EMPO! TEMPO INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FRATERNITY SAI Welcomes Mu Lambda M AY 2014 WHAT’S INSIDE 2 Collegiate Comment 5 Province and State Days The Mu Lambda Chapter was formally chartered at North Carolina’s Wingate University on April 26. Overseeing the installation were Tau B Province Officer Misty Rondeau Theisen, National Vice President, Ritual and Fraternity Education Dr. Deborah R. Volker, and Mary Thomas, Region 6 Region Officer. Officer Portal Update from National Headquarters G REAT NEWS! Chapter fees payments can now be paid online via the Officer Portal (OP) using your chapter checking account!! To check your chapter balance (ALL listed chapter officers and advisors have access to this view), log in to the OP and select the Chapter Information button. You will then see a link that says “Click here for a current statement for this chapter”; you will probably have to give permission at the bottom of the screen to either open or save the pdf that will be generated. Select Open to view the statement. HOW TO USE the new option For Treasurers to access the new payment option, select the link from the Chapter Information screen that says “Click here to make a payment for this chapter” and proceed through the prompts. Select any open invoice line item(s) to subtotal your payment, then select “Next” at the bottom of the screen. The following screen will ask you to enter the information for the checking account you wish to use. All of the information required to process an electronic check in the Officer Portal can be found on your paper check. The amount charged is based on the line items on the invoices you are selecting to pay; each line item you select will be charged in full. If your chapter is making payments on a “Receivable Balance Forward”, you may specify the amount to pay toward that line item. Please use e-check AND consolidate your payments rather than paying line items individually; submitting multiple payments raises administrative costs since per-transactions fees are charged. Credit/debit card transactions are also available if needed. We know that you will enjoy this new option to pay via e-check and hope that it will aid in the speed with which your payments can be received and processed. Be sure to add this information to officer training instructions for the incoming treasurers. 6 Alumnae Comment GREGORY DICKENS Publications Manager RUTH SIEBER JOHNSON Executive Director CONTACT US 828.251.0606 [email protected] 2 2 collegiate comment Sigma Phi members and MITs regularly perform at local nursing homes. Sigma Alpha — llinois Wesleyan University The chapter celebrated Valentine’s Day this year with an annual fundraiser in our School of Music called Cupcake Crushes. For this event, students and faculty bought cupcakes for their special someone, friends, and faculty and wrote them a personal note. Then our sisters got together the night preceding Valentine’s Day and baked enough cupcakes to feed our School of Music three times over! Students and faculty on campus received an email letting them know that someone had thought of them and where to pick up their note and cupcake. This year, over 600 cupcakes were ordered, which meant more than $600 was raised! This money went towards our Tomasson-Aubuchon Scholarship named after Janet Tomasson and Lillian C . Aubuchon, two of our outstanding alumnae. — Stephanie Jones, editor Sigma Beta — Ohio University The chapter held its annual “One Voice” event on April 4. All money raised at the event will go to My Sister’s Place, a shelter for battered women and their families in Athens, OH. Various women musicians performed at the event, including several performances by our sisters. Local businesses within the Athens community donated various items to place in gift baskets. Those who attend the event could purchase raffle tickets to win their desired gift basket. — Lauretta Werner, editor Sigma Phi — Louisiana State University Through our nursing home visits, the chapter lifts the spirits of Baton Rouge’s elders with songs of hope and cheer. We have had two visits this Sigma Beta members end the annual “One Voice” fundraiser by singing the SAI Chorale. Sigma Alpha held a Cupcake Crushes fundraiser for the Illinois Wesleyan University School of Music. Tempo! • May 2014 • Sigma Alpha Iota collegiate comment collegiate comment 3 Epsilon Iota members instructed a Girl Scout Troop in an evening of music. semester, and we are eager to continue this gratifying tradition. We begin the visits with “God Bless America,” inviting the residents to sing along with the songs they know. As we progress through the songbook, more residents begin to wander in, adding their voices to ours. Some sway to the rhythm as we sing “Amazing Grace,” “The Sound of Music,” and “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Peppier songs like “Hey Fightin’ Tigers” and “When the Saints Go Marching In” prompt everyone to clap and occasionally dance. The visits draw to a close far too quickly, and we bid the residents adieu. Grins on their faces, the elders express their gratitude and invite us to return. The success of our visits injects us with fresh perspective and renewed purpose as we face the semester’s challenges and opportunities. — Laura Gauggel, editor Iota Theta — University of North Texas Iota Theta is excited about 15 MITs – a record high in our chapter’s history! We are looking forward to further helping them on their journey to sisterhood. The chapter held a silent auction after our spring recital in April. Sisters put together baskets and requested donations from local businesses. Iota Theta sang the national anthem at the women’s basketball game on March 1. The girls prepared for weeks and gave a great performance. We have been asked to sing again at future softball games. We will be helping to install the new SAI chapter at Texas A&M Commerce. We are excited to be able to play a part in this important day in their chapter’s history and our Kappa B Province. — Laura Pavlas, editor Collegiate Comment Editor Rosalind B. Cratsley, Iota Alpha initiate, can be reached at [email protected]. Send photo submissions to Gregory Dickens at [email protected]. Sigma Alpha Iota • May 2014 •Tempo! Delta Zeta — Troy University, AL The chapter was able to represent the fraternity at the 80th Annual American Bandmasters Association. Four sisters — Chelsea Williams, Mallory Redmond, Allie Bowen, and Felecia Payn — and MIT Alex Baggett performed with the Troy University Symphony Band to open the convention. Performing at this concert is quite an honor for the chapter and band members. At the event, SAI Friend of the Arts Dr. Mark Walker was elected to membership in the American Bandmasters Association. This makes him the youngest person invited to this prestigious association. We are very proud of Dr. Walker as he continues to lead the band program at Troy University. Delta Zeta is also pleased to have eight MITs this semester. — Felecia Payne, editor Epsilon Iota — University of Tennessee at Martin The chapter helped the local Girl Scout Troop learn more about music with an eventful night of making shakers and singing rote and round songs. In return, the Girl Scouts invited the chapter to join the friendship circle and sing. CORRECTIONS In the April 2014 Tempo!, the Dallas Alumnae chapter report was edited incorrectly regarding awards; the editors apologize. The correct sentence reads, “Chosen as Province Alumnae Chapter Achievement Award winner many times, the chapter won the national award in 1967 and 1979….” Also, a photo incorrectly identified the Northern Illinois University SAI chapter as Iota Beta. It Is actually Beta Mu. Iota Beta is at Kentucky’s Murray State University. 4 4 collegiate comment Iota Theta members performed the national anthem at a University of North Texas women’s basketball game in March. “Helping the Girl Scouts is one of the best feelings I have ever had,” chapter member Andrea Edwards said. “Teaching the girls how to make music brought the biggest smile to my face.” Our upcoming events for this semester include flocking, an amateur musicale, and a trip to play at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In the future, we hope to continue working with the Girl Scout troops and spreading our love of music around the community. — Ashley Mendez, editor Epsilon Lambda — Belmont University, Nashville, TN On Jan. 18, the 39th Annual Miss Troup County Pageant was held at the Troup High School Fine Arts Auditorium in LaGrange, GA. Epsilon Lambda member Sydney Shadrix won the pageant and will be continuing on to compete for the title of Miss Georgia within the Miss America Organization. Sydney is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu as she studies Music Education with a classical voice principle. On another note, the chapter hosted Province Day this year in the Massey Boardroom at Belmont University on Feb. 22. We decided on the theme “Take Aim” because we wanted to aim toward the meanings of the National Objectives. Throughout the day, our sessions focused on good food, sisterhood, a musical activity, a unique historical presentation of our chapter, a silent auction, and penny wars! Best of all, the shapes and colors on our nametags represented the tables we would rotate to. Thus, we made it possible for each chapter to socialize and work together