Brownell-Talbot School
Brownell-Talbot School
August-September 2014 Issue 151 Volume 1 BROWNELL-TALBOT Newsletter For the families, friends, and staff of Brownell-Talbot School Dear Parents, We are pleased to welcome you to the 2014 – 2015 school year! We have been collaborating all summer to ensure a successful new school year and we are excited to see everyone on the 25th. An integral part of that preparation has been to recruit and hire quality faculty and staff. The following is a list of new hires and reassignments for the 2014 – 2015 school year. We look forward to seeing you at all of the activities at Brownell-Talbot School this year and partnering with us in your child’s education and success. Twyla Baker – First Grade Teacher Jessica Bertschinger – Admissions Coordinator Anne Constantino – Interim Head of School Michelle Danielson – Receptionist/Lower School Administrative Assistant Angela Drew – Communications Coordinator Susanne Gibbins – Junior Kindergarten Teacher Assistant Alaina “Ali” Higgins – Admissions Assistant Susan Hiley – Kindergarten Teacher Rodney Howe – Journalism Teacher Pam Kirkpatrick – Kindergarten Teacher Assistant Sara Krajicek – First Grade Teacher Renae Mackender – Constituent Relations Coordinator Tina Rice – Middle School English Teacher Jamie Short – Library Media Specialist Elsa Sosa–Glasford – Upper School Spanish Teacher David Thomas – Assistant to the Director of College Counseling Kelli Van Winkle – Learning and Curriculum Coordinator Sally Weiss – Middle School English Teacher Julia Wolfe – Assistant Director of Advancement Aileen Zeigler – Theatre Arts/Drama Teacher You can read a summary of the background and qualifications of these dedicated professionals on the B-T website at: We are looking forward to the coming year. B-T, we are better together! Anne ConstantinoBridget CollinsBill HarrellKami Landenberger Interim Head of School Head of Middle School Head of Upper School Head of Lower School Looking Ahead... August October September November 25 First Day of Classes 26 School Photo Day Aug. 29-Sept. 1 No School, Labor Day 17 17 Aug. 29-Sept. 1 No School, Labor Day 2 Classes Resume 23 Photo Retake Day 25 No School - LS Only, Parent Conferences Professional Development Grades 1-4 26 No School, Parent Conferences 2 7 26-28 Statement of Policy End of First Quarter Grandparents’ Day/Homecoming Admissions Preview Night No School, Faculty Professional Development Day No School, Thanksgiving Holiday The Brownell-Talbot Newsletter is produced monthly to inform parents and others about school events, classroom events, and student achievements in the classroom, on the playing field, or in other extracurricular activities. This information is submitted by faculty and staff members. The school reserves the right to edit information in the interest of space and content. Advertising is not accepted. 1 ALL SCHOOL News Ms. Angela Drew• (402) 556-3772, ext. 1009 • [email protected] B-T Begins a New Academic Year Raider Zone Begins Aug. 25 The first day of classes for Brownell-Talbot students is Monday, August 25. • Lower School students, including new students, should report to their classrooms by 8:15 a.m. • Middle School students in grades five through eight should report by 8 a.m. to their first period classes. • Upper School students in grades nine through twelve should report to their class sponsor no later than 8 a.m. Sponsors’ classrooms or meeting rooms will be posted in the Upper School Commons and in the Swanson Auditorium Lobby. (US students: For a schedule of the rest of the first day of classes, please see the Upper School News on page 7.) Raider Zone (the LS extended care program) will be available before and after school for families beginning the first day of school, August 25. Registration forms must be turned in prior to the first day of school in order for your child/ren to attend Raider Zone. School Photos August 26 School photos will be taken on Tuesday, August 26. All students must wear their formal uniforms that day. Preschoolers and junior kindergarteners may wear what they wish. Retakes are September 23. Photographs are included in the students’ permanent records and published in The Triangle, the School’s yearbook. Important Dates 2014-2015 August 25 August 26 Aug. 29-Sept. 1 September 2 September 23 September 25 September 26 October 17 October 17 November 7 November 26-28 December 19 Dec. 22-Jan. 2 January 5 