MSOG _ Newsletter - May 2009


MSOG _ Newsletter - May 2009
March 01, 2016
Jumaada al-Awwal 21, 1437 AH
Muslim Society of Guelph Funeral Service
Evening and Weekends Programs
Arabic. Quran, and Islamic Education
Inside this issue:
Islamic Studies, by Hafiz Mohammad Mubeen Butt
Friday evenings, from 6 pm to 8 pm (5-7 pm during winter)
List of upcoming events
IQRA, Journey to Quran, and Quran 101, by Shamsa Malik
Sat/Sun morning, from 10 am to 2:30 pm (except holidays)
Prayer Timing
Arabic Language Learning Class, managed by Tamer Gamel
Sunday afternoon, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm (except holidays)
Excerpt of the month
Youth Article for February
For more information about each program please visit us online: and click on “Education”
Word Search
Halal food outlets
Masajid in the area
MSOG Finance info
Programs at MSOG
Banking Charges / Fees
Utilities (Hydro, Union Gas, Phone, Internet)
Cleaning Services
Cleaning Supplies
Meezan School Financial Support
Total Monthly Expenses of MSOG
Meezan School
Appreciation dinner/
The Meezan School
Appreciation /Fundraising
dinner proposed on 2nd week
A new date and information to
be announced later
March 01, 2016
Jumaada al-Awwal 21, 1437
Quran Classes, by Imam Ibrahim Gangat
Monday to Thursday, from 6 pm to 8 pm (5-7 pm during winter)
Monthly Operational Expenses of Muslim Society of Guelph and Meezan School
Muslim Society of Guelph
Volume 2, Issue 2
MSOG has programs for our youth and children…
seven days a week!
Give your
share to
show you
The Muslim Society of Guelph has full arrangements for funeral
services. This includes releasing a body from the hospital and/or
pickup from home. Providing ghusul (bathing), shrouding, and
coffin. We have a cart and stretcher with a carrying bag. Our
facility is equipped with all amenities to properly prepare the
body. The cost to open and close the graveyard is approximately
$2800 (paid directly to Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery). The cost
associated with the preparation of the body (including cloth, coffin, and transportation) is covered through the fee; however, if a
family cannot afford this, the Muslim Society of Guelph will cover it through Zakat and Sadaqa funds.
For more information please visit our website or contact one of
the following people:
1) Nyazuddin Ahmed
3) Amir Riaz
519-822-2902 (h)
519-760-0200 (c)
2) Iftekhar Sheikh
4) Imam Ibrahim Gangat
519-822-0119 (h)
519-830-9119 (c)
Page 4
Important Dates
Ramadan Begin Date
Monday, June 6, 2016
Wednesday July 6, 2016
Did you know…
Hajj Date
Saturday September 10, 2016
Allah has emphasized the importance of neglecting
the rights of parents at multiple occasions in the
Quran, with tremendous emphasis.
Sunday, September 1, 2016
Allah Almighty says “And your creator has decided
that you worship none but him alone and that you be
dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them
attain old age in your life, say not to them even a word
of disrespect, Nor shout at them, but address them in
terms of honor.” (17:23)
What status has Islam given to relatives?
Just to list a few…
Mother = Paradise is beneath the mothers feet (Nasaee)
Father = Allah's happiness is in the fathers happiness (Tirmizee)
Son = A righteous boy is a great virtue for his parents (Meezanul Hikamh)
Daughter = A daughter Is a shield for her parents from hell fire (Bukhari)
Wife = The best worldly accomplishment is a pious wife (Muslim)
Husband = The more a person is faithful the more he loves his wife (Mustadrak)
Milad un Nabi,
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Marriage Certificate
“There are three
Licensed Marriage
Counselors in our
Community. Ask the
Executive Committee if
you would like to
conduct Nikah/Marriage
Queries & Question?
Please write to
Hafiz M. Mubeen Butt
[email protected]
Current Executive Committee:
Farooq Ahmed
[email protected]
Golam Moula
[email protected]
Midrarullah Khan
[email protected]
Muhammed Sayyed
[email protected]
Nyazuddin Ahmed
[email protected]
Sohail Khan
[email protected]
Tamer Gamel
[email protected]
Wasim Iqbal
[email protected]
The Guide
Truthfulness: A quality hard-possessed at times
Throughout our lives we face thousands upon thousands of accounts where our imaan and faith are put
to test. Our boss, employer, teacher, parent, spouse
or even our child enquires about something which
begins the process of temptation to something
wrongful. At the time, the whispers of Shaytaan
(Satan), or the whispers of our nafs (soul) that have
been trained by Shaytaan, try to conceal the truth for
what appears to be an easy way out or even a compromise to further inquire into what, one believes, is
likely wrongful. If one is not resilient to the smallest
of temptations, as Islam teaches us, one lie leads to
another and another until they multiply and pile-up
so high. Then, we start to regret hiding the reality
from the beginning and realize the deception of
Shaytaan, with some hope, was regretful after all.
Allah Almighty says in the Quran, “Had they remained true to Allah, it would have been better for
them” (chapter 47 verse 21) and, furthermore, states,
“O believers, fear Allah and remain among the truthful” (chapter 9, verse 119). From these verses we can
clearly see Allah has warned us from even taking part
in the company of the people who are habitual to
lying, hence that bad trait may lurk into us and we
may not even be aware. Nevertheless, Allah uses a
Duaa/Zikr of the month
The Guide
word which is termed in the Arabic language as
an order or command, saying “and remain with
the truthful.” Hence we are ordered by Allah to be
among the truthful—the greatest benefit being a
commitment to ourselves to be truthful and to
possess the great quality of truthfulness that will
easily be maintained through our lives. Someone
once beautifully said, “you are only going to be as
good as the people you surround yourself with,
so be brave enough to stay away from those who
keep weighing you down.” In summary, Ibn
Masood (RA) narrates that the messenger of
Allah said “Truthfulness conveys a person towards righteousness, and righteousness conveys a
person to paradise. A person habitually speaks
the truth until he/she is recorded by Allah as a
siddeeq (an extremely truthful person). Falsehood
(lying) conveys a person towards evil, and evil
conveys a person towards the Hell-fire. A person
habitually lies until he/she is recorded by Allah as
a liar.” (Bukhari, Muslim). May Allah keep us
among the truthful! Ameen.
As a Muslim, we each need to recognize that it is our responsibility to maintain a connection with Allah and remain spiritually fit and active. A great and fairly simple approach to do
so was shown to us by our Prophet Mohammad (peace and
blessings be upon him). Throughout his day and night, going
about different tasks of life, he would recite certain passages
to strengthen his spiritual connection with his creator. At one
occasion Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) even went
to the extent of saying “Who-so-ever does not ask Allah,
Allah will become angry with him” (Hadith of Abu Hurerah
in Musnad Ahmad).
Abu Hurerah narrates that the messenger of Allah said “Two
statements are beloved to The Mercuful (Allah), they are easy
to say and heavy on the scale: “Glory be to Allah and to Him
is all praise,” and “Allah is the greatest Whom is free from any
imperfection.” (Bukhari).
Important Contacts
Guelph Police Department
Guelph General Hospital
Guelph Fire Department
519.824.6590 (911)
Union Gas
Guelph Hydro
City Hall Administration
The Obligation and Importance of Family Values In Islam!
Before Islam, in times of ignorance as we
may better phrase it, corruption had
spilled over into the lives of those in
many societies, to the extent that people
would bury their daughters alive, marry
their own mothers, and went to such an
extent that even if a person wanted to
not comply with these customs, it would
lead to violence and suffering. This is
when Allah sent the Mercy of the World,
Mohammad (PBUH) to liberate the
masses from their ignorant ways and
flawed ideologies. Islam gave a sense of
purpose to the social circle of family life
and set rules and regulation on maintaining ties of kinship. Allah Almighty says
“If you turn away, then is it to be expected of you anything but that you
would do corruption in the land and
sever your ties of kinship? Those are
they whom Allah has cursed, so he has
made them deaf and blinded their sights”
(47; 22-23). Allah connected turning
away from the Islamic way of life along
side corruption and breaking ties of
kinship. This verse tells us, at times,
these traits are consequential of each
other. By the mercy of Allah we follow
the Islamic way of life, and none would
beg to differ. Then why is it that we
cause corruption and break the ties of
kinship and claim, simultaneously, to
follow the Islamic way of life? This is a
question that should worry us all. Further more, Allah describes His connection with a person who causes corrup-
List of Community
Events and Services
Weekly Halaqas on every
Saturday and Sunday after
Isha salah
Monthly newsletter with
exciting articles, info from
MSOG and fun page
tion and breaks ties—a connect that is
not well (may Allah protect us all). Allah
said in the verse mentioned, “Those are
they whom Allah has cursed and spiritually deafened and blinded.” And we all
know there is nothing worse then being
cursed by Allah and spiritually stripped
to the extent that evil does not even
seem to be evil anymore. A question
here arises with validity: what should be
my behavior to someone in my family
who is always causing corruption and
breaking ties? The mercy for the worlds,
Mohammad (PBUH) mentioned in a
prophetic tradition, narrated by Imam
Bukhari: “the person who keeps ties of
relationship intact is not the one who
reciprocates, but he is the one who
maintains good relations with those
relatives who break bonds of kinship
with him.” Mohammad (PBUH) is making it very clear that being nice to someone who is already being nice and maintaining a good relation is no great accomplishment. Rather, connecting with
someone who is always breaking ties and
causing corruption, despite their evil, and
maintaining a relation with them, is what
is even referred to as a person who keeps
ties of a relationship intact. We ask Allah
to give us the strength to connect with
those relatives who we have broken off
from due to worldly differences and
disputes, and to strengthen us in all affairs. Aameen!
Doors Open Guelph 2016
Welcoming Non-Muslims
April 23, 2016, 10am-4:00pm
MSOG Annual Appreciation
Dec. 17/18, 2016 (TBA)
Muslim Society of Guelph
The Guide
O human! What has kept you from
your Merciful Creator? By a Guelph youth
Muslim Community Centre
286 Water Street
Phone: 519.767.0097
Fax: 519.265.5852
email: [email protected]
We begin with the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful.
