5 January 2016, Vol. 49, Num 1
5 January 2016, Vol. 49, Num 1
616-10th Street Sharon Ghory Associate/Owner Cell: (780) 812-1885 Office: (780) 639-9997 [email protected] 780-594-6200 Volume 49 Number 1 www.thecouriernewspaper.ca January 5, 2016 The Courier Recalls 2015 Weather Tuesday Wednesday High -7oC Low -14 oC High -11oC Low -12oC Mix of Sun & Cloud Cloudy Thursday Friday High -11oC Low -16 oC Chance of Flurries High -16 oC Low -26 oC Chance of Flurries The weather is provided by The 4 Wing Meteorology Office Local 8001 Local News Timmies Opens at 2 Canex Year in Review 4, 5 & 8 Christmas Festivities 6 at 4 Wing Health Promotion 8 National News RCAF Announces Pilot 3 for CF-18 Demo Team Snowbirds Win Pinnacle 4 Award Jeff Gaye Col Nick Warren of W LE and Avr Eric Kenny of W HQ carve the turkey at the annual Junior Ranks’ Christmas Dinner, under the watchful eye of mess manager JJ Gray. Sports/Fitness Yoga as Exercise 8 Weekly Padre’s Corner Entertainment E3411821 $227,500 6 7 The Courier A lot happens in a year. Whether your 2015 was a great year or a turkey (see picture above), hanging up a brand new calendar offers a chance for optimism and a fresh start. In this issue, The Courier takes a look back over the past E3435420 $419,900 year. Operations, military and family life, and community involvement are recalled in our brief excerpts of the year’s events. It was a pleasure to cover the historic moments – the return of 409 Squadron and support personnel from Kuwait, the deployment of 401 Squadron later in the E4001761 99.5 Acres $649,900 E3419728 year – and the annual events as well. The 4 Wing Community Run, Family Days and Snow Fest provided lots of story and photo opportunities. One of our favourite stories was submitted to us just last month: kind-hearted WFE techs rescuing a duck that was frozen to the concrete edge of a drainage ditch. We’re looking forward to another busy year, including a Maple Flag exercise and the upcoming Cold Lake Air Show. But the aircraft aren’t the only birds we’ll be watching. We’ll always have space in our pages for stuck ducks and, of course, the occasional turkey. RE/MAX Real Estate $69,900 Patti Ouellette E4001420 $278,000 E3431636 $119,900 780-812-6655 E3428889 $449,900 Fo rR en Page 2 The Courier News & Publishing Timmies Opens at Canex Spot a Typo? Coffee’s On Us. Spelling mistakes and typographical errors happen to the best of us. At The Courier, though, we take pride in striving for an error-free paper. If you find a typo or a spelling error in The Courier, report it to thecourier@telus. net. We’ll buy a coffee (or equivalent) at Cinnamon Grove Café for the first person to report the error. If you’re the first to find a mistake in a headline, we’ll buy you lunch! Error reports (if any) from each Tuesday edition will be accepted until Friday of that week. Happy hunting! Jeff Gaye Cpl Bryan Carter, 4 Wing Imaging Mac McMillan, Vice President of Canex/Natex, shows Col Kenny the coffee dispenser at the grand opening of the new Tim Hortons kiosk in the Canex mall. The new service is part of Canex’s partnership with Tim Hortons that will see similar kiosks on military bases across the country. The Cold Lake kiosk, which opened December 16, offers self-service of Tim Hortons hot beverages and baked goods. Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Like a lot of you, I took a good look in the mirror over the holidays and I came to some stark realizations. I’m out of shape. I’m disorganized, untidy and absentminded. I procrastinate. I’m not really hip to the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. I formed a resolution right then and there. Keep up the good work. It’s not that I recommend sloth and indolence, dissipation and lassitude. On the other hand, what the heck. Continuous gradual improvement is the key, after all. Baby steps. Whatever I do, I usually try to do a little better each time. Sometimes, though, there’s such a thing as good enough. With that comes the realization that I’m not destined for greatness. I’m fine with that. I’m content with who I am, and almost embarrassed by all I have. Besides, I have a lot of good qualities too. Modesty and limited space prevent me from listing them here. So while I’m open to good ideas, I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. My ambition is to do better, not to chase perfection, and certainly not to compete with anyone else. I’m pleased with my good habits, and comfortable with my few bad ones. For those with concrete goals – to lose weight, or quit smoking – I wish you all the best. And if you are among those ambitious types who are driven to reach for the heights, good luck to you. And to my confreres who live well and love well, who enjoy