god bless this church and all who enter
god bless this church and all who enter
JULY 24 , 2016 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GOD BLESS THIS CHURCH AND ALL WHO ENTER ALTAR SERVERS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 23 July 24 July 30 July 31 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. Howe Children J & D Meranto S Frasco & T Rogers D Laurie & M Pontuti FINANCIAL CLERKS WEEK OF JULY 24, 2016 Sat July 23 Sun July 24 Tues Sat July 26 July 30 Sat July 30 Sun July 31 Tues Fri Aug 2 Aug 5 Sat Aug 6 4:00p.m Carmen Gianinni By Wife Marie 10:30a.m. Christine Pomponio By Gloria Latessa 9:00a.m. 4:00p.m Minnie Crisucci By Family & Friends WEEK OF JULY 31 4:00p.m. Minnie Crisucci By Family & Friends 10:30a.m. Mary H. Salreno By Fred & Tina Batcha 9:00a.m. 6:00p.m. Mary h Salreno By Mary A. Salreno 4:00p.m. Dominic & Marie Mastropietro By Mastropietro Family Give in proportion to the blessings the Lord has given you Sun Sun July 24 July 31 10:30a.m. 10:30a.m. G Pontuti E & D Kist EXTRAORDINARY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 23 July 24 July 30 July 31 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. Jeff Howe Oblate Sister Terry Rogers Karen Davis LECTORS Sat Sun Sat Sun July 23 July 24 July 30 July 31 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 10:30a.m. Chris Anthony Tom Coppola Marie Gianinni Kim Howe SORROWFUL MOTHER CANDLE PIETA’ FOR MINNIE CRISUCCI BY FAMILY & FRIENDS SORROWFUL MOTHER CANDLE PIETRA’ FOR EUGENE LESHNACK BY BRENDA LESHNACK MAY YOUR SPECIAL DAY BE FILLED WITH ALL OF GOD’S BLESSINGS! Deacon Anthony Falasca Florence White Anna Castellano Matayia Bailey Amanda Boninsegna Terry Rogers Carol Mastropietro PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF PHYLLIS “MIDGE” LARUBBIO AGE 95 WHOSE CHRISTIAN BURIAL TOOK PLACE ON FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016 HERE AT ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH COLLECTION FOR THE WEEK OF JULY 17 2016 COLLECTION CANDLES ENVELOPES: $2,304.00 92.00 60 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with their grief.. SATURDAY JULY 30THSHRUB CLEANUP DAY SEE YOU AT 8:00 A.M. @ SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH. ST JOSEPH THE PROVIDER SCHOOL REVEREND MICHAEL SWIERZ, PRESIDENT MRS. CHERYL JABLONSKI, PRINCIPAL SISTER BERNADINE ,SND SISTER CHARLOTTE, OSU St Anthony of Padua 1125 Turin Street, Youngstown, Ohio 44510 MINISTERING TO THE HOMEBOUND Our church continues to meet the sacramental and spiritual needs of our homebound parishioners. If you are aware of anyone who is homebound and in need or desire of our support, please contact the parish office. Likewise, if a member of your family is in the hospital and in need of either the Sacrament of the Sick or Communion, please call. Thank you for your cooperation. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL, HOME BOUND, OR IN NURSING HOMES: May the blessings of God surround you Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you Rectory (330) 744-5091 UPCOMING EVENTS ALTAR & ROSARY NEWS AUGUST 7-HOSPITALITY AUGUST 14-MEETING AFTER MASS IN CHURCH RECTORY _____________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE NOVEMBER 19-21 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. FREE ADMISSION Barbara Billett, Ann & Linda Brown, Josephine Bullano, Marie Chance, Stephen Cheff, Anthony DelFratte, Rina DiFiore, Olga Fortini, , Bill & Geri Huey, John Kesic, Tony & Pat Parish, Ida Phillips, Fred Ross, Lou Salreno, Carmen Scaperotto.Tina Sovik EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES EXHIBIT OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL BASILICA VATICAN-APPROVED SIXEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY’S FOCUS: GIVE US THIS DAY • In Advising us to ask-seek-knock in our prayer, Jesus is reminding us that prayer always takes us out of ourselves, and places us before God. • • Jesus says if we ask, seek and knock. We will find God present in every situation and doors will be opened. This doesn’t mean we will receive all that we ask for, unless we ask for the Holy Spirit. Pope Francis asked the Church to pray to the Lord, “Make our hearts like yours.“ If that is our prayer, we will find God with us in every life circumstance. Genesis 18: 20-32 Psalm 138: 3a Colossians 2: 12-14 Luke 11: 1-13 • • • God, our Father, we are totally dependent upon you for every breath, and you invite us into relationship with our brothers and sisters and all creation. Make our hearts one with the heart of Christ so that we might know and live your will for us and for our world. I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry Ps 40:1 Someone who prays as a Christian steps at that moment out of himself and enters into an attitude of trusting faith in the one God and Lord; at the same time he places all his hope in God– that He will hear, understand, accept, and perfect him. St. John Bosco once said, “To know the will of God, three things are required: prayer, waiting, taking counsel.” Finally, Christian prayer is always and expression of Love, which comes from Christ’s love and seeks the divine love. You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised….And man, so small a part of your creation, wants to praise you…..You yourself encourage him to delight in your praise, for you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you. St. Augustine (354-430) AUDIO, VIDEO AND PICTORAL PRESENTATION VATICAN APPROVED EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES FREE ADMISSION-9A.M. TO 9 P.M. EACH DAY 140PLUS SPECIAL PRESENTATION-7P.M. SAT., NOV 19 EXPLORING THE MIRACLES WITH Q AND A SESSION BY EXPERT AND AUTHOR MICHAEL O’NEILL (WWW.MIRACLEHUNTER.COM) CONFESSION-SAT. 11-11:45 A.M. MASS DAILY AT NOON PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL BASILICA HAS BEEN DESIGNATED A PILGRIM CHURCH What is the Biblical meaning of colors in the rainbow? In the last few weeks we’ve have many hot humid days. With this comes some rain along with sunshine. Did you ever wonder what the Biblical meaning of colors of the rainbow. In the Bible, the color red typically stands for sin and blood of Christ that offers redemption. The Bible also discusses red as a color of suffering in the books of Exodus and Isaiah. By contrast, the color orange represents judgment upon human actions, as Biblical authors discuss in both the books of Psalms and Revelation. Pottery in the Bible is often orange, and Biblical characters occasionally smash pottery to express their disgust at human behavior. The color yellow stands for eternal life and glory. In many points in the Bible, a yellow glow signifies Godliness and spiritual status. In addition, in the book of Job, the color yellow stands for bitterness. Purple in the Bible stands for royalty. Kings often dressed in the color. In addition, high priests of the Bible used the color purple for the Gate of the Tabernacle. Purple often stands for God’s justice and His plan to bring justice upon the world. As a whole, God displays the colors of the rainbow at the end of the flood that destroyed the world. The colors combined stand for the power of God, according to the book of Ezekiel. When God shows the rainbow to Noah after the flood, it is His sign that God’s plan is to never again destroy the world with a flood. THE BEVERAGE HOUSE Located in Save-A-Lot 653 Gypsy Lane Union Square Plaza 330-743-3746 AmericAn Rimedio’s Auto PAinting Convenient www.americanautopainting.net 3425 Youngstown Rd., Warren 330-469-5424 Dan & Carol Moadus, Owners Free Estimates Curiosity Shop “The area’s upscale consignment shop for women” Tu.-F. 10-5:30 Wed. 12-5:30 Sat. 10-4 584 Main St. #30 SANTISI’S MARKETPLACE Quality • Variety • Price • Service 330-702-9696 419 N. State St., Girard 330-545-4916 Rossi & Santucci Heidelberg Distributing Youngstown Diane Laudo, Owner 4700 Market St., Boardman 330-781-0652 Chelsey N. Santucci Owner/Funeral Director 1265 Crescent St., Youngstown 330-743-5124 www.heidelbergdistributing.com Pre-planning • Insurance & Trusts Monument Sales • Cremation Services Personalized Services • Affordable Pricing Board of Mahoning County Commissioners CAROL RIMEDIO-RIGHETTI 330-740-2130 Jimmy’s Office Coffee Service 330-799-7514 1-888-212-8979 Paul Rimedio, owner Our 25th year, August 2016 Celebrate with us! Proud to support St. Anthony Church! Schiavone Since 1933 1842 Belmont Ave. Youngstown 330-743-3222 UNIVERSITY ELECTRIC, INC. 419 Belmont Ave. P. O. Box 6416 Youngstown, OH 44501-6416 [email protected] 330-746-7444 330-746-4339 (F) Funeral Home Commissioner Mahoning County Administration Building 21 W. Boardman St., Ste. 200, Youngstown F: 330-629-8540 Email: [email protected] THE BRIER HILL ITALIAN FESTIVAL COMMITEE Coffee St. Anthony ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY New members always welcome! and catering 2921 Belmont Ave. • 330-759-8890 Joey Marsco YORK-MAHONING MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Michael J. Fagert Ronald J. Fagert 724 CANFIELD RD. 788-7011 Anthony T. Traficanti Mahoning County Commissioner Democrat 330-740-2130 330-757-9488 [email protected] Children are a Gift from God Respect Life Italian Specialties Bakery & Deli 3230 Belmont Ave., Youngstown P: (330) 759-2904 F: (330) 759-5469 Mon.-Sat. 9am-6pm Closed Sunday CatholicMatch Ohio 1-800-282-5106 CatholicMatch.com /goOH Welcome to St. Anthony of Padua Church Registration Form for New Member Information Name(s) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Birthdates _________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone _________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________ Work Phone ______________________ Email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Names & Ages of Children ____________________________________________________________________________________