August 10th - 2014
August 10th - 2014
Church of St. Theresa A Caring Community Reaching Out To One Another in Christ Mass Schedule SUNDAY MASSES: Saturday at 5:00pm Saturday at 6:30pm (Spanish) Sunday at 7:30, 9:00 (Italian), 10:30 (Family Mass) & 12:15pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday thru Friday: 8:00 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00 & 9:00am DEVOTIONS: Miraculous Medal & St. Theresa after Monday morning Masses. St. Anthony after Tuesday morning Masses. Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament as well as every First Friday from 7:30 to 8:30pm with silent adoration until 10:00pm. Recitation of the Rosary every Saturday at 4:30 (before the 5:00pm Mass) CONFESSION Saturdays from 4:00 to 5:00pm and by appointment BAPTISMS Baptisms take place most Sundays after the 12:15 PM Mass. We ask the parents to attend the Baptism preparation meeting. Register at the Rectory to attend the meeting. The date of the Baptism will be discussed at the Baptism meeting. MARRIAGES Call the Rectory at least six months in advance of the wedding date to make an appointment with a deacon or priest. Rev. Thomas B. Derivan, Pastor Rev. Joseph Ligory, Parochial Vicar Rev. Thomas D’Angelo, In Residence Rev. Robert Imbelli, Weekend Associate Deacon Anthony P. Cassaneto Mrs. Josephine Fanelli, Principal Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Dir. of Religious Education Dr. Liya Petrides, Music Director 2855 St. Theresa Avenue, Bronx, New York RECTORY: 718-892-1900/1901 FAX: 718-892-1146 WEBSITE: E-MAIL: [email protected] SCHOOL: 718-792-3688 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 718-792-8434 CHURCH OF ST. THERESA, BRONX AUGUST 10, 2014—NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DERIVAN: I want to thank you for the very warm welcome extended to me and to Father Joseph last weekend at our Masses. This parish obviously has great love for priests. Father Grippo often mentioned this to me, but now I was able to see it first-hand. With your help, your support and most of all your prayers for us priests, God will continue to do great things. On the first day I offered Mass in our church, I must admit I was a little nervous. Here I was, new to the parish, new to you, and hardly able to figure out which key would let me into the sacristy! But during the Mass, I noticed on the back of the altar the names of some of the great priests who served this parish and our Archdiocese-Msgr. Ponsiglione, Msgr. Jannarone, Msgr. Rizzo and Father Jaccolino. How could I, a new priest here and the first non-Italian pastor at that!-how could I follow in their footsteps? Then I saw the last name, Father Herbert D’Argenio. I did not have the privilege of knowing the other priests whose names are on our altar, but I did know our dear Father D’Argenio very well. I have known many fine priests in my forty-two years of priesthood, but no one could equal Father D’Argenio who served this parish for so many years. I do not know whether you are aware of this, but Father D’Argenio influenced more young men to consider the priesthood than any other priest I know. (In fact, the priests whom he influenced were-and still are-called “Herbie’s boys.”) When I saw Father D’Argenio’s name on the altar, I was both humbled and thankful-humbled because I was offering the Mass in the same church where he offered Mass so faithfully, I cannot presume to be Father D’Argenio, but I will try to have the same love that he had for you. As I mentioned, Father D’Argenio had great influence on many priests. You have been very blessed to have had a number of priests and seminarians from this parish. Of course, I am thinking of Father Richard Marrano, a son of St. Theresa’s Parish, and what a fine young priest he is! You can be proud of him. You can also be proud of Seminarian (and soon to be Deacon) Andre “Dindy” Zabala who has served this parish for the past year and who is now completing his preparation for the priesthood in May. You can be proud of Seminarian Louis Masi who is currently studying for the priesthood in Rome and for Seminarian Michael Agovino who will begin his studies for the Salesian Order. Father D’Argenio must be so