Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Glen Finart, Cowal
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Glen Finart, Cowal
line section SHET.14 Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Glen Finart, Cowal Geometric wayleave through coniferous forestry at Glen Finart, Cowal Landscape and visual context 13 $ This section passes across Glen Finart, a small valley between Lock Eck and Loch Long, in the north east of the Cowal Peninsula. The glen comprises steep, forested or wooded slopes rising sharply above flat pastoral farmland. The line passes directly across the slopes between the enclosing ridgelines of the glen. The well-wooded Glen Finart Burn passes through the wide valley bottom, which widens at Finart Bay on Loch Long, leading to the small coastal village of Ardentinny. A number of tourist features are located within the glen and at the loch shore, including a hotel, caravan site, self-catering accommodation, a deer park, picnic spots, a sandy beach, and an outdoor centre. $ $ # $ # $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 14 $ Landscape and visual impacts $ The landscape reflects some of the key qualities of the Argyll Forest, but has limited influence from sea lochs, and while tranquil, feels inhabited. The topography of the subsection is highly susceptible, though the scale of the landscape can accommodate pylons of this size. The transmission line is most intrusive where seen against the skyline, and where the sharp forest edges of the wayleaves are perceived. Overall the landscape impact is High. $ $ $ $ $ #$ # KEY Loch Lomond and The Trossachs NP $ # 15 $ # There are few promoted or advertised viewpoints within this sub-section area. Views tend to be experienced while travelling through the landscape, rather than from specific viewpoints. There are a number of locations from where long sections of the line are visible as it crosses the steep strath slopes, in contrast with the topography and land cover, with a number of ridgeline pylons seen against the skyline. Overall the visual impact is Medium. $ Line section in focus $ $ E 1 $ Tower location Core path $ 0 Assessed line section 2 km © Crown copyright and database rights 2015 Ordnance Survey 0100031673. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. Mitigation proposals Landscape enhancement A Landscape improvements to soften the visual impact of wayleaves. Removal of trees and planting of deciduous species to create a more naturalistic wayleave edge, and to remove the harsh line which draws the eye to the power line.