12.2` 14.6` 360º - Nevada Business Magazine


12.2` 14.6` 360º - Nevada Business Magazine
Fellow Nevad
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Copyright © 2013 Reproduction Prohibited Unless Authorized By Publisher
Nevada Industry Excellence
o one with an eye on this state’s
economic future should minimize the importance of manufacturing which, like so many business sectors in Nevada and nationwide, has
taken a licking and kept on ticking.
“The manufacturing sector is still reeling
from the recession,” says Frank Woodbeck,
director of the department of Employment
Training and Rehabilitation (DETR) for the
State of Nevada in Carson City. “The industry added employment in 2011, 2012 and so
far in 2013, but still has a long way to go before reaching the recovery mark.”
According to Woodbeck, manufacturing
accounts for 90 percent of Nevada’s $2.37
billion export value. Mining, agriculture,
information and other industries account for
the remaining 10 percent. The industry has
what is called a high jobs multiplier, meaning
that a job in manufacturing creates spin-off
jobs elsewhere in the economy. One reason
for this is that manufacturing’s average wage
is relatively high: the average weekly wage
for all industries in Nevada is $844; it is $995
for manufacturing.
Ray Bacon, executive director of the Nevada Manufacturer’s Association, says the
state’s manufacturing sector has yet to return to full health. “We lost about 10,000
jobs in the recession and have only gained
about 1,000 back. Job growth has trickled
back.” He points out that manufacturing is
and has been a small portion of the economy in Nevada. “There are few sectors which truly add
lasting value to people, and those are agriculture, construction, manufacturing and
mining, in alphabetical order,” Bacon explains. “Those are the sectors that take raw
materials and turn them into the products
of our modern society. In most cases, it is
the manufacturing process which takes the
raw materials and turns it into the goods we
spend our money on.” Every item produced
in this state, he adds, “means dollars which
are imported from customers outside the
state or resident dollar sales which are not
exported to other places. The construction
sector takes many manufactured materials
and turns them into housing and business or
public buildings, but that is the manufactured
goods sector where many of the job losses
took place.”
“It’s recovering,” agrees Mike Skaggs,
deputy director of the Governor’s Office of
Economic Development. “It’s coming about
slowly, probably more slowly than those of
us in economic development would desire.”
In other words, it fits the usual recovery
scenario. “Hiring people is one of the last
things you do because it adds a lot of cost.
Companies are being real cautious to make
sure their markets are firm. Then they will
expand or buy equipment or rehire, and that
is continuing.”
As a segment of its overall economy, Nevada’s manufacturing sector is smaller than
most other states because, as Skaggs notes,
“we have a mining/gaming dominance in
terms of our economic sectors.” It remains,
however, a key target for job growth in the
state. “There is a lot of energy going into
educating about the jobs in manufacturing,
building the training curricula for jobs in
manufacturing. Some of it is trying to acquaint young people and their parents with
what modern manufacturing jobs look like.”
That last point is a major one. As Skaggs
points out, “People still have a perception
when they hear ‘manufacturing’ that it is this
very hands-on kind of standing in front of a
lathe or machining. That is around, but it’s
not where the modern jobs are. The whole interface with manufacturing now is so much
about utilization of computer skills.”
“Manufacturing is a real growth sector in
the North,” reports Mike Kazmierski, president and CEO of the Economic Development
Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN).
“We have many recent announcements,
and nearly 40 percent of our prospects are
in this sector.” Indeed, Kazmierski believes
advanced manufacturing will prove one of
Northern Nevada’s major economic growth
engines in the years ahead. “Manufacturing
is the industry, and a real cluster is forming
here in Northern Nevada.”
