Fall 2010 Dear VP Membership,
Fall 2010 Dear VP Membership,
Fall 2010 Dear VP Membership, Membership Training is an exciting time for every sister. Whether she is a Member-inTraining (MIT), a Guiding Star, or an active member of the Sisterhood, each woman has something invested in the training period. The MITs look to all the members of your chapter (especially you and their Guiding Star) for answers regarding the Sisterhood, the benefits of membership, and what they will be able to contribute to the chapter in its efforts to further the aims and ideals of the Fraternity. New members perpetuate your chapter and provide ongoing support to the communities the chapter serves – the school, the local area, and the SAI community as a whole. It is your job as VPM to ensure that each MIT is fully prepared to be initiated into our Sisterhood – on time, and without question. MITs are responsible for many things, too, including: 1) a genuine desire to become a member of our sisterhood; 2) a willingness to meet financial obligations in a timely manner; and 3) a true commitment to SAI. There is no doubt in our minds that this is a huge task. We cannot ask that one woman do this all by herself. So, in that regard, remember that you have a chapter full of women who can help, whenever you need. The fraternity also has many tools at your disposal, including the membership recruitment dvd, the SAI website, PAN PIPES, Tempo! national newsletter, brochures on membership and Philanthropies, and our promotional booklet. As you will notice in this MIT Training Outline, there are many activities that allow you to encourage the participation of Guiding Stars and other members of the chapter. In many ways this will promote chapter oneness from the very beginning of an MIT’s life as an SAI. Your training meetings are to be open to any active sister who would like to attend. At the same time, remember, you are ultimately responsible for the training of the MITs. Use your resources wisely. Seek out exciting and creative ways to implement the following outline. Although this outline creates a standardized teaching plan, we feel that we have left sufficient room for you to teach in your individual style, always keeping in mind the highest ethical standards and the ideals of SAI. Good luck, and enjoy your time guiding and teaching the SAIs of the future! In Sisterhood, Your NEB Revised 7/2010 CONTENTS-Designed for a Four Week Training. Adjust as needed. Section I - The History of Sigma Alpha Iota The History of Sigma Alpha Iota (MIT Week One) The Purpose of Sigma Alpha Iota Sigma Alpha Iota in the United States and the World Worksheet 1—The History of SAI Worksheet 1—The History of SAI – ANSWER KEY Sigma Alpha Iota Statement On Hazing And Pre-Initiation Activities: To be signed by all Members-in-Training 3 4 5 6 7 8-9 Section II – Responsibilities of Membership/Member Finances/Awards Responsibilities of Membership/Finances/Awards (MIT Week Two) Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership – ANSWER KEY Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards – ANSWER KEY Review 1—The History of SAI 8 12 15 18 20 22 Section III – The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota (MIT Week Three) Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota – ANSWER KEY Review 2—The Responsibilities of Membership Review 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards 23 24 25 27 29 31 Section IV – Sigma Alpha Iota Governing Documents Sigma Alpha Iota Governing Documents (MIT Week Four) A Brief Guide to the Articles of Association and Bylaws Your Chapter Bylaws Review 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota 33 34 36 37 Appendix Vice President Membership Checklist Activity Guide & Additional Resources 38 39 All worksheets and forms may be duplicated. These are also available on the SAI website at www.sai-national.org. 2 Section I – The History of Sigma Alpha Iota (MIT Week One) Material to be covered: • • • • • • • • • Date and place of Founding Names of Founders Purpose of Sigma Alpha Iota Number of active chapters, active alumnae chapters, total initiated membership since 1903, and total supporting, dues-paying members International Chapter - A member living more than 50 miles away from an SAI chapter may affiliate with the International Chapter Province information, including Province name, Province Officer, listing of active schools and chapters in the province, both collegiate and alumnae Your chapter name and date of charter* SAI policies on hazing and substance abuse SAI Chorale Teaching tools: • • • • • • Manual for Members (pp. ii, 1 – 2, 8, 41 – 43)** Map of chapters History of your chapter* The SAI Chorale, found in the Manual for Members and the SAI Songbook** Worksheet 1 Current year’s statistics (www.sai-national.org) Sisterhood activity suggestions: • • • Compile “MIT Books” – a scrapbook for each MIT to commemorate her training period (Guiding Stars could help with this). This is NOT a signature book and absolutely may not be required of any MIT. Help members and MITs get to know each other by writing short biographies Write a group letter introducing the MITs to area Alumnae, Patronesses and province chapters (include MIT “bios”) *This background information is not to be learned for the national exam. **Each MIT will have her own personal copies of the Manual for Members and the SAI Songbook. They will be sent from National Headquarters when you fill out the Report of Pledging online. THIS IS TO BE DONE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FORMAL PLEDGING. 3 The Purpose of Sigma Alpha Iota • TO FORM chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere interest in music. • TO UPHOLD the highest standards of music. • TO FURTHER the development of music in America and throughout the world. • TO GIVE inspiration and encouragement to members. • TO ORGANIZE the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota members as a contributing factor to their educational growth. • TO SUPPORT the ideals and goals of the member's Alma Mater. • TO ADHERE to the highest standards of citizenship in school, community and fraternity life. 4 Sigma Alpha Iota in the United States and the World The International Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota is made up of initiated members who are residing more than 50 miles from an active chapter. Members who affiliate with the International Chapter will receive the IC newsletter, and will be represented at National Convention by the Director of the International Chapter. Upon graduation, members are invited to stay active in SAI through the National Alumnae Association and to affiliate with a local alumnae chapter for the continued benefits of sisterhood and for shared service to the field of music. 