The Spirit of St.John - St. John Lutheran Church of Owatonna
The Spirit of St.John - St. John Lutheran Church of Owatonna
The Spirit of St. John Newsletter of St. John Lutheran Church July 2016 The Mission of St. John Lutheran Church: “We are disciples of Christ, gathered to celebrate and sent into the world to proclaim God’s Good News.” “A Message from Bishop Steve Delzer” Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I spent yesterday morning and early afternoon participating in the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Mabel First Lutheran Church in Mabel. The worship service and the dinner and program that followed were filled with thankful celebration for the blessings of the past 125 years of ministry in the Mabel community, and a joyful expectation for the future into which Jesus is leading this congregation. As I drove away my heart was filled with joy and peace. Then I turned on the radio and heard the awful news about the shooting in Orlando, Florida. My first thought was, "O God, not again!" Feeling like my heart was breaking over this senseless act of violence, and on the verge of tears for the victims and their families and friends, the words that came to mind were those words of lament from Psalm 13: How long, O Lord? Will you forget (us) forever? How long will you hide your face from (us)? How long must (we) bear pain in (our) soul, and have sorrow in our heart all day long? Consider and answer (us), O Lord (our) God! Since yesterday afternoon I have struggled with what to say that might be helpful in the midst of yet another tragic and painful event. I invite you to join me in the following for the next 30 days: Each morning pray the prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi (ELW, p. 87): Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. Each day ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to intentionally seek some way every day to be an instrument of God's peace in what you say, or in the way you think, or in what you write, or in what you post on Facebook, or in what St. John Lutheran Church Each evening pray these petitions from the second set of Prayers of Intercession from the Service of Healing in the ELW Occasional Services for the Assembly (pages 273-274): Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus, and especially for all who are suffering or are in any affliction. Merciful God, you sent your Son to be our peace. Help all those who suffer any pain or grief, hopelessness or anxiety. In your great mercy, hear us, O God. God of peace and reconciliation, bring an end to the sickness of the world, especially violence, terrorism, war, and their causes. In your great mercy, hear us, O God. Loving God, mend broken relationships and bring peace to our families, our congregation(s), (our) communities, and the world. In your great mercy, hear us, O God. O God, we bring these intercessions before you, knowing that you will hear us as you have promised, and will answer according to the mercy shown in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. May our prayers, our words, and our actions help to bring to our communities and our world healing, hope, joy, and the peace of God that passes all human understanding. FREEZER FOR SALE Our church council recently authorized the purchase of a new double door freezer for the kitchen which has been delivered and installed. As a result, the old white freezer is for sale for $100.00. If you are interested in purchasing the freezer, please contact Leroy Holthus at 213-1090 or Corey Ihrke at 676-5641. SUMMER FOOD ROCKS! FREE meals available to ALL children ages 1-18. No income guidelines, simply show up at the site of your choice! Wilson Elementary - 325 Meadow Lane, Owatonna Breakfast Hot Lunch Monday—Thursday 8:00—8:30 am Monday—Thursday 12:15—12:45 p.m. July 11th through August 4th July 11th through August 4th Owatonna Junior High - 500 15th Street NE, Owatonna (Enter through NW Athletic doors) Lunch Only Monday—Friday 12:15—12:45 p.m. June 13th through August 12th (No lunch Monday July 4th) Children ages 1-18 east for FREE July 2016 Minutes St. John Lutheran Church Council (Unapproved) June 13, 2016 at 6:00 pm Informational Items: None. Action Items: M/S/P (Weiss/Jirele) Motion to amend the dates of the Growth & Giving Challenge to 05/09/2016 to 12/31/2016. M/S/P (Weiss/Jirele) Motion to liquidate the Fastenal stock given by the Don Tuerk estate. M/S/P (Weiss/Jirele) Motion to invest $100,000.00 from the Don Tuerk gift in the Mission Investment Fund. M/S/P (Reese/Rau) Motion to purchase a new double door freezer for the kitchen at $3585.00 plus $320 for delivery & installation with funds from the WELCA fund. Members Transfer In: M/S/P (Reese/Jirele) Linda Healy Members Transfer Out Chad Grams Correspondence: Thank you from Steele County Food Shelf Thank you from Steele County Clothesline. Thank you from Pastor Jim / Ministerial Fund. Thank you from the MN Adult & Teen Challenge. Respectfully submitted, RELAY FOR LIFE - JOIN OUR TEAM The event will take place on Friday, July 15, 2016 from 6:00pm–6:00am at the Owatonna Fairgrounds. We will also be having a family campout at the St. John church fairground parking lot that evening for the walkers to rest and spend time with others in the congregation. We would like this to be an all church event and look forward to a huge success to do our part in helping to put an end to cancer. For more information, contact Jessica Rau at [email protected] or call her at 507-676-8031. Owatonna Community Blood Drive The American Red Cross will hold their Community Blood Drive at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on Wednesday, July 13, and Thursday, July 14, from 12:00—6:00 pm, and Friday, July 18 from 8:00 am—1:00 pm. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767; register online at Sharon Arndt, Secretary Sponsor a Radio Broadcast ********************************************************** If you would like to sponsor a radio broadcast, the following dates are available in 2016. The cost of sponsoring a radio broadcast is $95. Please call the church office at 451-7293 to reserve your date(s). Thank you. July 17, 24 August 21, 28 St. John Lutheran Church Gifts and Memorials May 16, 2016 to June 19, 2016 MEMORIALS Chuck Fuller Furnace, AC, and Parking Lot Fund Elvira Middlestadt Furnace, AC, and Parking Lot Fund Garden and Landscaping Fund Radio Fund St. John Foundation WELCA Youth Fund Chuck Mittelstadt Undesignated Gift & Memorial Fund $ 20.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ 105.00 330.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 20.00 $ 100.00 GIFTS St. John Prayer Chain The prayer chain, a ministry at St. John, intercedes for those in need. To add names to the prayer chain, please notify Pastor Dave, the church office at 451-7293, or you may write your request on paper and place it in the prayer box located on the narthex welcome table. Prayer Chain requests are not publicized unless it is requested to be added to the weekly Baptisms Malia Marie Hachfeld June 11 Dana Marie Hachfeld June 11 Gavriel Joel Sanchez-Sorensen June 11 Ryker Robert Anhorn June 12 Noah Arlen Tacheny June 12 Weddings None Funerals None ST. JOHN SCRIP PROGRAM THANK YOU to everyone who use Scrip cards. Your support really does make a difference. Remember, SCRIP is great for your regular household purchases and for gifts throughout the year. Stop by the SCRIP table on Sundays between services or at the church office during the week to purchase SCRIP. For any questions, contact the church office at 451-7293 or Gloria Zimmermann at 455-2346. As of May 31, 2016, our YTD profit earned is $797.42. Thank you to all who support our SCRIP program through your purchases. It is greatly appreciated! We have numerous local retail SCRIP cards in stock and many, many others (local and non-local) are available to order in. A complete retailer list can be July 2016 ST JOHN INCOME AND EXPENSE 5-31-2016 May Actual May Budget YTD Actual YTD Budget Income $ (298,753.22)* $ 27,290.41 $ 242,817.57 $ 169,802.05 Expense $ 69,089.93 $ 30,355.81 $ 203,976.88 $ 163,042.05 Net Income (Loss) $ (355,839.81) $ ( 3,065.40) $ 38,840.69 $ 6,760.00 $ 15,028.20 Chg in Bal. Sheet Sale of 3M Stock+ $ Record Gift MIF Loan – Princ. $ Street Assess. Princ $ Adjusted Income (Loss) 15,028.20 (697.77) (2,327.09) $ $ (526.30) (2,327.09) $ (53,154.59) $ (2,327.09) $ $ (2,614.59) (2,327.09) $ (355,839.81) $ (5,918.79) $ $ 1,818.32 (1,612.79) *Moved Tuerk Estate investments recorded in February 2016 out of income into dedicated savings. Income will be recognized at the time the funds are used (spent). +Income recorded at the time the gift was received (2015). When stock sold in 2016, proceeds As of May 31, 2016: HVAC & Parking Lot Loan Balance Less: Dedicated Funds Net Loan Balance Total Pledged $ 198,121.50 $ (33,796.28) $ 164,325.22 $ 65,520.36 The “Growing in Giving Challenge” As your church council has been deliberating how best to steward the generous gift that Don Tuerk left to the church, one of the four areas they have been looking at has to do with a matching challenge to the whole congregation as a way of paying down, or even paying off, our recent debt for the major project that was for the new “Heating, A/C, and Parking Lot resurfacing.” Here is the challenge your council is setting before the entire congregation: All the gifts given and/or pledged between now and the end of the year, designated for the “Heating, A/C, and Parking Lot,” will be matched dollar for dollar up to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Should