Hephzibah Baptist Times Volume 34 Issue 8 August 2016
Hephzibah Baptist Times Volume 34 Issue 8 August 2016
H ephzibah Baptist Times Volume 34 Issue 8 August 2016 From the Desk of Dr. Michael Wren… "Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you." (2 Thessalonians 3:1). We have had a busy summer of ministry at Hephzibah Baptist Church--camps, Vacation Bible School, a mission trip to Ecuador, and calling a new youth minister--in addition to much that happens behind the scene to make these events happen and minister to the needs that arise. All of it has been done "that the word of the Lord may speed ahead." Gospel advance is why we are here. We want every man, woman, and child to hear the good news of Jesus for themselves and experience his life changing power. This is why we pour our time into camps and VBS, and this is why we sent a team to Ecuador. But our work is not done. It is just beginning! We will continue to forge ahead advancing the gospel. Pray with us that we will see lives change quickly, that the Word of the Lord would radically transform many lives, and that His church would be strengthened in the process. Prayer is an essential tool in the advance. Pray for our children's ministry as it launches Fall activities. Pray for our youth ministry as they begin their work with Mark Sikes at the helm. Pray for our men's and women's ministries as they work to disciple the men and women of our church. Pray for our mission's team as they plan activities and events that will engage lost people in our community. Pray that the Word of the Lord may speed ahead! Pastor Michael Wren Sunday, August 7th: First Day of School 7:30am—Men’s Fellowship Breakfast 9:45am—Sunday School Hour 10:00am—Children’s Promotion Ceremony 11:00am—Combined Service/ Ecuador Mission Team Report 6:00pm—Blessing of the Teachers Service Followed by a Finger Food Fellowship Richmond County, Monday, August 2 Columbia County, Monday, August 8 Burke County, Wednesday, August 3 (please bring your favorite finger food to share) Coming in September HBC Office Closed Monday, September 5, for Labor Day Young at Heart Returns Monday, September 12, at 12noon Shepeard Blood Drive, Wednesday, September 21, 5-7:30pm a at 10 st 7, y u g u ctuar ay, A Sund n the San I m Homecoming Day, Sunday, September 25 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY CHURCH LIFE MINISTRY A Special Thank You I just want to take the time to thank everyone involved in making VBS such a huge success. We had over 150 people attending, on average, for the week and brought in over $930 in missions offerings for our team going to Ecuador. With that being said, it is not successful based on numbers, or the amount of offering money brought in. While those are both factors it is a success primarily because, under the leadership of Wanda Baston and with the assistance of all of you who gave selflessly of their time and talents, the Gospel was clearly presented and children were given the opportunity to respond. This is only able to happen because you are so faithful and willing to be used of God. So thank you, again, so much to all who helped make this year’s VBS such a great success in helping children, teens, and adults to live like Jesus in going below the surface to find truth. Thank You again for all you do to make Children’s ministry possible! Rejoice in the Baptisms of Karleigh Taylor & Kaitlin Taylor Serving along side each of you, Dennis Andrews August 7 We will have the joy of recognizing the children who will be promoted to their new classes. All are invited to join us in the Sanctuary, on August 7, at 10:00 AM. By Baptism Kyle Lee 4531 Fulcher Road Hephzibah GA 30815 HBC Children’s Back To School Bash! HAVE A PRAYER REQUEST? Where: Next to the Large Playground at HBC. When: Saturday August 13, 2016 from 11am-2pm. Who: All children preschool—6th grade! What: Outdoor Water Games, and lunch. Come prepared to get wet! Please sign up by Wednesday, August 10. See Dennis with any questions. October 31 Your HBC Family would like to pray with and for you! Call the HBC Office at 706.592.4501or email Mary at [email protected] to be placed on the HBC Midweek Prayer List It’s almost that time of year again: Trunk-or-Treat Time! MEN’S MINISTRY Our largest annual community outreach event is coming soon and we are beginning to prepare. Once again, we will be asking for trunk signups as well as candy and hot dog donations. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST Join us, Sunday, August 7, at 7:30am for the next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast. Please see Dennis with any questions about any of the activities or events within the Children’s ministry 2 MISSIONS MINISTRY MUSIC MINISTRY Operation Christmas Child 2016 Donation Schedule For August—School Supplies (pencils, crayons, small notebooks—items must fit in shoeboxes) Contact person is Susanne Boynton, [email protected], or 706.360.1225 A collection box will be located in the hallway by the Kidcheck computers. The Adult Choir is rehearsing for our Fall Musical, "The Story," which will be on Saturday, September 24th. This musical is a dramatic presentation of God’s redemptive plan for His people from Genesis to Revelation. We would love to have you join the choir for this special event. We rehearse each Wednesday evening at 8:10pm in the Sanctuary. We hope to see you there! We will have extra choir practices in August and September. In August we will meet on Sunday, August 21, at 4:00pm to practice. Annual Hephzibah Bull Riding/Rodeo Friday, August 19 & Saturday, August 20 The HBC Mission Team needs volunteers to work in a booth, representing HBC for this event. Watch future publications for times & more information. Watch for a sign up sheet on the HBC Bulletin board. STUDENT MINISTRY Greetings from the Sikes Family, My family and I are eagerly anticipating becoming a part of the membership here at Hephzibah Baptist Church. We are in the process of finding a home and we hope to be able to start our ministry here around the first of August! We are excited about what God is doing here, and we honestly cannot wait to get plugged in and meet each and every one of you. Please be praying for our family as we make this transition and especially for our small children, that they handle the move well. Church Family, you are blessed with the youth leadership you have had the past two years, and I feel very blessed to partner with them as we make Christ known in Hephzibah, Richmond County, Burke County and the World. The Sikes Family Students and Parents, join us on the third Wednesday of each month, in the Youth House, for fellowship. Wednesday, August 17, at 8:00pm HBC Ecuador Mission Team Skip & Dona Brown, Jimmy John, William & Jane Partridge, Sandra & Tyler Shumann, Michael & William Wren, and Jackie Zarbeck WOMEN’S MINISTRY They will be sharing their experiences in the HBC Combined Worship Service Sunday, August 7, at 11:00am The women’s ministry will continue our study of "Spiritual Mothering" on Wednesdays throughout the month of August. 3 Wednesday Menus for the Month of August Dinner begins at 5:50 pm. All meals include tea and coffee. $6—Adults, $3—Children, $6—Take Out $20 max. for immediate family. *To-Go” Plates will be prepared by the Kitchen Personnel after the serving line closes. We cannot guarantee “to-go” orders until all of our dine-in family members are served. As available, additional take out plates may be purchased at the regular price. 8/3 8/10 Chicken Alfredo, Broccoli, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert Tater-tot Casserole, Green Beans, Corn, Rolls, Dessert 8/17 8/24 Pork Loin or Chops, Rice and Gravy, Mixed Veggies, Rolls, Dessert Meat Loaf, Potatoes, Peas, Corn, Rolls, Dessert 8/31 Penne Pasta, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert COMBINED SERVICE: Sunday, August 7, at 11:00am. The Sunday school hour will start at 9:45. CHILDREN’S PROMOTION August 7, at 10:00am. BLESSING OF THE TEACHERS SERVICE: Sunday, August 7, at 6:00pm, followed by a Finger Food Fellowship. HBC CHILDREN’S BACK TO SCHOOL BASH: Sat., August 13, from 11:00am-2:00pm. CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER: Sunday, August 14, 9AM & 11AM Services. YOUTH AFTERGLO: Wednesday, August 17, at 8:00pm. DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER: Monday, August 22, at 9:00am. TEAM MEETINGS IN AUGUST: Building & Grounds—Wednesday, August 3, at 6:15pm. Student Ministry—Wednesday, August 3, at 8:00pm. Missions Team—Thursday, August 4, at 5:30pm. Stewardship & Finance—Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 6:00pm. Church Annual Business Meeting-Wed., Aug. 10, at 7pm. Deacons’ Meeting—Sunday, August 14, at 2:00pm. CEREMONY: Sunday, ANNUAL HEPHZIBAH BULL RIDING/RODEO: Friday, August 19 and Saturday, August 20, times to be determined. Please Note: All events, dates and times are subject to change. Please consult weekly publications for any changes. Please remember that all children should be accompanied through the serving line by a parent or responsible adult. Membership Financial Report: Monthly Budget Needs Weekly Budget Needs: General Offering Received as of 7/27/16 Year-to-Date Budget Needs: Year-to-Date Budget Received: Average S.S. attendance as of 7/27/16 Contemporary Service Average Attendance Traditional Service Average Attendance $33,800.00 $7800.00 $24,390.41 $371,800.00 $319,261.89 117 112 59 PLEASE NOTIFY THE CHURCH OFFICE OF ANY CHANGES IN YOUR PREFERRED EMAIL ADDRESS. Hephzibah Baptist Church ▬ 2527 Highway 88 ▬ Hephzibah, Georgia 30815 Telephone (706) 592-4501 ▬ Fax (706) 592-6937 www.hephzibahbaptist.org Church Staff Dennis Andrews, Minister to Children and Families ([email protected]) Amanda Brookins, Minister of Worship/Music ([email protected]) Sara Dillard, Administrative Assist./Finance ([email protected]) Jacob Jalbert, Custodian ([email protected]) Mary Murphy, Administrative Assist./Ministry ([email protected]) Mark Sikes, Minister to Students ([email protected]) Dr. C. Michael Wren, Jr., Senior Pastor ([email protected]) 4
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