
Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 6
Navigation Concept............................................................................................................ 7
Central menu .................................................................................................................... 8
Content .............................................................................................................................. 8
Content options ................................................................................................................ 8
News ................................................................................................................................... 8
Quick Analysis ................................................................................................................... 8
Content navigation .......................................................................................................... 9
Dashboard ....................................................................................................................... 10
Managing nexxOMNIA ......................................................................................................... 11
General Workflow .............................................................................................................. 11
Adding Content ................................................................................................................. 12
Direct Upload .................................................................................................................. 12
Importing content........................................................................................................... 13
Automatic Content Import ........................................................................................... 14
Editing Content................................................................................................................... 15
Online Editing .................................................................................................................. 15
Template Editing ............................................................................................................. 17
Multi Item Actions ........................................................................................................... 17
Automatic Translations................................................................................................... 18
Modules and Components .................................................................................................. 19
Videos .................................................................................................................................. 19
Videos............................................................................................................................... 19
Video Editing ................................................................................................................... 21
External Platforms ........................................................................................................... 22
Categories ....................................................................................................................... 23
Playlists and Series........................................................................................................... 23
Scenes .............................................................................................................................. 25
Chaptering ...................................................................................................................... 25
HotSpots ........................................................................................................................... 26
LiveStreams ...................................................................................................................... 27
LiveStream Recording .................................................................................................... 28
LiveCams ............................................................................................................................. 29
LiveCams ......................................................................................................................... 29
StudioCams ..................................................................................................................... 29
LiveCam Clips ................................................................................................................. 30
Images ................................................................................................................................. 31
Images.............................................................................................................................. 31
ImagePool ....................................................................................................................... 32
Categories and Albums ................................................................................................. 33
QR Codes ........................................................................................................................ 33
Banners............................................................................................................................. 33
Audio Files............................................................................................................................ 34
Audio ................................................................................................................................ 34
Categories and Albums ................................................................................................. 35
Text Contents ...................................................................................................................... 36
General Texts ................................................................................................................... 36
Articles .............................................................................................................................. 37
Events ............................................................................................................................... 38
Linkable Objects ................................................................................................................. 39
Persons ............................................................................................................................. 39
Files.................................................................................................................................... 40
Places ............................................................................................................................... 41
Products ........................................................................................................................... 41
User Interaction Contents ................................................................................................. 42
Forms ................................................................................................................................ 42
Voting ............................................................................................................................... 43
Polls ................................................................................................................................... 44
Domains ............................................................................................................................... 45
Domains ........................................................................................................................... 45
Domain Focus Groups ................................................................................................... 47
Campaigns ...................................................................................................................... 47
Networks .......................................................................................................................... 47
Apps ................................................................................................................................. 49
Community and Users........................................................................................................ 50
Communities ................................................................................................................... 50
Groups .............................................................................................................................. 50
Activity Stream ................................................................................................................ 51
Social Networks ............................................................................................................... 52
Communication ................................................................................................................. 53
Emails and AutoMessaging ........................................................................................... 53
Newsletter ........................................................................................................................ 54
Payments ............................................................................................................................. 56
Payment Workflow ......................................................................................................... 56
Subscriptions .................................................................................................................... 57
Capturing......................................................................................................................... 57
Payment Setup and Connections................................................................................ 57
Pay Specials .................................................................................................................... 59
Advertisements ................................................................................................................... 60
List Data ............................................................................................................................... 62
EPG and Program Schedule ......................................................................................... 62
User Lists ............................................................................................................................ 62
Event Lists / Plans............................................................................................................. 62
Partners and Providers........................................................................................................... 63
nexxOMNIA and external data providers ....................................................................... 63
License Partners and Content Owners ........................................................................... 63
Sublicense Partners ............................................................................................................ 65
Platform Providers............................................................................................................... 66
Pay Providers ....................................................................................................................... 67
Ad Providers ........................................................................................................................ 68
AVS Providers ...................................................................................................................... 69
CDN Providers ..................................................................................................................... 70
Domain Partners ................................................................................................................. 71
Affiliate Partners .................................................................................................................. 72
nexxSMART Applications ....................................................................................................... 73
Workflow .............................................................................................................................. 73
Layout and Settings ........................................................................................................... 73
Modules and Menu Contents........................................................................................... 74
Reporting................................................................................................................................. 75
Status and Process Control ............................................................................................... 75
Online Analysis .................................................................................................................... 77
Reporting ............................................................................................................................. 79
Performance Reports ......................................................................................................... 80
Partner Reporting ............................................................................................................... 81
nexxOMNIA is a content management system with focus on video. It serves as the
central point of access for every authenticated user of every domain that uses
content, powered by
Unimportant of the integration of any of nexxOMNIAs modules, every user will use
nexxOMNIA as controlling panel – for editing and adding content and metadata, user
and pay management, navigation structures, statistical analysis or simple report
management. nexxOMNIA is capable of controlling complete websites with every
detail on them, but there might be also domains, which just use certain aspects for a
Smart TV project, mobile applications or just embedded video Players. will provide the authorized users with logins for the domain
nexxOMNIA also supports logins with Facebook, Persona or Google+ Accounts. Users
must connect these accounts within nexxOMNIA before they can use these forms of
Navigation Concept
The general structure of nexxOMNIA always follows the same logic – you just select the
main context (like: videos, images, text contents) and will then see the available
options for this context:
Central menu: select current content
Online State of associated Users
Quick Analysis
Content navigation: add filters,
order, paging or query the
available content items
Main Activity Indicator
System Status
Real Time News
User Profile Data, Edit Settings,
Chat Status and Logout Options
Currently filtered content items
and Content Option Icons
Central menu
The central menu offers all available contexts for the currently logged in user.
or a network admin decides, which rights/roles each user has. Within this menu, the
context, i.e. the main selection of displayed content is selected (like videos, images,
texts, payments etc etc.).
The content lists a subset of all available items of the current context, filtered and
paged by the options, set within the content navigation.
The user can mostly change between various views of the items – there is always a list
representation and mostly an image representation of the items available.
