March, 2015 - Temple Sinai


March, 2015 - Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai
Serving the Stamford, New Canaan, Darien and Pound Ridge Communities March Services
Wednesday, March 4
7:00pm: Purim with Ruach
Friday, March 6
7:00pm: 4th Grade Shabbat Service with RUJU
Friday, March 13
7:30pm: Shabbat Across Stamford
(see page 11 for more information)
Saturday, March 14
9:00am: Tot Shabbat
Friday, March 20
7:30pm: Sisterhood Shabbat Service with Kolot Sinai
Friday, March 27
7:30pm: Shabbat Service
Volume 54, Issue 6
March 2015 / Adar/Nisan 5775
Get ready! GET SET!
In this issue:
Rabbi’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Mark your calendars for the
19th annual Mitzvah Day on Sunday,
May 3. Share your social action
passion for new Mitzvah Day
projects and send them to Monica
Schlessinger, [email protected].
President’s Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Educator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Brotherhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Sisterhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Our Yahrzeits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Temple Sinai Bulletin
Published monthly by:
Temple Sinai
458 Lakeside Drive
Stamford, CT 06903
Phone: (203) 322-1649
Fax: (203) 329-7741
General Information
[email protected]
torah portions
for march
Saturday, March 7: Ki Tisa
Saturday, March 14: Vayakhel –
Saturday, March 21: Vayikra
Saturday, March 28: Tzav
Rabbi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jay TelRav
Cantor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micah Morgovsky
Educator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Cohavi
Youth Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . Erica Santiago
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlene Rosen
First Vice President . . . . . . . . Gloria Skigen
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Barr
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . Betsy Blumberg
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Cohen
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharyn Sarner
Vice President. . . . . . . . . . . . . Paula Simon
Immediate Past
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David S. Cohen
Counsel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David M. Cohen
Brotherhood President. . . . Stuart Madison
Sisterhood Presidents. . . . . Wynd Harris
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irma Paull
SoSTY President. . . . . . . . . . . Talia Cohavi
Rabbi Emeritus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samuel M. Silver, D.D. z”l
(1912 - 2008)
Rabbi Jay TelRav. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 12
[email protected]
Cantor Micah Morgovsky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 13
[email protected]
Melissa Cohavi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 14
[email protected]
Jayne Vasco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 10
[email protected]
Can’t Get to the
Temple Because of
Transportation Issues?
OR Willing to Drive a Fellow
Congregant to Temple Sinai?
Design by Lynda Falcone at Falcone Creative
Friday, March 6
Carole Brafman & Myron Sharpe
Arlene & Stephen Fischer
Irma & Allan Paull
Jayne & Bud Schiff
Meryl & Hank Silverstein
Genevieve & Murray Weingrad
 Mazel Tov
Arlene & Carl Rosen on the birth of their
grandson, Ezra Ian Rosen
Carole Brafman & Myron Sharpe
on the birth of their grandson,
Maxwell Henry Dancho
Nan & Paul Gordon on the engagement
of their daughter, Kim to Andrew Pia
Some of our members wish they could
join us more at Temple Sinai, but for
various reasons, cannot get there. We
want to do our best to ensure that no
one is excluded from an event, program
or service because of transportation
Pearl Bloom & Barbara & Gary Bloom
on the birth of their greatgranddaughter and granddaughter,
Adina Virginia Bloom
Just let the temple office know if you
have difficulty with transportation and
would welcome a fellow congregant
picking you up, and bringing you home.
March 6: 4th Grade Families
Please let the temple office know if you
are willing to occasionally drive a fellow
congregant to/from Temple Sinai.
We want to hear from you!
Interested in Advertising?
Please call the temple office
at (203) 322-1649 or
email assistant@
Shelly Welfeld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 11
[email protected]
Erica Santiago
[email protected]
 Happy Anniversary 25+
Remember Temple Sinai
in Your Will!
For more information, please call
the temple office at (203) 322-1649 or
email [email protected]
 Oneg Sponsors
March 13: Sponsor Needed*
March 20: Sisterhood
Robyn & Jerome Alper in honor of the
Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Rebecca
March 27: Sponsor needed*
*Please volunteer to
sponsor an Oneg
Recognize an anniversary, yahrzeit, or
important milestone – or just give back to
our community at a date that is convenient
for you. Your sponsorship (or whom
you wish to honor) will be recognized
in both the temple bulletin and in the
announcements on Friday night. Levels of
support are $36; $72; $144 (pays for half
of an Oneg); and $225 (pays for an entire
We would welcome a sponsor for March
13, 27; April 17, 24; May 8, 22; June 26.
Contact Jayne (203) 322-1649, indicating
whether you wish to be the sole sponsor or
whether you would like to contribute to an
Oneg, and the date you prefer.
Nominations Requested
Member since 1954
2∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
The Nominating Committee is preparing its recommendations for new
officers and trustees for 2015. Please send your suggestions to
Tracy Benz at [email protected].
Notes from Rabbi TelRav
Shalom L’Kulam – Hey Everyone,
Most of us know that Judaism tells us
to “make good choices.” Thou Shalt Not
Murder. Thou Shalt Not Steal. Thou Shalt
Not Bear False Witness, etc., etc. These
prohibitions are relatively obvious, but what
about the sin of character assassination or
cheating on your taxes or simply sharing
the piece of the truth that you feel most
helpful? If only there were a flashing neon
sign in every situation telling us the right
choice to make. The reality is that we are
almost always faced with decisions between two right options or two
wrong choices and we have to split hairs. The sad reality is that making
the wrong choice is very costly to our soul. We might not notice it
immediately, but our self-image begins to erode and it is cumulative. We
begin to think less of ourselves as positive members of society and then
expect less of our own behaviors.
What we’re talking about here is ethics. Judaism does provide
us with beautiful holiday traditions and life cycles. It has cultural,
artistic and culinary input into our lives and it certainly informs
our politics, social circles and philanthropic behaviors. But, perhaps
most importantly, IMHO (in my humble opinion), it offers subtle, yet
invaluable guidance for how to live all our moments. There are three
traditional categories for these kinds of behaviors. In Hebrew they’re
named: bein Adam l’chavero, bein Adam l’Makom and bein Adam l’atzmo
– matters between a person and another person, between a person and
God and between that person and him/herself. I would add on a few
other categories of my own: bein Adam l’k’hilato and bein Adam l’olamo
– Matters between a person and the community and between a person
and the whole world. With these five categories, I think we can consider
all the situations that confront us every minute of every day.
Behaving the way we wish to, at every moment of every day, sounds
exhausting – and, at first, it is. Exercising our higher self is just the same
as exercising our body – if we haven’t been in practice for some time,
then getting back into shape is uncomfortable and not much fun. Those
who are diligent, though, will see the benefits surprisingly quickly. Like
using a trainer at the gym, I would not suggest blindly jumping in. You’ll
need partners and structure, and so I’d like to suggest a book. Rabbi
Joseph Telushkin created a beautiful day-by-day volume called, The
Book of Jewish Values. It will help you to be a better parent, child, spouse,
friend, co-worker and customer. And, you’ll need someone to work with
– a friend who’s committed to the same process and with whom you can
talk about your successes and your failures. Maybe it could even be your
rabbi who sits, lonely in his study, waiting for the phone to ring to have
these kinds of conversations of meaning!
I promise, if you’ll give it an honest try and put in the work, you
will see the changes take place and you’ll feel the value. And then, if
the idea appeals to you, come and hear Rabbi Telushkin, who will be
speaking at Shabbat Across Stamford on March 13. Register for the
event by following the link on the temple’s website, and come learn
from a great mind while enjoying Shabbat with the whole Jewish
community that evening.
L’Shalom, In Peace,
Jay TelRav
Dinner and a Movie
Temple Sinai has been cruising
the big screens for the latest and
greatest movies of the season. We
see a current running film together
and then have dinner afterwards
and delve into the themes and messages. Everyone has
had a great time and the only thing missing is you! We’ll
be going out again on March 21 for a late afternoon
movie followed by dinner. Put it on your calendar and let
us know you’re planning to join us – then, when we have
details about the movie times, we’ll be able to keep you
in the loop.
Contact the temple office for more information or to RSVP.
Visit for more information. ∫ 3
4∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
President’s Perspective
The Whole Mishpocha
Family means so many different things to
people these days. The permutations and
combinations are countless, and just when
it seems all possibilities have been covered,
we are witness to a new model. Think
about those who come together at your
Passover table to celebrate the festival of
freedom. The guests at today’s seder feasts
are unlikely to precisely resemble those who
attended your grandmother’s celebrations.
Family and inclusion are buzz words we use to describe the essence
of Temple Sinai. That sounds good and is the cornerstone for many
a non-profit organizational mission statement. I cannot comment on
how well the other institutions live out this value, but I believe strongly
that Temple Sinai has a singular commitment to these ideals and truly
“walks the talk.” Yet we walk the talk, not out of obligation, but because
these ideas hold great meaning for us. We strive to welcome everyone to
our door and to offer a comfortable setting for every person to find their
spiritual footing.
Rabbi TelRav has just accompanied a group of Temple Sinai
travelers on a much-anticipated trip to Israel. Carl and I had the
privilege to travel with just such a group six years ago. Our experience
was life-changing, in many, many ways. As far as family and inclusion
go, we started out our tour as separate family units and came home as
one Temple Sinai group. It is already more than a half decade since we
returned from Tel Aviv to greet the dawn at JFK airport, but we bonded
to such an extent that most of us still look at that group of people today
as extended family. I am envious of this year’s travelers who connected
in a deep way through the many meetings and events that Rabbi
TelRav sponsored in advance of the trip. The connections have surely
strengthened now that they have visited our homeland together.
APRIL 13, 2015
Enjoy card games, board games and spending
time with your “buddies” or “the girls” at the annual
Game Night hosted by Sisterhood. Refreshments
and raffle prizes too! For additional information
please contact Michelle Ebstein via email at
[email protected].
When these congregants return to their U.S. homes, they will find
the rest of us gearing up for our annual spring gala which is scheduled
for April 18, 2015. The theme for the event is We Are Family, and on
that evening we will honor two extraordinarily committed and active
members of our synagogue, Amy and Henry Bubel. The Bubels raised
their own family here, and they have played a significant role in helping
to create what we have come to know as the greater Temple family.
The gala promises to be festive, fun, and DELICIOUS! In addition
to the dinner, which is to be catered by our very own congregant Robin
Selden of Marcia Selden Catering and Event Planning, there will be
a raffle, silent and live auctions, and a series of entertaining surprises,
including our own zany version of
Family Feud. Chairwoman Wendy
Family means so many different
Lewis shared that the evening will
things to people these days.
also highlight the many multiThe permutations and
generational families who have
combinations are countless,
made Temple Sinai their spiritual
and just when it seems all
home. Wendy and her enthusiastic possibilities have been covered,
we are witness to a new model
committee are moving full speed
ahead to make this a memorable and
joyous evening for everyone. Please
do your part by offering or securing auction items, purchasing a journal
ad and raffle ticket, and marking your calendar to attend this festivity.
This will be our opportunity to publicly pay tribute to the Bubel’s, a
very special Temple Sinai family, and also to take pride in our entire
collective congregational family.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Arlene Rosen
Let’s Shop!
Temple Sinai has
recently registered
to be part of a
program run by called
AmazonSmile. Through participation in this
program, you can elect to have 0.5% of your eligible
Amazon purchases donated to Temple Sinai (at no
additional cost to you). All you need to do is make all
your Amazon purchases through and elect Temple Sinai of
Stamford as your designated charity.
Thank you in advance.
Visit for more information. ∫ 5
Cantor’s Concert
The Pursuit of Harmony
Is it possible to turn an enemy into a friend?
Is it possible to feel compassion for someone you have
always feared?
On March 14, Michael Hunter Ochs will take us
to a place of hope and possibility. Ochs, an award
winning Jewish American songwriter/producer,
will be joined on stage by me and members of
Ruach, Kolot Sinai, and RuJu, the temple’s
band, choir and youth ensemble, for an intimate evening of song
and conversation. Hear Ochs’ inspiring story as he retraces his steps
between Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, in The Pursuit of Harmony.
The songs, personal stories, stunning photographs and exclusive video
will be sure to sweep you away in a once in a lifetime experience.
Michael Hunter Ochs is recognized as a breakthrough composer in
Jewish music. His melodies can be heard in synagogues around the world
and he is often commissioned to write original compositions for various
congregations throughout America. He has performed at some of the most
respected international Jewish institutions, including London’s Leo Baeck
Rabbinical College, the Union for Reform Judaism’s (URJ) Biennial, and
The Jewish Museum of Berlin.
Additionally, Ochs has established himself as one of the most versatile
songwriters in America today. His music, in addition to topping music
charts across the globe, is featured in numerous major motion pictures
and television soundtracks. His song, “In Her Eyes” was recorded by
international superstar Josh Groban and the soul-filled “On My Knees”
was awarded Song of the Year honors from both the Gospel Music
Association and the Nashville Songwriters Association International, and
spent 14 weeks at #1. Ochs’ music can be heard on the movie soundtracks
for The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants trilogy, and on the television
shows The Simpsons and True Blood. He frequently travels around the
globe to write for various pop stars and his songs have been recorded by
international entertainers such as Helene Fischer, the number-one selling
artist in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland, Natalie Grant, and
M. Callahan, recently named, 10 Best Male Country Artist To Watch 2014.
As a founding member of the band, The Pursuit of Harmony, Ochs
has been writing and performing in the Middle East and Europe with
a group of talented and courageous Palestinian, Israeli, Jordanian, and
Norwegian songwriters and recording artists. They play to sold-out
crowds, bringing their message of change and hope to audiences around
the world. Ochs, with The Pursuit of Harmony, has performed at The
United Nations, the National Prayer Breakfast (at the invitation of
Congress), and various embassies and capitals around the world.
Temple Sinai is honored to welcome Ochs to perform for the greater
Stamford community. Suggested donation is $36, with additional
sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact the Temple Sinai office
at (203) 322-1649 to reserve your seats today.
