units - Macmillan South Africa
units - Macmillan South Africa
Solutions for all Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Learner’s Book Schools Development Unit 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 1 2013/05/09 12:20 PM Solutions for all Mathematical Literacy © Schools Development Unit, 2013 © Illustrations and design Macmillan South Africa (Pty) Ltd, 2013 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1978 (as amended). Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable for criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 2013 11 13 15 17 16 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1 Published by Macmillan South Africa (Pty) Ltd Private Bag X19 Northlands 2116 Gauteng South Africa Typeset by Future Pre Press Cover image from Gallo Images Cover design by Deevine Design Illustrations by Alex Fleming, Andre Gericke, Andre Plant, Butch Stoltz, Chris Berens, David Doubell, Ian Greenop, Michael Souter, Sean Strydom and Wouter de Wit e-ISBN: 9781431024360 WIP: 4524M000 It is illegal to photocopy any page of this book without written permission from the publishers. The publishers have made every effort to trace the copyright holders. If they have inadvertently overlooked any, they will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Photographs by: AAI Fotostock: pg 148, 251, 265, 278 AfricaMediaOnline: pg 8, 241 AfriPics: 2, 9, 23, 51, 73, 86, 91, 220, 232, 252, 281, 307, 354, 366 Gallo Images: pg 8, 90, 103, 307, 384, 385, 390 Greatstock 86, 202, 207, 219, 253, 283, 428 INPRA: 200, 248 VMS Images: 86, 161, 188, 202, 232, 245, 365 With special thanks to: Unicef, C and Cl, Mxit, Education @ JHB Zoo, Peter Slingsby. Nedbank, SARS, Amiralis, LEGO, EasyDIY magazine, LotusHead, Taryn, Adelaide. 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 2 2013/05/09 12:20 PM CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 1 Conversions and Time ................................................................. 2 Unit 1 Metric and imperial conversions..................................................... 4 Unit 2 Other conversions .......................................................................... 7 Unit 3 Temperature ................................................................................... 9 Unit 4 Understanding time .......................................................................11 Unit 5 Schedules and planning ............................................................... 14 Unit 6 Speed ........................................................................................... 18 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................... 19 Word bank ..................................................................................................... 22 Chapter summary .............................................................................................. 22 Chapter 2 Financial documents and tariffs ............................................... 23 Unit 1 Revising financial documents for households .............................. 25 Unit 2 Quotations, invoices and receipts ................................................ 29 Unit 3 Income- and expenditure-statements and budgets ...................... 34 Unit 4 Tariffs ............................................................................................ 41 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................... 46 Word bank ..................................................................................................... 49 Chapter summary .............................................................................................. 50 Chapter 3 Financial tools ............................................................................ 51 Unit 1 Income and expenditure............................................................... 53 Unit 2 Cost of production, cost price, selling price.................................. 60 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................... 69 Word bank ..................................................................................................... 71 Chapter summary .............................................................................................. 71 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 3 2013/05/09 12:20 PM Chapter 4 Interpretation of data ................................................................. 73 Unit 1 Developing questions to support research ................................... 76 Unit 2 Collection data ............................................................................. 80 Unit 3 Classifying data and organising ungrouped data ......................... 85 Unit 4 Organising grouped data.............................................................. 93 Unit 5 Summarising ungrouped data ...................................................... 98 Unit 6 The box-and-whisker plot ........................................................... 106 Unit 7 Working with bar graphs and pie charts ......................................114 Unit 8 Working with graphs to represent two or more sets of data .......118 Unit 9 Broken line graphs ..................................................................... 122 Unit 10 Representing bivariate data using scatter plots ......................... 125 Unit 11 Representing continuous data using a histogram ...................... 128 Unit 12 Analysing data to reveal misrepresentation ............................... 130 Unit 13 Interpreting data and analysing data ......................................... 133 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 135 Word bank ................................................................................................... 145 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 145 Chapter 5 Interest, banking and inflation ................................................ 148 Unit 1 Bank accounts............................................................................ 150 Unit 2 Calculating interest..................................................................... 156 Unit 3 Instalment accounts and personal loans .................................... 158 Unit 4 Interest earned on investments .................................................. 163 Unit 5 Amortisation – Home loans and car finance .............................. 171 Unit 6 Inflation....................................................................................... 178 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 181 Word bank ................................................................................................... 186 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 186 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 4 2013/05/09 12:20 PM Chapter 6 Scale and mapwork.................................................................. 188 Unit 1 How scale works ........................................................................ 190 Unit 2 Bar scales and ratios.................................................................. 196 Unit 3 Directions ................................................................................... 202 Unit 4 Elevations................................................................................... 206 Unit 5 Calculating cost and time taken for a journey ............................ 209 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 215 Word bank ................................................................................................... 217 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 218 Chapter 7 Measuring length, mass, volume and temperature .............. 219 Unit 1 Measuring length and distance .................................................. 221 Unit 2 Measuring mass ......................................................................... 226 Unit 3 Measuring volume ...................................................................... 231 Unit 4 Measuring temperature .............................................................. 238 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 241 Word bank ................................................................................................... 243 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 244 Chapter 8 Calculating perimeter, area and volume ................................ 245 Unit 1 Calculating Perimeter and area.................................................. 247 Unit 2 Surface area............................................................................... 255 Unit 3 Volume ....................................................................................... 262 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 265 Word bank ................................................................................................... 266 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 267 Chapter 9 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 5 Revision of Chapters 1-8 ......................................................... 268 2013/05/09 12:20 PM Chapter 10 Taxation ..................................................................................... 282 Unit 1 Value-Added Tax ........................................................................ 285 Unit 2 Calculating unemployment insurance (UIF) contributions.......... 290 Unit 3 Income tax.................................................................................. 293 Unit 4 Other forms of tax ...................................................................... 295 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 303 Word bank ................................................................................................... 304 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 305 Chapter 11 Exchange rates......................................................................... 306 Unit 1 Revising exchange rates calculations ........................................ 308 Unit 2 Travelling in another country ...................................................... 313 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 321 Word bank ................................................................................................... 324 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 325 Chapter 12 Plans and other representations of the physical world ....... 326 Unit 1 Instructions and assembly.......................................................... 332 Unit 2 Scale and plans.......................................................................... 349 Unit 3 Quantities of materials ............................................................... 356 Unit 4 Elevations................................................................................... 360 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 363 Word bank ................................................................................................... 363 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 367 Chapter 13 Probability................................................................................. 365 Unit 1 Working with expressions of probability ..................................... 367 Unit 2 Predicting outcomes................................................................... 371 Unit 3 Representations for determining possible outcomes ................. 377 Unit 4 Evaluating expressions involving probability .............................. 383 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 386 Word bank ................................................................................................... 388 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 388 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 6 2013/05/09 12:20 PM Chapter 14 Maps, plans and other representations of the physical world .......................................................................... 390 Unit 1 Packaging .................................................................................. 392 Unit 2 Packaging space ........................................................................ 400 Unit 3 Interior planning and design ....................................................... 405 Unit 4 Models of buildings .................................................................... 412 Summary practice exercise ............................................................................. 414 Word bank ................................................................................................... 417 Chapter summary ............................................................................................ 417 Chapter 15 Revision of Chapters 10-14 ..................................................... 419 Formal Assessment Tasks............................................................................ 431 Note to the teacher: Please refer to the Teacher’s Guide for possible assessment tasks, exemplar control tests and exemplar examination papers. 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 7 2013/05/09 12:20 PM 00i-vi E MathLit GR12.indd 8 2013/05/09 12:20 PM IntroductIon Welcome to the Solutions for All Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Learner’s Book In Mathematical Literacy, you will be exposed to both mathematical content and real-life contexts. You will have many opportunities to analyse problems and devise ways of using Mathematics to solve problems in different contexts. Mathematical Literacy involves: • • • • • the use of elementary mathematical content authentic real-life contexts solving familiar and unfamiliar problems decision-making and communication the use of integrated content and/or skills in solving problems. How to use the Solutions for All Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Learner’s Book This Mathematical Literacy series aims to be accessible to all learners no matter what their level of ability or background. In the Solutions for All Mathematical Literacy Learner’s Book, every exercise and activity gradually progresses from easier questions to more difficult questions, in manageable steps. Within each chapter of the Solutions for All Mathematical Literacy Learner’s Book you will find: • • • • • • • • • chapter opener page – you are given an overview of what content will be covered within the chapter. check myself – you are given an opportunity to check whether you have acquired the knowledge and skills taught in previous chapters or in Grade 11. revision – you will be reminded of the skills you were taught in either a previous chapter or in Grade 11. units – each chapter is broken down into manageable units that use real-life examples to teach the skills and knowledge necessary for you to be successful during this year. Examples and solutions – full worked examples and solutions are given in each unit. Summary practice exercise – you are given an opportunity to check whether you have mastered the skills taught in the chapter. Word bank – difficult words found within the chapter are explained. chapter summary – you are given a summary of the work covered in the chapter. The Summary practice exercise at the end of each chapter is useful for both learners who have mastered the skills taught in the chapter, and those who may not have mastered all the skills. The publisher and authors wish you all the best in your study of Mathematical Literacy in Grade 12. 1 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 1 2013/05/09 11:41 AM Ch 1 er a pt Conversions and time What you will learn about in this chapter You will: • convert different units of measurement using given data or tables • express measurement values and quantities in units appropriate to the context • read, record and perform calculations involving time values • convert between different units of time • calculate elapsed time involving the different time formats • work with timetables including examination timetables, train and bus timetables • plan time-based events • calculate average speed. Let’s talk about this chapter In this chapter you will revise conversion between different metric units of measurement and conversions between the imperial and metric systems. You will work with time and timetables as well as do calculations involving average speed. 2 • Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 2 2013/05/09 11:41 AM Chapter 1 Check myself 1 How is time linked to distance and speed? 