Superposed epoch analysis of ion temperatures during CME
Superposed epoch analysis of ion temperatures during CME
Superposed epoch analysis of ion temperatures during CME- and CIR/HSS-driven storms SM11D-2319 Amy M. Keesee and Earl E. Scime, Department of Physics, West Virginia University Introduction Scientific data collection from both satellites of the TWINS mission began in June 2008 [McComas et al., 2009], enabling the observation of a number of storms driven by either coronal mass ejections (CMEs) or corotating interaction regions associated with high speed solar wind streams (CIR/HSSs). The ion temperature and rate of ion heating in the plasma sheet are important elements of understanding how the dynamics of the ring current and the magnetosphere vary between the two types of storms. Denton et al. [2006] demonstrated that plasma sheet ion temperatures at geosynchronous orbit exhibit a greater average increase for CIR/HSS driven storms than for CME driven storms. For CIR/HSS storms, this increase occurs sharply at convection onset, and the plasma sheet ion temperatures remain elevated for the duration of the storm, which tends to last longer than those driven by CMEs [Denton and Borovsky, 2008]. Ion temperatures during the main phase of the CIR/HSS storm on 22 July 2012 calculated using TWINS energetic neutral atom (ENA) data agreed well with the features observed in the superposed epoch analysis. ENA Flux Projection and Ion Temperature Calculation Storm Selection and Superposed Epoch Analysis Superposed Epoch Analysis Snapshots The Sun is to the right and dusk is up. Three time steps during recovery phase Geosynchronous orbit Date 15‐Jun‐2008 4‐Sep‐2008 11‐Oct‐2008 22‐Jul‐2009 23‐Oct‐2009 15‐Feb‐2010 6‐Apr‐2010 12‐Apr‐2010 2‐May‐2010 29‐May‐2010 4‐Jun‐2010 4‐Aug‐2010 11‐Oct‐2010 12‐Nov‐2010 28‐Dec‐2010 7‐Jan‐2011 1‐Mar‐2011 2‐Apr‐2011 9‐Apr‐2011 12‐Apr‐2011 1‐Jul‐2011 17‐Sep‐2011 26‐Sep‐2011 25‐Oct‐2011 23‐Jan‐2012 25‐Jan‐2012 15‐Feb‐2012 19‐Feb‐2012 27‐Feb‐2012 7‐Mar‐2012 9‐Mar‐2012 12‐Mar‐2012 15‐Mar‐2012 28‐Mar‐2012 13‐Apr‐2012 24‐Apr‐2012 15 Moderate CME Storms Min. Dst >-78 nT ENA flux in each imaging pixel in a given time interval was mapped along a calculated line of site (LOS) and assigned to a spatial bin in a 0.5 x 0.5 RE grid in the xy-plane (GSM coordinates) using a fractional field of view algorithm described by Keesee et al, [2011; 2012]. The effective ion temperature in each spatial bin is calculated by assuming the spectrum is dominated by protons from the hottest point along the LOS and a Maxwellian distribution for the protons. Thus, nn z * ni z * E jENA exp . 32 cx E E 2mi Ti ( z*) Ti ( z*) (1) In Equation 1, z* is the location of the hottest point along the LOS, σcx is the energy-dependent charge exchange cross-section [Freeman and Jones, 1974], nn is the neutral density, ni is the ion density, and ξ is a characteristic width [Scime and Hokin, 1992] resulting from the approximation. These assumptions are only valid in regions of the magnetosphere that are “optically” thin to ENAs. The region within 3 RE of the Earth is excluded from our analysis for this reason. An exponential fit to the scaled flux versus energy measurements yields an effective ion temperature for the hottest region along the LOS. 15 CIR/HSS Storms Ion Temperature Averages Full View Geosynchronous Region 6.5 RE < r < 7.0 RE Three time steps centered at zero epoch (minimum Sym-H) All 36 Storms 15 Moderate CME Storms Min. Dst >-78 nT 15 CIR/HSS Storms Forty-eight storms were selected from the period from June 2008 to April 2012. Storms were sorted by driver using the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Weekly Reports. Sorting yielded 21 CME-driven storms and 15 CIR/HSSdriven storms. Superposed epoch analyses were performed for the following combinations: all 36 storms, 21 CME storms, 6 intense CME storms (minimum Dst < -78 nT), 15 moderate CME storms (-78 nT < minimum Dst < -41 nT), and 15 CIR/HSS storms. ENA data was analyzed from 12 hours prior to minimum hourly averaged Dst to 24 hours following minimum Dst. Data was divided in time steps of 24 minutes (20 instrument actuator sweeps). The time of minimum SymH (minute-averaged) from OmniWeb was defined as zero epoch. The temperatures from each storm in a given time and spatial bin are averaged to obtain the temperature in the superposed epoch analysis maps. Storm temperatures greater than 20 keV, generally