senator - GHELAMCO
senator - GHELAMCO
17 NEWSLETTER BRICO PLAN-IT SENATOR WARSAW DMITROV LOGISTICS oktober 2012 -5 de jaargang GENT OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY RUSSIA INHOUD NEWSLETTER 17 TEKST PAUL GHEYSENS 02 INHOUD Voorwoord - Edito EDITO SENATOR - WARSAW 06 08 12 THE MAKING OF SENATOR BUILDING Building developed by Ghelamco Poland Official opening ceremony Best Office Development Europe Drie openingen in drie landen in tien dagen tijd! “Goede wijn behoeft geen krans” zegt het spreekwoord. Dit geldt ook voor Ghelamco. De gebouwen stralen een hoogstaande kwaliteit uit. De klant ziet en voelt dit, en stelt zich geen vragen want Ghelamco staat voor service, stijl, innovatie, technologie en duurzaamheid. ŁOPUSZANSKA - WARSAW 14 Building developed by Ghelamco Poland MARYNARSKA 12 - WARSAW 16 Drie recent afgewerkte en verhuurde projecten stonden vorige maand in de kijker. Stuk voor stuk realisaties van een in de vastgoedsector ongekende kwaliteit. Deze newsletter gaat dan ook in detail dieper in op de opening van deze projecten. Building developed by Ghelamco Poland Moskou was een openbaring, Warschau toonde zijn kracht en België bewees zijn roots. Dit zijn geen gewone prestaties! Dit kan enkel wanneer er op het terrein een echt team staat, een ploeg van toegewijde medewerkers, bezield met een motivatie die letterlijk bergen kan verzetten: “Een Ghelamco Team”. DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK - MOSCOW 18 20 Building developed by Ghelamco Russia Official opening ceremony September en oktober zijn de oogstmaanden voor de wijnboeren. De Ghelamco-oogst van 2012 mag gezien en gedronken worden. PRESS-RELEASES 22 Wat Ghelamco in Dmitrov Logistics Park deed, is een ongelooflijke prestatie op alle vlakken. De plaatselijke gouverneur en de Belgische ambassadeur in Rusland waren bevoorrechte getuigen van de opening van de prachtige eerste fase op 12 september 2012. Press-releases from Warsaw, Moscow and Ghent De “Senator Office Building’ in Warschau is nu al de nieuwe landmark van Warschau. Het historische gebouw, vroegere hoofdzetel van de Nationale Bank van Polen, het symbool van de Poolse onafhankelijkheid, werd niet alleen in zijn vroegere luister gerenoveerd, maar ook omgevormd tot een modern, functioneel kantoorgebouw dat onovertroffen standing en waardigheid geeft aan zijn klanten. Senator kreeg dan ook op 24 september in London de prijs van “Best Office Development in Europe” De burgemeester van Warschau mevr. Hanna Gronkiewicz en de Belgische Vice-Premier Vincent van Quickenborne verwezen in hun toespraken op de plechtige openingsceremonie op 13 september 2012 naar Ghelamco’s unieke bijdrage aan de modernisering van de stad. BRICO PLAN-IT - GHENT Building developed by Ghelamco Belgium Official opening ceremony WE CREATE THE FUTURE TODAY 26 Projecten in realisatie KNOCKE ARABIANS - BELGIUM 30 32 QR Marc - Gold & Champion of Champions in Aachen Fotoreportage K.A. - event Creative Director Ria Gheysens Grafisch Ontwerp Hanne Thomas 24 24 Met de nieuwe Brico Plan-it in Gent doet Ghelamco op een indrukwekkende manier zijn intrede op de Gentse markt. Deze verwezenlijking is maar een eerste stap in een globaal project van stadsvernieuwing rond het nieuwe stadium van AA Gent, de voetbalclub met een van de oudste stamnummers (7) in België. Burgemeester Daniël Termont benadrukte de kwaliteit bij de aanzet van dit nieuwe stadsdeel ter gelegenheid van de opening op 27 september 2012. Deze drie verhuurde projecten zijn niet zomaar tot stand gekomen. Hieraan ging veel hard werk en volharding vooraf. Ik wil hiervoor elk die hieraan heeft meegewerkt persoonlijk bedanken. Andere projecten liggen op de tekentafel of staan al in de steigers. Het volgende wijnjaar wordt voorbereid. Paul Gheysens 02 NEWSLETTER 17 05 Three openings in three countries in ten days ! “Good wine needs no bush” goes the saying. It means that good wares have no need for special praise since the quality speaks for itself. This is also true for Ghelamco. The quality of its buildings is truly outstanding. The customer sees and feels this