The Catholic Community Divine Savior of
The Catholic Community Divine Savior of
Norridge, IL The Catholic Community ofDivine Savior THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 Page Two THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 Halloween (All Saints Eve) Liturgy and “Boo!Nanza” — October 31st Parents, bring all of your ‘lil ghosts and goblins to our Halloween Liturgy, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 31st, as we celebrate All Saints Day. All children are invited to attend this special liturgy in their Halloween costumes. We will have special reserved seating for our families, and the children will participate in the Halloween (All Saints Eve) story during Mass. After Mass, the celebration will continue with our “Boo!Nanza” upstairs in the parish hall, featuring treats for all our children, pizza and refreshments for the kids and Octoberfest food and drinks for adults. EVERYONE is welcome to attend! Saint Vincent de Paul efforts for our parish families in need. Our Vincent de Paul will be meeting this week to plan our Thanksgiving and Christmas outreach efforts for those individuals and families among us who find themselves in material need at this time. You’ll recall we send a meal to them at Thanksgiving and share the proceeds from our Advent Make Christmas Happen collection at Christmas time, along with our gifts from our Advent Giving Tree and gifts for families from Saint Eulalia, our sharing parish. Do you know of a family who needs some help or is there some way we can be of help or support to you in a difficult circumstance at this time? All help is given discreetly and confidentially. Just let us know by contacting the parish office (708-456-9000) or returning this form through the collection, mail, or in person. You may also email us at [email protected]. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————- I am aware of a family from our parish community of Divine Savior in need of material help: Their Name___________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________email__________________________________ Your name (optional) if we need more information___________________________________ Page Three THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 You Can Help Families in need at Thanksgiving working with our Vincent de Paul and Human Concerns Commission ∗ Bring your offering of canned goods and non-perishables to the containers marked for this collection in our vestibule. We will use these offerings to create baskets for families in need and deliver them in time for their Thanksgiving dinner. We will also assist Saint Eulalia with some of what you offer for their families in need as well. ∗ Help us assemble our Thanksgiving Baskets. Everyone is welcome to help out. We will meet in our church vestibule Saturday, November 10th at 10:30 am, to put them together and to deliver them. ∗ May God bless your concern for those struggling in our parish community and neighborhood. Upcoming Liturgical Celebrations for our Catholic Community of Divine Savior ∗ Thursday, November 1st, The Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy Day of Obligation. Parish liturgies celebrated Wednesday evening October 31st, Vigil Mass at 7:00 pm (for those who work and cannot attend during the day) and Thursday, November 1st, at 9:00 am (there will be no 7:30 am Mass on Thursday, November 1st). ∗ The Feast of All Souls, Friday, November 2nd. Liturgies at 7:30 am and our Liturgy of Commemoration remembering those buried from our parish family at 7:00 pm. ∗ Communal Liturgy of Anointing for Divine Savior and Our Lady, Mother of Church parishioners celebrated at Our Lady, Mother of the Church next Saturday, November 3rd at 11:00 am with lunch afterwards. A Parish Celebration for The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Parish Lighting of our Advent Tree Wednesday, December 12th at 7:00 pm Would you like to be part of the planning? This year our parish family will celebrate this great Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe with prayer together and a “Festa” after, when we light our Advent Tree in hopeful anticipation of the coming of our Savior! This is one of the great cultural feasts of all Latino families, and many of them are part of our parish community. You are invited to help us plan and celebrate on this blessed day! Our young persons from our Religious Education program will join us in celebrating this enriching and prayerful evening. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I/We would like to be part of the planning for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe and our Advent Tree Lighting Wednesday December 12th at 7:00 pm. Name _________________________ Phone ___________________ email ____________________________ Address_____________________________________ best time to contact you ________am __________pm Return to our parish office through the collection, mail, or in-person or email us at [email protected]. Page Four THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 Our Lady, Mother of the Church and Divine Savior Please join us for some food, fun, and goodwill. Potbelly will be donating 25% percent of their sales to MASS OF ANOINTING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2012 11:00 AM OUR LADY, MOTHER OF THE CHURCH 8747 W. LAWRENCE AVENUE LUNCHEON FOLLOWS Monday, November 5th, 2012 from 5pm-8pm For reservations, please call the OLMC rectory at (773) 625-3369 by Tuesday, October 30th. WEEKLY OFFERING October 20/21 Loose Cash: Cash in Envelopes: Total received: Envelopes used: 402 $ 576.27 $ 6,320.00 $ 6,896.27 Divine Savior Church 4207 N. Harlem Norridge, IL (708) 457-0452 ATTENTION: LECTORS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & ALTAR SERVERS Schedules covering the period from December 1/2 through February 23/24 will be completed shortly. Please call the rectory office by Noon on Tuesday, November 6th with any vacation times or schedule preferences. When a Family Member is Hospitalized. . . Please notify the parish office, 708-456-9000, when a family member is hospitalized. Because of HIPPA (privacy) laws, Resurrection Medical Center and other hospitals are no longer permitted to notify us when parishioners are admitted to the hospital. PLEASE KEEP OUR SICK AND HOMEBOUND IN YOUR PRAYERS Please remember Dorothy Aiello, Roberta Allen, Bienvenido Arquiza, Joseph Bachmeier, Dante Bellinaso, Helen Bertone, Marilee Cass, Ken Chernich, Debra Connelly, Bridget Connolly, Rosella Cooper, Eleanor Coyne, Angela Dalton, Daisy Drozda, LaVerne Dziekan, Elvera Fulhorst, Leticia Garcia, Juanita Ghilarducci, Kaye Giamalva, Rita Gignac, Lucille Glassner, Lucille Gomoluch, Theresa Gorogianis, Kay Hayden, Carl Heinrichs, Gina Hess, Sylvia Johnnic, Alice Jurek, Leo Kubala, Frank Lucas, Frank Maggio, Mary Marino, Ethel Marzano, James Melnychuk, Jerome Merges, Rose Monty, Ernest Morris, Tom Neuhengen, Stephanie Niedbala, Genevieve Obrzut, Luke O’Donnell, Kris Olson, Edward Pasdiora, Sr., Clara Pawlick, Florence Porada, Grace Provenzano, Theresa Raimondi, Ted Regan, Frances Rehfuss, Joseph Santelli, John Szaflik, Mary Sloboda, Vincent Thome, Fr. Ron Turcich, Anthony Ungaro, Alexis Velasco, Lin Vinicky, Virginia Volgarino, Terri Warnke, Emily Wodzien, Randall Zornow, Cardinal Francis George, and all parishioners, family members, and friends in your prayers. Please pray as well for all who have died this past week. May they now rest in eternal peace. FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Next weekend, November 3/4, the targeted items for our weekly food collection are: SPAGHETTI & SPAGHETTI SAUCE, CANNED VEGETABLES & FRUITS, HOT & COLD CEREALS, POWDERED MILK, CANNED FRUIT, PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY. The food pantry at our sharing parish, St. Eulalia in Maywood, IL, is in great need of the donations we receive each week. God bless you for your continued generosity to assist our sharing parish. Page Five THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 All Souls Day In Loving Memory of Family and Friends The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them. They seemed, in the view of the foolish to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction and their going forth from us, utter destruction. But they are in peace. Wisdom 3: 1-3 DECEASED MEMBERS OF DIVINE SAVIOR PARISH NOVEMBER, 2011 — OCTOBER, 2012 Rose Allegretti Margaret Barone Frank Bellamia Joyce Borchek Carol Buttita Vivian Cazolas Cindy Cicardo Salvatore Cirone Genevieve Crays Giacomo D’Aniello Beatrice Davi Donato Deserio Peter DiChristofano Serafin DiGiglio Frank DiPiazza Ellen Doherty Frank Dziekan Sr. Loretta Fabish, SSND Nicoletta Faso James McInrue Theresa Feehan Halina Miara Sr. Ladislas Gogowski, SSND Danny Milazzo Angelo Ghilarducci James Novello Joan Gosiewski Annie O’Donnell Leona Grizzi Bronislawa Piton Lina Hamilton Ralph Pucci Mildred Haraburda Catherine Reinicke Sr. Elizabeth Hegarty, SSND Olga Quinnett Lorraine Helsper Marilyn Schmidt Deborah Herion Evelyn Soboleski Helen Iwan Maria