January 6 January 30 February 13-16 March 13 March 13 Mar. 30- Apr. 6 April 7 April 24 May 8 May 25 May 30 First Day of Classes School Photo Day No School Labor Day Classes Resume Photo Retake Day No School - LS Only,Parent Conferences Professional Development Grades 1-4 No School, Parent Conferences End of First Quarter Grandparents’ Day & Homecoming No School, Faculty Professional Development Day No School, Thanksgiving Holiday End of Second Quarter Winter Holiday, No School No School, Faculty Professional Development Day Classes Resume No School, MS/US Parent Conferences, LS work day, No Conferences for LS No School, Mid-Winter Holiday End of Third Quarter No LS Classes, Parent Conferences No School, Spring Break Classes Resume No School, Faculty Professional Development Day Gala, Early Dismissal No School, Memorial Day 151st Baccalaureate & Commencement 2 An informational flyer about school photos can be found on the School’s website under The flyer contains the website ( and the School's access code, packages with pricing, and ordering information. Please refer to this flyer for ordering your student's school pictures. Labor Day Weekend – No School Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Brownell-Talbot will not hold classes and Raider Zone will not operate on Friday, August 30 or Monday, September 2 in recognition of Labor Day. School offices are open August 30, but are closed September 2. No School September 26 The year’s first parent-teacher conference day is Friday, September 26 to give students, parents, and faculty an early opportunity to discuss student progress. There is no school that day. Conferences for Middle and Upper School are scheduled for 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-6 p.m. in the fieldhouse. Lower School parents will schedule their child’s/children’s conference time online. We will use a scheduling component in Veracross that you will access through the Parent Portal. Instructions and more information will be provided later. Conference times will run from 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. ALL SCHOOL News Call-in Policy for Absences Student/Parent Handbook Online Parents, please notify the School if your child/ren must miss class. In the event of illness, please call the School office at (402) 556-3772 before 8:45 a.m. If illness (or any absence) will cause a student to miss more than one day of school, you may ask to have his or her books ready for pickup after 3:30 p.m. Assignments may be found on the B-T website in the web-based student information system (Veracross). To save dollars and to support its "going green" initiative, Brownell-Talbot School no longer prints copies of the Parent/Student Handbook. The Handbook is published online only as a PDF file. Parents/students who wish to have a printed version may either print from the downloadable PDF document online, or request a copy from the main office. NOTE: School staff verify the attendance of every student. If the School has not been notified of a child’s absence by 8:45 a.m., parents will be contacted. Please send a written note to the appropriate Lower, Middle, or Upper School Head in advance of planned absences such as medical appointments and vacations. A two-week advance notice is requested for college visits. More detailed information on School policy regarding absences, tardiness, and make-up work is available in the community login area of the website in the Student/ Parent Handbook. The Handbook may be found at or within the “Resources” section when a parent or student is logged into the Parent or Student Portal (community login). Service Learning Enhancements In effort to streamline our Service Learning at BrownellTalbot, a committee of faculty and staff has volunteered to spearhead the 2014-15 projects. Our students and families are amazing at volunteering their time and giving to worthy causes, but we want to take those projects and execute them with excellence and encourage the entire school body to participate. After countless hours of research and visits, two non-profits in the Omaha area were chosen for two-year partnerships. Lower School Information Night On Thursday, September 4 parents of children in grades preschool through four will have an opportunity to hear more about their specific grade level from the classroom teachers with a choice of two sessions. Session 1 will run from 4:30–4:55 p.m. followed by