all of our giving reach this goal it will not only pay off the entire loan we now have, but any additional monies will be used to pay down the three street assessments we have from the past few summers. (12th St., 14th St., and Lincoln Ave.) St. John Lutheran Church St. John July Caring Cupboard During the month of July we will be continuing to accept monetary donations for the ELCA Malaria Campaign. These donations may be taken to the office or placed in the offering plate designated as “Malaria Campaign”. In addition, we will be accepting monetary donations for the Weekend Pantry. These donations may be taken to the office or placed in the offering plate designated as “Weekend Pantry”. A Note From ST. John Missional Ministries A heartfelt THANK YOU on behalf of the Hospitality House to all the caring persons who volunteered a meal for the residents thru August 3rd! Meals are provided to the Hospitality House the first and third Thursdays of the month. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex if GREETING CARD MINISTRY This group meets the first Wednesday at 1:00 pm and would welcome anyone interested in joining them to make lovely, inexpensive greeting cards. In the narthex, a new display rack, donated by Marcia Nelson, allows for easier viewing ST. JOHN GARDENS We have a great need right now for volunteers to keep down the weeds in the church gardens! If you can devote an hour or so at your convenience, we can maintain an appealing and welcoming approach to our house of worship. If you’re not sure if it’s a weed, keep looking—you will find something you know for sure is a weed. Please contact Arlene Dammel at 612-991-2340 if you are able to help. Thank you! Weekend Pantry program Thank you to everyone for their support of the Weekend Pantry Partnership, between Our Saviors Lutheran Church, St. John Lutheran Church, Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Our final food pack was on June 3. Through the partnership, we were able to help 20 families, including 98 adults and children, with food support during the school year. Our volunteers put in approximately 125 hours each month ordering, shelving, and packing food for these families. The total cost per individual for weekend meals during the year was $153. We are thankful for reasonably priced food from Channel One in Rochester and locally to Kwik Trip, Schultz Organic Farms, and Fareway Foods for their help with the project. It has been a great year for learning and for helping. Plans are underway to resume on September 16th. Hopefully we will be able to add families to our numbers. Additional volunteers will be needed and welcomed! As Christians we should help and serve our neighbors. God’s Work, Our Hands. July 2016 Happenings Board Meetings Children, Youth, No July Meeting and Family Light Lutheran Lunch Wednesday, July 27 12:00 NOON Everyone is invited and may bring a friend or two for a meal and some fun fellowship. The meal will consist of: Old Fashioned Weiners on a Bun, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Cole slaw, Dessert, and beverage. Men’s Bible Study Christian Service No July meeting Education No July Meeting Fellowship July 5, 1:30 pm Fundraising and No July meeting Events Missional Ministries July 5, 5:00 pm Properties July 26, 12:00 pm Worship and Music July 26, 4:30 pm Council August 8, 6:00 pm The Men’s Bible Study meets every Executive Board July 21, 6:00 pm Wednesday at 11:45 am at Pizza Ranch. Everyone is welcome to attend. July 6, 1:00 pm Greeting Card Ministry Quilting group If you are interested in helping, the quilting group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at Altar Guild July 2, 8:30 am Eucharist Ministers July 18, 4:15 pm Newsletter Crew July 25, 1:00 pm Sponsor a Family with weekend pantry If you would like to sponsor a weekend pantry, the following dates are available in 2016. The cost of sponsoring a weekend pantry is $100. Please call the church office at 451-7293 to reserve your date(s). Thank you. July 10, 17, 31 Sunday Worship Traditional Worship 8:00 a.m. Blended Worship 9:30 a.m. Saturday Worship Contemporary Worship 5:00 p.m. Thursday Vespers 5:00 p.m. 1301 Lincoln Avenue Owatonna, MN 55060-4099 St. John Lutheran Church Published by ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED St. John of The Spirit Permit No. 186 Owatonna, Minn. PAID U. S. POSTAGE Nonprofit Organization UPCOMING EVENTS Boundary Waters Bible Camp July 7—July 11 Depart 7:30 am; Return approx. 