Content options
Depending on the rights of the user, the type of the items and the currently selected
context, there may appear a couple of item-based options near the items itself (In
image representation, they will appear on hover). Most important here are the options
to edit, delete or sort the item.
All news, that appear on any of the apps, domains, user groups or system aspects the
currently logged in user is allowed to see, will be displayed here in real time. Very often,
video transcoding processes or special payment events are displayed here.
Quick Analysis
Optionally, every Content Overview can show a quick analysis pane above, which
gives an indication over the overall performance within the last month.
Content navigation
Select target domain
Action Menu
Search Option
Next/previous page
Expanded Filter List
Pin current Page as bookmark
The most important way to reach certain items in the content area is the content
navigation panel.
The large dropdown on the right selects the target domain (or all available domains,
if available). If available, two big items open additional filter in order to reduce the
amount of items. The type and quantity of date/time and content filters is specific to
the currently selected media mode.
Beside the content panel are additional options to switch between different views and
/ or move on to the next/previous page. There is also the option to pin the current
page as a bookmark. This adds a bookmark of the current page with selected filters
to the Your Pin section of the central menu. This is especially useful for users who are
particularly interested in frequently accessing a specific subset of content.
The big wheel button is needed for any non-item specific action in this context (like:
exporting the data as excel, adding a new item or import some data).
In default mode, nexxOMNIA starts with the Dashboard View, a special overview
about all elements of all websites and/or networks that are reachable for the currently
logged in-user. It serves as an immediate overview and the user can easily reach every
important section from this screen, if he notices something that is not correct.
Today’s Overview of Key Figures
Download Tile
Media Tile with latest addition visible
Data Tile with numeric informations
Managing nexxOMNIA
General Workflow
nexxOMNIA always will be used as central point for all domain activities, that are
controlled by any part of the infrastructure. Depending on the variety of
possible setups though, there are a lot of aspects that may or may not be available
for a specific client.
The simplest way to manage content is the simple use of the nexxPLAY video player
system on a website or application that is controlled by the website itself.
In this case, the only needed modules are the video/video components from the main
menu. Here, video materials can be added and/or modified easily.
As soon as nexxOMNIA takes control of a complete website or Application, there may
be more aspects to take care of. If the domain needs any form of login or registration,
a community module will become visible, which let the authorized user control and
edit user management tools. Additionally, there may be possibilities to contact the
users and/or read their feedback. For these communication purposes, nexxOMNIA
offers a simple Email Communication System as well as more advanced newsletter
and PushNotification systems.
If the domain includes AVS or Pay components, the corresponding control systems will
be enabled. Media contents like videos or images will be linked to prices, the
community will be enhanced by payment options (deposit for example) and sections
for controlling the money aspects of the domain will show each transaction and or
subscription models.
Furthermore, there will appear modules for managing far more types of content:
images, texts, articles, events or connecting elements like license provider, event
provider or media provider.
For larger scaled projects, there are also possibilities to create a completely
automated workflow by enabling automated importers (and, if needed, exporters) to
handle automatically incoming materials and distribution to other platforms based on
specific rule sets.
Of course, at the very end, the domains and partners need exact reporting about all
the individual modules. This is handled automatically by the nexxOMNIA reporting
engine, which consists of three parts:
Every domain can define receivers for daily/weekly/monthly reports, that will
focus on the most important key figures on a daily basis
Within the statistics modules, there is always the possibility to track every detail
of every activity in Real Time.
For more advanced analysis, most sections offer the possibility to create
context-aware reports for specific tasks, e.g. a report for license owners, a
report on video streaming performance etc.
Adding Content
Direct Upload
The most direct way to add contents, is the classic upload via the nexxOMNIA
webpage. Currently, there are three ways of achieving this: with a classic Flash
Uploader, an HTML5 compliant Uploader for non-Flash devices and a Drag’n’Drop
Area for smaller files.
After dragging an element from the
desktop to nexxOMNIA…
Direct Upload Dialogue
Context specific additional
ways to import media
Except the Drag’n’Drop Uploader, all available Options to add contents can be found
in the action menu. In addition to the classic Uploader, there are several import
options, depending on the currently active context.
Importing content
Content can also be imported via a variety of supported gateways. For example, a
classic way to enable video importing is to upload them to a FTP Site and let
nexxOMNIA do the rest.
Other options for videos are import from an Amazon S3 Account, from a Facebook
Page or a YouTube Page. These options need further settings within the domain
settings panel, caused by the fact, that the corresponding accounts must be
connected to nexxOMNIA and the target domain.
Automatic Content Import
In cases, where a lot of contents will be integrated on a regular basis, there are content
providers predefined, that will be able to automatically fetch and integrate the given
contents. In most cases, these providers are Links to XML/RSS/MRSS Feeds that will point
to the real contents and metadata.
Adding and Configuring a
Content Provider
Every domain can configure an unlimited amount of content providers and specify
the exact rules on how and when their respective content shall get integrated into
settings/content/automatic content importing. Currently, nexxOMNIAs supports
automatic import of Videos, Articles, ShopData, LiveStream Recordings and EPG Data.
Editing Content
Online Editing
The most important element within nexxOMNIA is the editing container. Every element
has a certain set of attributes that can be edited within this panel easily. From the
content area, the “edit” Action will launch this container with the currently available
item attributes – on the Action Menu, a “create new element” will bring up the
container with the default set of initial attributes:
Confirmation Icon
Without explicitly
checking this button, the
entered data won’t be
Accessible Attribute
Preview Item
Direct Upload
Capture with WebCam
Upload from ImagePool
Start Web Search
Color Editing
Template Editing
In a variety of contexts, nexxOMNIA allows to batch-edit multiple elements altogether.
This can be done with the usage of Excel-inspired Templates, which can be
downloaded from within nexxOMNIA on the left “Downloads” Panel. These Templates
can be filled out and reference the target items with their nexxOMNIA ID, the domain
internal reference ID or a filename.
After completing the Templates, a standard CSV Export of it can be uploaded via the
Action Menu and nexxOMNIA will automatically find and update the referenced
Multi Item Actions
In many scenarios, the user might want to process the same action on multiple items
(mostly: delete or undelete a couple of items). This is possible with multi item actions.
