now - Pendle Borough Council
now - Pendle Borough Council
Jobs and Growth Strategy for Pendle 201 3 – 202 3 Jobs and Growth Strategy Contents: Foreword Executive Summary Our Vision Our Business – more thriving businesses • Provide suitable sites to accommodate business growth • Encourage diversity and innovation in our existing and new start businesses • Increase the number of high growth businesses particularly in advanced manufacturing • Provide an effective business support service stimulating innovation and private sector investment Our People – a highly employable workforce • Improve aspiration and attainment • Increase the number of higher skilled jobs. • More effectively link education with the needs of employers – employer engagement • Increase youth employment – reduce NEETs and provide more apprenticeships 2 Jobs and Growth Strategy Our connectivity – improved networks • Improve road networks • Improve rail service • Maximise the use of superfast broadband Our Place – improved housing and image • Provide a balanced housing stock • Improve the image of Pendle so it is recognised as a place of choice for people to live and work Measuring Our Progress 3 Jobs and Growth Strategy Foreword Welcome to Pendle’s Jobs and Growth Strategy. This Strategy reflects our ambitions for economic growth and job creation in Pendle. We want to increase the prosperity of Pendle so that everyone in our communities is able to enjoy a better quality of life. We aim to do this by creating the right conditions for companies to thrive and grow so that they create higher value jobs for our growing population. The Jobs and Growth Strategy articulates clearly what our ‘growth story’ is for Pendle and how we aim to contribute to the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP) Strategic Economic Plan for Lancashire. We recognise the importance of this given the LEP will have to negotiate a Growth Deal with the Government if it is to secure investment for economic growth in our area. Our aspirations for economic growth are shared by the business community. The Pendle Vision Board has endorsed this Jobs and Growth Strategy and we will work with a range of partners to deliver the actions set out in the Strategy. I believe that by implementing this Jobs and Growth Strategy, we will have a more prosperous Pendle, a place where people want to live, work and play. Councillor Joe Cooney, Leader of Pendle Council – December 2013 4 Jobs and Growth Strategy Executive Summary At the heart of the Government’s plan to reduce the national budget deficit is a rebalancing of the national economy and the creation of economic growth. A fundamental part of the plan is that every place should have the opportunity to participate in this economic growth. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) like the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which are business-led, have been established by the Government as the drivers of economic growth in their local areas. All LEPs will have a Strategic Economic Plan which will form the basis of a negotiation between the LEP and the Government for a Growth Deal. The Growth Deal will result in the Government providing a share of the Single Local Growth Fund in return for economic growth in a local area. This Strategy sets out how Pendle aims to create economic growth in the Pendle Area which will contribute to the growth aspirations of Pennine Lancashire and Lancashire as a whole. The Pendle Jobs and Growth Strategy has four strands:o o o o Our Business Our People Our Connectivity Our Place – To create more thriving businesses. The focus here is to provide sufficient and suitable land for economic growth; – To provide a highly employable workforce to meet the demands from local businesses as they grow; – To improve road, rail and digital networks to bring businesses, employees and residents closer together; – To ensure there is sufficient quality housing in Pendle. Each Strand has a number of key outcomes supported by evidence of need and the issues and opportunities with delivery. These will require more detailed work to be undertaken not least ensuring that the right planning framework is in place to support the Strategy so that Pendle’s growth aspirations can be realised. The delivery of this Strategy will involve a range of partners. The Strategy is supported by the Pendle Vision Board, Pendle’s local partnership of leading businesses, Nelson and Colne College, Regenerate Pennine Lancashire and Lancashire County Council, all of which will have a part to play in the delivery of the Strategy. This Strategy is also consistent with the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s Growth Plan for 2013/14 and, therefore, the emerging Strategic Economic Plan. This is important as it will provide Pendle with the best opportunity of accessing the funding from the Single Local Growth Fund allocation made to the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership as part of their Growth Deal. 5 Jobs and Growth Strategy Our Vision Our Vision for Pendle is: This Jobs and Growth Strategy sets out the priority actions that aims to stimulate the Pendle economy to grow as Britain emerges from the economic problems of the last 5 years. While future economic growth will be subject to the influences of external factors beyond local control there is scope for effective action to be taken by Pendle and its Partners to help stimulate it. It is evident that as well as striving to attract inward investment the most “A vibrant economy that creates high quality effective way to stimulate economic growth in Pendle is to nurture existing companies to become more innovative and encourage new businesses to jobs to support business growth which leads to start and grow. To ensure success Pendle needs to provide its businesses and entrepreneurs with: a prosperous population.” • the right physical conditions for companies to thrive and grow • appropriate business support • a skilled and flexible workforce • good communication networks In support of this there will need to be • good and affordable housing choice • an image that encourages people to choose Pendle as a place to live and work. 6 Jobs and Growth Strategy To achieve