September 2015 - Perry Memorial United Methodist Church
September 2015 - Perry Memorial United Methodist Church
The Perry Peeper September 2015 Glory Sightings Sometimes, as a congregation, we have that “deer in the headlights look” when it comes time in Sunday Worship for H.O.P.E. Encounters and Glory Sightings. “Just who have I shared Christ with this past week?” and “Where have I actually seen God’s presence?” are questions we wrestle with. Is God only in those “lights flashing”, “knocked off your horse”, Apostle Paul-style “Damascus Road Experiences”? “Where is God?” we wonder. OK, enough already! In This Issue Perry Packers pg. 2 Good Sam Update pg. 2 Day of Hope Update pg. 2 Fun Pics pg. 3 What are “Glory Sightings”? Glory Sightings can be as bodacious as a spectacular sunrise or as subtle as the breaths we draw. Allow me to offer an example. One recent morning, I noticed that the sun had just begun to peek through the Norway spruce trees behind the parsonage. Another great day I reckoned. As I walked from the kitchen with a cup of hot tea, I noticed the sunlight falling on a white plastic bag laying on the dining room table. Then I remembered: that’s those Communion linens, towels, and tablecloth (our very own Paula Whalley sewed the tablecloth) that Lynn brought from home. They needed attention! UMW report pg. 4 Birthday/Anniversary pg. 5 BAF pg. 5 Perry Pathfinders pg. 6 Bingo pg. 6 Mission Donation pg. 7 New Bible Study pg. 8 So, I plugged in the old Shark iron, added some water for steam, and began to iron and fold the linens and tablecloth. After about the second linen, I began to notice how the ever strengthening sunlight was adding a brilliance to the plain white cloths. I also noticed how soft and pliable the linens have become. The repeated washings not only have removed the bread crumbs and juice stains from the many Eucharist Celebrations those linens have attended, but also added a worn and wonderful character to the cloths. Each stroke of the iron smoothed more wrinkles from the cloths. Soon I had a stack of eight no-wrinkle, brilliantly white, and neatly folded old “friends” ready for the next Celebration of what Father Wesley termed, “a Primary Means of Grace”. The cloths were prepared for the next Holy Communion and I had had a Glory Sighting. Cantata Preview pg. 8 From the Heart pg. 8 Calendar pg. 9 Aubree and Holly Meadows ...Continued on page 2 24 Focus Verse and you said, “Look, the Lord our God has shown us his glory and greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the fire. Today we have seen that God may speak to someone and the person may still live. Deuteronomy 5:24 (NRSV) Continued from page 1... Did you catch the Glory Sighting? The Spirit moved me to realize that those linens are like our lives as Christians. God’s love brightens our lives just as the sunlight brightened the “whiteness” of the cloths. Sometimes our lives become “crumbly” and “stained” but our repeated coming together and celebrating God’s grace through the Eucharist helps to “wash” out the “crumbs” and remove the “stains” of life. The strokes of the iron smoothed the cloths’ wrinkles just as our Servanthood “unwrinkles” us and allows us to take on that worn, yet wonderful character of a life conformed to God’s purposes for the Kingdom. Yep, the mundane, ordinary ironing of washed cloths was my Glory Sighting that day. THIS IS HOW GOD SHOWS UP FOLKS! God is very much to be found in the ordinary and mundane events of life. Now, what Glory Sightings have you seen in the ordinary and mundane? Oh yeah, one other point. Do you know that you can use ordinary, mundane activities that turned into Glory Sightings as openings for sharing your faith? We call those H.O.P.E. Encounters. Are you watching and listening? May you allow the Spirit to reveal God’s glory… Pastor Scott Serving Community Perry Packers Update Good Sam Update Day of Hope Update September is here, school has started and we are excited to start our ministry again! We have changed our packing day to WEDNESDAY’S AT 6:00 PM. Our first packing will be September 2, 2015. Food items for September are cans of pasta and breakfast items, such as pop tarts, granola bars, individual cereal boxes, shelf milk. The month on August has been an unusual month for Good Sam. We helped one family by supplying food for them to eat. But, this was not our usual food box. This family has no power and no means of cooking hot meals. They do have a cooler to keep food cold, so we purchased ice, bread, lunch meat, milk and other foods that do not require cooking. What a glorious day was had by all who served at this event. As one servant wrote a few hours after the event, “I am so tire, but I feel so good “. What a difference this day made in the lives of the “Honored Guests”. Come join us! It doesn’t take long to pack and we have great fellowship. As always, thank you, hearts of Perry. We also helped one family with travel expenses in order to receive the best medical care possible for their condition. Amy Crawford 304-228-4381 We are asking for donations to the Good Sam Fund the next few weeks for a special need in our congregation. Please prayerfully consider a donation. Mitzi Richmond 2 Beckley’s Day of Hope 2015 Honored Guests: 2599 Health Screenings: 1055 Family Portraits: 400 Haircuts: 116 Shoes: 1218 Hot Meals Served: 3800 Groceries: 4200 bags Prayed with: 1892 Adults accepting Christ: 30 Kids accepting Christ: 27 I encourage each of you to consider serving in some capacity at the 2016 Day of Hope. Perry in Action! 