In supporting modules, the normally available options are expanded with a pin icon.
Enabling/disabling this pin icon allows to select multiple items and reveals a list of
possible options, which can be executed on all pinned elements at the same time.
Multi Item pins
Available actions for this selection
Automatic Translations
nexxOMNIA is furthermore able to automatically translate new or updated metadata
into a variety of languages. This happens without any actions of the user, once this
setting has been activated. will enable this feature, if necessary. Currently, it’s
possible to automatically translate the metadata of Videos, Images, LiveCam,
LiveCam Clips, Articles and Events into all languages, that nexxOMNIA supports.
Modules and Components
The core functionality of nexxOMNIA is of course the video workflow. The basis of every
action in this area can be found in the main menu: videos/videos.
After the videos are uploaded or integrated into nexxOMNIA, the current availability
state is optically visible in the “traffic light” display, like in the following:
Platform name
“Traffic Light” indicator
Element with time restriction
At the top, the corresponding Playout platform is mentioned, below that, for every
video the current settings for this platform are visible: with “grey” means: not active
(but could be active), “yellow” mean: not active, but in progress – after the progress
is finished , it will be active automatically. And “green” indicates, that this element is
available on that platform. “Red” signals, that there was a problem with the video or
the video ingest process.
Additionally, some indicators might be “dimmed” – this indicates, that the element is
available for this platform, but there is a start/end time set – so it won’t be available
If the complete line is “dimmed out”, the corresponding video has been manually
deactivated completely.
As a general rule, the availability of a video for a platform can be computed
Video was uploaded successfully (=yellow)
Video was transcoded for this platform successfully (=green)
Video is active
Video is not deleted
Video shall appear in Lists (=Setting)
Video has no time restriction, or “now” is within this restriction (=dimmed)
Platform name
Available at all?
Date/Time Finetuning
Video Editing
Within nexxOMNIA, it is possible to manipulate a once uploaded video in a couple of
ways. You can trim/cut the start and end positions, apply fadein/fadeout effects and
manipulate the audio track directly from the video section.
Especially usefull is the option to keep the “modified” version of the video as a new
video or override the current version of the file. Saving the edited clip is often used a
easy way to create a trailer for an existing main video.
External Platforms
Platforms that can communicate with nexxOMNIA are separated into three groups.
One group are internal platforms – means, that videos will be delivered directly by players and managed by the nexxOMNIA API – classic examples for these
platforms are desktop browsers, mobile apps, SmartTV apps or Facebook.
The second group are the external platforms. An external platform is a platform, where
the Playout is handled without – the videos will be uploaded to that platform
and every logic is managed by that platform without nexxOMNIA. Depending on the
platform, updates, deletions and/or reporting are at least partly available. Adding
videos to an external platform is managed by an ingest. nexxOMNIA will present the
possible external targets for every video within the video section.
Status of Ingest Metadata
External platforms
The third group of platforms are external, not-connected platforms. They are more or
less just statistically interesting or used for platform sales share computations. For these
platforms, there is not even an ingest necessary. The videos may be already there or
coming from different sources. Corresponding reports from these partner platforms are
integrated monthly and used for platform payment reports.
One of the main tools for grouping similar content is of course the use of categories.
Every video can be added to as many categories as desired within the editor. The
categories can be set up and configured under videos/categories:
Main category
If desired, categories can be set up as a 2-dimensional list with main and subcategories. Additionally, they can be linked to a certain external platform (e.g.
YouTube, KDG) to make clear, that videos, that belong in a category within
nexxOMNIA automatically belong to a category on a different platform.
Playlists and Series
A more advanced way of organizing video lists are playlists.
Playlists allow to add a completely independent amount of different (or identical)
videos to a list that would hardly be available with “normal” computations.
The list could be a highlight list for external websites, or a special promotion or a
collection of videos that shall be less expensive. Furthermore, playlists also serve as
ingest tools – if desired, a special playlist can be created which determines a large list
of videos that will be ingested to an external platform.
Additional, playlists are a convenient way to display a list of videos without showing to
the watching users, that they are watching not one, but a list of videos. With that
method, it’s easy to implement for example presenter videos or locally handled Ads.
A special version of a playlist is a series. Using the same methods, you can define
certain videos as “episodes, belonging to the same series”.
The playlist editor tools:
Current elements
Reorder the element
Remove the
element from the list
Add the selected
element on the left
to playlist
Every video can be “cut” into various scenes in order to keep an in-video structure of
chapters or content-related sections. These scenes can be controlled within
nexxOMNIA using videos/scenes. Per default, a scene is just a timeslot within a video,
without any physical existence. Scenes, when created, takes the video metadata of
the origin video, but nearly all metadata (title, description, cover etc.) can be
changed individually.
nexxOMNIA offers a couple of online tools to cut/create these scenes or import them
via Template Import.
Start/end of scene
Exact time frame
Due to the fact, that not every platform is capable of playing a virtual scene (i.e. the
start and end point of the target video are within the original video) and additional, in
an ad-oriented environment, the display of MidRolls is complicated while dealing with
virtual timeslots, nexxOMNIA offers chaptering.
When creating/editing scenes of videos from a chaptering-enabled domain, each
change of a scene leads to a new physical video. As a result, each video of each
target platform is the source for n new files – one for each scene for each platform.
This happens automatically in the background and does not need any user activity.
The player systems automatically decide, which version/file/protocol shall be
handled – depending of the existence of MidRolls for this platform and/or the platform
capabilities in general.
The nexxOMNIA Video Player system is capable of incorporating a simple inVideo
Shopping functionality, based on a Label / HotSpot Logic.
Start/end of HotSpot Display
Demo HotSpot
HotSpots are small labels that appear above the video on specific time points and X/Y
positions. They serve for many purposes (Hints, additional Information, and Links to
other videos or Websites) and one of the main targets is the use as an indicator for an
inVideo action.
The user will create the labels from Videos/HotSpots and define the positions,
timeframes and targets according to the current goal.