this Vision, activity is required on all of these elements. Resources to deliver the jobs and growth plan are limited so it is important that all the agencies in the Borough support the Vision and work together to achieve its outcomes. Illustratively, the Jobs and Growth Strategy is as shown in the diagram below:- 7 Jobs and Growth Strategy OUR BUSINESS – More thriving businesses Despite the pressures of a prolonged economic downturn the Borough has maintained a relatively stable number of businesses (2,975) and jobs (30,700). Pendle businesses are predominantly SME’s. Over 90% of the enterprises based within Pendle employ under 20 people and many of these have started and grown within the Borough. These companies tend to have a loyalty to the local area and Pendle has one of the highest percentages of companies in the County with an age of 10 years and more. This capacity to develop home grown companies with an allegiance to the local area is something we want to continue to nurture by providing the right conditions for entrepreneurship to flourish. This requires having suitable premises for fledgling businesses to establish and sites which will allow their expansion and growth plus providing access to the right advice and business support to help them thrive. Pendle businesses are keen to promote their area and support its growth. In February 2007 a group of key employers and private sector businesses came together with the aim of improving the future for Pendle. This group is now known as the Pendle Vision Board. The members come from diverse sectors of the economy high-tech manufacturers, leaders of retail and service industries and managers from the health service and other public agencies come to offer their expertise. Their aim is to give a voice to the private sector in advising Pendle Council on long-term economic development, lobbying for funds and promoting the Pendle Advantage (a great place to live, work and play). This Jobs and Growth Strategy has priorities in common with those identified by the Vision Board. To increase the number of thriving businesses in Pendle we will focus our activity on four action areas: 1. Provide suitable sites to accommodate business growth 2. Encourage diversity and innovation in our existing and new start businesses 3 Increase the number of high growth businesses particularly in advanced manufacturing 4. Provide an effective business support service that stimulates innovation and private sector investment. 8 Jobs and Growth Strategy 1. Sites to accommodate business growth Key Outcome There are insufficient suitable industrial sites available and A supply of available and suitable employment land that companies wishing to relocate, expand or move into the meets business needs and in particular a strategic Borough are unable to do so. There is potential to create employment site in an appropriate location in the M65 employment sites by bringing parts of Brierfield Mill back Growth corridor. into use and extending West Craven Business Park and both of these options will be progressed. Identifying a new Evidence, Issues and Opportunities strategic employment site in addition to these is vital if The current lack of suitable industrial land is hampering Pendle is to retain its successful growing companies or future growth in the Borough. Pendle has an industrial attract inward investment. Ideally our new strategic legacy of old mill buildings which do not provide suitable employment site should be located within the proposed accommodation for modern production methods and are Burnley/Pendle Growth Corridor in order to give often poorly located in residential areas. companies connectivity to the national motorway networks. The portfolio of sites currently available in Pendle is very We propose to bring forward an extension of the limited. There are a number of small sites scattered successful Lomeshaye Industrial Estate at around the Borough but currently we do not have a Nelson as a strategic employment site. This site, strategic site which could provide accommodation to an which has direct access onto the M65, has the expanding local company or an inward investor needing to potential to create a substantial number of jobs in build new accommodation with floorspace over 10,000 the Borough. sq.ft. 9 Jobs and Growth Strategy 2. Encourage diversity and innovation in our existing and new start businesses Key Outcome the Pendle economy to have greater diversity Systems Ltd. It is vital to the local economy A more diverse economy with increasing and not rely on this one sector for all its jobs that companies in this sector continue to thrive numbers of high value jobs. growth. and provide highly skilled and relatively well paid jobs which in turn lead to an increased Evidence, Issues and Opportunities Traditionally the area grew on the textile demand for the local services, housing and Manufacturing is the largest employment industry. Now the strength of the local increased spend in the local economy. sector in Pendle. The Pendle economy has economy derives from the advanced always been heavily dependant on manufacturing sector which is a source of The second largest employment sector is manufacturing and exceeds the national profile higher value employment. Advanced public administration, education and health. for the percentage of jobs in this sector. In manufacturing includes companies in As well as the Borough Council, Pendle is 2011 over 30% of its 30,700 jobs were in the aerospace, electronics, and environmental home to Nelson and Colne College and the manufacturing sector compared to 13.8% in technology. Pendle has a significant cluster of Health Trust but with continuing cuts in public Lancashire and 8.7% nationally. Whilst the these businesses especially in the aerospace services public administration is not seen as a Government endeavors to rebalance the sector. Examples of the internationally growth sector for the future. However the economy and the Lancashire Enterprise renowned manufacturing companies located presence of the College is an important factor Partnership seeks to exploit Lancashire’s here include Rolls-Royce plc, Weston EU Ltd, in supporting the growth sectors of the inherent strengths manufacturing is recognised Silentnight Beds, Wardle Storey plc, Hope economy with a skilled workforce and giving as a strength both nationally and sub- Technology, Euravia Engineering Co Ltd, local residents the skills to access the regionally, it would benefit the sustainability of Graham Engineering Ltd and ACDC Lighting available job opportunities. 