The health of Nevada manufacturing is
“quite strong,” says Terry Culp, deputy director, Nevada Industry Excellence (NVIE),
Nevada System of Higher Education. “We
have the best business climate in the United
States, and Nevada has the third-fastest export growth in the United States”
Nevada Industry Excellence
Culp sees the manufacturing segment as a key component in strengthening, diversifying and stabilizing Nevada’s economy. Manufacturing jobs
offer higher salaries and better benefits,
he explains. “Also, many other jobs are
created in the community in support of
manufacturing. Manufacturing tends to
be much more stable in economic swings
than any other industry.” He notes that
manufacturing’s share of Nevada’s fastgrowing exports was 87.8 percent in 2011, and has continued to rise.
“For every manufacturing
job, four other jobs in the community are created,” Culp adds.
Many of those jobs are small
businesses that provide products and services needed by
manufacturers to achieve success. “Of course, other community services along with wholesale and retail grow as a result
of manufacturers coming to Nevada and expanding. Consequently,
manufacturing tends to be a very powerful economic driver.”
“Carson City and the surrounding Sierra
region is really the manufacturing cluster of
the state,” added Rob Hooper, executive director on the Northern Nevada Development
Authority. “It employs a lot of our folks here.
Thirteen percent of the people in Carson
City are employed in manufacturing. It’s a
pretty big piece of the pie.”
Henderson has “come a long way since
its start as a small industrial center to today,”
says Jeff Leake, economic development
manager for the City of Henderson. “The
attraction and retention of manufacturing
firms in Henderson is important, as these
companies typically provide excellent wages
and benefits.” In addition, they make significant investments in capital equipment along
with local purchases of goods and services
to maintain such equipment.
Henderson is home to over 50 manufacturing firms, including Ethel M Chocolates,
Tronox, Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream,
Poly West Inc., Vadatech, TH Foods, Olin
Chlor Alkali Products, VSR Industries
and EMT West. New projects such as the
South 15 Airport Center, a 150-acre masterplanned business park near the Henderson
Executive Airport, will help position the
city to accommodate additional manufacturers into Southern Nevada. FedEx Ground
is the first announced tenant at this park,
and is underway with construction of a new
300,000-square-foot facility that will be
ready for occupancy in 2014.
generations entering the workforce.” Indeed,
he adds, nearly 50 percent of the manufacturing workforce is 45 years old or older.
In addition to the basic technical skills
needed, Woodbeck says, there are been
complaints about a lack of soft skills, such as
showing up to work on time. A list of noted
technical skills needed, he notes, includes:
• Working with computer-controlled
machinery and other computerized
• Fabricating, assembling and repairing
advanced composite materials;
• Knowledge of mechanical and
electrical engineering processes;
• The ability to read and write
machine-programming code;
• The ability to read
manufacturing blueprints;
• The ability to solve technical
mathematical problems;
• Flight experience;
• Carbon composite expertise;
• Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and
Department of Defense
• Intel community interface.
Generally, says Culp, a workforce with
good skills in science, technology, engineering and math will go a long way in
helping manufacturing flourish in Nevada.
“We are working with tech academies, high
schools, universities and community colleges through organizations like the Governor’s Manufacturing Sector Council, Nevada Manufacturer’s Association, Nevada
Industry Excellence and others to raise the
level of awareness of how important those
skills are to Nevada’s economic future.”
Kazmierski sees the need for workers
with “mid-level skills” for manufacturing
to flourish in Nevada. “We have the workforce that, with training through our community colleges, can meet the basic needs
of these manufacturers.” With advanced
manufacturing, he adds, there is a greater
dependency on robotics, “so the technical
skills necessary to maintain these machines is something that UNR is already
“We have the best climate in
the United States, and Nevada
has the third-fastest export
growth in the United States”
— Terry
North Las Vegas is also home to several
manufacturers, ranging from food production facilities to high-tech component manufacturers. According to Terri Sheridan,
Economic Development Administrator for
the City of North Las Vegas, the sector helps
the city and state attract additional manufacturers or suppliers of products used by the
existing manufacturing job base. “It makes
perfect sense to talk with our manufacturers
to learn what products they have shipped in
on a regular basis, and try to have a dialogue
with those companies to locate here, too.”
Manufacturing the Future
A healthy and prosperous manufacturing
sector means education and training to fit an
evolving marketplace.