Walking home from school on a cold, yet peaceful and bright winter afternoon, I was thinking about how my life had changed over the course of a
Our website:
Iqama Timing at Jame Masjid, Guelph, for March 2016
54.032839 (from
North, clockwise)
"Our Lord! Give us in this
world that which is good and
in the Hereafter that which is
good, and save us from the
torment of the Fire!" (2/201)
An opportunity for youth to submit
their own article, which may be
published in the next issue
Meezan School
Appreciation Dinner (date
to be announced for April)
Page 3
Kabah is approx.
11,000 km away
Note: Jumma Khutba is fixed at 1:25 pm,
Just a year ago I was almost close to failing my classes and not knowing
where I was headed in life. I made a lot of immature decisions and was prone
to sinning without thinking of my consequences that are to lie ahead. Did I
not know that I have to build my future in these prime years of my life and
importantly? Did I not know that I have to answer to Allah after my death?
In fact, I did alhamdulilah, and I strived to change myself at that point. However, I still continued to sin and make poor choices in life. I prayed salah and I
fasted, regardless, I still had this feeling that there was something big that was
missing in my life. Time-to-time, I felt miserable and lonely without it. And I
realized that this thing lacking in my life was the sole reason why I felt I had
no control of myself and everything in my life was going nowhere but downhill. Fortunately, in the summer of 2015, after a lot of turbulence in life, I
found what I was missing in my life. It was having a strong connection with
Allah. I came to realize that a strong connection with Allah is sometimes not
built on fardh. There has to be true and sincere love and relationship—more
than the one between two sibling, two best friends, and even a parent and a
child. Now a question arises, how do we build that kind of relationship? Well,
to answer that, how many of us remember Allah regardless of the accolades,
problems, and busyness in life? Before we go to bed, how many of us speak
with him? (Tell him about our problems in life. Thank him for the great life
and opportunities he has given us. Praise him! Tell him how much we love
him and how our life is peaceful and sweet with his remembrance. Ask him
for the conflicts we have with our friends, families, and others to be solved.
Ask for his forgiveness and mercy in this world and the hereafter.) Most importantly, how many of us repent for the sins we do each day? If your answer
is no to any of these question and you feel that there is no strong connection
like that built yet, then we have work to do. And believe me beloved youth,
elders, brothers and sisters of Islam, if we don’t have this connection with
Allah, not only will our lives be doomed in this world, but it may leave us to
the pit of Jahannam! (may Allah protect us all). Hence, to kick start in building
this connection with Allah, we should make dua. Before a calamity befalls us
and even before we witness happiness in our lives, we should first go and
speak to Allah. Thank him first and/or ask him for help; because, trust me,
best friends and family can only be there for you and tolerate you up to a
certain point.
Local Masajid
Start of Daylight Saving Time. Actual start date: 2nd Sunday of March (between March 8 and 14)
Masjid-e-Aisha, 44 Marboroough Road, Guelph, 226.486.1143
Masjid-e-Abu Bakr, 126 Norwich Street, Guelph, 519.826.6739
March 01, 2016
Jumaada al-Awwal 21, 1437 AH
With my own experience I am saying this: there can be a time in life
where someone will break ties with us, because of our sins, immaturity,
character, and our actions. However, Allah will NEVER break ties with
us. He will be there for us even if we are the worst person to walk upon
the face of the Earth. He will keep giving us chances, keep forgiving us
upon our sincere tawbah every time, and be there to help us until the
time of death and our final abode. ALLAH will be with us through our
struggles and happiness in life. He will be with us in times of joy and
sorrow. ALLAH will be there for us when we are miserable and lonely.
ALLAH will even be there when we have given up hope in our own
self. Is that not the quality in a best friend we look for? Hence ALLAH
should be our best friend, because He will be there with us our whole
life, giving us undivided attention. So we should all look forward to
building that strong connection, with love and remembrance, no matter
what kind of problems we are going to face in life, Allah will pick us up,
brush us off, and lead us to peace and success in this world and the
hereafter, inshallah.
While enjoying the winter walk another day in this beautiful life, I
thought to myself that it was never ALLAH who left me, and these
turbulences in life the past year were there to make me a better person
and to show me the mirror so I may reflect upon myself. This means
ALLAH was always there, with me, all along.
Halal Food Restaurants & Meat
Butcher Shop & Groceries 219 Silvercreek Pkwy 226.314.1334
Spicy Food Hut Unit 9, 219 Silvercreek Pkwy N, 519.763.5200
Cambridge Islamic Centre, 1550 Dunbar Rd, 519.740.6855
Olive Halal Meat & Grocery 666 Woolwich St., 519.265.8200
Cambridge Muslim Society, 282 Elgin St N., 519.623.0568
Manouche Express 88 Gordon St., 519.265.8666
Kitchener Masjid, 1017 Victoria St, Kitchener, 519.743.9111
Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen 35 Harvard Rd. 519.265.8313
Waterloo Masjid, 213 Erb St W., Waterloo, 519.886.8470
Zinger Chick Unit 18, 500 Willow Road, 519.265.8955