16/03/2014 - St. Francis of Assisi Church
16/03/2014 - St. Francis of Assisi Church
SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT - YEAR A – MARCH 16TH, 2014 GOOD FRIDAY PROCESSION PREPARATIONS PREPARATIVI PER LA PROCESSIONE DI VENERDÌ SANTO Discipleship – The Journey In the days ahead you will see efforts being made to elicit information on volunteers for the various characters and support staff. We have two more meetings in St Francis Parish Hall – please spread the word: Tuesday March 18th at 7 pm and Tuesday April 8th at 7 pm Nei prossimi giorni osserverete gli sforzi compiuti per ottenere informazioni circa volontari da fare da personaggi e personale di supporto. Si svolgeranno altre due riunioni nella Sala della Parrocchia di San Francesco. Vi chiediamo di passare la voce: Martedì, 18 marzo alle 7 di sera e Martedì, 8 aprile alle 7 di sera Jesus’ Family, Friends, Disciples Devoted Determined Doubted Denied Destined as they journeyed with Him to His death. Join us for a Lenten Twilight Retreat on Friday March 21, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. CHARACTERS FOR THE GOOD FRIDAY PROCESSION On Friday April 18, 2014, we will be celebrating our Annual Good Friday Procession. For all parishioners and new comers that are interested in re-enacting the characters of Good Friday we ask that you send an email to [email protected]. The character board will not be available this year therefore we ask that you email us with character that you wish to play and a member of our Good Friday committee will contact you. We will do our best to match you up with the character you have requested but if your application comes in late and someone has already been assigned your character, we ask you to consider making yourself available for whatever personality is needed to make this year’s procession a success and to help bring the Gospel message to our streets. Please remember that in addition to your email contact info it would also be helpful to have your daytime and evening telephone numbers. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION REMINDER Parents, please remember that FIRST COMMUNION candidates have their meeting for Unit 1 Chapters 1 & 2 Preparing for Eucharist Today at 10:30 am OR Saturday March 22nd at 4 pm Parents and CONFIRMATION Candidates are reminded to attend ONE of the following dates for their meeting for Unit 4 – please make sure to review the unit with your son/daughter and to accompany them to the meeting. Sunday March 23rd at 10:30 am OR Saturday March 29th at 4pm . SON OF GOD – THE MOVIE All artistic attempts to portray the sacred are going to limp in some way. The movie, Son of God, is not perfect and people will debate if it is the “best” movie about Jesus. That argument would be missing the point. “Son of God” gives us an opportunity to freshen up our knowledge of the Gospels and to remember different things about Jesus and his Message. It is another way that we can prepare during Lent for Holy Week since all of its elements are portrayed in the film. This preparation can serve us well as a Christian People. As a parish, here at St Francis – this film can help us get ready for our annual Good Friday Procession. We know the story so well that we could even get something out of it without the language skills – so if someone in your family does not understand English, there will still be enough “input” to allow them to fill in the words that are in every Christian’s heart. As with many religious movies, this will not last long at the theatres… make the effort to go now. PARISH FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2013 We invite you to take a few minutes to review the Parish Financial details posted on the notice board at the entrance to the church. The numbers give us a sense of the ebb and flow of our parish finances. We take this opportunity to thank you all for your efforts to sustain St Francis and to remind you that time and again, the use of offertory envelopes has been proven to encourage people in their support of the parish. Parish finances are ONE of the gauges used to measure a church’s vitality Thank you! LA SECONDA DOMENICA QUARESIMA – ANN0 A – 16 MARZO 2014 LENTEN REGULATIONS 2014 Weekdays of Lent: There is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of self-denial are recommended. Acts may include daily Mass, spiritual study (a parish mission or a TV mission), Lenten Devotions, the Rosary, Stations of the Cross and deeds of mercy and kindness – look up the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. MASS SCHEDULE MARCH 15th to March 23rd 2014 Saturday, March 15TH 5:oo PM Sunday, March 16th 9:00 AM Giovanni, Carlo e Famiglia Barbati; Gregorio Callipo e Famiglia; Giuseppe e Vittoria Carnovale e Rosario Simonetta; Umberto Paparo e Famiglia; In memoria di Giuseppe Leone; Don Peppino e Carmela Scopacasa; Antonio Pitaro e Famiglia; Defunti Famiglia Lucchetta; Salvatore Amato; Giuseppe Moretti 11:30 AM Lauretta (Laura) Gagliardi Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: These are days of Fast and Abstinence from meat. There is a limit of one full meal on these days for all between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive. Days of Abstinence: (All Fridays in Lent) All who have reached their 14th year are bound to abstain totally from meat. Easter Duty Obligation: After they have received their First Holy Communion, Catholics are bound by the obligation of receiving Holy Communion at least once a year. This precept should be fulfilled during the Easter Season. Catholics are also bound to confess serious (mortal) sins at least once a year, but this is not limited to the Lenten/Easter Season. (March 9th, first Sunday in Lent, through June 15th, Trinity Sunday). Upcoming DAY OF CONFESSION: In order to facilitate our Easter Duty Obligation, Cardinal Collins has declared Wed April 9th as the Day of Confession. Why not plan to get to confession on that day? Special Confession times will be announced. WORKING WONDERS IN OUR LIVELIHOODS Andrew attended counselling at Catholic Family Services in Simcoe at the suggestion of his employer. He was experiencing a considerable amount of conflict at work which was affecting his job performance. Andrew realised that if he didn’t get some help he was at risk of losing his job. Through counselling he learned more positive ways of interacting as well as some healthy stress management skills. Today Andrew has fewer conflicts at work and has learned how to separate his work and home life. He appreciated the help that Catholic Family Services provided to him when he needed it most. Last year, ShareLife-supported Family Service agencies provided family counselling to over 5,100 people in the Greater Toronto Area. Next weekend Candice Pio from the Archdiocese of Toronto, will be speaking at all the masses about the different agencies sponsored by ShareLife. First ShareLife Sunday – March 30, 2014-03-03 Please give generously. You can work wonders! Monday March 17th St Patrick 8:00 AM 2011 parish campaign achievement - $8,879 2012 parish campaign achievement - $11,567 2013 parish campaign achievement - $12,777 2014 suggested parish goal - $14,000 Giuseppe e Chiara Rauti Tuesday, March 18th St Cyril of Jerusalem; St Salvator of Horta, Religious 8:0o AM Caterina e Giuseppe Pace Wednesday, March 19th St Joseph, Spouse of the Bl Virgin Mary 8:00 AM For Parishioners’ Intentions 7:00 PM Salvatore Amato Thursday, March 20th 8:00 AM Giuseppe Figliano Friday, March 21st 8:00 AM Famiglia Froio e Vitro` Via Crucis in Italiano dopo la Messa Saturday, March 22nd Comm. of St Benvenute Scotivoli of Auximo 5:00 PM Antonio Fusillo Sunday, March 23rd 9:00 AM 2014 Overall Parish Campaign Goal: $12.6 million St. Francis of Assisi Parish Toronto, Ontario For Parishioners’ Intentions 11:30 AM Gregorio Callipo e Famiglia; Francesco e Basilio DiLeo; Ferdinando e Filomena Baldassarro; Famiglia Moretti e Pontrelli; Basilio e Francesco DiLeo; Maria Cioffi; Famiglia Piazza; Eduardo Cipolla e Famiglia; Francesca e Domenica Suriano Caterina Rizzuto MARRIAGE BANNS The marriage between Marco Fernando Curvalo Rebelo and Arminda Fabia Ferraz De Barros will be held at St Francis of Assisi Parish on Saturday March 29, 2014.