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FREE 2-Liter Pepsi - Henderson County News
Vol. 5, #25, May 14, 2008 HENDERSON COUNTY Accountable, first and foremost, to the citizens of Henderson County. 50 ¢ Per Copy Hensley facing federal Old fashioned fun. . . ‘whistleblower’ lawsuit Henderson County Highway Superintendent Harold Hensley is facing yet more legal troubles after three current and former employees filed a federal lawsuit against both Hensley and the county for violation of their first amendment rights earlier this month. The lawsuit is just another of many accusations and legal problems that have beleaguered Hensley’s re-election bid, beginning with charges of official misconduct and misappropriation of county equipment and funds by would-be political challenger James Lindsey soon after the qualifying deadline to run for the superintendent’s position. Hensley also may be facing disciplinary action concerning reported possible environmental violations at the department’s main work area on Highway 412 East, and has reportedly had repeated run-ins with County Commissioner Terry Stewart, who chaired the ethics committee that heard the charges brought by Lindsey and reported the possible violations to state and federal authorities. According to the new lawsuit, brought by Attorney Michael L. Russell of Gilbert, Russell, McWherter, PLC, of Jackson, on behalf of Carey Rodgers, Bobby Corbit and Andrew Anson, Hensley has allegedly taken retaliatory action against the plaintiffs because they “reported illegal activity to county, state and federal officials.” The suit states that the plaintiffs believe Hensley deliberately delayed calling Rodgers and Corbit back to work from seasonal layoffs until April of this year and “has still failed to recall Anson.” The suit also alleges that Hensley has “engaged in a series of retaliatory actions toward “Rodgers and Corbit,” since their return to work. The suit also alleges that Hensley has repeatedly threatened both men See Hensley, Page 3 Woman found dead in home, HCSD trying to notify family The Henderson County Sheriff’s Department is still trying to notify the next of kin of a woman found dead in her home on Lindsey Road last week. According to the report, the woman, whose name is being withheld until the family can be notified, was last seen alive “within the last two or three weeks,” when a neighbor brought groceries to her. No cause of death has been determined as of press time, but authorities said the woman was released from the hospital around April 5, and found that officers receipts for medication prescriptions filled on April 15. “This is really a sad See Body, Page 2 Petition short signatures to stop wheel tax An estimated 2,000 people took a few moments to step back in time on Lexington’s Court Square Saturday to take part in the third annual Henderson County Folk Festival. Attendees were treated to music, games, food, exhibits and demonstrations from days gone by including (from top left) flint knapping, live bluegrass performances and an old fashioned quilting bee. Photos by Jack D. Elliott HCSB approves academy, work on lagoon project Improving graduation rates and sanitation issues took top billing at the Henderson County School Board’s monthly meeting last week, though neither action required specific board approval to proceed. The board heard a proposal by Lexington High School Principal Larry McBryde to institute a ninth-grade academy at the high school. McBryde said the program would not require additional staff or funding, though both would be nice, and that the aim of the project was to “place students in a situation where they can be successful.” McBryde said many students who later drop out are often lost in their first year of high school. “They get bored or they get behind,” McBryde said, and then those students lose interest or the ability to PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEXINGTON, TN PERMIT NO. 12 catch up. “We want to make sure they know we care about them,” McBryde said, “that we’re not going to give up on See HCSB, Page 2 With just hours to collect the required signatures, some residents’ hopes of preventing the county commissioner from instituting a special wheel tax to cover construction costs associated with a new jail may fall short. Henderson County Administrator of Elections Bob Wadley said petitions have been turned in yesterday, but they were short the number of the required signatures. “After we discounted the signatures that weren’t filled out properly, or weren’t even Henderson County residents, there were only 761 possible signatures on the petition,” Wadley said, short of the 891 required to force the issue to an August referendum. Wadley said the petitioner was notified of the shortage and has until 4 p.m. today to See Petition, Page 2 Community support sought for Fourth festival The City of Lexington and the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the 2008 Fourth of July Fireworks Show held at 9 p.m. Friday, July 4 at Beech Lake. This event is supported through donations from individuals, businesses and organizations. This year’s $10,000 show hopes to attract more than 20,000 people. There is no admission charge and everyone is welcome.. Fireworks will be shot from Beech Lake, and everyone is encouraged to get there early. The 2008 Leadership Henderson County Class will be organizing events prior to the fireworks show. Live entertainment will begin around 5 p.m. All sponsors donating $250 or more will be recognized during the show. Local civic organizations and groups are being sought for concessions vendors for the event. Please contact the Henderson County Chamber of Commerce at 731-968-2126 for sponsorship, volunteer and vendor information. Donations may be mailed to: Fireworks Celebration, City of Lexington, ATTN: Sue Wood, P.O. Box 1699, Lexington, TN 38351 Page 2, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Body, from page 1. . . case,” said Sheriff Brian Duke. “This woman lived alone, and as of yet we’ve been unable to locate anyone in the family in order to notify them of her death. She wasn’t from here, and doesn’t seem to have had any family locally.” Duke said without the notice of neighbors it News may have been much longer before the woman’s body was found. “Fortunately, they felt something was wrong and called to notify someone,” Duke said. Celebrating 60!!! Got something to say? Let’s hear it! Henderson County News welcomes letters to the editor on virtually any topic. Letters submitted for publication MUST contain your full name, address and phone number, for confirmation purposes. Only your name will appear in print. Letters may be mailed or hand-delivered to 131 S. Broad St., Lexington, TN 38351 e-mailed to [email protected] or faxed to: 968-6565 “I t s N a m e i s P u b l i c O p i n i o n . It i s held in reveren ce. It set tles everything. Some think it is the voice of God. ” — Mark Twain Europe and Elsewhere Published and distributed each Wednesday in Henderson County by Rogue Media, Inc., a locally owned and operated company. 50¢ Per Copy Rack Price. Our offices are located at 131 S. Broad St., Lexington, TN Office Hours are: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday 38351 We can be reached by phone at: 731-968-6161 By fax: 731-968-6565 • By e-mail: [email protected] Jack D. Elliott Erin Elliott Publisher Editor To ensure publication, advertising requests must be made by 5 p.m. Monday. All non-advertising submissions, letters, pictures, etc. are due by 5 p.m. Monday. Any materials received after these deadlines will be printed if space is available. Get HCN delivered for just 32¢ per week. That’s just $16 per year! Yes, I would like to begin home delivery of Henderson County News. NAME:___________________________________ PHONE:__________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________ CITY:_________________________ STATE:_______ ZIP:__________________ r Enclosed is my check or money order for $16 for delivery inside Henderson County ($18.50 Outside Henderson County.) r Please send me a bill for $16 for delivery inside Henderson County EMAIL:___________________________________________ ($18.50 Outside Henderson County.) Please make check or money order payable to HCN and mail to: HCN , 131 S. Broad St., Lexington, TN 38351. Mr. Bennie and Ms. Marie Stanfill, of Lexington, were surprised by their family with a celebration honoring them on their 60th wedding anniversary. On Saturday, May 8, 1948, the couple eloped to Corinth, Miss., after eight months of courtship. Bennie is the son of the late Mr. Rady Hickman Stanfill and the late Ms. Drexel Bell Blankenship Stanfill. Marie is the daughter of the late Mr. Elbert Johnson Jowers and the late Ms. Jimmie Opal Bartholomew Jowers Wall. Together the couple share two sons, Steve Stanfill and Jimmy Stanfill, along with seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. The couple is enjoying retirement from the Milan Arsenal and the family-owned business, Stanfill's Cloth Shoppe. During six decades of marriage, God has and is continuing to bless this special couple in many ways. Petition, from page 1. . . gain the necessary signatures. But even that may not be enough to force the issue, Wadley said. “Once we know we have enough possible signatures, then they will have to be verified,” Wadley said. “We’ll have to check each signature and match it with our regis- tered voters list. Usually, we wind up having to discount about 10 to 15 percent of the total number of signatures during that process.” But Wadley said he isn’t going to even begin the process unless petitions can produce at least 160 names by this afternoon. “There really isn’t much point in verifying the names unless we know there’s a chance to meet the required number,” Wadley said. If the required signatures are gathered, the wheel tax would become a referendum to be decided by Henderson County voters during the August General Election. them.” McBryde said similar programs have shown marked improvement in graduation rates across the country, and that it is a program he is familiar with, having instituted a similar program at his previous school in Florida. Director of Schools Kip Reel said both county high schools currently have about a 30 percent dropout rate before graduation, and that since no new funding was required, the board did not have to take action for the program to proceed. “But we certainly wanted the board to be informed of what’s going on when people begin to ask,” Reel said, “and we would appreciate the board’s blessing.” The board voted unanimously to approve the program. The board also voted to work with the Henderson County Commission to pursue a lower cost alternative to fix sanitary and environmental issues at five of the county’s seven elementary schools. The system’s current lagoons do not meet state and federal requirements. HCSB, from page 1. . . Hensley, from page 1. . . with further layoffs and ordered other employees to report the actions of both men back to him. “Hensley’s actions are in reckless and willful disregard to Plaintiff’s well established rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the suit states. The plaintiffs are requesting a jury trial to seek remuneration for “lost wages, lost benefits, reinstatement of their seniority, compensatory damages associated with wrongful discharge,’s fees and costs, punitive damages and any further equitable relief to which they may be entitled.” The case is scheduled to be heard in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee in Jackson. County officials confirmed that the county has been served with notice of the lawsuit as of last week. Hensley and his attorney, Steve Milam are scheduled to address the Henderson County commission during a called meeting Monday night at the Henderson County Courthouse. The subject of that address was not known as of press time. THANK YOU News The family of Johnny Roy Williams would like to express our thanks to everyone for their many acts of kindness shown to us during our great loss. The prayers, visits, flowers, cards, money and food were very much appreciated. Thanks to Bro. Marty Comer and Bro. Clint Burkhead for their kind words and comfort during the service. Thanks to pallbearers, Pafford Funeral Home, Henderson County Ambulance Service and Henderson County Community Hospital. May God bless you all. The family of Johnny Roy Williams Page 3, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 $2.99 * Hamburger Steak, 5.19% Fries, Yield to Maturity z Next Call 4/17/[email protected] z Final Maturity 4/17/28 z Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) is a government-sponsored enterprise z Semiannual income checks z Aaa-rated by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s & Toast at 5/13/08 Tom McNeely Investment Representative 106 South Broad Street Lexington, TN 38351 731-967-1339 Tom McNeely HUDDLE HOUSE Dine-In Only Firearms, Ammunition & Accessories LAW ENFORCEMENT/MILITARY SPECIALISTS CLASS III - SPECIAL ORDERS Available 680 E. CHURCH ST. • LEXINGTON, TN 38351 Ph: 967-0074 • F: 967-4995 Monday thru Thursday Web: email: [email protected] Store Hours: M-F 9-6, Sat. 10-3. *plus tax Page 4, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 News Allison P. Martin ATTORNEY AT LAW 14 Monroe Ave LEXINGTON, TN 38351 OFF. (731) 249-5601 FAX (731) 249-5602 BANKRUPTCY Our office has helped thousands of people in financial hardship. Let us explain your bankruptcy rights and options. Your first consultation is always free. 1-800-748-9889 WALKER, WALKER & WALKER, PLC We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. Ken Walker 2 Locations To Serve You: Jackson & Lexington Richard Walker We’re Still Going To Be Here FOR LUNCH! Stewart’s Coffee Corner Is still open, still serving great soups, salads, sandwiches & Coffee! Join us and try these great new flavors Creme Brulee Amaretto Butterscotch Toffee Butter Rum (All in Reg, & Decaf.) Breakfast Blend Ethiopian (Available in Reg. only.) We’re available for Catering! Stewart’sCoffee Corner Open 7 - 5 M-F 58 Main St. • Lexington • 968-7001 Henderson County Sheriff’s Department Activity Report as of May 13, 2008 Henderson County News prints all sheriff’s reports in their entirety, without exception, as provided by the Henderson County Sheriff’s Department. • • Thomas Michael Gutierrez, 26, 35 Rose Circle, Lexington, was charged with driving on revoked/suspended license (second offense) on May 6. • Russell Hillard, 46, 263 Reeves St., Lexington, was charged with possession of Schedule II with intent to resell on May 6. • Carolyn Dee Davis, 20, 122 Montgomery Courts, Lexington, was charged with three counts of child abuse and neglect (if non-violent) on May 7. • James Ray Elliott, 42, Idle Park Lane Lot 80, Lexington, was charged with public intoxication on May 7. • Johnny Ray Goff, 35, 340 Westwood Acres, Scotts Hill, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault on May 7. • Robert Edward Rogers, 45, 10515 Hwy 200, Lexington, was charged with assault and disorderly conduct on May 7. • Shawn Allen Carlisle, 29, 19 Mockingbird Drive, Lexington, was charged with non-support/flagrant non-support on May 8. • Steven Franklin Horton, 22, 793 Saddle Club Loop, Lexington, was charged with drug mfg/del/sale/possession Schedule II (other) and drug mfg/del/sale/possession Schedule VI on May 8. • Betty Mae Kelly, 38, 1350 Taylor Road, Lexington, was charged with possession drug paraphernalia and drug mfg/del/sale/possession Schedule IV for resale on May 8. • Levi Rhett Wright, 22, 620 Bethlehem Road, Mauk, Ga, was charged with driving on revoked/suspended license on May 8. • Stacey L Blackstock, 26, 342 Poorhouse Road, Lexington, was charged with driving on revoked/suspended license and violation of registration law on May 9. • Linda Paulette Bobbitt, 61, 100 Justine St., Lexington, was charged with dogs running at large on May 9. • James K Dyer, 40, 19845 Hwy. 104 South, Lexington, was