(PDF, Unknown) - Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
(PDF, Unknown) - Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
JULY 17 , 2016 GOD BLESS THIS CHURCH AND ALL WHO ENTER SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ALTAR SERVERS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 16 July 17 July 23 July 24 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. FINANCIAL CLERKS WEEK OF JULY 17, 2016 Sat July 16 Sun July 17 Tues July 19 Sat July 23 4:00p.m. Frank D’Eramo By Ed DelBoccio & Shelly Testa 10:30a.m. Dorothy Valley By Tony & Family 9:00a.m. Marian & Steve Criscionni By Anita & Virginia 4:00p.m. Carmen Gianinni By Wife Marie Sun Sun July 17 July 24 10:30a.m. 10:30a.m. July 23 Sun July 24 Tues Sat July 26 July 30 4:00p.m Carmen Gianinni By Wife Marie 10:30a.m. Christine Pomponio By Gloria Latessa 9:00a.m. 4:00p.m Minnie Crisucci By Family & Friends Give in proportion to the blessings the Lord has given you MAY YOUR SPECIAL DAY BE FILLED WITH ALL OF GOD’S BLESSINGS! Jessie Acierno Edward Pesce Eleanor Pershing Dean Nelson Rita Segretario T Valley & M.A. Cann G Pontuti EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 16 July 17 July 23 July 24 WEEK OF JULY 24 ,2016 Sat S Frasco & J Naples C & N Anthony Howe Children J & D Meranto 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. Sam Frasco Marie Lorubbio Jeff Howe Oblate Sister LECTORS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 16 July 17 July 23 July 24 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. Joe Naples Nancy Rubino Chris Anthony Tom Coppola HUMAN COMMUNITY Every person has a mother and a father; he receives help from others and is obliged to help others and to develop his talents for the benefit of all. Since man is God’s “image” in a certain way he reflects God, who in his depths is not alone but triune (and thus life, love, dialogue, and exchange). Finally, love is the central commandment for all Christians; through it we profoundly belong together and are fundamentally dependent on one another. “You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Mt 22: 39). SORROWFUL MOTHER CANDLE FOR DANNY CONONICO BY BRENDA LESHNACK SORRY: MISSED SAM MOSCA’S BIRTHDAY JULY 2 I get my information from registration forms. Sometimes birthdays are not included or were missed. Sorry! COLLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 3, 2016 COLLECTION $3,719.00 CANDLES 137.00 ENVELOPES:108 COLLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 10, 2016 COLLECTION $4227.00 CANDLES 154.00 ENVELOPES 90 SORROWFUL MOTHER CANDLE PIETA’ FOR CARMEN GIANINNI BY WIFE MARIE @ SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH. ST JOSEPH THE PROVIDER SCHOOL REVEREND MICHAEL SWIERZ, PRESIDENT MRS. CHERYL JABLONSKI, PRINCIPAL SISTER BERNADINE ,SND SISTER CHARLOTTE, OSU St Anthony of Padua 1125 Turin Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44510 MINISTERING TO THE HOMEBOUND Our church continues to meet the sacramental and spiritual needs of our homebound parishioners. If you are aware of anyone who is homebound and in need or desire of our support, please contact the parish office. Likewise, if a member of your family is in the hospital and in need of either the Sacrament of the Sick or Communion, please call. Thank you for your cooperation. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL, HOME BOUND, OR IN NURSING HOMES: May the blessings of God surround you Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you Barbara Billett, Ann & Linda Brown, Josephine Bullano, Marie Chance, Stephen Cheff, Anthony DelFratte, Rina DiFiore, Olga Fortini, , Bill & Geri Huey, John Kesic, Phyllis LaRubbio, Tony & Pat Parish, Ida Phillips Sandy Putigano, Fred Ross, Lou Salreno, Carmen Scaperotto.Tina Sovik SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY’S FOCUS: BE WHO YOU ARE In Mary and Martha, we see a microcosm of the Church: we each have distinct abilities and need to put them at the service of Christ and others. To be who we are we must listen to God’s voice, sit at Jesus’ feet, and pay attention to the gifts we have or can develop. Choose the better part. Accept and appreciate those gifts and thereby welcome Christ, however He visits us. Genesis 18: 1-10a Psalm 15: 1a Colossians 1: 24-28 Luke 10: 38-42 Loving God, giver of all that is good, help me to thank you today by using the gifts you have given me to welcome those people through whom you visit me. THEOLOGY ON TAP YOUNG ADULTS IN THEIR 20’S AND 30’S Theology on Tap is a program that reaches out to young adults who want to explore the role of faith in their daily lives. In a fun and casual atmosphere, you’ll hear straight talk and honest answers to your deepest questions about faith, religion, love, work and other life experiences. Theology on Tap provides an opportunity to not only learn about the Catholic faith but also meet like-minded people and make new friends. Theology on Tap is open to all young adults, married and single, ages 21-39. We generally meet on the 3rd Wed. of the month and we switch locations every 3-4 months. Please save the dates for this summer: Theology on Tap will meet at the MVR, Wed. July 20(speaker Fr. Ed Noga) Wed Aug. 17( Speaker Deacon