life, who put in an honest effort and strive to do a little better each day: keep up the good work. Happy New Year! From the Editor’s Desk Tuesday, January 5, 2016 The Courier News & Publishing Page 3 RCAF Announces Pilot for CF-18 Demo Team RCAF the 75th anniversary of the start of the British The RCAF has Commonwealth Air announced the Training Plan (BCATP), appointment of Capt the pan-Canadian effort Ryan Kean of 410 to train aircrew for the Squadron as the pilot Second World War. for the 2016 CF-18 A native of London, Demonstration Team. Ontario, Capt Kean Captain Kean will joined the Canadian wow audiences around Armed Forces in 2003 North America during under the Regular the 2016 air show season. Officer Training Plan. In His specially painted CF- 2005 he graduated with 18 Hornet commemorates an Earth and Planetary Science degree from the University of Western Ontario. Capt Kean began his military flying career in 2006, and four years later he completed his CF-18 training and was posted to 409 Squadron. In 2013, he was posted to 410 Squadron as an instructor pilot. He is currently the squadron’s Deputy Operations Officer. "This is an exciting opportunity to showcase the skill and professionalism of the Royal Canadian Air Force and the CF-18 all over Canada and the United States,” Capt Kean said. “Being selected as the CF-18 Demonstration Pilot allows me to fly the aircraft in a way that few pilots get to do. In addition to sharing this experience with the audiences at the shows throughout the season, I’ll have a team of highly motivated and professional technicians supporting me and sharing in the experience." The specially painted CF-18 Hornet will feature a unique BCATP commemorative paint scheme designed by Jim Belliveau. By the end of the Second World War, the BCATP had produced 131,553 aircrew, including pilots, wireless operators, air gunners, and navigators, that were critical to the war effort and enabled the creation of wholly Canadian fighter squadrons. Tens of thousands of maintainers and support staff were also recruited and trained by the RCAF to support the effort. L’équipe de démonstration révèle le nom de son pilote ARC L’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC) a annoncé la nomination du capitaine Ryan Kean du 410e Escadron à titre de pilote de l’équipe de démonstration du CF18 pour la saison 2016. Le Capitaine Kean émerveillera les auditoires de partout en Amérique du Nord au cours de la saison de spectacles aériens de 2016. Son CF18 Hornet est spécialement peint pour célébrer le 75e anniversaire du Programme d’entraînement aérien du Commonwealth britannique (PEACB), l’effort pancanadien visant à former des équipages aériens pour la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Natif de London, en Ontario, le Capt Kean s’est enrôlé dans les Forces armées canadiennes en 2003 dans le cadre du Programme de formation des officiers de la Force Take My Card régulière. En 2005, il a obtenu un diplôme en sciences de la terre et en science planétaire de l’Université Western Ontario. Le Capt Kean a commencé sa carrière de pilote militaire en 2006 et quatre ans plus tard, il a réussi son entraînement sur le CF18 et a été affecté au 409e Escadron. En 2013, il a été affecté au 410e Escadron comme pilote-instructeur. Il est actuellement l’officier adjoint aux opérations de l’escadron. « C’est une excellente occasion de montrer aux gens de partout au Canada et aux ÉtatsUnis les compétences et le professionnalisme du personnel de l’Aviation royale canadienne, ainsi que le CF18 », a affirmé le Capt Kean. « En tant que pilote de démonstration du CF18, je suis appelé à piloter l’avion comme peu de pilotes ont l’occasion de le faire. En plus de vivre l’expérience avec 780-594-0004 Dentist Optometrist OPTOMETRISTS 5205 - 51 Ave Cold Lake, AB Clinic Hours Mon 7 am-5 pm Tues-Thurs 7 am-8 pm Fri 7 am-4 pm permis de former 131 553 membres d’équipage, notamment des pilotes, des radiotélégraphistes, des mitrailleurs de bord ainsi que des navigateurs, qui se sont avérés être des éléments cruciaux de l’effort de guerre et qui ont permis de créer des escadrons de chasse entièrement canadiens. Des dizaines de milliers d’autres membres du personnel de maintenance et de soutien ont été recrutés et formés par l’ARC à l’appui de cet effort. Real Estate Crisis Centre Cold Lake Business Directory Dr. Ross Campbell Dr. John Barkley Dr. Blake Dornstauder Dr. Tran Nguyen le public qui assiste aux démonstrations pendant la saison des spectacles aériens, j’aurai à ma disposition une équipe de techniciens fort motivés et compétents qui m’appuieront tout en m’accompagnant dans cette expérience. » Le chasseur CF18 Hornet spécialement peint sera orné de motifs commémoratifs