32 recommends to you the firms aiid individuals who are
32 recommends to you the firms aiid individuals who are
32 ., :: The Bisbee Chaniber of Commerce gladly recommends to you the firms aiid individuals who are advertising in this issue of the Bisbee District Directory. Their support has macic it possible to publish this book, which fills a long-felt want. :: -t The Bisbee Chamber of Commerce is anxious to serve this community and all those interested in its up building. Call upon us whenever we can serve you. e iii the Copper Queen Hotel Buildill".. h Calumet & Arizona Mining Company : Producers of Copper, Gold aild Silver and Sixty Degree Baume Sulphuric Acid LOCAL OFFICERS H. A. CLARK, Manager, Warren, Arizona E. E. WHITELEY, Asst. Mgr., Warren, Arizona A. W. ENGELDER, Chief Clerk, Warren, Arizona GEO. JAY, Purchasing Agent, Warren, Arizona ; : 1: : D. M. Rait, Supt. of Mines, Lowell, Arizona H. M. LAVENDER, Chief Engineer, Lowell, Arizona E. F. IRVING, Master Mechanic, Lowell, Arizona JOHN JEFFREY, Employment Agent, Lowell, Arizona GENERAL OFFICE, WARREN, ARIZONA :::: 2 The Bisbee Y. M. C. A. Social and Recreational Center for Men and Boys No other Institution offers so many opportunities or so varied privileges, in so wholesome an atmosphere, at so nominal a cost. 0 A partial list of the privileges to which a membership gives you access includes: MAGAZINES and PERTODICALS, POCKET BILLIARDS, CHESS and CHECKERS, CORRESPONDENCE DESKS, SHOWER BATHS, SWIMMING POOL, SWEAT BATTI, LOCKERS ORTHOPHONIC and PIANOS. A GYMNASIUM: with Volley Bail, Basket Ball, Hand Ball, Indoor Base Flail Wrestling and Boxing. FOUR BOWLING ALLEYS DORM ITC)RY EDUCATIONAl. CLASSES THIS DIRECTORY WAS PRINTED IN IT'S ENTIRETY IN THE ShOP OF UNION 1 LABEL We are equipped to handle anything from a 24 by 36 inch. poster or a job like this directory down to the smallest printing job. Our cylinder press. recently installed, and late model M ergenthaler Linotype make this one of the best equipped shops in this Section of the South west. F. A. MeKINNEY Phone 200 4 33 Subway x :: ::: ::: The Young Women's Christian Association Bisbee's Community Center Dedicated to the Service of all Girls anti Women Rooms for Business and Professional \Vomen. Rooms for Transients Baths Employment Bureau Travellers Aid Room Directory In formation Rest Rooms and Lounge Girl Reserve Clubs :: C. A. Stewart, Ageit Phone 196-R o Cochise Row A. D. COX Auto Tops Painting FENDER and BODY REPAIRS RADIATORS WELDING Phone 722 P. 0. Box 1288 Slag Dump Bldg. Bisbee, Arizona .no+*+n*t.tc.n. 6 + Telephone 284 Repository Main Street, Lowell p. 0. Box 666, Bisbee p. o. Box 3303, Lowell BROPHY CARRIAGE CO. I (Incorporated) COiLHAY and GRAIN Agents for I exaco Petroleum Products LOWELL :!: ARIZONA o TI-IE BANK OF BISBEE Capital, Surplus aiid Profits, $300,000.00 Overlock, Stevells & Co., Brokers I ----_ T rrivaie x ions with X7 Logan & Bryan P1TL \X/1I-k + £( OfficesBisbee, Tucson, Phoenix, Globe, Ariz., Albuquerque, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. * 'C....t+.fl.fl,fl ,.t..%14,fl.O+,fl.4,+*.