10 Jobs and Growth Strategy The third strongest employment sector in stay overnight. This would increase the level Supporting a culture of enterprise is a Pendle is the distribution, hotels and of spend in the Borough from these visitors. driver for business growth and diversity. We restaurants sector. One of the largest The LEPs Growth Plan identifies the visitor will do this by: employers in the retail sector is Boundary Mill economy as a sector with great growth • which employs over 750 people and attracts potential and will be developing a Delivery businesses with advice and financial over 2 million visitors per year. The visitor Plan to unlock opportunities assistance through the Gearing up for economy in Pendle has growth potential; in Continuing to support new start up Growth programme. Working with partners at Regenerate particular there is capacity for a new hotel to Pendle is most notably below the national boost the overnight accommodation for both profile in terms of employment in the Finance Pennine Lancashire to bid for funding tourist and business visitors. A large number of and the IT sector which clearly has capacity to to provide programmes such as LEAP visitors to Pendle come to take advantage of grow in the future. It is important that there is which helps new businesses get off the its beautiful countryside which provides diversity in the local economy as there are ground by providing intensive training, opportunities for walkers and cyclists of all dangers in relying on manufacturing alone. mentoring, HR coaching, social abilities. The majority of these are day visitors Growing the underrepresented high value enterprise and international trade but there is potential to capitalise on this service sector would meet this need. support to new businesses and those • footfall by providing more leisure facilities and that have been trading less than 36 accommodation to encourage more people to months. 11 Jobs and Growth Strategy 3. Increase the number of high growth businesses particularly in advanced manufacturing Key Outcome access to finance plus work with partners to ensure the success of Focus on developing high growth businesses especially in the advanced applications for funding to continue the provision. manufacturing sector The Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP) highlights the Evidence, Issues and Opportunities economic potential of the advanced engineering and manufacturing sector There are some thriving companies located in Pendle however as and its supply chains and recognises the strength of this sector in mentioned previously there are issues around low business formation and Lancashire. The LEP Growth Plan 2013/14 describes an emerging ‘Arc low value employment of Innovation’ which links world class clusters of industry, technological • • The annual number of vat registered businesses as a proportion is development and research excellence. This Arc which starts in Lancaster 8.3% which is below the County 9.3% and Great Britain 10.2% includes the proposed Burnley/Pendle Growth Corridor and crosses the The hourly pay of full time workers in 2012 was £10.97 compared to Borough to take in the companies located in West Craven including world £12.87 nationally renowned Rolls-Royce. There are a number of areas where we can support new business The Pendle Jobs and Growth Strategy also recognises that retention and formation. One is to support a more pronounced and embedded culture growth of businesses in this sector will help to boost the number of higher of enterprise so that people from all backgrounds see that setting up a value jobs in the Borough. This sector also supports a strong service business or social enterprise is an option. This needs to start early with sector which is a sector that Pendle needs to grow. We need to focus on enterprise education in schools and colleges. We also need to promote creating the right conditions for business success in the advanced the range of support that is available including advice, premises and engineering and manufacturing sector and their related supply chains. 12 Jobs and Growth Strategy 4. Effective Business Support Key Outcome As well as an adequate We will be actively directing our A comprehensive programme of Creating a comprehensive signposting service for companies to access support support for companies to enable package of support requires businesses there needs to be an from Boost Business them to maintain a competitive agencies at all levels, local, effective lobby to ensure we can Lancashire which is the advantage and stimulate private regional and national, to work access funding to provide the Lancashire Business Growth sector investment. together so that scarce necessary support to meet local Hub led by the Lancashire Local resources are used effectively circumstances as well as more Enterprise Partnership. The aim Evidence, Issues and and avoid duplication. There generic national support. We will of Boost is to grow the county’s Opportunities also needs to be clarity for work with the Lancashire economy by £20m and create at It is vital in this age of businesses to know what is Enterprise Partnership to bring least 1,200 new jobs and globalisation that companies do available and how to access it. It resources to the area through safeguard 700 more by 2015. not remain static, they need to is important that Pendle the funding sources available Boost will help growth-hungry constantly improve their businesses are made aware of including the Single Local businesses to realise their production processes and what is on offer and that they Growth Fund, Regional potential by providing simple explore new markets to remain take maximum advantage of it. Growth Fund and European access to a range of leading- competitive. Expert support is Increased employer Regional Development edge funded programmes, essential as companies explore engagement will help direct Fund delivered by specialists with a new ways of working and businesses to the best source of track record of growing particularly take advantage of support. established and innovative start- overseas markets. up businesses. 