2 If the speed of a car is described in kilometres per hour: a) Why would you describe the speed of a space rocket in kilometres per second? b) Why would you describe the speed of a snail in centimetres per minute? Revision You use different units to measure mass, length (distance) and volume. South Africa uses the metric system of measurement, but there are many countries that still use the imperial system of measurement. Look at the conversion tables below and on the following page that give useful hints for converting systems of measurement. Converting between metric measurements Cool fact 1 metric tonne = 1 000 kg Unit Mass Length Capacity Thousands Kilogram (kg) 1 000 g = 1 kg Kilometre (km) 1 000 m = 1 km Kilolitre (kl) 1 000 ℓ = 1 kl BASE UNIT Gram (g) Metre (m) Litre (ℓ) Centigram (cg) 100 cg = 1 g Centimetre (cm) 100 cm = 1 m Centilitre (cl) 100 cl = 1 ℓ Milligram (mg) 1 000 mg = 1 g Millimetre (mm) 1 000 mm = 1 m Millilitre (ml) 1 000 ml = 1 ℓ Hundredths x 100 x Thousandths 1 000 Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 3 • 3 2013/05/09 11:41 AM Converting between metric and imperial units of measurement Length Imperial to Metric Metric to Imperial 1 mile 1,609 km 1 609 m 1 km 0,6215 miles 1 yard 91,44 cm 0,9144 m 1m 3,2808 feet 1 foot 30,48 cm 304,8 mm 1 cm 0,3937 inches 1 inch 2,54 cm 25,4 mm Mass 1 ton 0,907 metric tonnes 1 pound 0,4536 kg 1 ounce 28,4 g 453,6 g Cool fact 1 metric tonne 1,102 ton 1 kg 2,204 pounds 1g 0,035 ounces 1 litre 0,22 gallons 1 litre 1,76 pints 1 000 kg = 1,102 ton Capacity 1 gallon 4,5461 ℓ 1 pint 0,5682 ℓ 568,2 ml Unit 1 Metric and imperial conversions It is important that you use the appropriate unit of measurement for a given situation. Example a) Pumeza works in Johannesburg, but she needs to attend a workshop at the University of Pretoria. Which unit of measurement should she use to measure the distance from Johannesburg to Pretoria? Jana and Kelly have lived next door to each other for many years. They decide to measure the distance between their houses. Which unit of measurement should they use to measure the distance from one house to the other? A horticulturist studies and cultivates plants for human use. What unit of measurement would she use to measure the size of the flower on a plant? b) c) 4 • Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 4 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Solution a) b) c) Kilometres Metres Centimetres or millimetres, depending on the size of the flower. Example a) b) Convert 15 ℓ to ml. Convert 50 miles to kilometres. Solution a) 1 ℓ = 1 000 ml 15 ℓ × 1 000 ml = 15 000 ml b) 1 mile = 1,609 kilometres 50 miles × 1,609 kilometres = 80,45 kilometres Classwork activity 1.1 1 What unit of measurement would you use to measure: a) the mass of an apple b) the capacity of a cup c) the width between a set of soccer goal posts? 2 Convert: a) 12 m to mm b) 4,3 metric tonne to kg c) 83 km to m d) 40,34 ℓ to ml. 3 Convert: a) 3 kg to pounds b) 7 inches to cm c) 4,8 ℓ to pints. 4 Which tin of paint would you buy to paint: a) an entire house b) a tree in a picture c) one wall of a bedroom. 250 ml 1ℓ 5ℓ 20 ℓ Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 5 • 5 2013/05/09 11:42 AM d) the roof of a shopping mall e) a kitchen chair? 5 8′0″ Tia lives in California, United States. She wants to build a new house from scratch. She gets this plan of a starter home: (Hint: ’ = feet and ” = inches) a) Calculate the length of the house in metres. b) Calculate the width of the house in metres. c) Calculate the width of the door in millimetres. d) (i) Calculate the perimeter of your classroom floor using a tape measure. (ii) Is the perimeter of the house bigger or smaller than your classroom? shower toilet stove 15′0″ 3′0″ attic ladder window seat Homework activity 1.1 6 1 Convert: a) 1,12 mm to cm b) 14 ml to ℓ c) 15,3 kg to g. 2 Convert: a) 450 ml to pints b) 16 gallons to ℓ c) 228 km to miles. 3 Jerry needs 4 tonnes of stone to mix with cement to lay a foundation of a house. The stone can only be bought in bags of 25 kg. Calculate how many bags he needs to order. (Hint: convert all weights to kilograms.) 4 Rosalchen and David are from Kent in the United Kingdom. They have recently had their first child and realised that they need a bigger living space. Unfortunately they cannot afford an expensive house. • lb is the abbreviation for pound. 1 lb = 0,4536 kg Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 6 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 They consult a builder and he provides them with the following information: To build a low cost house in the United Kingdom, the following building materials are needed: Cement 74 127,54 lb Sharp sand 148 255,08 lb Water 568,79 gallons Gravel (stone) a) b) 296 510,11 lb How many kg of cement, sand and gravel (stone) are needed? How many litres of water are needed? Unit 2 Other conversions There are many other ways in which to measure quantities. You can use spoons, cups, wheelbarrows and other containers to measure quantities. This table shows different measures: is the same as 5 ml (1 teaspoon) 3 g flour 5 g butter or margarine 4 g rice 4 g sugar 3 g mielie meal 25 ml 15 g flour 25 g butter or margarine 20 g rice 60 g flour 80 g rice 250 ml (1 cup) 80 g sugar 12 g mielie meal 100 ml 100 g butter or margarine 20 g sugar 150 g flour 250 g butter or margarine 200 g rice 200 g sugar 125 g mielie meal 50 g mielie meal Here is another conversion table for spoons and cups: 1 teaspoon 5 ml 1 tablespoon 15 ml 1 cup 250 ml Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 7 • 7 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Another method of measuring liquid capacity is to use the units cm3 and m3: 1 cm3 1 ml 1 000 cm3 1ℓ 1 m3 1 000 ℓ Cool fact Juice from a 1 ℓ bottle will fit into the cube shown here: Fruity Juice Example 1 Convert 4 4 cups into ℓ. Solution 1 cup = 250 ml ℓ 10 cm 1 250 ml × 4 4 = 1 062,5 ml = 1,063 ℓ Round off to three decimal places. Classwork activity 1.2 Show all calculations: 1 Convert: a) 35 ml to teaspoons c) 16 m3 to ℓ 2 Which has the greater capacity: 8 • 5,4 ℓ to cm3 1,5 ℓ to cups. 1 a) c) 3 b) d) 2 4 cups or 600 ml b) 4 cm3 or 10 ml 8 tablespoons of oil or 130 ml of oil? The following table shows the capacity of some dams in South Africa. Complete the table. Dam Size (m3) Farm dam 2 400 000 Sterkfontein Dam 2 616 950 Size (ℓ) Photo Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 8 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 5 340 600 000 000 Gariep Dam Homework activity 1.2 Convert: 1 2,75 ℓ to cups 2 5 tablespoons to ml 3 24 ℓ to cm3. Unit 3 Temperature In some countries the unit of measurement for temperature is Fahrenheit, in other countries it is Celsius. Example Convert: a) 16 °C to °F b) –23 °F to °C. To convert from °Celsius to °Fahrenheit: °F = (1,8 × °C) + 32 To convert from °Fahrenheit to °Celsius: °C = (°F – 32) ÷ 1,8 Solution a) °F = (1,8 × °C) + 32 = (1,8 × 16) + 32 = 60,8 °F b) °C = (°F – 32) ÷ 1,8 = (–23 – 32) ÷ 1,8 = –30,56 °C Classwork activity 1.3 1 Convert: a) 10 °F to °C b) 250 °C to °F 2 Bongi lives in Pretoria and has decided to visit New York in December. Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 9 • 9 2013/05/09 11:42 AM The weather statistics for December 2011 for the cities of Pretoria (°C) and New York (°F) are shown in the following table: Temperatures for New York, USA Temperatures for Pretoria, South Africa December, 2011 December, 2011 Maximum Maximum Average Average Max. Temperature 62 °F 50 °F Max. Temperature 28 °C 21 °C Mean Temperature 59 °F 44 °F Mean Temperature 23 °C 20 °C Min. Temperature 56 °F 37 °F Min. Temperature 22 °C 17 °C a) b) c) d) What is the highest temperature reached in New York? Write your answer in °F. What is the highest temperature reached in Pretoria? Write your answer in °C. Convert New York’s highest temperature to °C. Calculate the difference in temperature between the highest temperature in Pretoria and the highest temperature in New York. Do your calculations in °C. Homework activity 1.3 1 Which is the higher temperature: a) 0 °C or 0 °F? b) 200 °C or 395 °F? 2 This table shows the time it takes for concrete to set at a given temperature: 70 °F 6 hours 60 °F 8 hours 50 °F 11 hours 40 °F 14 hours 30 °F 19 hours 20 °F Concrete will freeze a) b) 10 • At what temperature (°F) will it take 14 hours for the concrete to set? Sifiso is laying the foundations for his home. The outside temperature is 17 °C. Approximately how long will it take for the concrete in his foundations to set? Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 10 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Unit 4 Understanding time This unit focuses on time and the conversions between various units of time. Time values can be expressed in the following formats: pm 11 12 1 pm 2 10 9 3 4 8 7 6 5 8 o’clock 08:00 8:00 p.m./20:00 When recording time you use the format: 1 h 12 min 20 sec. You use different units of time depending on the amount of time that needs to be measured or the situation in which you find yourself. Example 1 Convert 7 2 minutes to seconds. Solution 1 minute = 60 seconds 1 7 2 minutes × 60 seconds = 450 seconds Example Write 1 782 minutes in days, hours and minutes. Solution 1 782 minutes ÷ 60 29 hours × 60 minutes There are (1 782 – 1 740) ∴ 1 782 minutes 24 hours ∴ 29 hours ∴ 1 782 minutes = 29,7 hours = 1 740 minutes = 42 minutes remaining. = 29 hours 42 minutes = 1 day = 1 day and 5 hours = 1 day 5 hours 42 minutes Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 11 • 11 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Classwork activity 1.4 1 2 Tania’s birthday is on 23 September. She looks at the calendar for the S M month of September 2013 as shown 1 2 alongside: 8 9 a) How many days are there in the 15 16 month? 22 23 b) On which day is 23 September 29 30 2013? c) How many Mondays in September 2013 before the 23rd? List the dates. SEPTEMBER 2013 T W T F S 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Lerato is the opening batswoman for her team. a) b) 3 a) b) 12 • She started batting at 09:44 and was bowled out at 12:32. For how long did she bat? In the following innings she started batting at 1:22 p.m. and batted for 73 minutes. At what time was she caught out? Study the stopwatch: (i) How many hours, minutes and seconds has the stopwatch timed? (ii) If the stopwatch continued timing for another 58 minutes what timing would be shown on the stopwatch? Nikiwe took part in a triathlon. Her times were recorded as follows: Swim: 37 minutes Cycle: 1 hour 20 minutes Run: 58 minutes (i) How long did she take to complete the triathlon? (ii) What time did she finish if she started at 08:00? Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 12 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Homework activity 1.4 1 Convert: a) 190 seconds to minutes and seconds b) 7 weeks into days c) 524 days into years, months and days (assume that the first day is 1 January, and that these are not leap years). 2 The calendar for 2014 is shown here: JANUARY W T FEBRUARY S M T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 M T W T F S 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 M T W T F S 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 MAY S W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 S M T W T F S S M T 1 2 3 4 5 4 M 5 T JUNE T 6 M S 1 APRIL S MARCH S 26 S W 6 JULY 7 T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 29 30 F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 AUGUST W SEPTEMBER T 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 24 25 26 27 F S 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 S M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 31 OCTOBER T NOVEMBER S M T W F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DECEMBER S M T W T F S 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 T W T 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 30 a) b) c) How many public holidays are there in 2014? How many months have five Fridays in the month? How many days are there between 22 October and 30 December? Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 13 • 13 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Unit 5 Schedules and planning It is important to be able to plan your life using schedules and timetables so that you know when events are going to happen and you are able to plan for them in advance. Example Jannie has to travel from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth by plane. He has to land in Port Elizabeth by 20:00 on Friday 27 April. Look at the information he finds on the internet for flights to Port Elizabeth. Flight and fare options The amounts displayed are the total fare including taxes for all passengers for the selected flight. Depart: JNB Johannesburg (OR Tambo) to PLZ Port Elizabeth, on 27 April 2012 Economy Business Instant upgrade Sector Flight Departs Arrives SAVER CLASSIC SELECT Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA901 05:10 07:50 ZAR 898 ZAR 1 560 ZAR 1 947 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA1553 07:55 09:30 ZAR 890 ZAR 1 552 ZAR 1 939 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA505 10:15 11:55 ZAR 898 ZAR 1 560 ZAR 1 947 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA518 13:10 14:50 ZAR 1 172 ZAR 1 560 ZAR 1 947 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA519 16:40 18:20 ZAR 1 366 ZAR 1 560 ZAR 1 947 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA1557 17:35 19:10 ZAR 1 164 ZAR 1 552 ZAR 1 939 Johannesburg (OR Tambo) (JNB) – Port Elizabeth (PLZ) AA325 19:40 21:20 SOLD OUT ZAR 1 560 ZAR 1 947 a) b) 14 Select your fare If he needs to reach Port Elizabeth by 20:00, what is the latest flight he can take? Jannie has to be at the airport one hour before his flight. For him to catch the flight you have chosen, what time should he be at the airport? • Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 14 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Solution a) b) Jannie should take flight AA1557. Jannie needs to be at the airport at 16:35. Classwork activity 1.5 Refiloe catches the Gautrain from OR Tambo International Airport to Pretoria. Her plane lands at 18:10. She allocates 30 minutes to fetch her luggage and walk to the Gautrain platform. Refiloe has to take one train from the airport to Marlboro station, and then take a different train from Marlboro station to Pretoria. Peak Period – 16:00 to 19:00 Departure OR Tambo Arrival Rhodesfield Arrival Marlboro Arrival Sandton 16:20 16:22 16:29 16:33 16:08 16:32 16:44 16:56 17:08 17:20 17:32 17:44 17:56 18:08 18:20 18:32 18:44 18:56 19:08 19:20 19:32 19:50 20:10 20:30 16:10 16:34 16:46 16:58 17:10 17:22 17:34 17:46 17:58 18:10 18:22 18:34 18:46 18:58 19:10 19:22 19:34 19:52 20:12 20:32 16:17 16:41 16:53 17:05 17:17 17:29 17:41 17:53 18:05 18:17 18:29 18:41 18:53 19:05 19:17 19:29 19:41 19:59 20:19 20:39 16:21 16:45 16:57 17:09 17:21 17:33 17:45 17:57 18:09 18:21 18:33 18:45 18:57 19:09 19:21 19:33 19:45 20:03 20:23 20:43 Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 15 • 15 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Peak Period – 16:00 to 19:00 Depart Rosebank Depart Sandton Depart Marlboro Depart Midrand Depart Centurion Depart Pretoria Arrival Hatfield 16:06 16:18 16:10 16:20 16:29 16:37 16:44 16:30 16:22 16:14 16:34 16:38 16:44 16:53 17:01 17:08 16:42 16:54 17:06 17:18 17:30 17:42 17:54 18:06 18:18 18:30 18:42 18:54 19:06 19:18 19:30 19:42 19:56 20:14 20:34 16:46 16:58 17:10 17:22 17:34 17:46 17:58 18:10 18:22 18:34 18:46 18:58 19:10 19:22 19:34 49:46 19:58 20:18 20:38 16:26 16:50 17:02 17:14 17:26 17:38 17:50 18:02 18:14 18:26 18:38 18:50 19:02 19:14 19:26 19:38 19:50 20:02 20:22 20:42 16:32 16:56 17:08 17:20 17:32 17:44 17:56 18:08 18:20 18:32 18:44 18:56 19:08 19:20 19:32 19:44 19:56 20:08 20:28 20:48 16:41 16:49 17:05 17:13 17:17 17:25 17:29 17:37 17:41 17:49 17:53 18:01 18:05 18:13 18:17 18:25 18:29 18:37 18:41 18:49 18:53 19:01 19:05 19:13 19:17 19:25 19:29 19:37 19:41 19:49 19:53 20:01 20:05 20:13 20:17 20:25 20:37 20:45 20:57 21:05 16:56 17:20 17:32 17:44 17:56 18:08 18:20 18:32 18:44 18:56 19:08 19:20 19:32 19:44 19:56 20:08 20:20 20:32 20:53 21:12 (Source: Tables from www.gautrain.co.za) 16 1 Which train will Refiloe catch from the airport? 2 When will the train arrive at Marlboro station? 3 Which train will she catch from Marlboro station to Pretoria station? 4 When will the train arrive at Pretoria station? 5 Refiloe’s flight is delayed by 40 minutes. Determine when she will arrive at Pretoria station. Show all your workings. • Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 16 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Homework activity 1.5 Jerusha’s final school examination timetable for the National Senior Certificate is shown here: Week 1 Monday 24/10 09:00 English HL P1 (2 hrs) Friday 28/10 Mathematical Literacy P1 (3 hrs) Week 2 09:00 Monday 31/10 Mathematical Literacy P2 (3 hrs) Week 3 09:00 Wednesday 02/11 Tuesday 08/11 Thursday 10/11 Week 4 Tuesday 15/11 Friday 18/11 Week 5 14:00 14:00 Afrikaans FAL P1 (2 hrs) Afrikaans FAL P2 (2 hrs) 14:00 1 English HL P2 (2 2 hrs) 09:00 14:00 1 English HL P3 (2 2 hrs) 1 Afrikaans FAL P3 (2 2 hrs) Tuesday 22/11 09:00 Business Studies (3 hrs) 14:00 Wednesday 23/11 Geography (Theory) P1 (3 hrs) Geography (Map Work) P2 (1 2 hrs) Week 6 09:00 14:00 Wednesday 30/11 Consumer Studies (3 hrs) 1 When does Jerusha write Maths Literacy P1 and P2? 