Session 2 from 5–5:25 p.m. Teachers in grades kindergarten through four will present with their partner teacher in one of the two classrooms. The classrooms will be identified that evening. Completely Kids is a non-profit organization in Omaha, which ensures families have access to the knowledge and skills necessary to break the cycle of poverty. Join Us for the Annual Parents Association Chili Supper YES-Youth Emergency Services serves homeless at-risk youth by providing critically-needed resources, which empower them to become self-sufficient. The Annual Parents Association Chili Supper on Thursday, October 16 will offer great food, School spirit and a family atmosphere. We will continue to work with Opportunity Education and our sister school, Ashok Memorial Public School, in India. Cost is $5 per person ($3 for children age five and under) for a bowl of fabulous chili (with a vegetarian option) and all the fixin’s! Turkey dogs will be available for our non-chili eating B-T friends. For our first event, Brownell is partnering with Keep Omaha Beautiful for the Green Apple Day of Service. The Green Apple Day of Service gives parents, teachers, students, companies and local organizations the opportunity to transform all schools into healthy, safe and productive learning environments through local service projects. We will be cleaning up Memorial Park and the Brownell campus on Saturday, September 27, 10-11:00 a.m. If you have any questions or would like to help out with a project, please contact Kassandra Mayo at [email protected]. Homecoming candidates will be announced followed by the pep rally at approximately 7 p.m. The Homecoming bonfire will be held outside on the practice field immediately following the pep rally. Please join us for this wonderful B-T tradition! Come back the next day for great performances by the Lower School students during the annual Grandparents’ Day celebration. Grandparents and special guests are invited to stay for lunch. 3 UPPER SCHOOL News Mr. Bill Harrell • (402) 556-3772, ext. 1037 • [email protected] US Opening Day: Students & Parents College Admission Panel August 25, 2014, 7:45-8 a.m. – Upper School students report to their class (grade level) meeting room. Room assignments will be prominently posted in the US Commons and the Swanson Auditorium Lobby. Classes begin in the morning and the day’s events include the Upper School House Induction at 8:10 a.m., Upper School Orientation and an All-School Pep Rally at 2:30 p.m. Because of special House activities planned for the Opening Day, students should wear their “House” shirt, tennis shoes, and school uniform bottoms. New Upper School students will receive their House shirts during the House Induction. The first formal uniform day is Tuesday, August 26. Upper School students and parents are invited to the College Admission Panel at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 22 in Swanson Auditorium. Admission professionals from Macalester College (MN), Washington University in St. Louis (MO) and other select colleges will sit on a panel and provide information on gaining admission to selective colleges and setting your application apart from others. Students and parents will have an opportunity to ask questions. This event will give underclassmen exposure to the college admission process and the ability to ask specific questions so they can tailor their applications accordingly. MIDDLE SCHOOL News Ms. Bridget Collins• (402) 556-3772, ext. 1044 • [email protected] Curriculum Updates grades five and six, Sally Weiss is the new English teacher for seventh grade and will also be teaching speech, Amber Straka has been at B-T for several years but will now be teaching in the Middle School as the eighth grade history/ civics teacher, Aileen Ziegler is our new drama and theater arts teacher, and Jamie Short is our new library media specialist. Middle School students will notice their schedules reflect some changes and additions from previous years. The World Language department has worked diligently to create a plan that allows for added instructional time for the middle school students. All grades five through eight have an additional day of instruction. The fifth and sixth graders will receive instruction three days a week for 45 minutes and the seventh and eighth graders will receive four classes a week for 45 minutes. This reflects an increase of instructional time for the