13 Jobs and Growth Strategy At the sub regional level and £1m to high growth Enterprise Lancashire Regenerate Pennine businesses provides quality independent investment in improved help and support to both premises and or introduction of new production process Lancashire is an economic development company owned by Pennine Leap – is free individuals looking to start a the County Council and 5 business start up support business and new businesses. The Chamber of Commerce Pennine Local Authorities • • stimulates private sector improve skills in the including Pendle. They offer: Lancashire Innovation East Lancashire provides workforce by supporting Accelerating Business Network - provides free business support with specific graduate recruitment Growth (ABG) which is a impartial advice, guidance and emphasis on gaining new competitive grant scheme (£50 – financial assistance to markets both at home and £150,000) that will help to fund businesses with potential to grow abroad, increasing sales and business growth projects across through the use of new reducing costs Lancashire which commit to: technology and innovation. Pendle Council continues to significant job creation, additional investment from other sources, The Fuse Fund – is a support this agenda with its and major impact on the competitive capital grant scheme Gearing up for Growth (£5 - £50,000) that will help new programme and annual businesses to finance growth Business Month which: Lancashire economy. Accelerating Business projects creating new jobs and Growth Plus (ABG +) offers investment across Lancashire. • grant support between £150k • provides workshops to give businesses support in moving their businesses forward. This programme has a proven track record. In 2012/13 it resulted in 29 new businesses starts, supported growth in 31 businesses, led to the creation of provides financial support for 96 new jobs and stimulated new start business increased private sector investment of over £4.5m. 14 Jobs and Growth Strategy OUR PEOPLE – A highly employable workforce A skilled and flexible workforce is essential to business It is important to have a skills agenda that links business to competitiveness and productivity. Skilled people especially education from an early stage. School children need to be leaders and managers enable constant innovation which leads aware of the opportunities in local companies so that levels of to growth and sustainability. The availability of people with the aspiration and attainment are high from an early age. This link right level of skills is one of the elements companies look for in needs to continue as students progress to college and deciding where to establish themselves. university. Plus we need to have the skilled jobs that will retain these people with high aspirations otherwise we run the risk of Pendle is represented on both the Pennine Lancashire highly qualified graduates not returning to the area once their Employment and Skills Board and the Lancashire Enterprise studies are completed. Partnership. They aim to bring together the supply and demand sides of the labour market and ensure that skill levels match the This is a long term agenda but one which will benefit the local needs of employers. The Pennine Lancashire Employment and economy. Our Jobs and Growth Strategy will focus activity on Skills Board identified its priorities: four action areas: • to provide an interface between education and business to improve outcomes; • to increase higher level Apprenticeships and • to support the delivery of effective Information, Advice and Guidance. 1. Improving aspiration and attainment. 2. Increase the number of jobs in the higher skilled managerial, technical or professional roles 3. More effectively link education and work to ensure business gets the training it requires – employer engagement 4. Improve youth employment, reduce NEETs and increase apprenticeships 15 Jobs and Growth Strategy 1. Aspiration and attainment Key Outcome In order to raise attainment levels to meet the The College has a comprehensive Work with schools to make students aware of growth needs of local companies there needs apprenticeship programme and is proactively the job opportunities locally and seek to boost to be closer links between education recruiting both students and companies levels of aspiration and attainment and the world of work. There are To raise aspirations the Council, Pendle Vision opportunities to improve skills levels in the Board and the College hold an annual Work Evidence, Issues and Opportunities future through Nelson & Colne College. The Inspiration event attended by local Pendle does face a challenge in improving skill College has a state-of-the-art campus which companies and 13-14 year old school children. levels in the local workforce. Level 2 has benefited from a recent investment of It is a practical event where students can learn qualifications have become the minimum £21m. It is well placed to meet the needs of exactly what is on offer in local companies and needed to get a job yet 36.2% of the Pendle businesses through its outstanding what they need to do to get employment in the workforce has not got these qualifications. apprenticeship provision with success future. It gives pupils an insight into the world Currently the percentage of pupils gaining an rates well above the Lancashire and national of work and the range of employment NVQ level 2 and above is 63.8% which is rates and its active involvement on the Pendle opportunities locally, the aim being to raise below that of the County 70.1% and Great Vision Board and the Pennine Lancashire aspiration and attainment levels and provide Britain 71.8%. Whilst performing better for mid Employment and Skills Board. local companies with a workforce that meets level qualifications there is also a serious Apprenticeships are an important way of their future requirements. shortfall at higher level qualifications. Only giving students a practical entry onto a career 18.7% of the working population can claim path and giving companies the opportunity to NVQ4 and above whereas the national develop its workforce with support from the percentage is 34.4% government. 