Manufacturers in Nevada are concerned
with the number of baby boomers in the industry, Woodbeck points out, whose retirement may lead to a skills gap. “Manufacturing jobs are not as appealing to the younger
Nevada Industry Excellence
For advanced manufacturing, “the real
future of U.S. manufacturing, high-tech, is
an integral part of this growth,” Kazmierski adds. Growth of the segment promises
Nevadans a supply of jobs that are “good,
quality jobs that are very sustainable,” he
says, “not a short-term commitment as these
companies tend to stay and grow. If you look
at the list of manufacturers we recently announced, they are all hiring.”
Culp points out that manufacturing
jobs tend to be considerably more stable
in economic swings, and pay is higher. “In
Nevada, average annual compensation in
manufacturing was $59,134, as of 2011. Average annual compensation in private nonfarm sectors was $42,020.” Benefits also
tend to be much stronger, with good health
and pension savings programs. “The jobs we
hear that tend to be in most demand among
manufacturers are engineers, skilled positions in welding, computer numerical control programming and programmable logic
controllers programming, and operational
Nationally, Bacon points out, manufacturing jobs are among the highest paid, averaging in the mid-$40,000 range with a fair
comprehensive benefit package “and often a
very good education benefit program.” Most
medium and large manufacturers realize
the education and skills of the workers are
an essential part of keeping the company
competitive in the global marketplace.” In
Nevada, the average manufacturing wage
is a little lower than the national numbers,
partially because we are not a strong manufacturing state. We have smaller average
companies, and the existing workforce tends
to be less skilled.”
“The fastest career path to a six figure
income is in manufacturing,” adds Hooper.
“The work out on the production floor itself
now is all computerized and automated. It
takes a lot of skills and knowledge.” He goes
on to say that, “it’s high tech stuff. Folks that
work in those jobs make good money and it’s
very interesting work. Careers in manufacturing are totally different than the perception out there. It’s something really worth a
student considering as a career option.”
“High-tech” is a term without a widely
understood definition, Bacon notes. “We
make some pretty mundane-seeming products where the process to make them is very
efficient, automated and meet the customer’s
needs. The product may not seem to be hightech, but the process which makes them is.”
High-tech will, indeed, play a critical role,
according to Woodbeck. “Low-skill manufacturing jobs are never coming back to the
U.S. Machinery is replacing workers, and
the more advanced machinery we have the
more low cost products we can produce.”
3-d manufacturing is “creating all sorts of
awesome stuff,” he adds, “but you have to
be somewhat technologically sophisticated
to use the machine and software.”
The general nature of manufacturing is
so broad, says Bacon, that the spectrum of
jobs is “huge.” That said, however, many of
those manufacturing sectors simply don’t
exist in Nevada. “We really don’t make paper, glass, steel and most primary metals, oil
and gas products because they take lots of
water, power or proximity to the raw materials or other factors which don’t work here.”
Nevada does have one major advantage,
though. “We are close to the huge market in
California without having most of the selfimposed barriers that the state has imposed
on its private sector.”
America’s competitive advantage in
manufacturing is access to capital and
knowledge. “Can we design and program
machines to make everything we need?”
Woodbeck asks. “Probably. Technology is
the future.”
For Nevada, so is manufacturing.
For more information about
the resources Nevada Industry
Excellence offers, visit
The Las Vegas Valley Address For Business Success
Take it from the experts:
• Named as one of the top cities in America to live and launch a business by Fortune
Small Business
• Named one of America’s 50 Best Cities by Bloomberg Businessweek
• Henderson’s Development Services Center was recognized by the University of
North Carolina School of Government as having one of the top three “outstanding
development review processes” of local governments throughout the United States
• The 2011 Kosmont-Rose “Cost of Doing Business Survey” rated Henderson as a
very low cost city, analyzing six types of taxes including business license levies,
property tax, sales tax and utilities taxes in over 400 cities nationwide.