2 How many days are between English Paper 1 and English Paper 3? 3 How many days does the whole examination period last? 4 Jerusha needs about four days to study Consumer Studies. If she started studying for the examination on Friday 25 November, would she have set aside enough time to complete her studies in that subject? Explain. 1 Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 17 • 17 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Unit 6 Speed Speed is the distance covered per unit of time. To calculate speed you need to know the distance covered and the time taken to cover the distance. distance s Formula: Speed = = v= time t distance s We write = v= time t In Science v signifies velocity (speed), s signifies displacement (distance) and t signifies time. Example Determine Carly’s average speed if she drove 800 km in 10 hours. Solution Speed = distance s = v= time t 800 s = = 80 km/h t 10 v= Classwork activity 1.6 1 Mpho, a triathlete, completes a race with the following times: Event Swim Cycle Run a) b) 2 a) b) 18 • Distance (km) Time 1,5 0:36:00 10 0:50:00 40 Average speed 1:10:00 Complete the table by calculating the average speed for each event. Show all your calculations. What was Mpho’s overall average speed for the entire event? Calculate the average speed of a motor car that travels 602 km from Johannesburg to Durban in 5 hours and 50 minutes. Calculate the average speed of an aeroplane travelling from Johannesburg to Durban in 1 hour and 5 minutes, with a flying distance of 497 km. Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 18 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 Homework activity 1.6 1 Calculate the average speed of a vehicle travelling 70 km in 45 minutes. 2 Calculate the average speed of a cyclist who takes 5 hours and 10 minutes to complete a 94,7 km race. 3 A taxi left Cape Town for Port Elizabeth. The taxi drove 769 km 1 in 10 2 hours (excluding stops). a) b) c) What was the average speed of the taxi? The taxi stopped for 10 minutes every two hours to allow the driver to rest. (i) How many times did the taxi stop? (ii) Calculate the total time that the driver spent resting. The taxi left Cape Town at 05:15. What time did it arrive in Port Elizabeth? Summary practice exercise 1 Convert: a) 34,7 cm to km c) 47 °F to °C 2 John is building a new house for his son. He needs to plaster a wall so finds these guidelines on a website: http://www.damsforafrica.com/ b) d) 72,5 miles to km 10 000 minutes into days, hours and minutes. Concrete: Simple Mixes Next Concrete Mix Design page Back to main Concrete Mix Design page Back to Home page ‘Simple Mixes’ for Plaster, Mortar and Concrete Bedding Mortar Mix 1 bag cement + 3 barrows builders sand Plaster Mix 1 bag cement + 2 barrows plaster sand Concrete Mix 1 bag cement + 1,25 barrows concrete sand + 1,25 barrows stone 50 kg sand sand sand sand sand 50 kg 50 kg 15 ℓ 15 ℓ sand stone Notes (1) Typically the concrete may be used for a farm reservoir floor slab, the mortar to construct its wall of bricks/blocks, and the plaster for rendering the walls to improve the water retention of the reservoir. (2) The concrete mix given here should have a strength of 25MPa providing no inferior quality sand, stone or cement has been used, using just enough water consistent with full compaction. (Too much water results in drying shrinkage cracks, while too little water results in voids – both these conditions are to be avoided.) Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 19 • 19 2013/05/09 11:42 AM a) b) 3 John follows the directions for the plaster mix. (i) How many wheelbarrows of plaster sand does he need for every bag of cement? (ii) Write a ratio for the quantities of cement and plaster sand used in the plaster mix. John needs 14 × 50 kg bags of cement to finish the job. Calculate the total number of wheelbarrows of plaster sand needed. Dube and his friends plan a trip to Inhambane, Mozambique. The following table indicates how they will travel from Paarl to Inhambane. Leg Number 1 2 3 4 Paarl Cape Town Johannesburg Maputo Cape Town Airport Johannesburg Airport Maputo Inhambane Mode of Transport Taxi Aeroplane Train Bus Departure Time 07:00 Arrival Time 08:05 Distance 61 km Departure Point Arrival Point Following day: 07:00 1 264 km Following day 15:30 618 km 480 km Time Taken Speed a) b) 20 • How long does the trip from Paarl to Cape Town International Airport take? Calculate the average speed of the taxi. Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 20 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 1 c) These are the flight times from Cape Town to Johannesburg: Cape Town O R Tambo (Johannesburg) Departure Arrival Flight Number 06:30 08:30 TR 258 09:10 11:10 TR 645 09:40 11:40 TR 154 11:55 13:55 TR 587 12:20 14:20 TR 989 12:45 14:45 TR 555 14:00 16:00 TR 741 (i) They need to be at the airport one hour before their flight. Which flight would suit them best? (ii) What time would they land in Johannesburg? d) The following timetable shows the times for the train from Johannesburg to Maputo: Johannesburg and Pretoria > Maputo 1. Take a South African train from Jo’burg to Komatipoort This train is the ‘Komati‘, run by Shosholoza Meyl, www.shosholozameyl.co.za. It is currently running three times a week and has economy seats only, there are no sleepers. Johannesburg depart 18:10 Mon, Wed, Fri Pretoria depart 19:40 Mon, Wed, Fri Nelspruit (for Kruger Park) arr/dep 04:15 next morning Kaapmuiden arr/dep 05:15 next morning Komatipoort arrive 06:38 next morning 2. Walk across the border from Komatipoort to Ressano Garcia It’s only a few kilometres, see below for advice. The CFM train used to cross the border, but this proved too difficult for the customs authorities, so now you must walk across. 3. Take a CFM train from Ressano Garcia to Maputo This train is run by CFM, the Carminhos de Ferro do Moçambique. It runs daily, and has 3rd class seats. www.cfmnet.co.mz Ressano Garcia (Mozambique) depart 12:10 on Mon–Fri, 12:30 on Sat and Sun Maputo (Mozambique) arrive 16:40 on Mon–Fri, 17:20 on Sat and Sun (Source: http://www.seat61.com/Mozambique.htm) (i) What time would their train depart from Johannesburg? (ii) The friends have to change to a different train at the border. How much time do they have between trains? Explain. Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 21 • 21 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Word bank foundation (housing) plaster mix triathlete volume the base on which a house stands; normally trenches are dug in the ground, filled with concrete, on top of which walls are built a mix of cement and plaster sand used to plaster walls a person who competes in races that involve three components: swimming, cycling and running the capacity of a container; how much space is inside the container Chapter summary • • • • • • When converting between different units of measurement, ensure that you use the correct unit for conversion. You can make use of spoons and cups to measure quantities. Another method of measuring liquid capacity is to use the units cm3 and m3: 1 ml = 1 cm3. To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit use: °F = (1,8 × °C) + 32 To convert from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius use: °C = (°F – 32) ÷ 1,8 You can use various time units to measure time: 1 second 1 minute × 60 • • • × 60 1 day × 24 1 week ×7 1 month × approx. 4 1 year × 12 Schedules and timetables help us to plan our lives. Speed is calculated by dividing the distance of a journey by the time taken to complete it. To calculate speed use the formula: Speed = 22 1 hour distance s = v= time t Conversions and time 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 22 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Ch 2 er a pt Financial documents and tariffs What you will learn about in this chapter You will: • interpret financial documents in a variety of contexts including personal, household, business and national finance • work with a range of financial documents such as household bills, credit card statements or till slips, household and business budgets, quotations, invoices, receipts and financial statements • calculate given tariffs and/or formulae with respect to municipal tariffs, telephone tariffs and transport tariffs • draw graphs and compare a range of different tariff systems to determine the most appropriate option. Let’s talk about this chapter In Grades 10 and 11 you worked with and interpreted a range of financial documents: bank statements, loan agreements, budgets, accounts, quotations, invoices and receipts. You also worked with and compared different tariff systems. In this chapter you will revise some of these skills in the context of households and small businesses. You will also examine the documents relating to more complex financial situations from national and global contexts. Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 23 • 23 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Check myself 1 What information is on each of the following: a) a till slip b) a municipal account c) a store account d) a telephone account e) a quotation f) an invoice g) a receipt h) a bank statement? 2 How would you use these documents in your budget? Revision This is the telephone bill for Mr D Tshabalala: this is a tax invoice Enquiries For all enquiries please contact our call centre 0800 444 885 Invoice for Mr D Tshabalala Mr D Tshabala 53 Zambesi Street Vereeniging 1939 2563 8547 22 Account number 30 September 2012 – 30 October 2012 Account Summary Previous invoice Payment R758,00 R352,00 CR Opening balance R (i) Overdue: Please pay immediately R (ii) This invoice (October 2012) Line Rental R414,77 Calls R30,48 Discounts Adjustments R102,22 CR R11,47 CR Subtotal r (iii) VAT @ 14% R (iv) total r377,98 Balance brought forward October invoice: total due: a) b) c) d) e) 24 R (v) R377,98 r (vi) For which service is this account? For which month is this account? What is Mr Tshabalala’s account number? Calculate all the missing values labelled (i) – (vi) on the account. Explain why the overdue amount is the same as the opening balance. • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 24 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Unit 1 Revising financial documents for households One of the most important skills every adult should have is how to manage their finances. In this unit you will revise the various financial documents that relate to good financial management for personal and household management. Have you ever bought something on impulse? Discuss how buying something on impulse could lead to financial problems. Impulse buying refers to purchases that you make without planning for them. Classwork activity 2.1 Tina is a single mother. Life is tough and she has to budget very carefully. Based on her monthly income, Tina drew up this budget at the beginning of March: March Budget Rent R2 640,00 Train ticket R165,00 Taxi fare R180,00 School fees R380,00 Groceries R3 400,00 Shoes for Tumi and Mpho R1 200,00 Phone R400,00 Water & Rates R230,00 Credit card R340,00 Electricity R750,00 Snazz Matazz R500,00 Emergencies R500,00 Spending and entertainment R500,00 Total R11 185,00 Savings R1 115,00 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 25 • 25 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 1 T ina checks her spending against her budget. Snazzy Shoes Pineview Retain as proof of Purchase Computing Afrika Pineview Branch Vat Reg No: 2874569874 VAT Reg. No 556644338812 2 Flat Sandals 4 Socks @ R130,00 R260,00 @ R35,90 R143,60 1 Running Shoes 2 Flip Flops R450,00 @ R55,00 R110,00 1 Platform Shoes 3 Anti-Shoe smell R375,90 @ R28,50 R85,50 1 Beach Casual Shoe R255,00 RETAIN AS PROOF OF PURCHASE 1 8 Gb Flash Drive 199,00 1 Anti-virus 349,00 100 CD Spindle 155,00 Total includes 14% VAT 801,42 Cash Card 400078854772222 801,42 Change Total R1 680,00 09/03/2013 17:52 3344 5544 777 71 Cash R2 000,00 R Cashier: M Human Change 17/03/2013 09:53 3689 4521 4785 22 0 Customer Helpline: 08605748322 RETURN ALL GOODS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING Cashier: Melanie van Wyk VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.SNAZZYSHOES.CO.ZA CUSTOMER HELPLINE: 0860 222 887 RETURN ALL GOODS IN ORIGINAL PACKAGING a)Where and when did Tina buy her children’s shoes? b)Calculate the change she received from the cashier. c)Did Tina stick to her budget when she bought the shoes? Explain. d)Tina bought some equipment at a computer shop. (i)How much did she spend? (ii)How would this affect her budget? Discuss. e)Mpho was sick during the month and Tina spent R235 at the pharmacy. Is this expense covered in her budget? Explain. f)Discuss whether Tina was able to save as planned for in her budget. 26 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 26 2013/05/13 12:37 PM Chapter 2 2 Refer to the following statement from Snazz Matazz, then answer the questions that follow: Ms T Matlare PO Box 43111 Pineview 3330 STATEMENT Date Snazz Matazz Credit Available: R8 952,00 Date: 30-March-13 Account Number: 226687TM002 Details Opening Balance Amount Balance R1 588,20 15/03/13 21/03/13 Activewear Jeans R600,50 R425,25 23/03/13 Accessories R178,25 27/03/13 Cosmetics R354,50 02/03/13 EFT Payment R500,00 – R2 188,70 Closing Balance Instalment: R450,00 Overdue: R0,00 Total due: R450,00 Due date: 7 April 2013 Credit Limit R11 598,70 Late charges of 22,5% p.a. will be added to overdue accounts Help Line: 0800 555 687 2 Tel: 0442 589 6325 Email: [email protected] a) b) c) d) e) How much did Tina spend at the store in March? Show calculations to prove that her closing balance is R2 646,70. Does Tina’s budget cover the minimum amount payable? Explain. Did Tina make the payment by the due date? Explain. Calculate how much would be added to the account at the end of the month if the account were not paid by the An opening balance or a due date. balance brought forward is f) According to the statement, Tina has a credit limit of the balance from the previous R11 598,70. What does this mean? month which needs to be g) How much can Tina still spend on her account? Find the added to (debited) or subtracted from (credited) amount on the statement. the new balance in order to h) What financial implications would there be if Tina spent calculate the total balance. more money on her account? Discuss. 3 Do you think it’s important to budget? Write 3–4 sentences in response to this question. Use Tina’s financial situation to substantiate your argument. Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 27 • 27 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Homework activity 2.1 1 This is a portion of Donald’s bank statement: z Securebank z Newtown Central Branch PO Box 23441 Newtown 2101 Customer Care Centre: 0861 282 3141 Mr D. Triumph 22 Jacaranda Ridge Sunnyside 2305 23 April 2013 Statement No 55 Vat Reg No. 147-233 Page 1 of 3 Date 22-02-2013 Description Carried fwd 22-02-2013 Salary Metermaid Inc. 22-02-2013 ATM 2309188888 24-02-2013 Debit Credit R9 082,64 Balance –R2 731,45 R6 351,19 R1 500,00 R4 851,19 Pretty & Prim R300,00 R4 551,19 25-02-2013 Cell & All R365,00 R4 186,19 25-02-2013 Ready Card R400,00 R3 786,19 25-02-2013 ATM 647372888-22 R1 000,00 R2 786,19 26-02-2013 Paytoday Supermarket R874,39 R1 911,80 28-02-2013 Bank Charges R253,70 R1 658,10 28-02-2013 ATM 22999911771 R800,00 R858,10 01-03-2013 SatV R579,50 R278,60 02-03-2013 Computaconnect R326,50 –R47,90 02-03-2013 ATM 9171727374888 R500,00 –R547,90 03-03-2013 Fairfoods R253,95 –R801,85 04-03-2013 Electricity Coupon Services R500,00 –R1 301,85 04-03-2013 Municipality Services R300,00 –R1 601,85 An overdraft facility allows one to continue to withdraw money when there is a zero balance on the account. This means that the person is actually borrowing from the bank. Banks charge interest on any funds drawn in this way. a) b) How much did Donald earn as a salary? Explain why Donald’s balance was only R6 351,19 after his salary was added to his account. c) How much cash did Donald withdraw between 22 February and 2 March? Include any transactions on 2 March. d) Comment on Donald’s financial situation by 4 March. Explain whether he is in a good or bad financial position, and why. 28 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 28 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 2 This is Donald’s municipal account: Sunnyside Municipal Services Mr D Triumph 22 Jacaranda Ridge Sunnyside 2305 Tax invoice number 5872341000 Customer VAT registration number Account number 284-115-225 Distribution code Business partner number 522XC3 Tel: 086 010 3089 Fax: 086 010 3090 Tel: Clients abroad +27 21 401 4701 Account summary as at 26/03/2013 At 22 Jacaranda Ridge, Sunnyside, Erf 88440 Due date: 21/04/2013 Previous account balance 762,60 Less payments (04/03/2012) Thank you 300,00– 462,60 462,60 612,58 612,58 1 075,18 1 075,18 Latest account Current amount due Total 1 075,18 Total liability 1 075,18 a) b) How much did Donald pay on his municipal account? Why do you think he paid less than he should have? Refer to his bank statement to answer this question. c) Do you think he made a wise decision? Discuss. d) Explain how the total liability of R1 075,18 was calculated. Unit 2 Quotations, invoices and receipts Do you remember the difference between a quotation, an invoice and a receipt? An invoice is a formal list of goods or services delivered, and the amount owing. A quotation is a formal statement of goods or services to be supplied, and the cost thereof. A receipt is a formal statement of goods or services paid for. Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 29 • 29 2013/05/09 11:42 AM • • • • • • The reference number and date are used to identify the document. A quotation is valid for a specified time, after which prices could change. You do not have to accept a quotation. You might choose to accept only part of the quotation, or accept a cheaper quotation from someone else. It is your responsibility to check the invoice to make sure that you have not been overcharged. It is your responsibility to pay the invoiced amount by the due date. If you pay after the due date, you could be charged interest. It is your responsibility to check that the receipt records the correct details. Classwork activity 2.2 1 Answer the questions relating to the following quotation: Nyaminyami Designs QUOTATION NUMBER: vad00212 PO Box 322178 Polokwane 0700 Date: 12 July 2014 Quantity 15 70 50 10 100 For Mr Albert van Deventer 82 Chroom Street Polokwane 0699 Description Leather Necklace Nyaminyami Pendant – Silver Nyaminyami Pendant – Bone Nyaminyami Pendant – Wood Windchimes Total excluding VAT Unit Price R40,00 R120,00 R50,00 R45,00 R90,00 R R R R R Line Total VAT @ 14% TOTAL TermsandConditions•Quotevalidfor30days A50%depositisrequiredonacceptance•50%requiredondelivery a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Write down the quotation number. Why is it important to have a quotation number? On what date will the quotation expire? What is the unit price of the wind chimes? Calculate the line totals of each item. Calculate the total, excluding VAT. Show that the VAT amount on the items is R2 933,00. h) How much must the customer pay in total if he accepts the quote? 30 • Cool fact A quick way to calculate the VATinclusive amount at 14% is to multiply the VAT-exclusive price by 1,14. Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 30 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 2 The customer’s order was different from the quotation. The following invoice relates to the order he placed. Nyaminyami Designs TAX INVOICE For Mr Albert van Deventer Invoice Number 00588 82 Chroom Street Ref Number: vad00212 Polokwane PO Box 322178 0699 Polokwane 0700 VAT Reg No: 5588 332211 Date: 8 August 2014 VAT Reg no. 4578 9658 22 Quantity Description Unit Price Line Total 15 Leather Necklace R40,00 R600,00 50 Nyaminyami Pendant – Silver R120,00 R6 000,00 10 Nyaminyami Pendant – Bone R50,00 R500,00 8 Nyaminyami Pendant – Wood R45,00 R360,00 50 Windchimes R90,00 R4 500,00 Total VAT exclusive R11 960,00 VAT @ 14% R1 674,40 Grand Total R13 634,40 Deposit – 22 July 2014 R6 817,20 Now due – 8 August 2014 120 Days 90 Days 60 Days 30 Days Current R6 817,20 a) b) How does Nyaminyami Designs match the invoice with the quotation? By how much does the invoice amount differ from the original quotation? Show your calculations. c) Show how the deposit of R6 817,20 was calculated. d) If the customer was 2 months late with his payment, into which box would the outstanding amount be typed? e) The interest for late payment is 11% per year. How much interest would he pay if he was 2 months late with his payment? 3 The following receipt was issued to the customer: No 522 22/07/2014 Received from Ontvang van A Van Deventer The sum of Die som van For Vir R _______________________________________ Rand ______________ cents/sent deposit – ref number vad00212 T. Gumede c 6 817 20 With Thanks/Met dank (cash) Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 31 • 31 2013/05/09 11:42 AM a) b) c) d) What is the receipt number? When was the deposit paid? How can the quotation, invoice and receipt be linked to one another? Write down the deposit amount in words. Homework activity 2.2 Answer the questions relating to the quotation, invoice and receipt that follow. Frangipani Landscapers 104 Frangipani Crescent, Randburg Ridge, Johannesburg, 2169 Tel: 0117930000, Fax: 0117930001 e-mail: [email protected] 17 December 2014 QUOTE NUMBER: 0014569 Invoice Address: Ms D Nkosi, 504 Hume Road, Dunkeld, 2196 Description Labour Quantity Unit Price ex VAT VAT Amount Price incl VAT 16 120,00 1 920,00 268,80 2 188,80 Planting Wisteria Lawn Gazania Clivia Aloe 2 50 30 65 15 150,00 80,00 20,00 23,00 60,00 300,00 4 000,00 600,00 1 495,00 900,00 42,00 560,00 84,00 209,30 126,00 Total Planting 342,00 4 560,00 684,00 1 704,30 1 026,00 8 316,30 Grand Total 1 290,10 10 505,10 This quote is valid for 14 working days only. A deposit of 25% is payable on acceptance of this quote. 50% of the total amount is payable 2 days after commencement. 32 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 32 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Frangipani Landscapers 104 Frangipani Crescent, Randburg Ridge, Johannesburg, 2169 Tel: 0117930000, Fax: 0117930001 e-mail: [email protected] 17 December 2014 From: Frangipani Landscapers VAT Number: 25556778001 To: Ms D Nkosi, 504 Hume Road, Dunkeld, 2196 Description Labour Quantity Unit TAX INVOICE Invoice Number: 112587 Ref Number: 0014569 Price ex VAT VAT Amount Price incl VAT 10 128,40 1 284,00 179,76 (i) 2 50 12 150,00 80,00 60,00 (ii) 4 000,00 720,00 42,00 560,00 100,80 (iii) 4 560,00 820,80 (v) (vi) 882,56 7 186,56 Planting Wisteria Lawn Aloe Total Planting Grand Total (iv) Now due (25%): Work commencing on 5 February 2015 Due on 7 February 2015 (50%): Due on completion (25%): Late payments will attract interest @ 22,4% per annum 9% discount if paid in full Frangipani Landscapers 104 Frangipani Crescent, Randburg Ridge, Johannesburg, 2169 Tel: 0117930000, Fax: 0117930001 e-mail: [email protected] 17 December 2014 RECEIPT Received from: Ms D Nkosi, 504 Hume Road, Dunkeld, 2196 Date Description 25 January 2015 Deposit 7 February 2015 Payment 31 March 2015 Payment Receipt Number: 10224 Ref Number: 0014569 Amount 2 000,00 3 600,00 Total Account paid in full, thank you 1 Answer the following questions relating to the quotation. a) Did the customer accept the quotation as is? Explain. b) What is the deposit amount required if the quote is accepted? c) What amount is due 2 days after commencement? Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 33 • 33 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 2 Answer the following questions relating to the invoice. a) Which services have been left off the original quotation? b) Calculate the missing amounts labelled (i) to (vi). c) What is the price difference between the quotation and the invoice? d) How do you know that Frangipani Landscapers is registered for VAT? e) How much must the customer pay to Frangipani Landscapers on presentation of the invoice? f) (i) What percentage interest will the customer have to pay if she is late with her payment? (ii) If she is one month late with her final payment of R1 796,64 calculate the interest she will be charged. 3 Answer the following questions relating to the receipt. a) How much deposit was paid? b) Was the deposit more or less than the due amount? Explain. c) (i) What percentage of the total due was payable by 7 February? Find the answer on the invoice. (ii) Calculate how much of the total due was payable by 7 February. d) Did the customer meet the conditions as stated on the invoice? Explain. Unit 3 Income– and expenditure– statements and budgets Any organisation has to budget carefully. Companies and government departments draw up budgets based on their spending in the previous year. They normally compare spending and earning patterns for more than one year to ensure that their budgets are realistic. 34 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 34 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Example Study the income- and expenditure-statement that follows, then answer the questions relating to it. A company budget forms part of their financial report. SIMunYE HIGH ScHooL FInAncIAL rEPort 2013 2012 2012 2011 Budget Actual Budget Actual 31-Dec 31-Dec IncoME School fees Registration fees R60 490,00 R49 765,00 R54 990,00 R45 825,00 R7 000,00 R5 900,00 R6 300,00 R5 300,00 R2 983,55 R3 200,00 R2 800,00 R13 500,00 R12 270,00 R10 670,00 Interest Subsidy R14 850,00 Book fines R467,50 Uniform sales R6 764,85 Donations R7 600,00 R198,00 R5 000,00 Fundraising totAL IncoME r82 340,00 r86 980,90 r76 760,00 r69 793,00 Staff costs R55 280,00 R50 254,00 R51 600,00 R44 870,00 Other costs R38 200,00 R33 425,67 R31 800,00 R27 643,75 totAL EXPEnSES r93 480,00 r83 679, 67 r83 400,00 r72 513,75 –R11 140,00 –R3 301,23 –R6 640,00 –R2 720,75 EXPEnSES Surplus/Shortfall to fundraise Retained income at start of year R11 958,50 R9 237,75 Retained income at year end R15 259,73 R6 517,00 a) b) c) d) e) What was the total budgeted income for 2013? Calculate the percentage increase on budgetted school fees from 2012 to 2013. Hint: use the ‘Budget’ figures, not the ‘Actual’ figures. Write your answer correct to one decimal place. Write down the three categories that contributed the most income in 2012. Write down one possible expense that would be included in the ‘other costs’ figure. (i) What is meant by ‘shortfall’? (ii) Explain why the school had a shortfall in their budget for 2013. (iii) How could they overcome the shortfall? Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 35 • 35 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Solution a) R82 340,00 b) × 1 ≈ 10% School fees, the subsidy and donations. Maintenance, printing paper, etc. (i) This refers to the difference between the income and the expenses. When the expenses are greater than the income, the money needed is referred to as the shortfall. (ii) The difference between their income and expenditure would be (R82 340 – R93 480), that is, –R11 140. Their expenses were greater than their income. (iii) They could raise funds and look for donations or cut down on their expenses 60 490 − 54 990 54 990 c) d) e) 100 Example At the end of the financial year, companies have to publish a financial statement that indicates their revenue (income) and expenditure. Look at the financial statement that follows, and try to answer the questions on your own before you check the solutions. Willander Holdings CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME R’000 Revenue Retail Sales For the financial For the financial year ending March year ending March 2012 2011 8 143 7 117 7 104 6 114 Other revenue 1 039 1 003 Costs and expenses Cost of sales 6 178 4 588 5 212 3 817 946 810 644 585 1 965 375 1 905 314 Profit before taxation Taxation 2 340 2 219 197 178 Total comprehensive income 2 143 2 041 Selling expenses Administrative and other operating expenses Profit from operating activities Net finance income a) b) 14,4 18,5 3,1 5,0 In which year was this financial statement published? (i) What does R’000 mean? (ii) What was the total revenue for 2012? Write the amount out in full. (iii) Show that the revenue was 14,4% more than in 2011. Show how the 2011 total costs and expenses figures were calculated. Write down the total costs and expenses for 2011 in words. c) d) 36 % Change • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 36 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 e) f) Write an equation for the calculation to show where ‘profit from operating activities’ comes from. Although revenue for the company increased by 14,4%, the total income only increased by 5%. What is the reason for this? Solution a) b) 2012 (i) It means that all figures represent thousands of rands. (ii) R8 143 000,00 (iii) c) d) e) f) 8 143 − 7 117 7 117 × 100 1 = 1 026 7 117 × 100 1 ≈ 14, 4% 3 817 + 810 + 585 = 5 212 Five million two hundred and twelve thousand rand Profit from operating activities = Revenue – Costs and expenses The percentage increase in costs and expenses of the company was greater than the percentage increase in revenue. Classwork activity 2.3 1 Here is the financial statement of a school. Answer the questions that follow. 2011 Budget INCOME Fees Enrolment Fees Interest Subsidy Consumables Outings Transferred from special funds Bad debt recovered Book fines Uniforms Sales Parent contribution to development Donations Donations and contributions transferred to special funds Fundraising R 6 526 355 22 500 40 000 1 341 120 565 125 210 210 72 000 8 777 310 2010 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Budget 31-Dec 31-Dec R R R 5 340 711 5 351 655 4 490 493 33 820 18 000 29 700 70 659 20 000 165 314 1 008 181 763 986 804 313 508 155 505 125 396 055 189 405 192 090 150 339 72 000 342 000 72 000 1 512 345 205 27 680 16 502 101 270 4 582 459 –3 595 709 3 059 133 –1 502 269 154 393 8 494 881 93 212 7 774 997 7 192 856 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 37 • 37 2013/05/09 11:42 AM EXPENSES Staff costs Other costs Surplus/Shorfall to fundraise Retained income at start of year Retained income at end of year 8 128 014 2 025 200 10 153 214 6 624 976 1 866 126 8 491 102 6 888 724 1 850 000 8 738 724 6 072 639 1 696 583 7 769 222 1 375 904 3 779 54 853 58 632 –1 545 868 5 775 49 078 54 853 (Source: http://www.vulekaschool.co.za/about-us/annual-report/vuleka-school-financial-statements-and-budgets/) a) b) In which year was this budget drawn up? Give a reason for your answer. What is the difference in the fees received in 2009, and the budgeted fees for 2011? Show your calculations. c) What were the actual fees received in 2010? Write your answer in words. d) How much money was recovered from bad debts in 2010? Write your answer to the nearest hundred rand. e) Did the school budget enough for staff costs in 2010? Give a reason for your answer. f) What was the difference between the budgeted income and the actual income in 2010? Show your calculations. g) (i) Explain why there is a shortfall in the budget for 2011. (ii) Suggest two ways for the school to make up the shortfall. 2 Look at the budget that was drawn up for the Knysna Municipality for the financial year 2013/14. 2013/2014 Revenue and Expenditure Framework Description Revenue by Source Property rates Property rates – penalties and collection charges Service charges – electricity revenue Service charges – water revenue Service charges – sanitation revenue Service charges – refuse revenue Service charges – other Rental of facilities and equipment Interest earned – external investments Interest earned – outstanding debtors Dividends received Fines License and permits Agency services Transfers recognised – operational Other revenue Gains of disposal of PPE Total revenue including capital transfers and contributions 38 • R’000 147 478 1 993 246 289 43 306 10 441 14 975 2 278 5 503 7 553 3 909 – 2 422 2 062 1 715 65 318 4 518 166 559 926 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 38 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Expenditure by Type Employee related costs Remuneration of councillors Debt impairment Depreciation and asset impairment Finance charges Bulk purchases Other materials Contracted services Transfers and grants Other expenditure Loss on disposal of PPE Total expenditure 162 616 6 411 16 639 36 831 18 036 173 772 15 182 13 548 6 457 101 565 – 551 055 (Source: Adapted from Knysna Municipality Medium Term Revenue and Expenditure Framework (MTREF). Available from: http://mfma.treasury.gov.za/Documents/02.%20Budget%20Documentation/2011-12/03.%20Revised%20Budgets/02.%20Local%20 municipalities/WC048%20Knysna/WC048%20Knysna%20Revised%20budget%202011-12.pdf (Accessed: October 2012.)) a) b) c) Explain the difference between ‘revenue’ and ‘expenditure’. Name three forms of revenue for the Knysna Municipality. On the document, all figures are given as thousand rands. Write down the actual revenue received from licences and permits. Write your answer in numbers and in words. d) What is the biggest expense in the municipality’s budget? e) According to the budget, will the municipality have a shortfall or a surplus in the financial year? Explain. Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 39 • 39 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Homework activity 2.3 This financial statement was published in newspapers in 2012 for a retail store: FairFoods CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME R’000 2012 March 52 Weeks 2011 March 53 Weeks % Change Revenue 12 062 447 10 913 094 11 Retail sales 11 766 765 10 673 364 10 295 682 239 730 23 10 320 624 9 483 552 9 Cost of sales 6 843 063 6 201 640 10 Selling expenses 2 645 495 2 505 393 6 832 066 776 519 7 1 741 823 1 429 542 22 44 392 54 662 (19) 1 786 215 1 484 204 20 569 114 473 950 20 1 217 101 1 010 254 20 Other revenue Costs and expenses Administrative and other operating expenses Profit from operating activities Net finance income Profit before taxation Taxation Total comprehensive income 40 1 Write down the total revenue for 2012. 2 Write down the total costs and expenses for the same period. 3 Show how the profit from operating activities was calculated. 4 Where did the company make most of its revenue? 5 Which line item on the financial statement includes the cost of salaries and rent? Explain. 6 How much tax did the company pay for the year? 7 Show that the costs and expenses for 2012 were ≈ 9% higher than they were for 2011. 8 Explain why the percentage change (% change) for the line item ‘Net finance income’ is written in brackets. 9 What was the total comprehensive income for 2012? Write your answer in words. 10 Do you think the company has performed well in 2012 compared to 2011? Explain. • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 40 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Unit 4 Tariffs Tariffs provide a framework for costs when services or rates are charged per unit, for example, per second, per minute, per litre, per kilowatt, per kilometre. Tariffs often favour consumers who use less. Those who use more, pay more. Example CallMe offers three contract options – RedSpeak, YellowSpeak and GreenSpeak. The following table compares the three tariffs: YellowSpeak 100 GreenSpeak100 R1,70 R2,35 R1,70 R0,80 R1,80 R2,70 R2,30 R0,80 R1,60 R1,75 R1,60 R0,80 R0,95 R1,15 R0,90 R1,00 R0,95 R1,10 CallMe to landline R0,95 R0,95 R0,95 SMS per msg R0,36 R0,36 R0,34 Monthly fee Inclusive monthly minutes redSpeak 100 R250 100 anytime R115 100 off-peak R0,00 0 Inclusive monthly SMSs PEAK cALLS p/m CallMe to CallMe CallMe to other mobiles CallMe to landline SMS per msg oFF-PEAK cALLS p/m CallMe to CallMe CallMe to other mobiles a) b) c) d) Which contract option does not have a monthly subscription? What do ‘peak’ and ‘off-peak’ refer to? Why do you think off-peak rates are cheaper? (i) Complete this table, which compares the cost of phone calls during peak hours. callMe to callMe peak rates Minutes 50 redSpeak 250,00 YellowSpeak 205,00 75 80,00 120,00 100 250,00 125 292,50 150 295,00 160,00 335,00 385,00 240,00 175 377,50 430,00 280,00 475,00 320,00 200 225 462,50 250 505,00 275 300 GreenSpeak 590,00 360,00 565,00 400,00 610,00 440,00 655,00 480,00 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 41 • 41 2013/05/09 11:42 AM (ii) From your table, what can you conclude about the rates for RedSpeak and YellowSpeak at 75 minutes? The following graph represents the information in the table. Answer the questions that follow. e) 700,00 Remember to include the monthly fee in your calculations. 600,00 Cost 500,00 400,00 300,00 200,00 100,00 0,00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Minutes (i) Which colour graph represents the RedSpeak CallMe to CallMe peak rates? Explain. (ii) Which colour graph represents the GreenSpeak CallMe to CallMe peak rates? Explain. (iii) Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection of the dark purple and black graphs. (iv) What does the point in question (iii) represent? Solution a) b) GreenSpeak 100 They refer to the time of day that the phone is used. ‘Peak’ refers to business hours and ‘off-peak’ refers to early morning, night time and weekends. Demand is less in off-peak hours. Cheaper rates in these hours may be intended to encourage customers to use their phones more in those hours. (i) CallMe to CallMe Peak Rates c) d) Minutes 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 42 • RedSpeak YellowSpeak GreenSpeak 250,00 205,00 80,00 250,00 250,00 120,00 250,00 295,00 160,00 292,50 340,00 200,00 335,00 385,00 240,00 377,50 430,00 280,00 420,00 475,00 320,00 462,50 520,00 360,00 505,00 565,00 400,00 547,50 610,00 440,00 590,00 655,00 480,00 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 42 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 e) (ii) The rate is the same. (i) The dark-purple graph. RedSpeak offers 100 free anytime minutes. This is represented as the horizontal portion of the graph. (ii) The light-purple graph. There is no monthly subscription, which is why the graph starts at zero on the vertical axis. (iii) (75; 250) (iv) At this point the rate is the same for both contracts. In other words, whether you have YellowSpeak or RedSpeak, it will cost R250 if you speak for 75 minutes in peak time. Classwork activity 2.4 Municipalities and Eskom charge different tariffs for electricity. The following table compares the Eskom tariff structure with the tariff structure in Pretoria municipality. Pretoria Fixed demand charge (R) Eskom 700,09 Service charge (R) 11,25 per day Network access charge (R) 13,08 per day Energy charge (R/kWh ) 0,865 Environmental levy charge (R) 0,7234 0,0228 1 What charges does Eskom levy in place of a fixed demand charge? 2 Sharon receives her electricity from Eskom. How much will she pay for her service charge and her network access charge if she uses the facility for 21 days? 3 Adam receives his electricity from Pretoria municipality. What is his fixed demand charge if he uses the facility for 21 days? 4 Calculate Sharon’s monthly account if: • the month has 30 days • she uses 950 kWh of electricity. 5 Calculate Adam’s monthly account if: • the month has 30 days • he uses 950 kWh of electricity. 6 Which user pays less? Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 43 • 43 2013/05/09 11:42 AM The following graph compares the cost of electricity from Eskom and Pretoria, for a 30-day month. All levies have been included. a) Explain why both R1 800,00 graphs intersect the R1 600,00 vertical axis above R700. R1 400,00 b) Which is the cheaper R1 200,00 supplier when R1 000,00 consuming 100 kWh? Pretoria Read your answer Eskom R800,00 from the graph. R600,00 c) Which supplier would R400,00 you choose if you used 350 kWh per R200,00 month? Explain. 0 d) If you were to use 2 000 kWh per month, Number of kWh which would be the most economical supplier? Explain. e) Estimate the amount of electricity you could get from each supplier if you spent R1 000 per month. 8 The following bar graph represents the cumulative charges per day for Adam (Pretoria) and Sharon (Eskom) if they have the same electricity consumption per day. a) What label R1 800,00 would you give to R1 600,00 Series 1? R1 400,00 b) What label R1 200,00 would you give to R1 000,00 Series 2? R800,00 c) Explain why R600,00 the purple R400,00 bars increase at a R200,00 faster rate 0 than the 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Day number grey bars Series 1 Series 2 do. d) What happens by day 29? 1 100 1 000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Total cost 0 Total cost 7 44 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 44 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 Homework activity 2.4 Water is charged per kilolitre. There are different water tariffs for domestic use and commercial and school use. Domestic use – water is charged on a sliding scale where the more water you use the more expensive it becomes. Other tariffs From To Rand per kl (incl VAT) R per kl > 0,0 6,0 R0,00 Commercial > 6,0 10,5 R4,55 Schools > 10,5 20,0 R9,70 > 20,0 35,0 R14,38 > 35,0 50,0 R17,76 > 50,0 R10,47 R9,25 R23,43 Why do you think the Domestic tariffs change depending on the volume of water used? 2 Show that it costs R93,23 for 18 kilolitres of water on the Domestic tariff. 3 How much does a school pay for 18 kl? Show your calculations. 4 Would a business pay more or less for 18 kl of water than a domestic user? Without doing any calculations, give a reason for your answer. 5 The following graph shows the total cost of water used by the three different types of users. a) What colour is the R1 200,00 Domestic graph? b) What is the reason for R1 000,00 the domestic water charge having a flat R800,00 line at the beginning? c) Which graph R600,00 represents the Schools tariff – the purple or R400,00 the black graph? Explain how you know R200,00 this. d) Describe the shape of R0,00 the Commercial and 20 40 60 80 0 Number of kl School graphs. e) Why are they this shape? f) What does it mean when the domestic graph is below the school graph? g) Will the school graph ever intersect with the commercial graph? Explain. h) Use the graph to estimate how much water each type of consumer can use for R400. Total cost 1 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 45 • 45 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Summary practice exercise 1 Look at the electricity account that follows: Account Summary as at 30/11/2012 Due Date: 24/01/2013 Previous Balance R523,22 Less Payments R500,00 Latest Balance Current Amount Due R253,76 Electricity (Period 26/10/2012 to 26/11/2012 –....... days) At 2 056 Miller Road Claremont/Erf 22448 Meter number: 11490003/Consumption 378 kWh/Daily average....... Consumer charge: Domestic Lifeline From 26/10/2012: (1) 50 kWh free (2) 100 kWh @R0,6160 (3) 200 kWh @R0,8104 (4) 28 kWh @ R1,0743 R253,76 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) What is the date of the account? When must the account be settled? What was the previous balance? How much did the account holder pay the previous month? Calculate the shortfall. For what period will electricity be charged? The table shows how the cost for 378 kWh of electricity is broken down. Do the calculations to prove that the total charge for the 378 kWh is R253,76. kWh used Cost per kWh (R) 0–50 0 > 50–150 0,616 > 150–350 0,8104 > 350–600 1,0743 > 600 1,1806 h) Calculate the total cost for a usage of 700 kWh. 46 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 46 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 2 The Sol Plaatje Municipality has put forward the following budget for 2010/2011–2012/2013: nc091 Sol Plaatje – table A4 Budgeted Financial Performance (revenue and expenditure) description r thousand ref 1 2010/11 Medium term revenue and Expenditure Framework Budget Year 2010/11 Budget Year +2 Budget Year +1 2011/12 2012/13 Revenue by Source Property rates 2 208 320 224 570 238 443 Service charges – electricity revenue 2 372 787 424 203 506 370 Service charges – water revenue 2 135 923 154 050 165 016 Service charges – sanitation revenue 2 42 408 47 482 48 840 Service charges – refuse revenue 2 31 074 32 771 34 471 408 424 447 Rental of facilities and equipment 13 289 13 947 14 581 Interest earned – external internal investment 6 000 8 000 8 000 38 000 43 000 44 000 5 778 6 125 6 462 Property rates – penalties and collection charges Service charges – other Interest earned – outstanding debtors Dividends received Fines Licences and permits 2 891 3 065 3 233 Agency services 2 600 2 756 2 908 129 037 145 963 160 517 29 915 31 682 33 355 1 018 430 1 138 036 1 266 643 329 043 348 557 369 499 14 612 16 635 17 633 Transfers recognised – operational Other revenue 2 Gains of disposal of PPE total revenue (excluding capital transfers and contributions) Expenditure by Type Employee related cost 2 Remuneration of councillors Debt impairment 3 95 000 113 000 126 000 Depreciation and asset impairment 2 49 732 50 995 52 071 20 686 38 178 40 208 241 000 287 570 355 996 – – – Finance charges Bulk purchases 2 Other materials 8 Contracted services Transfers and grants Other expenditure 4, 5 1 450 1 400 1 450 266 907 281 7801 305 786 1 018 430 1 138 036 1 266 643 Loss on disposal of PPE total expenditure Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 47 • 47 2013/05/09 11:42 AM a) b) c) List the five service charges that bring in revenue for the Sol Plaatje Municipality. The actual figures are given as R thousand. What does this mean? Convert the projected income for the rental of facilities and equipment for 2011/2012 into rands. d) How much revenue is the Sol Plaatje municipality planning to generate from fines in 2012/2013? Write the value in words. e) What brings in the most revenue for the municipality? f) List the top three expenditure items for 2012/2013. g) How much is budgeted for councillors’ salaries in 2012/2013? Write your answer in Rand. h) Show that the percentage increase in total expenditure between 2011/12 and 2012/13 was budgeted at 11,3%. 3 Bulelani plans to hire a car and does an internet search. This is the information from one car hire company: Your rental so far Pick-up Branch Durban: King Shaka International Airport drop off Branch: Durban: King Shaka International Airport Pick-up date/time 31 May 2012 05h00 drop off date/ time 8 June 2012 05h00 deliver my vehicle No collect my vehicle No If you wish to change your travel date and times, click on the update button Update Choose your vehicle type and rental preferences Please select your vehicle from the range of vehicles we have available over the dates you have chosen. We have defaulted the choice to a Group B category but please feel free to change to any of the available vehicles. Select your vehicle: Group B: Quick 4 door Hatch A/C or similar We have displayed all pricing over the period you want to travel for your vehicle choice. Please select what best suits your needs by clicking the ‘select’ button on the pricing grid. Please also check any extras you require below and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to retrieve your rental cost estimate. description rate/day Excess kms reduced liability 100 kms free per day R299,00 R2,25/km R13 000,00 200 kms free per day R383,00 R2,25/km R 3 000,00 Unlimited mileage R412,00 R0,00/km R 3 000,00 Select Extras Additional drivers @ R175/driver/rental contract GPS Unit (R59/day, billed separately and not included in this quote) All Glass and Tyre Waiver (R15/day) Personal Accident Insurance (R25/day) Baby seat, now complimentary (We can only assist with one baby seat per rental. Subject to availability and available on request – email us on [email protected].) Click to note any special requirements. continue to retrieve your cost estimate next step > 48 • Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 48 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 2 a) b) For how many days does Bulelani need a car? Besides the Personal Accident Insurance, Bulelani does not pay any extra costs. Calculate the total cost if he were to select the option with 200 free km per day. c) Bulelani will travel an average of 280 km per day. Would it be cheaper to choose the unlimited mileage option or the option with 200 free km? Support your answer by showing all calculations. d) Mpho also considers hiring a car. This table shows his driving schedule. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometres to travel 240 0 80 160 220 (i) Calculate the average number of kilometres Mpho will drive per day. (ii) Would it be cheaper for Mpho to choose the 100 free km or the 200 free km per day? Show your calculations. Word bank bad debts commercial financial year liability revenue sliding scale a debt that the business is not able to collect private business the 12-month period that a company’s accounts cover the financial year usually runs from 1 April to 31 March legal responsibility to settle a debt the amount of money a company receives in a given period a system in which the rate at which something is paid, varies according to a set of factors. Electricity and water is charged on a sliding scale because people who use more, are charged at a different rate Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 49 • 49 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 3 Chapter summary • • • Bank documents include statements, balance enquiries, loan agreements, investment agreements, and rate and fee charges. Tariffs are a schedule of prices and fees. Not all services are used in the same way by all people. For example, in a parking lot, there is the option to park per hour, per day or per month. Users of cell phones have the option of making lots of calls, using more data, using the phone for business purposes, and so on. Users of electricity have the option of using more or less electricity. In each of these examples there is a schedule offering different ways to use the service. Each option has a different pricing structure. To calculate interest for part of a year, when the interest rate is quoted per annum (per year) use the following formula: Interest = Principal sum × rate × time For example, you owe R150 and the payment is 2 months overdue. You are charged interest at a rate of 7% p.a. Calculation of interest owing: Interest = Principal sum × rate × time 7 = 150 × 100 × = R1,75 50 • 2 12 Interest for 1 year: 150 × 7% = R10,50 Interest for 1 month: R10,50 ÷ 12 = R0,875 Financial documents and tariffs 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 50 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Ch 3 er 3 a pt Financial tools What you will learn about in this chapter You will: • identify and perform calculations involving income, expenditure, profit and loss values, including: ❍ fixed, variable, occasional, high-priority and low priority values ❍ values expressed in thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and billions • analyse and prepare income and expenditure statements and budgets • understand the importance of saving for occasional or future expenses • identify the costs associated with producing/manufacturing an item or rendering a service • determine the cost of production and/or cost price of an item or service • understand the difference between the production cost and cost price • decide on an appropriate selling price for an item and/or service based on an expected percentage profit • determine break-even values by: ❍ drawing graphs and reading off the points of intersection of the graphs • understand that the break-even point is always made up of two values and the relevance of the break-even values is determined by the context in which the break-even values occur. Let’s talk about this chapter Financial tools put us in control of our finances. They allow us to analyse a financial situation and make careful business decisions. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 51 • 51 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Check myself Hold a class discussion. Talk about how business owners ensure that they are not running at a loss. Revision Looking Up Landscaping Designs have drawn up a schedule of their income for July 2012. Income Schedule July 2012 description Sales Plants Maintenance Houses Sales Landscaping Sales Pond • New garden Compost New pond Pond 52 Soil Pond repair Amount R5 685,00 R1 874,00 R9 340,00 R21 591,00 R2 256,00 R4 859,00 R700,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 52 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 a) b) c) d) What was the income from selling plants, soil and compost? (i) If the average cost of maintenance is R1 870 per month, how many houses did the company service for the month? (ii) What was the total income from maintenance? Calculate the business’s total income for July 2012. The total income for June 2012 is shown in this table: June 2012 Total Landscaping R40 554,00 Pond building R12 150,00 Maintenance Sales Grand total (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) R9 340,00 R8 453,00 Which item produced the highest income in June? Which item increased significantly from June to July? List the variable income values for the business. List the occasional income values for the business. Why are there no fixed income values for the business? Unit 1 Income and expenditure Cool fact Expenditure is the payment of cash for goods or for a service provided. Personal expenditure can take the form of living expenses (food, clothing and entertainment), accounts (electricity, water and telephone), fees (school and bank), insurance, tax, repayment of loans and putting money aside in order to save. Income Expenditure • Income is an amount of money which is received • E xpenditure is the payment of cash for • F ixed income value is an income received over a • F ixed expenditure refers to fixed amounts • V ariable income value is an income which is • V ariable expenditure refers to regular when you sell goods or when you offer a service. You can earn income from a business deal or from a salary. You can also get income as a gift or inheritance. certain period (weekly, monthly) on a regular basis. received on a regular basis but is not a fixed amount. goods or services provided. paid regularly, such as rent or school fees. payments where the amount is not fixed, such as a telephone or electricity account. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 53 • 53 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Income Expenditure •O ccasional income value is an income •O ccasional expenditure refers to payments that which occurs occasionally, such as a gift or an inheritance. It can also be used to describe the income of a person who earns money from part-time, irregular employment. are not regular, such as paying a doctor’s bill, buying a gift for someone or paying to fix your computer. •H igh priority expenditure refers to payments that have to be made, such as paying bills. • L ow priority expenditure refers to payments you do not have to make if you cannot afford them, such as buying new clothes or paying for entertainment. Example Work through the example as a class, making sure you understand all the concepts. Penguin Cellular is a small business that sells airtime and cell phones. The following statement shows the income for the business over a period of three months: description november december January cellular phone sales Blokia 2761 Simsing Smartphone A23 Orange 2311 IncoME StAtEMEnt • R3 150,00 R5 250,00 R36 250,00 R43 500,00 R21 750,00 R4 089,00 R2 726,00 R6 815,00 r41 389,00 r49 376,00 r33 815,00 Vadi-Air R29 R3 277,00 R5 887,00 R3 016,00 Vadi-Air R129 R10 191,00 R29 799,00 R9 288,00 Vadi-Air R250 R9 750,00 R14 750,00 R3 250,00 Indigo R29 R5 133,00 R3 944,00 R1 218,00 Indigo R59 R5 192,00 R14 219,00 R5 369,00 Indigo R150 R15 750,00 R25 350,00 R8 250,00 Madrigal R15 R3 285,00 R3 795,00 R2 160,00 Madrigal R45 R3 195,00 R4 140,00 R4 365,00 Madrigal R99 R11 682,00 R15 246,00 R6 237,00 r67 455,00 r117 130,00 r43 153,00 r108 844,00 r166 506,00 r76 968,00 Airtime total 54 R1 050,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 54 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 This is the expenditure statement for the same period: description november Rental EXPEndIturE december January R3 350,00 R3 350,00 R3 350,00 Salaries R12 478,00 R12 478,00 R12 478,00 Bonuses R6 862,90 Transport R745,00 R892,00 R633,00 Electricity R477,77 R543,45 R484,32 Coffee, tea etc R252,00 R274,00 R211,00 Blokia R703,50 R2 110,50 R3 517,50 Simsing R24 287,50 R29 145,00 R14 572,50 Orange R3 598,32 R2 398,88 R5 997,20 Vadi-Air R12 413,50 R27 827,00 R7 665,50 Indigo R18 381,50 R29 680,66 R9 166,34 Madrigal R10 805,30 R12 067,65 R6 295,30 r94 355,29 r120 767,14 r64 370,66 a) b) c) d) e) f) Which months do the income and expenditure statements refer to? Reorganise the expenses into three lists – fixed, variable and occasional expenses. How would you classify the company’s income – fixed, variable or occasional? Explain your answer. How much profit did the company make for each of the three months? Organise your answers in a table. (i) Calculate the total money the company spent on airtime in December. (ii) How much profit did the company make on airtime over the same period? (iii) What percentage of the income from airtime was profit? Write your answer correct to one decimal place. Why do you think the sales in January were lower than the sales in December? Solution a) b) c) d) November, December and January Fixed expenses: rental and salaries Variable expenses: transport, electricity, coffee, etc., Blokia, Simsing, Orange, Vadi-Air, Indigo and Madrigal Occasional expenses: bonuses Variable. The income depends on how much of each item is sold. This varies from month to month. Income Expenditure Profit = Income – Expenditure november 108 844,00 94 355,29 14 488,71 december 166 506,00 120 767,14 45 738,86 76 968,00 64 370,66 12 597,34 January Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 55 • 55 2013/05/09 11:42 AM (i) R27 827,00 + R29 680,66 + R12 067,65 = R69 575,31 (ii) Income from airtime in December = R117 130,00 Profit = 117 130 – 69 575,31 = R47 554,69 e) (iii) f) 47 554,69 117 130,00 × 100 1 ≈ 40,6% December is the holiday period and people spend more money. In January people have less money to spend. Classwork activity 3.1 1 Martin Mabuza has a bursary to study full time at University of Johannesburg. He is a father and works weekends and evenings to earn money to support his child. Over weekends, he sells computer equipment. He only earns commission, not a salary. In the evenings he works as a waiter, where he earns a small salary as well as tips. The following bank statement shows Martin’s transactions for a certain period: Hammanskraal 154A Hamman Ave Hammanskraal Tel: 012 447 5599 Statement Number: Statement Date: Account Number: Mr M V Mabuza 3 778 Curie Street Hammanskaal 0407 Cheque ACCount tax Invoice 00058 31 August 2012 1245 336 22 Bank VAT Reg No: 1145884 VAT Inclusive @ 14% Debits 03/08/2012 05/08/2012 05/08/2012 05/08/2012 06/08/2012 08/08/2012 09/08/2012 10/08/2012 12/08/2012 15/08/2012 15/08/2012 15/08/2012 17/08/2012 19/08/2012 19/08/2012 20/08/2012 23/08/2012 24/08/2012 25/08/2012 26/08/2012 26/08/2012 56 • Brought Fwd Service Fee ComputaAfrica CallMe CasualChat Contract ATM withdrawal 2019384T Cash Deposit BDHoldings Bursary Fee payment UJ ComputaAfrica Maintenance Payment P Arnold Cash Deposit Truly Man clothing Computaticket ComputaAfrica Fairfoods BluRay connect Fairfoods Snazzy Shoes Varsity Books ComputaAfrica Carried Fwd Credits 124,00 875,00 205,00 300,00 700,00 4 500,00 3 500,00 320,00 3 000,00 600,00 375,95 220,00 1 160,00 172,88 625,00 134,70 425,00 759,00 1 240,00 Balance 2 003,51 1 879,51 2 754,51 2 549,51 2 249,51 2 949,51 7 449,51 3 949,51 4 269,51 1 269,51 1 869,51 1 493,56 1 273,56 2 433,56 2 260,68 1 635,68 1 500,98 1 075,98 316,98 1 556,98 1 556,98 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 56 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 a) b) What was Martin’s opening balance on the statement? Martin earns commission from ComputaAfrica and also banks some of the money he earns in tips. Calculate the total earnings that were banked for the month. c) Martin received money from his bursary. He used some of it to pay his university fees and some to buy textbooks. Calculate whether the income from his bursary payment covered his expenses. d) List the two fixed expenses reflected on the bank statement. e) Did Martin’s income cover his expenses for the month? Explain. 2 The following table shows the audited income statement for the Eastern Cape Provincial Government for a period of three years. Summary of Provincial Receipts R’000 Transfer receipts from national Equitable share Conditional grants Total receipts from National Provincial own receipts Tax receipts Casino taxes Horse racing taxes Liquor licences Motor vehicle licences Sales of goods and services other than capital assets Transfers received Fines, penalties and forfeits Interest, dividends and rent on land Sales and capital assets Financial transactions in assets and liabilities Total provincial own receipts Total provincial receipts In which year was this statement issued? Give a reason for your answer. b) (i) List five ways in which the province gets income from the public. (ii) Could the income be classified as fixed, variable or occasional? Explain. c) Calculate the percentage increase or decrease in income from 2007/2008 to 2008/2009 and from 2008/2009 to 2009/2010, for: (i) liquor licences (ii) fines, penalties and forfeits. d) (i) The income is represented as R’000. Explain this statement. 2007/08 2008/09 Audited 2009/10 27 344 125 3 047 971 30 392 096 32 131 702 3 971 290 36 102 992 37 314 768 4 958 221 42 272 989 333 644 82 433 4 190 5 931 241 090 130 979 16 6 255 494 003 4 768 38 582 1 008 247 31 400 343 384 390 87 718 4 799 1 977 289 896 138 058 − 8 223 372 219 12 100 50 492 965 482 37 068 474 422 138 81 793 7 541 4 462 328 342 136 543 − 6 727 142 142 4 703 49 696 761 949 43 034 938 a) Cool fact There is a difference between a province and a municipality. In South Africa there are 46 municipalities in 9 provinces. Each municipality forms part of the province. Each municipality runs its own budget but these budgets form part of the provincial budget. Each province runs its own budget, but these budgets form part of the national budget. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 57 • 57 2013/05/09 11:42 AM e) 3 (ii) The income from Casino taxes is recorded as 87 718, in 2008/2009. Write down the actual amount received from casino taxes, in rands. How much did the province receive in total from the national government in the 2009/2010 year? The following document shows the Eastern Cape provincial expenditure for the same period: Summary of provincial payments and estimates by vote R’000 2007/08 Basic Education Health Social Development and Special Programmes Office of the Premier Provincial Legislature Roads and Public Works Local Government and Traditional Affairs Rural Development & Agrarian Reform Economic Development & Environmental Affairs Transport Human Settlements Provincial Treasury Sport, Recreation, Arts & Culture Safety and Liaison Total 14 485 498 8 013 849 886 100 291 779 161 517 2 403 064 610 754 1 083 639 736 168 551 253 396 886 156 377 398 053 33 281 30 208 218 2008/09 Audited 17 523 692 10 499 083 1 324 145 343 976 216 079 3 087 251 612 415 1 265 889 856 200 1 056 676 1 230 905 255 773 753 629 41 992 39 067 705 2009/10 20 750 351 12 090 018 1 443 896 359 724 255 960 3 202 686 745 113 1 432 933 1 080 585 1 276 198 1 532 801 234 113 780 691 47 720 45 232 789 a) 58 • (i) What is the biggest expenditure item in the budget? (ii) Write down the total amount spent on this item in the 2009/2010 year, in words. b) How much more money was spent on the Office of the Premier than on Safety and Liaison in the 2009/2010 year? Write your answer as a percentage. c) Comment on your answer to b). Do you think the expenditure is fair? Discuss. d) RefertotheincomestatementinQuestion2.Didtheprovince’sincomecoverits expenditure over the three years? Answer this question by referring to each financial year individually. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 58 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 Homework activity 3.1 Burning Beauty Candles supplies decorative candles to flea-market stallholders and to curio shops. The following statement shows income and expenditure for the six months from July to December 2014. Burning Beauty Candles Income–Expenditure Statement July–December 2014 description Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 total sales to flea markets Cape curio market Stella’s Curios Candle Affair Wick-ed total sales from stores total Sales Aluminium Tape Paraffin Candle Wax Candle Dye Thermometer Fragrance Container Wicks Moulds Steric Acid Cellophane Labels Transport Rent Phone contract total Expenditure July R1 406,00 R1 644,00 R828,00 R974,00 r4 852,00 Income August September R1 466,00 R1 457,00 R915,00 R1 144,00 R914,00 R835,00 R855,00 R988,00 r4 150,00 r4 424,00 october R1 533,00 R1 207,00 R864,00 R997,00 r4 601,00 november R1 628,00 R1 411,00 R984,00 R1 032,00 r4 023,00 december R2 505,00 R2 432,00 R3 949,00 R3 194,00 r12 080,00 R1 327,50 R0,00 R2 600,00 R3 500,00 R0,00 R500,00 R0,00 R250,00 R450,00 r2 027,50 R850,00 R250,00 R450,00 r1 550,00 R2 350,00 R250,00 R450,00 r5 650,00 R2 500,00 R250,00 R450,00 r6 700,00 R2 170,00 R1 650,00 R1 500,00 r5 320,00 R0,00 R400,00 R650,00 r1 550,00 r6 879,50 r5 700,00 r10 074,00 Expenditure r11 301,00 r9 343,00 r13 630,00 R840,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r4 259,00 R920,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r4 339,00 R300,00 R3 345,00 R420,00 R78,00 R185,00 R450,00 R520,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r8 717,00 R270,00 R570,00 R1 570,00 R340,00 R475,00 R945,00 R300,00 R430,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r7 479,00 R292,40 R845,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r5 126,40 R765,00 R2 460,00 R959,00 r6 454,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 59 • 59 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 1 List the expenditure items that are: a) occasional b) variable 2 Which month saw the least total sales from the flea markets? 3 Identify the months where the expenditure was greater than the income. 4 Was the expenditure greater than the income for the total period of six months? Justify your answer with calculations. 5 Why do you think stores bought more candles in October than in November or December? 