16 Jobs and Growth Strategy 2. Increase number of higher skilled jobs Key Outcome Companies moving their products up the value chain providing increasing numbers of skilled job opportunities. Evidence, Issues and Opportunities The data showing distribution of employment of residents by occupation highlights the lack of people in higher skilled managerial, technical or professional roles (only 31.4% compared to 44.0% nationally) the dominance of manufacturing is reflected in the proportion of employees working in Skilled trades occupations (17.6% compared to 10.5% nationally) Being able to offer a skilled local workforce is one of the qualities higher value companies will look for when considering relocating. Plus any move to more knowledge based jobs will require increased educational attainment. The challenge is to ensure that there are higher skilled jobs in the Borough so we retain skills in the workforce and give our young people something to aspire to. If we are successful the workforce will have sufficient skills and development opportunities to fuel employment growth in higher value occupations otherwise such employment opportunities may locate elsewhere. 17 Jobs and Growth Strategy 3. More effective links between education and work to improve understanding of each other’s needs with regard to workforce development Key Outcome To improve this situation we need to have a Recently the College, Council, County Council, Improved links between Nelson and Colne clear understanding of the current skills gaps, and Job Centre Plus have worked together to College and local companies to ensure that employer needs, ways of improving provide the Apprenticeship and Training both have an effective understanding of each productivity and future skill requirements Centre in Nelson which aims to link other’s needs based on job growth. Clearly this is a complex employers to the training and skills task given the diversity of the local economy development of young people and to recruit Evidence, Issues and Opportunities and the disparate training requirements. As young talented people locally. The new centre There is a need to bring together the supply member of the Lancashire Skills Board, will act as an information hub to inform and demand sides of the labour market to the College is participating in research to schools, colleges and training providers about ensure that skill levels match the needs of clarify what is required. The Skills Board has essential skills requirements for employers employers now and in the future. already secured European funding for helping education to meet the needs of Workforce and Local Response Funding industry. A recent employer skills survey carried out by valued at £7.3m. In addition both the College the North and West Lancashire Chamber of and Council are working together at more Commerce suggests 31% of responding effective Employer Engagement by sharing businesses had difficulty recruiting staff due to their knowledge of local company skills gaps requirements and opportunities. 18 Jobs and Growth Strategy 4. Improve youth employment - reduce NEETs and increase relevant apprenticeships Key Outcome earnings, poor health and life satisfaction. At a local level the Nelson and Colne College Reduction in the number of NEETs (16 -18 This impacts on both the individual and on the NEET Engagement Team is working years olds who are not in education, local economy. closely with Jobcentre Plus, Young People’s employment or training) and increase the Service, Together Housing and other partners The need for our young people to grow up to direct disengaged young people towards prepared for the future is recognised at all training and development that will provide Evidence, Issues and Opportunities levels of government. It is a key priority in the them with the skills to gain the first rung on the Pendle has a high percentage of its young Lancashire County Council Corporate Strategy employment ladder. In particular young people people (16-18 years old) who fall into the and the Young People’s Service works will be given pre-study and pre apprenticeship NEET category 7.2% compared to County intensively with young people to help them training to enable them to progress into 6.3% and nationally 6.1%. It is widely identify and address their barriers to employment or training. This activity will be recognised that spending a period of time as a progression and to minimise the length of time based at the College and in the community to NEET can have a negative impact on a young that an individual remains NEET meet the needs of the young people identified. number of apprenticeships. persons life including unemployment, reduced 19 Jobs and Growth Strategy Apprenticeships are recognised as a key component in the drive to Increased employer engagement will help support an increase in increase economic prosperity and a main route for young people (18 – 24 apprenticeships on offer. Due to our strong SME base it is important that year olds) to gain skills in the workplace. It has also been shown that employers and apprentices have access to flexible programmes. companies who take on apprentices benefit significantly. By supporting Individuals must be able to aggregate placements across more than one businesses to increase the skills of their workforces, recruit and retain business to achieve a full apprenticeship, with progression routes through talent, in particular young talent we can support businesses to grow and to Level 4 benefit from increased productivity and competitiveness. There is a highly successful and respected national programme of The majority of apprenticeships in Pennine Lancashire are in traditional Apprenticeships which is being delivered locally through Nelson and industrial sectors but we need to ensure that apprenticeships are Colne College. The Nelson and Colne College’s Apprenticeship available in the growth sectors of advanced manufacturing and ICT. We Academy