global Membership Team, PCC Grant Curtis: No report. International Convention, PCC John Lawrence: The next International Convention 2014 will be held at the Convention Center in Toronto, Canada with the Renaissance Hotel as our designated hotel. The poles and banners will be transported by car. PCC John Lawrence stated that PDG Sandi Halterman is investigating the availability of material to make vests with backing and how many vests it would make. PDG Steve Finger suggested we make hats or visors with our identity on them. DG Mary Lee Phillips stated that NJ and PA are looking into chartering busses to go to Toronto. PIP Clem said he could take a vest and ask his friend in Thailand if they could reproduce them. We may have to change the design. USA / Canada Leadership Forum, PCC John Lawrence: PDG Bill Culver has resigned as Chair of the USA/ Canada Forum because of his health. He appreciated the opportunity to serve. PCC John Lawrence was appointed as the Coordinator. PCC John reported that breakfast will be Friday from 7 to 8:30A.M. at the Sheraton Hotel at a cost of $21.21. Fifty-six Lions are signed up. The chair is asking $4.21 from Council to help subsidize the breakfast. Last year the subsidy was $8.00. PCC John has applications available. Encourage people to attend. DG Dan Scott stated that it was the position of the Council to not provide any subside for attendees at the breakfast. Discussion followed. Could the breakfast be earlier or could it be a continental breakfast so it would be over faster? DG Kent Eitemiller remarked that DGs going to a seminar are late because the seminars start at 8 am. If people leave the breakfast early, it looks bad. If they arrive at the seminars late, that looks bad. PCC John responded that Pg. 168 as of now, there are no breakfast speakers. PIP Clem suggested we just have a” meet and greet” breakfast. There were questions regarding the $1,000.00 in the Preliminary Budget for the USA/Canada Forum. It was pointed out by DG Dan Scott that this was a place holder since a budget request had not been received. Much discussion followed about why we should subsidize breakfast for our Lions. DG Kent Eitemiller suggested the Council authorize the chair to look into having a Continental breakfast. DG Kent Eitemiller moved the Chair is authorized to plan the breakfast up to $20 per person. Seconded by DG Dan Scott. Motion carried. CC Charlie Kearse noted that there was “no supplement” for the cost of breakfast. MD 22 2018 Convention - Letters of Invitation, DG Mary Lee Phillips: It was reported that invitation letters had been received and forwarded to the Convention Committee. The sites include: Dover Downs, DE; Hyatt Regency, MD; Gettysburg, PA and Ocean City, MD. PDG Bill Culver stated that people like to stay near home. Others told of past Conventions at Atlantic City, NJ. MD 22 Convention Committee, PDG Bob Jones: The 2014 Convention will be held at the same venue, Ocean City Convention Hall with accommodations at the Princess Royale, etc. The Committee thanked PDG Sandi Haldeman for a job well done last year. 762 attended; $84.500 was spent; $110 per person; $32 if not buying anything. Income comes from Program ads-$1200 ; mini-golf - $300; exhibits- some money; 50/50 raffle tickets; Treasure Chest raffle - $300; Charging a registration fee would bring more income, but has to be a Constitutional Change. Ticket refunds were $800.00. DG Kent Eitemiller asked how many come on the last day just to vote. 43 last year. CC Charlie Kearse would like to have the Finance Committee look at all aspects of funding-registration, dues, etc. PDG Lee Bird reminded the Council that it would take a Constitutional Change to charge registration. PID Joe Gaffigan remarked there is a lot to think about financially and then go to Lions and ask for more dues or registration. The 2014 Convention Budget was presented by the Committee. It was noted by PIP Clem Kusiak that the $500.00 deposit for the 2015 Convention in Dover, DE. should come from the Council since it 2015 expenditure. Budget will need some tweaking and then bring it back to the Council. PDG Lee Bird noted that Council can only spend $4200.00 from the administrative fund. There was a question about the cost of the PDG breakfast. PCC Dorothy Culver responded that the breakfast is a wash. Preschool Vision Screening Foundation: PDG Bob Miller not in attendance. There is a meeting of the Preschool Vision Screening Program Committee on August 13th. LCIF Report by PDG Ken Chew. PDG Ken gave appointments from IP Wayne Madden to PDG Bill Culver 22B, PDG Rich Barb, two appointments for PDG Ken Chew 22D, and PDG Paul Cannada 22W. PDG Ken has been reassigned as co-coordinator of LCIF. Goals is $6 million = $18 per Lion. OLD BUSINESS: Convention Working Group: CC Charlie Kearse reported that IPDG Don Beeson could not make the meeting today but had provided a brief update. The Working Group has discussed the issue and is working on a final recommendation. Pg. 169 2013-2014 Appointments, DG Mary Lee Phillips A revised 2013-2014 List of Appointments and Schedule of Events was distributed. Appointment revisions/additions include: Auditor - Mark Krebs 22W; Hearing and Speech - Mary Francis Gosnell 22C: Lions Saving Kids Sight Foundation - Trustees FVDG Joe Schanno 22B & Jim Cocchiaro 22C; Finance Committee –PDG Joe Woods 22B & PCC Dorothy Culver 22B. The District 22B social has been changed from February 22 to March 1, 2014. NEW BUSINESS: MD 22 Funding Issues: This topic has been discussed previously. A meeting of the Finance Committee will be convened to look at this issue. Convention Invitations or Site Selection Process Convention Invitation needs a better process. Perhaps we need to put something in convention survey asking Lions where they would like to go. MD22 Records: There are very few records that are passed from Council to Council. It is recommended that Council final reports, treasurer's reports, including copies of the IRS 990's be maintained in a digital file that can be updated each year. A Convention notebook was started in 2012-2013 and will continue to be maintained. Council of Governors Electronic Voting: A procedure for electronic voting by the Council members on minor issues that arise during the year will be developed to preclude the necessity of holding special meetings. ANNOUNCEMENTS; Lion Sue Parks, Severn River Club lost her stepmother and just last week lost her father. COMMENTS BY ADVISORS: PIP Clem Kusiak – LCI has endorsed the Reading Action Program for another 10 year commitment. Secure a spokesperson for our District 1. Dr. Ben Carson. The Council will endorse as a candidate for Second Vice President, PID Bob Corlew from Tennessee. Congratulations to last year’s Council. PID Clem stated that the Multiple District should have a membership Committee Chair since declining membership is such a problem. He also stated that he is the LCIF Steering Committee Chair that oversees spending. When that committee has business they use a program called Board Effect to communicate with each other. It is a closed system used by only that committee so each communication is confidential. (Some colleges use a system like that called Blackboard to use for intra college communication.) so that committee does not physically meet, they use Board Effect to communicate. PID Joe Gaffigan – Thank you PIP Clem; Get in, stay in; good supporters LCIF; commend Council for thick skins. Pg. 170 PID Ted Reiver – Thank every Lion in the room for the work they do and their support during his two years as International Director. PID Darley Travers - Continue to work on the things we discussed today. COMMENTS BY COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS: DG Dan Scott - glad to hear complaints; grow. DG Doug Jones - you will need your passports in Canada - make sure your keep them with you! DG Dee Hawkins - Opportunities to grow DG Mary Lee Phillips – Have I told you that I love you plus hugs were one of the things we as council did to each other in Hamburg. DG Kent Eitemiller – Great group, good time in Hamburg. CC Charlie Kearse – Thanked everyone for attending the meeting and Lion Joan Bestpitch for taking the minutes. BENEDICTION: DG Mary Lee Phillips ADJOURN: CC Charlie Kearse adjourned the meeting at 1:01 pm. Joan Bestpitch, AA Written Reports provided for the Turnover Meeting MD 22 LCIF Plan of Activities for 2013/2014 Prepared by MD 22 LCIF Coordinator – PDG A. Kendall “Ken” Chew, III Last year, being my first year as the MD 22 LCIF Coordinator, was very much a learning experience for me. I was never able to meet with all of the District Coordinators face to face and had to work with them via e-mail or telephone. This year I plan to meet with all District Coordinators after the Regional training Session that I will be attending in Philadelphia on August 10, 2013. I am hoping that a meeting can take place at the beginning of October at the District W Social. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss District goals and their LCIF plans for the year. Last year the goal for MD 22 was to raise $195,000 for LCIF for the year 2012/2013. The amount of money raised at the end of May was $145,000 or about $50,000 short of the Multiple District goal. The final results for the year have not been sent out yet from LCIF. Two of the five Districts met their goal, two were almost there, and one was way short. Part of the LCIF meeting in October is to discuss what Pg. 171 each district’s goal will be in light of monies raised for the past five years and how each LCIF District Coordinator will go about trying to meet their goals. I plan to send each LCIF District Coordinator the monthly LCIF updates, discuss by e-mail or telephone quarterly how their district is doing in meeting their LCIF goals, and I hope to be available to attend any district events that they will put on to promote LCIF, if I can. The money provided by MD 22 for LCIF ($500) was spent for LCIF supplies such as the Lens & Screen Cleaning Kit. A case of each kit cost $216.00 and I purchased two cases to give out to the LCIF Coordinators and to use at the MD 22 Convention LCIF booth. This year I am planning to ask for the same LCIF amount ($500) to use to buy teacher copies of the Quest curriculum, since the Quest program comes under the umbrella of LCIF. I hope this report meets the expectation of the MD 22 Council of Governors and look forward to working with the Council of Governors as LCIF Coordinator. Yours in Lionism, IPDG Ken Chew Pg. 172