fifth and sixth graders from 80 minutes to 135 minutes and for seventh and eighth graders from 135 minutes to 180 minutes. Sixth Grade Outdoor Education The sixth grade will be heading to Camp Kitaki at the end of September. Students will leave on September 22 and return on September 25. This is an incredible experience for the students with activities to include hiking, exploring, dissecting, night hikes, canoeing, and archery. Anyone who has gone has come back with wonderful stories about Human Foosball, Owl Pellets, and of course the GAGA pit. All Middle School classes will be on a 45 minute bell schedule this year. We have created a fifth grade iPad class that will meet once a week for the first quarter of school. This class period will become a class that will have elective offerings for both fifth and sixth graders for the second, third, and fourth quarters of school. We are also looking at the option of having electives for the seventh and eighth grade. Information about the trip will be sent the parents of sixth graders during the first week of school. I also want to introduce you to the new personnel in the Middle School. Tina Rice is the new English teacher for 4 LOWER SCHOOL News Mrs. Kami Landenberger • (402) 556-3772, ext. 1024 • [email protected] Lower School Parent Information Night On Thursday, September 4 parents of children in grades preschool through fourth grade will have an opportunity to hear more about their specific grade level from the classroom teachers with two options of sessions being offered. Session One will run from 4:30–4:55 p.m. followed by Session Two from 5–5:25 p.m. Teachers in grades kindergarten through fourth grade will present with their partner teacher in one of the two classrooms. This will be identified that evening. Join the Serenading Raiders 2014 - 15 Serenading Raiders is the LS, third and fourth grade, choir. All students are encouraged to be a part. The choir rehearses after school from 3:15-4:00 p.m. For the 2014-15 season the third grade will meet on Tuesdays and the fourth grade will meet on Thursdays. Keep this in mind when scheduling lessons, sports and other activities. Grandparents’ Day Grandparents and special friends are invited to attend a Lower School program in their honor featuring grades one through four on Friday, October 17 in Swanson Auditorium. The program will feature songs from our American tapestry, especially the old west. This is an introduction to a wonderful experience. Brownell-Talbot is participating this year with the Rose Theater in a production about Bill Cody. The program will be professionally recorded and available for purchase. “I look forward to working with the choir this year,” says Mrs. Robson, director of the Serenading Raiders. Students in grades preschool through kindergarten will be hosting events in their classrooms. Teachers will be sharing more information about these events soon. Grandparents and special friends are invited to join their student for a complimentary lunch in the school’s dining room. 5 ATHLETICS News LOWER, MIDDLE AND UPPER Mr. Jeff Rohrig • (402) 556-3772, ext. 1032 • [email protected] Calendar of Events Physicals and Consent Forms Due Now All activity schedules may be found at www.brownell. edu/athletics. You will also find directions to away games and other important activities information. All students in grades seven through tweleve MUST turn in their medical physical and parent consent forms before they are allowed to begin practice for their activity. Completed physical and consent papers may be submitted to Sue Moon or Michelle Danielson at the school front office. Contact activities director Jeff Rohrig at jerohrig@brownell. edu with questions. B-T Youth Sports Organization The Brownell-Talbot Youth Sports Organization (BTYSO) is a volunteer-run organization that provides recreational opportunities for kindergarten through sixth grade Brownell-Talbot students to participate in organized team sports. The B-T Youth Sports Organization provides opportunities in soccer, basketball, volleyball and flag football. The BTYSO depends on parent volunteers to organize and coach the teams. The BTYSO has four goals: 1. Allow an opportunity to learn to play team sports in a way to build skill, confidence and good sportsmanship. 2. Provide an opportunity for the development of every player regardless of ability while having fun, whether playing recreational or competitive level sports. 