5 Worksheet 1—The History of SAI Sigma Alpha Iota was founded on _______________________________ at the _______________________________________________. Name the seven founders of Sigma Alpha Iota: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Purposes of Sigma Alpha Iota • To ______ chapters of women ______________ students and _________ who have a sincere interest in ________________. • To _______________ the highest standards of _______________. • To further the ________________ of music in _______________ and throughout the _______________________. • To give _______________ and ____________________ to its members. • To _____________ the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota _____________ as a contributing ______________ to their educational ______________. • To ___________ the ideals and ________________ of the member’s ___________ ____________________. • To adhere to the highest standards of ___________ in school, community and _______________ life. Hazing Policy of SAI and local school—signature sheet, stating compliance with all policies, to be signed and returned to National Headquarters. Be able to summarize. Chapters of SAI Our SAI chapter’s name is ___________________________________. Our province is ____________________________________________. Our Region is . And our Province Officer’s name is ______________________________. The other active chapters in our province are: Collegiate Chapters Alumnae Chapters 6 Worksheet 1—The History of SAI – continued Sigma Alpha Iota Statement of Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities Hazing is defined as: “___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________.” Such activities include road trips, ____________ wearing of apparel which is _______________ and not normally in good taste, engaging in __________ stunts and late work _____________ which interfere with ___________________ _________________________. Sigma Alpha Iota, with all members of the ____________ _____________ ______________, condemns the hazing of prospective _______________. Sigma Alpha Iota recognizes and _______________ that the pre-initiation period is a time for ________________, inspiration, and dedication of the candidate, and a time for the _________________ of professionalism, ethics and ________________ through exposure to the ______________ and responsibilities of membership as __________________ by our college and alumnae __________________. Your VPM will have a copy of this statement for you. 7 Worksheet 1—The History of SAI – ANSWER KEY Sigma Alpha Iota was founded on June 12, 1903 at the University School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Name the seven founders of Sigma Alpha Iota: 1. Mary Storrs Andersen 2. Elizabeth Campbell 3. Frances Caspari 4. Nora Crane Hunt 5. Leila Farlin Laughlin 6. Georgina Potts 7. Minnie Davis Sherrill The Purposes of Sigma Alpha Iota • To form chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere interest in music. • To uphold the highest standards of music. • To further the development of music in America and throughout the world. • To give inspiration and encouragement to its members. • To organize the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota members as a contributing factor to their educational growth. • To support the ideals and goals of the member’s Alma Mater. • To adhere to the highest standards of citizenship in school, community and fraternity life. Chapters of SAI Our SAI chapter’s name is ___________________________________. Our province is ____________________________________________. Our region is . And our Province Officer’s name is ______________________________. The other active chapters in our province are (VPM, fill this in for your chapter): Collegiate Chapters Alumnae Chapters 8 SAI Hazing and Substance Abuse Policy Agreement Date: ____________ Province: _______________ Region: ______ Chapter: _____________________________________ Officer submitting form: ________________________ (Name and Office) THIS FORM MUST BE RETURNED TO NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR, AND FOR EACH NEW MIT CLASS. All members and MITs (members-in-training) READ THIS FORM and sign below, signifying UNDERSTANDING OF and COMPLIANCE WITH Sigma Alpha Iota’s policy on hazing and substance abuse. “Hazing is defined as ’any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers mental or physical health or any action taken or situation created which produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule.’ Such activities and situations include road trips, public wearing of apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts, and late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities.” Sigma Alpha Iota, with all members of the Professional Fraternity Association, condemns the hazing of prospective initiates. We also affirm and support the National Pan Hellenic Council in their efforts to abolish the practice of using line names, line numbers, families, family trees, and like practices by Greek Organizations. Sigma Alpha Iota recognizes and affirms that the pre-initiation period is a time for education for the candidate, and a time for the promotion of professionalism, ethics, and dignity through exposure to the privileges and responsibilities of membership as exhibited by our college and alumnae chapters. By signing this agreement, we will abide by and honor the policies of Sigma Alpha Iota. Further, Sigma Alpha Iota believes that all members deserve the inherent privilege to develop their full potential through quality fraternity association. Therefore, the National Executive Board has adopted the following substance abuse guidelines for chapters: *All collegiate chapter functions shall be free of alcohol and of all controlled substances. *All chapters, members, and guests must abide by federal, state, local, and college-university laws. It has always been expected that SAIs will conduct themselves with dignity in all situations, reflecting the ideals of Sigma Alpha Iota. I, as an individual and a member of ______________________ chapter have read both the SAI protocol for Hazing Allegations and the SAI Protocol for Substance Abuse Allegations. I agree to abide by the policies of the Fraternity as stated in those documents, as stated above, and in the Fraternity national bylaws. If found responsible for violating these policies, I understand disciplinary action will be taken by the NEB in accordance with Article XVI of the SAI National Bylaws. 3/2011 (Continue on back) SAI Hazing and Substance Abuse Policy Agreement 9 Section II – Responsibilities of Membership (MIT Week Two) Material to be covered: • • • • Names and offices of National Executive Board (NEB) Privileges of membership Responsibilities of membership Sigma Alpha Iota Member Finances: 1) MIT fees (local/national) and when they are due (when invitation to membership is accepted, and before formal pledging ceremony) 2) Initiation fees (local/national) and when they are due (at the time of the exam) 3) Explanation of Lifetime Lease for SAI badge {choice of Vermeil (gold electroplate over sterling silver), semi-crown set pearls or upgrade to 10k gold full-crown, better quality} 4) Annual dues (local/ national) and when they are due (national dues will not be charged until the year following initiation) • • • Awards and corresponding jewelry Accessory jewelry (i.e. chapter guard, etc) SAI Chorale Teaching tools: • • • • • • • • • Manual for Members (pp. 6 – 8, 12 – 17, 20 – 23) Hazing Policy of the Fraternity and School SAI national website, www.sai-national.org Jewelry brochure for SAI’s official jeweler Your SAI badge and accessory jewelry SAI Songbook Worksheet 2 Worksheet 3 Review 1 Sisterhood activity suggestions: • • • “Name the Person” game (use Founders, NEB and PO) Attend a concert as a group, or another activity that specifically addresses one of the Purposes of SAI SAI Sing-along with actives (focusing on the Chorale) 10 The Privileges of Membership in Sigma Alpha Iota • • • • • • • To wear the badge as an introduction to all Sigma Alpha Iota collegiate, alumnae, and distinguished members. To impact music around the world utilizing Sigma Alpha Iota resources. To seek the highest goals of personal development and achievement with the support and encouragement of the Fraternity and its members. To promote American