proud of all of these young men from his place in heaven. He must also be proud of you for your encouragement to them and your prayers for them. The call to the priesthood does not come as a bolt of thunder. It comes from people like yourselves who encourage their sons and grandsons-and their friends’ sons and grandsons-to open their hearts to God’s call. Most priests will tell you that it was some good layperson-parent, grandparent, teacher, friend –who said to them, “Have you ever thought of becoming a priest?” Do not ever be shy about asking that question. God may very well be speaking through you. Father D’Argenio must be smiling down on this parish from heaven. May he be smiling even more for more young men from this parish who will hear and answer the call of Jesus, “come follow me.” God bless you all! Father Thomas B. Derivan SCHOOL NEWS The School Office is closed the following weeks: August 11-18th During the weeks of July 26-August 8th the office will be open Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00AM to 1:00PM. If you would like to pick up an application when the office is closed you may go across to the rectory: 2855 St. Theresa Avenue and they will gladly give you one. Our school office will reopen on Tuesday, August 19th at 9:00AM. We have openings in Pre-K 3 year old, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades. UPK is waiting list only. PETITION BOOK – Have you noticed our Petition Book in the vestibule of the Church? Every Saturday before the 5:00PM Mass, the petitions entered into the book for that week are brought up to the altar of the Blessed Mother, where they remain for all the weekend Masses. Please pray for these intentions. REMINDER – If you have a Sunday Mass offered for a loved one and are present at the Mass and would like to bring up the Offertory Gifts to the Altar, please let one of the ushers know before the Mass begins. CONFESSIONS are heard every Saturday from 4:00PM-5:00PM or by appointment in the Rectory. NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Join in the worldwide mission of Jesus! By our Baptism, we are all missionaries—called to share our faith in Jesus Christ with our family and friends, with our neighbors, indeed, with the whole world. Next Sunday, we are invited to make a special commitment as missionaries. We are invited to join in the worldwide mission of Jesus by joining the Propagation of the Faith. In making this commitment, we pledge to… PRAY daily for the missionary work of the Church, offering our personal crosses for missionaries and those they serve. OFFER REGULAR FINANCIAL HELP in support of those who bring the “Good News” of Jesus to our brothers and sisters throughout the Missions. Please say “yes” to this special missionary call next weekend. Envelopes are available for your mission gift. Thank you very much! REGIS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE 55 East 84th Street New York, NY 10028 212-288-1100, Ext 2057 Regis High School, an all-scholarship Jesuit secondary school for Catholic boys, announces its Open House for 8th graders and their parents, on Wednesday, October 8th, from 5:30—8:30PM. For additional information, please write, e-mail or call: Eric DiMichele, Director of Admissions. CHURCH OF SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER 1703 LURTING AVENUE BRONX, NEW YORK 10461 718-892-3330 LADIES NIGHT OUT– POCKETBOOK BINGO Pocketbook Bingo will be held on Friday, September 12th at St. Francis Xavier, 1711 Haight Avenue. Win authentic designer handbags including (Michael Kors, Coach, Fendi, Vera Bradley) playing Pocketbook Bingo, Trickey Tray, door prizes, special raffles (Louis Vuitton & diamond earrings) 50/50 and lots of fun! BYOB and BYOA (appetizer). Coffee, tea and desserts rovided. Cost is $35 per person. To reserve table/seat, please call St. Francis Xavier Church Rectory at 718-892-3330. Please continue to share the peace and joy of our faith with others. There are so many that are in the need of Jesus. Can you be for all of us a living sign to all our parishioners and neighbors, and tell them for us “we need them and love them”. Someone may hear and accept the invitation from you and return home to worship the Lord with us. So please invite a friend, relative, or neighbor to come with you to Church next Sunday. God will do the rest. Let us share our treasure of faith with others. 