Box Seed Tenders - Strobel Manufacturing


Box Seed Tenders - Strobel Manufacturing
Seed Tenders
The Next Generation.
Box Seed Tenders
Available in 2, 3, 4,
and 6 box models.
Skid models
available in all sizes.
Bulk Seed Tenders
Available in 100, 200, 300
and 400 bushel models.
Skid models
available in all sizes.
105 S. Green Street
Clarks, NE 68628
308.5 4 8 .2 2 5 4
Box Seed Tenders
The Next Generation.
2 Box Standard
Box Seed Tender
Comes with all standard features including a 7.0 horsepower electric
start motor, a folding auger with 14'4" discharge height, telescoping
drop tube, and more.
2 Box Lo-Profile
Box Seed Tender
Same great features as the Standard 2 Box Model with a low profile
design and lower center of gravity. Both 2 Box Models come standard
with 3500 lb torsion axles, with tire size 205/75R15, 5 hole.
3 Box Lo-Profile
Box Seed Tender
Sports a Kohler 9.5 horsepower electric start motor and
6000 lb torsion axles, tire size 205/75R15, 6 hole.
4 Box Lo-Profile
Box Seed Tender
Like the 3 Box Model, this includes the standard features
plus a Kohler 9.5 horsepower electric start engine and
7000 lb torsion axles, tire size 235/85R16, 8 hole.
6 Box Gooseneck
Box Seed Tender
This model fits 6 boxes in a side-by-side design and
features a gooseneck hitch with 10,000 lb torsion
axles, tire size 235/75R17.5, 8 hole, and oil bath hubs.
st robelmfg.c om
308.548 .2 2 5 4
Standard Features
•Electric Start motor
2 Box Model - 7.0 hp
3, 4, & 6 Box Models - Kohler 9.5 hp
•12 Volt Solenoid Operated Clutch
•Folding Auger - 14'4" Discharge Height for Maximum Reach
Waterproof Switch Box
•Switch Operation from End of Discharge Tube
•3-Stage Telescoping Discharge Drop Tube with 19'9" Reach
•Lundell ® Poly-Cupped Flighting for Gentle Seed Handling
•One Handle, All Box Positive Lock Down System
•Electric Brakes on Both Axles
with Brake Away Safety Brakes
•Twin Torsion Axles
•LED Tail, Turn & Brake Lights,
2 5/16" Ball, and Safety Chains
•Heavy Duty Superior ®
Gear Box on Lo-Profile Models
Heavy Duty Superior ®
Gear Box
Folding Auger - 4'4" Discharge Height for Maximum Reach.
Electric/Hydraulic Actuator
Univers i t y St udy
Lundell ® Poly-Cupped Flighting
One Handle, All Box Positive Lock Down System
Optional Equipment
•Dry Talc Applicator Kit
•Liquid Inoculant Kit
•Dual Work Light Kit
•Scale Package (5 bar system)
•Gooseneck Hitch (3, 4, & 6 Box Models)
•Skid Model Available on all sizes
•Wireless Remote Auger Control
Dry Applicator
Liquid Applicator
Dual Work Light
3 Scale Models Available
Skid Models
To fit on Flat Bed Trailer
Available in 2, 3, 4 and 6 box models.
Bulk Seed Tenders
The Next Generation.
BT 100
100 Bushel Bulk Seed Tender
Comes with all standard features including a 7.0 horsepower electric start
motor, a folding auger with 14'4" discharge height, telescoping drop tube,
and 3,500 lb torsion axles, tire size 205/75D15, 5 hole, with electric brakes.
BT 200 Bumper Hitch
200 Bushel Bulk Seed Tender
Same great features as the BT 100, but includes 7,000 lb torsion
axles, tire size 235/85R16, 8 hole, with electric brakes.
BT 200 Gooseneck
200 Bushel Bulk Seed Tender
Same great features as the BT 200 Bumper Hitch model,
but with Gooseneck hitch and 10,000 lb torsion axles,
tire size 235/85R16, 8 hole, with electric brakes.
