Vibratory Conveyors
Vibratory Conveyors
CRIPPEN lrfal mr TURING . . HEAVY DUTY CONSTRUCTION . FLYWHEEL COUNTERBAIANCING . . SVC "Sifting" Series . VCHL "Low Profile" Series ' VCHM "High Capaciq," Series 'VC-540 Series CRIPPEN "LO\T.PROFILE" VIBRAIORY CONVEYORS ..VCHL'SERIES Model # B c D 12" 4" 14-1/8" 2" 12" b 1 /8" 525 BPH 2', 16" 4', 375 BPH 2" 18" 4" 18" '18', Capacity VCHL 21124 3OO BPH VCHL 2/126 450 BPH VCHL 21164 VCHL 2/184 VCHL 21186 560 BPH VCHL 8t184 450 BPH A 8', VCHL B/1 86 675 BPH o VCHL 81224 5OO BPH B' VCHL 81246 785 BPH on 1-112" 18', z4 L-5', L=10' L=1 1HP 1HP 1HP 7" 1HP 1HP 14-1/8" 7" 1HP 14-1t8" 7" 1HP o 16-1/8" 7" 4" 14-1t8" 6-1 E 5' 1/2 HP 1-1t2 HP 1HP 1 1/2 HP 'I 1HP 1HP '1 1/2 HP 1HP 1HP 1-1/2 HP 1 vz HP 1HP 1HP 1HP 1 112 HP 1 112 HP ZJ 1HP 1HP 1HP 1-112 HP C, 1 6-1/8', ZJ lHP 14-1/8" ZJ 1HP 1HP 1HP 1-112 HP 4' o 1 23" 1HP 1HP 1-112 HP 6,1 /8', L=25' L=2O' 1 'I 1HP 1/2 HP 1-1/2 HP 'I 1/2 HP 112 HP 1-112 HP 1-112 HP 2HP 1-1t2 HP 2HP 1-112" CRIPPEN " HIGH CAPACITY'' VIBRAIORY COI{\IEYORS ..VCHM" SERIES 1-314 c Model # Capacity A B D E L=5' L=l0' L='15' L=20' L=25' VCHM-.18/186 1215 BPH 18" 18" Cl 1B-314" ZJ HP 1-1/2 HP 1-1/2 HP vcHM-18/189 1820 BPH 18" 18', 9" 21-314" ZO HP 1-1t2 HP 1-112 HP VCHM-18/246 1415 BPH 18" 24" c, 1B-314" 23" HP 1-1/2 HP 1-1/2 HP VCHM-18/279 2275 BPH 18" 9" 21-314" 23" HP 1-1/2 HP vcHM-24/246 1620 BPH 24" 6" 1B-3/4" 29" HP 1-1/2 HP vcHM-24/249 2430 BPH 24" 9" 21-314" 29" vcHM-24/306 vcHM-24/339 vcHM-30/306 1820 BPH 24" 6" 1B-3/4" 29" 2BB5 BPH 24" 9" 21-3/4" 29" JU o 18-314" 35" vcHM-30/309 vcHM-36/366 2024 BPH 3036 BPH 2423 BPH vcHM-36/369 3645 BPH 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 3HP 2HP 3HP 2HP 3HP 3HP 3HP 3HP 3HP oo 5U 30' 9" 21-3/4" JO Jb o 1B-3/4" JO Jb 9" 21-3/4" 1 12 HP 1HP 1 12 HP HP 1-1/2 HP 1-112 HP 1-112 HP 1-112 HP 35" 1 12 HP 1-112 HP 41 1 12 HP 1-1/2 HP 41 1 12 HP 2HP 2HP 3HP 2NP 3HP 1-314" I D 112" . . . . . Capacities are based on granular, free-flowing products @ 75o/o of maximum trough filI HP ratings are based on 48# per cubit fbot material (60# per bushel) Consult factory for product densities grearer than 48#1ft^3 Consult factory for pan lengths longer than 25' Available options include peaked covers, side discharge(s) and rwo or three-way split trough CRIPPEN SIFTING VIBRATORY CONVEYORS ..SVC" SERIES Model # Max, Capacitv Sifting Capacity A SVC-12XX B.1O BPH 10 BPH/ ft. of L 13-114" 17-3/4" HP 1HP 1-112 HP 2HP 2HP SVC-18XX 1215 BPH 15 BPH/ ft. of L 19-114" 23-3/4" HP 1-112 HP 2HP 2HP 3HP 12HP 1-1/2 HP 2HP 2HP 2HP 3HP 3HP 3HP 5HP 2HP 3HP 5HP 5HP L=5' B SVC-24XX 1620 BPH 20 BPH/ ft. of L 25-1t4" 29-3/4" 1 SVC-3OXX 2015 BPH 25 BPH/ tt. of