A more advanced HotSpot is the use of multiple videos within one Player. The “Video”
HotSpot will display additional Video Information, like Title, Thumbnail etc. at the
HotSpot Area and leads after Click to the referred video – always enabling the return
to the original video at the time, the user left (not available on all devices).
In addition to Videos, nexxOMNIA is capable to deliver LiveStreams from various
sources into the corresponding players. In order to activate a LiveStream, will
prepare the “EntryPoint” of the streams and provide login information to the target
domain. Depending on the type of LiveStream, the source may be a satellite
DownLink, a CaptureCard, a LiveCam or any other digital input video source.
The rest of the process is identical to a “normal” video VOD procedure. The authorized
user may add similar metadata to the LiveStream element, add image metadata and
the stream is ready to go.
LiveStream Recording
The LiveStream and Video sections can get combined via the option of LiveStream
A LiveStream Recording takes an established LiveStream and captures this feed based
on a couple of user-specific rules. These captures are automatically saved within
nexxOMNIA and the resulting videos are listed as standard VOD elements within the
nexxOMNIA library.
Due to the fact, that the videos are “normal videos” after the capture process, they
will be automatically converted into all domain-available platform formats
The Recording can be controlled individually via the nexxOMNIA API or via a set of
time slots (interval recordings).
LiveStream Recordings are therefore considered as a method of the “automatic
content import” and can be configured under the options there.
As a special variant of LIVE videos, nexxOMNIA is also able to control LiveCams.
LiveCams are not “video material” and furthermore, are currently restricted to external
LiveCam Providers, who control the corresponding players. Nevertheless, nexxOMNIA
is able to synchronize, update and deliver all attached metadata and schedule
LiveCam Meta Data
LiveCam Features
nexxOMNIA controls the synchronization of the externally delivered data, adds or
removes new LiveCams and handles the internal and external reporting
StudioCams are a variant of LiveCams, which differ in the fact, that they are not ondemand, but more a permanent LiveStream, which is not payed by minute, but can
be consumed in a FlatRate. StudioCams are heavily linked to other modules of
nexxOMNIA, most of all image galleries and person metadata in order to be able to
present the actors within the cam shows accordingly.
LiveCam Clips
Additionally, there may be LiveCam Clips. LiveCam Clips are videos that are
connected to a LiveCam and therefore are also hosted externally. Depending on the
LiveCam Provider, these Clips may be delivered via the nexxPLAY player system or also
by an external component.
Due to the fact, that LiveCams and LiveCam Clips Metadata are updated
permanently, a manual editing is not possible (except the deletion of an element).
If the target domains uses more functionalities from nexxOMNIA than just the video
player, an image section will quickly become necessary. Images can be attached to
other media elements (like covers for videos, preview images for actors etc.), they can
be used for promotions and events of connected webpages and/or be the content
itself (in slideshows, galleries etc.). For these necessities, nexxOMNIA offers a fully
enabled image section.
Image Lists
Image Editor
Just like videos, images can be uploaded via Flash/Drag’n’Drop, imported from Web
or even be captured by an attached Webcam. They are controlled and edited just
like videos. For simple image operations, nexxOMNIA even offers an image editing tool
integrated into the image gallery.
In a variety of sections, it is possible to “reuse” existing images for new purposes – this
is called the “ImagePool”. The ImagePool is the list of images, that are currently
available for the target domain and that are not deleted, active and marked as
“available for ImagePool”.
ImagePool Overlay
Images List
Due to the fact, that nexxOMNIA offers an integrated image editing tool, there is also
the possibility to not only use the currently saved images, but use a filtered version of
that image as a new image for a new purpose. This option is especially useful for agerestricted thumbs. The default image will be used for age-verified users and a filtered
version for the “default” users.
The selection of predefined filters is available from the ImagePool selection dialogue:
Categories and Albums
Exactly like videos, images can be organized into categories and playlists. Playlists for
images are called albums – but work exactly as video playlists work.
QR Codes
A special subversion of an image is an automatically generated QR Code. nexxOMNIA
will automatically create corresponding QR Codes for a given Text (mostly a URL) and
store it like all other images in the ImagePool.
A special subsection of images are banners. Banners are “normal” images, but their
metadata is different. Additionally, they do not appear in the ImagePool or Album
selection lists. Their purpose is to serve as clickable banners on the domain pages –
and only for this purpose, they are optimized. Beside this difference, they behave
completely identically.
Audio Files
In addition to the default video functionalities, nexxOMNIA also manages audio files
for playback, store, organize and manage. There is no real difference between the
management of videos and audio files, it’s as identical as possible.
Just like videos, audio files can be uploaded via Flash/Drag’n’Drop, imported from
Web or even created from an available video. They are controlled and edited just like
Categories and Albums
Exactly like videos, audio files can be organized into categories and playlists. Playlists
for audio files are called albums – but work exactly like video playlists. With one major
difference though. There are two different kinds of playlists, one is exactly the “audio”
version of a video playlist, the other is a special “music album”. An album of this type
“occupies” all metadata of the attached audio files – once an audio file is added to
this album, only the audio file’s title will be editable. All other metadata are overwritten
automatically by the album.
Text Contents
General Texts
For complete websites, nexxOMNIA also offers a couple of text editing tools and
contexts. The most general text section is a section for all-purpose texts – like an imprint
page or welcome text. This text can be delivered instantly to every platform/app of
this domain in every language that was specified.
Text Reference
Text Formatting
Text Preview
Images List
Every text section of nexxOMNIA will be controlled by an integrated Rich Text Editor
that allows the users to format and style the text fragments that are currently edited.
Although it is possible to write free texts, nexxOMNIA already predefines the mostly
used contexts (references) and presents them as a dropdown list.
On the domain site, the nexxOMNIA API will automatically include texts with these
Articles are an enhanced version of a general text. Articles have several classic
attributes (title, subtitle, teaser, text) and can be linked to albums, images, videos or
playlists by default. An article can also have comments and be constructed from the
outside of nexxOMNIA via the API (on a forum page for example).