Come, hear the story. Hear the songs. Feel the hope … so that we can
experience one another’s humanity and begin building a bridge to peace,
together. (See page 4 for more information.)
Cantor Micah Morgovsky
6∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
Social Action/Tikkun Olam
2015 is off to a strong start in our Social
Action area. We are still basking in the glow
of the successful Christmas Feast we served to
participants at New Covenant House. Thanks
to Sally Kelman who led the effort and all those
that cooked and served. We understand that the
new facility will open this spring. With it will
come additional opportunities to volunteer there
year round. If you are interested, we are looking
for more help on the third Wednesday of each
month. Contact Eileen Besser or the Temple office to volunteer.
Super Bowl Sunday found a team of Temple Sinai members at the JCC
Mitzvah Day. Young and old alike painted flower pots filled with beautiful
lilies and we delivered them to the Jewsih Home for the Elderly. Special
thanks to Ronnie Falkenburg and Roberta Sultzer for making this day a
success and so much fun.
Jewish Family Service is seeking some volunteers for a new project
to work with early stage dementia patients. This is a 10 week effort but
should yield great satisfaction. Please let Paula Simon (plsimon68@aol.
com) or the Temple office know if you are interested.
We are getting closer to Temple Sinai’s Mitzvah Day on May 3,
2015. Monica Schlessinger and Lee Ann Heller have a list of projects
for that day and will be reaching out for participants. This year we are
adding a few new projects to the list. We plan to do some clean up in
the library. Anyone with a special interest in this area should contact
Monica at [email protected] or cell phone (203) 353-1156 or Lee Ann at
[email protected]. Stay tuned for some new and exciting initiatives
for our religious school students.
One more reminder, that residents of the Stamford area go hungry all
year round. There are receptacles for nonperishable food items in the lobby
of the temple. They are always welcome.
Paula Simon
Upcoming B’nai Mitzvah
Rebecca Alper
Parents: Robyn & Jerome
Siblings: Zach 16, Ben 18
Bat Mitzvah: March 21, 2015
School: 7th @ Turn of River Middle School
Favorite subject: Language Arts
Interests: Volleyball, dancing
Torah Portion: Vayikra
“I learned that even though people do make mistakes,
you can be forgiven.”
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah:
“I am looking forward to celebrating this special event
with my friends and family.”
About me:
“I like spending time with my friends and really
enjoy my summers at sleep away camp. I am
looking forward to my summer vacation with my
grandparents this year.”
“On Passover every Jew is obligated to ask
him or herself: When was I born? Where
was I born? What historical memory do I
carry with me? I look at my identity card
and read the invisible script: ‘My parents
were born as slaves in Egypt when Pharaoh
the king of Egypt ordered the first genocide in
history. I too was there!’”
— Yitzhak Tabenkin,
Kibbutz Founder and Educator
Reb Zebulun said, “Today we live, but by tomorrow, today will be
a story. The whole world, all human life, is one long story.”
The term, Seder Pesach, once meant the Order of the Passover
sacrifice in the Temple. But after the Temple’s destruction in 70 CE,
the Rabbis’ remodeled the seder after the Greco-Roman symposium.
At these Hellenistic banquets, guests would recline while servants
poured them wine, washed their hands, and served appetizers and dips
before the meal. The guests would then take part in a philosophical
debate, after which the meal was served. The Rabbis prescribed
such a banquet for Passover: Wine, appetizers, reclining on pillows,
washing our hands ceremoniously – a royal feast! Most importantly, a
philosophical discussion on the story of the Exodus and the issues of
slavery versus freedom took place. The Rabbis wanted Passover to be
an experience of freedom and affluence.
Parents, did your child happen to mention to you
that they were instructed to have FUN at Temple
Sinai on Sunday morning February 1? If they did
not mention all the fun they had, I will fill you
in! That morning, I led an all Hebrew School
activity with help from the faculty, madrachim
and Rabbi TelRav. Each class was asked to act
out a section of the temple only using sounds
and motions. I think I speak for everyone when
I say we had a blast! Your children were creative,
worked together and laughed very hard. This was a great example of how
much fun can be had while still learning and building a larger Temple
Sinai community. With just a few months left in the school year be
sure to keep an eye on your e-mails for youth events. I hope that your
children will take advantage of all that we have to offer. Go ahead, ask
them and see what they remember!
So, SoSTY is keeping busy, from the Purim Carnival, to trips to
Manhattan and looking forward to the NFTY-NAR Spring Kallah.
In Peace,
Erica B. Santiago
Youth Director
The big difference between the Greco-Roman symposium and
the Passover Seder was that at the seder, all people were welcome to
eat like royalty, to ask questions and to express opinions. Beside the
wine of the rich is the bread of poverty – the needy must be invited to
share the meal. The seder encourages us to savor our liberty without
exploiting others.
It is our obligation to continue to tell the story of our people
to our children, and them to their children, and so on. The exodus
from Egypt has become a part of the Jewish historical memory that
will never be forgotten. We should constantly be reminded that we
once were slaves and now we are free, for freedom is nothing to take
for granted.
I wish all of you a very happy Passover!
Melissa Cohavi
education Dates to Remember
Sunday, March 1:
SoSTY Purim Carnival
Friday, March 6:
4th Grade Shabbat & Dinner
Sunday, March 8:2016 B’nai Mitzvah Family Program – Yad-making
Sunday, March 15:Tichon Sinai trip to the Museum of Jewish Heritage
Monday, March 23:
Hebrew School Chocolate Passover Seder
Wednesday, March 25: Hebrew School Chocolate Passover Seder
Saturday, March 28:
4th/5th and 6th/7th Grade Family Shabbat Program
Sunday, March 29:
No Sunday School
Monday, March 30:
No Hebrew School
Wednesday, April 1:
No Hebrew School
Sunday, April 5:
No Sunday School
Visit for more information. ∫ 7
Have you seen “The Wall”? No, not the Wailing
Wall in Jerusalem but the magnificent “Blue
Wall” at Temple Sinai located in the lower level
hallway by the Youth Lounge.
At the request of Cantor Morgovsky, the
Brotherhood was asked to paint the entire
hallway in preparation for an anticipated
mural that
the Cantor
herself will create. Our part was
to paint a sky blue background,
which will serve as the canvas
for her artwork, highlighting the
children’s passage of time through
the religious school.
At this writing, it’s just a huge
blue wall, rather pleasant I think,
that was done in two phases. On
January 11, following a wellattended bagel and lox breakfast
meeting, eleven of us put on
our painting gear and began the
task of painting every inch of
the hallway except the paneling.
I never realized how high the
ceiling was, but fearless Jeff
Pardo climbed the huge ladder
and delicately painted the edging
around the ceiling itself. The rest
of us then took up our rollers and
brushes and performed all the
tasks needed to finish the job.
It took us about two hours but
we did it, using two cans of paint and lots of
masking tape. A big “thanks” to our custodian
Max who prepped the job in advance, making
it much easier for the rest of us to complete the
job. Then, on January 25, most of us, with a few
additions, returned and gave it a second coat.
Cantor Micah kept repeating “thank you’s” to
the guys, but we were glad to do it.
I’d like to personally thank all the guys who helped make this
happen: Mark Appel, Larry Barron, Marc Bennett, Alan Cohen, Larry
Cryer, EJ Fink, Marc Friedman, Gary Gepner, Mike Kadish, Jeff Pardo,
Carl Rosen ,Marty Roth, George Sessa, Adam Terr, David Todrin
and yours truly. A special thanks to Mike Kadish and Alan Cohen for
supplying the coffee and donuts for the second round of painting.
The next two Brotherhood breakfast meetings will be held at
9:00am on March 1st and April 12, respectively. Larry Barron is
searching for a speaker, and if we find one, we’ll advise everyone.
The Brotherhood is very excited about the two projects we have
planned for Mitzvah Day on May 3. Since we did such a great job
painting the mural wall, we’ve been asked to paint the temple office. This
project, headed by Jeff Pardo, will be a bit more challenging and intricate
8∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
as the area is filled with cabinets, shelving, fireplace, etc. Jeff will be
looking for volunteers for this project.
The second project is the annual BBQ to recognize and honor all
those temple members and helpers who spent the day working to benefit
the temple and the greater Stamford community. There’s a lot of work
associated with running a successful BBQ .We’ll need volunteers to buy,
prepare, cook and serve the food and then clean up afterwards. We also
coordinate all the volunteers
who offer to bring side
dishes and desserts to the
The Brotherhood will be
very busy on Mitzvah Day
and I’m sure many of the
members will be working on
both projects. It should be a
fun and rewarding day.
At this point, I’d like
to put in a plug for the
“soup kitchen” project
in which Temple Sinai
participates. Some of
you know I just retired.
One of the things I
wanted to do in my
new life was to help
others, so I volunteer
to help prepare and
serve food at the New
Covenant Center on Richmond Hill Road.
Sally Kelman coordinates this activity
once a month and I just wanted to say it
was an extremely rewarding experience
for me. On the third Wednesday of each
month, Temple Sinai supplies the team
of volunteers (and we need more) who
spend about four hours (2:00pm-6:00pm)
creating the dinner (under supervision) and
then serving it to the homeless and those
in need. So, if you are retired (or not!) and
have a bit of time to spare, I would strongly
suggest you contact Sally and offer your time for this very worthy
activity. It was a fun experience as well!
I want to remind new and established temple gentlemen members
to consider joining the Brotherhood as a way to have a good time about
once each month with a bunch of great guys who like the fellowship
of each other, and who enjoy contributing to the well-being of our
Also, please remember to purchase gift cards from the Temple
Sinai office staff (Jayne Vasco) for Grade-A Shoprite, Stew Leonard’s,
BevMax or Fairway. Consider buying several hundreds of dollars’ worth
of these cards because you will spend the money for food anyway, and it
helps the Brotherhood coffer which in turn, helps Temple Sinai.
From the Brotherhood, Happy Passover!
Stu Madison, President
Photos by Stu Madison
Christmas Dinner
at the Soup Kitchen
We have just celebrated our 22nd year preparing and serving
Christmas dinner at the New Covenant House of Hospitality Soup
Kitchen. Next year we will be in the new much larger facility across
the street with a more spacious kitchen and more room for guests.
We served over 100 people who all took home delicious leftovers.
We were led by Chef Neil Gladstone and his wife Wendy Lee (who
returned from California for the occasion), assisted by our Youth
Director Erica Santiago, Ellen Goldberg and Marty Roth.
A sumptuous feast of ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, stuffing,
green beans, corn bread, macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce,
rolls and butter, beverages and sheet cakes was served. Thank you
to Jeff, Alexis and Jakob Ebers for the wonderful holiday music,
and a thank you to Rabbi TelRav for leading the beautiful blessing.
A special thank you to all the many members of our Temple
Sinai family who helped make the holiday brighter for many people
in need. The guests so appreciated our efforts, thanked us and left
smiling with their care packages.
To all those who cooked, served, schlepped, donated, etc. — a
hearty thank you!
Sally Kelman
Thank you!
Susan Baldwin
The Barr Family
Larry Barron
Katie Meyers and
Marc Bennett
Lee Bowbeer
Amy & Henry Bubel
Melissa Cohavi
Alan & Roberta Cohen
Karen Dern
Seth Diamond
Deena, Michael, Ryan &
Brody Ebright
Michelle & Peter Ebstein
Connie Elkinson
Paula Eppinger
Ronnie Falkenberg
Wendy Fitzgerald
Evie Fowler
Marc Friedman
Carole Gladstone
Neil Gladstone
Ellen Goldberg
The Gordon Family
The Grabine Family
Meryl & Ron Japha
Gail Karlitz
Wendy Lee
Judy Liebeskind
Beth, Eve and Dana Lurie
Joan & Stu Madison
Irma Paull
Enid Randall
Susan Rosen
Anne Rosenbaum
Harriet & Marty Roth
Erica Santiago
Monica, Elizabeth &
Joe Schlessinger
George Sessa
Paula Simon
Sam Terr
Lonnie Weisburg
Barbara & Ken White
Roberta Sultzer
If anyone’s name has been omitted, please contact the temple office and your name
will be included next month.
Thank you for all the women of the temple who volunteered to gift
wrap at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. As a result of your efforts, we
raised $400 for the local food bank.
Our Sisterhood Sabbath will be March 20.
Please join us for this special Shabbat service
honoring the women of Temple Sinai. If you
would like to do a reading, please contact Sharon
Pardo at [email protected].
Save the Date!
April 13 for our Annual Game Night.
See page 5 for more information.
UPDATE: The WRJ, Women of Reform
Judaism recently held their bi-annual leadership conference
in Austin, Texas. Our delegate this year was Wynd Harris.
She reports that we are not alone with our challenges to
provide innovative programing and to conduct effective
fund raising to support our community. The big social
action agendas for WRJ this year are equal pay for women
in the workforce and affirming the need to be inclusive
communities wherever we live. There were workshops on
how to support the homeless, the disabled, and LGBT
individuals in our community among others. But, the most
important thing about this year’s meeting of the WRJ
leadership was the opportunity to be a part of 250+ women
affirming other women’s lives and to hear our voices lifted up
together in prayer.
Temple Sinai’s
19th Annual Mitzvah Day
takes place Sunday, May 3
On this day our temple families
work together on a variety
of projects that benefit our
community in the spirit of
Tikkum Olam — Repairing the
World. You can participate
individually or as a family or your child can join his/her
friends in a religious school project. There is no better
way to be part of something bigger than by joining in
one of these meaningful community service projects.
Please look out for our brochures and registration
packets which will be coming to you in mid-March. If
you have any ideas for a community service project,
please contact Monica Schlessinger, [email protected]
or (203) 353-1156, or LeeAnn Heller, lalyons@earthlink.
com or (203) 569-5046.
Visit for more information. ∫ 9
From our Scroll of Living
Program Offerings
Monday evenings, 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Mah Jongg is a game that originated in
China, commonly played by four players,
with some three-player versions as well. It is
a game of tiles where players work towards
getting the tiles needed to complete a set
hand on the individual Mah Jongg card.
If you are new to Mah Jongg, contact the
temple office for more information.
No Fee, Just Bring Your Own
Mah Jongg Card
Taught by Chef and Food Writer Ronnie Fein
Thursday evening, March 26, 6:30pm
Join us in the Temple Sinai kitchen for four evenings of cooking with local celebrity Ronnie Fein. Each
session will focus on different types of cooking – please see below for details.
Maximum 12 people per session, registration for one session at a time, or all of them.
Fee: $36.00 per session, payment is due at the time of registration.
Menu: Whole Grains: Farro with Mushrooms, Herbs & Truffle Oil, Bulgur Wheat Pilaf with Apricots
& Pistachio Nuts, Kamut Salad with Corn, Tomatoes, Avocado & Sweet Onions and Quinoa Salad
with Mango and Mint
2014-2015 Adult Learning Offerings*
With Rabbi Eugene Borowitz
Every Saturday Morning, 9:00am
Come join a very special group of people who meet to share in Shabbat
and study Torah.
No Fee
Taught by Dr. Wynd Harris
Sunday mornings, 10:00am
April 19 & 26
The class will discuss and practice meditation as a way to connect to the
life force within and around us. Some people talk about meditation as a
pathway to the heart. We will use mindfulness meditation, concentration
meditation, and walking meditation among others to help us find ways to
center ourselves in the midst of our active 21st century lives. Having a daily
practice of meditation can lower anxiety, reduce stress, and improve one’s
quality of life. Join in this celebration of life through meditative practice. No
previous experience required, just an openness of heart and mind.
No Fee
Temple Sinai Book Club, led by Michelle Ebstein, will meet four to five
times during the year to discuss books with Jewish themes. Contact the
temple office for more information.
No Fee
Taught by Rabbi Jay TelRav
Sunday mornings, 9:45am – 11:00am
March 15, 22, 29, April 5
Everyone knows that Judaism teaches us to“Honor our Father and Mother”
but what about when they are abusive? We know that the insolent child
receives the punishment of stoning in the Torah but how do I remain a
good parent with a difficult son or daughter? Everybody cheats on their
taxes, don’t they? Those little soap bars are mine to take home from the
hotel, aren’t they? From the profound to the mundane, life presents choices
every day. Torah tells us to “do good” but it isn’t always so clear what that
means. We’ll use real-world examples to examine what our tradition has
to say.
No Fee
Taught by Melissa Cohavi
Every Friday, 12:00noon to 1:00pm, bring your lunch
Have you always wanted to learn about Torah but don’t have the time?
Or maybe you think it might be too difficult? Every Friday at noon a
Beginners’ Torah study group meets to have basic discussions about the
Torah, its laws, its stories, and the ancient people. Bring your lunch, make
some new friends, and learn a little Torah!
No Fee
In order to save paper (along with our environment), Temple Sinai has elected to once again reduce the number of
Scrolls of Living that are being printed this year. The Scroll of Living includes all of the adult education programs
that Temple Sinai will be offering in the coming year. Please check the Temple Sinai website for the full Scroll or
feel free to pick up a copy at the temple (in the atrium or the office).
10∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
*Classes are subject to change.
From our Scroll of Living
Holiday Events
Wednesday, March 4, 7:00pm
The word “ruach” means “spirit” which is an accurate description of these
Sinai singers. Led by Kathy and Paul Storfer and Barbara Orwick with our
own Cantor Morgovsky, RUACH will lead us through a hilarious (some
might say irreverent) Purim service. There’ll be spoofs and cover songs.
Make sure to come in costume.
Saturday, April 4, 5:00pm
The First Night might be around a table with friends and family but the
Second Night should be with us! We will conduct a seder with all the
traditions you know and love and a few more you will never forget. For
more information or to reserve your space please contact the temple office.
Special Shabbat Service Programs
March 4 (Purim), April 17, May 29, June 27
The word “ruach” means “spirit,” and this musical ensemble of singers
and instrumentalists is just that: the spirit of our worship offerings.
Coordinated by Kathy and Paul Storfer and Barbara Orwick, these
all-musical services are energetic and informal, offering beautiful
musical harmonies, familiar melodies and new arrangements. If you
would like more information about auditioning for this group, please
contact Cantor Morgovsky.
Friday evenings, 5:00pm: April 10, June 19, July 17
Saturday mornings, 9:00am: March 14, May 9
Please join us for dancing, singing, praying and playing at our monthly Tot
Shabbat celebration. Age appropriate (birth to 7) worship services are led
by Rabbi TelRav and Cantor Morgovsky. Come, taste the challah and sip
sweet grape juice as we learn about Shabbat! Together we will enjoy the
Festivals and Holy Days through music, crafts and movement. Open to
the community.
March 20
This creative worship service, prepared by members of the Temple Sinai
Sisterhood, will feature inspirational readings and music that highlight the
intellectual and cultural contributions of Jewish women to the spiritual and
secular life at Temple Sinai and beyond.
Shabbat Across Stamford
On March 13, in a historic event, Rabbi TelRav, Cantor Morgovsky, and the
members of Temple Sinai will join with the clergy and members of Temple Beth El,
Congregation Agudath Sholom, Young Israel, and Selah to celebrate Shabbat at
Rippowam Middle School on High Ridge Road.
Shabbat Across Stamford will feature two services, a great, kosher, catered
meal, and the opportunity to learn with UJF Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Joseph
Telushkin. Children’s activities, teen tables, ruach and friendship will mark this
unique Shabbat experience.
For more information and to register for dinner and the speaker, go to:
SAS. Shabbat Across Stamford is sponsored by the Stamford Board of Rabbis
and United Jewish Federation, and is held in collaboration with NJOP, the National
Jewish Outreach Program.
Please note on March 13, there will be no service at Temple Sinai.
Visit for more information. ∫ 11
Shabbat Dinner
FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015, 6:30PM
Please join us for a congregational Shabbat Dinner
prior to our Sisterhood service with Kolot Sinai.
Adults $18 per person,
children (13 and under) $10 per person.
To RSVP by Monday, March 16, please contact
the temple office (203) 322-1649.
Shabbat Shirah
12∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
Photo credit: Crane Song Photography, LLC
Don’t forget to stop by the
Mitzvah Mocha Café.
The café is open every Sunday during Religious
School and is run by our 7th grade families. The
Café has donuts, hot cocoa, coffee and snacks for
sale. All proceeds support Temple Sinai’s recycling program.
Like “the Temple
Sinai” on Facebook
to keep up-to-date on
the latest temple news.