outside of their own. Isn’t that what sisterhood is about anyway? — Celine DuTemple, editor Eta Xi — Central Michigan University Eta Xi hosted the First Annual Music for the Kids 5K Run/Walk to raise funds for the Adopt-A-School program. The proceeds this year are going to the Gladwin High School Choirs. We will set aside a portion of the money to donate to SAI Philanthropies, Inc, also. The recipient musicians from CMU performed live at the event. — Ericka Gaffney, corresponding secretary Theta Lambda — Furman University, Greenville, SC The sisters are thrilled to announce the details of our annual National Philanthropy project! This year’s benefit concert took place April 7 in Daniel Recital Hall. The program, featuring performances by sisters and music faculty, featured music written by female composers, such as Pauline Viardot, Jane Vieu, and Amy Beach. Between performances, Dr. Laura Kennedy offered her insight on the historical importance of each composer to the achievement of women in music. This event is recognized by Furman University as part of its Cultural Life Program. All proceeds from this concert will be donated to SAI Philanthropies, Inc. to be used in support of music therapy projects which seek to heal, rehabilitate, and enrich the lives of individuals through music. On March 6, Theta Lambda welcomed 11 Members-in-Training. VP-Membership Carolyn Craig has prepared a great fraternity education program to help prepare the MITs for the national membership exam. The sisterhood is delighted to guide these young women through the MIT process! — Elyse Marder, editor Theta Omicron — Central Methodist University, Fayette, MO On Jan. 7, MITs started their journey with the Theta Omicron chapter. The MITs have been busy with fundraisers, service projects, and bonding events. Theta Omicron is very excited to welcome the girls into the chapter. Meanwhile, the chapter sold scarves and headbands as a fundraiser and made over $200. Theta Omicron was busy planning its annual American Music Recital, which they co-host with the men of Phi Mu Alpha. At the recital, Theta Omicron had its annual autograph auctions. They have received autographs from Brad Paisley, Amanda Seyfriend, and many other celebrities. — Sarah Espino, editor Tempo! • May 2014 • Sigma Alpha Iota province and state days 5 Members of Lambda Iota, the hosting chapter for Lambda Day at their Phlea-Plam booth. Epsilon A Province Day Epsilon A’s Province Day was hosted by the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter on April 5 at Albright United Methodist Church in Milwaukee, WI. About 30 members from Rho, Theta Iota, Xi, and the Madison and Milwaukee Alumnae Chapters attended. The Getting to Know You theme was introduced with a special welcome song (“Getting to know you, getting to know all our Sisters!”) and carried into the Musicale – Getting to Know You and Your Music. Province Officer Sandy Erickson shared greetings from SAI National President Leslie Odom Miller and presented the Nurturing Sisterhood PowerPoint developed by Joyce Garcia, NVPFraternity Development, as the keynote address. Enthusiastic discussion on the accompanying questions reinforced the value and importance of nurturing lifelong sisterhood in SAI. The Founders’ Day Ritual, pictures, chapter reports, and an excellent panel on the value of networking filled the afternoon. Province Day ended with the singing of “Weave” and the Closing Ritual. We are grateful to the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter for a lovely day and job well done. — Sandy Erickson, Epsilon A PO Lambda Day Lambda Day, February 1, 2014, hosted by Lambda Iota at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL, had more than 100 attendees representing 15 SAI chapters in Region VI from Florida and southern Georgia. SAI National President, Dr. Leslie Odom Miller, who served as keynote speaker, started the day with enthusiasm and inspiration. Workshops offered attendees insight into integrating technology within music education, understanding sound on film, maintaining vocal health, and navigating the music business, among other subjects. Collegiate and alumnae forums allowed chapters to share recruitment and planning ideas. Phlea-Phlam raised an impressive total for SAI Philanthropies, Inc. The Lambda Iota Chapter raffled off a set of 3-foot tall SAI letters won by Zeta Tau (University of Central Florida). Lambda Day attendees also contributed to an all-chapter donation for the local women and children’s domestic abuse shelter, Harbor House. The day closed with a Fr.Ed. presentation on recruitment, a musicale with an eclectic mix of performances, and a group sing-a-long. Lambda Sigma Alpha