BT 300
300 Bushel Bulk Seed Tender
Same great features as the BT 200 Gooseneck Hitch
model, with 10,000 lb torsion axles, tire size
235/75R17.5, 8 hole, with electric brakes.
BT 400
400 Bushel Bulk Seed Tender
Same great features as the BT 300,
with 10,000 lb torsion axles, tire size
235/75R17.5, 8 hole, with electric brakes.
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Standard Features
•9.5 hp Kohler Electric Start Motor on 200, 300 and 400 bushel models
•Heavy Duty Superior ® Gear Box
•12 Volt Solenoid Operated Clutch
•Folding Auger - 14'4" Discharge Height for Maximum Reach
•Switch Operation from End of Discharge Tube
•3-Stage Telescoping Discharge Drop Tube with 19'9" Reach
•Lundell ® Poly-Cupped Flighting for Gentle Seed Handling
•Electric Brakes on Both Axles with Brake Away Safety Brakes
Folding Auger - 4'4" Discharge Height for Maximum Reach.
Electric/Hydraulic Actuator
•Twin Torsion Axles
•LED Tail, Turn & Brake Lights, 2 5/16" Ball, and Safety Chains
•Complete light package, full fenders and
10,000 lb center mount jack
•Rollover Tarp (shur-lok)
• Hoppers hold 100+ bushels each with individual shutoff gates
and sight windows
9.5 hp Electric Start Motor
Heavy Duty Superior Gear Box
U n i vers i t y St udy
Lundell ® Poly-Cupped Flighting
Waterproof Switch Box
Rollover Tarp (Shur-Lok)
Optional Equipment
•Dry Talc Applicator Kit
•Liquid Inoculant Kit
•Dual Work Light Kit
•Scale Package (5 bar system)
•Wireless Remote Auger Control
Dry Applicator
Liquid Applicator
Dual Work Light
3 Scale Models Available
Skid Models
To fit on Flat Bed Trailer
Available in 100, 200, 300,
and 400 bushel models.
Product Line
The Next Generation.
Strobel Manufacturing products include:
• Box Seed Tenders
• Bulk Seed Tenders
• Box Scrapers
• Pull-Type Graders
• Forced-Ejection Scrapers
• Earth Packers
• Native Grass Seeders
Pull-Type Graders
• Stalk Cutters
Box Scrapers
Forced-Ejection Scrapers
About Strobel Manufacturing
Strobel Manufacturing was launched in 2008, with a new
ownership team comprised of the next generation
of the firm's founding family.
Strobel Manufacturing (formerly Strobel Industries, Inc.)
has been building quality products and providing exceptional
service since 1946.You’ve come to know and trust the
craftsmanship that remains the hallmark of our business.
“The Next Generation” of Strobel Manufacturing
encompasses our continual goal – To improve our service
to you by becoming a better version of ourselves.
Pictured from left to right are:
Dwight Strobel, Director of Engineering; Shane Strobel, Plant Manager; Steve Strobel, President and Steve’s son Christian Strobel
Our equipment is sold direct and through dealers for applications
in fields and construction sites all over the US.
Earth Packers
Native Grass Seeders
Stalk Cutters
Our Heritage
A Tradition of Building Quality Equipment with Attention to Detail
In 1946, Leonard Strobel began Strobel Blacksmith in Clarks, Nebraska. Strobel Blacksmith
provided welding and blacksmithing services to the greater Clarks area.
In 1969, Leonard and his son Dwight incorporated to form Strobel Industries, Inc. Leonard
designed and built a tree cutter and he and Dwight began manufacturing various types of
farm equipment such as stalk cutters, scrapers, earth packers, etc. Many of today's products
are derivatives of these initial corporate designs. Over the years they have been honed and
improved upon through research, design, testing and most importantly real-life application in
fields and construction sites all over the country.
In 1996, Leonard Strobel, our company's patriarch, passed away. However, the tradition of integrity, character and a
strong work ethic had been deeply engendered into our company's culture and is still found in the products and quality
craftsmanship woven into all facets of the family business today.
Your Local Dealer:
The Next Generation.
105 S. Green Street
Clarks, NE 68628
308.548.225 4