2014-2015 Religious Education Classes for Public School Children Ongoing formation in the Catholic faith is vital for every parish child who attends public school. CCD Registration for students in Grades 1 through 7 is taking place now. NEW STUDENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. Grades 1, 2, 3, and the Communion Class have class on Sunday mornings from 9:00 – 10:20 a.m. Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7 have class on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. For applications and information contact: Mrs. Marie McCarrick, Director of Religious Education at 718-792-8434 or email [email protected]. Clases de Educación Religiosa para Niños en Escuela Pública La formación en la fé católica es vital para todos los niños que asisten a escuela pública. Las registraciones para los niños en los grados 1 hasta 7, ya están abiertos. Estudiantes nuevos son bienvenidos. Grados 1, 2, 3 y clase de Comunión tienen clases todos los domingos en la mañana, de 9:00 – 10:20. Grados 4, 5, 6 y 7 tienen clases todos los miércoles en la tarde de 7:00 – 8:30. Para obtener aplicaciones e información contactar a la Sra. Marie McCarrick, directora de Educación Religiosa, al 718-792-8434 o por eorreo elétronico [email protected]. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults New classes are forming in St. Theresa Parish for Fall 2014. RCIA is a process for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith leading to becoming a member of the Catholic Church. Baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and/or Confirmation are welcome to complete their preparation for the sacraments of initiation through participation in the RCIA process. The sacraments will be administered at the Easter Vigil which is on April 4, 2015. Contact Marie McCarrick at 718-792-8434 or email [email protected] RICA: Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana Para Adultos Estamos en el proceso de formación de clases para el Otoño 2014. RICA es un proceso para adultos que estan interesados en aprender más acerca de la fé católica para llegara ser miembro de la Iglesia Católica. Católicos bautizados que no han recibido los sacramentos de Primera Comunión y lo Confirmación están invitados a completer su preparación para los sacramentos de Iniciación a traves del proceso de RICA. Los sacramentos serán administrados durante la Vigilia Pascual el 4 de abril, 2015. Contactar a Marie McCarrick al 718-792-8434 o por correo eléctronico [email protected]. HOMEBOUND – If any member of your family or if any of your neighbors are “Homebound” and would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please call the Rectory so that a Priest or Eucharistic Minister might visit them. AUGUST 10, 2014 1ST TIME: Patrick Daly & Kristina Alfano THE SANCTUARY LAMP BURNING NEAR THE TABERNACLE THIS WEEK IS IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOSEPHINE GERMANO LOVE, THE DISTEFANO FAMILY THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY AUGUST 15, 2014 Friday, August 15, is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Our Mass schedule is as follows: Thursday, August 14th 7:30PM Vigil Mass and Friday, August 15th 8:00AM, 9:00AM & 10:30AM. A PRAYER FOR THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Father in heaven, all creation rightly gives you praise for all life and all holiness come from you. In the plan of your wisdom she who bore the Christ in her womb was raised body and soul in glory to be with Him in heaven May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness and join in her hymn of endless love and praise. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: Joseph & Marie Albano, Nicholas Bambina, Maryann Cali-Bannan, Judy Berardione, Anthony Cardone, Phyllis Caruso, Angelica Feliciano Castillo, Peter Corbo, Ana Edith Castillo, Mana & Eric Dallacqua, Dennis Deandrea, Rosemary Davis, Donna-Lou Fennema, Anthony DeFranco, Rose & Carlo Dente, Michael DaNucci, Thomas DeSimone, MaryAnn DiBattista, Ernie DiGiaccomo, Massimiliano D’Onofrio, Sal Duscio & Family, Nat Ettinger, Joseph Fazon, Josie Frisina, Jeanine Iovino, William Keenan, Christine Kerbe, Patricia Kiernan, Stella Kim, Joseph Klucines, Lena Kocovic, Jon Lanaro, Salvatore Lanza, Angie Lox, James Magrino, Jennie Maiorca, Vita Marino, Maryann Maiorana, Frank Maiorana, Angelo Megaro, Jessie Megaro, Raymond & John Matta, Vincent Mastrogiovanni, Kathleen Milano, Dolores Miriglia, Michael Montalto, Sharon Frankel-Mormoyale, John Motts, Joseph & Marie Motts, Theresa Negli, Isabelle O’Brian, Frances Olivio, Priscilla Pacheco, Julio Velazquez Pacheco Marisol Pagan, Lucille Perito, Flora Pisano, Irene Piscitelli, Vera Pozzuoli, Angela Piccinni. Louis Quattrucci, Ashley & Jalissa Quintiaia, Diana Raffa, Marie Russillo, Nilda Samday, Edgar Rivera, Carmen Torrellas, Francisco Torres, Sonia Torres, Florence Valentine, Irene Vesely, Madeline Volpe, Theresa Wagner. SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 2014 5:00PM Antonio Carovillano 6: 30PM Anna Lopez SUNDAY AUGUST 10, 2014 7:30AM Pro-Populo 9:00AM Antonio Carovillano 10:30AM Angelo & Maria Pozzuto 12:15PM Edward Kaatz & Lubrano Family MONDAY AUGUST 11, 2014 8:00AM Teresa Wagner 9:00AM Francesco, Antonia, Pietro & Giovanni Cipollone TUESDAY AUGUST 12, 2014 8:00AM Filomena Caccavale 9:00AM Lucy Conte WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13, 2014 8:00AM Anna, Rosetta, Luigi, Gina, Angelina & Rosa Porco 9:00AM Francesco Fernicola THURSDAY AUGUST 14, 2014 8:00AM Julian Peter Brucale 9:00AM Wilma Remeny—Zelano 7:30PM Lucy Conte FRIDAY AUGUST 15, 2014 8:00AM Sacred Heart of Mary & Jesus 9:00AM John Davey 10:30AM Carillo & Ierano Families SATURDAY AUGUST 16, 2014 8:00AM Saraya Anagnostidis 9:00AM Rosario Musumeci 5:00PM Rose Polito 6:30PM Pro-Populo SUNDAY AUGUST 17, 2014 7:30PM Carmelo Benzo 9:00AM Antonio Perrino 10:30AM Carlo DiCristofaro 12:15PM Louis Gaetano MANY THANKS We are most grateful to all our wonderful parishioners who have sacrificed so generously by increasing their weekly Sunday contributions. Please know that your weekly increase is for the betterment of St. Theresa Parish, for the building up and improvement of our parish. We are most grateful to all of you who have helped to make a difference in our community. Please continue to help us in order to keep St. Theresa Parish the vital, growing parish that it is your help is vital. Thanks for all you do! Julius C. DiFiore Pilgrim PHARMACY Attorney at Law 2941 Westchester Avenue (cor. Buhre Ave.) 718-823-1085 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WE ACCEPT ALL MEDICARE PART D Rx PLANS !"#$%&'("!)$'*+,(" 6'(578/$$," 3231 Ampere Avenue Bronx, NY 10465 OPEN 7 DAYS 11AM-11PM 718-828-6407 718-792-2803 or 347-657-1750 347-657-1749 Member, St. Theresa Parish Appointments at your convenience FREE DELIVERY • CASH & CREDIT CARDS (MIN. $20) 3036 WESTCHESTER AVE. • BRONX, NY 10461 -(,./01("23.$304$56010,,* Director (718) 824-4500 24 Hour Emergency Medical Services -*@0)"AB"74(@(13"-B-B7B Practice Limited To Orthodontics • Certified Teaching Staff • Extended Hours • Summer Camp • Structured Learning Program • Children Ages 2 to 6 3304 GRISWOLD AVE., BRONX 1228 Pelham Parkway South Bronx, New York ?C95D9DD 9:;5;<=5=>?? “HOME OF CUSTOM CARE” SHORT-TERM REHAB WOUND CARE THERAPY DEMENTIA PROGRAM Scovotti Insurance & Real Estate “Serving the Community For over 60 Years” HOSPICE CARE Paying too much for insurance on your 3 or 4 family house? We make it easy to compare rates! (718) 430-0003 1717 Crosby Avenue • (718) 824-1700 FAX (718) 792-2765 or E-Mail us at: [email protected] This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Pelham Bay Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Service, Inc. Best Catering in the Neighborhood All Occasions Including Baptism Party Confirmation Party Communion Party • Weddings Showers • Baby Showers Cookie Platters Boars Head Platters Mike Febbie at 800-888-4574 x3449 or Email: [email protected] CALVARY HOSPITAL Where Life Continues 718-863-5650 For more than a century, Calvary Hospital has provided care for patients with advanced cancer. Today, at our modern 200-bed facility in the Bronx, our state-of-the-art inpatient unit at Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care, and through Calvary@Home hospice and home care program, we continue this outstanding tradition of compassionate care. AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING, INSTALLATION, AND SERVICE 10,000 Sq. Ft. Sheet Metal Shop FABRICATION FOR THE TRADE Anthony Sassone, Sr.