Iota • May 2014 •Tempo! Day was a huge success, with delicious food, valuable experiences, and an ever-strengthened sisterhood. — Caitriona Kagan, Lambda Iota editor Phi Province Day The New York Alumnae Chapter was pleased to host Phi Province Day at the Turtle Bay Music School in Manhattan on March 2. More than 55 SAIs from across the Phi A and Phi B Provinces attended. The day included a variety of events, including a presentation by National Vice President, Fraternity Development Joyce Garcia entitled “Nurturing Sisterhood.” Garcia was joined by Region 8 RO Alice Berman; National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters Jessica Chichester; and Communications Director Michelle Ingram for a panel discussion. The day continued with breakout sessions, covering communications, finance, recruitment/social events, and service, and a musical and singalong. Julie Ruylak, Executive Director of the Turtle Bay Music School, was initiated as a Friend of the Arts. — Karen Birch Blundell, editor Illinois State Day Sigma Delta was honored to host Illinois State Day on Feb. 22. Ninety SAIs attended, including members of Upsilon A and B, Gamma A and B, and Region V Region Officer Peggy Glennie. The opening ceremony was held in the Levis Conference Center, followed by the Keynote Address by Member Laureate Dr. Linda Moorhouse. After the address, members attended a ukulele ensemble session, a social media session, or a fundraising roundtable discussion. A buffet lunch was followed by a Phlea-Phlam. The Phi Mu Alpha Chapter of University of Illinois serenaded during lunch. After lunch, sisters performed at a musicale, along with the ukulele ensemble from the earlier session. There were three more rounds of sessions in the afternoon. The day ended with an Initiation Ceremony for Julia McCarren, the new sister of Sigma Delta. The Sigma Delta chapter thanks the State Day committee, led by Kailey Draves; President of Sigma Delta, Megan Duffy; and the Urbana Alumnae chapter for their time and ideas to make for an unforgettable State Day. —Ann Buchanan, Sigma Delta editor 6 6 alumnae comment Members Members of of the the Des Des Moines Moines Alumnae Alumnae Chapter Chapter volunteered volunteered for for the the Iowa Iowa Public Public Television Television Festival’s Festival’s telethon. telethon. Dr. Barbara Harbach, newly initiated National Arts Associate (left), and Jane Cary, Buffalo Alumnae Chapter president. On March 7, composer/organist/harpsichordist/educator Dr. Barbara Harbach of St. Louis, MO, was initiated as a National Arts Associate at a beautiful ceremony at Kenmore United Methodist Church, Kenmore, NY. Following the initiation, Dr. Harbach, professor of music at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, presented a wonderful lecture/ recital of music by women composers for the organ, from the 16th century to the present. The recital was part of the monthlong 2014 Western New York Women in the Arts Festival that included a performance at Canisius College by Jane Cary and recording secretary Karen Schmid; a March 4 lecture on “Women’s Musical Roles in 18th-Century America” by Cary; a March 16 piano and chamber music recital of music by women composers at which Schmid played several “Songs for Piano” by Fanny Mendelssohn; a “Classical Music for Kids” event presented on March 17 by Sabrina Peña Young; and a screening of “Libertaria: the Virtual Opera” by Young on March 21. — Carol Harris, editor Dayton (OH) Buffalo (NY) A Feb. 8 “Hands on Handbells” workshop was led by chapter past presidents Marilyn Obermeyer and Laura Buechi, at which members learned various ringing techniques and played several anthems. A special part of that event was the affiliation of Megan McElfresh Augspurger. In other member news, current chapter president Jane Cary and chapter members Dr. Kathleen Keenan-Takagi and Sabrina Peña Young assisted at the Buffalo Philharmonic Instrument Zoo on Feb. 16 in which instruments were demonstrated to young children prior to the BPO concert. The chapter awarded a $500 scholarship to pianist Molly Guinan, a junior Delta Sigma initiate at the University of Dayton majoring in music therapy. She performed selections from Brahms, Debussy, and Chopin at the chapter meeting. She is a member of the university music therapy club, performing at the Dayton’s Children Hospital, Widow’s Home, and St. Vincent de Paul emergency shelter. She volunteers at the Hospice of Dayton and participates in the university children’s Christmas program. — Marilyn Tolnitch, VP-publicity Des Moines (IA) The chapter has continued several successful projects this year. We held our second annual chapter recital, raised $1,400 for