music, contribute to Sigma Alpha Iota’s philanthropic projects, and participate in the Fraternity’s scholarship and grant programs. To work with fraternity leaders to promote Sigma Alpha Iota’s Mission and high standards of musicianship and scholarship. To benefit from leadership opportunities within the national organization. To attend Province Days, National Conventions, and other fraternity events to cultivate friendships with other Sigma Alpha Iota members who share our love of music. The Responsibilities of Membership in Sigma Alpha Iota • • • • • • To represent the fraternity positively at all times To cultivate broad friendships and be democratic in all campus contacts To be ethical at all times To respect the authority of chapter, province and national officers To refrain from the discussion of internal fraternity affairs with non-members To practice the high ideals of Sigma Alpha Iota at all times 11 Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership The Privileges of Membership • To wear the _________ as an ________________ to all Sigma Alpha Iota collegiate, alumnae, and distinguished members. • To impact _________around the world utilizing Sigma Alpha Iota _________. • To seek the highest goals of personal _________ and _________ with the _________ and _________ of the Fraternity and its members. • To promote _________ _________, contribute to Sigma Alpha Iota’s _________ projects, and participate in the Fraternity’s _________ and _________ programs. • To work with fraternity _________ to promote Sigma Alpha Iota’s _________ and high standards of _________ and _________. • To benefit from _________ _________within the national organization. • To attend _________ _________, _________ _________, and other fraternity events to cultivate _________ with other Sigma Alpha Iota members who share our love of _________. 12 Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership, continued The Responsibilities of Membership • To _______________ the fraternity ______________ at all times. • To _________________ broad _________________ and be ___________________ in all campus contacts. • To be _________________ at all ______________________. • To ______________ the authority of ___________________, province and national _______________________. • To __________________ from the discussion of ________________ fraternity affairs with __________________. • To ________________ the high ____________ of Sigma Alpha Iota at all times. The Governance of SAI SAI is governed by the _________________ ________________, which is composed of ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________. Between conventions, the National Executive Board (NEB) conducts fraternity business. The following officers comprise the NEB: National President ______________________________________________________________ National Vice President, Extension & Fraternity Development ___________________________ National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters _________________________________________ National Vice President, Alumnae Chapters __________________________________________ National Vice President, Membership_______________________________________________ National Vice President, Ritual & Fraternity Education _________________________________ National Vice President, Finance___________________________________________________ Chairman, SAI Philanthropies, Inc. __________________________________________________ Executive Director ______________________________________________________________ 13 Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership – ANSWER KEY The Privileges of Membership • To wear the badge as an introduction to all Sigma Alpha Iota collegiate, alumnae, and distinguished members. • To impact music around the world utilizing Sigma Alpha Iota resources. • To seek the highest goals of personal development and achievement with the support and encouragement of the Fraternity and its members. • To promote American music, contribute to Sigma Alpha Iota’s philanthropic projects, and participate in the Fraternity’s scholarship and grant programs. • To work with fraternity leaders to promote Sigma Alpha Iota’s Mission and high standards of musicianship and scholarship. • To benefit from leadership opportunities within the national organization. • To attend Province Days, National Conventions, and other fraternity events to cultivate friendships with other Sigma Alpha Iota members who share our love of music. The Responsibilities of Membership • To represent the fraternity positively at all times. • To cultivate broad friendships and be democratic in all campus contacts. • To be ethical at all times. • To respect the authority of chapter, province and national officers. • To refrain from the discussion of internal fraternity affairs with non-members. • To practice the high ideals of Sigma Alpha Iota at all times. 14 Worksheet 2—The Responsibilities of Membership – ANSWER KEY, continued The Governance of SAI Today, SAI is governed by the National Convention, which is composed of one delegate from each college and each alumnae chapter, and the members of the National Officers Conference who are in attendance. Between conventions, the National Executive Board (NEB) conducts fraternity business. The following officers comprise the NEB as of January 2009 (always consult the current officers list and SAI website): National President Elizabeth Nordling National Vice President, Alumnae Chapters Dr. Leslie Odom Miller National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters Christine D. Bruns National Vice President, Extension & Fraternity Development Marcie Richardson National Vice President, Finance Jennifer M. Zerangue National Vice President, Membership Sue Bermann National Vice President, Ritual & Fraternity Education Dr. Deborah Volker Chairman, SAI Philanthropies, Inc. Daryle J. Gardner-Bonneau, Ph.D. Executive Director Ruth Sieber Johnson 15 Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances and Awards Financial Obligations The national MIT fee of $_____ is due ________________________. The National Initiation fee of $______ and any optional fee for badge upgrade must be paid for at the time of the . Does your chapter have any local MIT fees? If so, describe them here: _____________________________________________________________________________ National dues are $ _______ for a whole year and $ ______ for a half year, for the next school year following initiation. Describe your local chapter dues __________________________________________________ When are they due? ____________________________________________________________ There are 2 different regulation badges available: • • Vermeil (gold electroplate over sterling silver), semi-crown set pearls 10K gold with full crown set pearls, better quality (available as an optional upgrade) Individual Honors- Write a brief description of these awards members can receive: Sword of Honor or Patroness Sword of Honor _____________________________________ Ruby Sword of Honor Rose of Honor________________________________________________________________ Rose of Dedication ___________________________________________________________ Wreath of Achievement Rose of Constancy Ring of Excellence ___________________________________________________________ 16 Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances and Awards, continued Scholastic Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Collegiate Honor Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Sword of Honor _____________________________________________________________________________ National Outstanding Treasurer Award (Collegiate and Alumnae) _____________________________________________________________________________ National Collegiate Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ National Alumnae Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ National Outstanding Advisor Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Dorothy Whinery Special Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ 17 Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards – ANSWER KEY Financial Obligations The national MIT fee of $50.00 is due at the Pledging ceremony. The National Initiation fee of $250.00 is due at the time of the National Exam. Does your chapter have any local MIT fees? If so, describe them here: _____________________________________________________________________________ National dues are $35.00 for a whole year and $17.50 for a half year, for the next school year after initiation. Describe your local chapter dues __________________________________________________ When are they due? ____________________________________________________________ There are 2 different regulation badges available: • • Vermeil (gold electroplate over sterling silver), semi-crown set pearls, (included in initiation fee) 10K gold with full crown set pearls, better quality (available as an optional upgrade) Individual Honors: write a brief description of these awards members can receive: Sword of Honor A gold sword given for outstanding fraternity service, or for exceptional campus or community leadership. Patroness Sword of Honor is the same sword, but with a sapphire inset, given to a patroness Ruby Sword of Honor A gold sword inset with a ruby, given each year for the candidate chosen as the Province Leadership Award winner. Rose of Honor A gold rose with a ruby center, given only to those alumna or patronesses who have given outstanding or extraordinary service to the fraternity, the community, and the local chapter. Wreath of Achievement A gold circle of laurel leaves with the crest, awarded for continued outstanding and faithful service to the local chapter, the community, the fraternity (beyond the local level), and music. Rose of Dedication A gold rose with a pearl center, surrounded by the laurel wreath, given for 25 years or more of outstanding continuous service to the fraternity, to the community and the local chapter. Rose of Constancy A gold rose with a pearl center, given for 35 years of outstanding and continued service to the chapter, the community, the fraternity (beyond the local level), and music. Ring of Excellence The fraternity’s highest award is a ring in the shape of the fraternity badge with two engraved roses on the shaft. It may be given for outstanding service to the National Organization, or given to an internationally renowned artist, scholar or teacher who was initiated as a college or non-student member. 18 Worksheet 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards – ANSWER KEY, continued Scholastic Award Awarded annually to the graduating senior in each college chapter who has attained the highest scholastic average during her college years and whom the head of the Music Department recommends. Collegiate Honor Award Awarded annually to a collegiate member recognized for outstanding musicianship, scholarship, and fraternity service and whom the head of the Music Department recommend. Diamond Sword of Honor – Regional Alumnae Leadership Award A diamond sword awarded annually for outstanding service to the fraternity, the local chapter, and the community. National Outstanding Treasurer Award (Collegiate and Alumnae) Presented annually from nominations submitted by province officers. National Collegiate Leadership Award Awarded annually and selected from the Province Leadership Award winners. National Alumnae Leadership Award Awarded annually and selected from the Regional Alumnae Leadership Award winners. National Outstanding Advisor Award Presented annually from nominations submitted by collegiate chapters. Dorothy Whinery Special Leadership Award Presented only on very special occasions to an outstanding SAI. 19 Review 1—The History of SAI Sigma Alpha Iota was founded on _______________________________ at the _______________________________________________. Name the seven founders of Sigma Alpha Iota: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Purposes of Sigma Alpha Iota • To ______ chapters of women ______________ students and _________ who have a sincere interest in ________________. • To _______________ the highest standards of _______________. • To further the ________________ of music in _______________ and throughout the _______________________. • To give _______________ and ____________________ to its members. • To _____________ the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota _____________ as a contributing ______________ to their educational ______________. • To ___________ the ideals and ________________ of the member’s ___________ ____________________. • To adhere to the highest standards of ___________ in school, community and _______________ life. Chapters of SAI Our SAI chapter’s name is ___________________________________. Our province is __________________________________. Our region is ____________. And our Province Officer’s name is ______________________________. The other chapters in our province are: Collegiate Chapters Alumnae Chapters 20 Section III – The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota (MIT Week Three) Material to be covered: • • • • • Types of Membership PAN PIPES, Tempo! National newsletter, and national website SAI Philanthropies, Inc. SAI and the MacDowell Colony SAI Chorale Teaching tools: • Manual for Members (pp. 9 – 11, 24 – 31, 32 – 33) • From the Audio-Visual Library: The MacDowell Colony. An affectionate look at this unique artists' retreat, with which SAI has been associated for over 75 years; now in an exciting updated version. 13 minutes. * • Latest copy of PAN PIPES and Tempo! • Historical copies of PAN PIPES, 60th, 75th and 100th anniversaries (from your chapter files) • SAI Songbook (the Chorale should be close to memorized by this time) • Worksheet 3 • Review 2 Sisterhood activity suggestions: • • • • • • Distribute a list of Patronesses and Distinguished Members initiated by your chapter, or living in your area. Distribute a list of SAIs who are either Faculty and/or Staff on your campus. Invite SAIs who have had the benefit of one of the scholarships, internships, summer camps, etc to share their experiences. This may help to bring SAI Philanthropies, Inc. to life and encourage more sisters to aspire to take advantage of the opportunities. Invite an alumnae chapter president or representative, patroness, and faculty member to speak to the training class about what SAI means to them. From the Audio-Visual Library: MacDowell: An American Artists' Colony - This historical documentary includes filmed interviews with Aaron Copland and Leonard Bernstein. It gives us an inside view of the Colony and how it works. It is also the story of Marian MacDowell and how she turned 450 acres of New Hampshire farmland into the most creative piece of ground in America. Videotape or DVD, 60 minutes.* A reception to introduce the SAI faculty of the music department and the department chair * Contact the Director of the SAI Audio-Visual Project for information. 21 Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc., created in 1974 as a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, is the charitable arm of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity. Its mission is to support the educational and charitable goals of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity through philanthropic endeavors. The diverse projects of Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. are designed to: • • • • Promote all phases of music, including history, composition, performance, appreciation, and criticism, and to aid and recognize those learning or serving in any field of music Raise the standards of all aspects of music among students and teachers in American colleges, conservatories, and universities Develop stronger bonds of musical interest and understanding between foreign countries and the United States of America Receive property of any kind, whether real or personal, and to administer and apply such property and the income therefrom exclusively for charitable, educational, and literary purposes In serving these purposes, the work of Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. is under the supervision of its Board of Directors and is supported by Sigma Alpha Iota chapters, members, and interested friends throughout the country. 22 Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota Types of Membership Write a brief description of each type of SAI membership. 1. Collegiate Member 2. Alumnae Member 3. Patroness Member Describe the qualifications of each type of Distinguished Membership: 1. Member Laureate 2. Honorary 3. National Arts Associate 4. Friend of the Arts Name five Distinguished Members of SAI. (You may choose to select people associated with your chapter, or members who correlate with performance areas of your MITs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 23 Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota, continued Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc., created in as a tax-exempt, organization, is the charitable arm of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity. Its mission is to support the and through endeavors. goals of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity Fraternity Publications The fraternity journal, issued quarterly, is called . The national newsletter, published throughout the year, is called ______________________. The national website address is ____________________________. Benefits for Members and Non-Members List four Philanthropies grants for which chapters may apply: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit individual members: 1. 2. 3. Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit non-members: 1. 2. 3. Describe SAI’s association with the MacDowell Colony: Describe the Inter-American Music Awards: 24 Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota – ANSWER KEY Types of Membership Write a brief description of each type of SAI membership. 1. Collegiate Member A woman in an organized SAI chapter at one of over 210 music schools throughout the United States. Non-students who are trained, active musicians, may also be asked to join the college chapter. 2. Alumnae Member A woman initiated at a collegiate chapter of SAI who has since graduated or left school but still wishes to remain active in fraternity life. She supports the Fraternity through the National Alumnae Association and affiliation with a local alumnae chapter. 3. Patroness Member A woman who supports the arts in the community, and who has been invited by a collegiate or alumnae chapter to join SAI. Describe the qualifications of each type of Distinguished Membership: 1. Member Laureate An initiated member of the Fraternity who has achieved international distinction in the music profession. 2. Honorary A woman who has achieved international distinction in the music profession who is not an initiated member of Sigma Alpha Iota. 3. National Arts Associate A man or woman who is nationally recognized for distinguished contribution to the arts. 4. Friend of the Arts A man or woman who is supportive of and actively involved in the arts at a local or regional level. Name five Distinguished Members of SAI. (You may choose to select people associated with your chapter, or members who correlate with performance areas of your MITs.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 25 Worksheet 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota – ANSWER KEY, continued Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc. Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc., created in 1974 as a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, is the charitable arm of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity. Its mission is to support the educational and charitable goals of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity through philanthropic endeavors. The fraternity journal, issued quarterly, is called PAN PIPES. The national newsletter, published throughout the year, is called Tempo! The national website address is www.sai-national.org Benefits for Members and Non-Members List four Philanthropies grants for which chapters may apply: 1. Impact Project Grant 2. General Outreach 3. Music Therapy Outreach 4. Strings Outreach 5. Alumnae Seed Grant Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit individual members: 1. Kennedy Center Internship 2. Hazel E. Ritchey Loan Fund 3. Career Performance Grant 4. Founders Loan Fund 5. Summer Music Scholarships 6. Undergraduate Scholarships 7. Professional Development Grant 8. Jazz Studies Scholarship 9. Musical Theater Scholarship 10. Triennial Performance Scholarships (and others listed) Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit non-members 1. SAI Composers Bureau 2. People-to-People 3. Inter-American Music Awards (and others listed) 4. Impact Project Grants 5. Music Education Outreach Grants Describe SAI’s association with the MacDowell Colony: In 1916 SAI raised the necessary funds to build Pan’s Cottage on the MacDowell Colony property. Over the years, contributions from SAI chapters and individual members all across the country have built an endowment fund to assure that this obligation will continue to be met in perpetuity. Describe the Inter-American Music Awards: A triennial composition competition established in 1948, the Inter-American Music Awards competition is open to composers residing in North, Central and South America, with no age limit. 26 Review 2—The Responsibilities of Membership The Privileges of Membership • To wear the _________ as an ________________ to all Sigma Alpha Iota collegiate, alumnae, and distinguished members. • To impact _________around the world utilizing Sigma Alpha Iota _________. • To seek the highest goals of personal _________ and _________ with the _________ and _________ of the Fraternity and its members. • To promote _________ _________, contribute to Sigma Alpha Iota’s _________ projects, and participate in the Fraternity’s _________ and _________ programs. • To work with fraternity _________ to promote Sigma Alpha Iota’s _________ and high standards of _________ and _________. • To benefit from _________ _________within the national organization. • To attend _________ _________, _________ _________, and other fraternity events to cultivate _________ with other Sigma Alpha Iota members who share our love of _________. The Responsibilities of Membership (selected) • To _______________ the fraternity ______________ at all times. • To ______________ the authority of ___________________, province and national _______________________. • To __________________ from the discussion of ________________ fraternity affairs with __________________. • To ________________ the high ____________ of Sigma Alpha Iota at all times. Sigma Alpha Iota Statement of Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities Hazing is defined as: “___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________.” 27 Review 2—The Responsibilities of Membership, continued The Governance of SAI Today, SAI is governed by the _________________ ________________, which is composed of __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________. Between conventions, the National Executive Board (NEB) conducts fraternity business. Name the members of the NEB: National President ______________________________________________________________ National Vice President, Alumnae Chapters __________________________________________ National Vice President, Collegiate Chapters _________________________________________ National Vice President, Extension & Fraternity Development___________________________ National Vice President, Finance ___________________________________________________ National Vice President, Membership_______________________________________________ National Vice President, Ritual & Fraternity Education _________________________________ Chairman, SAI Philanthropies, Inc. _________________________________________________ Executive Director ______________________________________________________________ 28 Review 3—SAI Member Finances/Awards Financial Obligations The national MIT fee of $_____ is due ________________________. The National Initiation fee of $______ is due ___________________. Does your chapter have any local MIT fees? If so, describe them here: _____________________________________________________________________________ National dues are $ _______ for a whole year and $ ______ for a half year, for the next school year after initiation. Describe your local chapter dues __________________________________________________ When are they due? ____________________________________________________________ The regulation badge is included in the initiation fee, which must be paid for at the time of _______________ ___________________. There are 2 different badges available: • • Vermeil (gold electroplate over sterling silver), semi-crown set pearls, (included in initiation fee) 10K gold with full crown set pearls, better quality (available as an optional upgrade) Individual Honors Write a brief description of these awards members can receive: Sword of Honor or Patroness Sword of Honor _____________________________________ Ruby Sword of Honor Rose of Honor________________________________________________________________ Rose of Dedication ___________________________________________________________ Wreath of Achievement Rose of Constancy Ring of Excellence ___________________________________________________________ 29 Review 3—SAI Member Finances and Awards, continued Scholastic Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Collegiate Honor Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Diamond Sword of Honor _____________________________________________________________________________ National Outstanding Treasurer Award (Collegiate and Alumnae) _____________________________________________________________________________ National Collegiate Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ National Alumnae Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ National Outstanding Advisor Award _____________________________________________________________________________ Dorothy Whinery Special Leadership Award _____________________________________________________________________________ 30 IV – Sigma Alpha Iota Governing Documents Material to be covered: • • • National/Chapter Bylaws (each MIT should have a copy of chapter bylaws) Articles of Association SAI Chorale Teaching tools: • Chapter Procedures Manual (CPM) for national bylaws • Current National and Chapter Bylaws (see Appendix) • Articles of Association (CPM) • Copies of the SAI Chorale/Manual for Members, p. ii) • Review 4 Sisterhood activity suggestions: • MITs sing SAI Chorale with active sisters • Make badge boxes • Play SAI Jeopardy* * From the Fraternity Education handbook (FrEd) in your chapter files. 31 A Brief Guide to the Articles of Association and Bylaws Compiled by Carrie Sirles O’Conner, Esq., Former National Bylaws Director Every member of Sigma Alpha Iota has the responsibility to uphold and abide by the Articles of Association and National Bylaws of Sigma Alpha Iota, along with her Chapter’s Bylaws. It is important that every member review and understand these documents, as they establish the rules by which the Fraternity operates and the purpose we set out to accomplish. Here are important details to keep in mind when studying each of these documents: Articles of Association • Legal document filed in Michigan formally establishing the existence of Sigma Alpha Iota • Establishes the name, purpose, principal place of business, and term of existence for the Fraternity • Establishes the number of individuals who will serve on the Board of Directors, now known as the National Executive Board, and the names of those serving on the first Board • Establishes the required qualifications for officers and members • Signed and submitted by members of Alpha Chapter on December 1, 1904, notarized on the same date, and recorded on December 15, 1904 National Bylaws • Establishes categories of membership, requirements for each category of membership, and privileges and obligations of membership. Details the method by which members may transfer to a different chapter, may join the national alumnae association, or resign their membership. • Establishes the structure of both collegiate and alumnae chapters, the method by which chapters are established, and the obligations of chapters. • Outlines the offices that comprise the National Executive Board, the qualifications for these offices, the method by which these officers are elected or appointed, the term of office, and the method of filling midterm vacancies. • Outlines the requirements and method of electing Province and Regional Officers and their assigned duties. • Outlines the method by which National Directors are chosen and National Committees are formed. • Describes the organization of the National Convention, identifies members who may vote in the election of National and Province Officers, the method by which Convention expenses shall be handled, and the program which shall be prepared for National Convention. • Establishes official insignia for the Fraternity, identifies The Ritual of Sigma Alpha Iota as the only ceremonies which are permitted to be used, and recognizes the Fraternity’s privilege of presenting honors and awards. • Identifies and empowers Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc., the charitable arm of Sigma Alpha Iota to carry out philanthropic activities on behalf of the Fraternity. • Establishes the method by which business is to be conducted, as well as limitations on which activities may be undertaken. • Outlines disciplinary actions the National Executive Board may take with regard to chapters and individual members. • Establishes Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised as our Parliamentary Authority. • Addresses bookkeeping methods, the handling of deposits and checks/drafts, etc., sets the term of the fiscal year, gives the NEB the power to permit officers to enter into contracts on the Fraternity’s behalf and to accept gifts, establishes a Waiver of Notice, and sets forth our anti-discrimination policy. • Details the method by which the National Bylaws may be amended or revised. 