+% t%tt 4 8 ::: I Warren District Amusemeilts I Lyric Theatre Eagle Theatre Central Theatre The Best Ill lYIovillg Pictllres I TONY LOCKAR Progressive Tailor _:AND: Importer of Woolens Suits Made in Our Own Shop and Fit Guaranteed Ladies' and Gents' Tailoring Main Street J1 ± .t. CARS FULLY EQUIPPED AND 1)ELIVERED TO YOU AT BISBEE $1066 to $3500 NASH BISBEE NASH AGENCY :: 1 22 Naco Road A. KARAM, Pres. j. M. KIRKPATRICK, Mgr. Brophy Garage & Supply Co. A Complete Stock of Auto Parts aiid Supplies Skilled Mechanics 1: Battery and Electrical Work In Charge of An Expert Goodyear Tires TEL. 199 MAIN ST., LOWELL :: BRUCE PERLEY Fire Auto INSURANCE RETENTION COLLISION INSURANCE SAVES ONEHALF COPPER QUEEN HOTEl.; BLDG. * Phone 212 A Rough Dry :ç. lOc a pound plus ic for each Handkerchief and piece of Wearing Apparel. All flatwork and Handkerchiefs ironed. :k The Queen Laundry Fine Work - Prompt Service fBisbee A Phone 58 - Fair Prices Arizona A : Y 9 WARREN DRUG CO., hi We Make Cleaii, Pure, Wholesome and Delicious Ice Cream. Phone 370 for Prompt Delivery C. BUGEN & BROTHER GroceriesMeatsProvisionsVegetables Cigars To Ijacco and Soft Drinks We Deliver Anywhere in the Warren District Phone 193 Bisbee 206 Naco Road - :- P. 0. Box 883 Arizona Pure Food Bakery Products Their outstanding qualitiesfiner texture, better color, careful and sanitary baking methods. Just a few reasons Why they are handled by leading grocers and why discriminating people demand Pure Food Bakery Products Delivered daily to this district by our sanitary truck 1116 G. Av.DOUGLAS, ARIZONA Valley View Poultry Farm DELIA CORNELL, Owner Lowell, Arizoiia P. 0. Box 3414 3 Miles East of Lowell oii Douglas Road :: Office Phone 640 Home Phone 616 STORAGE Stand Phone TRANSFER A truck for any joblarge or small - Bisbee Transfer Storage & Coal Co. Opposite Postoffice, Next to P. D. Store 50 Ask y For ? Quill :: + Rivhpp Fii1 £ FM IA F. A. Miller, Propr. WOODCOALHAYGRAIN + : lildepeildeilt Filel & Feed Compally I Coal 1: ± + We Sell the Famous GALLUP AMERICAN BLOCK COAL Main Office 1\iediovich BuiIdin-2n(i door froni Copper Queen Hotel 1 hshec Phone 121 Arizona Wood -- - Hay and Grain Scratch Feed, Laying Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash and Baby Scratch Feed 84 MATN ST. BISBEE ± PHONE 235 $ Lowell Wood aild Coal Coinpally .. Vucinich and Sredanovich, Props. Dealers in GALLUP and COLORADO COALS Wood of all kinds, Hay and Grain Office Lowell, Arizona Office Phone 630 \lar(l Phone 214 11 :: :: Index to Advertisements Arizona Auto Exchange Arizona Edison Co. Arizona Insurance Agency 216 tOj) lines front cover lop lines Arizona Packing Co. opp. 208 Auto Electric Co. opp. 208 B. & L. Garage bottom l:nes Ball J. M. 8 Bank of Bisbee Bishee Chamber of Commerce back cover Bisbee 1)rug Co. 11 Bislee Fuel & Feed Co. top lines Risbee Lumber Co. 9 Bishee Nash Agency Bisbee Transfer Storage & ii Coal Co. top lines Bowen-Sims Motor Co. bottom lines Brehm Bros. S Brophy Carriage Co. 9 Brophy Garage & Supply Co. 1-lugen C. & Bro. 10 Busy Bee Fruit Market and Grocery OpI). 209 2 Calumet & Arizona Mining Co. opii. 209 Carson-Ball Stud.o Charlie's K-Wality Lunch opp. 209 City Blacksmith Shop opp. 208 opp. 209 Cochise Lumber Co. top lines Cochise Motor Co. front cover Codding B. S. back cover Continental Oil Co. Copper Queen Hotel inside front cover 6 Cox A. I). bottom lines Davis Phil A. opp. 209 Don Luis Store opp. 209 Egnell M. C. jl Piq Stoç Fair Store General Petroleum Corporation Gilman L. 1.. Golden Hotel 12 op. 208 hack cover 6 bottom lines OpI). 209 opp. 208 Grant Dwight C opp. 2()8 Hack's Garage bottom lines Haigler Gus Henderson Lumber Co bottom lines Flildreth's Auto Top and back hone Paint Shop top lines Hillside Dairy 11 Tudependent Fuel & Feed Co. back cover Kohey's Levy Bros. Drygoods Co back cover 7 Locknar Tony Lowell Wood & Coal Co. 11 Lyric Amusement Co 7 McKinney F. A. 4 Manix M. D. top lines Miners & Merchants Bank front cover Motz & McElvenny ON). 