• Nevada ranked among the top 10 states with the most business-friendly tax systems
in the FY 2011 State Business Tax Climate Index released by The Tax Foundation.
Relocate or Expand Your Business to Henderson, Nevada
Contact the City of Henderson’s Economic
Development/Redevelopment Division Today.
(702) 267-1650 or visit
Nevada Industry Excellence
3D Concrete
A & B Precision Metals Inc
A & B Printing
Absolute Closets And Cabinetry
Absolute Metals LLC
Access Pass & Design Inc
Accupart International Inc
Accurate Metal Solutions
Ach Foam Technologies LLC
Acrylic Tank Manufacturing Of NV
Acrylic Works
A-D Technologies
Advance Energy Inc
Advanced Countertop Design Inc
Aervoe Industries Incorporated
Aggregate Industries - Swr Inc
Agru America Inc
Air Care
Allied Innovations LLC
Amatos Bakery
American Avk Company
American Buildings Company
American Eagle Ready Mix LLC
American Metal Fabricators
American Millwork Company
American Ready Mix
Ameriken Die Supply Inc
Amerityre Corporation
Ametherm Inc
Amrak Enterprises
AMW Precision LLC
Anderson Dairy Inc
Anderson Dairy Inc
API Of Nevada
Aquatic Co
Aristocrat Technologies Inc
Ark Las Vegas Restaurant Corp
Armand Manufacturing Inc
Arsenal Inc
Artesian Spas
B & C Cabinet & Millwork Inc
B & J Inc
Bally Gaming Inc
Bango Refining Nv LLC
Basalite Block Carson City
Basic Food Flavors Inc
Bently Nevada
Bently Nevada Inc
Berry Plastics Opco Inc
Big Mountain Imaging
Bigelow Aerospace LLC
Bill Miller Engineering Ltd
Biodiesel Of Las Vegas
Blackhawk Molding Company Inc
Blynco Mfg & Dist
Bon Breads Baking Co Inc
Brazil Granite Co
Bruce Aerospace Inc
Builders Wholesale LLC
Burrows Paper Corporation
C.E.S. Machine Products Inc
C.G.I Inc
Cable Connection, The
p a ny
Companies in Nevada
40 to 49
100 to 199
40 to 49
20 to 29
30 to 39
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70 to 79
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100 to 199
60 to 69
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40 to 49
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90 to 99
80 to 89
70 to 79
500 to 599
40 to 49
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60 to 69
20 to 29
40 to 49
900 to 999
30 to 39
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50 to 59
600 to 699
50 to 59
100 to 199
20 to 29
60 to 69
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
100 to 199
20 to 29
80 to 89
20 to 29
40 to 49
40 to 49
70 to 79
20 to 29
Carlisle, A. & Company Of Nevada
Carls Donuts Inc
Carry-On Trailer
Catalina Graphic Films Inc
Cellynne Of Nevada Inc
Cemex Inc
Cemex Inc
Certain Teed Gypsum Manufactur
Chemstar Lime - Apex Plant
Chemstar Lime - Henderson Plant
Chromalloy Nevada
Chromalloy Nevada
Cinc Industries Inc
City Lites Electric Sign Co
Clearwater Paper Corporation
Click Bond Inc
Cmc Steel Fabricators
Coast Drapery Service Inc
Cole Kepro International LLC
Color Gamut Digital Imaging LLC
Color Reflections
Complete Millwork Services Inc
Cooper B-Line Inc
CPI Card Group - Nevada Inc
Creel Printing Company
Custom Building Products Inc
Custom Stamping Inc
Cyanco Company LLC
Damon Distributing Co
Data-Forms Inc
DDS Conveyor Inc
DEA Incorporated
Deco West Inc
Desert Truss LLC
Diablo Industries
Diamond Bakery
Diamond Plastics Corp
Dicaperl Minerals Corp
Digital Lizard LLC
Dolphin Machine Inc
Dr Pepper/7-Up Bottling Co
Drvita Inc
Dura-Bond Bearing Company
Duraflex International Corp
Duro Manufacturing Inc
Dynagraphic Printing Inc
Dynojet Research Inc
E E T Inc
E Gads LLC
Ebara International Corp
Electratherm Inc
Electronic Support Services In
Elite Energy Systems LLC
Elite Spice Inc
EM Research Inc
EMT West
Erickson International LLC
Ethel M Chocolates, Inc.