• Mario Marcellino, Jr. Phone (718) 892-8881 Fax (718) 823-3327 396 Morris Park Ave., Bronx, NY 10460 We accept VISA, MasterCard & Discover Joseph M. Landisi, DMD, PLLC Louis Leva, DDS Josephine Sullivan, DDS 1750 Crosby Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461 [email protected] 718.892.1522 For more information, please call 718-518-2300 or visit SLA2012 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JULY 29, 2014 10:47 AM S T . T HERESA , B RONX 04-0637 St. Catharine Academy Higher Education Program (HAP) Family Practice Dentistry & Laser Dental Care 1725 EDISON AVE., LOBBY C, BRONX, NY 10461 !"#"$%&'"()*+,-(,./0*++1 “Celebrating Over 25 Years of Quality Dental Care” for girls entering 7th and 8th grade Visit our two convenient locations: July 7-25, 2014; Register by June 6, 2014 Contact: Tracy Keelin, Program Director 3151 Westchester Ave. 2722 E. Tremont Ave. 718-882-2882 x122 • [email protected] Mon-Sat 7am-9pm Mon-Sat 7am-10pm Sunday 7am-8pm Sunday 7am-9pm 2250 Williamsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10469 James M. Amato P: 718-823-9300 Supervising Pharmacist F: 718-823-9399 Tonnio J. Sementilli - Owner E ye Care U nlimited TOTAL CARE Neighborhood Professional Vision Center Doctors A.J. and Annette Contento and Dr. Evan Kaplan 1748 Crosby Avenue (718) 792-2020 PHARMACY We accept Medicaid, Medicare & Most Insurance Plans Full Selection of Holiday and Seasonal Items 1086 Morris Park Avenue (718) 892-7000 1721 Crosby Ave. Bronx, NY 10461 FREE DELIVERY ¡Atención! CristoVive La Radio invita a los religiosos, predicadores, ministerios de música, y cualquier otro interesado, a participar en nuestro proyecto radial que pronto estarά transmitiendo por Internet y AM. Por fin New York y New Jersey tendrάn lo que no tienen, una emisora cristiana católica en AM. ¡A Dios la gloria! Para información, llamar al 347-725-6331 o visitar ¡El Señor nos bendice! ¡Aleluya! 914-668-3369 john’s auto Diagnostic & Tune Up Specialists Expert Mechanical Repairs John A. Zerafa Free Consultation, 1821 Mahan Ave., Bronx NY 10461 718-828-4540 319 East Third St. Mount Vernon, NY A&A Hutch Deli “Your Neighborhood Convenient Store” Just around the corner from the School & Church 1869 Mayflower Avenue John Cerini 718-829-3200 • 3707 E. TREMONT AVE. BRONX, NY 10465 ICB2012 Auto * Home * Co-Op * Condo * Apartment * Business & Workers Comp. * Payroll Services Personal Income Taxes * Business & Corporate Taxes * Corporate Start-ups * Sales Taxes 718-863-4956 Dolores Batista, Exclusive Agent FAMILY DENTAL CARE GORDON S. KALMANSON, D.D.S. 718-828-6925 24-Hour Customer Service 1827 EDISON AVE. Allstate Insurance Company 1892 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10461 Phone: 718-597-2345 Fax: 718-597-2516 [email protected] Hablamos Español Auto, Home, Business, Life SIRECI FAMILY DENTAL, P.C. FREE CONSULTATION GENERAL DENTISTRY VISIT OUR NEW OFFICE AT: 2861 Bruckner Boulevard 718-829-0455 Providence Rest 718-931-3000 Adult Day Health Care with Transportation Out-Patient Rehab Center Short-term/Subacute Rehab Respite Care Skilled Nursing Child Day Carer For more information call us or visit our website at: Massage Therapy now offered on the Weekends at CURA Physical and Massage Therapy, LLP 1829 Hobart Ave., Bronx, NY 10461 (347) 948-4013 • [email protected] Sat: 9AM-8PM • Sun: 10AM-5PM CARE • COMPASSION • COMMUNITY RALPH GIORDANO Funeral Home Inc. FOUR GENERATIONS OF LICENSED FUNERAL SERVICE Established in 1925 23#$%(45&673'&(8(9&:"$%(45&673'&(8(9&:"$%(45&673'&;(96< = > ? @ A ! ? ( B C ? D E> F ( G H ( D 2 A IC ? A ? ( 8 ( = J > D A E( ? A 2K C = A ( > HF L J A 2A 1727 CROSBY AVE., BRONX, NY 10461 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JULY 29, 2014 10:47 AM Phone Day or Night: (718) 829-5580 S T . T HERESA , B RONX 04-0637
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