Sparano Philip Iwan Mary Louise Spizziri Sr. Mary Stella Szewczyk, SSND Michael Joyce Pearl Tefft Genevieve Kakareka Jean Tornabene Chester Kowalczyk Iu Lum Li Sr. Brigid Mattingly, SSND Memorial Shrine during November The Church has a long history of praying for the deceased, especially during November, the month we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints Day and the Feast of All Souls, when we remember in prayer those called home by the Lord, that they now experience the joy and peace of communion with the Saints, the Redeemed, and our Savior forever. You will find a Book of Remembrance at our Memorial Shrine to our deceased to inscribe the names of loved ones you wish remembered to be prayed for all during the month of November, dedicated to the Poor Souls in purgatory. This Book will be carried in the Offertory Procession at our All Souls Liturgy of Commemoration Friday November 2nd at 7:00pm, the Feast of All Souls, when we commemorate their lives in God. To honor their memory, you are invited to bring pictures and memorial cards of your departed family members to our Memorial Shrine, to be included in our display honoring the lives of those we have loved dearly in this life. Page Six THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 Annual Parish Financial Report: July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 In today’s bulletin, on the next page, you will see a comparative summary report of parish finances for the past two fiscal years. As you look at the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2012, in comparison to the previous fiscal year, the following information will be helpful to consider. ♦ Collections The most important source of income for our operating budget, as you certainly know, is the income received from our collections, Sunday, Holy Day, Christmas, Easter, and Other Collections (Flowers, Initial Offering, etc.). This year our Sunday and Holy Day income was slightly higher than the previous year; however decreases in other collections are a cause for concern. We ask all of our parishioners for a consistent effort to support our parish each week at whatever level your financial circumstances permit. Our weekly collection income should average at least $7,500 per week. In the coming months we will begin to offer the opportunity for electronic giving as many parishes are already doing. Many of you may find this an easier way to offer your financial support in a more convenient and consistent manner. Please watch the bulletin for additional information. ♦ Lease & Rental Income and Fund Raising Lease and rental income has enabled us to meet our expenses and balance our budget; however the leasing of our convent space is presently the only source of rental income. Because of space issues and financial constraints, the Academy of St. Priscilla has closed and left the space they previously leased in our school building. As a result, our lease and rental income has decreased. A very successful Summerfest in 2011 increased our fundraising income over the previous year. A rainy Sunday this year, however, has had a significant impact on Summerfest 2012, and so at this point, our fundraising income for the current fiscal year is down by $13,000. This also points to the fact that our regular weekly collection income must be the most important source of our operating budget because we can’t always accurately anticipate nor depend on fundraising revenue. ♦ Expenses Every effort has been made to continue to be very careful in managing our expenses, and as you can see in the figures on the next page, while there have been some increases and decreases in various expense categories, we have not seen any measurable increase in our overall expenses for this past fiscal year. ♦ Salaries Salary and benefit increases have followed Archdiocesan guidelines over the past fiscal year. Salary issues for the current fiscal year were addressed during the budget process and, as previously reported in the bulletin, some necessary staffing changes had to be made. ♦ Looking Ahead We are now beginning to see the transformation of our worship space with our new flooring and expanded altar platform and sanctuary area. Work will continue as the baptismal font is completed in the back of the church, along with the enhancement of the sound system. It is only through the efforts of all who have contributed to our flooring campaign that this has been possible. As a parish community, we should be very proud of what we have been able to accomplish. At the