Article Components
Linked Media
Events are - similar to articles - a specialized form of a general text. In contrast to the
article attributes though, events are specified also by a location and a period of time
(start, end and optional repetition). Due to the fact, that there are a lot of existing
Calendar Format Files, it is possible to upload events via the Import of iCal/iXML Files.
If the community module of nexxOMNIA is activated, the corresponding users can
join/unjoin events. This way, events get a list of attached users. If additionally the
activity stream is activated, joining lists is a publically visible action.
Just like the Article Text Type, Events can also be linked to videos, albums or other
media elements.
Linkable Objects
The media type “person” is the most important linkable object. It is possible to link a
“person” (mostly of cause an actor or music act) to all other kinds of media. With this
system, it is easy to find all media, matching a certain person, also on the target
domain frontend. The system makes it also easy to create “artist” pages of the edited
metadata of a specific person.
Files is the media type often used for attachments or downloads. Mostly used for
adding PDFs or Office Documents to a page (e.g. for downloadable Website terms),
it works similar to all other uploadable media types. Files can be added via Upload or
DragnDrop and offer a trackable way to enable pages to offer downloadable files.
Places are a specialized form of an article. In this case, the geolocation is the most
important part. This type of content is often used for lists of shops, list of event places
or similar geo-focused items.
The media type “product” is used for in-place shopping. That can happen from within
the Video Player or on a special product place. Although rare, this form of instantpayment can make sense, especially on microsites or other not-shop platforms, with a
need for a rather small but working shopping area.
User Interaction Contents
nexxOMNIA Forms are a way to edit and manage user forms on websites and/or apps.
They can be even connected as a module within the nexxSMART template system.
In general, the administrator can add or edit every form on his website by rearranging
predefined items and values or placeholders to a new form. The target, receivers or
purposes of a form can also be defined.
Edit item details
Available form items
Current item list
nexxOMNIA Votes are a method to quickly add user interaction to a website or app.
Within nexxOMNIA, the administrator can quickly arrange a vote (based on articles,
persons, audio files, videos or even free lists), which user can place votes then.
Furthermore, a start and end date next to various settings on how and when which
users can vote, can be edited directly within nexxOMNIA.
Current item order
Every voting campaign also presents (besides the possibility to download a detail
excel sheet) the current state of the voting directly within nexxOMNIA:
nexxOMNIA polls are another way to quickly add user interaction on any website or
app. Similar to votings, the admin quickly arranges a couple of questions. In contrast
to a voting, polls have multiple questions, each with multiple answer possibilities.
Everything is arranged within nexxOMNIA and can go live as soon as the administrator
decides so.
Domains are the key component in the management chain of nexxOMNIA. Everything
is always connected to a domain – videos, images, users, payment – every action,
section and content is permanently and un-changeable tied to a corresponding
domain. A domain is in most cases a real domain, so mostly a really existing website.
In some cases, it’s only an Application or SmartTV Application or a short-lived landing
page for commercial usage.
Administrators can add/remove features and possibilities to a domain – only in these
cases, the domains have the corresponding menu options within nexxOMNIA – for
example, a LiveStream possibility can be added – or Payment in general is a feature
that has to be activated explicitly. After it becomes active, the authorized users for this
domain may add the new features.
Besides the really existing features, the domain menu offers a lot of options that
control, how the domain/app/player reacts. The most basic example is the setup of
the video player layout that is also a domain setting.
Domain Features
Other important settings are for example the complete payment setup, behavior rules
for the community (age verification, content protection, registration details) and
communication settings for reporting and system alerts.
Only administrators are able to add new domains – with the exception, that
users, enabled with network administrator settings, may add network domains.
Domain Focus Groups
Some domains may have the need for very special attributes that only make sense for
a special topic (for example: some sport-associated attributes on events or videos).
These attributes are called “focus group specific” and only appear for domains that
are marked as belonging to such a focus group. These attributes are also effective on
the API system, so they can be used on external pages.
Some domains will not really use a “domain” for delivering contents, but use
nexxOMNIA mostly for campaigns and microsites for a certain period of time.
Therefore, nexxOMNIA offers the “campaign”. A campaign always runs under an
existing domain and can use all of its contents – but is reported on a special level, so
although the session/media view is a view of the target domain, it is also possible to
track the campaign that this view was created in. With this system, it is easy to create
a variety of different microsites, without the need to register a new domain for each
of them.
Networks are a parent group of domains, mostly because they share a similar
architecture, the same assets or the same licensing partners. A good example for a
network is a “vertical network”. In a vertical network, all domains share the same
contents and players, sometimes even websites, because they are all just
exchangeable content pages for the same topic.
For these situations, nexxOMNIA uses Networks, which can hold as many domains as
necessary. A Network is the ONLY way to share assets across multiple domains – in all
other cases, a video/image/text can only be delivered to the webpage, it was
created for. In contrast, network domains can (but don’t have to be enabled like that)
share all contents from all its activated domains.
nexxOMNIA users are mostly connected to a list of domains. Once these domains are
connected to a network, and the user were set for a network task (e.g. the payment
operator), they automatically have access to all domains of this network.
Network User Roles
The administrators of a network are also able to add more network domains. This is the
only situation, where an administrator outside of can add new domains. These
domains are “network domains” and automatically implement all settings of the
“mother domain”. The “mother domain” is the main site of the network, normally the
first page that holds all contents.
Although a domain as interpreted by nexxOMNIA does not always have to be a “real”
domain, but also can be just an App, there are also “real” Apps available within the
nexxOMNIA logic. An App is (like all other elements) tied to a domain and a platform
– for example, a domain can have two Apps for iOS and android.
App Platform
If a domain uses also “real” Apps, especially for mobile platforms, they should (but
don’t have to) be added as an App within nexxOMNIA. By doing this, nexxOMNIA will
automatically build installation/usage reports and (given, that the App incorporates
the corresponding modules) will be able to track geo-information and store the
devices as PushNotification devices, which may be an instrument for user
Community and Users
The nexxOMNIA Community module allows connected apps/websites automatically
to get deeper information about their users, if the user uses Community functionalities
and registration/login data.