3. Build good sportsmanship and positive attitudes in players, coaches and parents. 4. Provide coach training opportunities and encourage coaches to learn coaching skills and techniques appropriate for each level of play. Most recreation youth sports programs are founded on three important principles: fun, personal development and skill development. The B-T Youth Sports Organization will allow every player the opportunity to learn the game while having fun! B-T’s fall sports offerings include: • Soccer (preschool, junior kindergarten, kindergarten, first, and second grade) • Volleyball (third through sixth grade) • Flag football (fifth and sixth grade) While registration for fall sports has officially closed, we still may be able to get your child on a team this fall if there is room. Please contact Bruce Froendt, BTYSO coordinator at [email protected] or by text or phone at (402) 915-5611. 6 AQUATICS News Ms. Jeanie Neal • (402) 505-2438 • [email protected] PUBLIC SWIM SWIM TEAM We offer two types of public swimming opportunities in September. We swim for good times – both fun times and fast! The B-T Raiders Swim Team is open to students in kindergarten through eighth grade. Team information is available at Email Coach Neal at aquatics@ to register. The deadline to register for the fall session of swim team is Saturday, September 6. Family Swim: This is recreational swimming for the whole family. Admission is $3 per person.* Family Swim time is 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays when we have swimming lessons. Bonus Lap Swim+: This is lap swimming time for adults in conjunction with our swimming lesson times. Admission is $3 per person.* SEPTEMBER EVENTS Please visit the aquatics program website for event details and entry information: *There is no charge for current B-T students, faculty, and staff or immediate family members who are accompanied by the student/faculty/staff member. September 6 September 8 September 11 September 21 September 27 September 28 +Bonus Swim times are subject to change with little notice. Check the website for schedule updates. 3th Annual Back to Pool Day First Day of Lessons & Swim Team Practice First Day of PE Swimming Registration Opens for Winter Lessons Face-Up/Face-Down Sanctioned Meet at B-T Splash Meet & Traverse Wall Challenge PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE swimming starts on September 11. Students will swim best and have the most fun when they have the proper equipment for swimming. We do not provide caps and goggles. We recommend every swimmer have both at every class. Girls swim best in one piece suits with no ties. Please do not choose suits that tie at the neck, behind the back, or at the legs. Boys swim best in suits that do have a string to tighten up the waist. Beware of fashion suits that have ties that are for show and do not help hold up the suit. Visit the B-T Aquatics Swim Shop or website for helpful hints on purchasing goggles and selecting suits SWIM SHOP The new B-TA Swim Shop is located on the spectator gallery level of the pool and is open for your shopping pleasure! We sell suits, caps, goggles, energy treats, T-shirts, and more. Hours of operation are posted on the website. SWIMMING LESSONS Learn to swim Face-Up First®. We offer great lessons, and have spots available for fall. View the schedule and register online at 7 A U G . - S E P. L U N C H News Chef Jim Hill • (402) 556-3772, ext. 1021 • [email protected] Monday Aug. 25 Tuesday Aug. 26 Wednesday Aug. 27 Thursday Aug. 28 Friday Aug. 29 Baked Chicken Cheese Pizza Whole Hot Roast Beef on Nuggets, Mashed BBQ Pork Riblett on a Wheat Stuffed Crust Whole Grain Bun, Potatoes and Poultry Whole Wheat Hoagie, No School; Labor Day Tossed Salad with Seasoned Potato Gravy, Steamed Baked Curly Fries, Holiday Romaine Lettuce, Wedges, Fresh Apple Green Beans, Fresh Sliced Peaches Wedge Fresh Red Grapes Strawberries 1 2 3 4 Beef /Cheese Nachos Grilled Chicken All Beef Hot Dog on with Corn Chips, Breast with Sliced Whole Wheat Bun, Salsa, Shredded No School; Labor Day Tomato on a Whole Baked Potato Lettuce, Mini Holiday Wheat Bun, AuBarrels, Fresh Carrots, Fresh Gratin Potatoes, Watermelon Wedge Strawberries Mango 8 9 10 Meatball (Beef) Sub Sweet and Sour Glazed Cheese Pizza Whole Sandwich on Whole Wheat Stuffed Chicken, Stir Fried Vegetables, Brown Wheat Hoagie, Crust, Tossed Rice, Pineapple, Baked