Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of the Cape September 10-11, 2016 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016 A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. — Psalm 51:12 Monday, September 12 8:00 a.m. Neil Cronin Tuesday, September 13 8:00 a.m. Florence Duarte (50th anniv.) 11:00 a.m. Ladies’ Guild Mass Wednesday, September 14 8:00 a.m. Louis Iadarola (15th anniv.) Thursday, September 15 8:00 a.m. George Kaliyadan Friday, September 16 8:00 a.m. Leo A. Walsh 11:00 a.m. Nicholas Imondi, Jr. Saturday, September 17 4:00 p.m. Sam & Mary Reed Sunday, September 18 7:00 a.m. Helen Connah 8:30 a.m. Intentions of the Parish Family 10:00 a.m. Deceased Members of the Conrow & Maulucci Families 11:30 a.m. George Ryan THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THE PARISH! September 3-4: Harvest Sunday: $ 14,882.00 $ 3,962.00 Page 1 FEAST OF OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE: September 19 is the 170th anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparition at La Salette, France, which has become the feast of our parish. The parish has begun a novena to Our Lady of La Salette this past Friday and will end on Saturday the 17th. On the weekend of September 17-18, we will celebrate the feast of Our Lady of La Salette. A second collection will be taken up at the Masses for the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette in support of their elderly and infirm members and for their young men in formation. Our parish is served by La Salette Missionaries since its beginning in 1961. Come to celebrate the feast with a special meal at the Parish Center on Sunday, September 18, at 12:30 p.m. RSVP by this Tuesday, September 13. INVOCATION Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinner, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to thee. GRANDPARENTS’ MORNING OF PRAYER AND REFLECTION: In connection with national Grandparents’ Day, come join us on Wednesday, September 14, for our Grandparents’ Morning of Prayer and Reflection, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. We will reflect upon the special meaning that grand-parenting gives to our lives and our faith, as well as the blessing of each grandchild. We will share our stories and offer prayers for our loved ones. The program will be led by Kathy Russo. Contact her with any questions at [email protected] or call (508) 385-3252 ext. 14. To sign up, please email Happy at [email protected] or call her at (508) 385-3252 ext. 10. INTERFAITH BOOK GROUP: A new interfaith book group will be meeting October 3, 17 & 24, 31, 9:30-11AM. We will meet to discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si, On Care For Our Common Home. More information will follow next week. Our Lady of the Cape September 10-11 2016 Page 2 THRIFT SHOP WEEKLY SPECIAL: 1/2 price on men’s slacks and jeans. Please consider donating your clean, resalable fall/winter clothing, shoes, linens, books, jewelry and household items. Take notice: Teachers, scout leaders, arts and crafters: We have a wonderful selection of yarn, fabrics and notions. Location: Luke’s Plaza, Brewster. Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Donations welcomed until 3:30 p.m. weekdays, and 2:30 p.m. Saturdays. Come see our fall and winter stock! PARISH MINISTRY FAIR A Ministry Fair will be held on October 8-9 after all Masses in the lower level of the Church. In order to get organized for the Fair a planning meeting will be held on Tuesday Sept 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. If the chair or coordinator of your ministry is unable to attend please have a representative from your Ministry attend. Please be prepared to share suggestions, ideas and concerns regarding your Ministry and discuss any changes you may want to see to OLOC website regarding your Ministry. The goal is to share the purpose of each Ministry with parishioners and encourage participation. If you have any questions please contact Anne F. LeMaitre by email [email protected] or text 508-274-5839 THE LADIES GUILD GENERAL MEETING WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, September 13. Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. and will include the Introduction of New Members. A luncheon and business meeting will follow in the Parish Center. Joyce O’Neil will present a slide show of Our Lady of the Cape’s pilgrimage with Father Ray Vaillancourt, M.S. to La Salette, France and Italy in September & October 1998. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: In support of life at every stage, please join the Respect Life Committee in praying the Rosary every third Thursday of the month. Praying the Rosary will begin after the 8:00 a.m. Mass this coming Thursday, September 15. Also, the Respect Life Committee will hold their monthly meeting following the Rosary at 9:00 a.m. in the lower level of the church. GRANT THE DREAM: We thank you for your generous response to the Grant the Dream request. Last week, we have begun the reroofing of the parish center, first project on the list. So far, we have raised $167,000 toward our goal of $300,000. We are in process of getting estimates for a new heating system in the parish center and re-zoning for better energy efficiency. We also learned that the air conditioner in the parish center can no longer be serviced and needs to be replaced. The boiler at Immaculate Conception chapel also needs to be replaced before the winter season. Thank you for your support and contributions. Fr. William RIPPLES There is a ripple