has an apprenticeship success rates that are amongst the anticipate growth in apprenticeships will come from business start ups, best in Lancashire. existing businesses expanding and businesses locating in the area. 20 Jobs and Growth Strategy OUR CONNECTIVITY - Improved road rail and digital networks Effective Connectivity is a key component for growth. • Provide better access to education and employment Good transport links allow businesses, suppliers and • Improve people's quality of life and wellbeing customers to come together and allows people to get to • Improve the safety of our streets work, to access services and to see friends and visit • Provide safe, reliable, convenient and affordable places. Conversely poor transport links can be a barrier to transport alternatives to the car growth and impact adversely on quality of life. Traffic • Maintain our assets and congestion brings delay and disrupts communities; road • Reduce carbon emissions and their effects accidents cause injury and suffering; vehicle emissions affect local people's health and contribute to global As part of this document a set of Highways and Transport environmental problems. Masterplans are currently being produced that cover all 12 districts of the County. Pendle is covered by the East There is a strong perception locally that East Lancashire Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan. as a whole is poorly connected, with both road and rail networks making it difficult for people and goods to move around. The County Council's Local Transport Plan (LTP3) sets out the transport priorities until 2021.It aims to: • Improve access into areas of economic growth and regeneration The Pendle Jobs and Growth Strategy will seek to ensure that our local priorities are included in the East Lancashire Highways and Transport Masterplan to bring about: 1. Improvements to the road network 2. Improvements to the rail service 3. Maximise the use of superfast broadband 21 Jobs and Growth Strategy 1. Improvements to the road network Key Outcome The M65 plays an essential role in the Skipton. The A6068 eventually connects with A new Colne - Foulridge bypass to improve economy of Pendle and East Lancashire, the A629/A650 dual carriageway Airedale journey times, reduce congestion and connecting people and businesses internally route at Crosshills north-west of Keighley improvement in roads linking into Junctions 12 as well as providing the primary means of and13 on the M65 to open up opportunities for access to the M6, particularly for freight. The A6068, as it passes through the North economic growth Future employment opportunities and priorities Valley area of Colne, carries traffic of around will continue to be along this corridor. 25,000 vehicles per day including over 1,300 Evidence, Issues and Opportunities heavy goods vehicles. Not surprisingly, this Whilst road links to the west and south are The M65 ends abruptly west of Colne, leading causes severe problems, with congestion and reasonable, connections to the east are to frequent long delays on Vivary Way and delays throughout much of the day. The ineffective, not least because the M65 North Valley Road to the north of the town standing traffic affects local air quality and the motorway finishes abruptly just to the west of centre before the A56 route heads in a north- road effectively severs the North Valley Colne. easterly direction to join the A59 west of housing areas from all amenities in Colne. 22 Jobs and Growth Strategy Colne to the A56 north of Foulridge. This would remove a significant volume of through traffic from Colne and the village of Foulridge, and benefit the local communities in terms of improved road safety, reduced noise, improved air quality and reduced severance. Importantly, it would not preclude the reopening of the Colne to Skipton railway On current plans, this Colne - Foulridge bypass could be delivered by 2021 and at a cost of £34m. Its progress is dependant upon securing the funding so a strong economic case for the bypass needs to be made to ensure it goes ahead. The M65 is clearly of major strategic importance but it is also vital that roads linking to this strategic route also have the capacity to support growth plans. In particular roads linking in to junctions 12 and 13 may need improvement. A study is being undertaken to explore this issue The County Council has a long standing proposal to build a bypass of further. The Burnley/Pendle Growth Corridor study focuses on the Colne and Foulridge and a route for the road has been protected. In M65 between Junction 8 at Hapton and Junction 13 at Barrowford and on August 2012, the County Council commissioned the M65 to Yorkshire the local road network that links the motorway to key development sites. Corridor Study to investigate whether a bypass was still the most This study will link to the work done through the M65 to Yorkshire corridor appropriate solution to Cone's problems and if so, whether the old scheme study. The study will identify where highway improvements may be was still the best route to take forward. That study has now been needed to ensure that capacity, reliability and safety issues do not hinder completed and recommends the a bypass of around 6km of new, modern economic growth. standard single carriageway road linking the M65 or A6068 Vivary Way in 23 Jobs and Growth Strategy 2. Improve the rail service Lobby for an improved service to and from Colne station Evidence, Issues and • The relatively low patronage will enable a quicker direct rail service figures for stations to Colne from Burnley to Manchester. An show just how poorly Pendle is improved rail service from Colne served by rail. into Burnley would allow residents to Opportunities take advantage of the faster service to Rail links in Pendle and East Lancashire The rail network ends in Colne following Manchester once the Todmorden as a whole are either far from adequate the closure of the line to Skipton in the curve is in place. This would have a or completely non-existent: 1970’s. Colne is served by one train an positive impact giving local residents the Journey times to Manchester, hour which runs on the East Lancashire advantage of reduced journey times