208 9 Nash Agency Oldsmobile Agency top lines 8 Overlock, Stevens & Co. Owen's Cleaning Works bottom lines top lines Penney J. C. Co. Perley Bruce 9 Phelps Dodge Mercantile bottom lines Co. Pure Food Bakery 10 9 Queen [.aunclry Studebaker Agency top lines Valley View Poultry Farm 10 Wtllace J W front cover Warren Drug Co. 10 opp. 208 Warren Garage Warren 1-lotel opp. 209 \,Varren Laundry opp. 209 \Vest'ern Vulcanizing iaci cover Shop Winkle J. C. Wootton H. E. Y.M.C.A. Y. W. C. A. front cover top lines 3 '1 4 F. A. MCKINNEY'S BISBEE DISTRICT DIRECTORY 1928- 1929 Including a complete alphabetical list of the residents of Bisbee, Lowell, Warren, and Don Luis. Containing a complete list of business firms and private citizens, with business, residence and postoffice address, a street and avenue guide, and a complete classified business directory. Price $10.00 Compiled all(I Published by F. A. MCKINNEY Office 33 Subway, Bishee, Arizona Copyrighted 1928 by F. A. McKinney Bishee, Arizona Miscellaneo us Information Churches ?vl eetings Christ of Latter Day Saints, 303 Tombstone canyon. Church of Jesus Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Reorganized) meets at Bishee \Vornen's Club,. Conimunity Church of Warren, Arizona cor Tener. Rev J. V. Bloom, pastor. Covenant Presbyterian, 19 Howell ay. Rev. Griffith Davies, pastor. First Baptist, 94 Main St. Rev Rolland Butler, pastor. First M. F., 23 Clawson ay. Rev. John Wesley Grande, pastor. Grace Lutheran Mission, 42 Black Knob View. Rev. C. C. Albrecht, pastor. Mexican Presbyterian Mission, Naco rd. beyond City Limits. Rev Jose Rodriguez, pastor. fourth Thursday every three Temple.E. at Masonic Pichard, secretary. months C. Pearl Chapter No. 6, 0. E. S. Stated Meetings, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at Masonic Temple.Charlottc Austin, secretary. Bisbee Chapter No. 3, Order of DeMolay. Stated Meetings, first and third Tuesdays of each month at Masonic Temple. Leslie Motz, secretary. I. 0. 0. F. Bisbee Lodge No. 10. Meets every Tuesday at I. 0. 0. secretary. F. Hall. Carl V. Nelson, Golden Rule Encampment No. 5. Meets second and fourth Fridays at 1. 0. 0. F. Hall.W. P. Bell, scribe. Cochise Canton No. 3, P. M. Meets first and Pentecostal Mission, Jakob Schmicl bldg. third Sundays at I. 0. 0. F. Hall.M. A. Kaun, clerk. Bassorah Sanctorum No. 232. A. M. 0. S. W. C. Sims, pastor. Sacred Heart Catholic, 11 Clawson ay. Rev. A. M. Boqtiet, pastor. St. John's Episcopal, 19 Sowle ay. Rev. W. Unity Rebekah Lodge No. Pentecostal, Douglas rd. below Lowell. Acje Lykens, acting pastor. E. Cox, vicar. St. Patrick's Catholic, Higgins hill. Constant Manclin, pastor. Salvation Army, 54 Brewery ay. Rev Trinity M. E., Arizona cor. Hoatson, Rev. A. A. Watkins, pastor. Weaver Chapel, C. M. F., 136 0. K. st. Lodges Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 12, F. & A. M. Stated Meetings, first Thursday in each month at Masonic Temple. F. J. Beyer, secretary. Landmark Chapter No. 6, R. A. M. Stated Meetings, second Thursday of each month at Masonic Temple.E. C. Picharcl, secretary. Bisbee Commanclery No. 4, K. T. Stated Meetings, third Thursday in each month Temple.E. istrar. and third Fridays at 1. Maud G. Perry, secretary. 3. Meets first 0. 0. F. Hall. B. P. 0. E. l3isbec Lodge No. 671. Meets first and third Fridays at Elk's Honie.J. A. Kelly, secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Bishee Lodge No. 718. Meets second and fourth Fridays at Moose B allJames I-I. J-Iart, secretary. MASONIC at Masonic secretary. frst Monday of each month at 1. 0. 