Visit for more information. ∫ 13
14∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
Jeri Appel
Rachel Fitzgerald
Judith Katz
Gerald Poch
Taylor Ansel
Rhoda Freedberg
Michael Keshin
Sydney Posner
Maya Becker
Benjamin Freedman
Patricia Keshin
Erwin Riven
Elizabeth Beitler
Richard Freedman
Robert Klanfer
Arlene Rosen
Jonathan Beitler
Claire Friedlander
Leslie Klein
Cristina Ross
Marc Bennett
Edward Friedlander
Lilly Lapine
Stuart Roth
Micah Berni
Estelle Fruchtman
Seth Lapine
Kerrie Sachs
Gary Besser
Matthew Getz
Rachel Lese
Lauren Sarner
Harrison Besser
Carolyn Ginsberg
Sally Levene
Michael Schiffman
Pearl Bloom
Frederick Gold
Henry Levin
Alex Schlesinger
Carole Brafman
William Gordon
Barbara Levine
Robin Selden
Lee Brauer
Sydney Greenburg
Maggie Levy
Erica Shaulson
Julia Brodie
Emma Hannum
Wendy Lewis
Meryl Silverstein
Gabriel Carlin
Jeffrey Himmel
Amy Liebman
Lucy Taben
Kirsten Hohmann
Roger Lob
Adam Terr
Jed Isaacs
Elizabeth Lurie
Lucas Vellozzi
Alexandra Jaffe
Abby Mallis
Robert Whetsell
Roslyn Jaffe
Charlotte Marantz
Daniel Wilbanks
Justin Kantor
Cynthia Morris
Elizabeth Wilbanks
Karen Kahn
Samantha Neer
Jennifer Zonis
Caroline Kaplove
Sheila Newman
Maia Zonis
Visit for more information. ∫ 15
Thank you for giving to the Annual Giving Campaign
Rabbi’s Circle ($250+)
Foundation Ring ($1,000+)
Leslie & Mark Becker
Gene Borowitz
Amy & Henry Bubel
Judith & David Cohen
Carol & Ron Cowen
Joan & Stuart Danoff
Lesley & Dennis Gehr
Nan & Paul Gordon
Bob Gray
Susan & Edward Greenberg
Carol & Burton Hoffman
Meryl & Ron Japha
Abigail Kirsch in memory of
Robert Kirsch
Sheila & Les Klein
Jamie Boris Lapin & Paul Lapin
Sharon & Brian Libman
Cindy & Keith Morris
Betty & Dan Roberts
Arlene & Carl Rosen
Jayne & Bud Schiff
Monica Smyth &
Michael Schlessinger
Pamela & Gary Schpero
Meryl & Hank Silverstein
Paula Simon
Gloria & Randy Skigen
Betsy & Mike Stone
Dr. Julie & Rabbi Jay TelRav
Lonnie Weisburgh
Leadership Ring
Jane & Steve Alpert
Jeri & Mark Appel in memory of
Dorothy & Irving Appel
Roberta & Alan Cohen
Andrea & David Cohen
Charlesanna & Bill Ecker
Arlene & Stephen Fischer
Wendy & John Fitzgerald
Kirsten Hohmann &
Amiel Goldberg
Shelley Leibowitz
Wendy & David Lewis
Nancy Heller & Roger Lob
Margo Rosenfeld
Patty & George Sarner
Sharyn & Rick Sarner
Alyssa & Joe Wallen
Barbara & Ken White
Jennifer & Bernard Yamron
Hildi & David Todrin
Barry Wallach
Betsy Blumberg & Doug Watson
Members ($250-$499)
Carol & Ed Abrams
Pamela & Andre Aflalo
Robyn & Jerome Alper
Suellyn Bache
Sam Anfang
Katy & Marc Bennett
Shawn & Todd Auslander
Eileen & Gary Besser
Janet & Alan Barr
Barbara & Gary Bloom
Larry Barron
Beth Barban & Michael Dorfsman
Betsy & Phil Bauer in honor of
Rabbi TelRav
Shoshana Dweck
& Gary Blumenthal
Michelle & Peter Ebstein
Lisa Borowitz
Claire Friedlander
Michelle Poris & Lee Bowbeer
Janie & Edward Friedlander
Rima & Lee Brauer
Marc Friedman
Rosalind & Gabriel Carlin
Laura Ordway George &
Harry George
Elaine & Jerome Cohen in honor of
Jennifer & Jonathan Zonis
Liz & Bill Gilbert
Louise Goldenberg
Randie Katz & Larry Cryer
Amy & Scott Grabine
Gerard Davis
Cathy & David Greenberg
Deb DeNardo
Ryann & Brent Harris in honor of
Wynd Harris
Liz & Seth Diamond
Charles J. Heilbronner in honor of
Marion & Milton Drexler
Robyn and Jerome Alper & Family Morris Elkind
Holly Hyman
Paula Eytel
Phyllis & Arnold Kapiloff
Natasha & Joel Fenster
Judy & Sheldon Katz
Linda Hurwitz & Richard Fine
Barbara & David Daniel Klipper
Evelyn Fowler
Jean & Brian Kriftcher
Estelle Fruchtman in memory of
Sidney Fruchtman
Marcy & Marc Kurzman
Claire & Gene Fuchs
Helen & Ed Kweskin
Carolyn Ginsberg
Eve Sewell & Seth Lapine
Sylvia & Herb Gladstone
Lori & Jim Marcus
Philip Glick
Janet Morris
Lori & Janusz Ordover in
Roseanne Goldbard
memory of Morris Levine, Bronislav Suzanne Goldman in memory of
Wisnowski and Halina Wisnowski
Robert M. Goldman
Irma & Allan Paull
Sharon & Bruce Goldstein
Lisa & Jeffrey Popper
Wynd Harris
Ann & Harold Rosenbaum
Lee Ann & Bruce Heller
Harriet & Marty Roth
Ronald Hellman
Sandra Semel
Joan Hendrickson
Diane & Steve Shaby in memory
Judith & Jack Hollenberg in honor
of Sylvia Steiner and Molly Zamore
of our son Jonathan’s chanting
Anna & Steven Silver
the Haftorah, and in appreciation
to the Rabbi and Cantor for the
Melissa & Mike Spiesman
beautiful & meaningful Yom
Shelley Taylor & David Swerdloff
Kippur Services
Karen & Jonathan Gordon
Sarah & Lewis Kass
Blossom Katz
Sally Kelman
Miriam Kimmelman in honor of
Susan Baldwin & Gary Gepner
Susan Kostin
Sallie Kuh in memory of
Richard Hecht and Louis Kuh
Liz & Todd Lebo
Randi & Peter Leeds
Lesley & Aaron Levenson
Judy Liebeskind
Ellen Luntz
Beth & Jay Lurie
Rita & William Lurie in honor of
Elizabeth & Jay Lurie
Ilyse & James Lyman
Joan & Stuart Madison
Marni & David Marantz
Marcy Rose Bernstein in honor of
Rabbi TelRav
Judi & Harold Margolin
Marilyn Perkel in memory of
Marvin Perkel
Beth & Ken Peters
Gail & Stu Raben
Sharon & Richard Rosano
Susan Rosen
Patti & Stuart Roth
Merton Sarnoff
Fran Schechter
Helen & Miles Scheffer
Nancy Schiffman
Robin & Marc Schultz
Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz &
Clifford Schwartz
Gene Schwartz
Myrna & George Sessa
Carol Ruth Shepherd
Harriett & Michael Sherman
Marne & Paul Spingola
Karen & Alan Stockman
Gen & Murph Weingrad
Liz & Tyr Wilbanks
Cathy & Steve Zales
Martha Kramer &
John Zimmerman
It is not too late to donate to the annual appeal. Call the temple office at (203) 322-1649 or go to the temple website,
16∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
As of February 10, 2015
We gratefully acknowledge these thoughtful gifts:
Arlene & Carl Rosen in memory of
Arthur Rosen
Susan Rosen for the recovery of
Joseph Gazzara
Louise Goldenberg
Harriet & Martin Roth in honor of