to Leeds and Preston are lengthy Line to Preston and Blackpool South. neighboring centres of employment. and require a change of train. Skipton, on the other hand, is on the Rolling stock is generally of poor Airedale Line and is served by frequent As part of the East Lancashire Highways quality. electric trains that reach Leeds in around and Transport Masterplan, a Rail Fast, frequent and reliable 40 minutes. The replacement of the link Connectivity Study is to be undertaken access by train to Manchester could therefore give a faster connection which will consider, amongst other Airport is of critical importance, between East Lancashire and Leeds. matters, the existing network and the • • • yet there are currently no through services from East Lancashire. services that run on it. There has been a successful campaign to re-open the Todmorden curve which 24 Jobs and Growth Strategy 3. Maximise the use of superfast broadband Key Outcome Increase the number of businesses using superfast broadband Evidence, Issues and Opportunities Digital connectivity is increasingly seen as a vital component for any high growth company. Pendle is included in the rollout of superfast broadband in Lancashire and it is expected that 97% of the Borough will have coverage by 2015. Following the rollout we need to ensure that potential business users are fully aware of the range of services that superfast broadband will enable in order to ensure maximum take up. 25 Jobs and Growth Strategy OUR PLACE - Improved Housing and Image The Borough of Pendle sits in the east of the transport links, good schools, a mixed high country with the move to out-of-town retail County of Lancashire along its border with quality housing stock and a good quality of life. shopping and the internet. However Nelson Yorkshire. It has strong links to Pennine has recently benefitted from investment to Lancashire which is made up of the 6 local Together with the quality of life, the open up the high street and improve the public authorities (Pendle, Blackburn with Darwen, attractiveness and perceptions of the towns realm. It was also awarded funding through Hyndburn, Burnley, Ribble Valley and and communities within the Borough help to the governments Portas scheme and has a Rossendale). Pendle is the largest Borough attract and retain skilled people and to boost strong town team in place to try to address the after Blackburn with Darwen within Pennine tourism. Pendle has six urban centres, the level of vacant units currently in the town. Lancashire having a population of 89,600. towns of Nelson, Colne and Barnoldswick form Pendle’s population is growing with an the principle service centres along with the The delivery of the housing agenda is expected 11% increase by 2035. There will smaller towns of Brierfield, Barrowford and dependent upon other key strategies notably therefore be significant increase in housing Earby. These towns are surrounded by the Local Development Framework Core provision alongside a need for new jobs. We beautiful countryside much of it designated an Strategy. This document will provide a more need to be able to offer an attractive package ‘area of outstanding natural beauty’ making detailed view of the situation than can be to retain businesses and attract investment Pendle an excellent place to live as well as included here but we need to emphasise its including a range of job opportunities, effective work. The largest centre Nelson has suffered importance to the local economy and support along with other small towns throughout the the needs and activities they highlighted. 26 Jobs and Growth Strategy With its international manufacturing companies, quaint market towns set in glorious countryside Pendle is far from the collection of mill towns it used to be but the image of the area has failed to keep up with the pace of change. Many visitors to the area are surprised at what they find here and this plan will seek to increase the profile of the Borough with the aim of making it more attractive to inward investors and enhance the pride of local employers and residents in their Borough. To increase the attractiveness of Pendle as a location for business we will focus our activity on two action areas: 1. Continue to work towards a balanced housing stock 2. Improve the image of Pendle so it is recognised as a place of choice for people to live and work. 27 Jobs and Growth Strategy 1. Housing Pendle has a range of housing accommodation catering to all income Strategy will identify a number of strategic housing sites to be levels. It is however recognised that there is an oversupply of smaller two developed to help meet this requirement. bedroomed pre-1919 terraced properties and there has been recent investment in specific areas to try to provide a more diverse mix of new Despite reductions in house prices since the housing market crash the low and remodelled property. The Borough also needs to have a supply of wage levels in the borough have meant that there is still a significant need executive housing that will attract and retain those in high skilled for affordable housing, with waiting lists increasing. The Council’s Local employment. It is important that the Borough has a mixed stock of quality Development Framework will set a flexible affordable housing target based housing to cater for the spectrum of need and aspiration. on scheme viability. Key Outcome The Council is developing a number of sites through the Joint Venture with A more diverse mix of high quality and sustainable housing that meets the Barnfield Investment Properties and this includes the provision of need of a growing population affordable housing where viable. We are also bringing forward housing sites to sell on the open market. Evidence, Issues and Opportunities Well planned areas of new housing can help to sustain town centres and The Borough has a high but falling number of vacant properties with services, strengthen the employment and skills base and improve the 6.7% of properties being vacant in 2012. Pendle has been successful in quality of the environment. tackling this problem through active engagement with owners of the more Work on the Core Strategy has revealed a projected increase in population problematic long-term vacants. Continued targeted action is required in of 445 per annum and a consequent need for additional housing. Pendle certain parts of the borough where there are higher than average has a housing requirement of 265-310 homes per annum and the Core vacancies. 