0. F. Hall. Carl V. Nelson, regMeets C. Pichard, Huachuca Council No. 1, E, A. M. Stated Border Legion Branch No. 4. Meets third Saturday of each month alternately with Douglas. Women of Mooseheart Legion, Bishee Chapter No. 432. Meets second and fourth Thursdays at Moose HallMrs. Delia Spear, secretary. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rathbone Lodge No. 10. Meets every Toes- clay at Maze Hall.W. K. Caley, K. of R. and S. Pythian Sisters, Lily Temple No. 3. Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Maze HallOlivia Kelly, M. of R. C. Public Buildings SECURITY BENEFIT ASSN. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at 1. 0. 0. F. Hall. Mrs. Ray Adams Apartmentsi Maxfield av Allen Block--Shearer cor Subway Bank of Bishec Buildingi Main St WOMEN'S BENEFIT ASSN. Barnaby BuildingNaco rd cor Brewery av Bishee Queen Review No. 3. Meets at I. 0. Boston Apartrnents-37-4l Subway 0. F. Hall second and fourth Mondays of Branson BlockTate Hill each monthMrs. Laura Hancock, co!- Brooks Aparrnents-55 0 K st Brooks FlatsNaco rd below City Limits lector. Brophy BuildingMain st, Lowell KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS C & A Office BuildingWarren Bisbee Council No. 863. Meets second and Caretto .EluildingO K st fourth Tuesdays of each month at St. Central Theatre BuildingMain st Lowell Patrick's 11 all.T. J. Mounier, secretary. Charles ApartmentsJohnson add City HallNaco rd Cemo ApartmentsITS Van Dyke Cole-Ryan BuildingCongelon av car AriClubs and Miscellaneous Copper zona st Queen Office Building - Copper Queen Plaza Organizations Copper Queen Hotel BuildingHowell a' Warren District Country ClubC. H. Tuell County BuildingI 12 Naco rd pres, 1. F. Burgess, sec. One mile south Crocker Apartnsents-4 Mojave Trail Daljovich FIall-174 Naco rd of Warren. District Council, Boy Scouts of America Elks HomeMain st N. C. Bledsoe pres., A. B. Prescott( Doug- Eagles' Building-53 Main st Eniporiuni BuildingHowell av las) scout executive. Warren District Chapter, American Red. Finnish HallNaco rd Johnson add CrossJ. C. Wcrtz chairman, R. 13. Dur- Freeman's FlatsS 14 Tombstone canyon fee sec. Office Central School. Haines Logan BuildingNaco rd east of Henderson, secretary. Bishee \Voman's ClubMrs. Austin McWhorter pres, Mrs. A. E. Brehm sec. City Limits Harris BlockBrewery av Lowell \Voman's ClubMrs. John Kinsella Hughes BlockHowell av pres. I 0 0 F Building-33 Subway Delphian ClubMrs. D. H. Landes pres, Jack BuildingMain cor Subway Jakob Schmid BuildingBrewery av Mrs. 1-Toward Barkell sec. Young Men's Christian Association--Robert Johnson Block-61 Main St Johnson FlatsLowell Ferguson pres, Earl Solms gm. Sec. Young Women's Christian Association Johnson Haninger BuildingMain St Mrs. J. E. Sanders pres, Mrs. Frances Johnson J M BlockJohnson add Jones Apartmcnts-23 Montana av Cummings gen. sec. Bisbee Chamber of ComrnerceT 0. Mc- Kline Letson & Marx BuildingMain St Grath pres, Roht. Hamilton sec. Office Kruger Flats---601 1-iriggs Letson Block--24 Main st Copper Queen Hotel. Junior Chamber of CommerceR. B. Sal- Lyric BuildingS Naco rd McGregor BuildingCongdon av cor Arimon pres, Joe Kobey Sec. Kiwanis Club of BisbeeW. J. Johnson zona St pres C. I-I. Allen sec. Meets every Tues- Marrinan Flats-39 Temby av day at noon at Copper Queen Hotel. Mason BuildingJ.owell Rotary Club of BisbeeG. H. Fitzgerald Masonic Tcmple-87-91 Main st pres. F. A. McKinney sec. Meets every Maxfjelcl FlatsClawson Hill Thursday at 12:05 at Copper Queen Hotel. Maze Building-31 Main St L. A. Engle Jr. Post No. 16, American Medigovicli Building - Brewery av cur LegionT. C. Cole, commander, D. M. Howell av llritton, adjutant. Meets in I. C). 