Once the Community module has been added, every session/view/ad
view/login/app start and payment will be connected to a user, which allows a variety
of new reporting and analysis options.
If supported, nexxOMNIA allows to create and manage Groups. Groups are
collections of users, which can be joined/unjoined by the users on the target websites.
Activity Stream
In order to create a more involved community, nexxOMNIA is able to produce
personalized feeds. The feed is based on a history of actions, every user commits.
Depending on the activated modules, an event may be: joining a group, joining an
event, updating a profile picture, upload an image/video, create an article, or
comment on an image/video.
User Activity
(in this case: new profile
User Activity
(in this case: image
Social Networks
nexxOMNIA offers modules for social logins like Facebook or Google+ with enhanced
functionalities. If the website is interested in these features, nexxOMNIA will
automatically download the user’s current online image and/or adds missing
registration data from the social network data.
Depending on the domains’ needs, the integration of social networks can get deeper
– automatic Facebook/Google+ Logins or background information checks,
GeoRouting or enhanced Logging are possible – if the user of the domain allows these
features (by enabling Facebook Apps and/or features in mobile Apps like Google Play
/ AppStore).
Emails and AutoMessaging
There are a lot of different ways to handle communication with users of a domain.
Most of them require a login/registration, but the easiest and common way of
communication is a support email form. nexxOMNIA automatically sends these
messages to the domain feedback receiver and stores a copy of it for online analysis
within the nexxOMNIA website.
User Message
Session Information
These support messages can be answered and replied to within nexxOMNIA (but of
course don’t have to). nexxOMNIA adds a couple of session information to the
displayed message which may help to identify user problems more easily.
Once the domain uses the community modules, there are a lot of new communication
features. As the most basic of them, each user automatically gets a welcome email,
which can be configured within texts/email templates.
There are currently three emails that will ALWAYS be sent – if the user agreed or not
agreed to feedback emails: Welcome / Lost Login / Payment Confirmation.
nexxOMNIA introduces AutoMessaging, which describes a way to add certain
patterns (“Triggers”) to user behavior that triggers a pre-defined email to be sent to
the currently logged in user.
Trigger Rule
Start AutoMessaging
Once the trigger has been saved, an empty email template will be created, that has
to be filled by the nexxOMNIA users in order to enable the delivery of auto-triggered
Email Templates
AutoMessage Indicator
nexxOMNIA also offers a classic Newsletter Delivery system with a lot of domainspecific settings. Every Newsletter can be sent to a target group (which can be all
users, or some kind of behavior/user attribute/session attribute subgroup).
The newsletter will be composed within a special newsletter editor and can include
free texts, predefined texts, images and videos. Although there is never a guarantee,
that the layout will be consistent within all browsers, some small layout styles can also
be applied.
The newsletter will be sent in the background to a predefined date and time and
beginning with this timeslot, an in-depth reporting and analysis will start automatically
about the success of the newsletter delivery.
Re-arrange existing components
Image Options
Add new component
Payment Workflow
Like all other nexxOMNIA modules, payment integration is modular and works within
the same API methods like video, community or image integration.
Payment is normally handled by Payment Providers and nexxOMNIA only acts as an
intermediate system that handles connections between the client pages and the
payment providers. It’s obviously possible to create a variety of different payment
methods that are connected to a variety of different payment providers but are all
controllable under the same nexxOMNIA administrative patterns.
Payment List
View: internal ID,
MediaType, User
Payment Details
Payment State
The most common approach is, that the basic implementation (like: open a provider
webpage in an iFrame) happens on the client page. Before the real transaction, the
client will secure the operation with randomized tokens. After the payment process is
done, the result will be transferred and secured by negotiating the payment details
with nexxOMNIA where it appears in Real Time. In more complex scenarios, there will
be a second control made by nexxOMNIA OR the control is a two-step authentication,
where the payment provider informs nexxOMNIA about the current payment state.
nexxOMNIA can handle payments with: debit / credit card / pay cards / localized
payment cards / / ClickAndBuy / T-Pay / PayByPhone / PayByCall /
Depending on the domain’s payment settings, the payments can be used to:
consume a media item (for a default time), buy a media item (forever), buy a timeslot
(e.g. PayPerMinute) for a media item, charge a domain-specific deposit system with
a “virtual currency” or create a subscription.
It is therefore not important, what Payment Providers are integrated and in which
currencies and/or country specific needs the real payments are made – everything
will be presented in one overview dashboard.
A special variant of payments are Subscriptions. A Subscription is a recurring payment
that starts with an initial transaction, which will be extended (if needed) after a certain
time period. A Subscription is tied to a specific media consumption – in most cases, it
handles an unlimited amount of time or views that can be used for VOD or LIVE video
It is also possible to handle payments in a capturing scenario. Capturing means, that
the payment details are stored already before they will be charged to the end user.
This may be useful for more complicated situations (for example: give users a free time
before subscription becomes active), and works exactly like everything else.
nexxOMNIA will automatically charge the captured amounts after the trial time has
Payment Setup and Connections
In order to establish a payment structure, will enable the pay modules for the
target domains. The user will then be enabled to add “price categories” for a couple
of contexts (e.g. VOD Price, PPM price, Subscription Prices etc).
Price category context
After these basic price models are established, every media or group of media can
be connected to these categories – as a result, the media items don’t have a price
itself – they have a price category. And if this price category gets changed, all
corresponding items also have a changed price.
Media – Price Category Connection
In automatic content insertion scenarios, each integration provider will be matched
to these “pay categories”, so new material will automatically get the desired price
Pay Specials
A Pay Special allows domains to offer automated price restrictions to a certain group
of media items: for a special category or playlist, the corresponding videos may be
just 50% off for one week.
If payment is not a monetization option, videos are easy to monetize with
advertisements. nexxOMNIA and the nexxPLAY video player systems already come
with full support for video advertisements in a lot of variants.
nexxOMNIA supports the Video Advertising Standard VAST in Version 2 and 3 (and, for
Flash only: VPAID). Playout is possible on Desktop (Flash), Desktop (HTML5), mobile
(HTML5), mobile (Apps), Windows8, Xbox, T-Entertain and SmartTV. On some devices,
it is not possible to make the advertisements “clickable”, i.e. to connect the user action
to a landing page.