Des Moines Public Schools music programs through a bookfair at Barnes & Noble, and volunteered at Iowa Public Television’s Festival telethon as onair pledge-takers. Many of our members participate in a one-on-one mentoring program with Pi Chapter members at Drake University, and we hold special social events with Pi seniors to encourage alumnae Tempo! • May 2014 • Sigma Alpha Iota alumnae comment membership. We affiliated four new members in the fall, bringing our chapter membership to 51 women. — Stacie Bendixen, editor Kansas City (MO) Our annual Scholarship Auditions were held on March 8 at Faith Lutheran Church, Prairie Village, KS. Thirty college-level performers auditioned for three judges to compete for a total of $6,000 in scholarships. Five recipients were chosen to receive the scholarships which ranged in amount from $1,000 to $1,500 each. Chairman Pam Pendergast, Karen McGhee-Hensel, and Carol Dale are the members of our Scholarship Audition Committee and did excellent work in preparing for and conducting the auditions. In conjunction with the Kansas City Music Therapists, we presented a Sensory Friendly Concert on March 15 at Central United Methodist Church, Kansas City, MO. The concert was presented for children and adults with autism and other sensory processing difficulties who might not be able to exhibit the traditionally expected audience behaviors. Autistic individuals sometimes react to music by shouting out, jumping up, repetitive movements, walking around, and sometimes need to move to a quieter place when the music provides too much stimulation. Our concert provided an opportunity for these individuals to attend a concert of high quality live music performances on a variety of instruments and with varied voices in a relaxed, welcoming setting. A reception followed the concert. Chapter editor Vicki Hedger, treasurer Marilyn Miller, VPmembership Elaine Minden, and member Julie Watson attended Pi Province Day on March 22 at Truman State University in Kirksville, MO. Epsilon Pi Chapter hosted the event, which included workshops on steel pan drum playing; Shim Sham solo swing dance class; Friends of the Arts community activities and a workshop presented by our members, “Life after College . . . Alumnae Chapter Membership.” Miller and Minden sang a duet, accompanied by Watson in the musicale. Watson also played a piano solo in the musicale and accompanied a singalong of SAI songs. — Vicki Hedger, editor Minneapolis/St. Paul (MN) The chapter met Feb. 8 at Stephanie Danek’s home, starting off with the “Every Song Campaign” fraternity sing. The affiliation ritual was performed for new member, Nancy Jamieson, a Sigma Sigma initiate from the University of Minnesota. On Feb. 14, at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church, the chapter and Mu Phi Epsilon held a joint musicale beginning with Jean Krinke, organ, and Sandra Saliny, piano, performing Zucchinetti, followed by Krinke performing Paul Manz’s Partita on St. Anne. Jim Reilly, tenor, and Beatrice Giere, piano, performed two songs by Dvořák and four songs by Viteslava Kapralova. Dolores Lenore, piano, and Charlotte Palmiter, clarinet, ended the program with five movements of Jazzosphere 3 2012 by Joseph Makholm. Judy Boylan, Regional Director of the Upper Midwest Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, was initiated as a Patroness of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter in March. Sigma Alpha Iota • May 2014 •Tempo! 7 On Feb.19, renowned guitarist Sharon Isbin performed in Minneapolis; Madalyn Staupe Traun and Sharon Isbin had concertized together when Sharon was 16; Traun presented Isbin with a Rose. A year later, Isbin launched her global career. On March 9, chapter members joined Sigma Sigma for the initiation of Judy Boylan, Regional Director, Upper Midwest Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions, as a Patroness. Katherine Majkrzak, soprano, and Susan Anderson-Benson, piano, performed original music by Majkrzak: Four Men from St. Paul; No Place Like Home; Tell Me About Africa. Aja Majkrzak, violin, and Kathryn Karg, piano, performed Violin Concerto No. 4 in D Major, I. Allegro by Mozart. — Madalyn Staupe Traun, editor Raleigh/Durham (NC) At our February meeting, we began officer and awards nominations. Members of the alumnae chapter are eager to recognize the hard work of our fellow sisters. The chapter is pleased to welcome Jennifer Fredette as our newest affiliate. She is an Iota Tau initiate from the University of North Carolina. We would also like to congratulate member Mary-Beth Hein, for the recent donation she received from the John Deere Foundation on behalf of the Human Beans