Darac Limited
Darac Limited
a) QAS lnternational REGI STRATTON CE RTIF TCATE This document certifies thot the odministrotion systems of Darac Limited Unit 9, Thesiger Close, Worthing, West Sussex, BNI I zRN have heen ossessed ond opproyed by QAS lnternotionol to the following monogement systems, stondords ond guidelines: tSO 9001 : 2008 With the permitted exclusion of clause 7.3 Design and Development The opproved odministrotlon systems opply to the followlng: The supply of rubber & plastic mouldings & stainless steel rigging items to customers throughout the world. Original Approval .glb..L!!.lv-.?9-.0.?. Current Certificate 9lb..ty.lv..?9J..a. Certificate Expiry 91h..:ly.lv..?9-1.7.. Certificate Number c42088 On behalf of OAS !n ternational 3tl 'o^ \re This certificate remains valid while the holder maintains their quality administration systems in accordance with the standards and guidelines stated above, which will be audited annually by QAS lnternational. The holder is entitled to display the above registration mark for the duration of this certificate, which should be returned to QAS lntemational upon reasonable request. lssuing ffice: QAS lnternational, 20A Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 gAX, UK --1