DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. GLEN ELLYN AL{IMNAE CHAPTER SCHOLARSIilP APPLICATION 2015t2016 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is an international, not-for-profit, public service organization. our membership is predominately African-American femalei. The Glen Ellyn Arei Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta services Chicago's western suburbs, and we are offering a fouryear academic scholarship, as well as one time book awards. These monetary awardi will be given to deserving high school seniors who will continue their formal education in a four-year college or university during the 201512016 academic year. Applicants will be evaluated based upon their academic performance, personal statement, and personal interview. students interested guidelines: 1. 2. 3. in applying for this scholarship award must adhere to the following Students must have been accepted to a four-year college or university for the 2014t2015 academic year. A copy of the acceptance letter musibe submitted with the completed application. The completed application and all accompanying documents must be postmarked and mailed by Febru uy 6,20t5. Students must have a high cumulative GpA of 2.5 on a4.0 grading scare, or a 3.5 on a 5.0 grading scale. An official copy of the high school transi-ript, ,ihich includ"s the iG semester grades, class rank, and school seal or stamp must b; mailed from your high school to the address indicated and postmarked by February 6, 2015 deadline. your ACT/SAT scores must be included with your transcript. 4. The completed scholarship application must be typed or neatry printed in brack ink. 5. Two (2) letters of recommendation must be submitted from the following individuals: a) One from a past or present teacher/counselor or principal, b) One from a sponsor or supervisor of an organization (school, civic, or community) in which you are or have recently been active. 6' All applicants are required to submit a current email address. This will be used to notify them of the interview day, time, and place. our interviews w,l take ptu"e r, . "oriytvta."t students are solely responsible for ensuring that all required information is submitted to the Scholarship Committee on or before the deadline date. Failure to do so w l cause the application to be denied. There will be no exceptions. DELTA SIG■ IA THETA SORORITY,INC。 GLEN ELLYN AREA ALllPINAE CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICAT10N 2015 Diections:Type or print(In blaCk ink)Fill in ali blanks.The completed appllc・ ation and ali necessary documents are to be mailed to thc addrcss on tte last page of the applicatlon and Postlrlarked by February 6,2015 (Last) (First) (Street) (Cty) Address: Phone Number: ( E‐ Mal (Zip Code) Address: (please II. Father's Name: pint) Occupation: Mother's Name: Occupation: Guadian's Name: Occupation: (if appliCable) III. Name of your cu'reni high school: List the exka-curricular activities in which you have Participated: C B Iv. List D any leadership positions you have held- C B V D Do you have a part-time job? Ifyes, indicate where it is and what you do. VI. A D B C College or university you plan to attend: Cost of Tuition: Intended Major: Accepted Cost of Room & Board_ VII. VIII How do you plan to finance your education? Please list the scholarships, grants, aw-ards and loans for which you have applied, received, or anticipate receiving. Also indicate the amount of each award, grant, etc. Name of Ix. X. _ Award Amount Received? Are you acquainted with any members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.? If so, please write her name and indicate how you know her. On a separate sheet of paPer, type or print (in black ink) a personal statement, not to exceed 7S0 words, to include examples of your leadership roles; your service to your community through school, church, and spors; your future aspirations and career goals. Relate them to vision you have on theimpacithat they will mui" on yo* _ community. I]: _ 20t5. Mail your completed apPlication and all accompanying documents to the address below by February 6, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae Chapter c/o Mrs. Adrienne Holmes 2355 Fawn Lake Circle Naperville,Il 60564 630-904_6180 Signature of Applicant I)ate Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae Chapter Scholarship Application Checklist Before mailing your scholarship application packet, check to ensure that you have: . typed or neatly printed the application o filled in all blanks o o o I o o . o incruded a copy of couege or university acceptance letter included two (Z) Ietters of recommendation: - teacher, counselor, or principal - sponsor or supervisor included your personal statement, not to exceed 750 words requested that transcript, including your ACT/SAT scores, be sent from your high school to * the":n:t+ Scholarship Committee signed and dated the application included a current email address for notification purposes applied the appropriate postage mailed packet at least five (5) business days - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. before the due date to: - GIen Ellyn Area Alumnae - c/o Mrs. Adrienne Holmes - 2355 Fawn Lake Circle - Naperville, IL 60564 - 630_904_6180