charged with assault on May 9. • Evren Domingues Solis, 23, 11 Shirley St., Jackson, was charged with conspiracy to sell and deliver Schedule II (meth) on May 9. • Isaac Lagunes Solis, 29, 117 Century St., Jackson, was charged with conspiracy to sell and deliver Schedule II (meth) on May 9. • Ruben Domingues Solis, 26, 11 Shirley St., Jackson, was charged with conspiracy to sell and delivery Schedule II and sale or delivery of Schedule II (meth) on May 9. • Shawn Townsend, 22, 16335 Hwy. 22 North, Wildersville, was charged with violation of conditions of community corrections on May 9. • Melissa Beth Blackstock, 29, 308 South Broad St. Apt. 4, Lexington, was charged with driving on revoked/suspended license on May 10. • Lawerance Fredrick Bomer, 44, 40 Bomer Lane, Lexington, was charged with violation of check law and violation of conditions of community corrections on May 10. • Travis Brett Carter, 23, 484 North Broad St., Lexington, was charged with driving under the influence, failure to exercise due care and violation of implied consent law on May 10. • Barry Arlan Faust, 36, 195 Johnson St., Savannah, was charged with public intoxication on May 10. • Robert Glenn Grissom, 41, 444 Gaylord Road, Sharon, was charged with two counts violation of check law and driving on revoked/suspended license on May 10. • Jillian Lee Oguinn, 23, 2375 Cecil Walls Road, Yuma, was charged with violation of check law on May 10. • Tabitha Rickman, 38, 27A Rose Circle, Lexington, was charged with public intoxication on May 10. • Gary Waynes Wynes, 36, 419 Garvey St., Lexington, was charged with violation of conditions of community corrections on May 10. • Ricky Steven Carver, 45, 925 Pope Road, Lexington, was charged with public intoxication on May 11. • Lucas Amaramado, 36, 1068 Limbar Drive, Nashville, was charged with driving under the influence on May 12. • James Linnwood Baskins, 19, 2958 North Royal Road, Jackson, was charged with public intoxication on May 12. • David Bryan Brooks, 44, 366 Belmeade Drive, Lexington, was charged with domestic related assault (simple) and domestic related assault (intimidation) on May 12. • Kristie Hemby Fiddler, 30, 10786 Hwy. 412 West, Lexington, was charged with violation of probation on May 12. • Johnny Ray Goff, 35, 340 Westwood Acres, Scotts Hill, was charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of Schedule VI intent to resale on May 12. • Arnold Vincent Lovett, 22, 262 Camelot Cove, Huron, was charged with violation of check law on May 12. • Nicholas Jarrett Luther, 27, 35 Cecil Lane, Huntingdon, was charged with violation of conditions of community corrections on May 12. • Jose Arturo Morales, 31, 5099 Limbar Drive, Nashville, was charged with public intoxication on May 12. • James Milton Nolen, 42, 86 Linden St., Lexington, was charged with violation of parole on May 12. • Manual Shannon Overman, 28, 133 Stanford, Lexington, was charged with violation of conditions of community corrections on May 12. • Patty Ruth Phillips, 37, 435 Lone Elm Road, Lexington, was charged with violation of check law on May 12. McCoys Heating & Air Community Bulletin Board The Lexington Rotary Club will host a Shooting Competition at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 17 at the Jowers farm on Natchez Trace Road (across from Nachez Trace Baptist Church. On-site registration begins at 10 a.m. $5 fee for each shooter. Participants will provide their own weapons and ammunition. All proceeds will benefit VFW Post 1294. Eye and Ear protection are required. Refreshments will be avaible. For more specific shoot information contact Dr. Chris Alexander at 967-0700. House of Worship Baptist Church will have a stew sale Saturday, May 17 beginning at 10:30 a.m. $14 a gallong or eat in $4 a bowl. Crackers & drink. Bro Jeff Todd invites everyone. Boy Scout Troop 119 will hold its annual barbecue chicken sale Saturday, May 17 at Greater Life Church, Hey. 22 North from noon until sold out. All proceeds will go toward the troop’s various activities. $4 for half a chicken, $7 for a whole chicken and $6 for a plate lunch (includes half chicken, slaw, beans, potato salad and bread. The Lexington City Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 20 at the Caywood Elementary School Library. There will be a Finance Committee meeting at 5:30 p.m. prior to the board meeting. The Henderson County Relay for Life Cancer Survivor Reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 20 at the Broad Street Church of Christ Fellowship Hall in Lexington. All cancer survivors are welcome and may bring a guest. The Henderson County Republican Party will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 20 at the Henderson County Courthouse. We encourage all Republicans to attend. For more information contact Teresa Scott at 967-0986 or visit our webpage a FREE 2-Liter Pepsi®®! Offer good only with this coupon. • Limit One Per Customer. ONLY AVAILABLE AT: 404 East Church Street Lexington Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 968-5851 Ask for our Senior Citizen Discount and Get 10% Off, Every Sunday! THE May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Everyone is invited to a free educational forum to promote mental wellness in West Tennessee. The forum will take place from 1-4 p.m. Friday, May 23 at the UT Agricultural Complex , 309 C.N. Parkway in Jackson. Door prizes will be given and refreshments will be available For more information call TMHCA at 877-235-0073. The Beech River Cultural Museum will be offering dance lessons this summer to interested children ages 6 to 13. The instructions will include for lessons and at the end of the summer the Children will be invited to a formal Cotillion. In order to participate you must sign your child up before May 23. The fee of $20 per child is due before class begins. The classes are scheduled for June and July and simple classical dance steps will be taught. Space is limited, so call the Museum at 967-0306 to enroll or for more information. 287 West Church Street Lexington, Tennessee 38351 731-967-0190 • fax 731-967-0173 At our new Location 26 Monroe Ave. 731-968-7400 Serving Lunch BOX 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Monday - Friday **** Call-In • Come By! **** Now Open at 465 N. Main (Next to Elite College of Cosmetology) TOP NOTCH Jewelry Repair • Stone Replacement, Jewelry Cleaning & Remounting • Quick turnaround on all repairs • We Do Silver Send your organization’s events to HCN’s e-mail address, [email protected]. The deadline for bulletin board submissions is 5 p.m. Monday. Notices received after that time will be included as space is available. See Us First For All Your Heating & Cooling Needs! Industrial, Commercial or Residential Now Open Lexington • We also take scrap gold trade-ins • Owner: Jeffrey Pearcy, Jeweler, Repair Specialist 731-968-9009 HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE Smoke detectors are now available to Lexington residents for $4 each. Replacement batteries also are available for $1.50 each. The Lexington Fire Dept. will install smoke detectors at no charge. For more information or to schedule an installment, call 968-8219 from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Page 5, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 News Before You Renew Your Homeowners Policy... make sure you have your best insurance. Before you renew your current insurance policies, why not give State Auto a call and check out our competitive rates? We offer superior coverage on Home and Automobile insurance. Plus, you can benefit from superior service and custom-designed packages. Call our agency today! Glenn Kirk Insurance 21 Main St. S. Lexington,TN Your best insurance is a good agent. 