du PEACB conçus par Jim Belliveau. À la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, le PEACB avait Insurance LIFE INSURANCE 7iÊÛiÊÌÊii«ÊÕÀ VÕÌÞÊÃ}t À°Ê>Û`ÊÜÀÞÊEÊÃÃV>Ìià À°Ê>Û`ÊÜÀÞÊEÊÃÃV>Ìià À°Ê>Àà >Ê>ÀÀÌÌ À°Ê>Àà >Ê>ÀÀÌÌ À°Ê/ÀiÌÊiÛ>à À°Ê- iÀÀÊÊ6>ÊÀi IÛi}Ê>««ÌiÌÃÊ>Û>>LiI iiÀ>ÊiÌÃÌÀÞÊÊvviÀ}Ê«>ÌÃ]Ê ÀÌ `ÌVÃÊ>`Ê°6°ÊÃi`>ÌÊ`iÌÃÌÀÞ Cold Lake Real Estate Bryon Pearman, CFP, CHS P.O Box 360 5104A-50 Avenue Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P1 T: (780) 594-1857 C: (780) 815-0010 F: (780) 594-2200 www.ColdLakeEyeCare.com xÓÓxÊxxÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]Ê `Ê>iÊÇnäx{xäxÈ www.bpwealthandinsurance.ca E: [email protected] Dentist Denture Care Dentist 780-594-5755 DR. ERIC HANSEN Hon. B.Sc. D.D.S DR. MAY CONLIN Hon. B.Sc., D.M.D. General Dentists 780-594-5150 gentle hands, caring professionals 5213 - 51 Ave Cold Lake www.lakecentredental.com Page 4 The Courier News & Publishing The Courier News & Publishing January Tuesday, January 5, 2016 February Snowbirds Win Pinnacle Award Centennial Building(#67) PO Box 6190 Stn Forces Cold Lake, AB T9M 2C5 Phone: (780) 594-5206 Fax: (780) 594-2139 Email: [email protected] The Courier Staff Public Affairs Lt Mat Strong Manager Connie Lavigne Editor/Reporter Jeff Gaye Production Coordinator Alina Mallais ADMIN/Sales Angela Hetherington Deadline Wednesday at 1500 hrs for the following Tuesday The Courier is published weekly with the permission of the 4 Wing Cold Lake Wing Commander Col Kenny. The opinions expressed are those of the contributor and do not reflect those of the Editor, Canadian Forces, or DND. The Editor reserves the right to reject, edit, or condense any editorial or advertising material. Printed by Star Press, Wainwright, AB. Publié hebdomadairement avec la permission du Commandant de l’escadre, le col Kenny. Les opinions personnelles exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne représentent pas les opinions de la rédaction, des Forces canadiennes ou du Ministrère de la Défense nationale. La rédaction se réserve le droit de refuser, d’éditer ou de condenser tout article et matériel de réclame soumis. Imprimé par Star Press, Wainwright, AB. Lt Patricia Brunelle Jeff Gaye MCpl Mélanie Ferguson • Cold Lake turns out for Family • Cold Lake Wolves women’s Day fun hockey team wins gold at Prairie • The Courier ajoute un contenu Regionals français • Wing Foods adopts National • 4 Wing announces splash park Standardized Cycle Menu to be built on base • Residential Housing Unit shelter • 4 CES transfers to 2 Wing charges increase by three per cent command March April Jeff Gaye • 4 Wing personnel celebrate winter during two-day Snow Fest • Associate defence minister Julian Fantino visits 4 Wing and announces $46 million in funding • Cold Lake athletes advance to nationals in squash and badminton • Guest speakers urge Canadians to stand together against racism • 10 FTTS students join Miramar deployment LS Alex Roy • RCAF unveils Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary theme for CF-18 Demo Hornet • 125 personnel return to Cold Lake from Operation Impact in Kuwait • 417 Squadron reports from search and rescue exercise Southern Breeze in Florida • 4 Wing Movie Club launches May Member of: Guidelines for Submissions The Courier News & Publishing welcomes voluntary article and photographic submissions from all members of our military community. We work hard with a limited staff to bring you a good quality newspaper. You can help us by following these guidelines when submitting your articles and photographs: a Articles should be sent in Microsoft Word. a Aim for a word count of 300. a Please keep bolded characters to a minimum and refrain from using other font styles (italics, underlining, centering, etc.). a Spell out acronyms on first reference and then abbreviate in subsequent references. a Articles must include author’s full name and rank for attribution. Also include a daytime phone number. a Do not include photos or graphics within typed pages. Send them as separate files. a Photographs may be delivered electronically as ‘jpeg’ or ‘tiff’ files with a resolution of 300 dpi, by hand, or by CR mail. (Please do not send photos embedded in article text!) Indicate photographer’s full name and rank for attribution. a All photographs depicting military honours and awards are published as ‘head & shoulder’ photos on our Accolades page. Cpl Amber Stuparyk • AETE tests guns on CH-147F Chinook helicopters • 4 Wing Band shares concert stage with Edmonton’s Mill Creek Colliery Band • 700 people take part in Wing Commander’s Wellness Walk • 42 Radar Squadron deploys to Nunavut The Canadian Forces Snowbirds received the 2015 Platinum Pinnacle Award for excellence in the air show business in the military performer’s category. The award was presented to 431 Air Demonstration Squadron during the 2015 International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) luncheon in Las Vegas on December 8th. The Pinnacle Awards recognize the ideas and professional execution that are essential for the continuous improvement and sustainability of the air show industry. The awards fall into seven categories that reflect professionalism, innovation, and overall excellence in air show operations and management. “It was very exciting having the hard work of the pilots and maintainers acknowledged by ICAS,” said LCol Brad Wintrup, Commanding Officer of 431 Squadron. “This project successfully showcased the skill, professionalism and teamwork of the men and women of the Royal Canadian Air Force to audiences across North America.” The Snowbirds won the award as a result of their work with the TankCam, a modified smoke tank mounted on the belly of the Team Lead’s aircraft. The tank has 3 high performance cameras able to capture stunning video and imagery of the entire formation in flight. The effects of the TankCam went beyond capturing imagery of the formation. Air show spectators and fans of the Snowbirds enjoyed imagery of their hometowns, as seen from the formation, posted to social media. The Snowbirds training program also benefited from the TankCam as a debriefing tool, allowing for a safer and more proficient show team. This Week at the 4 Wing Movie Club Wednesday, January 6 - Hitman: Agent 47 (14A) 7:00 pm, Wing Theatre Sunday, January 10 - Mr Peabody and Sherman (G) 2:00 pm, Wing Theatre Lakeland Humane Society’s 5th Annual Dawgs & Divas Gala Saturday, February 6 at the Cold Lake Energy Centre. The theme this year is “Escape to India” and it promises all the colour and excitement of Bollywood! Catering by Joly’s Fine Cuisine. Entertainment by the Desert Rose Dancers and Sonic Boom. There’ll be a silent auction, a live auction and a tantalizing marketplace full of exotic temptations! Call the Humane Society at 780-594-1896 to reserve your tickets. All proceeds go towards the society’s capital expansion campaign to build a much-needed new shelter. Special Olympics Lakeland: BOWLING Mondays at 5:30 pm at Marina Bowl in Cold Lake. Please email specialolympicslakeland.com for more information, or find us on Facebook. Right options = Financial Security! Visit Screen Test in RRSP / RESP / TFSA Cold Lake January 11—23 Bons outils = sécurité financière! Call for an appointment REER / REEE / CELI 1-800-667-0604 (toll-free) Talk to a SISIP Financial Advisor SISIP.com Consultez un conseiller de la Financière SISIP Everyone who loves Linda is glad she got a mammogram. Because her breast cancer was found early, she is alive and well today. www.screeningforlife.ca Women aged 50 to 74 should plan to have a screening mammogram every 2 years, and can self-refer. Women 40-49 may be screened annually with a referral for their first mammogram. Tuesday, January 5, 2016 The Courier News & Publishing June Page 5 July August Cpl Ian Thompson Jeff Gaye • Almost 900 people take part in fourth annual 4 Wing Community Run • Maj Le Gall, Capt Setlack and Capt Siu of CFB Cold Lake excel at national running championships • June Is Recreation Month barbecue draws huge crowd • 401 Squadron reactivated at 4 Wing • CWO Alain Roy succeeds CWO Bob Viel as 4 Wing Chief Warrant Officer • 4 Wing team departs for Nijmegen marches • Fire evacuees from La Ronge, Saskatchewan tour 4 Wing airfield • CDS issues strong statement on sexual misconduct, announces Op Honour Jeff Gaye • Cold Lake Cadet Training Centre wraps up its summer training • MP Motorcycle Relay Ride stops in Cold Lake, raises funds for MPs Blind Childrens’ Fund • W Comd attends CDS Op Honour briefing Ask A Professional September Are there times when you need a little professional advice? Ask a Professional can help! You send in the questions, they give you the answers. To ask your question call 780-594-5206 or email: [email protected] Cpl Ian Thompson • Nine Cold Lake athletes compete in Military World Games in South Korea • CFHA breaks ground on new RHUs • 417 Squadron, 419 Squadron, 4 Construction Engineering Squadron and AETE welcome new Honorary Colonels • City of Cold Lake initiates free transit service • Capt Morrison and WO Boland win gold at regional golf championships • 4 Wing Splash Park opens • Base briefing, barbecue welcomes new arrivals • 431 Squadron (The Snowbirds) fly their 2,500th air show in Drummondville, Quebec Pet of the Week Hi! I’m a nineDr. week old female Shepherd mix. I love Laura-Anne Kutryk playing games, and afterwards a little nap is always welcome. I’m smart and playful, and I’m looking for a human who is ready for lots of love! Come to see for yourself at the Lakeland Humane Society. Fluttershy sponsored by: Q HOME INSPECTION We are leaving for holidays this winter and we are wondering how low we should set our furnace thermostat? Hoping to save money by doing this. A Setting a thermostat back for reduced temperature in the home can save on heating costs. Here are some considerations before doing so: Typical rule of thumb: 10° to 15°F set back for 8 hours, you can save 5% to 15% a year on your energy costs. How long you are away will dictate whether it’s feasible to reduce the temperature by just a few degrees or more. Factor in the outside temperature and possible risk of plumbing freezing if near an outside wall. Plumbing in basement rim joist areas are bad for this. Open all cabinets with plumbing in them and ensure no plumbing is within an outside wall before deciding to set the thermostat back to a lower temperature. Insurance companies typically want someone to check on a vacant home to verify that the heating system is still in operation. PETS Q One-A-Day for Fido, too? A Outdoor pets use a few more calories in the cold weather months to maintain their body temperatures. A pet, nursing its young, may need even more nutritional help at this time of year. “Right now is a good time to evaluate your pets’ nutritional needs, and maybe add a vitamin supplement to their diets,” said a local Petland pet counselor. “Vitamins for pets, especially those not receiving a balanced food intake, can aid in the development of bones and muscles, as well as prevent skin disorders and other illness resulting from nutritional deficiencies.” Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 am - 9 pm Sat. 9 am - 6 pm Sun. 11 am - 5 pm #105, 4902 - 69 Avenue, Cold Lake, AB (Tri-City Complex) Phone 780-594-7387 Fax 780-594-5927 Kevin Lester, RHI Home Inspector Cell 780-812-5849 Fax 780-639-2175 [email protected] www.klhomeinspections.ca *10% discount for Military personnel on regular priced items* Wishing You and Your Family a Joyful, Bright & Happy New Year Ahead! Sherry Levesque Joanne Roch 780-815-0440 www.coldlakehouses.com 780-573-9389 www.joanneroch.com Dr. Greg Benoit Dr. Rex Benoit Dr. L.A. Kutryk 5508-50 Ave. PO Box 10 Cold Lake, AB. T9M 1P1 Phone: 780-594-1255 Fax: 780-594-2714 Mon. – Fri.: 8am – 6pm Sat.: 9am – 1pm WWW.ANIMALHEALTHPROVIDERS.COM 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICES d/o Animal Health Providers Ltd. Independently Owned & Operated Page 6 The Courier News & Publishing Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Christmas Festivities at 4 Wing Jeff Gaye Sgt L Geneau, Wing Imaging The tradition of the Junior Ranks’ Christmas Dinner involves the command team switching places with the Dashing through the snow: The -13 temperature put youngest Privates or Aviators on base. “Col” Nick Warren switches rank with “Avr” Kenny at left; “WCWO” a spring in their step as the WOs and Sgts paraded to the Officers’ Mess for the annual “at home.” JC Bouchard-Frigon shakes hands with “Avr” Roy. Jeff Gaye In the picture at left, Scott Lasell of InterPipeline drops the puck before the annual hockey game between the Officers Mess’ and the WOs’ and Sergeants’ Mess. At right, Neil McRury of Cenovus takes his turn doing the honours. InterPipeline and Cenovus sponsor in-ice signage at the Col JJ Parr Sports Centre blue rink, contributing thousands of dollars to 4 Wing recreation programming. The Officers’ Mess went on to win the game 11 - 4. Thank You! Padre Christopher Willis when it is in your power to do it.” This is a great Christians, Jews and principle to live by, and Muslims share a deep one that many of us live respect and a teachable by imperfectly. We likely spirit towards the have all hurried by a Jewish book of wisdom friend or stranger in known as Proverbs. A need, telling ourselves proverb that I have that we would help if only been meditating on we had more time, more this week in light of my money, or more courage. recent activities with In our hurry we put the Christmas Hamper off for tomorrow what Project focuses on is needed today, and giving and service: “Do tomorrow often becomes, not withhold good from next week, next month or those to whom it is due, next year. St. Mark’s Protestant Chapel [Across from Art Smith Aviation Academy] Sacraments For information on Spiritual guidance, Baptism, or to register for Marriage Preparation Courses call the office. You must register six months in advance and please note that marriage preparation is required. Funerals and memorial services can be requested by first contacting our Administrative Assistant. Chapel Life Programming All local military/DND and visiting military/ DND personnel and their families are welcome and encouraged to join our opportunities of worship, social events, and charitable service activities. St. Mark’s Ladies Guild and St. Mark’s Men’s Fellowship are always open to receiving new members. • Men’s Monthly Fellowship Breakfast, last Saturday of the month 8:30 am, September to May. • Military Christian Fellowship, Wednesdays 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, September to June. As a Wing I think we have lived by the proverb this Christmas season. This year 49 Christmas hampers were prepared and close to 80 children received Christmas gifts. With differing motivations and worldviews we have given and served wholeheartedly. We have not withheld good, but have given freely. Many have expended time, money and thoughtfulness. I feel like I’ve received a great gift. I have been appreciate our OPI’s who a hamper? I’d say it’s an intimate witness have led the charge in humbling to be the to the giving of many. their units. We’re so glad representative of so many For this I am thankful. for the many volunteers gift givers. As Padres I’m thankful for our who wrapped Angel the Wing has given us Chaplain team and their Tree gifts, sorted food the gift of witnessing willingness to pitch in, and delivered hampers the grateful response of especially Padre Jonczyk to the Chapel. Thank so many. We’ve received and our admin assistant you to all who gave food, many expressions of Nicole Laframboise for bought a gift, or made a “thank you!” which is an experience their dedicated work. As donation. It has all gone interesting you’re really a team we’re grateful for a long way to making a when Col Kenny and CWO Roy, tangible difference to the just a conduit for the for their prioritization families and people of generosity of others. It’s of our project on the 4 Wing. Great goodness made my Christmas and Wing and for the team was lavished on them. has reminded me of my at JJ Parr who hosted Some say it’s faith. We thank God for our Angel Tree. We humbling to receive you all. Padre’s Corner Sunday Service 10:30 am Divine Worship Communion - 1st Sunday of the month Sunday School - September to June Chaplains - Protestant Padre William Hubbard (Anglican) ........... 8165 Padre David Stewart (Pres) ....................... 8167 Padre Christopher Willis (EFCC)............. 8169 Holy Name Roman Catholic Chapel Sunday Eucharist 11:00 am in English Children’s Liturgy - September to June Chaplains - Roman Catholic [Corner of Kingsway and Queensway] Sacraments Information on Baptism, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders/Ordination, or Sacrament of the Sick, you may contact any of the RC chaplains or the Administrative Assistant. A pre-matrimony (marriage) course is mandatory with a minimum of six months - preferably one year - notice prior to the intended wedding date. Sacrament/Anointing of the Sick or Sacrament of Reconciliation can be at any opportunity upon request to a priest. Funerals and memorial services can be requested by first contacting our Administrative Assistant. Padre Marian Korzeniowski ..................... 8170 Padre Jacques Tremblay...............................7975 Padre Zbigniew Jonczyk.............................7716 Chapel Life All local RC military/DND and visiting RC military/ Padre Marcin Rosinski................................8165 DND personnel and their families are welcome and Administrative Assistant: Nicole Laframboise..….....................7969 You may call her for more information or to register. [Our offices are located in Building 115 next to the CFHA.] The Beehive Thrift Shop encouraged to join our opportunities of worship, social events, and charitable service activities. Catholic Women’s League and Knights of Columbus are always open to receiving new members. Additionally, confidential pastoral counselling in regard to personal faith, family, or employment related matters can be available upon request/appointment. Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Entertainment The Courier News & Publishing Page 7 HOROSCOPES Crossword Sponsored by KIA ACROSS 1. Costa del ___ 4. Book of maps 9. Adult 14. “The Three Faces of ___” 15. Allotment 16. Give the third degree 17. Hard throw, in baseball 18. Absurd 19. OK, in a way 20. 3-sided polygon 22. Clairvoyants 23. Beside 24. Heavy loads 26. Boston suburb 27. Man with a mission 30. “Sesame Street” watcher 31. Park, for one 33. Easy mark 35. Office Furniture (2 wds) 38. Dentist’s direction 39. Hidden 40. “A jealous mistress”: Emerson 41. Oblivion 42. “O, gie me the ___ that has acres o’ charms”: Burns 46. French for Herbarium 49. Military wear 50. Electron tube 51. Pool chemical 54. Scalawag 55. Pizazz 56. Fed. Construction overseer 57. Complimentary close 58. Postal scale unit 59. Coal carrier 60. “You ___ kidding!” 61. Counseled 62. “Don’t give up!” DOWN 1. Relating to thin wall between nostrils 2. Too 3. Host 4. Imitating 5. Bell sound 6. Loyal 7. Clearasil target 8. “Comprende?” 9. An onlooker, starer 10. Let go 11. A spray of feathers 12. Soviet open policy 13. Addition 21. Chronicles 22. “So ___ me!” 24. Inhale 25. Chester White’s home 27. Ballpoint, e.g. 28. Fisherman 29. Old gold coin 32. Compete 33. A.T.M. need 34. Elk mantelpiece 35. Emergency exit (2 wds) 36. Curiosity or interest 37. Drone, e.g. 38. “Go team!” 41. “Malcolm X” director 43. In order 44. Electric eye, e.g. 45. Unfaltering 47. Stream 48. Clarification lead-in 49. Blasé 51. Hint 52. Full house, e.g. 53. Vermin 54. Scandinavian shag rug 55. In favor of Capricorn - December 22 - January 19 Good times are on tap this week. Let the fun begin, Capricorn! A friend shares a secret. Be supportive. Someday, the shoe may be on the other foot. Aquarius - January 20 - February 18 Uh-uh, Aquarius. Just because an idea does not sound good does not mean it isn’t. Take a closer look. It could be a diamond in the rough. A resolution is made. Pisces - February 19 - March 20 Watch it, Pisces. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Be receptive but cautious. A problem arises at work, but it is not yours to fix. Step aside. Aries - March 21 - April 19 Let sleeping dogs lie, Aries. You’ve asked far too many questions as it is, and it has gotten you nowhere. A transportation issue is resolved once and for all. Taurus - April 20 - May 20 Come on, Taurus. You know you’re qualified, so why the hesitation? Speak up and seize the opportunity before it’s too late. A friend asks a favor. Gemini - May 21 - June 21 Shoot, Gemini. You’ve heard it all before. What’s so different this time? Be honest with yourself and your loved one. That’s the only way for real change to occur. Cancer - June 22 - July 22 Get a move on, Cancer. You’ve been holding back, and your superiors know it. Make sure you can back your stance at home. The confrontation will be fierce. Leo - July 23 - August 22 Lucky Leo. You’ve got the magic touch this week, and people will come calling. Fulfill the requests that will make a difference and forget the rest. You have a life. Virgo - August 23 - September 22 Truly, Virgo. You are a very good negotiator, but not everything requires negotiation. Some situations, like the one you’re about to face, require a firm hand. Libra - September 23 - October 22 Blast it, Libra. A friend bails again. Isn’t it time you held them accountable for their actions? You’ve let them slide long enough. Scorpio - October 23 - November 21 Clutter is king again. Nip it in the bud this year, Scorpio, or prepare to lose something irreplaceable. A message is conveyed in an unusual way. Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21 Travel plans get underway, and a financial endeavor pans out. Relax, Sagittarius. You’ve got all of your bases covered. A package bears a surprise. CASINO DENE LET US ENTERTAIN YOU Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49) COME IN FROM THE COLD... 2 for 1 Wings & $1.50 off Molson Canadian Every Wednesday SUDOKU 8 2 5 5 3 2 1 6 9 4 6 5 9 2 4 1 8 9 2 4 7 6 2 8 6 6 9 1 6 2 1 To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must in: Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/sudoku on Fri Oct 23 16:21:12 2015appear GMT. Enjoy! - Each of the nine vertical columns - Each of the nine horizontal rows - Each of the nine 3x3 boxes Remember no number can occur more than once in any column, row, or box. Answers can be found at www.thecouriernewspaper.ca. Weekly Answers For this week’s answers, check out our website at www.thecouriernewspaper.ca Page 8 The Courier News & Publishing Tuesday, January 5, 2016 November October December Jeff Gaye • 401 Squadron, support personnel deploy to Kuwait • 4 Wing GSAR launches new season with field exercise • Tom Trifaux invested as 410 Squadron Honorary Colonel • CF-5 display unveiled at Art Smith Aviation Academy • City of Cold Lake council unanimously approves air show sponsorship • 4 Wing hosts Air Task Force – Iraq readiness training Jeff Gaye • 2,500 spectators attend joint Royal Canadian Legion - 4 Wing Remembrance Day service. • CAE executives visit NFTC, 419 Squadron • W TIS finishes fifth of 84 entries in Exercise Noble Skywave high-frequency radio competition • Sports Day in Canada attracts military and community participation MCpl Danny Eoghainn Mac Mhathghamhuin - Tyndall • WFE Techs save duck • Art Smith Aviation Academy holds its annual Aviation Expo • NORAD celebrates 60 years tracking Santa Personnel Support Programs Starting Off on the Right Foot Derek Coe, Health Promotion Manager Happy New Year everyone! Now that 2016 is here, you may be looking to start the year off on the right foot and make some positive health changes. If so, I have some information to lead you in the right direction. This week, I want to talk about some food myths. Carbohydrates are bad and cause you to gain weight. This is a myth, as carbohydrates are definitely not bad for you. In fact, 45 to 65 per cent of your energy intake must come from carbohydrates. After all, carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for your brain and your muscles during exercise. But you want to be sure you’re consuming the right type of carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of healthy carbohydrates. Candy, pop and anything with refined added sugar, on the other hand, is only good in moderation. It isn’t carbohydrates that cause people to gain weight, it’s consuming too many carbohydrates, or too many refined carbohydrates (sugar). That, in combination with physical inactivity, is a perfect recipe for weight gain. Fat is bad and causes you to gain weight. This is also a myth. Fats themselves are not bad, and 20 to 35 per cent of your total energy intake needs to come from fat. What makes fat bad is the type and the amount of fat you consume. There are three categories of fats. Unsaturated fats are healthy, and most of your fat should come from these sources. Then there you hear about these are saturated fats, which nutrients being bad for should be consumed in you, remember that they moderation. These fats can be healthy if you eat aren’t necessarily bad the right type and not for you, but eating lots too much. of saturated fat can have For more information health implications. The on healthy sources of next type of fat is trans- carbohydrates (fruits saturated fats. We should and vegetables) and fat avoid these as much as (unsaturated fats like oils possible. and fish), or how much Carbohydrates and of each you should be fat are not necessarily consuming, please contact bad. Both have the Health Promotion significant health office at 780-840-8000 benefits. Whenever extension 6958. Yoga As Exercise Jacklyn Wassell There are those who think “yoga is just not for me.” But maybe you just haven’t found the right class yet! There are different kinds of yoga classes. If you are looking for a great workout, a Vinyasa flow class is a good fit. Not up for anything too intense? Try Yin yoga – this is more of a stretching class with a slower pace and longer holds. Both classes are offered at the Col JJ Parr Sports Centre. With the many poses of yoga you can get a full-body workout in one class. Don’t feel shy about going to a class if you are a beginner, modifications can be made depending on where you are in your practice. Yoga is a great form of exercise with many health benefits. Yoga is a non-impact activity which can provide a great accompaniment to other exercise programs. In yoga we stretch our muscles, causing them to lengthen. With increased ÀÊÀiÊ`iÌ>i`ÊvÀ>ÌÊÊ>Û>>LiÊ «À}À>Ã]Ê«i>ÃiÊÛÃÌÊÜÜÜ° ÕÌÞ >ÌiÜ>Þ°V>Ê>`ÊVVÊÊ `Ê>i° muscle length, you have greater strength potential because a longer muscle is a larger muscle. So yoga may allow you to lift more in the weight room! Yoga encourages joint stability, functional strength, mobility, agility and joint range of motion. This not only benefits our exercise programs but also our day to day lives. The benefits go far beyond the musculoskeletal system, bringing balance to the endocrine and nervous systems as well. The lymphatic/immune system is strengthened by the deep breathing and strong muscular contractions involved in yoga, which circulate white blood cells throughout the body. This helps with detoxification of the body. As the muscles stretch, so do the nerves and blood vessels, providing benefits to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. All that deep breathing one does in a yoga class helps to improve the function of your lungs. Yoga really is great for the whole body! Yoga is great for the mind as well. Stressed out? Yoga is a great stress reducer and is thought to improve emotional balance and promote relaxation. Having trouble focusing at work? Yoga increases your ability to concentrate. So with this New Year, try something new and come out to a yoga class. If you already participate in yoga, good for you! Keep up the good work and the benefits will keep coming. Namaste! Source: Yoga Exercise Certificate Course Manual: Suzie Dias 4 Wing Community Library Monday to Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Last Saturday of the Month: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Located in the 4 Wing Community Access Building • 780-594-7456