Fan Equipment Co Inc
Farm Fresh Foods Inc
Feldmeier Equipment
Fisher Space Pen Co
Fisher Technical Services
Foliot Furniture Pacific Inc
Foreland Corp.
Fort Dearborn Company
Fortifiber Corporation
Nevada Industry Excellence
20 to 29
80 to 89
100 to 199
60 to 69
30 to 39
20 to 29
40 to 49
50 to 59
100 to 199
20 to 29
40 to 49
200 to 299
20 to 29
30 to 39
200 to 299
200 to 299
70 to 79
50 to 59
100 to 199
30 to 39
40 to 49
90 to 99
100 to 199
400 to 499
300 to 399
30 to 39
20 to 29
80 to 89
30 to 39
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
30 to 39
30 to 39
90 to 99
50 to 59
20 to 29
50 to 59
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
70 to 79
20 to 29
60 to 69
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30 to 39
40 to 49
100 to 199
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100 to 199
30 to 39
50 to 59
40 to 49
100 to 199
30 to 39
20 to 29
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
20 to 29
80 to 89
40 to 49
100 to 199
40 to 49
Fortunet Inc
Foster West Corporation
Franco American Baking Company
Freeds Blvd Bakery Inc
French Gourmet Inc
Fresh & Ready Foods Of Nevada
Fresh Cuts LLC
Gannett Publishing Services
Gary Platt Manufacturing LLC
Ge Engine Services
Gemini Incorporated
Generations Millwork
Genova-Nevada Inc
Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC
Gills Printing & Business
Gladstone Industries Corporation
Glasfloss Industries, LP
Gm Monarch West LLC
Gourmet Baking Inc
Graham Packaging Company LP
Grand Products Nevada LLC
Granello Bakery Inc
Great Buns
Gripos LLC
Gyford Productions
H & H Enterprises
Haigs Quality Printing-Nv Inc
Hamilton Holding Management
Haws Corporation
Hb Sealing Products
Henderson Steel
Hershberger Bros Welding Inc
High Quality Organics Inc
Hood-Eic LLC
Hv Manufacturing Co
Hytek Microsystems Inc
Idahoan Foods LLC
Impact International Inc
Impact Sign & Graphics LLC
Industrial Wood Products Inc
Interior Fashions LLC
James Gaskets Inc
James Hardie Bldg Products Inc
Jcs Technologies Inc
Jensen Pre-Cast
Jensen Pre-Cast
Jiffy Air Tool Inc
Jimenez Arms
Johns Manville
Jones Fiber Products Inc
Just For Show Inc
K & G Foam Design
Kal Kan Foods, Inc
Kemet Blue Powder Corporation
Kennametal Inc Nevada Div
Kens Foods Inc
Kimmie Candy Company
Konami Gaming Inc
L & M Creations Inc
Laco Tech
Las Vegas Color Graphics
Las Vegas Color Graphics
Las Vegas Esthetics Inc
Letica Corporation
Liberty Duct LLC
90 to 99
20 to 29
40 to 49
40 to 49
50 to 59
60 to 69
100 to 199
60 to 69
60 to 69
60 to 69
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
80 to 89
40 to 49
30 to 39
70 to 79
30 to 39
30 to 39
80 to 89
100 to 199
100 to 199
90 to 99
40 to 49
40 to 49
100 to 199
30 to 39
400 to 499
100 to 199
50 to 59
30 to 39
20 to 29
80 to 89
60 to 69
50 to 59
40 to 49
20 to 29
30 to 39
900 to 999
2000 to 2499
20 to 29
70 to 79
20 to 29
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30 to 39
100 to 199
20 to 29
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40 to 49
60 to 69
40 to 49
20 to 29
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50 to 59
20 to 29
90 to 99
50 to 59
90 to 99
90 to 99
20 to 29
20 to 29
300 to 399