same time, we know that we have an ongoing responsibility to be good stewards of the faith community where we worship each week. Please make every effort to do your fair share to support our parish to the extent that you are able to do so. We are grateful for all you have done and will continue to do to support our faith community. Page Seven THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 DIVINE SAVIOR INCOME & EXPENSES FOR FISCAL YEARS ENDING: JUNE 30, 2012 JUNE 30, 2011 ORDINARY OPERATING REVENUE 1. Sunday & Holy Day Collections 2. Christmas Collection 3. Easter Collection 4. Other Collections for Parish 5. Religious Ed. Tuition/Fees 6. Lease & Rental Income 7. Fund Raising Income 8. Interest & Investment Income 9. Auxiliary Group Donations 10. Misc. Income (Stipends, Stole Fees, Vigil Lights, Donations) $ 358,639 27,109 27,177 3,707 23,070 40,420 75,361 329 3,000 26,092 $ 357,034 30,913 31,744 4,231 23,820 59,338 71,386 371 3,250 25,877 11. Total Operating Revenue $ 584,904 $ 607,964 ORDINARY OPERATING EXPENSES 12. Salaries 13. Benefits (Health Ins., FICA Tax, Pension, Professional Growth) 14. Books & Supplies 15. Administrative Expenses 16. Transportation 17. Food Service & Meals 18. Telephone 19. Heating Fuel 20. Electricity 21. Other Utilities 22. Maintenance & Building Repairs 23. Interest Expense 24. Altar & Liturgical Supplies 25. Furnishings/Equipment 26. Archdiocesan Assessment 27. PRMAA Assessment 28. Property/Casualty Insurance 29. Auto Insurance—Priest Vehicle 30. Misc. Expense (Meetings/Speakers, Hospitality, Gifts/Donations) $ 275,203 70,288 14,235 14,132 1,146 9,249 4,882 26,632 25,261 2,110 41,316 0 19,773 12,665 53,496 18,720 28,436 1,050 30,246 $ 267,135 69,725 13,462 14,164 1,836 8,968 4,636 32,767 20,053 1,947 39,870 0 30,348 4,980 60,012 21,000 29,580 1,050 27,218 31. Total Operating Expenses $ 648,840 $ 648,751 32. Net Excess (Deficit) of Revenue over Expenses $ (63,936) $ (40,787) 33. Unpaid Bills to the Archdiocese 34. Loan Payments to the Archdiocese 35. Total Parish Debt $ $ $ $ $ $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page Eight THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME We welcome into our Parish Family October 28, 2012 SUMMERFEST 2012 Our Special Events Committee met last week for our Summerfest wrap-up, and we are happy to report a profit of $55,000 for our parish. Weather is the one factor that can’t be controlled, so despite the rain on Sunday that held down attendance significantly, we are most grateful for the hard work of so many people who once again made this a very successful parish fundraiser. We appreciate the support of our sponsors and everyone in our parish and throughout the Norridge community. Divine Savior is indeed blessed by many wonderful people who have been part of making Summerfest happen for these past twenty years. God bless you all! Tyler James Gruber Parents—Kevin & Tracy Gruber Catholic Campaign for Human Development The Catholic Campaign for Human Development funds programs in communities across the United States where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Your support helps end poverty one community at a time. During the weekend of November 10/11 we are pleased to welcome a guest speaker representing Metropolitan Tenants Organization. The Metropolitan Tenants Organization (MTO) is a grassroots organization working to improve the lives of tenants throughout Chicago. For more information about MTO please visit PRAYER OF THE WEEK Almighty ever-living God, increase our faith, hope and charity, and make us love what you command, so that we may merit what you promise. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. SUNDAY COFFEE AND…. Join us next Sunday, November 4th, in the Vestibule after all Masses. Our Coffee Social gives us all an opportunity to connect with other parishioners who we see every Sunday and to get to know our Parish Family, even if it is only for a few minutes. Divine Prayer Group Invites All Parishioners to Charismatic Mass and Healing Service Order forms for our November Market Day Sale are available in the vestibule. Orders are due Tuesday, November 6th, and may be placed in the box in the vestibule or dropped off at the rectory office. Online orders may be placed at until 11:00 PM on Friday, November 9th. Pick-up is Tuesday, November 13th, from 1:15-2:15 PM or from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, in the church vestibule. Presider: Father John Harvey Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:45 PM—Songs of Praise