10 Whatever you are capable of doing, do with all your might Apple Butter Picnic 3 Ecclesiastes 9:10a Day of Hope Perry’s United Methodist Women The United Methodist Women (UMW) of Perry Memorial is a mission focused organization which provides opportunities for its members to grow spiritually through service to their church and their community. There is always an open invitation for all women to join this organization. Meetings are held the 2 nd Thursday of every month in the fellowship hall. September is going to be a very busy month for the UMW. On September 12, 2015, Perry will host the Fall District Meeting. Lunch will be provided at a cost of $8.00 per person and will consist of sandwiches from Heavenly Ham, salads, desserts, and drinks. Those who are planning to attend must let Vivian know by September 5th. September 19, 2015 is our Fall Festival and the UMW will be selling those delicious hot dogs along with lots of homemade cakes, cookies, pies, breads, etc. That mouth watering Easter Eggs will return disguised as an orange pumpkin and a White Elephant Sale will showcase unique treasures only found at Perry. Anyone wanting to donate baked goods or items for the White Elephant Sale (only gently used items and no clothing) please see Vivian or another member of UMW. Finally ladies, does this resemble your closet. If so, now is the time you can “shop until you drop” from the confines of your own home!! UMW is looking for gently used fall and winter clothing for a rummage sale during our Shepherd’s Table meal on September 26, 2015. Go through your closets and donate those items that you feel would benefit the guests we serve at Shepherd’s Table. The only shoes we would like to have are gently used boots. Please make sure the clothing is clean and neatly folded. This is not our typical rummage sale rather an opportunity for those less fortunate to obtain clothing to sustain them through the winter months. Pray for our church and the outreach ministries within the church as we continue to fulfilling God’s mission. Matthew 25 verses 35--40. “ For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me and I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Jesus replied: “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” There will be no Ladies Luncheon in September. Be watching for upcoming details on October’s Luncheon. Thank you, Marge Holland 4 and Larry Ford would like to invite everyone to Beckley Area Foundation’s 30th Anniversary and 28th Free Annual Labor Day Concert Birthdays Mary Ellen Crook Sherry Maynor David Chaney Jill Williams Megan Richmond Eddie Lester Nicholas Crawford Donna Harrington Chris Crook Sandra Fraley Willa May Rick Dotson Donna Cantley Luella Meador Noah Guffy Don Crook Adalynn Williams Barbara Lee Gail Walker 09-01 09-03 09-05 09-07 09-12 09-14 09-18 09-18 09-19 09-23 09-24 09-25 09-27 09-27 09-28 09-29 09-29 09-29 09-30 Featuring the Appalachian Children’s Chorus Monday, September 7th 7:00p Woodrow Wilson High School Auditorium Anniversaries Chris & Cyndi Crook Darlene & David Keesee Burton & Martha Gunter 09-01 09-04 09-20 Larry said that if you mention his name at the door you’ll get in free! 5 Perr y News Perry Pathfinders Great news! Our youth voted on a name for their group and it is — Perry Pathfinders Youth Group. Our Mission—Where the Path meets Christ!! The youth group will be moving to Wednesday nights beginning September 9, 2015. The time will be from 6-8pm and when there is no school or dismiss early due to weather we will not have youth. Our fundraising is starting because we would like to take the youth on an over night trip next July. We will set up a booth at the Kid’s Classic in uptown Beckley on September 12, 2015 from 10a-2p. If you signed up to provide candy, pop etc. please have at the church no later than September 9th. We also need a couple more “Servants” to help with the booth. Please let Kim or Deanna know if you are able to help. Looking ahead we will also be doing a fundraiser October 3, 2015 for Shady Homecoming. We are also asking for Servants on this day. One more thing we could use for our newly formed group is any unwanted sports items (like volleyball, soccer ball, golf, badminton rackets, etc.), board games, and Wii games. Thanks for all your help with Perry Pathfinders Youth Group! God Bless, Kim Cummings & Deanna Hall Our Youth group, Perry Pathfinders, went on their first outing on August 5th. We went to the Bowling Alley and had a blast. It was so great to see them have fun together. Our group was so good we can't wait to have more outings in the near future. Thank you