20 to 29
80 to 89
60 to 69
80 to 89
20 to 29
100 to 199
20 to 29
Lift-All Company Inc
LSP Products Group
Marathon Equipment Co.(Del)
Martin Iron Works Inc
Max Packaging Co
Maxton Manufacturing Company
Meadow Gold
Medallic Art Company
Messenger Molding Inc
Microclean & Visa Pkg & Savoy
Microdental Las Vegas
Micrometl Corporation
Model Dairy LLC
Modern Concrete Inc
Moltan Company
Moore North America
Mr Wok Foods Inc
MS Carita Safetruck Inc
MS Intertrade Nevada LLC
Msm Sheet Metal & Steel Fabrication
Multi-Pure Drinking Water Systems
N Sequence Center For Advanced
Nailor Industries Of Texas
National Las Vegas
Navitas Electronics Corporatio
Nevada Cement Company
Nevada Color Litho
Nevada Custom Cabinets
Nevada Parlay Cards LLC
Nevada Precision Sheet Metal
Nevada Ready Mix Corp
New Faces Cabinetry Inc
New Millennium Building System
Norgren Kloehn Inc
North Sails Nevada
North Sails Nevada
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Nvision Glass Fabricators Inc
Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc
Olam Spice And Vegetables
Olson Precast Company
Omega Products
Owens Precision Inc
Pabco Gypsum
Pacific Coast Flange Inc
Pacific Radomes Inc
Palco Industries Inc
Panavise Products Inc
Panda Windows & Doors-Operation
Paradise Produce / Global Markets
Paterson Pacific Parchment Co
Pathfinder Signs And Marketing
Patisserie Manon LLC
Patricks Signs Inc
Paughco Inc
Pavestone Las Vegas
Pcc Structurals Carson City
Pdq Printing Of Las Vegas Inc
Pepsi Bottling Group
Performance Pipe
Perma-Cal Industries Inc
Piece Of The Rock Inc
Piedmont Truss & Lumber Inc
Pioneer Americas LLC
Plasma Etch Inc
Plastic Specialties & Tech Inc
20 to 29
20 to 29
30 to 39
30 to 39
40 to 49
20 to 29
30 to 39
100 to 199
100 to 199
20 to 29
30 to 39
50 to 59
20 to 29
90 to 99
100 to 199
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40 to 49
20 to 29
30 to 39
20 to 29
30 to 39
30 to 39
100 to 199
20 to 29
20 to 29
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40 to 49
20 to 29
100 to 199
50 to 59
20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
100 to 199
20 to 29
90 to 99
100 to 199
40 to 49
50 to 59
40 to 49
40 to 49
100 to 199
20 to 29
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20 to 29
60 to 69
100 to 199
30 to 39
30 to 39
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30 to 39
20 to 29
200 to 299
20 to 29
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30 to 39
70 to 79
40 to 49
200 to 299
20 to 29
30 to 39
70 to 79
20 to 29
40 to 49
30 to 39
100 to 199
20 to 29
100 to 199
Pololu Corporation
Polyglass USA Inc
Poly-West Inc
Power Pallets
Precast Management Corporation
Precision Aggregate Products
Precision Engine Parts Of Nv
Precision Metals Inc
Preferred Laminations LLC
Primex Plastics Corporation
Priority Plastics Inc
Pro Line Printing Inc
Production Pattern & Foundry
Progress Rail Services
Protech Theatrical Svc Inc
Prototype Concepts Inc
Pure Essence Laboratories Inc
Qg Printing Corp
Quality Plastics Inc
Quality Supply LLC
Ralston Foods Co
Ramsey & Son Inc
Rapid Color Inc
Real Water
Rebar Machine Service
Reddy Ice
Reno Agriculture & Electronics
Reno Iron Works