Curley Fries, Romaine Salad, Fortune Cookie Sliced Peaches Fresh Fruit 15 16 Hamburger Pizza Macaroni and Cheese, with Whole Grain Fresh Steamed Broccoli, Fresh Stuffed Crust, Corn on Cob, Watermelon Strawberries, Wheat Roll and Butter Wedge 22 23 17 18 Pork Cutlet on a Whole Wheat Bun, Seasoned Potato Wedges, Warm Cinnamon Apples Mini Turkey Corn Dogs, Tri Tators, Sliced Pears, Raspberry Sherbet 24 25 Whole Grain Chicken Nuggets Beef and Bean Burrito Mozzarella Cheese (Lower School) Spicy with Cheese Sauce, Pizza Sticks, Marinara Chicken Nuggets Fiesta Mexican Rice, (Upper School), Cheesy Sauce, Tossed Mini Banana, Potatoes, Fresh Red Romaine Salad, Sliced Cinnamon Churro Seedless Grapes Peaches 29 Cheddar Cheese Omelet, Turkey Sausage, Hash Brown Potato, Biscuit, Orange Smiles PAG E TO 30 Pepperoni Cheese Pizza Whole Wheat Stuffed Crust, Fresh Spinach Salad with Grape Tomatoes, Fresh Kiwi Fruit P R I N T ( 3 2 ) 11 Breaded Chicken Sandwich on a Whole Wheat Bun, Cheddar Cheese Potatoes, Fresh Whole Pear 8 Potato Crunch Fish (Pollack) and Chips (Waffle Fries), Gala Apple Wedges, Roll and Butter 5 Cheeseburger on Whole Grain Bun, Kettle Chips, Raspberry Applesauce Chocolate Chip Cookie, Grilled Beef Cutlet on Bun (Upper School) 12 Pancakes, Syrup Hash Brown Patty, Turkey Sausage Links, Fresh Orange Smiles 19 Chicken Noodle Soup, Bosco Baked Mozzarella Breadstick, Cucumber Slices, Strawberry Applesauce 26 No School; Parent Teacher Conferences BUSINESS OFFICE News Mr. Paul Oestmann • (402) 556-3772, ext. 1008 • [email protected] BROWNELL-TALBOT SCHOOL SCHOOL LUNCH INFORMATION Students may choose either a hot or cold plate lunch. The price for a hot or cold plate lunch is $4.95. Each lunch includes one carton of one percent white or skim chocolate milk. Hot lunch menu items are published monthly in the online newsletter and under Quicklinks: school lunch. A cold plate lunch includes a turkey, ham, cheese or sun butter and jelly sandwich; chips and fruit. Please refer to the grade levels below for more options. LOWER SCHOOL – Preschool – Grade 4 In addition to the hot or cold lunch plate, students may purchase only the hot entrée of the day or an alternative entrée of the day consisting of a carton of yogurt with a cheese stick for $1.80. Students in Lower School who purchase a hot or cold lunch plate may return to the serving line for a complimentary serving of fresh fruit in lieu of purchasing a second entrée, if they so desire. MIDDLE SCHOOL – Grades 5 & 6 In addition to the hot or cold plate lunch, students may purchase any of the daily à la carte items listed below. Students may also purchase soft serve ice milk (non-dairy) on designated days. MIDDLE SCHOOL – Grades 7 & 8 In addition to the hot or cold plate lunch, students may purchase any of the daily à la carte items listed below. Students may also purchase a vendor-provided lunch. Vendor lunches are provided by some of our local restaurants such as Lenny’s Subs, Sam & Louie’s, Fazolis, Popeye’s, etc., and are generally offered every Friday. UPPER SCHOOL – Grades 9 - 12 In addition to the hot or cold plate lunch, students may purchase any of the daily à la carte items listed below. Students may also purchase a vendor-provided lunch. Vendor lunches are provided by some of our local restaurants such as Lenny’s Subs, Sam & Louie’s, Fazolis, Popeye’s, etc., and are generally offered every Friday. DAILY À LA CARTE ITEMS Prices vary per item Homemade soup Yogurt parfait Grilled cheese sandwiches Cheese sticks Hamburgers/cheeseburgers Assorted bottled and fountain beverages Baked French fries Assorted pre-packed chips Salad/fruit barNutrigrain bars Soft serve ice milk (non-dairy) Assorted pre-packaged baked cookie crisps 1 percent white or skim chocolate milk All breads served are whole wheat. Pizzas are made with whole wheat crust. Spaghetti and mostaccioli are made with whole grains. No pop or sodas are available for students in the lunch room. All menu items are nut-free. 9 B-T BOOSTERS News Mrs. Suellen Willett • (402) 426-8033 • [email protected] It is my pleasure to represent the 2014-2015 Brownell-Talbot Booster Club as President. I would like to recognize the dedicated Booster Club Officers that I will be working with this school year: Vice President – Fatima Basith Treasurer – Greyson Smith Secretary – Debbie Wood Parliamentarian – Karen Burkley The Booster Club is in place to help raise funds that are put toward