Mass to follow Divine Savior Church Contact: Ron Battaglia (773) 775-5827 Refreshments will be served after Mass Page Nine THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 Page Ten THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2012 7:30 AM— JAMES MCINRUE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2012 7:30 AM— DOROTHY LOBIANCO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2012 7:30 AM— MARGARET BARONE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ALL SAINTS DAY 7:30 AM— ROY & LEONA GRIZZI OSZAKIEWSKI & GRABOWSKI FAMILIES FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2012 ALL SOULS DAY 7:30 AM— JEAN BOULET JOHN BREDIN JUNE BUSH VITO CARBONARA PATRICIA “TRICIA” LEWAN-DERRICK ROY & LEONA GRIZZI REV. STEPHEN TEBES EDMUND WICZYNSKI INSERRA, BOULET, & DILLIE FAMILES OSZAKIEWSKI & GRABOWSKI FAMILIES DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE RAFA & WEST FAMILIES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2012 VIGIL: 31TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM— DEBORAH HERION MARIA MANCINI ADELE PASTORINO DOROTHY PILS KAY & RAY REINICKE SPECIAL INTENTIONS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2012 31TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 AM— HILLARD CASTAN EILEEN GEIGER ARLENE & PHILIP PELLICORE FRANCISKZA TYLKA SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2012 31TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9:30AM— VINCENZO & MARIA CAMPISI GIUSEPPE & CATERINA CAMPISI MARY MARGARET COBAN ROSARO & GIACOMA GERACI SALVATORE & ANTONINA GERACI BETTY GLOMSKI DOMENICO & ANNA IANNELLI BERNICE , LADISLAUS, & FRANK KOZIARA MARY & FRANK KOZIOL STANISLAW KURDA ANDRZEJ LIZAK MARY & PETER MIECZYKOWSKI LEONARD F. STANCY 11:30 AM— NICOLETTA & GIUSEPPE FASO READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ephesians 4:32—5:8; Luke 13:10-17 Tuesday: Ephesians 5:21-33; Luke 13:18-21 Wednesday: Ephesians 6:1-9; Luke 13:22-30 Thursday: Friday: All Saints Day Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12a All Souls Day Wisdom 3:1-9; Romans 5:5-11 John 6:37-40 Saturday: Philippians 1:18b-26; Luke 14:1, 7-11 Sunday: 31th Sunday in Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 6:2-6; Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 12:28b-34 MINISTERS AND SERVERS SCHEDULE FOR WEEKEND OF NOV. 3/4 4:00 PM 7:30 AM Presider Lector Fr. Alcantara Yvonne Kwasinski Peter Wang Susan Kukielka Elizabeth Kwasinski John Caponigro Tessie Wang Brianna Susmarski Brittany Susmarski Dominic Sulimowski Doris Murar John Puetz Dorothy Ellsworth Nancy Sulimowski Arlene Puetz James Mikucki Diane Jarosz Patricia Frendreiss Joey Krasinski Domenica Ferdinardo Sarah Mahoney Zita Ong Tim Fitzpatrick Alessandra Pontarelli Fr. Holbrook Eucharistic Ministers 9:30 AM Fr. LoBianco Tom Macek Pat Patzelt Debbie Patzelt Gabriela Krasinski 11:30 AM Fr. LoBianco Santo Faso Mary Beth Schaefer Mary Sammarco Joe Cernick Servers Page Eleven THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 28, 2012 MISSION STATEMENT OF THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF DIVINE SAVIOR We are a faith community that seeks the fullest relationship with Jesus, by our communion with each other, through the Eucharist, Sacraments, Prayer, and Service. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Rev. Richard J. LoBianco THIS WEEK Tuesday: — Morris Drop-In 8:00 AM—Parish Hall Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Ms. Mary E. Coban Assisting Priests Rev. Miguel B. Alcantara Rev. Terrence A. Mc Carthy Coordinator of Music Ministry Mrs. Mary Herman Bulletin Editor — Bible Discussion Group 10:00 AM—Rectory Wednesday: — All Saints Day Mass of Anticipation 7:00 PM Mrs. Linda Gurklis — Prayer Group 7:45 PM—Rectory Coordinator of Adult Formation Mr. Frank Lizak 7740 W. Montrose Avenue Norridge, IL 60706 (708) 456-9000 Fax: (708) 456-7838 E-mail: [email protected] Website: WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Every Saturday: 3:15 - 3:45 PM. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM One Sunday a Month. Please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please call the rectory. Thursday: — All Saints Day Liturgy 9:00 AM (NO 7:30 AM Liturgy) Friday: — All Souls Day Liturgies 7:30 AM & 7:00 PM THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed. -- Psalm 126:3 The saint does everything that any other decent person does, only somewhat better and with a totally different motive. --Coventry Patmore
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