Together, Inc. which is an organization dedicated to assisting the homeless and food insecure. On March 15, the chapter performed a musicale at the Durham Veteran’s Hospital and donated food and personal care items to the organization. Our last instrument petting zoo of the year also took place on March 22nd at the East Regional Library. The chapter is pleased to share the love of music with more than 200 children again this year. Chapter members enjoyed the Province Day festivities provided by the Beta Psi Chapter at East Carolina University. The members of Beta Psi hosted a fantastic day of sisterhood in spite of the treacherous weather. Alumnae members were pleased we could take part in this joyous event. — Johanna Wolf, editor Rockford (IL) In February, members volunteered at our largest annual service project. SAIs were room monitors for the local Mendelssohn Performing Arts Center (MPAC) Chandler Starr Miller Scholarship Competition. Monetary awards were given to students ages 8 to 23 in the areas of piano, voice, strings, and other instruments. This competition serves to promote arts education in the Rockford area. As appreciation for our assistance, the chapter is allowed to use some of MPAC’s beautiful performance facilities. Our March meeting was in one of those facilities, Emerson House, where we collaborated with the Rockford chapter of the American Association of University Women. Member Martha Dahlberg gave a lecture on the life of pianist and composer Amy Cheney Beach, and several SAIs performed some of the composer’s works as part of the presentation. — Sarah Thurber-Fiorenza, editor San Francisco Peninsula (CA) This chapter was chartered in 1960 as Santa Clara Valley Alumnae when it separated from the earlier San Francisco Alumnae and East Bay Alumnae chapters. We would like to write a tribute to one of our founding members, Edie Marshall, for her many outstanding years of service to the Fraternity. Edie is currently serving in her third term as Region I Regional Officer, which succeeded her work as Delta A Province Officer. This has involved great dedication to SAI and a great amount of time. For many prior years she served our chapter in many capacities, notably as president, INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FRATERNITY TEMPO! May 2014 ONE TUNNEL ROAD Asheville, NC 28805 The Raleigh/Durham Alumnae Chapter performed a musicale at the Durham Veteran’s Hospital and held an instrument petting zoo in March. as the willing hostess for yearly meetings, luncheons, special events, and for her presentation of beautiful organ solos in public musicales. She has been honored by the Fraternity with the Sword of Honor, Rose of Honor, Rose of Dedication, and Rose of Constancy. An Alpha Omicron initiate at Occidental College, she became a working church organist when she finished college, as well as a career teacher (K-1st music specialist) for nearly 30 years. She retired after serving her final church for 38 years. We are proud to salute our sister Edie Marshall for putting her love of Sigma Alpha Iota into full action. — Marge Cassingham, editor Washington (DC) The chapter participated in a celebration of the life of Helen Byrn May at a special memorial concert held at the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC. Helen served as chapter president and Province Officer, directed the Graduate Performance Awards Competitions, and was a recipient of the Ring of Excellence. The ceremony included performances by Member Laureate Jessye Norman, founding member of Delta Nu at Howard University, Honorary Member Ann Schein, Friend of the Arts Frank Conlon, and National Arts Associates Earl Carlyss and Carlos Cesar Rodriguez. SAI National President Leslie Odom Miller and Executive Director Ruth Sieber Johnson represented the national officers, and roses were presented to each of the performers by members of our chapter, Delta Nu, Gamma Epsilon (University of Maryland), and Mu Epsilon (George Mason University). This winter we welcomed our newest affiliate, People-to-People Director Dr. Liana Valente, an initiate of Gamma Rho at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Performances were given by Robin Pike, flute, and Sharon Shafer, piano, in our 33rd Annual Goodwin House public musicale. Members Mary K Traver, Dina Fleming, and Karen Egypt played piano selections for a Valentine’s musicale. This spring, the chapter will celebrate Founder’s Day with a presentation by composer Scott Pender and a ceremony honoring our 19 members who have over 50 years of service to the fraternity. — Janet McKinney, editor Save the dates — July 23-27, 2015 in St. Louis
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