Advertising Context / Platform
MidRoll Specifications
The corresponding Video Ads will then be delivered automatically on all supported
platforms. For some platforms, MidRolls are not available or need more advanced
SetUps (like Chaptering, see above). In addition to VAST, nexxPLAY supports VMAP, a
standard to allow the content owner to control the exact timing of each ad break.
Advertisement Countdown
Advertisement Control
List Data
In advanced scenarios, nexxOMNIA can also work with some different List Data. Lists
are here (mostly) free configurable data structures that can hold domain specific
targets, unimportant of the real contents. Therefore, lists are mostly domain specific
and feature specific importers and API constructors.
EPG and Program Schedule
For Television clients, nexxOMNIA can handle their program schedule or EPG in order
to display it on a webpage or App. With this method, it’s also very easy to implement
a “whats running now” functionality. EPG importers are always domain specific, but
will be collected in a standard feature set and are therefore editable and collectable
within the nexxOMNIA editors.
User Lists
For a variety of usages, domains may like to collect lists of users. For this approach,
nexxOMNIA offers domain specific user lists, also supporting external data structure for
user matching. User Lists may serve in a lot of circumstances and are therefore not
editable online. They can only be filled from importers.
If external list data is used, it is possible though to embed/exclude users from these lists
(or allow the users to remove themselves from these lists) by offering a “Linkage ID”
within the user editors (also available via the API).
Event Lists / Plans
A Plan is a list of short events and may be offered to external users as a “training plan”
or “learning task plan” or even a “to do list”. The events that are displayed there are
ordered by days after start (no fixed start necessary). The events themselves offer just
very small amount of data, as needed for the display of a “training plan”. These plans
are editable from within nexxOMNIA and also support domain specific importers.
Additionally, plans even support the nexxOMNIA category system for embedding
multiple plan systems.
Partners and Providers
nexxOMNIA and external data providers
In a lot of contexts, data can get imported from a variety of partners, external websites
or templates. Additionally, nexxOMNIA is able to report to many other pages, services
and partners, depending on their used formats and protocols. As explained before,
these imports (and also exports) can be automated, so the contents get
imported/updated on a regular basis.
License Partners and Content Owners
On a very basic level, content comes from external partners. Content means here
Video Files, LiveCams, Shop Data and/or Events/Articles. nexxOMNIA supports
automatic import of these data in RSS, MediaRSS or (events only) iCal Format.
Media type
Settings for the imported media
A classic example is a LiveCam Provider. They present the LiveCam Metadata in a
specific format for nexxOMNIA and the payment is also connected to this partner.
As a general rule though, a License Partner is at least a Partner, that “owns” a specific
content and this content is (in most cases) a paid content. Therefore, these payments
must be shared with the License Partner on a monthly basis. Additionally, their
respective content may be excluded from some domains and/or restricted to certain
payment models (for example: no subscription models).
Therefore, a License Partner is mainly a media attribute that indicates a payment share
– but they can also deliver media directly in some situations. If this is the case, the
corresponding automatic import rule should be attached to that content partner.
Payment Share Settings
Sublicense Partners
In contrast to content owners, the owner of a nexxOMNIA domain can decide to
export media to other members that may use this material in a variety of ways. This
type of partner is called a sublicense partner.
In general, there are three types of sublicense partners.
In a network scenario, a specific domain may be connected to a sublicense
partner. In this case, all data come automatically via the nexxOMNIA API and
there is also (mostly) live reporting. In case of paid content, the resulting money
is marked as “made by a sublicense partner”
The partner is a proprietary system. For this reason, the content will be
specifically packed and transported to this partner (e.g. Cable Settop Boxes
like the German KDG or UNITY media). The content will be played without
nexxOMNIA and there is no reporting (but if available, corresponding reports
may be uploaded into nexxOMNIA in a later step).
Platforms like YouTube are in between those two models. The content will be
published explicitly to this partner, but they provide an API themselves, so
nexxOMNIA can update reportings and statistics on its own.
In most cases, the content will be automatically exported to these partners, based
on automatic export rules.
Platform Providers
Platform Providers are providers that enable access to a certain platform. In most
cases, it is not necessary to explicitly add them as a platform partner, unless the
domain has a payment share model with these providers. In this case, the payment
agreement details should be entered here in order to enable nexxOMNIA to produce
correct monthly sales analysis.
Pay Providers
Pay providers keep the connection details to payment transactions. Depending on
the pay provider and its client-site implementation, they must be entered on
nexxOMNIA or are optional. In some cases, the pay providers are negotiating only with
the client sites – in this case, an explicit entry in pay providers is not necessary. Some
providers though are working with an event handling method, which is not possible to
implement on the target domains.
In these cases, the adding of a pay provider within nexxOMNIA is absolutely necessary
– the corresponding data fields will hold the needed details that enable nexxOMNIA
to communicate with the pay provider gateways.
Currency specific details
Payment Gateway Details
Additionally, nexxOMNIA can compute payment transaction costs, if defined and
available in order to create more accurate monthly reportings.
Ad Providers
Ad Providers hold the details of the delivery of advertisements in the video context
(pre-, mid- and post roll details). Due to the fact, that nexxOMNIA uses the VAST
industry standard for video advertisement delivery, the corresponding VAST files will be
generated live by the ad providers. The target URLs for these VAST files have to be
entered in this section.
Depending on the Ad Provider, it may be necessary to specify different VAST files for
each of the three delivery forms of advertisements for different gateways or even sub
gateways/gateway variants.
Platform details
AVS Providers
AVS Providers manage the User Age Verification Process and finally lead to a user
setting, which controls their ability to watch age-restricted videos. Similar to Pay
Providers, every AVS Check may lead to additional costs and its configured more or
less identically to the Pay Providers setup:
CDN Providers
In case, that will not host the media assets within the connected partner CDN,
it is possible to maintain a connection to an own CDN with a CDN provider link.