968-4227 Page 6, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 News Honoring and Remembering. . . Several local law enforcement officers, their friends, family and supporters gathered at the Henderson County Courthouse yesterday to recognize National Police Week to honor current law enforcement officers and to remember those who have died in the line of duty. Among the speakers for the event were Henderson County Sheriff Brian Duke, Lexington Police Chief Roger Loftin and Field Representative for Sen. Bob Corker, Jane Jolly. Loftin told attendees that a constable killed on Jan. 3, 1791 became the first peace officer killed in the line of duty in the United States, and that since that time some 19,000 officers have given their lives in similar fashion, including two Lexington officers, Arthur Gourley (1956) and Richard Carrington (1981). Jolly, the wife of a career officer herself, said she was shocked to realize that more than 180 officers were killed last year, and that Tennessee ranks 15th among the 50 states for officers killed. Those in attendance hoped the event would raise awareness of the service officers provide and the dangers they face daily. Photo by Jack D. Elliott GRIMES RECYCLING 210 McKnight Drive • Lexington Need some extra gas money? Aluminum Cans lb. 70 ¢ ¢ 60 We Buy Junk Cars & Trucks Clean Aluminum lb. Hours: 8-5 Mon.- Fri. • 8-12 Sat *We now have a dumpster Sorry, we no longer accept plastic. 731-968-0160 We Recycle cardboard and newspaper. Read it online: News Page 7, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Healing on horseback. . . Community leaders, family, friends, volunteers, riders and their families joined Henderson County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Vicki Bunch and the staff of Rein-Bow Riding Academy for a ribbon cutting and dedication of the James K. Taylor Memorial Arena, owned and operated by Gary and Trish Stanfill of Huron. Rein-Bow Riding Academy uses hippotherapy, a form of therapy designed to help sensory stimulation for patients with cerebral palsy, impaired coordination, decreased mobility and many other disabilities. The Stanfills began hosting therapy sessions about a year and a half ago, seeing it as a way to give thanks for their blessings while giving something back to children and their families who have face every day with the challenges of a disability. The program currently has about 20 participants. Sessions run from 4-8 p.m. every Tuesday at the arena. The hippotherapy program welcomes volunteers and supporters. To volunteer, make a donation or learn more about the Rein-Bow Riding Academy, call 731-668-3332. Photo by Jack D. Elliott Open House Sunday, May 18, 2008 • 2-4pm 364 Gander Valley Lane We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the members of the Class of 2008 on a job well done and wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. From all of us at: $159,900 731-967-0190 N E W S TA N D A R D S F O R L I V I N G TM • 1840 sq. ft. , 1 Acre +/• 3BR/2.5BA + Office, Split Bedroom Plan • Master Bath features Walk in shower, Double vanities, and Whirlpool tub • Oversized Garage , Storage Building, Covered Deck, Fenced Backyard Join us and register for door prizes. LINDA LIPSCOMB, Owner/Broker H: 968-5656 C: 695-1118 • [email protected] RE/MAX UNLIMITED 870 West Church St. • 249-5376 • 287 West Church Street Lexington Page 8, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Sports Tigers down Sycamore 7-3, reach region title game The Lexington Big Red Tigers took one more step toward Spring Fling Monday night after beating the Sycamore War Eagles 7-3 in the Region 6-AA semifinal at Guy B. Amis Park. The win gives the Tigers (28-4) the chance to defend their region title against Bolivar at 6 p.m. tonight at Guy B. Amis Park. A win would keep the Big Red at home for Friday’s sectional round against the winner of the 5-AA final between Franklin Road Academy and David Lipscomb. Should the Tigers lose, they will travel to the 5-AA winner. Senior ace Billy Keck improved to 11-0 on the mound, but it was at the plate where Keck did most of his damage. Keck went 2-3 with a pair of two-run home runs and six total RBI in the win. LHS struck first when Keck’s sacrifice fly scored Dale Kizer, who led off with a single. Sycamore had a chance to do some damage in the top of the second inning after Keck walked Sycamore pitcher B.J. Walker. But Chase Hunter’s line drive went straight into the glove of LHS first baseman Celtic Rush, who then stepped on first base to force Walker out at first and record the double play. Senior right fielder Ryan McPherson’s leadoff double in the bottom of the third set up Keck’s first two-run bomb, which gave the Tigers a 3-0 lead after three complete innings. Sycamore fought back in the fourth, scoring two runs as a result of an error and three walks. But Keck retired the side on a strikeout and got the Big Red out of the bases loaded jam still leading 3-2. But Sycamore came back again the the top of the fifth, tying the game 3-3 on Walker’s two-out RBI single up the middle. But that’s all they would get. Senior catcher Roy Beecham ended Sycamore’s threat after picking off the Sycamore baserunner trying to steal second to close the top half of the fifth. And with momentum back on their side, the Big Red rolled. Kizer reached on an error, setting up Keck’s second two-out two-run blast, which pushed the Big Red lead to 5-3. LHS held Sycamore silent in the top of the sixth, then added two more insurance runs in the bottom half of the inning when Keck drew a bases-loaded walk and Dale Kizer scored from third on a balk. Keck and Co. closed the game in the seventh with two strikeouts and a groundout to Rush, sealing the 7-3 win and guaranteeing themselves a shot at tonight’s region title game and a home sectional game Friday. The Big Red completed district play in formidable fashion after winning the District 12-AA title last Wednesday night in Bolivar. Rush accounted for four of the Tigers’ six runs in the NOW OPEN SPRINGER MEDICAL ASSOCIATES “When You’re Sick, We’re Quick” 47 N. Broad St. • 968-0660 Alicia Springer, Nurse Practitioner Call for Special Rates on: • DOT Physicals • Sports Physicals • Self-Insured 6-0 win over the Bolivar Tigers. Rush went 3-3 at the plate, including two 2-run home runs, while Keck held the Green Tigers scoreless while giving up four hits. And Keck got plenty of help from his defense. The Tigers recorded three double plays to end as many innings on solid fielding by shortstop Ryan Johnson and second baseman Jordan Dunaway. LHS took control in the first inning when Billy Keck’s RBI single scored Dale Kizer, who reached on a single. Rush’s first homer followed, bolstering the Big Red’s lead to 3-0 after one complete inning. After three scoreless innings, the Big Red padded their lead with three runs in the fifth inning. The first run came when Johnson scored on Henderson’s sacrifice fly, and the next two from Rush’s second two-run shot. Keck was named 12-AA co-MVP, along with Bolivar catcher Clint Barnes. Henderson, McPherson and Rush received 12-AA First Team All-District honors and Hehe, Johnson and Kizer were named to the All-District Second Team. Beecham, Henderson, Keck and Rush were named to the 12-AA All Tournament team. The Lady Tigers suffered a season-ending 32 loss to the McNairy Central Lady Bobcats in last Wednesday’s semifinal round of the 12-AA softball tournament in Henderson. Freshman Carissa Boring provided key hits to keep the Lady Tigers in contention. Boring’s RBI hit in the fourth inning cut McNairy’s lead to 3-2, but the Lady Bobcats turned on the defense and kept LHS at bay to take the 3-2 win. LHS reached semifinal play by beating Bolivar 2-1 last Tuesday. Seniors Shree Carver and Nicole Coleman joined freshmen Shelese Arnold and Carissa Boring on the 12-AA All-district team. TOP: LHS 2B Jordan Dunaway was an integral part of the Big Red’s defensive effort in last week’s Dist. 12-AA title game. Dunaway had a hand in three crucial double plays that kept the Bolivar Tigers off the scoreboard. BOTTOM: Eight Tigers earned postseason honors following the 12-AA title game. Front, from left: Landon Hehe (All-Dist. Second Team); Ryan McPherson (All-Dist. First Team); Dale Kizer (All-Dist. Second Team) and Ryan Johnson (All-Dist. Second Team). Back, from left: Celtic Rush (All-Dist. First Team, All-Tournament Team); Billy Keck (12-AA MVP, All-Tournament Team); Roy Beecham (All-Tournament Team) and Russ Henderson (All-District First Team, All Tournament Team). Photos by Erin Elliott BIG COUNTRY OUTDOORS 16615 Hwy. 104N • Lexington, TN 38351 Open: Mon. - Fri. 