instinctively, he does not have to ask questions because he knows that Ghelamco stands for service, style, innovation, technology and sustainability. Three of the most recent success stories received special attention last month with successive openings of Dmitrov Logistics Park in Moscow, the Senator building in Warsaw and the Brico Plan-it in Ghent. One by one, they are realizations of a unprecedented quality in the real estate market. This month’s newsletter will therefore elaborate more in detail on these three projects. Moscow was a revelation, Warsaw showed its strength and Belgium proved its roots. These are no ordinary achievements! This is only possible with a real team on site, a team of dedicated co-workers, inspired with a motivation that can literally move mountains : “A Ghelamco Team”. September and October are the harvest months for the wine growers. Ghelamco’s harvest for 2012 is respectable and more than drinkable. What Ghelamco did in Dmitrov Logistics Parc is an incredible achievement in every aspect. The local Governor and the Belgian ambassador in Russia were privileged witnesses of the opening of this amazing first phase on September 12th 2012. Senator in Warsaw is already now the new landmark of Warsaw. The historic building, the former headoffice of the National Bank of Poland, the symbol of the Polish independence, was not only renovated in its past splendor, but also reshaped into a modern, functional office building, providing unparalleled standing and dignity to its tenants. It was therefore an honor for Senator to be awarded the prize for “Best Office Development in Europe” in London on 24th of September 2012. In their inauguration speeches on 13th of September 2012, the Major of Warsaw Ms. Hanna Gronkiewicz and the Belgian Vice-Prime Minister, Vincent Van Quickenborne both referred to Ghelamco’s unique contribution to the modernization of the city of Warsaw. With the completion of the new Brico Plan-it in Ghent, Ghelamco makes an impressive statement for its first entry on the Ghent market. This realization is only the first step in a global project of urban renovation around the new stadium of AA Gent, the local football club with one of the oldest (7) register number of Belgian Football. The Major of Ghent, Daniël Termont, highlighted the quality of this impulse to the new area at the opening on September 27th 2012. These three projects, fully let, are not fortuitous. A lot of hard work and perseverance preceded them. I like to personally thank all of you who contributed to the completion of these projects. Other projects are on the drawing table or already in scaffolding. We are preparing the next wine year. NEWSLETTER 17 03 THE MAKING OF SENATOR BUILDING An Award winning project BEST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT EUROPE Senator By Ghelamco 04 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 05 SENATOR Building developed by Ghelamco Poland The composition of unique architecture, rich heritage, high quality materials and Grade -A specification has defined Senator as a landmark office development in Warsaw. Completed September 2012 Plaatsing hoeksteen Senator, 10 mei 2011 Senator, 1927 06 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 07 SENATOR WARSAW SENATOR 13 SEPTEMBER 2012 Senator building Official Opening Ceremony 08 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 09 SENATOR WARSAW SENATOR Senator Building Official Opening Ceremony Jeroen van der Toolen, Managing Director CEE Ghelamco 10 NEWSLETTER 17 Vincent van Quickenborne, Vicepremier en Minister van Pensioenen Raoul Delcorde, Belgische Ambassadeur Polen Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, Burgemeester Warschau NEWSLETTER 17 11 SENATOR WARSAW AWARD SENATOR WARSAW vlnr.: Jarosław Zagórski (Commercial & Business Development Manager Ghelamco Poland), Jeroen van der Toolen (Managing Director CEE Ghelamco) 12 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 13 ŁOPUSZAŃSKA BUSINESS PARK WARSAW ŁOPUSZAŃSKA BUSINESS PARK Building developed by Ghelamco Poland Text Tomasz Siczynski As we informed