28 Jobs and Growth Strategy 2. Image Key Outcome number of vacant premises in the Borough. accommodation providers but few hotels A campaign to raise the profile of Pendle as a Nelson did receive a boost from over £2m providing overnight accommodation for tourist place to live work and play. investment to recreate the high street and its and business visitors. It is part of this plan to public realm in 2011and in 2012 it was support the provision of a destination leisure identified as one of the Portas towns. It is attraction in the Borough to increase the length Evidence, Issues and Opportunities important that this focus on Nelson continues of stay of visitors to the area and their Pendle is an attractive Borough with pleasant until it has an improved footfall and achieved a contribution to the local economy. market towns set in magnificent countryside stable retail offer. There is now a strong town but it still retains the down market image of a team in place with membership from local northern industrial town. The Pendle Vision traders who are seeking to put measures in Board recognised that this as an issue for the place to bring about a positive change in the future growth of the area and is seeking to town. promote ‘The Pendle Advantage’ - a great place to live, work and play. Recently the Tourism and leisure is a sector of the Council has highlighted the benefit of a Pendle economy which has potential to grow, targeted campaign to improve the image of the bring more diversity to the local economy as Borough and is working towards promoting well as enhance the quality of life. Currently ‘Brand Pendle’. The Vision Board also the Pendle countryside attracts a lot of visitors highlighted the need to assist in the but they tend to be day visits which do little to regeneration of Nelson which is the town in increase the income of local service providers. Pendle which still has the highest There are a number of small bed and breakfast 29 Jobs and Growth Strategy MEASURING PROGRESS The Pendle Jobs and Growth Strategy highlights activities that we need to focus on to achieve our common vision ‘a vibrant economy that creates to more jobs to support business growth and a prosperous population’. This will require working closely with partner agencies and the private sector. This is a long term Strategy and it is important that progress towards our goal is monitored and disseminated on a regular basis to aid momentum in achieving success. Success will be measured against a set of project performance indicators which are currently being developed. 30 Jobs and Growth Strategy Appendix 1 Strategic Framework Advanced and automotive manufacturing, activity identified in the Pendle growth plan Aerospace and Aviation, Creative, Digital, will be included in this document for The Jobs and Growth Strategy for Pendle does ICT and New Media, Energy and Pennine Lancashire not stand in isolation it reflects the strategic Environmental Technologies, Business objectives and focus at both the County and and Professional Services, Visitor Pennine Lancashire levels. Economy Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP) • The Lancashire Growth Plan 2013/14 • Create the right conditions for business success. A common objective for Pendle Reclaim Lancashire’s role as one of the • Refocus the local skills system to make it nation’s key centres for advanced more responsive to business skills manufacturing – this is one area where demands. A common objectives for Pendle can make a significant contribution. Pendle The Lancashire Growth Plan identifies the key opportunities and challenges in the economy • Maximise the economic value and benefits • Ensure Lancashire’s major transport of an emerging arc of innovation across projects are fully aligned with delivery of Lancashire - the arc links world class key economic priorities A common Its focus of activity is in line with Pendle clusters of industry one of which is objectives for Pendle strategic growth objectives: Barnoldswick the home of Rolls-Royce and is committed to deliver economic change. and several other advanced manufacturing • Establish Lancashire as a natural home for companies following growth sectors, • Strengthen Lancashire’s strategic case making and refresh the area’s offer to attract new investors and businesses A high growth companies the LEP have chosen to focus on the • Oversee and develop complimentary Local Growth Accelerator Strategies. The 31 common objectives for Pendle Jobs and Growth Strategy Pennine Lancashire Investment Plan and 13 of the M65. At junction 12 is the landmark grade 2 listed Brierfield Mill which offers major housing and employment opportunities providing Pennine Lancashire is the five Boroughs of Blackburn with Darwen, 5,000 sq.m. of floorspace on a 2.8 hectare site. Junction 13 offers two Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale. The Pennine Lancashire strategic employment sites with further expansion on Lomeshaye Industrial Investment Plan sets out the key strategic priorities for Pennine Estate and Barrowford Business Park offering an additional 22,000 sq.m. Lancashire and reflects the ambition to drive both jobs and housing growth of floorspace and over 500 jobs. in the area. The benefits of Pendle to the Pennine Lancashire Investment Plan are: The plan focuses activity across four priority themes: • Business and economic development • Housing growth and place • Physical and digital connectivity • Skills • 1,500 private sector jobs across Gateway sites • Direct M65 connection with nearby Skipton, Leeds, Preston and Manchester • 50 Homes under construction and 125 new homes/apartments for future delivery • The Investment Plan highlights the Pendle Gateway. The Pendle Gateway provides strategically aligned development sites on junctions 12 32 A joint venture company, Pearl 2, to deliver and facilitate growth
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