Joan & Stuart Danoff’s 60th Wedding
Jewish Sportsman’s League
Arlene & Carl Rosen in appreciation of
the beautiful music of the Tu B’shvat
Marilyn Terr in honor of the
Tu B’shvat Seder
Joan & Stuart Danoff in memory of
Maurice Bruder, Pearl Leferson and in
honor of Dr. Harold Nitowsky
Lesley & Dennis Gehr in honor of the
birth of Ezra Ian Rosen
Cathy & Steve Zales in memory of
Yitzchak Cohavi
Roxann & Kenneth Weinstein
Betsy & Mike Stone in honor of the birth
of Ezra Ian Rosen, engagement of Kim
Gordon and in memory of Sondra Scarf
Sallie Kuh in memory of Linda Stark
Arlene & Cark Rosen in memory of
Susan Rosen in memory of
Bernard Todrin
Mary & David Crespi
Louise Goldenberg
Keeva Crelan
Barbara Orwick in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Betsy Blumberg & Doug Watson in
Andrea & David M. Cohenn in memory of memory of Barbara Watson
Bernard Todrin
Paula Simon
Sallie Kuh in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Pearl Rosenbaum in memory of
Andrea & David M. Cohen in honor of
Mae Reiner
the birth of Ezra Ian Rosen
Amy & Henry Bubel in honor of the birth Linda Hurwitz and Richard Fine in
memory of Robert Katz, Yitzhak Cohavi,
of Ezra Ian Rosen
Janet & Edward Fine and in honor of
Janet Weintraub in memory of Esther Fox
the birth of Brayden Samuel Grossbard,
and Sylvia & Jack Weintraub
Sawyer William Gilbert & Kellman
Scott Gilbert
Elissa & David Kaplan
Judith & Sheldon Katz in honor of the
Gloria & Randy Skigen
b irth of Ezra Rosen and Joan & Stuart
Fran Schechter
Danoff’s 60th Wedding Anniversary
Arlene & Carl Rosen
Arlene & Stephen Fischer in memory of Linda Stark
Fran Schechter in memory of Alfred Schechter
Nan & Paul Gordon in memory of Ina Preschel
Arlene & Carl Rosen in honor of the birth of Adina Bloom
Genevieve & Murray Weingrad in memory of
Sylvia Leon and Nancy Leferman
Carol & Ronald Cowen in memory of Elizabeth Cowen
Arlene & Carl Rosen in memory of Larry Novak
Enid Randall in memory of Edward Friedman
Lila Lubov in memory of Sadye Steinberg and
Harvey Sabol
Janet Morris in memory of Sadye Steinberg and
Robert Morris
Keeva Crelan in memory of William Epstein
Marion & Milton Drexler in memory of Ida Drexler
and Marilyn Engler
Deena & Michael Ebright in memory of Stella Ebright
Michelle & Peter Ebstein in memory of
Doris & John Ebstein and Alexander Redniss
Arlene & Carl Rosen in honor of Kim Gordon’s
Rebecca Mark in honor of Genevieve & Murray Weingrad
and in memory of Sam Silver
Barbara & Gary Bloom in honor of the birth of
Mazwell Henry Dancho and Ezra Ian Rosen
Sheila & Al Linder in memory of Jules Ulanoff and
Samuel Linder and in honor of Joan & Stuart Danoff’s
Louise Goldenberg
Nan & Paul Gordon in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Larry Mack in honor of George Sessa’s 60th Birthday
Genevieve & Murray Weingrad in memory of
Esther Sicherman and Harold Sherman
John Freiberg in honor of Rabbi Eugene Borowitz
Jed & Susan Isaacs in memory of Edward Isaacs and
Leo Radwin
Leon Weisburgh in honor of Joann & Stuart Danoff’s
60th Wedding Anniversary
Norma & Don Stone in honor of Betsy & Mike Stone
Cathy & Steve Zales in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Shelley Taylor & David Swerdloff in honor of the birth
of Ezra Ian Rosen
Paula Simon in honor of the birth of Ezra Ian Rosen
Robert Gray & Suellyn Bache in honor of the birth
of Ezra Ian Rosen
Barbara & Kenneth White in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Janet & Alan Barr in honor of the birth of Ezra Ian Rosen
Arlene & Carl Rosen in honor of the birth of
Ezra Ian Rosen
Jane & Jeffrey Himmel in memory of Jerry Goldfarb &
Arthur Himmel
Robert Gray in memory of Marie Gray
Anna & Steven Silver in memory of Charles Silver
Joan Hendrickson in memory of Eleanore &
Bernerd Dunn
Betsy Blumberg & Doug Watson
Marion Milrod in memory of
Yitzchak Cohavi
Judith Liebeskind in honor of Joan &
Stuart Danoff’s 60th Anniversary
Andrea & David M. Cohen in memory of
Pearl Leferson
Helen & Edward Kweskin
Andrea & David M. Cohen in honor of
the bond between Temple Sinai and the
Union Baptist Church
Nan & Paul Gordon in memory of
Yitzhak Cohavi
Judith Liebeskind in memory of
Lowell Ackiron
Anita & Conrad Sabin in memory of Bess Sabsevitz
Judith & Sheldon Katz in honor of Daniel Skigen’s
Bar Mitzvah
Morris Elkind in memory of Leon Elkind
Randi & Peter Leeds in memory of Jerry Esbin
Nan & Paul Gordon in memory of Shirley Gordon
& Donald Preschel
Diane & Steven Shaby in memory of Grace &
Abraham Shaby & Alex Steiner
Paula Eppinger in honor of Joan & Stuart Danoff’s
60th Wedding Anniversary
Barbara & Kenneth White in memory of
Charles “Tod” White
Eugene Schwartz in memory of Mona Schwartz
Judith Liebeskind in memory of Louis Seibel
Katy Meyers & Marc Bennett in memory of
Jane Watell Meyers
Fran Schechter in memory of Mary Jane Rosen &
Yitzchak Cohavi
Suellyn Bache in memory of Karen Cohen
Meryl & Henry Silverstein in memory of
Freda Novick and Etta Rich
Helen LeVine in memory of Richard LeVine
Marion Milrod in memory of Helen Milrod
Roberta & Alan Cohen in memory of Carolyn Crocker
Carol Ruth Shepherd in memory of Helen Shapiro
Susan Warren in memory of Linda Stark
Betty & Dan Roberts in memory of Linda Stark
and for the speedy recovery of Martin Levene
Sustaining Members of the Legacy Society:
We gratefully recognize the following, who have made sustaining gifts to our temple (through estate planning or otherwise):
Anonymous (2), Amy & Henry Bubel, Andrea & David M. Cohen, Judy & David S. Cohen, Fran & Bob Dorf, Lesley & Dennis Gehr, Sylvia & Herb
Gladstone, Nan & Paul Gordon, Meryl & Ron Japha, Judy & Sheldon Katz, Helen & Ed Kweskin, Enid Randall, Arlene & Carl Rosen, Sharyn &
Richard Sarner, Jayne & Bud Schiff, Carol Ruth & Herman R. Shepherd, Betsy & Mike Stone and Lonnie Weisburgh.