L 31 114" 35-3/4" 1 SVC-36XX 2430 BPH 30 BPH/ ft. of L 37 -1 14" 41-3/4" C.'OVERS'DISCHARGE ,J; I{ I I D.'SIFT'NGS' DISCHARGE -r-2*314" L=1 5' L=2O' L=25' Itz"4scREEN,NG LEGEND [-^---] /2 HP 2HP l=10' LENGTH (4'MTNIMUM) I c I I 19-318" B__l 2O-1t4'*) . FULL.LENGTH SIFTING SCREEN \7/SIFTINGS SIDE DISCHARGE SPOUT (LH OR RH) . BAII TRAY SCRTTN CLEANING SYsIEM AS STANDARD EQUIPMFNT . EASY TOP REMOVAL OF SIFTING SCREEN & BALL TRAY SCREEN CLEANING SYSTEM . HEA\^/ DUTY IO CA. STEEL I OWTR IAN CONS TRUCTION . HEA\^1 DUTY I+ GA, STEEL UPPER PAN CONSTRUCTION . CONVEYING CAPACITY RANCE FROM 8IO BPH TO 24JO BPH @ 75OO PAN FILL . FINE SIITINC CAPACIT\ RANCE FROM ]O BPH TO 30 BPH PER FOOT OF I FNGTH . TEFC J PHASE MOTOR W/MOTOR MOUNT. V-BELT DRI\'E & DRIVE GI.]ART) Mximum capacities are based on granular, free-flowing products @ 75o/o of maximum pan fill Fine sifting capaciries are based on 10 bph/ ft^2 ofscreen area - actual capacities will depend upon initial product and desired finished product quality Standard drive is on left hand side when lacing discharge HP ratings are based on 48# per cubir foot material (60# per bushel) CruPPEIY Consult factory lor product densities greater than 48#l k^3 Consult factory lor pan lengths longer than 25' Available options include peaked covers, inlet hopper for conveyor cover and extra screens for the conveyor CRIPPEN MODEL *YC.54O" VIBRAIORY COI{\'EYOR SERIES 89 3t8' - 87 ffz'. MODEI \!5 r0 lU 10" B C 18-1/2" 16 tl2" 2t-11) r8-i/2', D l: |)" HP CAPACIN' ll) BPH 'OO 600 BPH U2 --NOTE: DR[\,EIS ON LEFT HAND SIDE OF UNIT WHEN FACINC DISCHARGE AS STANDARD . SPECIFY IF DRI!'E MUST BE ON OPPOSITE SIDE l-_o___J *l'*'l-^*l o 3 (, FACING DRII/ESIDE lo',,0' MI VIBRAIORY COI{\IEYORS CruPPEIY COMPUTER ENGINEERED FLYWHEEL COUNTERBALANCING SYSTEM Available Options Standard Features . . . . . . . 7 g .& 10 ga. formed troughs (11ga. on YC-540) Formed steel frame on VCHL, VCHM & SVC Series Hear.y duty tubular steel frames on VC-540 Series Fiberglass leafsprings . . . . Tlough flow dividers Side discharge spouts Covers Custom paint colors V-belt drives w/guards Heary duty ball bearings Pan constructions available painted (standard Crippen blue), galvanized, stainless steel or FDA approved urethane coated Crippen Vibratory Conveyors - Your choice for efficient and affordable horizontal conveying. Our vibratory conveyors are designed to gently handle your seed and grain at capacities as high as 3,600 BPH @ 75o/o troogh fill. Customized sizes and configurations are available through cooperation with Crippen's engineering department to meet your exact conveying needs.
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