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. 731-967-3200 Owner: Don Butler Turkey season closeout sale: calls and decoys Bait Sale: Save 20 to 50% Rod and reel combos: $7.99 to $29.99 Hours: Mon. - Wed. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. • Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. - Noon Gun repair and cleaning available! Ages 2 and up • Cash & Check Only • We now carry Biofreeze RHS edges Scotts Hill in 15-A tourney battle The Scotts Hill Lions came close to advancing through to the semifinal round of the 15-A tournament last week, but saw a 5-2 lead turn into a 6-5 loss to the Riverside Panthers Friday at JCS. Riverside held a 2-1 lead until the Lions tied the game 2-2 in the top of the second inning. Then the momentum turned black and gold, as Scotts Hill took a 4-2 lead and the momentum in the top of the fifth inning. But the Panthers roared back, scoring four runs in the sixth inning to go up 6-4 with three outs to go. Scotts Hill looked as though they were poised to regain the lead after scoring a run in the top of the seventh inning, but the Panthers held the Lions off and took the 6-5 win, ending Scotts Hill’s season. Rocky Scott took the loss for the Lions. He went 2-3 at the plate. Hunter Hayes was 2-2 batting with a double, and Mark Malone went 2-4 with a double. Lions named to the 15A All-District team were senior Cody Powell and sophomores Hayes, Malone and Scott. Wings AAU 15U state runners-up Lexington Lady Tigers Rachel Savage (left) and Tiffany Keck attended the State AAU Tournament this past weekend in Cookeville. Their team, Tennessee Wings 15-U, is made up of young ladies from all over West Tennessee. The Wings won State Championship runner up, defeating all other teams but one in tournament play. Photo courtesy of Dana Savage Little League to hold benefit tourney Saturday The Lexington Little League will hold its third annual benefit tournament Saturday, May 17 at Guy B. Amis Park. All 10 league teams will participate, with games scheduled to begin at 9 a.m, with the championship game slated for 7 p.m. Concessions and tournament T-shirts will be available all day. All tournament proceeds will benefit the Henderson County Humane Society and the Carl Perkins Center for the of Child Prevention Abuse. Sports Page 9, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Page 10, Henderson County News, May 14, 2007 Class of ’08 Presenting the Lexington High School’s Class of 2008 For all that you’ve accomplished, For all you’re going to do now, Davis Dry Goods Would like to recognize The Class of 2008! Davis Dry Goods Court Square, Lexington Since 1935 968-3351 All of us at Lexington Chevrolet would like to recognize the accomplishments of the Graduating Class of 2008. For a job well done, We Salute You! Hwy 22 South Lexington 968-2527 Jessica Aldridge Ashley Alexander Elijah Alexander Ashley Andrews Caitlyn Arnold Megan Attaway Mary Azbill Kayla Baker Whitney Baker Whitney Ballhagen Joseph Barnes Heather Barre Lauren Bates Valerie Battles Carissa Beecham Molly Beecham Roy Beecham Joshua Bell Daniel Birchett Bradley Blackburn Ryan Blackwood Emmitt Blankenship Jonathan Blankenship Mark Blankenship Brenda Bowman Emily Box Jessica Braddy Jessie Braddy Clinton Britt Timothy Brockett Crystal Brown Keenon Buckley Bobby Burkhead Samantha Burr Christopher Byrd Brian Callis Miranda Carrington Andrew Carter Gayla Carver Jordan Cash Brittany Coffman Katie Coleman Quentin Coleman Tiffany Coleman Stephanie Contreras Crystyle Cooley Kelsey Corbitt Kristen Courtright Bobby Cox Jessica Daugherty Charmaine Davis Justin Davis Johnna Dollins Brittany Duck Lindsey Dudley Jordan Dunaway Cheyenne Dunivan Blakely Dyer Eimly Evans Anthony Faulkner Colton Flanagan Mikiala Ford Leigh Foster Laura Frizzell Michael Garlock Brittany Garner Morgan Garner Tyler Garner Kathryn German Shelby Ghamrawy Cody Gilbert Derek Glass Chelsea Greenfield Christine Grissom Jonathan Hakes Jonathan Hancock Lakendra Hart Colton Hatchett Scott Hawley Justin Hayes Katelyn Hogan Congratulations Molly Mary Holland Stephanie Hollis Crystal Holloway Avery Holmes John Huddleston Spencer Huddleston Stepehen Hurtt Jacob Jensen Ryan Johnson Brandi Jones Rachel Jowers Billy Keck Cecilia Kee Natasha Kinman Dale Kizer Tamara Kizer Brandon Lancaster Kendra Lance Julie Larue Adam Lewis Emily Like Stacy Little Brandon Maness Eric Maness Stephanie Mann Jeremy Martin Riley Martin Courtney McCalmon Kimberly McClain Marci McNeill Heather McPeake Rebecca McPeake Alex McPherson Cecily McQueen Lachrisha Melton Jackqueline Milholen Chastity Millner Rebekah Mineo Camara Mitchell Lenleigh Mixon Alaina Moffitt Best Wishes! We Love You! ˜Momma & Daddy Class of ’08 Lauren Morris Jessica OGuinn Charles Oldner Madison Olive David Overman Michael Overman Tony Overman Justin Parker Matthew Parker Kelly Parrish Bethany Payne Jaana Pearson Nicholas Pearson Tanisha Pearson Leah Perry Victor Pearson Hanna Phillips Jude Phillips Jessica Phipps Samantha Poprawksi Christina Powers Matthew Proudfit Amy Ray Monica Ray Nathasha Reeves Russell Rich Jessilyn Richardson John Rickman Maranda Roberts Ashley Rose Christopher Ross Jessica Ross Kenneth Ross Celtic Rush Brandon Scott Hunter Scott Kenneth Silver Derrick Sims 2008 Cody Small Latoya Sparks Chalsie Staten Bethany Stewart Dustin Stroud Dustin Tart Jessica Thiele Austin Thomas Robert Thomas Timothy Threadgill Nicholas Tucker Anna Vaughn Lisa Vogan Stephanie Voorhis Jacob Walker Justin Watkins Charles Webb Shodroguez Webb Jillian White Casey Williams Darrenton Williams Morgan Williams Chyna Willmont Jessican Wilson Cody Wood Jacob Wood Krista Wood Sabrina Woodall Monica Young Schools Hill High School’s Class of 2008 John Anderson Jennifer Blankenship Whitney Bowman Brittney Martinez Samantha McAdams Courtney McDonald Stephanie McPeake Jennifer Milholen Nick Moore Kevin Page Kari Pearcy Kristen Pierce Cody Powell Maci Powers Jordan Putney Joshua Ragsdell Felicia Reeves Dylan Robinson Adam Rushing Kadi Scott Floyd Sellers Clinton Sherwood Joseph Simpson John Shuffield Ashley Specher Joshua Stinnet Emily Thomas Brandi Warren Justin Wyatt Nicholas Yates Jacup Hendrix Jake Brasher Justine Brown Emily Carrington Salena Carrington Amanda Cowart Janesa Craig Amber Crawford Jessica Crossno Teresa Davenport Jeremy Dick Brianna Easley Dessa Evans Colton Evans Ashley Ferrell Jessica Ferrell Gerri Flowers Brittany Forgette Kalee Frye Justin Garner Kalle Garner Jesse Gibson James Greer Luke Hill Jacob Hopper Roger Ivey Ashton Johnson Marian Johnson Michael Jones Zachary Jowers Catrina Kelly Kyle Kelly Aaron King Adam Kolb Garrett Lancaster Andrew Landrum Mallory Maners Autumn Martin Page 11, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o th e C l a s s o f 2 0 0 8 We wish you the best of luck in all that your future holds and look forward to seeing great things from you in the future. 52 First Street 968-3501 22 Natchez Trace Drive 968-7391 Congratulations To You All... G “ reat things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh Glenn Kirk Insurance 21 Main St. S. Lexington,TN 968-4227 Read it before it hits the stands at: Page 12, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Joseph "Joe" Howard Blankenship Funeral service for Joseph "Joe" Howard Blankenship, 61, will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 15, 2008 at Reeds Chapel. Burial to follow at Oak Grove Cemetery. Mr. Blankenship died Monday May 12, 2008 in Lexington. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Kay Blankenship; two daughters, Shannon Lynn Blankenship Walls of Columbia, Mo., Jennifer Ann Blankenship Calabrese of Flower Mound, Texas; one step daughter, Sharae Denise Manus of Cookeville; one step son, Charles Ray Manus of Memphis; one brother, Noel Blankenship of Lexington and five grandchildren, Soleil Gray Blankenship, Derrick Rassinier, Berkeley Logan Steinhauer, Charles Michael Manus and Erin Dawn Manus. Harry Vanden Laws Funeral services for Harry Vanden Laws, 73, were held 2 p.m. Sunday, May 11, 2008 at Reeds Chapel with Dr. Hoyt Wilson officiating. Burial followed at Nebo Cemetery. Mr. Laws died Thursday, May 8, 2008 at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital. He retired from the the U.S. Army. He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Beulah (Milan) Laws. He is survived by his wife, Myra (Blankenship) Laws; a daughter, Judy Lewis of Lexington; two sons, Ricky Laws of Lexington and Jimmy Laws of Dallas, Texas and four grandchildren, Jonathan and Hannah Laws, and Kristin Detron and Kirby Lewis. Lucille D. Scott Funeral services for Mrs. Lucille D. Scott, age 93, are scheduled for 1:00PM, Wednesday, May 14, 2008 in the chapel of Pafford Funeral Home with Dr. Hoyt Wilson and Bro. Marty Comer officiating. Burial will follow in Henderson County Memory Gardens. Mrs. Scott died Monday in Jackson. She was born Obituaries August 28, 1914 in Lexington to the late Ben and Euda Wright Deere. Mrs. Scott was a retired Sales Clerk and a member of First Baptist Church in Lexington. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mr. E. R. Scott. Survivors include her son, Tony (Patty) Scott of Chattanooga, TN, her daughter, Kay (Robert) Hughes, brother, Nolon Deere, and Sister Arbie Jane Blankenship all of Lexington, four grandchildren, Leesa Kay (David) Coffman, Timothy E. Hughes, Laura (Jason) Gilbert, and Mark Scott, and five great grandchildren, Lindsey and Kellye Coffman, Jessica and Jacob Gilbert, and Christopher Scott. Adrienne Middleton Funeral services for Mrs. Adrienne Marcell Middleton, age 86, were 3:00pm, Saturday, May 10, 2008 in the chapel of Pafford Funeral Home in Lexington with Bro. Jerry Tubbs officiating. Burial followed in Chapel Hill Ceme- Area Church Events Wildersville Baptist Church Youth will have a fish fry Saturday, May 17. Plates will be sold for $7. Serving begins at 4 p.m. Singing begins at 6 p.m. featuring the Timberlake Church Men’s Choir and Ms. Betty Gooch. Cheeseburger and hot dog plates will also be available. For tickets call 968-3041 or 614-4686, 6142232, 614-4831 or 614-9675. Wildersville Baptist Church is located at 140 Wildersville Church Road. House of Worship Baptist Church will have a stew sale Saturday, May 17 beginning at 10:30 a.m. $14 a gallon or eat in $4 a bowl. Crackers & drink. Bro Jeff Todd invites everyone. Bro. Wesley Woods will preach at Bible Grove Missionary Baptist Church at 6 p.m. Sunday, May 18. Old Jacks Creek Baptist Church will hold Homecoming service on Sunday, May 18. There will ne no Sunday School. Preaching begins at 11 a.m., with lunch to follow at noon. Singing begins at 1:30 p.m. by the Ross Family. Bro. Charles Burton invites everyone. Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church will have Homecoming services Sunday, May 25, 2008. Preaching will begin at 11 a.m. with lunch following at noon. Singing in the afternoon will be provided by the Glory Singers. Bro. Clint Sanders, pastor. tery. Mrs. Middleton died early Friday at her home in Camden. She was born October 27, 1921 in Chicago, IL to the late William and Marcell Racine Armitage. She was a retired employee of Lexington Metal and a Natchez Trace Pentecostal Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Mr. John H. Middleton. Survivors include her son, Mr. John Middleton of Bath Springs, two daughters, Yvonne Davis of Camden and Darlene Tubbs of Parsons, twelve grandchildren, and twenty-three great grandchildren. Fred Jowers Fred Jowers, 70, passed away from this Earth May 11, 2008 at Lexington Manor Nursing Home. He was a twin and one of four sons born to Claude and Ethel Jowers, all of whom Jowers have preceded him in death. He left Lexington in 1957 and moved to Memphis, TN where he lived until his retirement in 1992 as an over the road truck driver. At that time, he returned to his native home of Lexington, TN and devoted the remainder of his career to his passion of working in used car sales. He was a member of Fairview Church of Christ. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving wife of 50 years, Mrs. Sarah Jowers; two daughters, Debbie (Bill) Vopel of Fernandina Beach, FL, and Denise Wilkerson of Memphis, TN, two grandchildren, Erica McCaa and Kay- lon Wilkerson and two great-grandsons, Hunter McCaa-Wolverton and Aidan McCaa. Visitation will be held Wednesday 3:00PM to 9:00PM at Pafford Funeral Home. Services will be at 2:00PM, Thursday, May 15, 2008 at Pafford Funeral Home Chapel with Charles Thomason and Dan Hughes officiating. Burial will follow in Fairview Church of Christ Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests any memorials be dedicated to Fairview Church of Christ in Lexington, TN. The family expresses their deepest gratitude and appreciation for all of the prayers, visits, and support from family and friends during Mr. Jowers illness. Charles "Chuck" Joyner Funeral services for Mr. Charles “Chuck” Joyner, age 80, were 10:30a.m., Monday, May 12, 2008 in the chapel of Pafford Funeral Home in Lexington with Bro. Lewis officiating. Screws Burial will followed in Middlefork Cemetery. Mr. Joyner died Friday in Jackson. He was born February 12, 1928 in Chester County to the late Joddie and Tancy Millner Joyner. Mr. Joyner was retired from the U. S. Army and worked as an LPN. He was a Baptist in belief. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty Joyner of Huron, two sons, Greg Joyner of Arlington and Louis Joyner of Huron, four daughters, Sonia Britt of Beech Bluff, Sandy Wood and Renee Joyner of Lexington, and Shelia Stewart of Copperas Cove, TX, and six grandchildren. Beulah Mae Brasher Funeral services for Beulah Mae Mrs. Brasher, age 77, were 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 13, 2008 in the of Pafford chapel Funeral Home with Bro. Jim Dennison officiating. Burial followed in Sand Ridge Cemetery. Mrs. Brasher died Sunday at her daughter’s home in Lexington, surrounded by her family. She was born February 9, 1931 in Henderson County to the late Everette and Ivy Welch Phillips. She was a retired employee of Salant & Salant and a Baptist in belief. Mrs. Brasher was preceded in death by her first husband, Mr. Dwitt Williams, three brothers, Merle, John, and James Phillips, two sisters, Louise O’Brien and Butone Dennison, and one grandchild, James Edward Williams, Jr. Survivors include her second husband, Earl Brasher, two sons, Tony (Nancy) Williams of Reagan and Eddie (Wanda) Williams of Lexington, two daughters, Donna (Jerry) Hopper and Debbie (William) Page of Lexington, one brother, Loyce Phillips of Lexington, three sisters, Lula Pratt, Ilene Buck, and Myrtle Weaver all of Lexington, ten grandchildren, Andy Allen, Patricia Western, Jeremy Hopper, Bridget Allkins, Walea Hopper, Candy Stowe, Jody Williams, Brandy Erica and Horn, Stephanie Martindale, and fourteen great Ally, grandchildren, Colton, Jeri Lynne, Jacquelyne, Jada, Josi, Calvin, Shawn, James, Madeline, Shelby, Cordel, Jacob, and Tylen. News Sears receives appointment to West Point Jackson Christian School senior Samuel Sears has accepted an appointment to attend the United State Military Academy this fall. Through the effort, belief and encouragement of William ‘Bill’ Duffy and the congressional nomination of Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Sears was awarded this opportunity. Sears is the son of Kimba and Gerald Sears of Lexington. Sears is one of the first residents of Henderson County to receive an appointment to attend West Point. He is looking forward to the academic challenge and to playing for Army football and soccer teams of Army. Duffy, Sears’ head