Nilza Silva


Nilza Silva
Nilza Silva
May and June 2010 - Amsterdam
04/05/2010 – 16h Opening Exhibition at Cedla
CEDLA - Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation
Keizersgracht 395-397
1016 EK Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Países Bajos
+31 20 525 2521
Contact Nilza in Amsterdam – Marcos Souza e-mail: [email protected]
Nilza Silva has participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Brazil and
Spain, and has done solo exhibitions, which the last two was in Madrid, Spain.
Nevertheless, she took part of quite a lot Art Salons in Brazil, showing
sculptures and paintings, and being awarded with gold medals (5), silver (22)
and a trophy for the best piece of art of the Salon, besides the bonze medals and
honourable mentions.
She also participated in the 1st Salon of Fine Arts Brazilian Army, in 2005,
winning the Award Acquisition.
She has sculptures and paintings in the following collections: Acervo Artístico do
Exército Brasileiro (Art Collection of Brazilian Army), Brazil; Sociedad Cervantina
(Cervantina Society), Spain; Biblioteca Agustiniana (Augustiana Library),
Guadarrama, Spain; Fundación ECOVI (ECOVI Foundation), Spain; Casa do
Brasil (Brazil’s House), Spain.
Actually, she sculpted 3 trophies under order. One for the Carla Augusta
Foundation to award of the IV Theatre Festival of Guaçuí, in Espírito Santo,
Brazil; Other to the Annual Festival of the Fernando Torres Theatre, in Espírito
Santo, Brazil; and the ones designed for the City hall of Espera Feliz, in Minas
Gerais, Brazil, for the award of the Street Festival Stênio Garcia.
Finally, Nilza Silva also worked exclusively to the Gallery Aquino and Bianco
Galeria Dell’Arte (Espírito Santo, Brazil) from 2004 until 2008. And she
participated in the catalogue “Sociedade Brasileira de Belas Artes Suas histórias e
seus artistas – 96 anos” (Brazilian Society of Fine Arts Their Stories and Their
Artists – 96 years), published in 2006.
Overlap, support, use and transparency, are currently used by Nilza Silva in
her works made from incessant researches, where these researches are bringing
on great results. An example of that is this exhibition, titled “Divas on Screen”,
which confirm with exactitude the earnest of her works.
The aesthetic reason is the path that she has to obtain the aspired aim of her
goal, which is to show to the public the senses of before and after of each
accomplished work. The artist uses her creations to say what comes from her
Silvio Baptista
Nilza Silva is exempt of titles, but not of nouns, like joy, vitality, elegance,
balances. Besides painting on screens all her absolute creativity, Nilza also is a
sculptress that attains us with her vital essence, once is in her blood the nobility
of the arts. We can say that Nilza writes poems in prose and verse through her
paintings and sculptures, once her active character provokes in us the necessity
to comprehend, to search and to improve what we always do. Her curriculum,
full of relevant awards, reflects all the magnificent trajectory of an artist who
knows her time and rules her space.
Marco Bianco
The sensitivity and the memory of Nilza Silva
Nilza Silva met the painting almost 10 years ago, motivated since her intimate
necessity of a personal experience: the world lived with a vital position. The
memory and the sense of a being whose sensitivity requires to claim to it the
experiences that will stay fixed on the screen. We feel that builds an open and
multiple work in its development, like the reality of the person who recreates
the material from the substance.
Her meeting was soundless, almost by coincidence, like frequently happens
with detachable things. Always in the thread of the artistic accomplishment.
Professor of literature during years, her entry in the painting came by the hands
of Castello Branco, master of painters, who knew how to increase the painting
freely. With him, her independent personality, almost against all odds, found
the first path to express herself. Always learning, she would find (…) the
passion for the light and the colour, a moderate excitement since her own
reflections of a non-finita condition which she still see herself boarded, aware of
how far she still had to go through. Our painter surprises the public with a
series that we could denominate, transmuting a classical title, like “the
decades”. With them she constructs the chronic of her life, telling about herself
in a symbolic key (secret?), revealing with rhythms and feelings the memory of
her childhood (1950), the bustling youth (1970), the crossroad of the maternity
(1990) and the fulfilled woman (2000) that looks to itself and accept herself and
even a future that will be revealed with time.
The profound interest that emerges from these works reveals the personal
interpretation of the path taken by her where the intimacy of her essential and
special “self” fuses in every detail. The memory, made of pigments and
photographs, impregnates the screens leaving an unequivocal trail that is
shared with the public. (…)
In Nilza’s work, woman is defined as another constant too. Feminine figures
that are the image of an eternal conception, bodies and silhouettes without
faces. Images that are from a female quiet unborn, not born in this world,
lacked of a navel and even of a corporeity to put in evidence herself as a call up
of the absolute.
Everyday evocations of gestures where it claims the wonder of the other. A
deeply feminine felling, introspective, quiet, the unexplored intimacy that set
strange characters whose dimension isn’t from the body.
Nude images, sensual, of evoked morbidity gives it as an private sense that
becomes close unexpectedly. Fragments that occupies the screen, overflowing
with its anatomy as incomparable moments of an experience also recognized by
the eyes that observe.
FERNANDO RINCÓN, Art critic - Madrid, JAN/2008
Text of the painting “2000”
“I don’t know what else to do of the time I have to live so few time still remains
to enjoy I don’t want anymore lies I don’t like who masks themselves but it
happens that I see that sometimes the truth is huge is she who provokes the
small daily farces those that hurts too much that ends up with your self-esteem
you feel a piece of shit in the end you fell that you live a life that doesn’t exist
and I I want want want I want to enjoy everything I want to taste the minutes I
want you and ever and a lot I want not to loose more time and ah! My goodness
how can it be with a mind that doesn’t stop doesn’t lock and fells intensely
everything that It’s always the same question, because I don’t believe. The
answer is always there, the same. To not lie, you never say the truth. Again life
is the calm and sweetness of the friendship, the secure and the consolation of
companionship. What a pity, what a waste. We will never get lost one from
each other. What is the price of this option? Parallelism, that’s the word.
Together and apart at the same time.”