caused by large errors in the ENA flux values at higher energies, are considered unphysical and are discarded prior to averaging. Spatial bins with less than 5 temperature values to be averaged are ignored. Dst values from Kyoto WDC; (*times shown -1 hour from those on Kyoto site to convert to 0-23 hour scale). Sym-H values from OmniWeb. Re-sampling to address observational bias in measurement statistics More ion temperature values toward dusk 15 Moderate CME Storms Min. Dst >-78 nT While the 2D ion temperature images demonstrate a dawn-dusk asymmetry, it can be seen from the count plots that the instrument field of view covers the duskward side of the magnetosphere more often. Thus, we must be careful to consider whether that dawn-dusk asymmetry is caused by an observational bias. To do this, we have performed a re-sampling analysis of the 15 moderate CME storms. The 15 storms were randomly ordered. Then, each spatial bin was filled until it reached 5 ion temperature values, from which the average ion temperature was calculated. This was performed for 4 different random storm orderings. The 2D ion temperature images in two time steps for these 4 resamplings are shown. The top row is at storm peak (minimum Dst) and the bottom row is during the recovery phase. The dusk-dawn asymmetry appears consistently, though it appears more pronounced in the recovery phase. 2D images on the right show the number of ion temperature values used to calculate the average ion temperatures shown in the 2D images on the left. 21 CME Storms 6 Intense CME Storms Min. Dst <-78 nT Min. Time of Min. Time of Dst min Dst Sym‐H Min. Sym‐ (nT) (UT)* (nT) H (UT) Storm Driver ‐41 5:00 ‐49 5:15HSS ‐51 4:00 ‐67 3:05HSS ‐54 11:00 ‐65 11:29HSS ‐78 6:00 ‐95 5:54HSS ‐45 2:00 ‐56 1:00faint halo CME ‐58 22:00 ‐64 0:08**CME ‐73 14:00 ‐76 14:12halo CME ‐56 1:00 ‐81 2:03CME ‐67 17:00 ‐77 20:16HSS ‐85 12:00 ‐73 12:06halo CME ‐47 1:00 ‐58 0:55HSS ‐65 4:00 ‐72 4:42CME ‐79 18:00 ‐76 18:55partial halo CME ‐41 4:00 ‐53 3:21CME ‐42 17:00 ‐47 16:31CME ‐41 6:00 ‐46 6:30HSS ‐61 14:00 ‐71 14:22HSS ‐41 2:00 ‐40 2:09HSS ‐41 2:00 ‐38 2:13HSS ‐47 9:00 ‐57 9:04HSS ‐47 7:00 ‐59 7:22HSS ‐63 15:00 ‐63 18:29CME ‐103 23:00 ‐116 21:19CME ‐123 5:00 ‐135 3:47CME ‐69 5:00 ‐87 5:01CME ‐73 10:00 ‐82 10:45CME ‐58 16:00 ‐59 14:09slow CME ‐54 4:00 ‐76 3:54HSS ‐48 19:00 ‐62 19:18CME ‐75 9:00 ‐98 6:52CME ‐133 8:00 ‐150 8:13CME w/sus. SWBz ‐50 16:00 ‐67 16:55CME ‐74 20:00 ‐79 19:53CME ‐56 4:00 ‐68 4:46HSS w/sus. SWBz ‐45 5:00 ‐56 7:52HSS ‐102 4:00 ‐125 3:26CME 15 CIR/HSS Storms Discussion Ion temperatures during the CIR/HSS driven storms were ~2-3 keV lower than those during CME driven storms, on average. For CME driven storms, the ion temperatures appear to decrease during the storm main phase, then remain steady during storm recovery. This signature was most apparent in the intense CME storms. In contrast, ion temperatures increase during the recovery phase of CIR/HSS driven storms. Average ion temperatures in the region of geosynchronous orbit were similar to the average values for the full view shown (within 20 RE of the Earth). There appears to be higher temperatures toward dawn than dusk, which is the opposite dawn-dusk asymmetry than has been observed in the magnetotail in long-time averages using in situ measurements [Wang et al., 2006; Guild et al., 2008], in Magnetospheric Specification Model (MSM) simulations [Wang et al., 2003], during quiet magnetospheric conditions using our technique [Keesee et al., 2011] and in the inner magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms using our technique [Scime et al., 2002]. An initial re-sampling analysis has been performed that indicates that the observed dawn-dusk asymmetry is not caused by observational bias. We note that this asymmetry is observed outside of geosynchronous orbit, and that the opposite asymmetry can be observed within geosynchronous orbit. Specifically, a cool region is observed consistently in the dawn-noon sector, as is consistent with in situ geosynchronous measurements [Denton et al., 2006]. The MSM simulations by Wang et al., [2003] do show an enhancement in dawn temperatures during active periods, though not as high as the dusk temperatures. We will compare the ion energy spectra observed in the dawn and dusk sectors during individual storms to gain a better understanding at what is causing the increased ion temperatures at dawn. storm peak recovery phase