ITALY Network - Università degli Studi di Pavia


ITALY Network - Università degli Studi di Pavia
ITALY Network
Forthcoming Meeting
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Museo della Tecnica Elettrica, University of Pavia, via Ferrata 3, 27100 Pavia
Network Web Address:
14.30-15.00 Open & registration.
15.00-15.10 “Welcome to the Museum” from Prof A Savini Director of the Museum (MTE).
15.10-15.20 “IET vision 2020” video, Dr M Fiorini Chairman IET Italy.
15.20-15.30 “The IET and UK Trade & Investment”, Dr M Peasland Head of Unit Construction,
Infrastructure & Energy, British Consulate General, Milan.
15.30-17.30 “TIDAL ENERGY: Silent, Invisible, Predictable and Renewable. Tidal Energy
Takes a Quantum Leap” lecture by Dr M Wrigley FIET, Chairman IET France.
17.30-18.00 Coffee break & Networking.
18.00-18.30 “History in the IET”, Dr B Bowers, IET History TPN, London, UK.
18.30-18.50 IET Italy Annual General Meeting (AGM), Dr M Fiorini Chairman IET Italy.
18.50-19.00 Closing ceremony, Cdre B Brooks FCGI, FIET, Trustee and Vice-President IET.
19.00-20.00 Visit to the Museum open to all.
20.00-22.00 Dinner at Museum, IET members only + guests (cost 35 euro each).
Antonio Savini has been professor of electrical
engineering at the University of Pavia since 1986. He
is the author or co-author of a few books and over 250
scientific papers mainly in the field of computer aided
analysis and design of electric and magnetic devices.
In the early 1970s he was among the leading
promoters, in Italy, of the application of the finite
element method to electricity and magnetism; then he
pioneered the exploitation of advanced optimization
techniques for the automated optimal design of
electromagnetic devices.
At the University of Pavia he was Head of the
Department of Electrical Engineering for 12 years
(1986-1999) and Deputy Rector for International
Relations for 13 years (1992-2005).
Since 1999 he has been Director of the Research
Centre for the History of Electrical Technology; as
such, he promoted the building of the new Museum of
Electrical Technology, recently opened in Pavia.
He was also the Chairman (2001-2005) of the
Executive Board of the Coimbra Group, the association
of historical European universities based in Brussels.
memberships include IET (Fellow) and IEEE (Senior
Because of his scientific achievements he was
awarded honorary doctoral degrees in electrical
engineering ( Technical University of Lodz, Poland,
2002) and in science and technology (University of
Coimbra, Portugal, 2005).
In 1993 he was awarded the order of merit of the
Republic of Poland.
Michele Fiorini educated at Ancona (Italy) and Bath
(UK) universities at PhD level is now a senior systems
engineer at SELEX – Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica
company, in Rome, Italy. His working interests are
communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance
and reconnaissance (C4ISR), homeland protection and
vessel traffic service (VTS) as well as in
electromagnetism theory and antenna design.
Dr Fiorini is a UK chartered engineer (CEng), an IET
member (MIET) and an IEEE senior member
(SMIEEE). He is the first of just two non-UK members
that sits on the Qualifications Board of the IET and has
served on the IEE Council from 2003 to 2006. On April
2008 in London he was awarded the IET Individual
Achievement Award for his personal efforts on building
up the IET Italy Network that he currently chair.
His biography appears in the 25th Silver Anniversary
Edition of Who’s Who in the World, 2008.
Michael Peasland Michael Peasland came to Italy in
1974 and worked in the oil and gas, chemical and
petrochemical sectors for an Italian company and an
American engineering and construction corporation
until 1982 when he joined the British Consulate
General based in Milan. UK Trade & Investment,
operating through the Consulate General, is the British
Government organisation that helps UK based
companies succeed in international markets and
assists overseas companies high quality investment to
the UK's economy. Michael is responsble at national
level for trade promotion between British and Italian
infrastructure projects with much activity aimed at
EXPO2015 to be held in Milan and all aspects of
energy, particularly renewable sources.
Michael Wrigley has been a self-employed
management consultant for the last 14 years. Living
near Paris and in Prague, he says that his last "real
job" was as the English general manager of the French
subsidiary of a German group.
His current work focuses on those business processes
which contribute to customer, shareholder or employee
confidence, whether in the quality, safety or
environmental domains; work which has taken him to
Canada, Singapore, the Yemen and various European
countries in the past few months.
Starting his professional life by modelling the
behaviour of nuclear power plant, he went on to
manage process control projects around the world in
the oil, gas, pharmaceutical, paper and beverage
industries, giving him an intimate insight into business
process performance.