to the parents for staying and helping us!! We have an Amazing Youth!!! Thank you and God Bless Kim Cummings and Deanna Hall Few reminders for September: Starting September 9th Youth will be meeting on Wednesdays from 6:00p to 8:00p. No 10:45a Youth Group on Sundays The Youth will bake cakes and help with Fall Festival on September 19th. BINGO Bingo at the Raleigh Center is once a month, second Saturday of the month at 2pm. We still could use one or two servants every month so please set one hour aside and come help the residents play Bingo. It will be worth your while in the blessing you will receive helping them try and win. Items we need for prizes are: men's handkerchiefs, men's travel size bottles of lotion, body wash, cologne, toothpaste, women's jewelry, big magnifiers, calendars, socks, and mints. Residents get so much enjoyment out of picking their prize it is like a child opening a gift. Thank you for all your help with this ministry and continue praying. Susan Winston & Deanna Hall 6 In Perry’s last Charge Conference we decided that a representative(s) from Perry would visit two mission sites in 2015. On July 28, 2015, Joyce Pitsenbarger and Karen Jones set out on their adventure. They visited two sites that day, delivering needed items at each. Below you will find a copy of a “Thank You” letter we received from Scott’s Run Settlement House in Pursglove, WV. “Thank you!” Joyce and Karen! 7 New Bible Study Where is God when tragedy and suffering strike? When the ground shakes, and a poor nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; where is God? If God is all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child of God, then how can God allow tragedy and suffering to infest his creation? In Why?, best-selling author Adam Hamilton brings fresh insight to the age-old question of how to understand the will of God. Rejecting simplistic answers and unexamined assumptions, he lays out core ideas for comprehending God’s plan for the world, including: God will not take away our free will, even when we use it to grieve him. God will never abandon us, especially in the midst of our suffering. While God is not the author of suffering, God will bring blessing out of tragedy. If you have ever asked “Why?” this study is for you. The study will begin on Sunday, September 13th at 4:00p. Please let Pastor Scott or Mitzi know if you would like to order a study book. Cantata Preview From the Heart We can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate the luncheon you had for us. We love Perry Memorial and all the people there. Such a wonderful, giving church. With Love, Harvey & Sue Pastor Scott & Methodist Women, Your prayers and love for the passing of Felicia will always be with me. Church Family, I love you all. Yes, I know it is only September, but Advent Season will be upon us soon. It is time to begin preparations for the Christmas Cantata. Everyone is invited to join us for the Cantata Preview/ Dinner on Monday, September 6th, 4:00p at the home of Joyce and Kelly Pitsenbarger. Judy Redden & Family All are welcome! May God Bless you all. Joyce Pitsenbarger The Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, September 19, 2015 Setup will begin on Friday evening and again on Saturday morning. All help will be greatly appreciated. Remember to get those crafts, bake sale items and white elephant items ready. 8 1 5:00p Boy Scout Meeting 6 10:30a Meet & Greet 7 Labor Day Church Office Closed 8 5:00p Boy Scout Meeting 4:00p Christmas Cantata Preview 6:45p Cub Scout Meeting 3 4 5 10 6:00p Fall Festival Meeting 11 12 Southern District UMW Fall Meeting 6:00p Breathe Women’s Study 6:30p Choir Practice 6:45p Cub Scout Meeting Bringing in the Harvest 9:30a Adult Sunday School 9:45a Elementary Age Sunday School 2 8:30a Yoga 9 8:30a Yoga 6:00p Youth Group Meeting 7:00p UMW 2:00p Bingo 6:00p Backpacks 10:45a Worship Serv. 6:30p Choir Practice 4:30p Bible Study 13 15 16 17 5:00p Boy Scout 8:30a Yoga 6:30p Ad Council Meeting Meeting 9:45a Elementary Age 6:00p Shepherd’s 6:00p Youth Sunday School Table Meeting 6:45p Cub Scout Group Meeting 10:30a Meet & Greet Meeting 10:45a Worship Serv. 6:30p Choir Prac4:30p Bible Study tice 9:30a Adult Sunday School 14 13 21 9:30a Adult Sunday School 8:30a Yoga 9:45a Elementary Age Sunday School 6:30p Ruritan Club Meeting 10:30a Meet & Greet 10:45a Worship Serv. 4:30p Bible Study 13 28 9:30a Adult Sunday School 8:30a Yoga 9:45a Elementary Age Sunday School 6:30p SPRC Meeting 10:30a Meet & Greet 10:45a Worship Serv. 4:30p Bible Study 18 19 8:30a Yoga 22 23 5:00p Boy Scout 8:30a Yoga Meeting 6:00p Youth 6:45p Cub Scout Group Meeting Meeting 6:30p Choir Practice 29 30 5:00p Boy Scout 8:30a Yoga Meeting 6:00p Youth 6:45p Cub Scout Group Meeting Meeting 6:30p Choir Practice 9 24 25 26 6:00p Shepherd’s 9:00a Lay MobiliTable Setup zation Event 11a-2p Shepherd’s Table Meal Serving Community in Christ’s Love Perry Memorial UMC PO Box 1264 Shady Spring, WV 25918 Physical Address: 202 Livingston Street Shady Spring, WV
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