Reno Rendering Company
Reno Truss
Rice Lake Weighing Systems Inc
Rix Industries
Rmax Operating LLC
Rockway Precast Inc
Rodeo Creek Gold
Royal Pacific Of Las Vegas
Royal Printing
Rr Donnelley & Sons Inc
Sable Systems International
Sas Global Corp
Scougal Rubber Corporation
Selma Treating Of Nevada Inc
Server Technology Inc
Service Rock Products
Seven Cs Mfg Inc
Shelby Automobiles Inc
Shooting Ranges International
Sierra Control Systems Inc
Sierra Machinery Inc
Sierra Meat Company
Sierra Nevada Corporation
Sierra Packaging & Converting
Sierra Pallet Inc
Sierra Ready Mix
Silver Screen Printing
Silver State Materials LLC
Silver State Materials LLC
Silver State Web Inc
Silver State Wire Rope & Riggi
Sk Food Group Inc
Sonda Foods Inc
Sonny Sushi Company Inc
Southwest Printers
Spacecraft Components Corp
Specline Nevada Inc
Spielo International, USA
Spreadshirt Inc
50 to 59
30 to 39
300 to 399
20 to 29
40 to 49
20 to 29
20 to 29
40 to 49
30 to 39
100 to 199
30 to 39
90 to 99
100 to 199
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100 to 199
40 to 49
20 to 29
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20 to 29
20 to 29
20 to 29
50 to 59
30 to 39
30 to 39
20 to 29
200 to 299
20 to 29
30 to 39
70 to 79
40 to 49
100 to 199
40 to 49
30 to 39
100 to 199
60 to 69
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20 to 29
20 to 29
90 to 99
80 to 89
100 to 199
20 to 29
70 to 79
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40 to 49
90 to 99
20 to 29
30 to 39
400 to 499
50 to 59
20 to 29
20 to 29
100 to 199
50 to 59
30 to 39
40 to 49
Sri Instruments Inc
Stage Technologies Inc
Starbucks Coffee
Sternschnuppe LLC
Sun State Components Of Nv Inc
Sunkist Graphics Inc
Sunopta Fruit Group Inc
Sushi Bento
Synq Solutions Inc
Synvasive Technology Inc
T & D Machine Products Inc
Tahoe Springs LLC
Taiyo America Inc
Tantus Inc
TH Foods
Thatcher Group Inc
Thyssenkrupp Vdm Usa LLC
Time Fastener Company Inc
Titanium Metals Corporation Of
Tnb Enterprises Nevada Inc
Torchmate Inc
Tortillas Incorporated
Total Quality Pallets LLC
Trex Company Inc
Triad Plastic Technologies
Tripp Enterprises Inc
Tronox LLC
Truckee Meadows Optical
Trulite Glass & Aluminum Solutions
Turbine Blading And Parts LLC
Tyco Valves & Controls LP
U S Granite Nevada
U S Ordnance
Unilever Manufacturing (Us) In
United States Welding Corporat
Universal Analyzers Inc
Universal Bakery Inc
Universal Urethane Inc
V.S.R. Industries Inc
V.S.R. Industries Inc
V.S.R. Industries Inc/Sheet Metal
Vadatech Incorporated
Valley Fabrication
Valley Joist Inc
Varian Medical Systems
Vegas Fastener Manufacturing
Veka West Inc
Victory Woodworks Inc
Viking Metallurgical Corp
Vineburg Machining Inc
Vision Sign Inc
Vital Systems Corporation
Von Drehle Nevada LLC
VRP Manufacturing LLC
Wallace Integrated Graphics
West Best Foods Inc
Western Casework Corp
Western Money Systems
Westinghouse Airbrake Company
West-Pack Industries LLC
Worldpak Flexible Packaging
Worthington Armstrong Venture
X-Treme Bullets Inc
Xtreme Manufacturing LLC
Young Electric Sign Co
Young Electric Sign Co
Your Vitamins Inc
Nevada Industry Excellence
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