9:00 pm Relay for Life July 15 - 16 Park cars at SCFF Rally Sunday August 18 September 11 JOIN THE ST. JOHN RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM The event will take place on Friday, July 15, 2016 from 6:00pm–6:00am at the Owatonna Fairgrounds. We will also be having a family campout at the St. John church fairground parking lot that evening for the walkers to rest and spend time with others in the congregation. We would like this to be an all church event and look forward to a huge success to do our part in helping to put an end to cancer. For more information, contact Jessica Rau at [email protected] or call her at 507-676-8031. OKTOBERFEST 2016 Ma k the date of Su day, O to er 9, 6o ou ale da to ate d St. Joh Okto e fest. I addiio to the o de ful eal that is se ed, the follo i g ooths ill e ope fo out: Fa To ou to he k e 's Ma ket, Baked Goods, C ats, a d Rale. ake this e e t a su ess, e Need Your Help. Please o side helpi g to suppo t o e of these ooths. Far er’s Market - Co side a i g a fe e t a ja s of ga de p odu e a d do ai g the o i gi g i f esh p odu e. Crats - Put ou ha ds to o k eai g o heted o k ited ite s, je el , uili g, eedlepoi t, pai i gs, ood o ki g, o holida dé o . Baked Goods - Use ou ead fo othe s to e jo . Rale - Co t i ute a ite s fo the ale. aki g tale ts to o eta i gi akes, ookies, pies o do aio to e used to a d the pu hase of If ou ould like to olu tee to help i so e apa it o ta t Okto e fest Chai pe so Sha o A dt at 1- ith Okto e fest, . JULY 2016 ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday Church Office: 451-7293 Fax: 451-3001 Kitchen: 451-0362 Monday Pastor Dave Office: 451-7293 Cell: 676-1212 Tuesday Wednesday Intern Pastor Karl Office: 451-7293 Cell: 727-415-8811 Thursday Altar Guild Pat Giesler 507-685-4672 Friday 1 Saturday 2 8:30 am Altar Guild 5:00 pm Contemporary Worship Klein Ranch 3 7th Sunday of Pentecost 4 5 6 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30 am Blended Worship 10:30 am Blended Practice INDEPENDENCE DAY OFFICE CLOSED 12:00 pm Owatonna Clergy 1:30 pm Fellowship Bd. Mtg. 5:00 pm Missional Ministries Bd. Mtg. 5:30 pm TOPS (Rm #39) 8:30 am Staff Mtg (Leroy) 11:45 am Men’s Bible Study * 1:00 pm Greeting Card Ministry 7 8 9 5:00 pm Vespers Worship 5:00 pm Contemporary Worship Summer String Lessons 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Boundary Waters Canoe Trip 10 8th Sunday of Pentecost 11 12 9:00 am Quilting 5:30 pm TOPS (Rm #39) 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30 am Blended Worship 10:30 am Blended Practice Boundary Waters Canoe Trip 17 9th Sunday of Pentecost 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30 am Blended Worship 10:30 am Blended Practice 18 4:15 pm Eucharist Ministers 24 10th Sunday of Pentecost 25 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30 am Blended Worship 10:30 am Blended Practice 1:00 pm Newsletter Crew 13 8:30 am Staff Mtg (Karl) 11:45 am Men’s Bible Study * 15 16 NEWSLETTER INFO DUE 5:00 pm Vespers Worship 5:00 pm Contemporary Worship Summer String Lessons 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 19 3:00 pm Park Place—Comm. 5:30 pm TOPS (Rm #39) 20 8:30 am Staff Mtg (Joyce) 11:45 am Men’s Bible Study * 26 27 9:00 am Quilting 12:00 pm Properties Meeting 4:30 pm Worship & Music Bd. Mtg. 5:30 pm TOPS (Rm #39) 8:30 am Staff Mtg (Pastpr Dave) 11:45 am Men’s Bible Study * 12:00 pm Light Lutheran Lunch 31 11th Sunday of Pentecost 8:00 am Traditional Worship 9:30 am Blended Worship 10:30 am Blended Practice Holy Communion is offered at ALL worship services. 14 * Held at Pizza Ranch 21 22 5:00 pm Vespers Worship 6:00 pm Executive Bd. Mtg 28 5:00 pm Vespers Worship 23 5:00 pm Contemporary Worship 29 30 5:00 pm Contemporary Worship Date Ushers Co u io Acolytes Vault Duty Greeters Lectors July — th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Skali ky # Je se Sue Reese Fra Ku ista, Ja e Middlestadt TBD : a # Ku at # Gei g Ge e Nelso Reu e a d LaDo Kathy Gordo July a E eli g — th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Bloo e rader # Ja ke Russ Karle Jef a d Krisie Kapla Gloria Zi : a # Bishop Sharo Ar dt Euge e Kru ke erg, Gary Liedtke Ja kie Gei g July # E eli g er a — th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Di se # Di se Sa dy Jirele Sharo Stark, Cheryl Sore se Sa dy Boss : a # Dresser # Ar dt Ji Terry a d De Hof a Sharo Ar dt Jea Weiss Da a d Sa dy Ja ke Jef Spri g org Julie Wuger Ja i e Walker Be ky Haas July — th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Mitelstadt # Lewiso : a # Nelso # Oeltje July — Hof a ru s th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Joh so # Jirele Jessi a Rau Mari a d Darle e Je se Jessi Karle : a # Ku at # Peterso Ge e Nelso Chris a d Adrie Ja o so TBD August - th Su day of Pe tecost : a # Skali ky # Stark Corey Ihrke Clayto a d Bar A derso Gloria Zi : a # Bishop # Gei g Sharo Ar dt Ja es a d Julie E eli g TBD Radio A ou cers—Su days at : July : Russ Karle July er a A.M. : Ro Marschel July : Ge e Nelso July : Ti Nelso July : Gordy Zi er a August : Les Gei g