32 A Brief Guide to the Articles of Association and Bylaws, continued Chapter Bylaws • Provides local details in areas that the National Bylaws leave open for the chapters and are used along with and must comply with the National Bylaws, National Policies, and the Chapter Procedures Manual. • Outlines the method of recruiting members and any local rules that may be enforced regarding recruitment, as well as outlining requirements for membership. • Establishes the frequency of chapter meetings, the method by which business shall be conducted, and the number of chapter members who must be present in order for the chapter to conduct business at a meeting (quorum). • Lists chapter officer positions, the length of the terms of office, the duties of each officer, and the time and method by which elections are conducted. • Outlines the method by which chapter committees are formed and the obligations and responsibilities of each. • Establishes obligations and responsibilities of each member to the chapter and details the chapter’s requirements to remain in good standing. • Outlines the financial obligation of each member, the time by which financial obligations must be met, and method by which dues are collected and expenses are paid. • Describes local projects traditionally undertaken by the chapter and the method by which they are funded and conducted. • Details local honors and awards the chapter may present. • Establishes responsibility for contacts with Alumnae, Patronesses, and Distinguished Members. • Details the method by which the chapter’s bylaws may be amended or revised. If you have questions about any of these documents, consult your Chapter Advisor, Province Officer, or National Bylaws Director. 33 Insert Your Chapter Bylaws Here 34 Review 4—The Many Facets of Sigma Alpha Iota Types of Membership Name the three types of membership: Name the four types of Distinguished Membership: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. Name five Distinguished Members of SAI. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fraternity Publications The fraternity journal, issued quarterly, is called ________ _______. The national newsletter, published throughout the year, is called ______________________. The national website address is ____________________________. Benefits for Members and Non-Members List four Philanthropies grants for which chapters may apply: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit individual members: 1. 2. 3. Name 3 philanthropic projects that benefit non-members: 1. 2. 3. 35 Vice President Membership MIT Training Checklist Following membership recruitment, this checklist will help you prepare the timeline for training and initiation of the new MIT class. Refer to it often! ONLINE PROCESS MUST BE DONE ON A PC, USING INTERNET EXPLORER BROWSER! At the pledging ceremony, gather the new class together and select a weekly meeting time. After the pledging ceremony, confirm vital information for each MIT, including complete name, school and permanent addresses, phone number and email. Provide them with the same for you, the chapter President and chapter advisor(s). Complete the Report of Pledging online-Step 1 (www.sai-national.org Members Only sectionyour login is obtained from National Headquarters). Submit Report of Pledging to NH-Step 2. Create an MIT training calendar for distribution to the PO, chapter, advisors and MITs. Remind Guiding Stars to check in weekly with their MITs. Schedule a date and time for the National Exam. If you need to reserve a computer lab, make those arrangements as soon as possible! o Location: o Date: o Contact Information: Advise your PO of the exam date so she can plan for exam grading time. Refresh yourself on the process of online testing. If you have any questions, see your chapter advisor or contact your PO before you administer the exam. Complete steps 3 & 4 of the online process to obtain passwords for the MITs. Arrange an exam review session with chapter members. Administer the national exam, following the VPM instructions sheet. When all exams have been completed submit Steps 5 & 6 to the PO. Schedule the initiation ceremony with chapter members, advisors, and MITs. Remember to allow two to three weeks, when possible, between administering the exam and initiating the MITs! Confirm dates with your Province Officer. Plan sisterhood activities for the chapter and MITs during the exam-approval period. Work with the VP-Ritual to reserve the room for the initiation ceremony. o Location: o Date: o Contact Information: Work with the corresponding secretary to send ceremony invitations to area alumnae, Patronesses, and Distinguished Members. Optional: arrange for a reception following the ceremony. Schedule the post-initiation ritual explanation for the new members. Invite chapter members to assist, if needed. 36 GAMES & ACTIVITIES “Chorale Game” Provide parts of the SAI Chorale on individual note cards. Sisters and MITs must work together without speaking to assemble it correctly. Sing the Chorale when finished. (Note: this works well in teams – another great way for chapter members to meet MITs!) “Name the Person” Write the name of each Founder, NEB member and your PO on index cards (or similarly-sized paper). Tape each card, name out, to the back of each sister. Do not tell the sister whom she represents. Using questions that require “Yes” or “No” answers, have each sister question the others to determine who she is! (Not only does this require knowing the names of these people, but also knowing a little bit about them and/or their offices!) “Retreat, Retreat!” – from Stephanie Kluesner, Iota B PO Pick a weekend for an MIT retreat or sleepover – use this time together to study for the exam, practice for the musicale, work on their service project and play ice breaker games. Invite active sisters to participate or provide games and food over the course of the evening. “Creating a Scrapbook” – see p. 43 “SAI’ll Be There For You” –from Nu Chapter Watch “Friends”, eat popcorn, and drink hot chocolate. “Getting to Know You” Have members and MITs pair up and learn the following about each other: Favorite color Birthday month and place of birth Major instrument Most unusual experience Most exotic place ever visited After 10 minutes, let each person tell the group what they learned about the other. 37 How has your chapter benefited from SAI Philanthropies, Inc.? Members who have received scholarships and grants: Projects for which the chapter has received SAI grant funds: Resources made available by SAI Philanthropies, Inc. that your chapter has used: Other benefits: 38 Knowing Our Distinguished Members Have each MIT select a Distinguished Member (see the national website for a complete listing). If this person is connected with your school, have the MIT interview the member about his or her musical and SAI experiences. If the member is no longer living, or is not closely affiliated with your school, have the MIT research the member’s life and work in the library or on the Internet. The MIT will then prepare and give a short presentation about the member as Fraternity Education at a chapter meeting. The presentation could include a performance of one of the member’s works, a visual or audio recording of the member’s performance, or a narrative about the member’s life. As a chapter, compile a notebook of the information researched by each MIT. You may even store the book in your school’s music library as a reference for other students. 