Basically, it is only necessary to enter access inforamtions for all needed streaming
protocols and FTP in order to allow nexxOMNIA/nexxPLAY to upload/find the correct
paths for video/audio delivery.
Domain Partners
Domain Partners are not connected to content or media contents, but are linked to
users and payment/sales. If a domain has to share sales/payments to partners of the
domain itself (which are NOT content owners or platform providers), this can be
achieved with the help of domain partners. Every domain can be connected to a
domain partner and after that connection, each user/payment of this domain will
automatically also be connected to that domain partner. With this method,
nexxOMNIA is able to create domain partner sales share within the corresponding
performance reports.
Payment share details
Affiliate Partners
Affiliate Partners can be added, in case the target domain wants to track incoming
traffic/registrations based on the traffic referring URLs. For this context, nexxOMNIA
offers the possibility to send links with a special Affiliate Link Identifier. These links will be
parsed and computed when a user visits a page, coming from such a link.
Furthermore, these Affiliate Partners can be linked to Domain Partners. In this case, a
user that registers on a domain via an Affiliate Link that is matched to a Domain Partner
automatically will be connected to that Domain Partner.
Connected domain partner
nexxSMART Applications
A nexxSMART Application is a HbbTV/SmartTV Application that is built by the user within
nexxOMNIA. In order to create such a nexxSMART Application, no programming is
necessary. The user selects the desired templates and content modules and can
combine them to a simple, tested, verified and running application for the desired
platform(s). Within nexxOMNIA, a nexxSMART Application is controlled via a campaign
and uses campaign logic.
In order to fill the content areas, the user will add “modules” and connect them to a
certain media functionality. However, in order to fill the modules accordingly, as a first
step, nexxOMNIA should have been filled with appropriate media (e.g. for adding a
video view, the target domain should have at least one available video).
Layout and Settings
The nexxSMART Settings Area is the main entry point to create the visual frontend for
the application, completely without any thoughts of the underlying contents.
Depending on the target platform(s), a couple of colors, margins/paddings and
general template considerations have to be enabled or modified. will provide
the user with a preview link for the currently-in-work application.
Setting Tabs
Color Settings
Modules and Menu Contents
The nexxSMART Modules enables the user to create the “main menu” of the
application. By adding a new module, the user will select a title (the menu item) and
connected it to a module (for example: single video). Afterwards, depending on the
selected module, another selection may have to be made (if “single video” is
selected, the video itself must be specified).
For a more complex scenario, there can also be multi-level menus and connected
categories. Additionally, there might be content modules that do not appear within
the menu, but are still available (for example, if this content is linked from another
content or banner, but shouldn’t be reachable through the main menu).
Depending on the desired scenario and platforms, there are also more advanced
options. For SmartTV Apps, menu items can be linked with Color Buttons on Remote
Controls or for mobile Apps, menu items can be automatically converted into special
start screen items.
Menu Item Title
Content Details
Visibility/Order Level
Status and Process Control
nexxOMNIA offers a couple of tools to keep the domain owners always updated with
activities and events, that happen on their domains. The newest events are always
visible in the right sidebar, but there is always the option to see all events listed for a
certain period of time using system/messages.
Event Time
Event Result: Success or Error
Events/Action Message
For an in-depth overview about video processing details, which normally take a longer
time than just a few minutes, nexxOMNIA offers system/processes which allow
inspecting all video processing tasks within a time period.
Result / Status
Platform and Video Title
Process ID
In terms of system health, nexxOMNIA is able to inform domain users about current
system load / free capacities and API response time.
Criteria Development
Criteria Selection
Online Analysis
The main aspect for analysis can be handled within the nexxOMNIA WebView.
For every desired aspect of the nexxOMNIA content and analysis chain, there are a
couple of predefined analysis tools, that can be modified in real-time.
Additionally, each analysis can be exported to Excel immediately.
The online visible data will be presented in a couple of different statistic templates
and are viewable on desktop browsers, Tablets and SmartPhones.
Target figures
Target period
Export to Excel
Target domain and campaign
Analysis context
Target gateway
Besides the online Analysis and Export Tools, nexxOMNIA is also able to group
predefined sets of information to deliverable reports. These reports will be sent
automatically per domain or per network on a changeable interval to a group of
associated users.
The most basic report is the domain report – if features all important domain-specific
key figures like visits/PIs/video views/sales etc. This report is also available as network
report, which is basically a collection of all domain reports, registered to that network.
Report Delivery Details
Monthly Payment Reports
Additionally, nexxOMNIA is able to prepare the monthly sales reports for the
administrative users of each domain/network. In these reports, all sharing costs,
platform costs or license owner computations are already configured, so the financial
departments of the domains/networks can work with these reports without the need
to collect all the key figures themselves within the Online Analysis Tools.
Performance Reports
Performance Reports are a tool for the on-the-fly analysis of key-figures from various
data sources in one single report. In general, Performance Reports are available for all
media items, domains, networks and payment with different levels of details.
In a Performance Report, data are modelled for a specific target. For example, the
Performance Report for videos and users are basically identical, but the key attribute
varies. Therefore, the grouping of data varies and the two reports are in-depth reports
for different target views, but based on exactly the same data. (in order to stay with
this example: a video performance report could show how often which video was
displayed on which device. The user performance reports would show, which user has
seen how many videos on each device).
date restrictions
Select detail level
Select corresponding option
Partner Reporting
In very complex scenarios, nexxOMNIA is able to produce fully featured partner
reporting. In general, this is an automated process, which collects some reports from
other detail levels into one overview of reporting.
For this, the user created a target period for a reporting scenario and after that, the
system will collect and send the necessary/appropriate reports. With this method, a
period can also be “closed”, means, that no change on the underlying data
structure is possible (especially useful in scenarios with multiple currencies or changes
of payment partner/content partner costs).
Additionally, from the partner reporting module, the nexxOMNIA user may decide to
automatically create and send partner reporting with detailed billing information via
email and attached PDFs.
Target (Network or Domain)
Report Period