6 Why do you think flea-market stallholders bought the most candles in December? c) fixed. Unit 2 Cost of production, cost price, selling price In this unit you will revise some of the ideas from Grades 10 and 11. How are these concepts related? Discuss this as a class and then check your answers. Cost of production Cost of production: The costs to produce an item. These include fixed and variable expenses. Cost price Selling price • Profit Percentage profit ➧ Cost price = cost of production number of items ➧ Selling price: The price the customer pays. Selling price has to cover the cost of production, but must take into account whether there is a market for your goods. Selling price must be competitive. Break-even point: The point at which income = expenditure. At the break-even point the business makes zero loss and zero profit. 60 Break-even point ➧ Profit = Income – Expenditure You start to make a profit after you have reached your break-even point. ➧ To calculate what percentage profit the business makes: Percentage profit = selling price – cost price cost price × 100 1 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 60 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 Example A small-scale dairy farmer has calculated his profit for producing milk: Dairy farmer’s profit Income Milk sales R280 000,00 Total R308 000,00 Trading income Variable costs R28 000,00 Purchased feed R81 000,00 Veterinary costs R30 000,00 Labour R25 000,00 Home-produced feed Transport Cartage Miscellaneous Udder wash, ear tags etc. Total variable costs Profit before fixed costs a) b) c) d) R62 000,00 R8 000,00 R12 000,00 R8 000,00 R6 000,00 R232 000,00 R76 000,00 What was his total income? List two examples of variable costs for the farmer. In each case, explain why this would not be a fixed or occasional cost. Show how the farmer calculated his profit before fixed costs. If the farmer’s total fixed costs are R23 211,84, what is his real profit? Solution a) b) c) R308 000,00 Feed – the market prices could vary. Veterinary costs – this depends on what the animals need the vet for. Transport – this depends on how much driving the farmer does. Labour – this is listed as a variable expense because at different times of the year the farmer needs more or less help on the farm. The farmer would also have labour as a fixed expense because he would have some permanent farm labour. Cartage – this would vary depending on how many animals or how much milk must be transported to market. Udder wash, ear tags, and so on – this would vary depending on how many animals need the service. Profit = Income – expenditure = R308 000,00 – R232 000,00 = R76 000,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 61 • 61 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Real profit = R76 000,00 – R23 211,84 = R52 788,16 d) Example On another dairy farm, the farmer has Cool fact fixed expenses of R16 450 per month. Her variable expenses work out to One cow can produce an average of R190 per cow per month. 17 ℓ of milk per day. A farm with a) If her cows produce an average of 80 cows would produce (17 × 80 × 30) 17 ℓ of milk per day, calculate her = 40 800 ℓ of milk per month. income from each cow per 30-day month, if: (i) she is paid R1,00/ℓ for milk (ii) she is paid R1,20/ℓ for milk. b) How many cows does she need to make her business profitable? Organise your answer in a table. Show both price points in your table, to determine the breakeven point for each price point. c) Draw a neatly labelled graph to show the break-even point for the farmer at each price point. d) Using the table and graph, estimate how many cows the farmer should keep in order to break even, if she receives: (i) R1,00 per litre. Write your answer as a multiple of five. (ii) R1,20 per litre. Write your answer as a multiple of five. Solution (i) 17 × 30 × R1,00 = R510,00 (ii) 17 × 30 × R1,20 = R612,00 a) 62 • Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 62 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 b) Number of cows Fixed costs Variable costs at R190 per cow Total expenditure 0 R16 450,00 R0,00 R16 450,00 R0,00 R0,00 5 R16 450,00 R950,00 R17 400,00 R2 550,00 R3 060,00 10 R16 450,00 R1 900,00 R18 350,00 R5 100,00 R6 120,00 15 R16 450,00 R2 850,00 R19 300,00 R7 650,00 R9 180,00 20 R16 450,00 R3 800,00 R20 250,00 R10 200,00 R12 240,00 25 R16 450,00 R4 750,00 R21 200,00 R12 750,00 R15 300,00 30 R16 450,00 R5 700,00 R22 150,00 R15 300,00 R18 360,00 40 R16 450,00 R7 600,00 R24 050,00 R20 400,00 R24 480,00 35 R16 450,00 45 R16 450,00 50 R16 450,00 55 60 70 80 c) R9 500,00 R10 450,00 R16 453,00 R12 350,00 R16 455,00 R14 250,00 R16 454,00 75 R8 550,00 R16 451,00 R16 452,00 65 R6 650,00 R16 456,00 R11 400,00 R13 300,00 R15 200,00 R23 100,00 R25 000,00 R25 950,00 R26 901,00 R27 852,00 R28 803,00 R29 754,00 R30 705,00 R31 656,00 Income at R510 per cow R17 850,00 R22 950,00 R25 500,00 R28 050,00 R30 600,00 R33 150,00 R35 700,00 R38 250,00 R40 800,00 Income at R612 per cow R21 420,00 R27 540,00 R30 600,00 R33 660,00 R36 720,00 R39 780,00 R42 840,00 R45 900,00 R48 960,00 Small-scale dairy farmer’s break-even position Income @ R612 per cow 50 000 45 000 Income @ R510 per cow 40 000 Rand value 35 000 Expenditure 30 000 25 000 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 d) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of cows 80 90 100 (i) She should keep 55 cows. (ii) She should keep 40 cows. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 63 • 63 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Classwork activity 3.2 1 Penguin Cellular wants to determine a reasonable selling price for their Blokia cell phone. The business has the following budgeted fixed expenses: Rent – R950,00; Electricity – R800,00; Telephone – R500,00; Insurance – R1 400,00; Salary R9 700,00. The Blokia phone costs R250 from the supplier, and the salesperson receives R25 commission on each phone sold. a) Calculate the fixed expenses for the business. b) Explain why the cost of the phone and the commission paid are variable expenses. c) Complete this table: Number of cell phones 1 Fixed expenses 5 15 Variable expenses Total cost of production R4 125,00 20 60 80 Cost price R14 725,00 R2 945,00 R29 850,00 R497,50 100 R408,50 d) The business owner wants to make 35% profit on sales of the phone. Assuming that he will sell 60 phones per month, how much should he charge for each phone? e) The business owner researches cheap cell phones and finds that his nearest cell phone vendor is selling a similar cell phone for R695,00. He decides on a selling price of R675,00. Selling price = cost price + (cost price × percentage profit) (i) Complete the following table, which shows the profit that would be made at a selling price of R675,00. Number of cell phones Income Expenditure Profit @ R675 per phone 64 • 1 R675,00 15 25 30 35 40 45 R13 625,00 –R12 950,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 64 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 f) g) 2 (ii) Use the table to determine how many cell phones need to be sold to break even. You might have to do additional calculations if the break even position does not appear in the table. (iii) Draw a neatly labelled graph to show the break even point. Prepare a new table to show how the situation would change if the phones were sold at R690 each. How many phones need to be sold to break even, at a selling price of R690? A small pasta making business charges R29,95 for a 500 g bag of pasta. These are the monthly expenses of the business: Factory rent: R10 500,00 Electricity: R1 552,00 Water: R926,32 Gas: R782,45 Taxes: R826,05 Salaries: R41 418,77 IT Maintenance contract: R130,00 Internet and telephone: R1 300,00 Office expenses: R720,00 A 500 g bag of pasta has the following ingredients: 500 g of flour and 4 eggs. FLOUR This is the cost of the ingredients: Flour: R55,21 per 10 kg Eggs: R55,68 per 60 eggs (5 dozen) a) (i) Calculate the fixed costs. (ii) Calculate the variable cost for 1 × 500 g bag of pasta. (iii) Calculate the cost of production for 2 500 bags of pasta. (iv) Calculate the cost price for 2 500 bags of pasta. b) The company charges R29,95 per bag. Calculate the income if they sell 2 500 bags of pasta. c) How would income and profit be affected if the selling price changed? Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 65 • 65 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Complete the table below to determine the break-even point for different selling prices. Number – Bags Pasta Fixed Cost Variable Cost 1 250 500 1 000 2 000 5 000 R58 155, 59 R58 155, 59 R58 155, 59 R58 155, 59 R58 155,59 R58 155,59 R6,47 Cost of Production R58 162, 06 Cost Price R58 162,06 Income @ R29,95 per bag R239,09 R29,95 Income @ R24,95 per bag Income @ R32,95 per bag d) Draw a neatly labelled sketch of the cost of production graph, and graphs for the three different selling prices, to show the three break-even points. e) A different brand of pasta is selling for R22,95 per 500 g bag. Could the business sell their pasta for R22,95 if they sold 2 500 bags? Explain. Homework activity 3.2 1 66 • Lesley is a tour operator. She calculates a suitable price for a 1-day tour to the winelands. Her monthly expenses are: Office rental – R2 000,00 Tour operator monthly levy – R58,00 Stationery – R150,00 Insurance – R1 604,00 Cell phone – R825,00 Internet and landline – R700,00 Vehicle rental – R6 550,00 per month Average petrol cost per trip – R350,00 Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 66 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 a) b) c) List Lesley’s fixed costs. List Lesley’s variable costs. These are the prices charged by other tour operators for similar tours: Sikunjalo Tours Winelands tour: R2 800,00 per person Trendy Tourist Wonderful Winelands R2 600,00 per tour TourAfrika 0,00 R2 44 per n perso Tour the Winelands Lesley considers charging R2 350 per tour. Complete the following table to determine the financial position of her business if she charges R2 350,00 per tour. Number of tours 1 2 3 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 Fixed costs Variable costs R7 000,00 Cost of production R13 987,00 Cost price Income Profit R2 350,00 R4 463,00 (i) How many tours would Lesley have to run before she starts to make a profit? (ii) What would Lesley’s income be if she did five tours in the month? (iii) What would her profit be if she did 20 tours in the month? d) The graph shows the financial situation, depending on the number of tours. Study the graph and answer the questions that follow. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 67 • 67 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 50 000,00 40 000,00 Profit Rand amount 30 000,00 Cost of production 20 000,00 10 000,00 0,00 0 1 2 5 6 8 10 15 20 25 –10 000,00 –20 000,00 Number of tours e) f) 2 68 • (i) Explain why the ‘Cost of production’ graph cuts the vertical axis at R11 887,00. (ii) Why does the ‘Profit’ graph cut the vertical axis at –R11 887,00? (iii) What does the point of intersection of the two graphs represent? (iv) Compare the slope of the two graphs, and explain why they are different. Copy the graphs into your book, and then add a graph that shows the profit if Lesley charges R2 800 per tour. Use your graph to estimate how many tours Lesley should run to break even, if she charges R2 800 per tour. Free-range egg farming is easy if you have space. The chickens feed on insects and plants and lay eggs, which the farmer can sell. Farmers can get a government grant to cover start-up costs. On one farm, the farmer has fixed expenses of R4 250 per month. His variable expenses work out to R22,30 per hen per month. a) If the hens produce an average of 0,8 eggs per day, calculate the income from each hen per 30-day month, if: (i) he is paid R1,33 per egg (ii) he is paid R1,21 per egg. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 68 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 b) How many hens does he need to make the business profitable? Organise your answer in a table. Show both price points in your table, to determine the break-even point for each price point. c) Draw a neatly labelled graph to show the break-even point for the farmer at each price point. d) Using the table and graph, estimate how many hens the farmer should keep in order to break even, if he receives: (i) R1,33 per egg. Write your answer as a multiple of 20 (ii) R1,21 per egg. Write your answer as a multiple of 20. Summary practice exercise 1 Mandisa is in Grade 12. She plans to do a National Diploma in radiography at the University of Technology. Based on the number of courses she has to do, her fees for the first year will be R14 260. a) Mandisa saves up to pay the deposit of 12,5% of the total fees at the start of the year. (i) Calculate how much she needs to save. (ii) If her weekend job pays R850 per month and she saves 35% of her earnings, how many months would it take her to save the money needed? b) Her grandfather offers to give her R200 for every R500 she saves. Calculate the amount her grandfather would pay towards the deposit. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 69 • 69 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 2 Marco, a pasta maker, is saving up to buy new equipment. He tabulates his income based on sales, to see if he is able to save the R82 000,00 needed: Number of bags sold 1 1 000 2 000 5 000 7 500 10 000 Cost of production R58 158,97 R61 534,76 R64 913,92 R75 051,42 R83 499,34 R91 947,26 R29,95 R29 950,00 R59 900,00 R149 750,00 R224 625,00 R299 500,00 Income a) b) How much profit will Marco make if he sells 2 000 bags of pasta in the month? Marco sells 7 500 bags of pasta. Calculate how much he will invest if he saves 25% of his profits in the company’s savings account. c) Marco’s average sales per month are 5 000 bags of pasta and he saves 22% of his profits. (i) Calculate the amount Marco puts into the savings account every month. (ii) How many months will it take for Marco to save R82 000,00 for the equipment? d) Marco raises the price on his pasta to R32,50 per bag. (i) Calculate the income for 5 000 bags. (ii) Calculate the profit he makes if he sells 5 000 bags at R32,50 per bag. (iii) Calculate the savings if he saves 26% of his profits. (iv) How long will it take for him to save the R82 000,00? 3 Burning Beauty Candles has monthly fixed expenditure of R3 760. The variable costs to make one fragrant 500 g candle are R14,03. a) 70 • Calculate the cost of production for 200 candles. Show all your calculations. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 70 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 3 b) This table gives the costing for various numbers of candles. Candles Fixed costs Variable costs Cost of production Cost price Income at R50 1 20 100 250 500 1 000 2 000 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R3 760,00 R14,03 R280,60 R1 403,00 R3 507,50 R7 015,00 R14 030,00 R28 060,00 R3 774,03 R4040,60 R5 163,00 R7 267,50 R10 775,00 R17 790,00 R31 820,00 R3 774,03 R202,03 R51,63 R29,07 R21,55 R17,79 R15,91 R50,00 R1 000,00 R5 000,00 R12 500,00 R25 000,00 R50 000,00 R100 000,00 (i) Between which two columns would the break-even point be? Write your answer in terms of the number of candles produced. (ii) Without doing calculations, write down an estimated number of candles that would ensure all costs were covered. (iii) What would the profit be if 500 candles were sold? Show your calculations. c) How would the situation change if the company charged R65 each for the candles? Organise your answer by first extending the table, and then discussing the new break-even point. d) Draw a graph showing the cost of production and the two different selling points. Word bank audited cartage curio shops free-range egg radiography small-scale farming all figures have been checked for accuracy fee charged for carting (transporting) goods shops that sell goods for tourists to take home as a reminder of the country they visited eggs that are laid by hens who are allowed to roam freely and who eat natural food the process where x-rays are taken and produced farming that uses simple means and does not depend on sophisticated equipment. Such farmers normally produce for local markets, but might also sell to big organisations Chapter summary • Income is an amount of money received in exchange for goods, labour or for a service. Income sources can be broken down into fixed, variable and occasional income values: ❍ fixed income value is an income received over a certain period (weekly, monthly) which does not change, for example, a salary, rent received. ❍ variable income value is an income which is received on a regular basis based on the number of items sold or the amount of work done. ❍ occasional income is not regular income. Examples are a gift or an inheritance or income from part-time, irregular employment. Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 71 • 71 2013/05/09 11:42 AM • • Expenditure is the money paid for goods or services. Personal expenditure includes living expenses (food, clothing, transport and entertainment), services (electricity, water and telephone), fees, insurance and repayment of loans. Expenditure can be broken down into fixed, variable and occasional expenditure: ❍ fixed expenditure refers to regular expenses where the value stays the same every month, for example, rent. ❍ variable expenditure refers to regular expenses where the amount changes every month, for example, electricity and water. In a business, variable expenses increase as the number of items produced increases. ❍ occasional expenditure refers to expenses that are not made every month, for example, paying to fix the television set. High priority expenditure refers to expenses that must be paid, for example, rent. Low priority expenditure refers to expenses that you would only make when you can afford it, for example, buying the latest cell phone. Cost of production: the total cost to produce an item. The cost of production = total fixed expenses + total variable expenses. It includes all the costs involved to produce the goods. Cost price: the amount it costs to make an item. To calculate the cost price take the cost of production and divide it by the number of items being produced. • • • • • • Cost price = • cost of production number of items Selling price: the price a customer pays for an item. Calculations for selling prices vary and are dependent on market place demands and competition. Expected percentage profit – the percentage profit a business expects to make on an item. • Percentage profit = • cost price × 100 1 The break-even point is where the income and expenditure are equal. At the break-even point the business does not make a profit or a loss. You can read the break-even point on a graph. This is the point of intersection of the cost graph and the income graph. Once the break-even point has been passed the company begins to realise a profit. This occurs when the income is greater than the expenses. When the expenditure is greater than the income, the business makes a loss. Saving money helps us to protect our future. It enables you to afford the things you need as well as the things that you want. • • • • 72 selling price – cost price • Financial tools 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 72 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Ch 4 er a pt Interpretation of data What you will learn about in this chapter You will: • develop questions that require the collection of data to investigate problems • recognise that the way in which questions are phrased can impact on the data collected and, hence, on the findings of the investigation • ask questions about the reliability of a questionnaire • choose an appropriate method for data collection • select an appropriate sample from a population, being aware of the impact that the choice of sample will have on the reliability of the data collected • classify collected data as categorical or numerical, discrete or continuous • sort collected numerical data according to more than two categories, grouping into intervals where appropriate • organise collected data • recognise that the way in which data is classified, sorted and/or grouped will affect how data is organised, summarised and represented • summarise and compare multiple sets of collected ungrouped data using the measures of central tendency and spread, including quartiles, inter-quartile ranges and percentiles • understand the role and impact of outliers on measures of central tendency and spread. • represent multiple sets of collected data using a variety of graphs • interpret box-and-whisker plots as a graphical representation of quartiles • understand that each type of representation offers a different picture of the data and that certain types of representations are more appropriate for particular types of data • understand the effect that the scale of a set of axes and the point at which the axes cross can have on the impression created by a graph • read information from graphs and, if necessary, use estimation to determine values on the graphs • analyse data presented in graphs • recognise trends in the data to facilitate finding answers to the questions posed on issues relating to national and global issues • ask questions about the way in which data has been collected, organised, summarised and represented to reveal possible sources of error, bias or misinterpretation. Let’s talk about this chapter In this chapter you will revise some concepts learnt in Grade 11 and learn some new ways to summarise and compare multiple sets of collected data, including how to interpret box-and-whisker plots. You will consider the six inter-connected stages of the research process. Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 73 • 73 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Pose a question Graph data Collect data Analyse data Summarise data Organise data Every stage in the process is dependent on the stage before it and directly affects the stage that follows. If the data that is collected is biased, then when it is analysed it will not tell an accurate story. If the data is incorrectly summarised, then the analysis of the data will be incorrect. Use the diagram as the centre of a mind map and brainstorm what you know about each stage in the research process. Check myself This is an extract from a publication entitled Road Traffic Accident Deaths in South Africa 2001–2006. Road traffic accident death rates were highest in the age group 35–49 and were lowest in the age groups 0–14 and 15–24. The road traffic accident death rate for males was more than two and a half times that for females. Discuss these questions in groups, or as a class. 1 How are statistics like these obtained? 2 How reliable do you think this type of information is? Revision a) 74 Which research instruments would you use to collect data for: (i) counting how many commuters use the Gautrain (ii) researching drug abuse amongst unemployed people in the Western Cape (iii) comparing the number of people using public transport versus the number of people using their cars to get to work? • Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 74 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 4 b) c) Define, with examples, a population and a sample. Thabo collected data on the different shoe sizes of some of the learners in his class. Here are his results: Boys 7 7 8 12 10 8 9 9 12 11 6 12 10 10 6 8 8 12 11 10 Girls d) 6 6 6 7 4 4 5 5 7 7 7 5 4 5 6 8 4 4 5 5 (i) For the boys’ shoe sizes, calculate: • the mean • the mode • the median • the range. (ii) For the girls’ shoe sizes, calculate: • the mean • the mode • the median • the range. The frequency table shows the number of unemployed people in Worcester over a 10-year period: Year Jan 2002 Jan 2003 Jan 2004 Jan 2005 Jan 2006 Jan 2007 Jan 2008 Jan 2009 Jan 2010 Jan 2011 Jan 2012 Unemployed 4 600 4 843 4 240 4 000 3 990 4 120 4 200 4 190 4 400 4 360 4 526 e) (i) Draw a broken line graph to represent the data. (ii) What is the trend in unemployment from January 2003 to January 2006? (iii) How is the trend from January 2007 to January 2010 different? Explain. The frequency table shows how long Grade 12 learners spend studying for their exams. Represent the data as a histogram. Time (minutes) >30–60 >60–90 >90–120 >120–150 >150–180 >180–210 Number of learners 156 330 172 150 104 82 Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 75 • 75 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Unit 1 Developing questions to support research All research starts with a question relating to a problem or issue. The research question should clearly indicate the purpose of the research. Research questions often need to be broken down into a set of simpler questions that can be answered by collecting data using a questionnaire, interview or by observing and recording. A good set of questions should: • be simple and clear • be relevant to the research problem • be easy to analyse • be phrased carefully to answer the research question. When designing questions for a survey, think about the type of response you need to answer the research question. • • • When the information being collected is factual, you can design suitable categories for answers beforehand. The way in which questions are phrased can impact on the data collected. If questions are phrased in a way that makes people feel uncomfortable or pressurised to give a particular answer, the findings of the research will be unreliable. It is important to ask every participant exactly the same questions in the same way. This ensures that participants are not influenced differently. Example This is an extract from the Arrive Alive Festive Season Road Safety Report for 1 December 2011 to 10 January 2012. During this period, around 1 500 people died in car accidents in South Africa. Most common trends The following common fatal crash trends have been recorded during the past Festive Season: The most vulnerable road user group/s The most vulnerable ages: Most common occurrence per time of the day: Most fatal crashes per day of the week: Most common road types for crashes: Top three road factors: Pedestrians and public transport passengers 19–29 From 19h00–23h00 Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday and Sunday Urban and peri-urban (unmarked tar) Sharp bend, poor road surface and visibility (Source: Road Traffic Management Corporation. Final Festive Season Road Safety Report for the period 1 December 2011 to 10 January 2012. Available from: http://www.arrivealive.co.za/documents/Festive%20Season%20Road%20Safety%20 76 • Report%20-%2016%20January%202011.pdf. (Accessed: October 2012) Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 76 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 4 The data for the Arrive Alive report is collated using police accident reports. a) The report states who the most vulnerable road user groups are. What information did they collect to find out who the most vulnerable road users were? b) If you wanted to know how many adults and children were victims in fatal crashes, what question/s would you need to ask? c) If you wanted to know how many young children, teenagers, young adults and adults were victims in fatal crashes, how would you phrase your question/s? d) On a questionnaire, respondents often choose from a list of options or categories. The options make the form easier to understand. For example, to record the ages of the victims at an accident, the question may be phrased as follows: How many victims are there within each of the following age groups? 0–9 e) 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70 + Now design questions with options to find out: (i) the most common time of day fatal crashes occur, using four-hourly intervals (ii) the most fatal crashes per day of the week. What factors do you think might influence visibility of drivers? Solution a) b) c) d) To say who the most vulnerable road user groups are, information listing all the different people using the road, from pedestrians and cyclists to passengers and drivers of cars, buses and minibuses would need to be collected. How many victims were children? How many victims were adults? How many victims were young children? How many victims were teenagers? How many victims were young adults? How many victims were adults? (i) The times you choose to include in your table could vary but you should have six intervals of four hours each: At what time did the accident occur? 1 a.m. – 5 a.m. 5 a.m. – 9 a.m. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. (ii) On what day did the accident occur? Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 77 • 77 2013/05/09 11:42 AM e) Visibility would refer to any circumstance that might make it harder for a driver to see. Time of day could be a factor if the driver is driving into the sun. Weather conditions such as mist, fog or rain affect visibility. Bends in the road and hills affect how visible oncoming traffic is. Classwork activity 4.1 The South African Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) conducted a National Consumer Survey in 2003 to find out how many consumers were aware of their consumer rights so that they could develop a system to protect consumer rights. The following bar chart indicates the level of education of the participants in the survey. Other (for example secretarial) 4 Degree + 3 Technikon diploma 4 Level of education 1 Matric 25 Some high school 38 Primary school 10 No education/some primary 16 0 a) b) 2 • 40 60 80 Percentage (%) 100 Draw up a possible question which the participants were asked. Consider the question: 'What is your level of education'? (i) Do you agree that there would be many different answers? (ii) If there are too many different answers to a question, what are the disadvantages to the researcher? Look at this table. Draw up a possible set of questions that might have been asked to complete this table. Black (n = 649) White (n = 105) Coloured (n = 106) Indian (n = 40) % % % % English 85 100 83 100 Afrikaans 57 98 99 35 Any African language 100 5 8 8 Language understood 78 20 Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 78 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 4 3 Think about these questions: Is it unlawful to buy counterfeit goods such as brand-name shoes that are not made by that brand? Do you agree that it is unlawful to buy counterfeit goods such as brand name shoes which are not made by that brand? a) b) Which of these questions would influence participants’ responses more? Explain. Should questions be posed in such a way that participants’ responses are influenced? Explain. Homework activity 4.1 Look at this bar graph which shows the reported incidence of consumer rights violations among the participants in the National Consumer Survey. Consumer rights violation 1 Been dissatisfied with guarantees 9 Been misled by advertising 8 Been misled on costs/hidden costs 7 Experienced abuse of information 6 Experienced unfair contract terms 4 Been given no information on safety 2 0 a) b) 20 40 60 80 Percentage (%) 100 Design a question that could have been asked in order to draw this bar graph. Make sure that there are categories for the participants’ responses. Explain why the percentages in the bar graph do not add up to 100%. Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 79 • 79 2013/05/09 11:42 AM 2 Look at the bar graph of the employment status of the participants in the National Consumer Survey. Design a question that could have been asked in order to draw the bar graph. Unemployed – not looking 2 Employment status Unemployed – looking 32 Retired 12 Student 14 Housewife 7 Working part-time 7 Working full-time 25 0 20 40 60 80 Percentage (%) 100 Unit 2 Collecting data The process of collecting data is an important stage in the research process as the outcome of research depends on reliable and representative data. You need to decide who to collect the data from and what data collection instrument to use. The defined group of people from whom the researchers want to collect data from is called the target population. It is not always possible to collect information from everybody in the population, so researchers often choose a sample of people in that population to represent the whole population. The sample should be fair and representative so that the researcher gets a true picture of the target population. If the sample is not chosen in a fair and representative way, the result will be biased and the data will be unreliable. A simple random sample is a sample where everyone is equally likely to be chosen. In a stratified random sample the population is first organised into separate groups according to set criteria, for example, gender or age. Within each group a simple random sample is selected. 80 • Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 80 2013/05/09 11:42 AM Chapter 4 Data can be collected using different instruments: • Observations: the researcher gets information by observing participants’ behaviour. • Interviews: questioning for the purpose of obtaining information which is relevant to the research. • Questionnairesorsurveys:formswithspecificquestionsdesignedto collect information. Example Three learners want to investigate the level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS amongst learners at their school. There are more than 1 000 learners so they have to select only a sample of the learners. a) What is the research question that the learners are investigating? b) What does the word ‘representative’ mean? c) Here are the different methods that they could use to select a sample: Choose learners from one class only. Choose 50 boys in the playground. Choose 50 learners from Grade 11. Ask three learners from each class in the school. Get a list of all the learners at the school and ask every tenth learner. Ask 10 learners as they arrive at school in the morning. Ask learners who are interested to stay behind after assembly. Interpretation of data 001-147 E MathLit GR12.indd 81 • 81 2013/05/09 11:42 AM