soccer coach at JCS, is a West Point graduate and now serves as area field director for West Point. Duffy said that after getting to know Sears, he saw in him the academic, leadership and physical qualities that would be a great fit for him at West Point. After interviewing Sears, Blackburn also was convinced that he was a great choice, warranted a congressional nomination and deserved the opportunity to attend West Point. Sears will graduate from JCS this month and leaves to join the West Point Class of 2012 in June. Photo courtesy of the Sears Family Page 13, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Griffin, Carrington to exchange vows Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Guy Griffin if Lexington announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Courtney Nichole Griffin to Spc. William Hunter Carrington, son of Mrs. Sandra Dell Carrington and Mr. William David Carrington, both of Memphis. The bride is the granddaughter of Mrs. Ethel Griffin and the late Mr. Kenneth Deems Griffin of Old Fort, N.C. and the late Mr. and Mrs. J.S. and Virginia Petty of Lexington. The prospective groom is the grandson of Mr. Thomas and Sandra Carrington of Parsons and the late Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Ruby Bryant of Memphis. Courtney is a 2004 graduate of Lexington High School She is currently attending Union University, where she is completing a Bachelor of Science in Sports Medicine with an emphasis in Athletic Training. Hunter is a 2002 graduate of Central Baptist High School of Memphis and a graduate of Southwest Community College in Memphis. He is currently serving a tour in Afghanistan as part of the 82nd Airborne Division of the Army. Upon his return he will be stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C. The wedding will take place at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 24, 2008 at First Baptist Church in Lexington, with a reception to follow. All friends and family are invited. The couple will honeymoon in Jamaica and will reside in Spring Lake, N.C. SHHS wins MTSU award for short film Mortgage Professionals, Inc. REVERSE MORTGAGES FOR HOMEOWNERS AGE 62 OR OLDER We will pay off your existing mortgage (if needed.) AND GIVE YOU Scotts Hill High School accepted first place from Middle Tennessee State University’s Imagine That High School Video Contest. Accepting the award were (from left) Actor Pedro Raudry, Director Kevin Scott Page, Assistant Director Cody Elliott and Actor and Music Composer Jacob Shourd. The short film, “My Dad,” was produced at Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Opry Mills Photo courtesy of Kevin Page Mall in Nashville. View the short film at WE CAN HELP WITH YOUR ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE: • Did you loan officer tell you not to worry? • Are you concerned about your mortgage payment increasing? • Are you worried about making that payment? • Are you afraid of losing your home? 731-439-0961 FOR LIFE 1) No house payments for the rest of your life. 2) No income or credit qualifications! 3) You continue to own your home. FHA & VA Approved. Call Dean Vanover to Make Appointment. 731-439-0961 • toll free 866-699-0974 Get it First! Get it Fast! Get it FREE! FHA & VA Approved. Call Dean to Make Appointment. A MONTHLY INCOME Mortgage Professionals, Inc. Page 14, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 News/Class. You can be confident of help when misfortune strikes by insuring your car with an independent State Auto agent who’s committed to serving you. In our agency, we feel you should get a prompt, fair settlement at time of loss. A good policy assures you of good claims service - and that’s what we provide. Give us a call. You’ll find we’re friends you can depend on. 968-6649 Dyer’s Employment Agency, Inc. 23 North Main St. Suite C • Lexington, TN 731-968-8030 Putting People To Work In Lexington & Henderson County Do you need to work? Are you tired of scanning the classifieds day after day without results, or going on countless interviews for positions that don’t meet your needs and goals? Dyer’s Employment Agency can help! AT NO COST TO YOU! • 72% of temporary employees say it is the best way to get a permanent job. • 72% of temporary employees obtain a permanent job while working for a staffing company. Rhonda Barnes Customer Service Mgr. • 82% of temporary and contract employees work full-time, virtually the same as the rest of the work force. Businesses today need to maintain the highest quality staff. When a business needs to fill a vacancy, they need to do so as quickly as possible. But advertising, interviewing and checking references can take up valuable time that businesses simply do not have in today’s marketplace. Dyer Employment Agency helps businesses fill vacancies quickly by providing quality employees who have already been interviewed, screened and qualified to do the jobs industry needs them to do. Dyer Employment Agency specializes in matching employees with the job, placing the right people in the right positions for them to shine, grow and advance. Dyer Employment Agency offers its employees higher than average wages and affordable benefits comparable to those offered by other employers. If you’re tired of searching for a job, and ready to go to work or begin a career, call Dyer Employment Agency today! We are currently staffing for the following companies: LeRoy Somer, Volvo Penta, Columbus McKinnon, Fluid Routing Solutions (formerly Mark IV Automotive), Falcon Plastics, Kolpak, McCall’s Refrigeration. We are currently accepting applications for the following positions: • CNC • Machine & Press Operators • • Production & Assembly • Welders • EOE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the South Haven Elementary School will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on May 29, 2008 at 80D South Broad Street, Lexington, TN 38351, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Kaatz, Binkley, Jones, & M orris Architects, Inc., 1008 Charlie Daniels Parkway, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; F.W. Dodge Plan Room, Nashville, Tennessee; Nashville Contractors Association, Nashville, Tennessee; and the West TN Plan Room, Jackson, Tennessee. Plans Deposit: $350 per set to General Contractors, Mechanical Plumbing, and Electrical Subcontractors 5% Bidders Bond is required. Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the full amount of the bid will be required. All bidders must be licensed Contractors as required by the Contractors Licensing Act of 1976, as currently amended. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the Henderson County Jail Mass Grading Package will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on June 5, 2008 at 80D South Broad Street, Lexington, TN 38351, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract Documents may be examined at the office of the Kaatz, Binkley, Jones & Morris Architects, Inc., 1008 Charlie Daniels Parkway, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee; F.W. Dodge Plan Room, Nashville, Tennessee; Nashville Contractors Association, Nashville, Tennessee; and the West TN Plan Room, Jackson, Tennessee. Plans Deposit: $350 per set to General Contractors, Mechanical Plumbing, and Electrical Subcontractors 5% Bidders Bond is required. Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the full amount of the bid will be required. All bidders must be licensed Contractors as required by the Contractors Licensing Act of 1976, as currently amended. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given on the ninth Day of May, 2008; letters testamentary in respect to the estate of Janet Paschall, deceased, were issued the undersigned by the Chancery Court of Henderson County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured, against her estate are hereby required to file notice of same with the clerk of the above named court within four months from the date of first publication of this notice, otherwise their claims will be forever barred. This 9th day of May 2008, Brenda Douglass, Executrix of the estate of Janet Paschall, deceased. Leigh J. Milam Clerk & Master 5/14; 5/21 PD PARKER’S PRESSURE WASH Dirty Roof? • Remove Dark Streaks • Retards Mold Growth • No High Pressure • Concrete Sealing • Clean Brick, Fences, Decks • All Vinyl Siding 731-343-9725 731-968-2813 NOTICE Pursuant to Section 67-5-508, Tennessee Code Annotated, the property assessment records of Henderson County will be available for public inspection in the Property Assessor’s Office in the Henderson County Courthouse. during normal business hours. Any person desiring to inspect these records may do so at the appointed time and place. The Henderson County Board of Equalization will begin its annual session to examine and equalize the county assessments on June 2, 2008. THE BOARD WILL ACCEPT APPEALS FOR TAX YEAR 2008 ONLY UNTIL THE LAST DAY OF ITS 2008 REGULAR SE SSION, W H I C H W I L L B E J U N E 6 , 2 0 0 8 . The Board will meet each weekday from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Henderson County Courthouse. Any owner of property who wishes to make a complaint or appeal to the County Board of Equalization must appear before said Board at this time personally or by personal appearance of an agent for the owner bearing the owner’s written authorization. Failure to appear and appeal an assessment will result in the assessment becoming final without further right of appeal. ANIMALS Rabbits. Live for breeding stock and pets or dressed for meat. Dennis’ Small Engine. 1-731-9675405. 5/28 VEHICLES/BOATS & PARTS FOR SALE 2001 Holiday Rambler Alumascape. Excellent condition. Lots of optional equipment. $18,500. 731-798-6881. 5/21 1968 Fabuglass opu 100 hp 17 ft. Outboard motor, brand new switch box or brain box, new carpet. Runs great. New tires. Needs seat. 1,000 obo. 307-9437 125 Honda 3-wheeler. Big tires. $300 obo. 307-9437 1983 Ford F350 1 ton with steel bed. Best offer. 731-9689499. 1986 International 2 1/2 ton diesel bob truck w/ 24 ft. van body bed. $4,000. 968-4843 after 6 p.m. or 968-9675679 ext. 101. 1975 Ford 4 wheel drive wrecker with 6,000 pound winch on front. $2,500 obo. 731-968-9499. FOR SALE Classifieds New 12 hp Briggs & Stratton engine. 9680448. 5/14 Martin’s Greenhouse. Vegetable plants, flowers and baskets in their prime. Buy Now! Discount for quantity on Regular and Tidal Wave petunias. 967-1481 5/21 SERVICES Mowing & Trimming. cell 731-298-4166 or home 731-968-2777. 8/16 Cash for scrap - vehicles, farm equipment, etc. You call, I haul. No Sunday calls. 968-5183. 5/21 Will sit with the sick & elderly 3 p.m.-11 p.m. 967-0898 or 798-0173. Lawn and garden equipment serviced, repaired. Buy your parts here too. Dennis’ Small Engine. 1731-967-5405. 5/28 New Image Health Food, Diet Center, Gym, No Chemicals Call for free consultation. If We Don’t Have It We Will Get It. 777 West Church St. Ste D. Jane Vestal, Sandra McPeake, owners. 731-968-8160. 8/27 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Housekeeper-Aide, must work flexible house in p.m. Must Drive. NOT A SITTING JOB. Call after 5 p.m. 731-9686736. 5/14 Picnic tables, swings, swing frames, gliders, rockers, playsets, etc. Dennis’ Small Engine. 1-731-9675405. 5/28 Part-time cable repair man needed. Must have experience with Amps line Extenders Power supply. Call 931589-5131. Used riding mowers for sale. Also offering service and repair. Dennis’ Small Engine. 1-731-9675405. 5/28 Need part-time delivery/drivers. Home weekends. Call for details. 731-9872917 • Roofing Yard sale season is here! Advertise your yard sale for $5 in HCN Cal 9 6 8 - 6 1 6 1 today! Dennis O’Dell Contractor • Small Jobs Welcome • Siding • 22 years Experience • Carpentry • Free Estimates Get two estimates Call Denny Jackson 731-225-6442 NOTICE OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETING There will be a special called meeting of the Henderson County commission at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 19, 2008 in the Courtroom at the Henderson County Courthouse. The Budget Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. in the Mayor’s office. The Highway Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Little Courtroom. The Henderson Coutny Commission agenda includes: Approving minutes; Approving transfers and amendments; Industrial Board Request; Feasibility request for Parker’s Crossroads; Danny Garner to address commission concerning MIG audit; Jimmy Tate findings at the Henderson County Highway Dept.; Thomas Lee Davis to address the Commission concerning County Highway Dept. and Criminal Justice Complex; David Ables to address Commission concerning Wheel Tax; Harold Hensley and Steve Milam to address Commission; Approving notaries. 2 or 3 Bedroom All have washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator & AC All Utilities Included No Deposit ELLIOTT’S PAINTING SERVICES • Commercial and Residential • Licensed and insured 30+ years’ exp. • Billy Elliott • Antique Buying/Refinishing 731-968-9689 731-968-1374 FOR RENT Mobile Homes & Houses Page 15, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 Preferred Realty 968-8328 If you’re thinking about selling your home or farm and want a full-time agent working for you give me a call. James Ivey 614-3799 Turn your unwanted stuff into much needed cash! HCN classifieds are $1 per inch. Call 9 6 8 - 6 1 6 1 to place your ad today! Beech Lake Family Camping Resort 495 Beech Lake Campground Road, Lexington, TN 38351-6515 Phone: 731-968-9542 NOTICE GIVEN Beech Lake Family Camping Resort is a private RV/tent camping facility/business located in Henderson County, TN. use of the resort is limited to BLFCR customers only. A BLFCR customer is any individual 21 years or older that has registered and paid a fee to use the resort services. The purchase of a BRWDA Lake and Land Use Permit does not allow the purchaser of said permit the use of any part of the resort facility. In other words, only a paying, properly registered, BLFCR customer can have use of the resort launch, boat slips, bank side, beach side, campsites, sports field, pavilion, restrooms and activities. All others are considered trespassers and will be treated as such according to TN law. All vehicles making entry onto resort property must be registered with the resort business office. Failure to do so will result in vehicle removal & tow with the cost going to the vehicle owner. Visit the resort website at for general information and current facility rates, or contact the resort office. May, 2008 Glen & Marsha Dams, BLFCR Co-proprietors Page 16, Henderson County News, May 14, 2008 LINDA LIPSCOMB Owner/Broker H: 968-5656 C: 695-1118 [email protected] JAMIE PERKINS Affiliate Broker O:249-5376 C: 343-3362 NEW CONSTRUCTION HOMES!!! [email protected] Turtle Creek Estates Turtle Creek Estates KATHY FISHER E pro Realtor 282 Turtle Creek Rd. MLS 125005 • $101,900 265 Turtle Creek Rd. MLS 128084 • $109,900 O:249-5376 C: 845-3413 [email protected] BRENT ROSS Affiliate Broker O:249-5376 C: 431-2878 [email protected] JANICE JOHNSON Affiliate Broker O: 249-5376 C: 614-4396 [email protected] West Pointe Rolling Hills Rolling Hills 597 West Pointe Dr. MLS 121961 • $171,900 1444 Poorhouse Rd. MLS 124808 • $122,900 1426 Poorhouse Rd. MLS 124807 • $129,900 Madison Place Turtle Creek Estates Monte Royal Estates 72 Pasture Rd. MLS 122449 • $188,000 203 Turtle Creek Rd. MLS 124770 • $109,900 349 Plantation Dr. MLS 128086 • $129,900 RE/MAX UNLIMITED 870 West Church St. • 249-5376 • New Construction Homes For Sale! • New Construction Homes For Sale! New Construction Homes For Sale! • New Construction Homes For Sale! New Construction Homes For Sale! • New Construction Homes For Sale! New Construction Homes For Sale! • New Construction Homes For Sale! Each Office Independently Owned And Operated. This information, although believed to be accurate, is not guaranteed or warranted to be so.
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