a wish list of opportunities to support our children’s activities at Brownell-Talbot. I am excited to have many fabulous volunteers support the Booster Club, but we always need additional volunteers throughout the year. We have so many activities and fun events in place for 2014-15 and I am personally looking forward to meeting all the families who are new to the Brownell-Talbot community. Please support your children and Brownell-Talbot by becoming a member of the Booster Club! We will have membership sign up and volunteer positions for concessions, etc. throughout the year. We need your support. If you would like to find out more about the Booster Club and volunteer opportunities, please call me at (402) 426-8033 or email me at [email protected]. Your commitment and dedication to Brownell-Talbot will make a difference. Become a B-T Booster TODAY! It is going to be a GREAT year at Brownell-Talbot! Best regards, Suellen Willett President Brownell-Talbot Booster Club President 2014/15 Order Your Booster Club Folding Lounge Chair Today! Enjoy your favorite B-T sports events in style and comfort with a B-T Booster Folding Lounge Chair customized with the Raider Crest. This great looking chair also includes a handy carrying bag. All for only $40! Show your Raider pride and order yours today. All orders are due no later than 3 p.m. Monday, September 15. To order click here or navigate to > Parents > Boosters. 10 PARENTS ASSOCIATION News 11 BOARD OF TRUSTEES News Mr. Charles Vrana • Board Chair • [email protected] Update on Head of School Search Search on schedule - committees assembled - recruitment underway Our Search Team has been deliberate in articulating the qualities Brownell-Talbot needs in its next Head of School. Here is an excerpt from the Head of School Leadership Profile: Qualities for the New Head of School Brownell-Talbot’s next Head of School will bring a breadth of educational expertise and forwardthinking to our school, providing the leadership qualities needed to unite our school community around our vision and goals – team and community building, communication, genuine commitment to culture and mission. The Head will have high standards for academic excellence, teacher quality and strategic plan achievement and will advance these priorities in partnership with our school community.* Advisory Committee Members Parent / Alumni Advisory Committee Stephen George – Chair Gina Primmer – Early Childhood Paul Savory – Lower School Amy Ross – Middle School Hugh Schuett – Upper School Conner Dana – Alumni Faculty / Staff Robert Wagner — Chair Sandy Melilli – Early Childhood Kelli Van Winkle, Janelle Comer — Lower School Rob Schindler – Middle School Carrie Rise – Upper School Stacey Evert – Staff Board Liz Mazzotta – Chair Chip James John Kotouc John Christensen Our goal ... to have a new Head of School in place for the 2015/16 school year. Our process ... 4 Phases • • • • Planning and Organizing (completed) Identify, Recruit and Screen Candidates (summer/fall 2014) “Final Candidates” campus visits and interviews (fall 2014) Final Selection and Announcement (winter 2014/15) Progress to date • Completed Phase One • Assembled Advisory Committees • Hired Executive Recruitment Consultant to help attract, screen, on-board and advise our new Head of School • Launched Head of School Profile “industry-wide” The Profile is a recruitment and screening tool that ensures candidates understand what B-T needs in a new Head of School and acquaints them with our school and community. • Now initiating Phase II (identify, recruit and screen candidates) Again, while the Search process will be highly active during this time and we will keep you updated, it will be a more “silent phase” as we ensure candidate confidentiality and thus our ability to attract effective leaders. Three advisory committees • Faculty/Staff • Parent/Alumni • Board Members of these committees reflect perspectives from all school levels and a range of parent, faculty and staff expertise. The committees will be the voice of our constituent groups, so please share your input with them. Finalist candidates will be on campus later this fall and you will have the opportunity to meet with them! *See the complete Profile online at . 12
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Newsletter - Brownell
Middle and Upper School conferences will run from 10
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