39 Worksheet for Distinguished Members and Patronesses Distinguished Members and Patronesses Initiated at (Name of Chapter), (Name of School) Member Laureate Honorary National Arts Associate Friend of the Arts Patronesses 40 Instructions for Making Badge Boxes 1. Purchase small boxes at a local craft supply store. They may be made of heavy paper, wood or ceramic. 2. Purchase appropriate paint and decorations for the type of boxes you have chosen. 3. MITs will paint and decorate each badge box according to their taste and style. They may choose to add their name, the chapter name, or planned initiation date to the décor. 4. The VP Membership should collect the boxes when dry, and keep them safe until initiation, at which time the boxes will be returned to the MITs to hold their new badges. Variation 1: Big Sisters may choose to make badge boxes for the Little Sisters. Variation 2: The chapter, or Big Sisters independent of the chapter, may choose to purchase chapter guards and present them to the new initiates in the badge boxes at initiation. 41 A Sample MIT Biographical Sketch Jane Doe, clarinet, is a junior from Wilmington, DE, pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in finance and marketing. She has studied clarinet for eight years, beginning in middle school, and was selected twice for first chair in the All-State Orchestra. She is first chair in the college orchestra, and won the concerto competition this year. Jane, a presidential scholar, aspires to become the chief development officer of a major arts organization. Things to include in the MIT biographical sketch: Name Instrument Hometown Year in School Degree Field Musical Accomplishments Principal Teacher Career Goal 42 Instructions for Making MIT Scrapbooks Thank you to the sisters of Lambda Mu, Howard Payne University, for sharing this wonderful idea! 1. Purchase a 5x7 three-ring binder (or similar item) for each MIT. Most office supply stores carry them. 2. As a group, cover each binder in fabric and attach with staples or hot glue. Decorate the front of the binder with puffy paint, ribbon or other craft items. Be creative! 3. Have each MIT prepare an “info sheet” about herself out of craft paper and other creative items. (Use your imagination! Scrapbook stores have lots of resources for these things.) Make one sheet for every member of the MIT class. For example, if the class is comprised of 6 MITs, each MIT will make 6 sheets about herself – one for her to keep, and five to distribute. Each MIT should end up with a book full of info sheets about the women in her class. 4. Create additional sheets for memories and photographs. Big sisters may choose to make an insert for her little sister, as well. You may also choose to include sheets about chapter-specific information (date of founding, Patroness names, etc). 5. These books are wonderful keepsakes for MITs and are a great bonding activity for Big and Little sisters! These are NOT to be used as signature books, nor should MITs be required to have them or carry them. Other items NOT allowed: having interviews; using a points or demerit system; family trees; information on groups other than SAI; copying information already printed in the Manual for Members. (Written in 2005 by The Membership Training Task Force: Pat Bulber, former Omega A PO, Jamie Reimer, Xi A PO and National Collegiate Leadership Award Winner, Gail Robinson-Oturu, Doctoral Grant director, Joy Walters, former Tau B & Chi A PO, Nicole Watt, Task Force Chairman and updated August/November 2009) 43 A Sample MIT Letter of Introduction (This letter should be printed on SAI letterhead, available through National Headquarters.) Recipient’s Name or Chapter Address City, State ZIP Date Dear (Alumnae/Faculty or Staff SAI/Patroness/Chapter): The (insert name) chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota at (insert name of college/university) is proud to introduce you to our chapter’s newest class of Members in Training (MITs). (Insert number) ladies – two singers, one violinist, two flautists and one percussionist – seek membership in SAI. A short biographical sketch of each is attached. We hope you will be able to share in the membership training class that discusses the various types of SAI membership. It would be wonderful if this information came to life through the presence of an alumnae member, a patroness, and/or a distinguished member. Your personal SAI experiences will give the MITs a broader perspective of SAI and help to emphasize the lifelong benefits and commitment to the fraternity. If you are interested in attending on (insert date), please contact (officer) at (email/phone). It is also exciting and very meaningful for us to get to know and interact with you. Therefore, we would like to invite you to the initiation ceremony scheduled for (insert date/time/location). We will contact you if the initiation date should change; if you have any questions, please contact (insert appropriate officer) at (insert e-mail/phone number). We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Name Vice President, Membership Chapter 44 MIT Information Form for Sigma Alpha Iota The following information will be necessary for completing the Report of Pledging and Approval for Initiation. Please return this form, along with the MIT fee, to the VP Membership before the official pledging ceremony. DO NOT RETURN THIS FORM TO NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS! Full Name: Permanent Home Address: City/State/Zip: Cell Phone Number: ( ) Email Address: Cumulative G.P.A.: Expected Degree (e.g. Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science): Expected Graduation Year: Major (e.g. Music Education, Performance, Chemistry, etc.): Field of Performance (e.g. voice, trumpet, piano): # of Music Hours Completed: (NO FIRST SEMESTER FRESHMAN ARE ALLOWED TO PLEDGE!!!) Please select your official jewelry. A chapter officer can explain your options and prices. Badge Style: #101 regulation badge, 10k gold, Crown set pearls, Superior Quality #100 regulation badge, Vermeil (gold electroplate over sterling silver), Semi-Crown set pearls Letter Guard: (A guard can help to protect you from damage or loss, should your badge come unfastened) Yes No (If you don’t order a guard today, you may certainly order at a future dateVisit the SAI online store at www.sai-national.org/shop or place an order with the chapter treasurer) Initiation fees are due at the time you take the membership exam! 7/2010 (available on website: www.sai-national.org) 45 Member-in-Training Education Plans The Vice President Membership should send 1 copy of this form to the Province Officer before the Member-in-Training period begins each semester. Province: Chapter: Date: Vice President Membership: Cell phone: ( VPM e-mail: ) Date of Pledging Ceremony: Number of weeks of education between pledging and membership exam: (Must be at least 4 weeks and not more than 8 weeks.) Date MITs will take the membership exam and money sent in: (Must be at least 2 weeks before initiation; 3 weeks is better. Remember, new badges must be received for initiation.) Expected Date of initiation: Please describe any special MIT activities you plan to do and attach a calendar of events. Examples: MIT recital, service project for the music department or the community, election of MIT officers, big sister activities with MITs, money raising projects, MITs giving a fraternity education quiz to the chapter, etc. NO FIRST SEMESTER FRESHMAN ARE ALLOWED TO PLEDGE!!! Initiation fees are due at the time you take the membership exam! 8/2010 (available on website: www.sai-national.org) 46