0. F. Moose HallMain St bldg. Muheini Blocki5 Brewery av Ladies' Auxiliary, L. A. Engle Jr. Post No. Odd Fellows Ha 11-33 Subway 16, American LegionMrs. Frank John- Pythian Castle-31 0 K st soil, pres., Mrs. J. J. Van Vechten, sec. Rosok Apartments---48 Shearer av Meets in 1. 0. 0. F. bldg. Schmid Shattuck Building-14 Brewery as United Spanish American War Veterans, Sparks BuildingNaco rd cor 0 K St Rex hall Camp No. 6Elcena Bailey, Vista ApartmentsEast \Tista cor Congdon commander, W. A. Abbott, adjutant. Ladies' Auxiliary, United Spanish American \\Tar Veterans, Rex Flail Camp No. 6 Mrs. Owen Murphy, p.res. av Woolworth Building-31 Main st Y M C A BuildingHowell av V W C A BuildingHowell av Streets, Aveiiries, Additions. Adams avenuefirst street north of Engaeser Hillnorth side of Naco road, Tombstone Canyon runs from Launeast of Johnson Addition. dry Hill west. Garden Avenueruns west from Art Angius avenueruns from Tack aveavenue to Tombstone Canyon. nue to High School. Garden Hillsouth side of Naco road Arizona avenue (Johnson Addition) west of Lowell school. runs north from Naco road. Germantownnorth of Lowell, east of Art avenue (Art canyon)runs north Bauer Hill. from Tombstone Canyon at 400 block. Higgins Avenue (Higgins Hill) south Art Hilleast side of Art Canyon. and east of Quarry Canyon. Bailey Hillnorth side Tombstone can- Higgins Hillsouth side of Tombstone yon, west of Laundry Hill. Canyon west of Quality Hill. of Lowell, north of High Roaclruns north and east from railroad tracks. Clawson avenue on School Hill, west Bauer Hillncrth side of Naco raod, and north of Temby avenue. east of Johnson Addition. Hill Street--runs north from Opera Brewery Avenue (Brewery Gulch) Drive at 200 block. runs north from Naco road at Depot Howell Avenuefrom Naco road and Plaza. Brewery Gulch west and north to Broadwayruns west from Brewery High road. Bakerville-----east Gulch to Opera Drive. Brophy Avenueruns west from 500 block Tombstone Canyon, south side Tombstone Canyon. California Avenuein Johnson Addition. I(laho Avenue (Johnson Addition ) between Texas avenue and Nevada avenue. J. F. T. StreetIn Johnson Addition. Jiggerville - west of Upper Lowell, southwest of Lowell. Castle Hillnorth side Main street west Johnson Additionnorth side of Naco road west of Lowell. of Clawson Hill. Chicago Avenue (Johnson Addition) Johnson Avenue (Johnson Addition) runs east and west, second north of runs from J. E. T. street to Kansas Naco road. street. - Chihuahua Hillnorth of Naco road Jones Hill--east side Naco road near between 0. K. street and Dubacher Canyon. eastern city limits. Junction AvenueIn Lowell. Clawson Avenueruns east from 200 Kansas Street (Johnson Addition) block Tombstone Canyon, east on first east of J. F. T. street. Clawson Hill and School Hill to Opera Laundry Hillnorth side of Tombstone Drive. Clawson Hillnorth side of Main street, west of School Hill. Canyon west of Art Hill. Laurel Hillsee Laundry Hill. Cochiseeast of Lowell south of rail- Locklin Avenueruns north from 800 road. Copper Queen Plazabetween howell avenue and Subway. Cowan Ridgesouth side of Naco road block Tombstone Canyon. Main Streetruns from Post Office west to junction with Tombstone Canyon. Mason Additioneast of Lowell. Curve street - running south from Mason Hillsouth side of Tombstone Canyon west of Higgins Hill. Tombstone Canyon to Quarry Canyon. Maxfield Avenue - runs south from east of Lowell School. Duhacher Canyonruns north from Naco road at Slag Dump. Durley Plazabetween Naco road and Lowell school. Clawson Avenue on Clawson I-Till. Maxwell Hilleast of Bauer Hill north of Lowell. Miller Hillnorth end of Opera Drive.