Mike Kocjancic For More information or questions contact: Brooke Steines E-mail: [email protected] or Kristina Henik@330-559-5218 Rectory (330) 744-5091 UPCOMING EVENTS OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL BASILICA TO HOST SPECIAL TOUR OF THE INTERNATIONAL PILGRIM STATUE IN HONOR OF THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Our lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica, 343 Via Mt. Carmel Ave., Youngstown, Ohio-July 22,23, 2016. The worldfamous international Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, traveling worldwide since 1947, is on an historic two year journey across America, march 2016December 2017, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the apparitions at Fatima, visiting more than 100 dioceses in 50 states. The Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio is participating in the tour on July 22-23, 2016. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica on Friday, July 22, 2016 at 10:00a.m.. There will be a liturgy at noon. There will be an all night vigil and the image will leave after the Saturday evening 5 p.m. vigil Mass. There is Mass, Rosary, confessions, talks on Fatima, and private veneration of the statue. The goal of the Fatima Centennial U.S. Tour for Peace is to allow Our Lady of Fatima to claim her dominion over America through he Immaculate Heart, and to bring the urgent Message of Fatima the Peace Plan from Heart I the Church next to His Sacred Heart. The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima was sculpted in 1947 by famous sculptor Jose Thediam, upon the precise instructions of Sister Lucia on October 13, 1947, the statue was blessed by the Bishop of Fatima and commissioned to serve as the Pilgrim Virgin that would carry the blessings of Fatima throughout the world. The Bishop prayed that Mary herself accompany the statue wherever it goes. BEGIN WITH A DAILY OFFERING Father, here I am. I know you are always with me. I place my heart in the Heart of your Son Jesus, who gives himself to us in the Eucharist each day. May your Holy Spirit strengthen me to live the Gospel in everything I do and say. For my part I give you this day-all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings-all I am and possess. With Mary, Mother of the Church, I pray for the mission of the Church, for all Apostles of Prayer, and for the intentions of the Pope this month…. REMEMBER US LAST: When you are preparing your will and estate plan remember those closest to you...spouse, family members and loved ones. Then remember Our Lady of Mount Carmel Basilica/St Anthony with a residual gift that defines your Legacy of Faith as a member of our parish community. Please call 330-744-8451 ext. 325 for information. THE BEVERAGE HOUSE Located in Save-A-Lot 653 Gypsy Lane Union Square Plaza 330-743-3746 Curiosity Shop “The area’s upscale consignment shop for women” Tu.-F. 10-5:30 Wed. 12-5:30 Sat. 10-4 584 Main St. #30 AmericAn Rimedio’s Auto PAinting Convenient www.americanautopainting.net 3425 Youngstown Rd., Warren 330-469-5424 Dan & Carol Moadus, Owners Free Estimates SANTISI’S MARKETPLACE Quality • Variety • Price • Service 330-702-9696 419 N. State St., Girard 330-545-4916 Rossi & Santucci Heidelberg Distributing Youngstown Diane Laudo, Owner 4700 Market St., Boardman 330-781-0652 Chelsey N. Santucci Owner/Funeral Director 1265 Crescent St., Youngstown 330-743-5124 www.heidelbergdistributing.com Pre-planning • Insurance & Trusts Monument Sales • Cremation Services Personalized Services • Affordable Pricing Board of Mahoning County Commissioners CAROL RIMEDIO-RIGHETTI 330-740-2130 Jimmy’s Office Coffee Service 330-799-7514 1-888-212-8979 Paul Rimedio, owner Our 25th year, August 2016 Celebrate with us! Proud to support St. Anthony Church! Schiavone Since 1933 1842 Belmont Ave. Youngstown 330-743-3222 UNIVERSITY ELECTRIC, INC. 419 Belmont Ave. P. O. Box 6416 Youngstown, OH 44501-6416 [email protected] 330-746-7444 330-746-4339 (F) Funeral Home Commissioner Mahoning County Administration Building 21 W. Boardman St., Ste. 200, Youngstown F: 330-629-8540 Email: [email protected] THE BRIER HILL ITALIAN FESTIVAL COMMITEE Coffee St. Anthony ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY New members always welcome! and catering 2921 Belmont Ave. • 330-759-8890 Joey Marsco YORK-MAHONING MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Michael J. Fagert Ronald J. Fagert 724 CANFIELD RD. 788-7011 Anthony T. Traficanti Mahoning County Commissioner Democrat 330-740-2130 330-757-9488 [email protected] Children are a Gift from God Respect Life Italian Specialties Bakery & Deli 3230 Belmont Ave., Youngstown P: (330) 759-2904 F: (330) 759-5469 Mon.-Sat. 9am-6pm Closed Sunday CatholicMatch Ohio 1-800-282-5106 CatholicMatch.com /goOH Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua Church Registration Form for New Member Information Name(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthdates _________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________ Work Phone ______________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Names & Ages of Children ____________________________________________________________________________________