He has been involved in the tidal energy project for the
last two years with responsibility for the "French
Brian Bowers was, until his
retirement in 1998, Curator of Electrical
Engineering in the Science Museum,
London, having previously been an Examiner in
the Patent Office. He has an electrical engineering
degree from King's College London and his
PhD thesis was on the life and work of Charles
Wheatstone. He has served on numerous IEE Boards
and Committees. He has been Chairman of the
Historical Group, and Chairman of the IEE London
Branch. He has been closely involved in the planning
of the new Museum of Electrical Technology in Pavia,
and continues to write and lecture on the history of
electrical engineering and of lighting. He is also
interested in historic chapel buildings and currently
chairs the Baptist Listed Buildings Advisory
Barry Brooks joined the Royal Navy in 1968 and read
Electrical Engineering at Imperial College. He served
in nuclear submarines (as nuclear propulsion engineer
and as weapons engineer), R&D and weapon system
projects, and in MOD Whitehall and Cabinet Office
posts. He helped to design and deliver the UK MOD’s
Smart Acquisition change programme, and to merge
Royal Navy, Army and RAF logistics into the Defence
Logistics Organisation.
For his second career, he is a management consultant,
helping organisations to benefit from complex change
programmes, currently providing independent peer
Barry is a Fellow of the IET, City & Guilds of London
Institute and Institute of Marine Engineering, Science
and Technology and is a Liveryman of the Worshipful
Company of Engineers. Whilst President of City &
Guilds College Association, he built closer links
between alumni and engineering students of Imperial
College. He has been active on the IET Connect
(Benevolent Fund) Court for several years. As
Chairman of IEE Somerset & West Wiltshire Branch,
he doubled the event programme and took it to the
towns where members are concentrated. On Council
since 2003, he argued strongly for the Institution to do
better at meeting members’ needs – with some
As a Trustee and Vice-President of the IET (since
2005), and Chairman of the IET Membership and
Regions Board, he has encouraged the consultative
approach that has resulted in more interactive
engagement of members in the UK and abroad. As
chairman of the IET Governance Implementation
Project Board, he is championing the development of
new ways of joint staff-member working.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) -the merger Institution from Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and Institution of
Incorporated Engineers (IIE)- is one of the world’s leading professional societies for the engineering and technology community. The IET has
more than 150,000 members in 127 countries and offices in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. The IET provides a global knowledge
network to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote the positive role of science, engineering and technology in the world.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is a not for profit organisation, registered in the UK as a charity.
Imbrigliare la forza dei mari come fonte di
Harnessing the power of the seas as an
energy source
Sfruttare l'energia della linea costiera Europea e le
significative correnti generate dal flusso delle maree sarà
l'argomento dell’incontro organizzato dall'Institution of
Engineering and Technology (IET).
Harnessing the power of Europe’s coastline and its
significant tidal currents will be the subject of the meeting
organized by the Institution of Engineering and
Technology (IET).
Organizzata dalla sezione italiana di IET, la conferenza, dal
titolo: “Energia dalle maree – silenziosa, invisibile, prevedibile
e rinnovabile” presenterà la forza delle maree come fonte di
energia alternativa. Il dibattito coprirà le sfide da superare, le
tecnologie che sono state sviluppate e le problematiche
ambientali che devono essere affrontate.
Organised by the IET Italy local network, the talk, entitled:
“Tidal energy – silent, invisible, predictable and
renewable”, will look at tidal power as an alternative energy
source. It will cover the challenges that must be overcome,
the technologies that are being developed and the
environmental issues that must be addressed.
Il relatore, Dr Michael Wrigley, Fellow di IET, è stato nei due
anni precedenti direttamente coinvolto dal progetto che
prevede lo sfruttamento delle maree per la produzione di
energia rinnovabile. Il suo intervento illustrerà i progressi
finora raggiunti, includendo l'uso innovativo di turbine che
verranno posate sul fondo marino in condizioni
estremamente ostili.
The speaker, Dr Michael Wrigley, a Fellow of the IET, has
been actively involved with the tidal energy project for the
last two years. In his talk he will set out progress to date,
including the innovative use of turbines which will be
placed in very hostile conditions on the sea bed.
“Sotto diversi aspetti, il progetto sulle maree può essere
confrontato con quello di una centrale nucleare.
Saranno necessari ancora diversi anni prima che
raggiunga la maturità, ma i primi tentativi offshore
hanno dimostrato risultati incoraggianti”, afferma lo
stesso Dr Wrigley.
L'argomento ribadisce la posizione dell'IET sullo
sfruttamento di fonti di energia alternative, presa coscienza
che le risorse attuali sono limitate.
Dr Wrigley said, “On several counts, the tidal project
can be compared with that of a nuclear power
station so it will be several years yet before maturity
can be reached but initial offshore trials have shown
encouraging results.”
The subject aligns with the IET’s position on harnessing
alternative energy sources as existing resources
become finite.
L'incontro avrà luogo alle 15:00, Sabato 24 Gennaio, al
Museo della Tecnica Elettrica, presso l'Università di Pavia. A
seguire l'Annual General Meeting (AGM) di IET Italia. Per
ulteriori informazioni e un programma dettagliato si veda:
The talk takes place at 1500 on Saturday 24 January at
Museo della Tecnica Elettrica, University of Pavia, Italy
and will followed by the IET Italy Annual General
Meeting (AGM). For more information and a detailed
programme visit: