POLICY AND STRATEGY IN LIFE SKILL PROGRAMS DEVELOPMENT By: DIRECTORATE OF COURSES AND TRAINING DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT NON FORMAL AND INFORMAL EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTUR REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA 0 ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE DG ECE NFIE Directorate General of ECE NFIE Secretary of DG ECE NFIE Directorate of Early Childhood Education Directorate of Teacher Training of ECE NFIE Directorate of Community Education Directorate of Courses and Training Development Center for NFIE Development (P2PNFI/BP2PNFI) Established in 8 regions: Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makasar, Mataram, Banjarmasin, and Papua Educational Offices in 33 Provinces Educational Offices in > 497 Districts Provincial Centre for Learning Activities Development (BPKB) District Centre for Learning Activities (SKB) 1 PROGRAMS OF DIRECTORATE COURSE & TRAINING 1. LIFE SKILL EDUCATION Basically an educational effort to improve the life skills of each citizen. It is a development of life skills education implemented specially to provide learning opportunities for the community to acquire knowledge, skills and develop creative mental attitude, innovative, responsible and courageous to take risk in managing self potential and surrounding that can be as a supply Play groups; Day care; Kindergarten and education and training for work and or entrepreneurship in an effort to increase the quality of life. 2. Community Entrepreneurship Courses program of life skills education implemented to provide learning opportunities for the community in the areas of urban business spectrum to acquire knowledge , skills, develop the mental attitude of entrepreneurship, manage themselves and surroundings that can be provided for work and business (business incubator). 3. Village Vocationally The program for rural communities focus on potential empowerment of its surrounding. The Type of skills should be in accordance to market needs and potentials in the village concerned. 2 INSTITUTIONS OF ECE NFIE 1. COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER (CLC) or PKBM CLC is the private main institution of NFIE, organize all of the NFIE program for ECE, Educational Equivalency, Community Education, and Course & Vocational Training. CLC is established by community, almost of 99% CLC are organized by private sector. 2. CENTRE FOR LEARNING ACTIVITIES (CLA) or SKB CLA is the government main institution of NFIE, organize all of the NFIE program for ECE, Educational Equivalency, Community Education, and Course & Vocational Training. CLA is established by government in district level, almost of 310 CLA are organized by local government as implementation program unit. 3. COLLEGE (Institution Courses) ICs is established by personal and group have been permission by Educational Office in District level. ICs organize the courses and vocational training programs refer to local condition (villages, City, Para-professional courses). 4. ECE Institution Play group, Day Care, Rhaudatul Atfal, PosPaud (integrated health care and education), etc. 5. Social Organization and/or Foundation (religious, women, NGO, and Youth organization) SOF organize the communities etc. community development for women, youth, religious 3 Policy and Strategy of Courses and Training Program 1. Increasing access to the life skill programs, especially for adult learner, unemployed, drop out of Senior Secondary School (SSS) or not continued to SSS 2. Expanding access to the courses and life skills development in the three spectrums: i) LIFE SKILL EDUCATION, ii) Community Entrepreneurship Courses, and iii) Vocational Village 3. Providing block-grant to Community Learning Center (CLC), Course Institutions, and participants. 4. Enhancing cooperation within company enterprises, CLCs, and course institutions. and other 5. Developing standard and certification of competency and course institutions productivities. based on skills and industrial 4 10. Constelation of Training and Courses qualified Accreditati on by NFE Booard Number of main institution in Propinsi on line permision in Kab/Kota Institution legalization: Legalization and NILEKS LKP Institution Performace evaluation QUALITY : accreditation , institution performance Acredited By NFE board Priority to be strengthen Block Grand access priority. C and D performance evaluation STRENGTHEN : Equipment, facilities, educator, manegemenl A or B performance evaluation Qualified Institutional: Block Grand access, training PROGRAMS Pillars Activity Expanding Access and Equality Block-grant for Institutional Courses, CLC, and other similar institutions. Course exhibition to rural and urban areas. Quality Improvement and Relevancy Develop Standard of Competency. Develop curriculum and learning materials. Competency test and Certification Accreditation of program and institutions Cooperation within Company/enterprises and courses institutions and CLCs. Cooperation with international institution Develop life skills Develop Community Entrepreneurship Courses Develop Vocational Village Governance and Public Image Socialization, promotion, and exhibition 6 TYPES OF COURSES STUCTURAL COURSES AND CERTIFIED NON STUCTURAL COURSES AND NOT CERTIFIED Permitted and refer to national standard Develop institutionalized standard. Institutional concerned Courses: Computer, electronica, sewing, bridal , beautifician, Otomotif, Accuntancy, Design , Construction, Embrodiery Language, SPA, Hotels etc 18, 800 LKPs COMMUNITY BASED Courses: handy craft, cattle, chicken, goat, eel, mashroom breeding, embroidery, etc. Implementation Program PROVIDER (NFIE Institutions) Employee INPUT • Not continued to SSS • DO in SSS/Vocation al SSS In Industry Life Skills Education Community Entrepreneurship Courses Vocational village • Graduated SSS but no continued Certified Prosperit y (Output) Entrepreneur / incubator LABOR MARKET COMPETITION COMITMEN 8 COURSE INSTITUTIONS Course is one of educational services in non formal education functioning as a substitution, addition and or formal education supplement in supporting the lifelong learning. Course and training is organized for those who need knowledge, life skill and attitude to develop personality, profession, work, entrepreneurship and or continue schooling to a higher level. The course organization is oriented toward community and demand driven which must be accountable to public and state as part of public accountability. In 2012, there were 18.807 courses spreading in 497 municipalities/districts. 9 Labor Force Path Job Opportunit y 1.Opportunity ANalysis Businness Opportunit y Bursa Kerja Online Skill Courses 2.Job Courcese and training Work 3.Competency Test and Certification Entrepreneuers hip + Skills 4.Graduate Placement Guarantee Self/Independe nt business Entreprenuership path Nilek, Pencari kerja, SKKNI, SKL, KBK, Bahan ajar, dll Nipuk Online (LSK, TUK, Penguji, Peserta Uji Komp) 250 LKP dengan penempatan lulusan kursus PLANNING STRATEGIC (RENSTRA) DG of NFE on COURSE AND TRANING DEVELOPMENT (2010 2014) TARGET AND ACHIVEMNET NO 1. IKK 441 2. IKK 442 3. IKK 443 PEERFORMANCE 0NDIICATOR KEY 2010 2011 2012 2013 Persentase anak lulus SMP, dan DO/ lulus SMA, SMK, MA tidak melanjutkan mendapatkan Layanan Kursus berbasis PKH Sasaran 1,108 jt org 2,05 jt org 1,79 jt org 1,60 jt org TARGET 12 % 133.052 org 13 % 266.166org 15 % 268.855org 17 % 272.537org ACHIE 126.225 org 122.738org 74.191 org 51.000 org Persentase peserta didik kursus dan pelatihan berbasis PKH memperoleh pekerjaan Sasaran 126.225 org 122.738org 74.191 org 51.000 org TARGET 50% 63.112 org 50 % 61.369 org 52% 38.579 org 53% 27.030 org Persentase peserta didik kursus dan pelatihan berbasis PKH berwirausaha Sasaran 126.225 org 122.738org 74.191 org 51.000 org TARGET 10 % 12.623 org 12 % 14.729 org 13% 9.645 org 14 % 7.140 org Dana yg dibutuhkan 399 M 798 M 807 M 818 M Alokasi APBN 180,9 M 182,6 M 149,7 M 122,4 M KET 19 % Angka Capaian tersebut hanya dihitung dari dukungan APBN, belum termasuk 55 % Angka Capaian didasarkan atas pendataan penempatan lulusan di web 15 % Angka Capaian didasarkan atas pendataan penempatan lulusan di web Capaian Capaian TH 2013 2014 Th 2013 dibutuhkan dukungan dana Rp M utk mencapai 17 % LOCAL GOVT CAN TAKE ACTION FOR RENSTRA TARGET PROVINCE , DISTRICT /MUNICIPALITY ALOCATE BAUDGET FOR COURSCE NAD TRAINING DEVELOPMENT SPREADOUT MAPPING OF LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM BASED ON CORRIDOR PKH PKM DESI 10.811 3.405 4.035 2014 PKH PKM DESI 2.558 991 1.161 Rp. 8,58 miliar Rp. 33,01 miliar 1 PKH PKM DESI 4.207 1.549 1.734 3 Rp. 13,64 miliar 4 2 PKH PKM DESI 18.543 5.488 6.236 Rp. 54,67 miliar 6 PKH PKM DESI 1.388 686 742 Rp. 5,19 miliar 5 PKH PKM DESI 2.493 881 1.091 Rp. 8,10 miliar TARGET AND REALIZAZTION LIFE SKILL YEAR 2010 Jawa Timur 14,263 Jawa Barat 25,756 15,112 Jawa Tengah 11,781 Sumatera Utara 7,542 DKI Jakarta 4,586 Sumatera Selatan 4,546 Lampung 6,510 4,914 3,524 Sulawesi Selatan 4,593 3,714 Nusa Tenggara Barat 4,477 3,240 Banten 4,138 3,908 Nusa Tenggara Timur 3,683 3,381 Aceh Jambi 3,246 2,291 2,774 Sumatera Barat 2,878 Kepulauan Riau 3,086 2,881 2,702 2,040 Sulawesi Utara 2,622 2,344 Bengkulu TARGET (12%) 3,166 2,639 Kalimantan Timur REALISASI 3,656 2,770 Sulawesi Tengah 14,073 5,333 3,708 Bali 22,358 17,881 2,568 3,041 2,551 Kalimantan Selatan 2,387 2,542 D.I. Yogyakarta 2,447 Kalimantan Barat 2,549 2,185 Riau 2,437 2,140 Sulawesi Tenggara 2,488 2,616 2,016 Sulawesi Barat 2,3331,391 Bangka Belitung 1,912 1,257 Maluku Utara 2,237 1,168 Kalimantan Tengah 1,733 1,142 Gorontalo 2,352 936 Maluku 1,604731 Papua 1,537 464 Papua Barat - 152 - 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 TARGET AND REALIZATION Jawa Timur YEAR 2011 14,001 Jawa Barat 51,524 14,288 Jawa Tengah 44,727 11,338 Sumatera Utara 35,771 7,919 DKI Jakarta 28,153 4,433 Sumatera Selatan 13,024 3,715 Lampung 10,669 3,414 Bali 9,830 3,632 Sulawesi Selatan 3,194 Nusa Tenggara Barat 3,028 Banten 3,044 8,278 7,368 Nusa Tenggara Timur 3,445 Aceh 3,366 Jambi 9,188 8,956 7,315 6,494 2,247 Sulawesi Tengah 2,928 Kalimantan Timur 2,962 Sumatera Barat 6,333 6,173 REALISASI 5,763 TARGET (13%) 3,7145,406 Kepulauan Riau 1,491 Sulawesi Utara 5,245 2,072 Bengkulu 5,138 3,297 5,102 Kalimantan Selatan 2,193 D.I. Yogyakarta 5,085 2,502 4,978 Kalimantan Barat 2,7614,371 Riau 2,8554,282 Sulawesi Tenggara 2,6424,032 Sulawesi Barat 1,633 2,783 Bangka Belitung 1,448 2,516 Maluku Utara 2,337 2,530 Kalimantan Tengah 1,905 2,284 Gorontalo 1,839 1,873 Maluku 1,463 1,529 Papua 928 938 Papua Barat 270 303 - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 TARGET AND REALIZATION YEAR 2012 Jawa Timur 1,729 Jawa Barat 52,045 2,767 45,179 Jawa Tengah 7,387 Sumatera Utara 36,132 3,624 DKI Jakarta 28,437 1,567 Sumatera Selatan 13,155 1,151 Lampung 10,777 2,126 9,930 Bali 2,514 9,281 Sulawesi Selatan 2,488 9,047 Nusa Tenggara Barat 1,695 8,362 Banten 4,963 7,443 Nusa Tenggara Timur 1,778 Aceh 1,549 Jambi 7,389 6,560 682 6,397 Sulawesi Tengah 1,506 Kalimantan Timur 1,617 6,235 5,821 Sumatera Barat 2,207 5,460 Kepulauan Riau 2,425 5,298 Sulawesi Utara 1,063 Bengkulu 2,174 Kalimantan Selatan 2,323 5,190 5,136 5,028 1,602 7,949 4,415 Riau 1,872 4,325 Sulawesi Tenggara 2,766 4,073 Sulawesi Barat TARGET (15%) 5,154 D.I. Yogyakarta Kalimantan Barat REALISASI 2,811 3,268 Bangka Belitung 764 2,541 Maluku Utara 1,205 2,361 Kalimantan Tengah 1,476 2,307 Gorontalo 1,723 1,892 Maluku 1,454 1,478 Papua 207 937 Papua Barat 306 630 - 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000