effect in all we do. What you do touches me; what I do touches you. —Anonymous THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) is a program designed to help individuals become more informed about the Roman Catholic faith. Participants are those from another denomination who are interested in becoming a Roman Catholic, or Catholics who are already baptized but need to complete the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Application are being accepted now. Class will begin on Tuesday, September 27, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. For further information, please call Bill White (508) 896-2693 or email Bill at [email protected] THE CAPE AND ISLANDS DEANERY invites you to attend a one-day Retreat, entitled “Mary, the Reed of God” to be held at the Sacred Hearts Conference and Retreat Center, 226 Great Neck Road, Wareham, Ma on Thursday, September 15. For more information, please call Peter Celi at (508) 563-2073 or Pat Roach at (508) 349-1641. ONLINE GIVING We have launched our new program of Online Giving, and are off to a great start! If you haven’t signed up yet, please consider doing so. With Online Giving, you can make secure contributions with ease from your bank account or credit card, and simplify your life by set contributing automatically. Your gift can be changed at any time, and you can make one-time donations to special causes such as our Grant the Dream capital fund. Online Giving helps OLC because even during bad weather, or while you are sick or away, you are able to give your financial support. The parish is better able to plan and depend upon your gifts. To sign up for Online Giving, go to our parish website: Look for the Online Giving symbol toward the bottom of the page, click there and fill in the requested information. If you have any questions, please call the parish office at (508) 385-3252. Thank you for your continued support of our parish! HELP NEEDED: Martha Ministry: Members of this ministry assist bereaved families of our parish, their friends and guests after a funeral Mass, by serving provided luncheon. Volunteers help set up, serve and clean. This ministry is a great comfort to grieving families and friends. If you are willing to help with this ministry please call the parish office: 508-585-3252. FIRST DAY OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, SEPTEMBER 25TH: We are still in need of a couple of teachers: Sunday mornings; Monday afternoons or Tuesday evenings. Please contact Priscilla Silva, DRE, at [email protected] if you might be able to teach or team teach. No experience necessary, we will give you all the tools you need! A DAY OF RECOLLECTION WITH FR. ALBERT HAASE, OFM on Saturday, October 1, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the La Salette Retreat Center in Attleboro. Cost $25.00 (lunch provided). For more information or to enroll for the day, please contact the Retreat Center at (508) 222-8530. Our Lady of the Cape Parish Brewster, Massachusetts Pastoral Team Rev. Dr. William V. Kaliyadan, M.S., Pastor Rev. John Dolan, M.S. Rev. Raymond Vaillancourt, M.S. Priscilla Silva, Director of Religious Education Kathy Russo, Adult Faith Formation & Spirituality Becket Senchur, Director of Liturgy & Music Ministries “Happy” Whitman, Administrative Assistant Parish Phone Directory Parish Office & Rectory: 385-3252 Parish Fax: 385-6864 Parish Mass Schedule: 385-3252 Religious Education: 385-2115 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline: 385-7582 Becket Senchur: Prayer Line: Thrift Shop: 896-2950 896-3800 896-9781 896-5377 General Information Monday thru Friday at 8:00 am Friday at 11 am Daily Masses: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:15-3:45 or by appointment Hearing Impaired Units are available at both churches in the sacristies. Baptisms: Registration and preparation session required. Call the parish office 3 months prior to baptism (child need not be born). Weddings: By appointment. Call six months in advance. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: Please notify the Parish Office immediately If any one in the family is seriously ill. Communion for Homebound: Please keep us informed of our sick and others who may be incapacitated so that we might minister to those in need, at home, in the hospital or a nursing home. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First Fridays Noon until 7:45am on First Saturday followed by 8am Mass Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 to 1:00 Weekend Mass Schedule & 2:00 to 4:00 Our Lady of the Cape Church September-May Saturdays: 4:00 pm Sundays: 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am Memorial Day-Labor Day Saturdays: 4:00 pm Sundays: 7, 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 am Immaculate Conception Chapel East Brewster, MA Memorial Day-June July – Labor Day Saturdays: 5:00 pm Saturdays: 5:00 pm Sundays: 9:30 am Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30 am The Chapel is closed after Labor Day until Memorial Day Weekend. WELCOME We extend a warm welcome to all who are visiting or are here for the first time. Make our church a home away from your home. If you attend Our Lady of the Cape Parish regularly and consider this your parish, please take time to register at the Parish Office. We need your help to keep our records current. If there are any births, deaths, marriages, moves, etc. in your family, please notify Happy in the Parish Office. E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Pastor: E-mail: [email protected]