If you have made provisions for Temple Sinai in your long-term gift planning, please let us know so we may recognize you as well!
Visit for more information. ∫ 17
Condolences •
May their memory be a blessing
Lawrence Novak
Father of Debby Vellozzi
Bernard Todrin
Linda Stark
Daughter of Genevieve
& Murray Weingrad
Father of David Todrin
Bonnie Palker
Mother of Todd Palker
Pearl Leferson
Yahrzeits Recalled for March
March 6, 2015
March 20, 2015
Bert Klein, Father of Ellen Luntz
Esther Nussenblatt, Grandmother of Haley Rubin
Ira Goldenberg, Father of Hildi Todrin
Masato Koga, Father of Sadae Kadish
Helene & Fred Yamron, Mother & Father of Bernard Yamron
Evelyn Fuchs, Mother of Wendy Fitzgerald
Morris Steinberg, Father of Lila Lubov & Father of Janet Morris
Rose Weintraub, Grandmother of Philip J. Bauer
Minnie Zeidman, Mother of Blossom Katz
Mindy Schiff, Grandmother of Bud Schiff
David Dorfsman, Father of Michael Dorfsman
Ernest Gans, Father of Rosalind Rubin
Judge Lawrence Gray, Brother of Robert Gray
Karla Maidstone, Mother of Ruth Schreier
Sanford Engel, Father of Carole Gladstone
Edgar Gladstone, Husband of Carole Gladstone
H. Reuben Mandel, Grandfather of Jay Lurie
David Aflalo, Grandfather of Andre Aflalo
Thomas Matthew Isaacs, Son of Susan & Jed Isaacs
Minnie Katz, Mother of Sheldon Katz
Roslyn Augenlicht, Mother of Judith Kallen
Sidney Melvin Gray, Father of Robert Gray
Leonard Elliot, Father of Tracy Benz
Benson Hawker, Father of Carolyn Ginsberg
Eugenia Portnoy, Aunt of Philip J. Bauer
Lawrence Joshua Cohen, Son of Andrea & David M. Cohen
Lucille G. Friedman, Mother of Enid L. Randall
Eleanor Schneider, Mother of Mark Schneider
Celia Jean Ozaroff, Grandmother of Jules H. Kaplove
March 13, 2015
Carole Joseph, Cousin of Sallie Kuh
Jack Fallerman, Great Uncle of Allan Paull
Minnie Kallen, Mother of Grant Kallen
Sadie White, Mother of Kenneth White
Benny Fruchtman, Father-in-Law of Estelle Fruchtman
Joseph Leferson, Husband of Pearl Leferson
Harold Rosenberger, Father of Betty Roberts
Sylvia Sackman, Mother of Barbara White
Frank Goldberg, Father of Rosalind Carlin
Marga Hohmann, Mother of Kirsten Hohmann
Stella Rabiner, Aunt of Susan Greenberg
Steven Silverstein, Brother of Henry Silverstein
Fred Zaff, Father of Elizabeth Wilbanks
Sadie Krupnick, Mother of Daniel Roberts
Paul Oster, Step-Father of Andrea Cohen
Louis Sapiro, Uncle of Susan Kostin
March 27, 2015
Adeline Moskowitz, Grandmother of Dean Benjamin
Steven Pressel, Son of Marion Drexler
Jack Cohn, Father of Lester Cohn
Morris Karlin, Father of Arlene Rosen
William France, Father of Anita Sabin
Rose Levy, Mother of Bernard Levy
Ray Goldman, Grandmother of Randall Skigen
Laura Surks, Sister-in-Law of Carol Ruth Shepherd &
Aunt of Beth Shepherd Peters
Sadie Apat, Mother of Claire Fuchs
Jack Leferson, Brother-in-Law of Pearl Leferson
Sylvia Mathes, Mother of Susan Greenberg
Murray Rosen, Husband of Susan Rosen
Herman R. Shepherd, Husband of Carol Ruth Shepherd &
Father of Beth Shepherd Peters
Remember Temple Sinai in Your Will!
For more information, please call the temple office at
(203) 322-1649 or email [email protected]
18∫ Temple Sinai March Bulletin
Temple Sinai
March 2015
9:00a Brotherhood Mtg.
9:30a R
eligious School 4-6p Hebrew School
• 5:00p Sandwich
9:30a SoSTY/Tichon
Sinai Purim
• 6:45p Mah Jongg
9:30a Religious School
9:45a Adult Ed: Jewish
Values: Where the
Rubber Hits the
4-6p Hebrew School
with Chocolate
11:00a Tichon Sinai
11:30a RUJU rehearsal • 6:45p Mah Jongg
9:45a Adult Ed: Jewish
Values: Where the NO HEBREW SCHOOL
Rubber Hits the
• 6:45p Mah Jongg
• 7:30p Board Meeting
n 12:00p Torah Study
✡ 6:30p Congregational
 Vayikra
Shabbat Dinner
✡ 7:30p Sisterhood
n 9:00a Bible Study
Shabbat Services with ✡ 10:30a Bat Mitzvah of
Kolot Sinai
Rebecca Alper
4-6p Hebrew School
with Chocolate
Vayakhel – Pekudei
n 12:00p Torah Study
n 9:00a Bible Study
✡ 7:00p Shabbat Across n 9:00a Tot Shabbat
Stamford at Rippowan  7:00p Cantor’s
Middle School
n 12:00p Torah Study
✡ 6:00p 4th Grade Family
Shabbat Dinner
:00p 4th Grade
Shabbat Service with Ki Tisa
n 9:00a Bible Study
4-6p Hebrew School
4-6p Hebrew School
9:00a Tichon Sinai trip
to NYC
9:30a Religious School
9:45a Adult Ed: Jewish
Values: Where the
Rubber Hits the
11:00a Religious School 4-6p Hebrew School
Comm. Meeting • 6:45p Mah Jongg
4-6p Hebrew School
• 7:00p Purim with
9:00a Sisterhood Mtg.
9:30a Religious School
9:30a 2016 Yad Program 4-6p Hebrew School
11:00a Tichon Sinai
• 6:45p Mah Jongg
Adar/Nisan 5775
n 12:00p Torah Study
✡ 7:30p Shabbat
 Tzav
n 9:00a Bible Study
✡ 9:30a 4th/5th & 6th/7th
Grade Family Shabbat
Temple Sinai
458 Lakeside Drive
Stamford, CT 06903-5098
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Temple Sinai Bulletin:
Call (203) 322-1649 for details!