you in the previous newsletter, our newest investment in Warsaw, Łopuszańska Business Park, is under construction. These recent pictures demonstrate the fast-track construction activity as the structural team and engineers are working 24hour shifts. Concrete has been poured, which means we are finishing underground works. Very soon the construction of the above ground levels will start, the shape of both buildings will arise and will be fully visible within 3 months! We are also pleased to announce that we have another tenant for the complex, a prestigious financial institution. With this agreement, Łopuszańska Business Park is leased for almost 80%. 14 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 15 MARYNARSKA 12 WARSAW MARYNARSKA 12 Building developed by Ghelamco Poland Text Tomasz Siczynski Marynarska 12, our biggest project currently being developed in Mokotów (40,000 sqm) is moving very fast. Currently almost the whole construction is ready and façade works are very advanced. Just to remind you, Marynarska 12 will be the new headquarters of T–mobile which leased 27,000 sqm of the available office space. The agreement with this telecommunication operator is still the biggest leasing deal signed on the Polish market in 2012! Marynarska 12 will be the new headquarters of T–mobile which leased 27,000 sqm of the available office space. 16 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 17 DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK Building A 62,000m 2 DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK Building developed by Ghelamco Russia 18 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 19 DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK MOSCOW DMITROV LOGISTICS PARK Team Ghelamco Russia Dmitrov Logistics Park Official Opening Ceremony Stephen Wilson, Managing Director Ghelamco Russia 20 NEWSLETTER 17 Paul Gheysens, President Ghelamco Valery Vasilievich Gavrilov, Head of Dmitrov District Moskou Guy Trouveroy, Belgische Ambassadeur Moskou NEWSLETTER 17 21 NEWS RELEASES GHELAMCO INTERNATIONAL NEWS-RELEASES WARSAW GENT MOSKOU 22 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 23 INVESTOR & DEVELOPER GHELAMCO BELGIUM INVESTOR & DEVELOPER GHELAMCO BELGIUM Daniël Termont, Burgemeester Gent Investor & Developer Ghelamco Belgium Leased to Brico Plan-it Paul Gheysens, President Ghelamco Brico Plan-it Official Opening Ceremony Sebastien Krysiak, CEO Brico Plan-It 24 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 25 INVESTOR & DEVELOPER GHELAMCO BELGIUM WE CREATE THE FUTURE TODAY Vander Elst, Leuven INVESTOR & DEVELOPER GHELAMCO BELGIUM Hotel Le 8300, Knokke Vander Elst, Interieur, Leuven Hotel Le 8300, Knokke Vander Elst, Leuven Hotel Le 8300, Knokke Artevelde Gent 26 NEWSLETTER 17 East Dune, villa - appartments, Oostduinkerke New Ghelamco website is coming soon! Brico Plan-it, Gent NEWSLETTER 17 27 INVESTOR & DEVELOPER GHELAMCO BELGIUM NEWS- RELEASE LEUVEN 25/08/2012 Vander Elst, retail & kantoorcomplex, Leuven WE CREATE THE FUTURE TODAY Vander Elst, Leuven East Dune, villa - appartments, Oostduinkerke 28 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 29 ALL NATIONS CUP AACHEN ALL NATIONS CUP AACHEN / GERMANY CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS All Nations Cup 2012 The home of the Incomparable, the Multi Champion (Marwan Al Shaqab x Swete Dreams) (Marwan Al Shaqab x Swete Dreams) GOLD CHAMPION Espressivo K.A . QR Marc x Emocja) SILVER Class Winner 30 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 31 EVENT KNOCKE ARABIANS KNOKKE Knocke Arabians EVENT KNOCKE ARABIANS The home of the Incomparable, the Multi Champion (Marwan Al Shaqab x Swete Dreams) The Elite Broodmare Collection Fotoreportage Event - Editie 2012 > VZW Levenslust, Medical Educational Institute, thanks Knocke Arabians for the arabian horse d’Angelo L. Lippens, Burgemeester Knokke TEAM KNOCKE ARABIANS Familie Gheysens 33 NEWSLETTER 17 NEWSLETTER 17 34 [email protected] WWW.GHELAMCO.COM BEST OFFICE DEVELOPMENT EUROPE Senator by Ghelamco
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